How to properly care for roses in a pot. Indoor rose (80 photos): types, cultivation and care Caring for a home rose

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When you walk into a flower shop, it’s hard to resist the beauty of miniature roses. This is probably why, when planning to buy a bouquet as a gift, people often buy a small pot of cute indoor roses. In the hope that their gift will be admired not for a few days, but for years! However, not everyone managed to make friends with these lovely flowers. In most cases, after a couple of months, the flowering pot turned into a darkened “stump” and disappeared from the windowsills. And disappointed amateur flower growers threw up their hands - how could this be, neither replanting nor fertilizing helped.

Due to numerous unsuccessful attempts to breed indoor roses, the prickly beauties have acquired the status of capricious sissies.

Caring for miniature roses is an art!

Popular types in a pot

  1. Cordan.
  2. Turbo.
  3. Patio.

The last plant belongs to garden roses, which is the reason for their larger bushes and inflorescences. The maximum height of an indoor rose is 25 cm. This beautiful bush blooms in May-October.

The principle - the more buds, the better - is not always correct.

When purchasing, more attention should be paid to the plant itself. Since the condition of the bush determines the lifespan of the rose.

Leaves and shoots are examined first. With a fungal disease, there are black spots on the shoots. The denser the leaves, the better. Ideally, they should also be shiny. Powdery mildew will be indicated by a white coating. With brown and black spots, we can safely talk about fungus. Yellow leaves indicate depletion of the plant. Also pay attention to the presence of young shoots. Their presence is evidence of growth and good adaptation of the plant.

Care after purchase

As a rule, the age of store-bought miniature roses is three months. They haven’t really gotten stronger yet, but they are already forced to exchange the comfortable conditions of professional greenhouses for the not-so-ideal conditions of an apartment.

This beauty requires careful care immediately after its acquisition.

Even in the absence of lesions, it is important to please the plant with a warm shower. This trick will eliminate the possibility of it being damaged by spider mites. Treatment of the bush with Aktara will be useful.

True, this tick is not afraid of this remedy. Agrovertin is effective against it.

Faded plant experienced flower growers transplanted immediately. At the same time, they comply the following rules:

  • 1-3 cm is required drainage.
  • Pruning shoots faded transplanted rose. A couple of buds remain.
  • The flowerpot should be larger than the old one by about six centimeters in height and a couple of centimeters in diameter. But, of course, if the purchased rose sits in a miniature glass, you should take a larger pot. Usually the flowerpot is selected in such a way that its height is approximately the same as the height of the bush itself. For the first year, it is better to choose a pot with a 10-centimeter height and a 10-centimeter diameter.
  • The composition of the mixture prepared on your own: turf soil + leaf soil + peat + sand. The ratio of ingredients is 4:2:2:1. Fine expanded clay (just a little bit) will be useful - it will remove excess moisture from the mixture.
  • Maintaining the integrity of the coma during transplantation and neat transferring it to a new pot followed by adding new land around the edges.
  • 2-fold treatment of the plant with a growth stimulator. For this purpose it is better to use Zircon.

The first two weeks will be the hardest for the rose; it may even shed its leaves. But after adaptation, the bush will begin to grow again.

In the future, plants will be replanted with bushes that become cramped in pots. The best time for transplantation is February. This month the bushes emerge from winter hibernation.

We create optimal conditions

The optimal place for the plant is the brightest windowsill.

However, the soil in the pot should not heat up, and the bush itself should not suffer from direct sunlight. An excellent place for a rose will be the western and eastern windowsill. In summer, the rose will be more comfortable on the balcony.


One of the prerequisites is to constantly maintain soil moisture. It’s worth noting right away that in many gardening manuals you can read that roses need to be provided with abundant watering. But you need to keep in mind that abundantly does not mean often. The root ball should have time to dry out. It’s time to water the rose only if your finger remains dry when pressing on the soil. If you overwater, the roots may rot and the rose will die.

The condition of the coma should be monitored especially carefully in the summer. A plant placed on the balcony sometimes needs to be watered up to twice a day, but not in the hottest time.

Roses planted in small pots need to be watered more often, as the soil in them dries out faster. In the second half of August, watering should be reduced. The plant is watered with 20-degree water. Half an hour after “watering” the bush of the pallet, excess water is removed.

Roses are not sprayed, as this often provokes various fungal diseases.

Top dressing

Indoor roses bloom almost all the time, which takes a lot of their energy. Therefore, from March to October, once every eight to nine days, the bushes must be fed with complex or universal fertilizers. Fertilizers with organic matter are also suitable. In spring, roses are responsive to foliar feeding. It is enough to carry out three or four sprayings at 10-day intervals.

Many gardeners advise purchasing Bona Forte for roses. The drug is excellent for both foliar application and root application.

Open ground fertilizer Bona Forte for Roses

At the end of summer, fertilizers should not contain nitrogen.

More benefits come from fertilizers applied in the evening and after watering. At low temperatures and dampness, it is better to refuse feeding and postpone it. If you have just transplanted roses, then carry out the first feeding only after a month, then every two weeks until new shoots appear.

Proper care is the key to abundant flowering

Certainly, sometimes it can be difficult to find a common language with roses: they suffer from changing conditions, they may spontaneously get sick or not forgive you for too dry soil, lack of fertilizing, etc. But if you provide them with proper care, in gratitude they will delight you with abundant flowering for almost seven months!

Flowering crops that can be grown in urban apartments and houses have always been particularly popular. Indoor roses are a variety of similar ornamental flowering plants that are in demand among amateur gardeners. This is due to the attractiveness of rose blooms, which, with proper care, can not only be grown, but also propagated at home.


Despite the fact that we are much more accustomed to seeing roses in greeting bouquets or in a flower bed, there are many varieties of this plant that can be grown on window sills or loggias in apartments and houses. As a rule, for the most part it is a miniature flowering bush, the height of which rarely exceeds half a meter. Indoor roses, as well as crops growing in flower beds, can have a wonderful aroma, not inferior to the smell of lavender or jasmine. However, there are varieties of indoor roses that do not smell at all.

As for the color variety, in this case mini-roses are not inferior to plants that are cultivated in front gardens. As practice shows, in order to acquire such a flowering bush at home, it is not necessary to purchase a decorative domesticated version. Since it is quite possible to grow garden crops at home, but subject to certain requirements for indoor conditions. This concerns the large area of ​​the room, as well as ensuring a cold period of rest in the winter months, which is not always possible to implement in city apartments.

That is why amateur flower growers are offered miniature flowering bushes for indoor propagation, which, with proper care, will delight the eye with abundant and long-lasting flowering even at home. As experience shows, if you provide the plant with proper care, it will bloom every 2-3 months throughout the year.

Types and varieties

Today you can find a large number of different varieties of indoor roses on sale. But the following plant varieties are most in demand.

Baby Masguerade

This species is a small bush, the height of which in adulthood does not exceed 30-40 centimeters. But despite its minimal size, the crop develops powerful and bushy shoots. There are practically no thorns on the rose, and the foliage of a healthy plant will be colored a rich dark green. The green mass of the variety is contrasted with chameleon flowers, which bloom in inflorescences; their number can range from 5 to 12 pieces.

A distinctive feature of this type of indoor rose is the ability of the flowers to change their color several times. The plant will first produce lemon buds, which will turn pink over time, and in the final flowering phase, Baby Masguerade will have scarlet roses. Among the individual characteristics of the plant, it is also worth highlighting immunity to most fungal diseases and a very delicate aroma from the flowers.

Angela Rippon

This variety should be classified as a miniature indoor plant, but during flowering the crop produces a large number of flowers with a rich aroma. As a rule, up to 5 buds are formed in inflorescences. The height of the bush itself does not exceed 40 centimeters. The variety is distinguished by the absence of the need for pruning; in addition, the crop is very susceptible to various diseases, and therefore requires regular preventive measures.

Small-flowered roses should be grown in small pots, with frequent soil fertilization and the introduction of foliar fertilizing.

Aster Morning

During the flowering period, the rose produces double flowers of a creamy-white color, the width of which varies between 3-4 centimeters. The bushes of this variety are small, but quite dense, with dark green foliage. As a rule, the total number of inflorescences on a plant does not exceed 30, the rose has an unobtrusive aroma, and blooms almost constantly.

Fire Princess

The bushes of this variety are of medium height, the shoots develop straight. The foliage of the rose is dark green with jagged edges. The culture blooms with orange-red roses, which form in inflorescences at the very top of the shoots. The variety is susceptible to fungal diseases, therefore needs regular preventive maintenance.


This variety is represented by compact and dense bushes about 30 centimeters high. The shoots stand out with their slight inclination, the foliage on the rose is dense, green, with a characteristic shine. Flowers vary in width from 4 to 5 centimeters and include 20-25 petals. This variety is notable for its tea fragrance in the flowering phase. The color of the buds varies from apricot to yellow. Roses are formed in inflorescences, the number of which, according to the description, is from 2 to 5 pieces.

Yellow Doll

The plant, bred about half a century ago, is an ornamental flowering bush, the height of which will be about 30 centimeters. The culture stands out for its abundant and lush flowering. The rose buds are lemon-colored. The splendor of the flowers is due to the presence of a large number of petals, reaching 50 pieces.

Green Ice

Among all varieties of indoor roses, this species is in demand due to its size. An adult plant can grow up to 60-65 centimeters with a branch width of up to 80 centimeters. The culture has good resistance to most fungal diseases that affect indoor flowers.

The variety is also popular due to its flowering characteristics, which occur almost continuously. Green Ice's buds are pink, but the flowers bloom a delicate white with greenery. As a rule, there is a green spot in the middle of the flower. There are from 2 to 5 flowers on the inflorescences.


After purchasing an indoor flower, the new owner must perform a number of mandatory works, which will help the plant quickly adapt to home conditions.

  • First, the culture must be washed. It is best to do this in the bathroom with a shower, but you should carefully consider the temperature of the water - it should be warm. This procedure will not only help remove dust accumulated on the leaves, but will also act as a means of prevention against dangerous pests such as mealy mites.
  • The next step for the gardener will be replanting. For a flowering plant, it is worth choosing a container larger in volume than the one in which it previously grew and developed. You should pour a special soil mixture into the pot, and place a rose in the middle. During the work, care must be taken not to damage the root system of the crop. There is no need to untangle the roots along with the old soil; it would be more correct to place the flower together with a lump of earth, and sprinkle new soil on top. Also, before rooting, it is worth considering how many independent bushes are in the pot, since very often, for abundant flowering, store-bought roses are rooted into one container several at a time.

Flowers growing together will interfere with each other’s development in the same container, so it would be better to plant them out. This way, you can get several plants you like at once to grow at home.

  • After transplantation, the flower must be treated with a composition called “Aktara”, which will help destroy pests, if any were brought with the rose from the store. For prevention, the substance should be dissolved in a proportion of 1 gram to 10 liters of water for treating green mass. In some cases, Fitoverm or Fitosporin can be used for prevention.
  • If there are dried or blackened leaves on the bush, it is best to remove them, leaving only healthy leaves on the transplanted plant. It is also recommended to cut off faded flowers.

After all the required replanting measures have been completed, you can select the most suitable place for the rose in the house.

How to properly care?

After purchasing and replanting, a rather difficult adaptation period begins for the plant, during which maximum attention must be paid to the indoor rose. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the bush will die very soon.

If for one reason or another the rose will initially grow in the pot in which it was purchased, then in this case the initial care will consist of the following work.

  • Flowers are most often sold in cellophane packaging. Once the rose is at home, the wrapper must be removed from it. Despite the fact that it provides a certain humidity and microclimate for the plant inside, also thanks to the additional material, the crop may begin to develop fungal diseases in light of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in a humid environment. Another disadvantage of packaging is that it interferes with natural air exchange, which will slow down the plant’s transition to the flowering phase.
  • It is also important to properly arrange the bush after purchase. To do this, dried shoots are removed, in addition, if a blooming rose was purchased, all buds must also be removed using pruning shears. Such manipulation is necessary for the plant to use all its strength to adapt. And flowering, which was stimulated by artificial drugs, will consume all resources. It is also worth cutting off bearing shoots.

For the most part, caring for indoor varieties of roses is not much different from similar work related to garden crops. The only significant difference is the fact that street crops are in natural conditions, when the flowering, growth and dormancy phases depend on nature. And indoor flowers will be completely dependent on the person and the conditions that he will create for the plant inside the home.

There are a number of basic points that relate to caring for indoor roses.


In order for a flower to develop properly, it needs the maximum amount of light, but in this matter it is worth avoiding direct sunlight on the crops, which can cause burns on the green mass. The preferred side for placing pots of roses will be the south; you can also stay in the southeast with the maximum level of illumination in the first half of the day, or choose the southwest, in which case the sun will hit the flower in the evening.

Also, the presence of fresh air has a positive effect on the development of indoor roses, so the room with the crop should be regularly ventilated. Alternatively, flowers can be grown on a warm loggia.

The culture values ​​space very much, so it should be grown in a separate place, avoiding joint cultivation with a large number of other plants. Also, the rose pot should be regularly turned in different directions towards the light, so the stems and shoots will grow evenly on each side.

The flower will react extremely negatively to electromagnetic radiation, therefore It is better to place the rose away from household electrical appliances, monitors and computers.

Air temperature

In the summer, when the flower blooms profusely, you can leave the rose on the balcony or take it out onto the veranda or place the pot in the front garden. However, the crop is unlikely to survive intense heat. You should also avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight in summer.

Care should be taken to overheat the soil if the plant is located outside the living room in the summer. To do this, it is worth covering the pots with light or reflective material. If there is no possibility or desire to send the rose to fresh air for the summer, then room temperature for the flower will be quite suitable, but the rose should be protected from air conditioners and other devices with cold air flows.

Dry air should be avoided indoors, especially during the heating season.

Rest phase

A feature of the winter period for an indoor flower is the phase when the plant slows down its development processes and does not bloom. At this time, it is necessary to provide the rose with suitable indoor conditions. First of all, this concerns air heating; the rose cannot withstand the high temperature during this period, which will remain in the rooms during the heating season. Therefore, the gardener must take care to create a place for the flower where the air will not warm up by more than +8 degrees. If the rose is kept in optimal conditions in winter, then in the spring this will ensure good and long flowering. Signs of the beginning of wintering are yellow leaves on the bushes.

If during the resting phase the rose will be on the veranda or balcony, the flower pot should be slightly insulated so as not to provoke hypothermia in the underground part of the bush. As a rule, by early to mid-February the rose will begin to emerge from its dormant phase.

Moisturizing and watering

In the summer, the rose will need frequent and abundant watering, however, flowers that spend the summer outside should be protected from waterlogging of the soil, which can be caused by precipitation. In winter, the plant is watered extremely rarely. The flower should be switched to minimal watering gradually, immediately after the end of the flowering phase. During the process of bud emergence, moisture should be moderate, and as the green mass grows, the plant may require more moisture.

Watering and spraying should be carried out with settled water at room temperature. Spraying is extremely important during the active growth and flowering phase. During this period, it is also allowed to wash the flowering bush in the shower, but not more than once a week.


The rose will need additional feeding during the bud setting and flowering phase. As a rule, gardeners fertilize weekly using formulations for indoor flowering plants. As autumn approaches, you should stop using fertilizers.


You can get a new crop using cuttings. The collection of material for propagation should be carried out in the fall, after the planned pruning of the bush has been completed. From the cut material you need to select the strongest cuttings with about 3-4 buds.

The optimal length of seedling material will be 14-15 centimeters. Selected shoots must be placed in water. After 2-3 weeks, roots should appear on them. To obtain good roots, the shoots can be left in water until spring, when they can be transplanted into the ground.

The transplanted material should be covered with polyethylene, a cut-off bottle, or the young rose should be grown in plastic cups for the first time. The cover from the cuttings should be removed gradually, but only after the first leaf blades begin to form on the plant.


As a rule, pruning of indoor crops is done after flowering. As additional work on the formation of the bush, you can perform pruning in the spring; also during this period you need to trim off dried shoots, if any.

In order for the rose to grow and develop properly, after cutting the branches, at least 5 buds must remain on each shoot. The rest must be separated from the bush. To properly trim an elongated bush, you need to follow the same rules as otherwise, the flower will not bloom, since the plant will direct all its energy into the growth of shoots.

It is also necessary to prune faded roses, which can still be nourished by the juices of the crop, in addition, they will spoil the appearance of the plant.


In addition to the initial replanting of an indoor rose bush after purchase, the plant requires an annual scheduled replanting, which should be carried out every spring. It is important to have time to transplant the crop into new soil and a larger pot before flowering begins.

You can determine the need for a complete or partial transplant after the rose leaves the dormant phase. If no significant changes are observed, then the sensitive root system of the crop should not be disturbed again. It will be enough to remove the top layer of soil, move the bush into a new pot, and add fresh substrate.

If the root system looks unhealthy, then the plant will need to trim off rotten or dried parts and completely replant it in new soil.

As for the pot, each time its height and diameter should increase by 2-4 centimeters. The optimal soil mixture for a miniature rose will be a specialized composition for indoor flowering crops. However, you can also prepare nutrient soil yourself. To do this, you need to mix sand or perlite with turf and greenhouse soil. Drainage is mandatory for all varieties of roses. You can also use coniferous and leaf soil mixed with sand in equal proportions.

Diseases and pests

Crops that are kept in the right conditions at home will not suffer from pest attacks, however, a disease such as powdery mildew can overcome even the most blooming and well-groomed roses. It is quite simple to identify the fungus by the presence of a whitish coating on the shoots and green mass. If a disease is detected, the flower should be treated with Fundazol or another fungicide.

Miniature roses grown indoors can also be susceptible to various types of blight. Signs of such ailments are dark formations on the green mass. The causes of the appearance of fungus are improper maintenance conditions, which relate to excessive soil moisture. In addition, the fungus can attack foliage that regularly receives moisture during watering. To treat the disease, it is recommended to treat plants with Fundazol and soap solution.

As for possible pests that can attack a flower, indoor roses can suffer from mealy mites, aphids and scale insects. To prevent pests, the rose should be washed weekly. If insects and traces of their vital activity are found on the bushes, the gardener must immediately treat the rose with specialized disinfection preparations.

The rose is recognized as the queen of flowers. You can admire it for hours. It is often grown at home on the site, but you can also plant a white, yellow, pink beauty in a pot at home. Moreover, there are many types of this luxurious flower. Indoor roses differ from their ground relatives only in their small size. In this article we will look at the nuances of choosing a variety for growing roses at home. You will also learn how roses are classified and what varieties there are.

    How to choose the right variety for growing at home?

    In general, there were no special varieties of roses for growing at home before. But over time, professional gardeners have developed hybrid varieties that do not require a large amount of land.

    More often, ordinary garden roses are grown at home., which are small in size. But they also require a little more land than ordinary house flowers, and a lot of light.

    So, the following varieties of roses grow best at home:

    • Hybrid tea roses.
    • Low polyanthus species.
    • Miniature and container hybrids.
    • Bengal antique roses.

    Experienced gardeners recommend choosing the Bengal variety for growing roses indoors, since roses of this variety have a number of advantages:

  1. They don't need pruning.
  2. They branch well and do not grow very tall.
  3. The bush is compact, accompanied by long flowering.

When choosing indoor roses, you must also focus on the presence and power of the aroma. It can cause headaches and even allergic reactions in many people.

Attention! If the aroma of a flower causes allergies, then it is better not to place the pot with the plant near the place where you sleep.

What is the classification?

Indoor roses are divided into the following types:

  • Hybrid tea variety - Butterfly, Ophelia, Jules Boucher, La France, Augusta Victoria.
  • Tea variety - Madame Falco and Marshall Niel.
  • Miniature roses.
  • Bengal species.
  • Ground cover roses.
  • Remontant flowers – Ulrich Brunner, Heinrich Munch, Karl Druzhki.
  • Pernetian roses – Kabardinka and Gloria Day.
  • Bourbon variety – Souvenir de la Malmaison.
  • Polyanthus roses – Miniature, Orange Triumph, Grus en Aachen, Clotilde Super, etc.

Largely indoor roses have good immunity, they are rarely exposed to diseases and pests.

Varieties of different colors The indoor rose belongs to the Rosaceae family. It has thorns of different sizes. Each branch has up to 5-6 large leaves.

Some types of roses have a strong scent, while others have no scent at all. Their inflorescences are single or paniculate or corymbose type, when several inflorescences are located on one branch.

The color of roses also varies:

  1. Snow-white (Avalanche, Maroussia).
  2. Yellow (Pilgrim, Worm Vicious).
  3. Pink (Aphrodite, Pomponella).
  4. Bright red (Red Bengal Rose, Triumph).
  5. And even almost black (Nigrette, Night).

Some varieties have two-color flowers.

Breeders have bred about one hundred species of domestic roses.

Description of varieties with photos and names

A fairly large number of rose varieties are grown at home. Although the methods of growing and caring for them do not differ much, there are certain nuances that need to be remembered: some varieties need more sunlight, some need moderate watering, etc.


These roses do not grow as single flowers, but as a bush. They love plenty of watering. During flowering, you need to feed once every 2 weeks. Types: Caribbean, Chicago Peace, Chrysler Imperial, etc.


Decorative roses develop in the form of a green shrub that does not exceed 30 cm. Small flowers measuring 1.5-3.5 cm are formed on the tops of its shoots.

This variety includes, for example, Bourbon rose. It is distinguished by the duration of flowering, the size of the buds and the variety of shades of flowers: from pale pink to rich red.


are not classified into grades for sale that's why they are called that. These flowers are practically not inferior to the beauty of hybrid tea varieties; they have bright and neat bushes.


Hybrid tea

They are obtained by crossing two species - tea and remontant. Modern lovers of indoor flowers prefer to grow hybrid tea roses., since they retain flowering for a long time and are easy to care for.

Here are some examples of hybrid tea roses.

Cordana Mix

This variety blooms profusely. It is artificially bred specifically for growing indoors. But practically odorless.


The center of the flower is creamy, the petals are bright red. The foliage is glossy, green, honey aroma. The bush does not grow higher than 120 cm.


The flowers are two-colored. The inside is burgundy velvet. The edges fade into a steely tone. The aroma of the flower is very strong, so it is not placed in the bedroom.


Bengal roses are unpretentious in maintenance. At home they develop quite successfully.

The plant blooms with double flowers, which reach 6-8 cm in volume, which is slightly smaller than garden flowers. Flowering continues for a long time; in winter, the Bengal rose does not shed its leaves. At this time of year, special conditions for the flower are not required, but you will have to increase the humidity in the room.

The Bengal rose is rarely attacked by pests.

The only one The disadvantage of the Bengal rose is that it does not tolerate pruning. and may even die. Therefore, in spring, only thin and weak shoots are pruned.

The most popular varieties of this species.

Orange Triumph

Blooms with bright red double flowers. The aroma is not sharp, barely perceptible.

Pink Grotendorst

The flowers are pink, collected in clusters. Flowering occurs in spring and mid-summer.

Clotilde Super

The flowers are pale pink and cover the entire bush during flowering.


Varieties of miniature roses are very resilient and can adapt to any conditions.

At the same time, they delight the owners with abundant and continuous flowering. Outwardly, these roses are not much different from garden roses, but at the same time they appear in miniature form. The bush grows 25-30 cm in height. If desired, rose bushes can be propagated in the simplest way available - by cuttings.

The most common miniature roses are the following.

Ort "Baby Masquerade"

The bush reaches 30 cm in height. It has chameleon flowers that form an inflorescence on one branch. At first they are lemon yellow in color. Gradually, over time, the color acquires a pink tint, and in the end you get a kind of watercolor of flowers.

"Angela Rippon"

During flowering, the low bush is covered with small flowers, the size of which reaches 3-4 cm.

"Easter Morning"

Rose is practically resistant to fungal diseases. It has harsh green leaves and dense flowers. The bush blooms for a long time.


These types of roses are easy to care for, so they are often bred at home. They have a strong aroma.

The most popular varieties.

Gloria Mundi

The color of the plant is very rare and unique; from a distance the flowers resemble smoldering coals. In winter, the flower requires coolness, so there is no need to insulate the room where Gloria is located. The optimal temperature is 10 degrees Celsius.


Has bright red flowers. Triumph blooms from the beginning of spring until the first cold weather. Requires periodic feeding and tolerates low temperatures well.


Has double white or pink flowers. Small bush. The plant propagates well by cuttings.

Ground cover

This type of rose is mainly grown outdoors, but due to the plants’ unpretentiousness and hardiness, they began to grow it at home.

The most common varieties of this species include.


The bush reaches a height of 50 cm. Its branches are spreading. The flowers are large and change color as they bloom. from bright red to dark burgundy. This variety has no smell.

Amber san

The bushes are spreading, reaching approximately 50-60 cm in height and width. The flowers are small and fragrant, and have all shades of yellow.


The variety quickly adapts to the environment and is extremely hardy. It has rich double red flowers and glossy leaves. Blooms abundantly throughout summer and autumn.

Container hybrids

Indoor plants are successfully grown in containers, the same applies to hybrid roses, which are miniature in size.

Summer Song

The flowers of this variety are large, resemble a ball during budding, and as they open they become cup-shaped. Very fragrant.


The bush is round, its height reaches 40 cm. The flowers have a pleasant aroma and can change color from white to pink.

Peach Drift

This variety blooms profusely and has peach-colored flowers.

In the summer, indoor roses can be placed in the loggia or on the veranda. They are also taken outside, at first for a short time. Gradually, the length of time the rose stays on the street can be increased. With the onset of cool weather, the flowers are brought indoors, but before that they are thoroughly washed. First, a soap solution is used, after which they are washed under running clean water. This is done so as not to bring spider mites into the house along with the flower.

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Although indoor roses in pots are classified as house plants, they actually belong to the group of garden roses. Their main difference from garden specimens is the pronounced diminutiveness of the bush and root system. The flowers, as a rule, are also small - 2-5 cm in diameter. However, breeding work is being carried out by leaps and bounds and varieties of miniatures have already been developed, which in terms of flower size are quite comparable to garden varieties. For example, many varieties of the ROSES FOREVER® series have large flowers - their diameter can reach 12-15 cm!

In any case, domestic roses are those that can be grown not only in the garden, but also in pots.

But in order for roses at home to really bring joy and not become a headache, let’s get acquainted with the peculiarities of this culture.

There are several hundred varieties of miniflora varieties and this list is growing every year.

Many chic varieties of roses, including miniatures, were bred in the Danish nursery Poulsen Roser A/S. Here, in 1981, the first miniature “house” rose was created - the Teeny Weeny variety from the PARADE® variety series. PARADE® roses are compact, with small leaves, but rather large flowers (5-8 cm in diameter), blooming profusely and often.

The same breeder developed a series of miniature house roses PATIOHIT® (Patio Hit) - with large flowers and more powerful bushes than PARADE® roses.

A little later, the PARTY® variety series was developed - a dwarf version of PARADE®, the height of these plants when delivered does not exceed 10-15 cm.

Another well-known nursery from Germany, W. Kordes` Sohne, introduced a popular variety of indoor roses to the markets - KORDANA® (Kordana). These are dense, clustered bushes with dark glossy foliage and multiple flowers. There are roses KORDANA®CLASSIC with flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm and KORDANA® GRANDE with flower heads more than 4 cm in diameter. Rose Cordana in a pot is often sold in our flower shops , caring for it at home is the same as for other varieties of potted roses.

Rose Bonanza Kordana ® Grande

Among collectors, roses from the selection work of a Danish company, Roses Forever ApS, are also highly valued. Thanks to her, the world received such famous brands of miniature roses as ROSES FOREVER® and INFINITY®. In the ROSES FOREVER® series there are varieties with very large flowers, for example, ROSES FOREVER®NEVADA and ROSES FOREVER®MARINA have flower heads with a diameter of 15 cm.

The varieties of the INFINITY® series bloom flowers with a diameter of 7 cm (which is also quite a lot for potted roses!). This series is revered by many flower growers as a masterpiece of world selection. The INFINITY® bush is low, the stems are thick and juicy, large, dense flowers of a very beautiful shape. Moreover, the lifespan of each flower is about 5 weeks, so you can admire the beauty of a flowering plant for quite a long time.

What miniature roses can you buy in the store?

Now that you have an idea about the varieties of miniature roses, you can go shopping for them.

And here you need to understand that manufacturers divide ornamental flowering plants into potted and indoor plants. Luxurious potted ones appear in stores for Christmas, March 8, Easter. These flowers were not initially destined for a long and happy fate.

Plants are grown in special conditions, with the addition of maximum fertilizers, and physiological techniques are used to make them bloom. And they are often treated like a living bouquet. But this does not mean that such a rose cannot be bought. Can! But you need to prepare for the possible difficulties and difficulties of acclimatizing an “overfed” plant.

It is still advisable to buy a plant not at a local supermarket “on occasion,” but at a garden center, botanical garden, or from collectors. The best time is from late spring to autumn. The plant will have time to adapt to room conditions, and it will definitely not be frostbitten.

Signs of a good cultivar: a compact, well-formed bush with thick, strong shoots, without limp leaves. The roots do not stick out from the bottom of the pot. There are no signs of mold or white coating on the leaves.

The more unopened buds, the longer the rose will bloom. Although the plant acclimatizes better if the inflorescences and buds are immediately cut off.

Place of residence of a miniature rose: on a windowsill or in the garden

To decide how to care for an indoor rose, you should choose one of three scenarios.

  • First: after admiring it, send the purchased flower to the garden for permanent residence - this is the simplest course of events. The biology of the crop does not differ from the demands of ordinary garden varieties. The winter hardiness of miniatures is usually zone 5-6, so in the fall they go under cover with lutrasil along with the rest of the rose garden and tolerate frost and thaw well.
  • The second option: in the spring, plant the rose in open ground and care for it according to the usual “protocol”: spring fertilizing with nitrogen, summer fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus, watering, mulching. And in the fall, dig up the plant and plant it in a pot for wintering at home. At a temperature of about 10⁰C, the plant enters forced dormancy with the leaves retained. At a temperature of 5-8⁰С – dormancy without leaves.
  • Third option: the house rose in a pot lives indoors, on the brightest windowsill. In summer, it is advisable to take the plant out onto the balcony. The main secret is to organize conditions like outdoors. We will talk about this option in more detail.

Homemade rose in a pot: how to care for it to make friends with a capricious sissy

Let's consider the most important factors that need to be taken into account for the health and flowering of indoor roses.


High-quality care for indoor roses at home is impossible without good lighting. The best windows for roses are south or southeast. However, at the height of summer, it can become too hot near such windows, and direct sunlight can also cause burns on the leaves.

Therefore, in summer it is necessary to shade roses from the midday sun. Or better yet, take the plants out onto the balcony for bright, diffused lighting and fresh air. The rose can remain on the balcony for 3-4 months, throughout the warm period of the year, and then, with the onset of cold weather, it can be sent back to the windowsill.


Good lighting is the most important thing when growing miniature roses indoors. All other factors are easily achievable and are no longer so important if you have the right lighting.

In winter, lighting can be a problem. The Russian winter is a burden for a southerner. Even if the pot occupies the brightest window sill, a short, gloomy day is often not enough for effective photosynthesis. In a warm room (20-23⁰C), a home rose in a pot spends a lot of energy on metabolism, but does not produce enough nutrients.

As a rule, a spider mite appears “out of nowhere”, and the weakened bush is unable to resist the pest.

What to do? There is only one way out - to add more light. A phytolamp gives plants the best spectrum, but if the pink glow is annoying, then you can use ordinary LED or fluorescent lamps, but more powerful.

If in winter you cannot provide the rose with high-quality additional lighting, it is necessary to reduce its temperature and put it into a dormant state.


Roses don't like high temperatures, but they don't like cold either.

For flowering, the optimal daytime temperatures are 18-24⁰C, night temperatures are at least 15⁰C. If the temperature drops below 10⁰C, the plant may enter a dormant phase and stop flowering.

In winter, if it is not possible to provide additional lighting, you need to give the rose a rest. Place the pot with the plant in a cool, bright place with a temperature of about 5-10⁰C, reduce watering, and do not fertilize. With this maintenance, the rose will begin a dormant period, which, by the way, is very useful for the future spring growing season, the development of new shoots and flowers.


Miniature house roses in pots require frequent watering, without drying out. At the same time, they are susceptible to root rot and fungal infections, so you can’t create a swamp for them in a pot. Allow the surface of the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid problems with waterlogging.

Water the rose generously, so that the water wets the entire earthen lump and begins to pour into the pan. 5 minutes after watering, the water from the pan must be drained! A very good way out of the situation: put a layer of pebbles or expanded clay in a tray and place a pot of roses on them. This allows water to drain freely from the pot and eliminates the possibility of the roots being in contact with water for long periods of time. By the way, this solution is an effective way to increase the air humidity around the plant.

Air humidity

Miniature indoor roses in pots , like their garden counterparts, they require high air humidity. Otherwise, they begin to be affected by pests, get sick, and may even pass away into another world. Therefore, by all means, especially in winter, with the heating on, increase the air humidity. For these purposes you can use:

  • spraying the plant and the air around it;
  • jars of water placed on the windowsill next to flower pots;
  • ceramic humidifier containers that hang on the battery;
  • electric humidifiers.

Another wonderful option was written above. The pot with the rose is placed on a tray filled with pebbles or expanded clay. Water is poured onto the tray so that it partially covers the stones. The water will slowly evaporate and increase the local humidity around the rose.


During the warmer months of the year, miniature roses should be fertilized regularly. This will encourage new foliage and flower growth and help the plant stay healthy. Fertilize your rose every 2-4 weeks from early spring to mid-autumn.

Choose a fertilizer suitable for flowering plants, ideally one specialized for roses. For example, Bonaforte “For roses and chrysanthemums” (3-4-8), Agricola “For indoor and garden roses” (4-5-6), etc.

Always apply fertilizers on moist soil. That is, first water the plant with clean water, and after a few minutes - with water with dissolved fertilizer. This will avoid chemical burns to the roots.
They will tell you how to properly care for indoor roses in the video:

How to select soil and replant a rose in a pot after purchase

The first transplant of an indoor rose should be done within 1-2 weeks after purchase. Or immediately, if it is clear that the plant is flooded and sick, and there is an unpleasant odor coming from the soil.

Why is there such a rush? The fact is that homemade roses are usually sold in shipping containers with a substrate filled for a short period of time. Don’t skimp on soil: you can buy store-bought “For Roses” or mix your own: turf soil, humus, lowland peat, coarse sand or raising agents (perlite, vermiculite). There is drainage at the bottom.

The diameter of the new pot is 10-15 mm larger than the previous one. Since the rose has a tap root system that grows deeper rather than wider, it is advisable to choose a tall, narrow pot, for example, with a diameter of 12 cm and a height of 21 cm.

One transport pot usually contains several rose bushes. It is advisable to plant them in different pots, since the rose does not like proximity and most likely one of the strongest plants will “survive” the rest.
We bring to your attention a video on how to replant a home rose, as well as divide several bushes that grow in the same pot:

Pruning indoor roses

Always trim off faded flowers; this will stimulate a new wave of growth and flowering in indoor roses. You also need to trim dried, yellowed branches - this is sanitary pruning, which is performed as needed throughout the year.

Also, in order for a bush rose in a pot to feel good and look appropriate, in the spring after a dormant period or in the fall, before wintering, drastic pruning is performed: with sharp pruners or scissors, the shoots of the plant are cut off at a height of 4-5 buds. Also, be sure to remove all diseased, black branches and leaves.

When you prune your rose, try to maintain symmetry and maintain the correct shape of the bush. This will allow you to get a more attractive plant later.

Don't be afraid to radically prune your home roses. In spring and summer they quickly grow overgrown with young, healthy shoots

Can an indoor rose bloom continuously?

The culture in the subequatorial regions (Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya) does not go into a dormant period. Theoretically, “eternal” flowering can be achieved in the northern countries - in the middle of winter you can buy a flowering bush in a hypermarket that was actually grown in a Russian greenhouse.

But at the same time, the life form of a rose is a deciduous shrub, and long breaks in flowering and shedding of foliage when cold weather sets in are physiological for it.

When manufacturers write about miniature roses “continuously blooming,” they are lying a little - flowering occurs in two or three waves over the summer.

But if your indoor rose does not bloom at all , It's worth thinking: why? Most likely, it lacks lighting or, alternatively, nutrition from the soil. Otherwise, if the plant is healthy, then it simply must bloom!

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Indoor roses, especially if not maintained correctly (when conditions are far from street conditions!), are often affected by pests and diseases.

  • - a real scourge of roses growing at home. It especially often affects roses in winter, when the heating is on and the air humidity is low. Therefore, if for some reason the leaves of your indoor rose turn yellow , although everything is correct in care, it is quite possible that she is being attacked by spider mites.

Carefully inspect the plant every week for these tiny pests. When attacked by a mite, the gloss on the leaves becomes dull, they turn yellow and begin to fall off. On the reverse side you can notice a powdery coating and small moving dots, sometimes a thin cobweb is visible. Spider mites drink cell juices and weaken the plant. But it also carries infectious diseases and gray rot spores.

Experts give advice on how to care for a home rose that has been attacked by a tick: wash in the shower with a weak solution of laundry soap, green soap or dish soap at room temperature and wash off the pests.

Treat the window sill and pot stand with soapy water. At first, repeat water procedures weekly.

Treat with biological acaricides that are harmless to our health: Fitoverm, Actofit, Bikola, Bitoxibacillin. To support immunity, add a few drops of zircon to the solution.

Due to the nature of the tick development cycle, repeat the treatment three times after 7-10 days. Heavy artillery – Fufanon, Karate, colloidal sulfur, Aktelik. When using them, wear a respirator.

  • – these small pests can also cause damage to home rose plantations. The easiest way to poison aphids is with insecticides, for example, Aktara.
  • Fungal diseases – roses are often affected by rust and black spot. Fungal diseases can be caused by infection or excessive moisture. Place pots of roses about 20cm away from other flowers, especially those that may be diseased. Always water plants from soil level, avoiding getting the lower leaves wet. Immediately get rid of yellowing or blackening leaves that show signs of fungal infection. Use fungicides to treat fungal diseases.

They require special attention: you must create optimal conditions for their active growth and flowering.

Growing conditions

Since the plant is not a plant, it requires moderate conditions. So, let's figure out how to care for a home rose so that this beautiful flower becomes a real decoration of your interior.

Air temperature and humidity

In the summer season, the temperature should be moderate, and in the winter season - cool. At home, miniature roses suffer not so much from elevated air temperatures as from overheating or drying out of the soil in the container. The optimal temperature in summer is +20-25°C. However, slight daily temperature fluctuations will only benefit the plant.

In winter, in order for the rose to rest, it is moved to a cool place with a temperature of +10-15°C.

Important!On a bright sunny day, try not to splash water directly on the flower. This can lead to damage to the buds and the development of fungal diseases.


The domestic rose, like most roses, is a light-loving crop. At the same time, the bushes should not be allowed to overheat, so it is customary to place them on a south-eastern or western window. In order to protect the flower from direct sunlight in the summer season, it is better to take it out into the open air (balcony or terrace).

If this is not possible, then it is advisable to move the pot to another window or darken it.

Pot and soil

Roses can be planted in containers of any shape and size. The only condition is that there must be enough space in the container so that the bush can develop and air can circulate freely. You are required to find a compromise between beauty and functionality.

It is advisable to transplant bushes that are too overgrown into a larger container. When choosing a pot, the color of the flowers and the style of the surrounding interior should also be taken into account. Based on the type of container, the best option is wooden or ceramic pots.

Plastic pots can be used, but they are less reliable. They quickly dry out in the summer, which leads to rapid withering of the buds. It is also better to avoid clay pots - they quickly lose water.

The soil must be air and moisture permeable.

Use the following nutrient substrate:

  • turf land (4 parts);
  • humus (4 parts);
  • sand (1 part).
You can also purchase a ready-made specialized substrate.

The pot must have a good drainage system so that excess moisture can pass freely through the soil. However, the size of the drainage holes should be such that water does not flow out of the container too quickly.

Rules of care

Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to care for roses at home. These flowers love good, timely feeding as the soil dries out.


Regular watering of rose plants is especially important in the summer during the flowering and growth period. Drying out the soil is dangerous for them. Therefore, water the flower as soon as the soil dries out (especially in small containers). However, do not overdo it with watering; the soil in the pot should not turn sour.

In spring, the plant should not feel a lack of moisture or light. Sometimes in the evening the plant is sprayed with cool boiled water from a spray bottle. As soon as the bush outgrows the pot, it must be transferred to a larger container, trying not to disturb the roots.

After spring frosts and with the establishment of warm night temperatures, the time comes to transfer the flower pot to fresh air (to the garden or loggia). The houseplant is gradually accustomed to the bright sun. For this purpose, the flower is first placed in a shady corner and only after 10-14 days is it transferred to a sunny area.

In summer

Summer care for indoor roses involves regular watering, spraying, fertilizing, and removing wilted parts of the plant. To prevent the flower from overheating in the summer heat, monitor the condition of the plant. It is important to notice signs of diseases and emerging pests in time.

If you notice that the bush is growing quickly and the container is becoming too cramped, wait until evening and transfer the rose to a new spacious container. If a flower located on a window is illuminated from only one side, then it naturally reaches out to the sunlight.

To ensure uniform illumination of the flower, it is necessary to turn the pot from time to time. Thanks to this procedure, you will avoid the problem of developing a one-sided plant.

in autumn

In autumn, when night temperatures are low (up to 15-12°C), move the rose from the balcony indoors and place it on the windowsill of a south-facing window. After the flowering phase, begin to prepare the plant for wintering: water less often (leave the soil dry for 1-2 days before watering) and gradually stop feeding.


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