How to correctly fill out a dismissal order. Order of dismissal at own request

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If an employee resigns voluntarily, then the employer must draw up an order and make a calculation wages and record the dismissal in the work book. Dismissal from work at will is the most common reason for termination labor relations. The dismissal procedure takes place according to current edition Article 80 Labor Code. How are orders and other documents prepared?

How does the dismissal procedure work?

Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The motivation for which a citizen decided to quit does not matter, whether it is a change of job or retirement. The result of these procedures is a full payment of the employee and delivery to him work book.

The employee must submit the application in advance, no later than 14 days before the date of the proposed dismissal. The countdown starts from next day after acceptance of the application, that is, the work book is issued on the 15th day after the date of transfer of the application to management. You can terminate early at your own request. employment contract without observing the notice period. If a mutual agreement is reached between the director and the worker, then the 14-day work period may not be observed; the order may be issued even the next day after the application is submitted.

Stages of dismissal step by step:

  1. The employee must independently contact the employer and submit a letter of resignation of his own free will.
  2. The employer is obliged to accept the application and issue an order for dismissal.
  3. Based on the order of the manager and the completed dismissal order form, the employer enters the data into the employee’s personal file. After making an entry in the work book, the citizen is considered officially dismissed.

By the way, you can apply to terminate an employment contract even while on vacation or sick leave. IN in this case The working period of 14 working days will be counted from the date of application.

Features of drawing up an order

The form of the order was previously approved by the Resolution “On the approval of unified forms” of January 2004. The order for voluntary dismissal had the approved form T-8, if only one employee is being considered, and T-8a, if more than one person has to be fired. Although its use is not currently required, many companies use this form for accounting purposes. In personnel records management, a sample order for dismissal at will is arbitrary; the main thing is that the document contains necessary information.

The order must contain the following information:

  1. Information about the employer's company (details, OKPO, OKUD form address, name).
  2. Document account number and title.
  3. The date the document was compiled.
  4. Number of the employment contract (if concluded).
  5. The date of the scheduled last working day.
  6. Full name and position of the person being dismissed.
  7. Grounds for dismissal. This paragraph always contains a personal statement.
  8. Full name and signature and seal of the manager.
  9. An employee’s signature certifying that the citizen has read the document.

In the T8 form there is a column: “Motivated opinion of the elected trade union body in writing" This mark is used if the enterprise has a trade union. The chairman of this body must familiarize himself with the document, indicate his comments if necessary and sign.

Most enterprises use an electronic form for filling out an order; this is convenient, since there is no need to draw up a document; it is enough to enter only the employee’s data and print the form. However, it is allowed to enter data by hand.

Is it possible to cancel a dismissal?

The order itself is stored in the personnel department, and urgent reporting is carried out on these documents. Also, at the employee’s personal request, a third copy can be provided; this document remains with the dismissed employee. If a person was absent from work or did not have the opportunity to sign a document, then it is still published, but there must be a note about this.

The order is drawn up on the day of payment, and if the employee changes his mind before that day, then he has no right to fire him. Exceptions are cases when another employee has already been invited to this position (the invitation is drawn up in writing), even if the latter has not yet been hired. For example, even if an employee decides to withdraw his application before the order is issued, he cannot be fired.

Sample review.

Dismissal without the employee’s knowledge is also considered a violation of the law. However, when the manager has already found another specialist for the vacated position by transfer from another organization, and he has submitted documents for admission to the staff, the dismissed person does not have the opportunity to withdraw his application.

Sometimes a situation may arise when the employment relationship between an organization and an employee must be terminated. This circumstance can cause both the decision of the employee and the company, as well as for reasons beyond the control of both parties. In any case, such an event must be documented. For this purpose, the dismissal order form T-8 is used.

A dismissal order is usually drawn up by a personnel employee in full compliance with the current Labor Code standards. The basis for drawing up such a document may be an application from an employee who wants to end the employment relationship, a signed bilateral agreement, or a decision of the company’s management based on memos and acts of disciplinary action.

In addition, documents that may form the basis of the order may be forms of third parties - death certificate, summons, medical report, etc.

Important! In order to do it correctly, you need to follow a procedure that is strictly enshrined in legislation.

So, for example, in order to begin dismissal due to systematic absenteeism, it is necessary to first prepare memos from the immediate superior to management, draw up acts of violation of discipline, request explanatory notes from the employee for each fact of absenteeism, etc.

To issue a dismissal order, there is a specially designed form T-8. In addition, at its discretion, the company has the right to use its own form on which to print the text of the order. But in the latter case, such a document must contain the required details for this case.

If an order is generated using computer programs on personnel and accounting, then they usually use unified form document.

Attention! The dismissal order is usually generated by the personnel department on the employee’s final day of work. The law does not prohibit drawing it up in advance, but in this case it must be remembered that the employee has 14 days to change his mind and withdraw his notice of dismissal. And if this does happen, it will be necessary to issue an order to cancel the previously issued order.

After this document is signed, it must be registered in a special order book. If an order is created in the program, then at the time of its execution the personnel employee can automatically generate a note for the payroll accountant upon dismissal, which will contain basic information from the order itself. Based on such a calculation note, the amount of money that the resigning employee should receive upon termination of the contract is determined.

Also in some large companies At the time the order is issued, it is customary to additionally give the employee a bypass slip. It will need to be signed by some of the company's responsible persons. This step is usually used to clearly transfer cases from one employee to another, identify debts on materials, accountable amounts, etc.

Attention! The order drawn up and signed by the director is handed over to the person resigning, who must familiarize himself with its contents and put his signature in the column provided for this. After this, the order is returned to the personnel officer. If the person resigning needs it, then upon written application he can receive a copy of the order or an extract from it.

Based on the order, the necessary information is entered into. After which the order form is filed in the personal file and, together with the personal card, is handed over to the archive for storage.

Download the form and sample order for dismissal of employees using the unified form T-8

Sample of dismissal order

You must start filling out the order from the top line of the form. The full name of the employing company is written there. On the right side of the document, opposite the specified line, there is a field in which you need to enter the company code according to the OKPO directory.

Next is written down serial number document and the date of its execution. Using this information, the order will need to be registered in the order book.

The following is information about the previously concluded agreement with the employee labor agreement- its number and date. The date of dismissal is entered next to it.

Important! Typically, the date of dismissal is considered to be the final working day at the company.

The next step in the order is to indicate personal information about the employee - his full name, personnel number, which was issued by his personnel service, the name of the unit where he performed the work, as well as the name of the position, as indicated in the staffing table.

The next column indicates the exact reason for dismissal from the workplace. As a rule, it must correspond exactly to one of the articles of the Labor Code, to which a reference must be made here.

IN field "Base" information is recorded about the document on the basis of which the decision to dismiss the employee was made. For example, if the contract is terminated at the request of the employee, then the details of the application written by him are entered. If by agreement of the parties, then the data of the signed document that recorded the agreement.

After all the information is entered into the order, it is signed by the head of the company, who must decipher the full name. and job title.

Upon completion of this stage, the form is handed over to the employee, who must record the fact of familiarization with it in a specially designated column.

Attention! If the company has an elected trade union body, then on the order it is also necessary to make a note about his consideration of the document.


In the case where the dismissal is carried out by the company for disciplinary actions, the employee may refuse to sign the dismissal order. Then it is necessary to invite several witnesses and, in their presence, announce the termination of the employment contract. After this, the personnel employee draws up an act of refusal to sign the order, and notification of the upcoming dismissal. After following this procedure, the act is filed with the order itself.

If the company begins time of crisis, it suffers losses and cannot fulfill its obligations on time, including to employees, management may resort to mass dismissal.

However, before doing this, a complex procedure must be followed, which includes notifying all affected employees at least 2 months in advance, notifying the competent authorities, informing about the vacancies that have arisen, etc. During the execution of the dismissal order, in the field the grounds include information about the owners’ decision to make redundancies, or details of the notification of the upcoming dismissal.

If a group of people are dismissed at once, then the standard T-8a form can be used for this. It looks like a large table in which information about each dismissed employee is entered line by line.

Employment relationships can be terminated periodically, with the initiators being both the employees themselves and the employer. Sometimes they reach an agreement among themselves and terminate the existing contract by mutual consent. Regardless of the reason for termination of these contracts, the legislation establishes the mandatory execution of a document such as a dismissal order.

This document is prepared by the personnel service on the basis of a received or corresponding order from management. In the second case, it is necessary to comply with the procedures specified by law.

For example, when dismissing for a disciplinary offense (absenteeism), the dismissal order is issued on the basis of a drawn up act, to which is attached a report from the head of the department and an explanatory note from the employee himself.

The organization can draw up this document in free form on company letterhead or use the dismissal order form T-8. In all specialized programs contains the standardized T-8 form adopted by the State Statistics Committee.

The order is usually issued on the final day of work. It is possible to draw it up in advance (for example, a day in advance, etc.), but then it must be taken into account that if termination of the contract occurs on the initiative of the employee, then he is given the right to withdraw the application before the expiration of the warning period (14 days), and therefore will have to cancel and the order itself.

This document is registered and given to the manager for signature. Together with it, a calculation note is written out, which is sent to the accounting department for the calculation and payment of all amounts due to the employee. A bypass sheet is also drawn up, which is handed to the employee so that he visits all responsible officials, and they draw up all the necessary documents and check that the employee has no debts.

Upon dismissal, this order is given to the employee for review, after which he signs it. The order is recorded in . At the request of the dismissed person, he may be provided with a copy of this order. After dismissal, do not forget to delete the employee from.

Sample of dismissal order

The dismissal order form must contain the name of the company and OKPO registration code.

Below is filled in the name of the document, its registration number and date of execution.

In the next line you need to write down the basis for the existence of the employment relationship - the concluded contract with the employee, the number and date of execution.

Then the personnel number and full name are recorded. employee, profession and name of the department in which he worked.

The next column must contain the reason for termination. It must strictly comply with the article under which the dismissal is made. Therefore, as a rule, points and articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are always indicated in brackets.

The document contains information about the grounds for termination current agreement. It should be taken into account that if it is terminated on the initiative of the employee, the employee’s application and his details must be indicated here; if by agreement of the parties, then his name and details; on the initiative of the employer, the relevant documents of the company.

The order is endorsed by the head of the enterprise, and here you need to write down his position and personal data. After reading this order, the employee must sign it and put the appropriate date on it.

In cases where there is a trade union body in the organization, then the order by its responsible official makes a note of consideration and a date.


There are situations when employees disagree with termination labor contracts, so they refuse to sign the order to stop it. In this case, HR specialists draw up a report, which is drawn up in the presence of several witnesses. In this order, the OK inspector makes a note about this in his own hand and attaches a certificate of refusal to the document itself.

Sometimes a company experiences mass termination of contracts. Before dismissing such employees, it is necessary to initially carry out a whole procedure, which includes notifying them 2 months before dismissal, periodic notification with an offer of another job, etc.

In the document being drawn up, it is necessary to indicate, and the details of the notifications sent to the employee.

It is also possible to use an order in the T-8a form, which is designed to dismiss a group of people.

Download the dismissal order form


The dismissal order is one of the mandatory components of this procedure. Drawing it up correctly and observing all formalities will significantly reduce the likelihood of problems for the company if an employee decides to sue after separation. Moreover, this is not difficult to do - you just need to comply with the requirements of the law.

Who draws up a dismissal order and when?

The dismissal order is an important component of the separation of the employee and the employer, regardless of whose initiative and for what reasons it happens. It is he who serves as the basis for subsequent actions: making an entry in the work book of the dismissed person, making settlements with him, preparing documents that are issued to the employee along with the work book on the day of dismissal.

It is impossible to dismiss an employee without issuing an order to this effect.

In turn, to issue an order, except in cases where the decision of the manager is sufficient for this, one needs its own reasons. If an employee leaves of his own free will, his statement plays this role. In case of dismissal by agreement of the parties - an agreement or, again, a statement with the appropriate wording. When an employee is dismissed, for example, for showing up at work drunk or for organizing drinking alcohol at the workplace - duly executed evidence of the reason for dismissal, the main one of which is a medical examination certificate confirming the state of intoxication.

Many years ago, the author of these lines came across a story when a dismissal that was not properly formalized resulted in the employer reinstatement of the employee through the courts and payment for forced absence. The head of the district administration in the Urals caught an employee he disliked drinking vodka with an old friend in her office. He immediately issued a dismissal order for organizing the drinking of alcohol in the workplace. But since medical examination was not carried out, the official easily proved in court the illegality of the dismissal and achieved reinstatement and payment of compensation due in such cases. When the prosecutor explained to the head of the administration how to act, he was shocked.

The date of issue of the order, of course, should not be before the appearance appropriate basis. After all, if an order is first issued, and then a letter of resignation is submitted or an agreement is signed between the parties, such a situation cannot but raise questions. Likewise, if the order appears after the date of dismissal. As a general rule, the order is issued on the last working day, when the employee should receive the payment. This day is also considered the day of dismissal and the date of termination of the employment contract. However, it is also possible to issue an order in advance, taking into account the above nuances. For example, when a resignation letter has already been submitted and endorsed by the manager or an agreement of the parties on dismissal has been signed by everyone who is due.

The question of who exactly prepares the text of the order is not fundamental. The answer depends on organizational structure companies. In large businesses, this is usually done by the personnel department. In small businesses, where such a unit, even consisting of one personnel inspector, is rarely found - an accountant, a secretary, and sometimes the manager himself.

What is more important is who should sign the order. But only the head of the company or the one who, on the basis of the relevant order and charter of the company, replaces the first person during a business trip, illness or vacation, is authorized to do this.

Rules for drawing up a dismissal order

To order dismissal, the unified T8 form is used. When you need to dismiss several employees at the same time, for example, due to staff reduction or in connection with the liquidation of a company, you can use the T8a form, which allows you to register all those dismissed with one order.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the T8 form; you can develop your own, containing all the necessary data. But in practice, preference is often given to it, because it is more convenient.

The dismissal order must contain the following information:

  • number;
  • publication date; title of the document (order);
  • number and date of conclusion of the terminated employment contract with the dismissed employee;
  • date of dismissal;
  • Full name, personnel number, position of the employee and, if applicable, the name of the structural unit where he works (when the company has few employees, it makes no sense to split it into departments of “one and a half people” each), if necessary, indicate additional information about the employee: rank, class, category, specialty, profession or qualification;
  • grounds for dismissal - reference to the relevant paragraph of Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • basis for issuing the order: name, date and, if applicable, number of the relevant document, for example, a letter of resignation or a dismissal agreement;
  • position of the head of the company or his deputy;
  • signature of the head of the company or a substitute person and its transcript;
  • a note indicating that the employee has familiarized himself with the order and his personal signature;
  • trade union visa, if there is one in the organization.

The order of form T8a contains the same information, but the listed data for employees is given for each of them in the form of a table, where a separate line is dedicated to one dismissed person.

Information about dismissed employees in the order in form T8a is given in the form of a table

Samples of dismissal orders

The reference in the dismissal order is made precisely to Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which lists all the grounds for dismissal, and not separate articles of the Labor Code devoted to each of them. This rule also applies to making an entry about dismissal in the work book.

Sample of filling out an order for dismissal at one's own request using form T8

Form of dismissal order in form T8 - photo gallery

Form of dismissal order in form T8, part 1 Form of dismissal order in form T8, part 2 Form of dismissal order in form T8, part 3

The procedure for familiarizing an employee with a dismissal order

After the dismissal order is issued and signed by the head of the organization, the dismissed employee must be familiarized with the document.

There is no strict procedure for familiarizing yourself with the dismissal order. It is usually determined general rules internal corporate bureaucracy in a particular company. The main thing is that the order bears the employee’s signature. Most often, this formality is performed, among others, directly when issuing a work book to the employee: first, he signs the order, then receives everything he is supposed to take.

It makes sense to immediately prepare a copy of the order for handing over to the employee and ask him to sign for receipt. A receipt from the employee is also allowed, where he lists all the documents issued to him. The option when the employee signs the second copy of the order, informs that he has received his copy and puts the date on it, will also not be a violation.

The copy must be certified by the employer. To do this, put on it:

  • the inscription “True”;
  • date of document preparation;
  • Full name, position and personal signature official who issued the document;
  • seal of the organization or HR department.

A copy of any order relating to labor activity employee and a copy or extract from any document that mentions his personal data. This applies, first of all, to orders for hiring, dismissal, transfer to another position or to another structural unit, salary revision, awards and censures, etc. The employer is obliged to issue all the required documents upon request within three workers days, including after dismissal.

The personal experience of the author of these lines indicates that in small businesses, managers and employees directly responsible for personnel records (and most often in my practice this was an additional burden for an accountant) may not know all the nuances. And be sure that upon dismissal it is enough to hand over your work book and make a payment. However, I usually asked for the kit myself necessary documents. Usually issued without problems. Less often, when controversial situations arose, it was enough to refer to the law.

How to draw up an extract from a dismissal order

At the employee’s request, an extract from the dismissal order must also be prepared. This document duplicates the basic information from the order, but in a more condensed form, in particular, the reason for the severance of the employment relationship is usually not indicated. However, if the employee is given a copy of the order, an extract is usually not needed.

An extract from the order is drawn up on the employer’s letterhead and the extract must contain:

  • date;
  • name (“Extract”);
  • information about the dismissal order:
    • number;
    • date of;
    • Name;
    • Full name, position and other information about the dismissed person from the relevant section of the order;
  • information from the order that the dismissed person needs.

The extract must be certified in the same manner as a copy of the order.

A sample will help you draw up an extract from the dismissal order.

How to draw up an order for the transfer of affairs upon dismissal

A transfer order is not required when an ordinary employee resigns. But when parting with those who occupy key positions in the company, such a need arises. Officials whose dismissal is accompanied by a transfer of affairs include:

  • Head of the organization;
  • Chief Accountant;
  • HR department employee responsible for maintaining personnel documentation;
  • head of a structural unit;
  • any material responsible person(warehouse or garage manager, senior cashier, etc.).

If a replacement for the departing employee has already been found, the cases are transferred to the replacement. If not, to an employee who is temporarily delegated the powers of the person being dismissed for the period until a replacement is selected. This may be the deputy of the dismissed employee, if so staffing table a deputy, or an ordinary employee, is relied upon who has due competence in the matters being transferred and enjoys the greatest confidence.

Sample order on transferring to the secretary the affairs of the company's personnel documentation upon dismissal of the chief accountant who is entrusted with these functions

The order must contain:

  • number;
  • date and place of publication;
  • name - order to transfer cases;
  • the reason for publication - this can be not only dismissal, but also, for example, vacation, transfer to another position, illness, etc.;
  • Full name of those who submit and accept cases;
  • deadline for transfer of cases;
  • a place for transferring cases (accounting, human resources department, archive, conference room, meeting room, official’s office, etc.);
  • Full name of the person responsible for the transfer of cases, usually this is a deputy head, a direct participant in the process, an employee to whom the cases are transferred, etc.;
  • the date of drawing up the act of acceptance and transfer of cases with an inventory of all transferred documents and/or material assets;
  • additional instructions - for example, on inventory, audit, analysis of indicators, etc.;
  • position and signature of the head of the organization with a transcript;
  • notes on familiarization with the order of everyone mentioned in it.

The order must be signed by the head of the organization, even if he himself resigns and transfers the affairs. The new director will be able to take office no earlier than the next day after the dismissal of the old one.

This leads to another requirement - the order to transfer cases must be prepared before the dismissal; before the last working day of the dismissed person, the cases must be transferred in time.

A sample will help you draw up a dismissal order correctly.

How to cancel a dismissal order

Cancellation of a dismissal order is possible in the following cases:

  1. The employee withdrew his previously written resignation letter before the dismissal date agreed with the employer, and the order was issued in advance - immediately after signing the application. He has this right until the date of dismissal, except in cases where someone has already been hired in his place and this is duly documented.
  2. Upon dismissal by agreement of the parties, when the employee and employer agreed to continue the employment relationship after signing the agreement and issuing the order. The cancellation of the order in this case is preceded by the signing of a separate agreement on the cancellation of the previously concluded dismissal agreement. In this case, it makes sense to mention the cancellation of an already issued order among the terms of the new agreement.
  3. At the initiative of the employer. This is possible if the dismissal is initiated by the employer. Here we can highlight the most specific situations. For example, when an employee was hospitalized due to, for example, an accident, and could not tell his superiors where he was and what was wrong with him. And by the time he finally was able to, he had been fired for absenteeism. Or the employer decided to fire the pregnant woman without knowing about her situation, and she then brought a certificate from the antenatal clinic. There are also frequent situations when, having managed to fire an employee for misconduct, the employer then changes his anger to mercy and cancels an order that has already been issued, but has not entered into force. It is also practiced to cancel an order if an employee goes on sick leave and remains on it after the end of the work period. But this is optional. On the date specified in the order, you can also be fired during sick leave. Only upon its completion will you have to pay the temporary disability benefit in full, including the days after dismissal.
  4. By a court decision declaring the dismissal illegal.

The order to cancel (cancel) the dismissal order must contain the following information:

  • name and details of the company;
  • date and order number;
  • a preamble indicating the reasons for its publication;
  • date, number and name of the canceled dismissal order;
  • instructions to staff in connection with the cancellation of the order;
  • basis (employee's application to withdraw his resignation, agreement to cancel the dismissal agreement, court decision, etc.) with details of the relevant document (date, number, name);
  • manager position;
  • signature of the manager with transcript.

Sample order to cancel a dismissal order

How to appeal a dismissal order in court

As you might guess, since one of the grounds for canceling a dismissal order is a court decision, this means that the employee has the opportunity to appeal it in court.

To do this, he must take due care of evidence of the illegality of dismissal and the issuance of an appropriate order.

But we must not forget that the statute of limitations for such cases is very short. According to Article 362 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is limited to one month from the date of dismissal. The countdown starts from the day the work book is issued to the dismissed person. But it’s better not to delay receiving it - in this case, it will be easy for the employer to issue former employee before the court in an unsightly light, proving that he did not take the documents intentionally.

If the employee failed to submit on time statement of claim By good reason, for example, due to illness, he can first obtain an appropriate extension of this period through the court.

The law allows for the settlement of controversial issues upon dismissal and in pre-trial proceedings. But here you need to take into account that this process may drag on and ultimately end in nothing, and the deadline for going to court may be missed. Therefore, it makes sense to launch both procedures simultaneously: if an agreement can be reached out of court, the claim can be withdrawn. In turn, evidence of attempts to resolve disputed issues without trial can be easily added to the case at any time. And when considering it on its merits, this will be an additional trump card in favor of the dismissed person.

It is not difficult to correctly draw up a dismissal order. Practice shows that problems with this most often arise in small businesses, where they often save on the salary of a specialist personnel records management, and existing employees do not have the proper competencies in this area. It also happens that the company’s management simply does not pay due attention to this issue.

When drawing up a dismissal order (T-8 form), many management employees were faced with the question: “What really needs to be crossed out: the line “Terminate the employment contract...” or the line “dismiss...””, the question is quite difficult, so experts suggest There are 4 versions of the correct answer, so consider dismissal order and how to fill it out correctly?

The legislation does not provide a specific answer on how to correctly fill out a dismissal order, and there are also no official explanations on this matter. As a result, not a single inspection authority can say that this column of the order was drawn up incorrectly. At the moment, there are several versions correct design"problematic" lines that experts offer. When conducting an inspection, you have the right to voice them.

How to fill out a dismissal order

First version

Most specialists are inclined to believe that it is necessary to fill out both lines of the order column (the date of dismissal of the employee is put at the bottom, the number of the employment contract and the date are written at the top). In this case, there is no need to cross out anything, since the order form is drawn up incorrectly.

Second version

Before the adoption of the Labor Code of Labor Laws (1992), no employment contracts were concluded with employees. Even after approval of this obligation, former employees could decide for themselves whether they should sign an employment contract with the employer or not. As a result, there is a version that if an employment contract has not previously been drawn up with the employee, then you need to cross out the phrase “ Terminate the employment contract", filling in the date of dismissal.

Third version

There is an opinion that terminating an employment contract or dismissing an employee are completely different things. The term "termination" is used when:

 Fixed-term employment contract (Article 79);
 Under circumstances that do not depend on the wishes of both parties (Article 83);
 In case of violation of the rules for drawing up an employment contract, which are approved by law (Article 84);

The term “termination” is used when:

 Agreement of both parties (Article 78);
 At the request of the employee (Article 80);
 At the initiative of the employer (81 articles);

“Dismissal” may be subject to disciplinary punishment (Article 192). In this case, if the employment contract is terminated, then in the order you need to fill in the line “Terminate the employment contract...” and the line “dismiss...” is crossed out.

Fourth version

The only version that does not cause controversy is the termination of the employment relationship due to the death of the employee. In this case, the Instructions and the Labor Code of Russia are in agreement. As a result of this, drawing up a dismissal order means crossing out the line “Terminate the contract...” - this is either declaring the employee dead (death of the employee) or missing.

So, having considered all the versions on the topic: “ Dismissal order: how to fill out correctly, we can conclude that the first version is the most acceptable, since officials made a mistake when creating the order form, so it is preferable to fill out both lines, of course, if the employment contract was concluded with the employer.


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