How to properly maintain personnel records in a small enterprise? Personnel records management in an organization or enterprise - maintaining personnel records and document flow.

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In this article, we will not provide examples of filling out forms, drawing up other documents, or the texts of regulatory documents that an organization must have. Let us dwell only on the sequence of work on organizing personnel records management in a company from scratch.

Normative base

When organizing HR records from scratch, you will need the following regulatory documents:

GOST R 6.30-2003 " Unified system documentation. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Labor Code Russian Federation(in order not to get confused in changes and additions, it makes sense to purchase new text Labor Code as amended - unless, of course, your organization has installed a legal reference system that is regularly updated).

Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (as amended on May 19, 2008).

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.”

A list of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Rosarkhiv on 10/06/2000 (as amended on 10/27/2003).

In addition, the book by Ya.E. will be useful. Varlamova and E.A. Kosheleva " HR records management from scratch" (M.: Professional publishing house, 2008).


Many forms of documents in personnel records management are unified by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.” You can find it in any legal reference system (Consultant Plus, Guarantor, Code) or on the Internet, there are also ready-made forms from this resolution that you just need to copy to your hard drive. Documents for which there are no unified forms must be drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation system. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Step 1: we develop documents that mandatory must be in company

Most often, the organization of personnel production begins with the development of all kinds of regulations and instructions, and rightly so. Regulatory documents that the company must have include:

    internal labor regulations;

    regulation on the protection of employee personal data;

    regulations on labor protection and fire safety.

Everything else can wait: you can take on the development of documents that are optional in nature only when the mandatory documents have been drawn up.

Step 2: adjusting staffing table

Most likely, the company has already developed a staffing table, there is a staff of employees who successfully perform assigned tasks, with whom employment contracts have been concluded, employment orders have been issued and entries have been made in the work books. But, as practice shows, these documents are not always drawn up correctly.

Request information from the accounting department about the salaries of employees and the names of their positions - based on this data, you need to verify the staffing table.

It should be noted that the job titles in the staffing table do not always coincide with the actual positions of the employees. Accounting does not really need this information to transfer payments and taxes, but programs like 1C require filling out a section with such information, and sometimes a position is entered that does not correspond to the actual one. Therefore, before approving the staffing table, it is necessary to clarify the names of employee positions with department heads, company management or the employees themselves.

You can also request employee personnel numbers from accountants. If accounting is automated, then personnel numbers are assigned by the program; if not, then you will have to assign them yourself, starting with the employee who has worked the longest and ending with the one who came to the organization later than everyone else. After an employee’s dismissal, it is better not to share his personnel number with anyone: let all numbers be unique and assigned to only one person who has ever worked in the company.

While accountants are preparing a summary of employees, you need to check the status of the employees’ personal files and their personal files, if they were kept, and also find out what documents are missing in each employee’s personal file. Each employee needs to write a memo about copies of which documents need to be delivered.

Step 3: we check the compliance of the information in the staffing table and employment contracts

After the staffing table has been drawn up, it is necessary to check the information in it with the data in the employment contracts. If the information is inconsistent (usually the salary is incorrectly indicated or simply “Salary according to the staffing table” is indicated, which is a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and may entail penalties; the contract signing dates fall on a day off; the signature of the Employer’s representative does not correspond to the person declared as a representative - for example, his deputy signed instead of the general director), then the contracts need to be redone. In this case, one should proceed from the fact that an agreement signed by an unauthorized person is, in fact, not an agreement; in other words, the employment contract in writing absent. Therefore, it must be issued, of course, with the current (genuine) date. In all other cases they do additional agreements to the employment contract, with which the employment contract is supplemented with new conditions or those conditions that were specified incorrectly are clarified (changed).

If the contract is drawn up correctly, but later changes were made (salary increase, transfer of the employee to another job), then additional agreements must be drawn up for each case for each employee. Employment contracts and additional agreements are prepared in two copies, one of which remains in the company, and the second is given to the employee.

Step 4: check the correctness of personnel orders

Next, you need to check the presence and correct execution of orders for hiring, transfer of employees (if there were any), etc. (dates, signatures, information contained in them). Orders must comply with the content of the employment contract concluded with employees and the staffing table. They must be signed not only by the head of the company, but also by the employee himself. If there are no orders for the hiring or transfer of working employees or they are issued with violations, they must be restored, redone or “re-signed”. By law, you are not responsible for what happened before you, but the employee has the right to demand a copy of such an order, and he must be provided with it.

Step 5: check the correctness of work records

The next stage of work is checking the availability of work books. The records of all registered employees must be kept in the company. If you find the books of retired employees, then you need to send a registered letter with return receipt requested to the owners of the books with a request to come for the work book or give an address to which it can be sent. After receiving a response, the work book must be sent by registered parcel with acknowledgment of receipt. If there is no answer, simply include a notice of delivery of the letter in your work book. Work books of non-working employees must be kept separately from others until required, but for at least 50 years.

If there is no entry in the work book about hiring or transfer, do not rush to make it. First, carefully read both documents regulating the filling out of work books: Instructions for filling out work books and the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers. And only when you are confident in your knowledge, you can start making entries in the work book. Remember: an incorrect entry may result in the employee not being credited with length of service in the company in which the incorrect entry was made.

Step 6: draw up personal files or personal folders of employees (if you haven’t kept them before)

It is imperative to issue personal cards for employees in Form No. T-2. Today, many programs allow you to fill out form No. T-2 on a computer and print it on plain paper, which is what some personnel officers use. However, state archives so far only accept personal cards on thick, “half-cardboard” paper. Therefore, if your organization is the source of acquisition of the state archive, buy forms No. T-2 at an office supply store in required quantity or purchase the appropriate paper to print them.

Personal cards are filled out by a personnel officer - such an instruction is contained in the instructions for the use of unified forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Copies of documents received from employees (passports, insurance certificate etc.) must be placed in “file” folders, after which an inventory of each case is made, and your personal folders have been created. You can also include copies of orders and contracts so that all information about the employee is in one place, but this is not necessary. You can attach photographs of employees to personal cards.

Often personal files are placed inside Form No. T-2, which is incorrect: personal cards should be stored separately from all other documents.

New documents and copies are added to your personal folder as they become available.

Step 7: prepare the necessary accounting books or journals

The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them and the Receipt and Expenditure Book for accounting for forms of work books and inserts in them can only be kept in paper form. Since these are journals of strict reporting forms, each page of the book is numbered, and it itself is stitched and sealed with the organization’s seal.

Step 8: create a vacation schedule

Two weeks before the start of the new year, the organization must approve a vacation schedule. Work on it should begin in November. If the company is small, you can survey employees about when they would like to go on vacation; if it is large, send a letter to the heads of departments asking them to provide such information for their department.

When drawing up a vacation schedule, make sure that when employees of a small department go on vacation, the direction does not remain open. For example, if a company has only two sales managers, then their vacations should not coincide in time even partially; moreover, there should be a period between these vacations collaboration- to transfer cases from one manager to another.

If you yourself are asking employees about vacation time and a conflict arises over who is going and when, do not try to resolve it yourself - bring the information to the attention of management and arrange the schedule in accordance with management's decision. If you request information through department heads, trust them to resolve controversial issues. Gathering information to create a vacation schedule usually takes one to three weeks.

After registration, the vacation schedule must be submitted to the manager for approval.

Two weeks before the start of the vacation, it is necessary to notify the employee of its occurrence and issue an order to grant the vacation. The start time of vacation can be changed by agreement between the employee and the manager. If at the start of the vacation the employee fell ill and provided sick leave, it is necessary, at his request, to postpone the vacation to another time convenient for him. All these changes are made in the corresponding columns of the vacation schedule. And do not forget that an employee cannot fail to go on vacation for two years in a row and mandatory paid leave can be replaced with monetary compensation only if the employee is fired.

Step 9: forming personnel files

Cases can be completed on the following topics:

    “Orders on personnel (hiring, dismissal, transfer, bonuses, promotions, leaves without pay wages, directions for long-term business trips and business trips abroad)” (shelf life – 75 years);

    “Orders for personnel (regular and educational leaves, duty, penalties, short-term internal Russian business trips)” (shelf life - 5 years);

    "Employment contracts";

    "Personal things";

    "Personal cards";

    “Regulatory documents of the company (regulations, instructions)”;

    “Correspondence on personnel issues with government agencies And commercial organizations" and etc.

It is more convenient to separate vacation schedules, duty schedules, staffing tables into separate cases and store them in thin folders.

It is more convenient to store personal files and personal cards in alphabetical order in accordance with the names of the employees, all other documents are in chronological order as the document arrives.

Orders by personal have two storage periods: 5 and 75 years, therefore they are divided into at least two cases (all orders that are not listed in the list with a 5-year storage period have a storage period of 75 years).

If the company is large enough and the file contains more than 250 sheets within one year, then it needs to be divided into several files or into volumes (for example: “Employment contracts (A-K)”, “Employment contracts (L-Z)”; “ Orders for personnel (regular and educational leaves)", "Orders for personnel (duty duties, penalties, short-term domestic business trips)").

When forming cases, it is necessary to use sections 7 and 8 of the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of the organization, indicating storage periods.

Step 10: draw up a list of cases

The nomenclature of affairs can be drawn up separately according to personnel documents or included in the general nomenclature of affairs of the organization.

In general, the process of forming cases and compiling nomenclature in personnel records management is no different from forming cases and compiling nomenclature in general records management.

And only after all stages can one begin to develop job descriptions, personnel regulations and other optional (not mandatory from the point of view of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) local regulations.

Yu.V. Eremeeva,
head of the office, member of the Professional Secretaries Club

Every employee expects their employer to respect their rights, pay their wages on time, and deserve a well-deserved vacation. The manager, in turn, expects the employee to strictly fulfill his duties. In addition, any business owner must be legally protected. All these points are regulated by personnel records. Conducting HR records in an LLC will help you sort out all your relationships with your employees.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a way of managing personnel and working with the organization’s document flow related to personnel. This may include the movement of personnel, settlements with employees and working hours.

Methods of maintaining personnel records

Unlike individual entrepreneurs, personnel production in an LLC is a mandatory component, even if only one participant is registered in the LLC, performing the functions of an accountant and general director. This is explained by the fact that the founder and the LLC are two different entities. Consequently, the LLC plays the role of an employer, and the founder plays the role of an employee.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a way of managing personnel and working with the organization’s document flow related to personnel.

Personnel records can be maintained in 3 main ways:

1. Take on the role of HR officer.

If you are not afraid to “start” the process, have time and your organization is not so large.

2. Hire a personnel officer.

A modern HR specialist must think creatively, be legally savvy and pedantic.

3. Trust an outsourcing company specializing in personnel records management.

There are several programs designed for personnel records. This is an automated control system ( automated system personnel management), ERP system (enterprise resource planning), maintaining personnel records in the cloud (SaaS). If speak about software, then this is 1C.

Independent maintenance of personnel records

Step-by-step instructions for maintaining personnel document flow:

1. It is necessary to determine the regulatory and information bases that will be required to conduct personnel work.

Most of the documents required for conducting personnel records are standardized by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004. Documentation that does not have standardized canons is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

  • Labor legislation of the Russian Federation (updated every six months).
  • Instructions for maintaining work records (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003).
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On maintaining labor books” (dated April 16, 2003).

Documents required to enroll an employee on the staff:

  • Passport (registration and registration).
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate).
  • Military ID.
  • TIN (individual tax number).
  • Medical policy.
  • Specialist Diploma.

The importance of personnel documentation lies in the fact that it allows you to consolidate legally significant facts and clearly regulates the rights and responsibilities of the employee and manager.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization, the package of documents for maintaining personnel records can be expanded. The manager, when deciding personnel issues, can independently adopt local regulations within the limits of his powers, if they do not contradict the law.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization, the package of documents for maintaining personnel records can be expanded.

2. The statutory documentation of the organization should be drawn up.

The charter must clearly state the conditions for hiring a director, the terms of the director’s work, the amount of his salary, as well as the procedure for approving the work schedule.

3. You need to register a manager.

The registration of the manager is the first personnel order created in the organization. It indicates the date from which the manager begins to perform his duties.

4. It is necessary to compile a list of personnel documentation involved in the personnel production of the organization.

These include:

  • Internal labor regulations of the organization.
  • Personnel structure.
  • Staffing schedule.
  • Schedule of employee vacations.
  • Documentation defining the protection of personal data of employees.

Also, the list of mandatory documents contains labor agreements, work books and a book for recording their movement, a working time schedule, personal employee cards, personnel orders and the grounds for their issuance (applications, reports, acts, notes, etc.), an accrual register and wage payments, pay slips, job descriptions.

5. Hiring employees.

Each future employee must have a package of documents. All that remains is to fill out work books, personal cards, and arrange the rest personnel documents(on payroll, accounting for vacations, sick leave, business trips; sign an agreement on non-disclosure of the employee’s personal data).

According to Art. 419 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-compliance labor legislation faces a fine of 200,000 rubles.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a very delicate and responsible matter. Many legal features that affect the observance of your rights and the rights of employees depend on the correct document flow and the selected personnel records program. All personnel documents are legally binding and can be used in court.

Payroll accounting at the enterprise and many others important points It is based on primary documents. If HR records are poorly maintained, this affects the work of all departments of the company.

All the nuances of maintaining it and the necessary documents will be discussed in this article.

Why is it needed?

In any organization, regardless of the number of people, there is an obligation to maintain such records. It helps document the movement of all personnel. To do this, it is imperative to know the regulatory documents relating to labor. In addition, you need to have management skills.

This type of accounting is intended for the need:

  • correctly distribute people in work processes;
  • look for unused reserves;
  • identify and eliminate personnel problems in a timely manner.

You can get detailed information about this process from the following video:

How to organize it from scratch: step-by-step instructions

A HR employee always faces the difficult task of organizing this type of office work. To facilitate this process, it is important to first draw up a rough work plan and determine the sequence in which to act:

  • The right decision would be to first study the regulatory documentation.
  • Having studied it in detail, the immediate preparation of the document flow is carried out. All constituent documents are taken from the manager and studied in detail. All documentation must correspond to the constituent documents. It is important to ask the head of the company what additional conditions he wants to add to the work schedule. Based on his wishes, additional optional documents are drawn up.
  • Creation of documentation:
    • First, the director is documented;
    • then and is compiled;
    • A form is being developed that is signed with all employees. It includes all the items that the organization needs;
    • other important papers and journals are being prepared;
    • it is necessary to decide who will be responsible for work records. Until people are officially hired, the manager will be forced to hire them. Accordingly, an order is made to accept responsibility for the safety, completion and management;
    • after this, the official reception of workers begins.
  • It is important to ensure that all personnel records are stored and used.

After registration of employment for the personnel officer, the usual working days. Each person is present at work every day. Issued once a year.

The personnel officer is obliged to document the movement of people in the enterprise, preparing the appropriate documentation. In addition, he must prepare many other papers.

Required documents

A number of basic documentation used by HR employees:

  • Various employee movement orders: , translation, and many others.
  • Staffing table. Its content must coincide with the data specified in the employee contracts. If something does not match, this indicates violations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. And this, as a rule, leads to the imposition of fines.
  • Time sheet.
  • Work records. The personnel officer takes them when hiring, appropriate entries are made in them, and upon dismissal they are returned.
  • Labor regulations within the organization.
  • Employment contracts. Such a contract is concluded with each person; it serves as the beginning of a working relationship. The main thing here is to check the correctness of preparation, the presence of all signatures and dates. If changes are made to working conditions, for example, transfer of a worker or change in salary, be sure to prepare. They are compiled for each case separately.
  • Vacation schedule. At the latest two weeks before the end of the year, all organizations must have ready schedules for employees going on vacation. It is important to compose them in such a way that the simultaneous rest of people does not affect the work process of the department or the company as a whole.
  • Log books. There are many journals needed to keep records of documents.
  • Definitely underway. It includes: for work, sheets of familiarization with the employer’s orders, a copy of an identity card, a medical examination certificate, copies of diplomas and a military ID.
  • Job Descriptions . They contain detailed description employee rights and responsibilities.
  • Regulations on remuneration and bonuses. Regulating, on the basis of which all wages are calculated.

There are many more different documents that are also present at enterprises. But this already applies to specific documents.

Who usually does this?

This question mainly arises in small organizations. Usually this is done by the personnel officer, since maintaining this record is quite challenging task. Unfortunately, not every manager can be persuaded to introduce such a separate position into the staff. In this regard, personnel management is often carried out Chief Accountant or the part-time manager himself.

As a rule, this happens in small companies in order to save money. And it makes no sense to introduce an additional unit into the staff for two or three people. IN in this case The scheme turns out like this: the manager registers the employees, and the chief accountant pays their salaries. The main law that regulates the relationship between employee and employer is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is he who determines the rights and obligations of both parties.

Process automation

For the convenience of accounting at the enterprise, the manager must take care of the implementation of a special program. Nowadays such systems a large number of, and they are all easy to use.

A widely used program is "1C: Enterprise". It helps organize data. Almost all documents are printed from it automatically. The use of automated technologies simplifies the accounting process itself.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Documentation should always be in order. It is important to maintain and store it correctly. There are several nuances that are important to take into account in this area:

  • If an individual entrepreneur registers an employee for the first time, he will need to go through the registration process with some territorial authorities in the status of an employer. And more specifically - in Pension Fund and the Foundation social insurance. There are certain deadlines for this procedure:
    • 10 days when registering with the Social Insurance Fund;
    • 30 days for registration with the Pension Fund.

    The number of days is counted from the first day the first person is hired. If this is not done, the organization will face large fines.

  • The manager must familiarize his employees with all regulatory documents against signature. For this purpose, special journals are created, where employees sign after they have read the documents. For example, the organization must provide a payslip in person every month. In this regard, it is wise to start a book to register their issuance. This is convenient because in the event of any conflict, it is the signature that will prove that the document was issued.

Possible sanctions for ignorance

In the absence of personnel records, officials will be held accountable under the Law “On Administrative Offences”. They are subject to a fine:

  • per official - in the amount from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • on legal entitiesfrom 30 to 50 thousand rubles

In addition, the organization’s activities may be suspended up to 90 days. If the offense is repeated, the manager may be disqualified.

If an organization faces an inspection by regulatory authorities, it is important to prepare for it. To do this you need to know:

  • supervisory authorities must notify authorities of the upcoming procedure at least three days in advance;
  • the verification should not exceed twenty days;
  • They do not have the right to conduct an on-site inspection without a supervisor.

This type of accounting is the main component of any enterprise. Therefore, its reliable management allows you to avoid a large number of troubles.

Livena S.V. / "HR Package"
You have been tasked with setting up HR from scratch. And you have little experience in this area. Maybe you are a novice HR specialist, or even an accountant or office manager who has been assigned HR, or an aspiring entrepreneur. Then our guide will certainly help you. It is compiled simply and accessible, especially for beginners in the personnel business.

So, you have been assigned personnel. Where do we start?

1. Let’s stock up on the necessary laws, special literature and programs. You will need all this in your work.
Decide with management the issue of purchasing a program in which to conduct personnel accounting. There are many such programs, and many are specialized and very, very convenient. Some bypass the functionality of 1C. But most companies traditionally keep personnel records in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you won’t find specialists in support of other programs everywhere.

2. We take copies of the organization’s constituent documents from the management and carefully study them. All documents in the personnel area must comply with the constituent documents of the company and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for hiring a director (you will formalize it) and setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract can be concluded with him; some features may be prescribed in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key management employees and establishing remuneration systems for them (for example, with the preliminary approval of the general meeting of founders), and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

3. We determine the list of documents that should be in the personnel work area, and which we will draw up. The list of such documents is here -
It is clear that you will draw up documents required by law in any case. Check with management which of the optional documents you will prepare for the company. You can also check with the director in advance what special conditions he wants to see it in the Internal Labor Regulations, other local regulations, and in employment contract forms.

Required documents:

Constituent documents
- Employment contracts
- Staffing (form T-3)*
- Timesheet (form T-13)* or Timesheet and payroll (form T-12)*
- Internal labor regulations
- Document on the protection of personal data of employees (regulations)
- Vacation schedule (form T-7)*
- Personal cards (form T-2)*
- Orders. For example, on the admission of an employee (form T-1)*, on the admission of employees (form T-1a)*, on the provision of leave (form T-6)*, on the provision of vacations (form T-6a), on the promotion of an employee (form T-11)*, on incentives for employees (form T-11a)*, on business trips of employees (form T-9)*, on business trips of employees (form T-9a)*, on transfer of employees (form T-5)*, on the transfer of employees (Form T-5a)*, on the termination of an employment contract with an employee (Form T-8)*, on the termination of employment contracts with employees (Form T-8a), on the application disciplinary action, on the removal of a disciplinary sanction, on combination, on replacement, on suspension, on termination of suspension, on the transfer of vacation, on recall from vacation, on staff reduction, etc.
- Grounds for orders (memos, statements, acts, employment contracts, explanatory notes)
- Journals (books) of registration of travel certificates, very preferably - orders, employment contracts.
- Book of accounting of the movement of work books and inserts for them. Receipt and expense book for recording forms of work books and inserts for them
- Work records
- All statements, notes, calculations and other documents relating to the calculation and payment of wages, vacation pay, compensation for unused vacations, “settlements” for dismissals, approved form of pay slip.

Documents that become mandatory under certain circumstances:
- A collective agreement is mandatory if at least one of the parties (employees or employer) took the initiative to conclude it.
- Regulations on remuneration and bonuses are mandatory if some of the conditions of remuneration and bonuses that apply to the employer are not regulated in any other document, for example, in employment contract, nor in the staffing table.
- Job descriptions are mandatory if all job responsibilities workers are not regulated in employment contracts.
- Regulations on certification and documents accompanying certification are mandatory if the employer carries out certification of employees.
- A shift schedule is required if there is shift work.
- The provision on trade secrets is mandatory if the employment contract states that the employee is obliged to maintain a trade secret.
- Lists underage workers, disabled workers, pregnant workers, women with children under three years of age, single mothers; persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions - if there are minor workers on staff, disabled workers, pregnant workers, women with children under three years, single mothers, persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions

4. We register the director
Check if the director is registered ( CEO) properly. If not, then first of all we register a director. He is the first employee! The documents must show from what date the director has been working. The step-by-step procedure for applying for a director’s job is in the Personnel Package; the necessary sample documents are also there. Also in the Package you will find a seminar “Design labor relations with a hired director” and a lot of consultations on the topic in the corresponding consultation section.

5. We draw up a staffing table, Internal labor regulations, other local regulations (see table from paragraph 3).
Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table, internal labor regulations and other local regulations. Let's make them up. We coordinate all these documents with the director. We take into account the director’s comments and wishes and check whether they contradict the law. Ready options the director approves the named documents.
Please note that the staffing table has a unified form and is not arbitrary. You can download this staffing form here -. If difficulties arise with the staffing table, then in the “Personnel Package”, look at samples of filling out the staffing table, a step-by-step procedure for developing and approving the staffing table, a thematic seminar and the corresponding section of consultations on the staffing table. Also in the Package you can find samples of various local regulations, step by step procedures their adoption, consultations, advice on drafting, etc.

6. We are developing a standard form of an employment contract that will be concluded with employees. We include in it all the conditions that are beneficial and necessary for the company. The Personnel Package contains good employment contract templates and the book “We Hire: Registration of Labor Relations in favor of the Employer.” Parts 2 and 3 of this book tell you in a useful and accessible way how to draw up a legal, but at the same time profitable employment contract.

7. We prepare other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future: accounting books, registration logs, time sheets, order forms, agreement on financial liability etc. In the “Personnel Package” in the “Samples of Documents” section you can take the forms of these documents, print them if necessary, get acquainted with samples of filling them out, consultations on registration and books, seminars on the topic. If you do not have the Package, then some documents can be downloaded here -

8. We decide with management the issue of who will keep work records. Since the employees have not yet been hired, the director will first have to maintain work records. We issue an order for the director to assume responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books. The form and sample order can be obtained from the “Personnel Package” in the “Document Samples” section. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel employee, also by order.

9. We register employees for work.
At this stage, you will draw up a lot of documents: employment contracts, employment orders, personal cards, work books, a book for recording the movement of work books, etc.

Then the employees will begin to work and for the personnel employee the phase of everyday work will begin, it will be necessary to maintain a timesheet, draw up a vacation schedule, arrange vacations, apply incentive and penalty measures, business trips, combinations, dismissals and much more...

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  • Local company regulations - how to avoid liability during inspections

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  • Filling positions and internal part-time work

    The concepts of "acting" or “temporary” are not established by current legislation. Therefore, in order to avoid disputes with employees, the employer must know how to correctly fill out positions and what is the procedure for payment.

  • Local regulations of the company

    The end of the year is the time, after submitting quarterly reports, to start preparing for the coming year without haste: think through the staffing table, prepare a vacation schedule for next year. Also, if necessary, make changes to other local regulations.

  • Vacancies for redundant employees

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  • We formalize changes to the employee’s personal data

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  • When and how to conduct a personnel audit

    Maintaining personnel document flow in strict accordance with the letter of the law is necessary, since these documents are used not only by the personnel service, but also by the accounting department to calculate wages. They can be checked by the labor inspectorate and tax authorities; employees may need extracts and certificates.

  • Personnel audit. What documents does your company need to have?

    An audit of personnel records management is one of the most important components of the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the entire personnel management system and the human resources potential of an organization or an independent procedure as part of measures to reduce the fiscal and reputational risks of the company, including when resolving labor disputes in court.

  • Organization of personnel records management “from scratch”

    The need to organize personnel records management is not such an exotic task, not easy for beginning personnel officers, private entrepreneurs and accountants whose responsibilities include personnel records. However, the whole process can be described simply step by step guidance to action.

  • Working during maternity leave: analyzing possible situations

    Often, a young mother, while on maternity leave, works part-time or at home.
    Some mothers manage to work on the basis of the certificate issued in the prescribed manner certificate of incapacity for work during maternity leave, which is not expressly provided for by law. On practice documenting This situation raises many questions among personnel officers.

  • How to turn an external part-time worker into a main employee

    The transition of a part-time worker to the main position in the same company can be formalized through dismissal or through the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment contract. Filling out the work book depends on when and by whom the entries on the hiring of a part-time worker and his dismissal were made.

  • Documents that the employee must submit

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  • Regulations on remuneration

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  • Changing the employee's job title

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  • Application of a tariff-free wage system. Features of payroll

    This system provides for the distribution of the general wage fund throughout the company (or its division) among the relevant employees. In this case, the general fund depends on the performance of the company (division) in a particular period of time (for example, a month). At its core, the salary of a particular employee is his share in the wage fund of the entire team. Wages are distributed among employees based on certain coefficients (for example, labor participation). And there may be several of them.

  • Payroll calculation under the piecework wage system
  • We are hiring a driver

    When concluding an employment contract with a driver, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that are associated with this position. Some of them need to be specified in the employment contract, others just need to be referenced.

  • Changes and corrections in the work book

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  • In what order are copies of documents provided to former employees of the organization?

    According to the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 N 225 (as amended on May 19, 2008, hereinafter referred to as the Rules), a work book is issued to the employee only upon dismissal, but there are cases when the employee...

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  • Calculation of work schedules (Program based on Microsoft Excel)
  • How to staple documents correctly

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  • How to register the absence of an employee if he is performing government duties?

    Imagine a situation: an employee of an organization is a specialist in a narrow profile and is involved as an expert in the investigative process. Or: a person liable for military service who is in the reserve is called to military training. Or maybe one of your subordinates needs to be present in court as a juror. What do all these cases mean? The fact that the employee must be released from work while performing government duties and his absence must be formalized in a special way.

  • Peculiarities of labor regulation for employees working for individual employers

    Working for employers who are individuals has a number of features. In principle, all employers - individuals are divided into two groups: individual entrepreneurs and individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs. The former use workers to implement entrepreneurial activity

  • What personnel documents should the company have?

    The responsible employee needs to know which documents are mandatory for the company, which become such only under certain conditions, and which documents need not be drawn up, since they are required advisory nature. This will allow you to be well prepared for the meeting with…

  • Employee rights when selling a debtor enterprise

    The Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” does not contain rules ensuring the protection of the labor rights of employees during the sale of a debtor enterprise. The specifics of the labor relations that arise in this case require special analysis.

  • Confirmation of work experience

    When calculating the length of service, periods of work or other activities that are included in it, which took place before the citizen’s registration as an insured person in accordance with Federal law dated April 1, 1996 “On individual (personalized) accounting...

  • Temporary transfer to another job

    In No. 8 of the magazine "Personnel Department" budgetary institution" in 2009, we wrote about the permanent transfer of an employee to another job with the same employer, in which there is no plan to return to the previous position. In addition, the law provides for the possibility temporary transfer. How it differs from permanent, in what cases and in what order it is performed, we will tell in this article.

  • How to prepare for the arrival of the labor inspectorate?

    An inspection of the organization of the state labor inspectorate often takes management by surprise. Especially considering that, by law, a labor inspector has the right to visit an organization at any time of the day and without warning. Based on the results of the audit, not only the head of the organization or his deputy, but also the head of the personnel department, as well as the chief accountant may be held accountable.

  • Notification to the employee: how and in what cases to send

    Often in the work of personnel officers, a document such as a notice is used. Using this paper, the employer notifies employees of legally significant issues. For example, about staff reduction. There is no single form of notification. For each case, a different option is developed. We will tell you how to draw up a notice of company reorganization and branch liquidation. How to notify employees about changes in the terms of the employment contract. How to notify an employee of the need to appear for a work book.

  • Visit of the labor inspectorate

    Any employer must be prepared for the fact that sooner or later a labor inspectorate will visit him. Unfortunately, in the current situation, which is characterized massive layoffs staff, an unexpected visit can happen at any time. Let's talk about what reason an inspector might come for, what his powers are and what the employer's actions are when carrying out control activities.

  • Freelance worker: “Dangerous” moments for the employer and employee

    In Soviet times, “freelance workers” were understood as citizens performing work for an organization and not being on the payroll. With the development of Russian legislation, the concept and status of a “freelance worker” has changed. The thinking of some organizational leaders remained at the level legal regulation labor of "freelance workers" in the USSR. The employer does not always think about the consequences of such relationships.

    Is it possible to get rid of the cunning “ballotman” by legal means? Can. The main thing is to recognize it.

  • What to do with documents upon liquidation of an organization

    Issues of ensuring the safety of documents joint stock companies upon their liquidation were reflected in the resolution of the Federal Market Commission valuable papers. Let us quote the most important fragments for us.

  • Office work in HR department

    Answers from Valentina Ivanovna Andreeva, professor of the department labor law Russian Academy justice, to questions about Documentation of the activities of the personnel service and the vacation schedule in the organization.

  • Common Misconceptions

    The most common misconceptions regarding labor relations

In order for all primary documentation to be kept at the appropriate level, the coordinated work of the HR department is necessary, on which many of the enterprise’s work processes depend.

This is the management of everything related to accounting of funds and movement of personnel.

Timely payments, correct formation of documentation and the flow of other production processes depend on the effectiveness of its construction.

Important: the key to the smooth and timely operation of the HR department are well-trained specialists who, in addition to office management skills, are well aware of Labor legislation.

A personnel accounting process is required to achieve the following goals:

  • Correctly distribute workers among processes;
  • Identify unused resources;
  • Resolve all problematic issues with staff in a timely manner.

You will learn how to properly organize personnel records in an enterprise in this video:

What issues does the HR department solve?

In general, all questions regarding the work of personnel are resolved by the personnel department:

  • Hiring and dismissal;
  • Registration of vacations and payments related to it;
  • The accrual of incentives and bonuses is also within their competence;
  • Formation of staffing. you will learn how to draw up an order approving the staffing table;
  • Making changes to the work schedule;
  • Other staff work issues.

Features of personnel records

At the enterprise, each stage of the HR department’s work is carried out in accordance with regulations, all types of work can be divided into the following:

  • The procedure for drawing up and maintaining personnel documentation;
  • Registration of incapacity for work;
  • Preparation of documents for archiving;
  • Maintaining military records in the organization;
  • Storing personal data of each member of the team;
  • Calculation of insurance premiums.

All personnel document flow can be divided into two branches:

  • For personnel – personal cards and all orders associated with each employee individually;
  • Personnel management - rules internal regulations, regulations on departments, reports on the number of employees.

In addition, the personnel department stores all documents that are the basis for issuing orders, as well as statements and pay sheets, which are not basic, but create the necessary base of additional documentation.

It follows that the main documents are:

  • Collective agreement to resolve situations specified in it;
  • Job description, if some of the responsibilities are not specified in the contract;
  • Salary and bonus provisions for resolving disputes related to payments;
  • Other provisions related to the regulation of the life of the enterprise.

How to properly organize personnel records?

Organization of personnel records in the company

To begin the entire process of accounting for office work, you must initially make a rough outline of the work plan:

  1. Before compiling it, you should study all regulatory documentation.
  2. After which the constituent documents are taken from the manager and studied, they all must correspond to the real papers.
  3. Next, the document flow is prepared taking into account the wishes of the manager to create a folder for optional papers.
  4. After which the documentation itself is generated:
  • Initially, all documents regarding the manager are drawn up;

Important: this official is determined through a competition or general meeting co-founders.

  • After which comes the turn of the staffing table and internal labor regulations;

Important: the staffing table can be formed according to unified form, in this case, you should definitely make a list of positions required in production, starting with the manager.

  • A form of employment contract is being developed, which must be signed by every employee of the organization;
  • The rest are being prepared necessary documents and papers;
  • The person responsible for the work books is determined - at the first stages of the formation of personnel records and the enterprise, the manager is responsible for the reception and registration of employees independently, based on this, it is necessary to draw up an order on the director’s responsibility for the reception and safety of documents;

Important: only after official determination responsible person The registration of workers begins.

  • It is necessary to ensure the storage and use of personnel papers.

After hiring a personnel employee, he is responsible for all the paperwork routine - keeping time sheets, vacation schedules, documenting the movement of people in the enterprise, etc.

What documents relate to personnel?

Basic documentation and its design

A personnel employee uses a number of necessary documents for competent personnel management:

  • Various types of orders on the movement of employees - hiring, dismissal, vacation, business trip and others;
  • The staffing table, which must necessarily coincide with the work schedule clauses in the main employment contract, otherwise this will be a violation of the contract and will lead to penalties;
  • Time sheet;
  • Work books that are stored at the enterprise during the entire period of validity of the signed agreement, these documents belong to strict reporting, so that each is recorded in a special journal, and storage is carried out in a special safe;
  • Inner order rules;
  • Employment contracts are evidence of the conclusion of an employment relationship, they are drawn up with each employee individually, on their basis the employee officially works in accordance with the points listed in the document;
  • Appendices to contracts are drawn up for each case of changes to the main clauses labor agreements;
  • is formed annually 2 weeks before the end of the year, each employee must familiarize himself with it, this document must be formed competently with knowledge of the intricacies of production, so that the simultaneous rest of 2 - 3 people does not disrupt the entire process of the enterprise’s activities;
  • Personal file - a folder must be opened for each employee; a personal card, personal account, all orders of the manager signed by the employee, his statements and other documents that form the chronology of the employee’s actions are placed here. This document is related to accounting documentation, it is formed in the form of folders and journals, which are stitched, a white square is pasted on them to indicate the main details;
  • Job descriptions detailing the rights and responsibilities of employees;
  • The regulations on wages and bonuses are the basis for calculating payments to employees. What are the rules for drawing up bonus regulations and financial incentives LLC employees read.

In addition, many more documents are generated, which are managed by an employee of the HR department.

Who is involved in maintaining documents?

Typically, large enterprises have a human resources department that maintains all documentation and organizes it.

But in small enterprises they save on staffing, so this is done part-time by, for example, the chief accountant or secretary, and the manager himself is responsible for hiring and firing employees.

Automation of personnel records

Using various computer programs for record keeping greatly simplifies the process; at the moment there are quite a lot of them.

Of course, the current one is “1C: Enterprise,” which allows you to automatically print documents and automate the entire process, but there are a number of other programs that are much younger and more progressive.

Personnel administration and personnel records.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

When hiring an employee to an enterprise and entering personnel records, each form of business has its own characteristics, for example, when hiring an employee for the first time, individual entrepreneurs must be registered as an employer:

  • In the Social Insurance Fund – 10 days from the date of hiring the first employee;
  • In the Pension Fund of Russia - within a month from the date of hiring the employee.

If you exceed this number of days for registration, the company will face penalties.

In this case, the manager is obliged to obtain a signature from employees for familiarization with regulatory documents, for this it is advisable to start a journal.

Sanctions for lack of personnel records

Important: an entrepreneur who works for himself has the right not to keep personnel records.

If there is no personnel records at an enterprise or organization, a fine is provided:

  • For official from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • For a legal entity from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

In addition, enterprises may be suspended for 90 days. If verification is envisaged, then:

  • It cannot be unexpected; they warn about it 3 days in advance;
  • It is also carried out for a limited time - 20 days;
  • The visiting commission should be carried out only with the participation of the manager.


Personnel records, according to current legislation, are an integral part of any business process; it is unacceptable for an enterprise that employs full-time employees to operate without such records, since each cooperation must be secured regulations with recording of any changes in it.

Rules for organizing and maintaining personnel records - see here:


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