How to glue edge tape to the edge of a sheet of chipboard at home. Furniture edges: types, photos

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Carpenter's knife. In principle, absolutely any kind, but definitely not very spicy. Otherwise, there is a high probability of cutting the laminated layer on the chipboard itself.

But the following details will have to be done. Of course, if such gluing of the edge is not isolated in nature. So, the guide. The width between the jaws is 18 mm, since the standard sheet is exactly 16 mm thick.

A block with a layer of soft fabric. I folded several layers of cashmere from an old coat, and this product has been serving faithfully for many years.

And the knob handle is just for ease of use.

Moreover, there is the same one on a block with sandpaper.

True, it had to be changed several times over the years, so short screws with a large head for fixing are simply an ideal option.

That's it, let's get started.
Heat the iron high. As we iron the linen, we warm the edge, and then rub it vigorously with a bar and cloth. It stuck, but its size is larger,

so we cut it off with a knife, always away from us, and start from the middle.

So we cut on all sides. We glue the edge on the other sides of the part.

Now we clean off the residue with a block of sandpaper (don’t get carried away, rubbing it once without pressing will be enough). One piece is ready

We do the same with the rest.
Moreover, peeling off this paper edge is as easy as shelling pears: heat it up again with the iron and remove the damaged or simply unnecessary paper edge for some reason.

That's all the wisdom.

Today, manufacturers of furniture structures use a large number of different materials to protect the end sections of products. The main purpose of furniture edges is to protect people from formaldehyde resin fumes. When making furniture structures, you need to make the right choice of material and know how to glue the edges at home.

Types of PVC edges

The construction market offers a large number of multi-colored finishing materials. The furniture edge not only covers the end surfaces, but is also a decorative element. Each type of edge differs in price, fastening, advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the most common types of finishing materials.

Melamine (unoflex)

The edge consists of several layers of paper. The top layer is considered decorative, since it contains a pattern that is glued to the backing. There are two types of border - single-layer and multi-layer. Manufacturers produce tape with a thickness of no more than 0.6 mm and a width of 16-55 mm. You can easily glue the edge to the chipboard yourself using an iron. The material is purely environmentally friendly, as it contains no synthetic impurities. It should be noted that due to the insignificant thickness of the tape and paper structure, after 2-2.5 years it loses its aesthetic appearance. Manufacturers produce edges in rolls of 200 megapixels, but in the retail chain they are sold from 1 megapixel. The cost of the tape is low. For example, the price is 1 MP. edges 0.4*19 mm is 10 rubles.


The highest quality plastic is used for manufacturing. On the reverse side there is a primer - this is a relief pattern, a protector, which promotes better adhesion of the border to the chipboard. The sides and grooves hide the presence of chips. This edging is quite labor-intensive. On edging machines, manufacturers produce PVC tape with a thickness of 0.2 - 10 mm, and the width depends on the thickness of the chipboard sheet, which can be from 22 mm to 54 mm. PVC tape is sold with or without adhesive. The price of edging material depends on its width and thickness. For example, if the edge width is 19 mm and the thickness is 0.5 mm, then the wholesale cost of a 200 MP roll costs 400 rubles. Today, manufacturers have released edging in aluminum, chrome, and steel colors on the market. Gluing edges on chipboard at home is done directly into the sheet, which makes the product durable. To avoid melting the polymer, you need to monitor the temperature, which should not exceed +45°C. The protective functions of the edge material are designed for a minimum of 5-6 years.

ABS (ABS - Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene).

This is an impact-resistant thermoplastic that retains its appearance for a long time. It is not dangerous when heated and during processing as it does not contain chlorine or heavy metals. The manufacturer produces finishing materials with thicknesses of 0.4 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm. Do-it-yourself edging tape is applied to furniture structures that can withstand low temperatures and high humidity. For internal processing of furniture boxes, edging is done with 0.4 mm, 1 mm tape, and for the front sides, 2 mm thickness is used. It should be taken into account that when heated, the edge may shrink by 0.3%. Edge material comes in a variety of colors with gloss, semi-gloss and matte finishes.

The finishing material can be used to treat a countertop, kitchen or office table, wall shelf and other interior items. In each type of tape material, it should be noted that there is a wide range of colors. To decorate the surface, you can choose a contrasting ribbon.

Required Tools

To edge edges, it is not necessary to use professional equipment or seek help from craftsmen. If you need to update old items, you can cover the surface yourself with multi-colored tape. The question arises: how to glue the edge to the chipboard? It is enough to have the essential tools at hand at home:

  • iron;
  • sandpaper (fine fraction);
  • file (optional);
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • rubber roller (optional);
  • felt or other dense material.

By adhering to some rules, the product will turn out neat. To trim excess tape, use a stationery knife, and to glue it, use an iron.

When the edge on the furniture has come off, you can use a hot iron to glue it back on, and if that doesn’t work, then remove the old edge tape with the same movements of the iron and replace the old one with a new one.

Installation procedure

You can only glue melamine tape and U-shaped PVC edging yourself. Let's consider the technology of how to glue the edge. This method will help restore old furniture or decorate new ones.

  1. Unwind the roll of melamine border. Apply to the end of the surface to be treated. Mark the length with any additional trimming allowance. The standard self-adhesive edge has a width of 2.1 cm, and the width of the chipboard is 1.6-1.8 cm.
  2. Apply tape, align edge along one edge, iron.
  3. Iron in small sections of 10-20 cm.
  4. Roll over heated areas with a roller or felt.
  5. Depending on the chosen material, you need to glue the edge using an iron at a certain temperature. With a properly heated iron, the adhesive base will evenly adhere to the end without swelling.
  6. After the tape has cooled, begin trimming and rubbing the protruding edge with sandpaper or a file.

You can see all the stages of work more clearly in the video below:

The stage of pasting the end surface is completed. The tape allows you to decorate edges of various configurations. If you follow all the recommendations, the end will be of high quality, without scratches, minor defects and glue.

Edge tape for furniture is used not only by craftsmen who make furniture, but also for the restoration of wooden structures by home craftsmen. Any type of edge that is applied to the end of the chipboard independently or by furniture manufacturers gives the product an aesthetic appearance. It also protects the structure from moisture, microorganisms, and insects that can destroy the internal or wood structure of the product, so gluing the edges to the chipboard is simply necessary.

The edge for the tabletop is fixed at the last stage of furniture installation. Without this element, the end sections of chipboard, laminated chipboard and similar particle boards will quickly become unusable, since the material is susceptible to moisture. They are considering different types of edges, the principle of their installation is different, in most cases they use glue, but there is an option for attaching the strip using a glueless method.

Types of furniture edges

They use materials based on paper, wood, and polymers. These options differ in properties, service life, resistance to mechanical stress, point impacts, etc. Depending on the type, different methods of attaching the end edge are used. Thanks to this finishing element, the risk of damage to the countertop is reduced. It is protected from moisture and chipping. If necessary (due to wear, damage), the edge can be replaced. As a result, the service life of the countertop is increased.

Paper or melamine edges

Made from paper, melamine impregnation is used to improve properties. This increases the strength of the product. The base of the material is glued onto papyrus paper. As a result, a multi-layer edge is obtained, each of the coatings performs its own function - it protects the tabletop from the effects of negative factors. The paper should be characterized by increased density. This material comes in the following types: single- and double-layer. The last option is more expensive, but will last longer.

Use a strip with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.4 mm. This is the best edge option. The higher the value of this parameter, the higher the price. It is noted that gluing edge tape of greater thickness is impractical. The options mentioned above do the job.

To protect the end of the tabletop, glue the edge. Moreover, the adhesive is applied from the reverse side of the strip, this makes the installation process easier. The composition must be preheated. The advantages of melamine tape include elasticity, but it does not last long because it wears out quickly.


The edge is also made from polyvinyl chloride. It is distinguished by elasticity and strength. On sale there is a tape with a smooth and textured surface. This allows you to choose a material with the desired properties, guided by the external characteristics of the piece of furniture. Due to the smooth surface, contaminants are less likely to be retained on such a belt. However, in terms of attractiveness, the textured option wins.

Polyvinyl chloride is resistant to moisture and lasts a long time because it can withstand mechanical loads. As a result, the tabletop remains attractive for a long period. In addition, you can choose a color to match the shade of the base material. Due to the large number of positive qualities, such material is used in everyday life by users and professionals.

Additionally, the material’s resistance to aggressive substances is noted, which is important because chemicals often have to be used in the kitchen. Thanks to its elasticity, gluing the edge to the tabletop is much easier. The PVC product fits curved surfaces without being deformed. Parameters of this tape:

  • thickness: 0.4-4 mm;
  • width: 19-54 mm.

The maximum thickness tape lasts longer, but it is less elastic compared to its thin counterpart. The 0.4 mm version is damaged faster. However, PVC edges with a minimum thickness are characterized by high adhesion to surfaces made of different materials. As a result, the adhesive edge will adhere better to the tabletop. The main disadvantage of polyvinyl chloride tape is its low resistance to low and high temperatures. Range of values ​​for this parameter: -5…+45°С.

Made from ABS, plastic

This option withstands mechanical loads much better. This type of plastic belongs to polymer materials. However, the tape has a drawback - its high cost, which is why the material is not popular. The plastic edge for the tabletop shrinks when heated, and it decreases in size. As a result, the tape becomes 0.3% smaller in width and length.

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss.

In addition to smooth, there is also a textured variety. All types are attractive and last a long time.

Veneer edge

The tape is a thin section of wood, it is shaped in accordance with the parameters of the edge. Veneer has a high price. In addition, it is difficult to fix the material on the countertop, since skills in such work are required. For this reason, veneer tape is used less frequently than its analogues. In addition, any wood-based material fails sooner or later, because it is exposed to moisture to varying degrees.

Acrylic edge or 3D

The base is transparent acrylic. To improve external characteristics, a colored stripe is applied. Thanks to the transparent polymer, the tape is voluminous. In addition, you can choose the desired color according to the shade of the countertop. This material is often used to decorate kitchen units in an original style.

Material and tools for work

First you need to calculate the amount of tape. To do this, just find out the width of the tabletop and the perimeter of the furniture cabinets. This is necessary so that the total amount of edge can be determined. The material must be purchased with some reserve - from 20 to 30%. This is due to the fact that some cabinets have rounded corners. In addition, there may be inaccuracies in measurements when cutting the tape. The shrinkage of the material when heated is also taken into account.

Tools and technique:

  • roulette;
  • iron (if a melamine edge with glue is fixed on the tabletop);
  • construction hair dryer - for PVC tape;
  • wallpaper roller, it can be replaced with a piece of felt - used to fix the strip at the end of the tabletop after treatment with glue;
  • sandpaper, in order not to damage the materials, it is recommended to use a fine-grained version;
  • scissors;
  • sharp knife.

You will need glue for the edge. It is recommended to use “88-Lux” or Moment. Prepare a solvent and rags to clean the surfaces before the glue hardens. To secure the film, it is recommended to use a clamp or a large block of wood.

We glue furniture edges with our own hands

Different methods of fixing the tape are used:

  • using an adhesive;
  • without glue, in this case the strip is fixed without auxiliary means, since an adhesive is applied to the back side, the edges of these types are attached provided that the material is heated.

How to glue edging yourself with glue


  1. If an iron is used, its sole is protected with a fluoroplastic nozzle or thick cotton cloth. Temperature - 2.
  2. The strip is positioned so that there are free ends on both sides. It needs to be fixed; first the tape is straightened.
  3. The product is heated along its entire length.
  4. Remove excess material along the edges and along the entire length if it was not possible to select a strip to fit the size of the tabletop.

When fixing a thin edge with glue, you must first sand the end of the chipboard/chipboard board, since any defects will be visible on such material.

Edged with PVC tape without glue on the back side

The adhesive must be universal, then it can be used to fix any materials. The glue is applied according to the instructions. Some types of adhesives require a period of time after application to the surface. In this case, they begin to fix the tape after a few minutes. Instructions:

  1. Glue is applied to the surface.
  2. The tape is applied to the end of the tabletop. Excess glue must be removed with a rag.
  3. You should first smooth out the material and then securely fix it along its entire length.

If installation is performed correctly, the tape will not peel off.

Furniture edges are a tape material that protects our lungs from toxic fumes when using interior items made of chipboard, MDF and laminated chipboard. Modern technologies that are implemented in the manufacture of furniture allow us to minimize the use of harmful components. However, it is still better to cover the ends with a special edge.

Currently, a wide variety of furniture edges are available to the consumer audience. Individual varieties differ according to the material of manufacture, installation method and cost. Among other things, each facing product has its own obvious pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the edges.


In addition to giving furniture aesthetic qualities, furniture edges help protect the ends of products made from chipboard, MDF, and other common materials from the harmful effects of moisture. It is through the ends that insects, microorganisms, and fungal spores penetrate into the inner layers of wood, which accelerate the process of decomposition of materials. Furniture edges make it possible to eliminate the above manifestations.

Areas of application

Furniture edges are successfully used for processing the following interior items:

  • countertops, kitchen and office tables;
  • top covers of mobile and side cabinets;
  • sides and bottoms of cabinets;
  • ends of drawers, cabinets.

Melamine edge

This self-adhesive furniture edge is a paper-based facing material. Products in this category are treated with impregnations in the form of melamine resins. It is the latter that endows the edges with protective qualities.

Based on the number of layers of paper used in the production, multi-layer and single-layer melamine end tapes are distinguished.

If we talk about the advantages of edges in this category, first of all it is worth noting the widest range of available options. Thanks to this, the consumer has the opportunity to select exactly the end tape, the shade and parameters of which most accurately correspond to the existing needs.

When gluing furniture, there is no need to use expensive equipment. For installation it is enough to use a regular household iron. Any housewife can cope with such a task.

The disadvantage of melamine tapes is their insignificant thickness (from 4 to 6 mm). This results in the inability of the material to withstand significant mechanical stress. Due to the paper structure, such edges do not effectively protect furniture ends from moisture penetration.

Furniture edging PVC

This type of end tape is much more durable and resistant to all kinds of external influences compared to the previous solution. The material is available in two versions - 2 and 4 mm thick. Thin tapes are usually used for decorative finishing of ends that remain visible. 4 mm edges are applied to hidden surfaces where there is an increased risk of damage.

The installation of edges made of polyvinyl chloride requires the use of special machines. Therefore, furniture processing using such tapes is carried out only in production workshops.

Advantages of PVC edges:

  • durability and wear resistance;
  • effective protection of furniture ends from mechanical stress and moisture;
  • resistance to acids, alkalis, fats and salt solutions;
  • absolutely non-flammable.

As for the disadvantages of polyvinyl chloride edges, we can highlight the lack of ability to independently process furniture ends at home, as well as some difficulties in obtaining perfectly smooth, glossy surfaces.

ABS edge

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is an extremely durable, highly reliable facing material that does not contain chlorine. Therefore, edges made from this base are widely used in the furniture industry due to their safety.

ABS has a more pliable, soft structure compared to PVC. The material is easy to process, does not accumulate a static charge of electricity, and the cutting process is not hampered by the adhesion of small chips.

Advantages of ABS edges:

  • preservation of the original, rich shade throughout the entire service life;
  • the presence of a perfectly smooth surface;
  • no toxic fumes during processing and heating.

The only drawback of ABS edges is their rather impressive cost in comparison with the same melamine products and polyvinyl chloride facing tapes.

Acrylic edge

What does such a furniture edge look like? Photos of similar products indicate their multilayer structure. The lower part contains decorative trim or design. The top layer is presented in the form. Thanks to this structure, the effect of a three-dimensional image is created. It is for this reason that acrylic products are also called 3D edges.

Among the advantages of such products are a high level of rigidity and resistance to mechanical stress. Acrylic edges successfully protect the ends of furniture from scratches, impacts and chips. The main disadvantage here is the high price.

Softforming and postforming edge

Considering furniture edges and what materials there are for this purpose, one cannot help but note the options for surface treatment using softforming and postforming. These solutions make it possible to provide absolute tightness to the ends of furniture, table tops and facades.

In general, there is no significant difference in the characteristics of these materials. The only difference is the possibility of laminating relief surfaces that have been processed with softforming edges.

How to glue furniture edges?

The use of melamine edges allows you to independently process furniture ends at home. The material is placed on glue and then fixed using a hot iron. This solution is quite acceptable if it is necessary to perform quick, relatively cheap repairs of old furniture.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. To begin with, any old one is warmed up. In addition to it, you need a knife, a small fraction, and a rag.
  2. The edge is trimmed with a margin of several centimeters. The piece is applied to the furniture end, pre-treated with glue, and then heated with an iron.
  3. After melting the glue, the edge tape is pressed tightly with a rag.
  4. Once the material is securely fixed to the surface, all excess is cut off. First, the end parts are removed and only then the longitudinal parts.
  5. Finally, the surfaces are finished with sandpaper.

To ensure ease of work, it is advisable to find a knife with a sharp blade that will not leave burrs. During the cutting process, you must be careful not to remove excess.

Using the same iron, it is convenient to clean surfaces from the remnants of old edge tape. To do this, just warm up the surface of the device, walk along the end and pry off the unnecessary tape with a spatula or knife.


If the main task in the manufacture of furniture is to obtain the highest quality result, it is better to resort to factory edging of the ends. When the only thing on the agenda is cosmetic repairs of old interior items, you can limit yourself to gluing the surfaces yourself with colored tapes. Fortunately, today there is a wide variety of edges on sale that imitate natural materials and are distinguished by a whole host of original shades.

If you have decided to make your own furniture from materials such as chipboard or MDF, you will need to take care of protecting the end parts. This is necessary to make the product look more aesthetically pleasing and last longer. A special edge is used to protect the side surfaces. In this material we will talk about what types there are, how best to glue it with your own hands and other important nuances of how to glue the edge to the tabletop.

To perform high-quality gluing of the material to the tabletop, you need to take into account many nuances, since this process has its own characteristics. Proper preparation will allow you to avoid mistakes during the edging process and will allow you to get a high-quality result, which, firstly, will perfectly cope with its functions, and secondly, please the eye with an aesthetic appearance. Next, we’ll look at what an edge is, why and where it is needed, as well as other important features.

What is edge

Furniture edging is a strip of melamine, polyvinyl chloride, ABS plastic or other material that acts as decoration and a way to protect the product. if the furniture is made from cheap materials, then you cannot do without such an addition, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the effects of formaldehyde resins on the health of household members, and also to protect the furniture material from moisture. If the edge has been glued, the service life of the product increases.

Furniture edging is a strip of melamine, polyvinyl chloride, ABS plastic or other material that acts as decoration and a way to protect the product.

Why do you need an edge?

Many people believe that this element is necessary solely for beauty and a neater appearance. In reality, the edge, of course, performs a decorative function, but this is not its main purpose. The main task of the edge is to protect furniture from moisture. The kitchen is a wet area in the house, and therefore this aspect is especially important here, and closing the ends with the help of such a trick is a necessity. In addition, if the ends of the product are covered, then formaldehyde emissions from the chipboard material will not harm human health.

There is an alternative option that can be used instead of adhesive edges - these are end caps. Their installation is a fairly simple process, but some elements in this case may look superfluous and harm the appearance of the product.

There is an alternative option that can be used instead of adhesive edges - these are end caps.

Where should edging be done?

As mentioned earlier, edging is necessary not only to make the product look beautiful. In addition, it helps protect furniture from moisture and households from exposure to chemical elements. Based on this, we can conclude that edging is necessary:

  • in the kitchen - during family meals, household members should not inhale fumes of resins that are in the chipboard material, as well as in the kitchen space there is high humidity and water is often used, therefore, in order to avoid premature failure of furniture, swelling of surfaces from moisture and other unpleasant consequences from interaction with moisture, be sure to trim the ends with an edge.
  • in residential spaces - a table made of chipboard can be in a children's room, and children will study lessons behind it, or it can be in a study or office - it doesn’t matter, in all these cases, safety and protection from formaldehyde is important, which edging can provide.

Types of furniture edges

There are several types of edges that can be used to decorate the ends.

Paper with melamine

The best option for DIY home edging. It already has an adhesive layer, making the process much easier. It is easy to glue such material, but in terms of its performance characteristics this option is inferior to other types of edges.


PVC edges are strips of polyvinyl film. Their direct purpose is to seal the ends of panels and countertops. There is no adhesive layer provided here, and it will be difficult to glue such material with your own hands.

ABS (ABC) plastic

But this type of edge will be easy to glue on your own, because there is already an adhesive layer, which greatly simplifies the task. It is for this reason that this option is most popular in use.


Veneer is not at all a popular material for edging furniture. It is a section of wood that has been shaped into a strip and painted. More often, such an edge is used in furniture production and exclusively for edging veneered furniture products. To use such material, you need to have a lot of honed skills, knowledge about working with this material and experience. Such material is expensive. In general, there is no reason to use veneer for DIY edging at home. However, it is necessary to know about the existence of such a variety so as not to accidentally acquire it through ignorance.


Such products are made of transparent acrylic. A pattern is applied to the reverse side. Due to the fact that there is a layer of polymer on top, a feeling of a three-dimensional pattern is created, which looks very impressive. For this reason, this variety is called 3D edge. You should not use this material at home. This is too complicated from the point of view of the technological process, and there is no practicality in using such material. As a rule, it is used in professional furniture production if it is planned to make furniture with unusual design solutions.


Profiles are mortise. In this case, the T-profile is inserted into a milled groove at the end of the chipboard. When a special machine for PVC edges was difficult to find, and there were a lot of milling machines in the shops, this option was especially popular. Today he has faded into the background.

The profile can also be overhead. This option is convenient because it does not require special equipment and can be used at home. As a rule, such a U-profile is simply enough to be put on the end and glued with liquid nails. However, there is also a drawback - a few millimeters of the edges will protrude, and dirt and dust particles will get stuck under them.

How to glue an edge to a tabletop with your own hands

First of all, it is important to pay attention to whether the tabletop was cut with high quality. This directly affects the edging. The fact is that it will not be able to hide unevenness, and will only hold well on a perfectly executed cut.
We will divide the entire subsequent process into small stages.

  1. First you need to position the tabletop in such a way that it is convenient to work with the end.
  2. The end itself should be wiped with a damp cloth to clean the surface with a damp cloth to ensure a strong fit.
  3. Next, you will need scissors - cut the edge to the required length.
  4. When the end has dried after wiping with a damp cloth, you need to apply the cut edge to the surface with an adhesive layer.
  5. You need to align the edge along the top edge of the tabletop, then carefully trim the edges.
  6. Next, you will need an iron for ironing synthetics - heat it up.
  7. The edge needs to be covered, for example, with newspaper. One layer will be enough. It needs to be ironed for 3-5 minutes. This procedure will allow the glue to melt and stick the materials to each other.
  8. After the glue has “set”, the edge must be carefully trimmed with a knife.
  9. If ABS plastic was chosen as the edging material, then cutting such material will be difficult. To prevent unevenness from spoiling the appearance, you can carefully remove them using a sander.

Video: How to glue an edge to a tabletop with your own hands

To prevent the cut from being made at an angle, the knife blade must be kept parallel to the surface of the tabletop.

Additional Information!
Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer. In this case, you will also need to prepare a hard wallpaper roller. While the material is heating, it will need to be pressed against the end of the tabletop with a roller.

Material and tools for work

To do the edging of the tabletop yourself, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • an ordinary household iron or a hair dryer for heating the edge;
  • construction knife (it is important to stock up on new blades);
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • scissors.

The materials you need to prepare are:

  • tabletop on which the edge will be glued;
  • the edge itself, matching the color and thickness.

Which glue to choose for edges

Modern furniture manufacturers use hot melt adhesives. This type of glue has long proven itself and has virtually no equal in its quality characteristics. However, there is one significant drawback to using them - you need to have special equipment that can perform gluing at high speed and of good quality. For those who plan to make furniture professionally, it makes sense to purchase such equipment. If you are just an amateur and do not plan to make furniture, then this option is definitely not suitable.

At home, the use of PVC glue is common. It does an excellent job of gluing paper materials to any other materials. It is important to consider that this glue is not compatible with moisture, so it should not be used for kitchen furniture.
But universal adhesives will not only reliably glue materials to each other, but are also not afraid of moisture. It will take 3-4 hours to dry, after which the product will be ready for use. This glue is inexpensive, moreover, it is available - it is available in almost every store, and it is safe.

How to glue an edge without adhesive

Sometimes it happens that edges with an adhesive layer are out of stock or for some other reason it is not possible to purchase them. In such a situation, you can use an alternative - an edge without an adhesive layer. However, you still have to buy glue separately.

In such a situation, you can use an alternative - an edge without an adhesive layer.

Additional Information!
You can safely purchase glue from brands such as “Moment” or “Lux 88”. You definitely shouldn’t buy “88 Luxe” glue, especially if the edge is made of PVC.

It is better to apply glue both here and there - on the edge and on the end of the tabletop. Pressing must be done using a hard roller. If excess glue is visible, it must be removed immediately and
using a damp cloth. After the glue has completely dried, the edge can be carefully trimmed.

It is better to apply glue both here and there - on the edge and on the end of the tabletop. Pressing must be done using a hard roller.

You can do the edging of the tabletop yourself, the main thing is to follow the instructions and take into account all the important nuances. To consolidate everything that was written about in this article, we can summarize and once again recall all the recommendations of experts in a generalized form.

1. The edge may have glue on the inner surface, or may be sold without it. The list of necessary tools and materials and the progress of work will depend on this. If there is already an adhesive layer, then using an iron at low temperature (this mode can also be called “synthetic”) or a hair dryer and a hard roller, apply the edge to the end, which was previously cleared of dust and small crumbs. Be sure to ensure that the entire cut surface is covered with an edge.

2. After making sure that the edge lies flat and covers the entire surface, we begin to heat it (if an iron is used, then the material should be covered with a light cloth or one layer of newspaper on top). The material needs to be smoothed and leveled, exactly until it cools completely.

3. If you cannot find specialized glue, you can use universal glue. For its high-quality “fight” the surface must be especially clean.

4. Adhesive can be applied to both surfaces that are connected to each other. You need to press the edge tightly against the end so that the glue glues the two materials well. You can use a rag or roller to smooth the surface.

5. After the glue has set, the protruding parts can be trimmed or chipped off. The chipped areas can be treated with sandpaper.

Edging a tabletop with your own hands is a fairly simple process, but even here it is important to know certain rules and features. This article looked at how you can glue an edge to a tabletop at home, so after reading the materials in this article, you can safely get down to business.

Edging a tabletop with your own hands is a fairly simple process, but even here it is important to know certain rules and features.


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