How to bewitch a guy without consequences at home - white magic. Options for how to bewitch a man without consequences

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How to bewitch a guy at home. If you think carefully about these words, you get the following: the girl has very low self-esteem, and she is not at all confident in herself and her abilities if she resorts to this kind of help in order to get what she can achieve without any magic, it costs her just want it very much, using all your imagination, charm, charm and femininity. But, if there is no other way to attract the attention of the stronger sex to yourself, your beloved, then let magic become your assistant.

There is a misconception that if I cast a love spell, my dear one will immediately love me sincerely and forever, and I will get away with everything for not following the laws of the universe. No matter how it is! And your loved one will not love you, but will be zombified by you without his own desire, and the universe will not forget that you treated its laws without due respect, violating what is considered immutable from the beginning of time, therefore, without consequences, committing a person’s subjugation to yourself , without his will and desire, it will not work out in any way - you will have to pay the bills in any case - you turn to white magic for help, or to black magic. The fact that white love spells exist is also a huge misconception. Higher power They will never help you fulfill your selfish desires, especially those that relate to the deprivation of the free will of another person. For them, this is a taboo, and they will not violate universal laws, and they do not have the right, unlike a narrow-minded person mired in pride, however, you are beings of free will, and you decide how to act in a given situation. In short, the choice is yours!

Side effects of love spells

As mentioned above, any love spell entails negative consequences, and if someone promises you that these particular rituals will be absolutely harmless, both for the victim and for the performer, do not believe it, they are deceiving you. For every action of this kind, such as a love spell, there will be retribution, which may consist of the following:

  • deterioration in the health of both you and your loved ones (the emergence of various chronic diseases, phobias and mental disorders, accidents);
  • life's adversities and constant troubles both at home and at work - troubles will rain down on you with such force that you yourself will not be glad that you interfered with the immutable laws of the universe;
  • a love spell on a guy at home is not eternal - its effect will not last long, only a couple of years - maximum, but what next? Interest Ask;
  • if the guy being bewitched did not have love for you before the love spell, then after the ritual it will not appear - the person will suffer greatly, experiencing an attraction imposed on him towards you, which can make him aggressive or even dangerous towards you;
  • It may happen that the guy you bewitched will soon tire of you, but the love spell works and won’t go anywhere ahead of time! What then? And then your life will turn into absolute hell - night visits and calls, hysterics and threats to take the life of you and yourself, and the like. Think about it, do you need it?

Methods of love spells are conventionally divided into black and white. The latter are less effective, you will have to wait a long time for the result, but there are practically no consequences for the doer and the bewitched. Black love spells are dangerous, but you will achieve results almost instantly.

Attention: when using black magic, be prepared for the fact that the person being bewitched may hate you, since he will not understand why he is drawn to you.

White magic is gentle and more often passes without consequences: the beloved man or husband whom you bewitch will gradually become attached to you, his will will be free, he seems to at will starts to fall in love.

Black magic, on the contrary, suppresses the will and reason of the chosen one: he becomes aggressive, secretive, sad and subsequently considers you as a savior, that is, he falls in love again. Otherwise, black love spells are called zombies.

Let's look at several ways to bewitch your loved one at home.

Self-defense from higher powers

Suppose you can’t wait and decide to bewitch your loved one in a dark way. In this case, first of all, you need to take care of your own protection. If you are not an experienced magician, an amulet will be enough. The talisman plays the role of a lightning rod: the destructive forces with which you are going to bewitch the object of your love will inevitably fall on you, but the amulet will take part of the blow upon itself.

You will not be able to protect the object of your love. Unless you turn to a professional magician. Among possible consequences: aggression, depression, drunkenness, etc.

How to bewitch a man with white magic

There are an innumerable number of items for performing the ritual. For most of them you will not need your chosen one's personal belongings. We will look at the most popular and effective love spells.

Candle - method without photo

You can bewitch a man at home from a distance using a candle, even without a photograph. Theoretically, a candle can be anything, even aromatic. However, for greater effect, it is better to use a candle that you personally bought in the church. There is a simple explanation for this - all objects in the church have a powerful white energy charge.

Let's look at how to bewitch your husband using a candle:

  • wait until midnight;
  • heat 2 candles;
  • intertwine the trunks of the candles with each other;
  • during the weaving, read the text of the verdict:

Just as these candles are entwined with each other, so you and I are forever united;

  • light woven candles;
  • While the candles are burning, read the following text:

Just as candles are lit with fire, so your and my hearts are inflamed.
Let the heart of the servant of God (name) ignite, with love for me, the servant of God (name) inflame;

  • hide the candles without separating them from each other.
  • Attention: when calling names, say the names under which you and the object of your love were baptized, otherwise the magic will not work.

    Bewitchment by the Moon

    It is believed that best time for this ritual it is spring. Wait until the full moon and do it at midnight. The sky should be clear, and you need to look at the moon and imagine the face of your lover:

    • get on your knees;
    • look at the moon and read the text:

    How your face shines in the sky every night,
    So let the servant of God (name) remember me every night;

    • go to bed without saying another word.

    In fact, the text can be anything. The main thing is its meaning. So, a love spell that you wrote yourself, from the bottom of your heart, thinking about your chosen one when writing, will have greater power.

    Water or milk

    This love spell is suitable for couples who see each other often and communicate closely, or spouses whose love has begun to slow down. In the evening, offer your chosen one a cup of milk or a glass of water, after introducing the drink with the following words:

    Lord Jesus Christ, help your servant of God (name): give me the strength to inspire the servant of God (name) to love me. Just as a child cannot live without mother’s milk, so may the servant of God (name) not be able to live without me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

    For magic to work, you must believe in its action. You should not carry out the ritual at random - either it will not work, or it will come back to you a hundredfold.

    Remember that while casting the love spell itself, you need to think about your lover in a positive way. No, you’re an ungrateful creature, but I love you madly, I want to live with you all my life.

    Bewitch your beloved man in a black way

    With photos and candles

    You will need the following things:

    • photograph of the chosen one;
    • 4 candles;
    • needle;
    • brush (as for watercolor);
    • a handful of soil from the graves of any married couple.

    We do it on the waning moon at midnight. Ritual mechanism:

    • sit down at the table, place a photograph in front of you;
    • Place candles on the corners of the photograph and light them;
    • use a needle to pierce your finger until it bleeds (it should be enough to write the text of the love spell);
    • Use a brush to take blood from your finger and write the following words on the photograph, saying them out loud:

    I give you pure blood, I will unite you with me. If you go for blood, you will forget everything. Both earth and fire are his witness, to the gravestone;

    • throw a guest of the earth into the photograph and repeat the text of the conspiracy out loud again;
    • set fire to the photo from 4 candles at once and read the love spell for the third time.

    Attention: The image of the beloved must burn to the end.

    This ritual is considered extremely effective. But a love spell using menstrual blood is no less powerful.

    Black love spell without photo on menstrual blood

    There are many variations with female blood. Among the most painless for both you and your man is the method for menstruation:

  • add a drop of blood to red wine or any food, speak its words and give it to the chosen one;
  • drop blood onto a white cloth (clean and unworn), burn the cloth, and add the ashes to food or drink.

Words for a love spell on blood:

Drink my blood and give your will.

Just as this blood was in me, so come to me.

A spell cast using menstrual blood is effective and was widely used by your grandmothers’ grandmothers, but you need to be careful with it, since such a love spell belongs to the black category.

Today we’ll talk about how to bewitch a guy, someone you like, at home (spells) without the help of magicians and psychics. If it turns out that your love is not mutual, and you do not want to put up with this state of affairs, having decided to turn to magic, then below you can read effective conspiracies for love.

What is a love spell, the difference between black and white magic

The classic version of defining a love spell is an energetic impact on an object using various means, as a result of which the person being bewitched begins to feel sympathy, and then strong love (or rather its semblance) for the one who made or ordered the love spell. However, there are some pitfalls here, otherwise everyone would rush to arrange their personal lives in this way.

It is believed that there are two types of magic - black and white. Accordingly, love spells can be done in one way or another. The difference between love spells is that with the help of black magic, the object of desire is forcibly tied to the “customer”. Even the words of the conspiracy say that he must dry up, and his life is impossible without the one who bewitched.

In the case of using white magic spells, the bewitched object does not become so attached to the customer, his feelings begin with sympathy, and in general the whole process occurs much more smoothly. However, if you decide that in this case there will be no consequences, then you are mistaken.

Any love spell you use is a suppression of a person’s will, deformation and destruction of his inner “I”, especially if the person is weak energetically and spiritually, so it is difficult for him to resist.

If the effect is strong, then the object of the love spell will soon begin to show aggression towards the one who bewitched him, perhaps becoming depressed or starting to drink.

The customer should not delude himself; a disappointing future awaits him too. Not only can feelings fade away and the one you bewitched will become disgusting to you, but also your own life can go downhill. Illnesses, problems at work, external situations are far from full list of what might happen.

Therefore, before you decide to take such a step, you should think it over carefully, because you may miss your true soul mate. Below we will look at various conspiracies that you can use if you still decide to go further.

Love spell with a broom

This ritual is performed at the threshold; for it you will need two twigs from your broom. Take them out and hold them in your hands. Think about who you want to bewitch, about the feelings you want to evoke.

Afterwards, read any prayer. Be sure to say in it the name of the person you want to bewitch. At midnight, place the bars on a cross at your loved one's doorstep so that he can step over them in the morning.

Love spell on milk

IN in this case The love spell is performed on milk, but in general you can choose any liquid. You should know that this option refers to white magic. You need to cast a spell on milk in advance, reading a spell or prayer about it, putting all your love and bright feelings into the words. Do not utter any words that refer to black magic.

Pour the finished milk into a container (glass or cup), and then give it to your lover to drink. The ritual should be repeated once (to be sure, you can repeat it three times).

How to talk a guy into love-sickness

This ritual causes love-sickness in the one who is invoked by the conspiracy. You will get results if you mentally think about the object of feelings every day; the power of thought will sooner or later manifest itself in reality. Say the following lines exactly nine times.

Love spell using thread

For this spell you will need a thread. Some consider this option to be fortune-telling, as it can predict the future development of your relationship. So, take a skein of thread and start winding it around your finger, saying the following words:

After pronouncing the words, remove the thread from your finger and rewind it into a ball. Watch carefully how the thread behaves. If it is wound smoothly and does not get tangled, then your action will be crowned with success. If the thread gets tangled, then there will be a place for quarrels and various problems in your relationship.

If it breaks, then the person you want to bewitch is definitely not your destiny, you will not be able to find happiness with him. And yet, having decided to resort to other methods of divination, there is a very high probability of troubles and misfortunes that will come into your life with this person.

Love spell from photo

  • Photo of your loved one (choose it from the last ones, so the effect will be better).
  • Regular ballpoint pen.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Red thread.
  • Church candle.
  • Red fabric.

The advantage of this method of bewitchment is that it is considered the most effective even at a distance. Therefore, be prepared that after the ritual, your object of desire simply will not be able to live without you.

If you are confident in your decision and are not afraid of the consequences, then you can begin to perform a love spell. Write to back side photograph your loved one’s name and yours, and then, holding the photo in your hands, say the following words:

When pronouncing words, you should use a needle with a red thread threaded through the chest area of ​​the person being bewitched. Make stitches so that the first matches the last, the needle should remain on your side. Do not cut the thread at the end, but tie it with a triple knot and fill it with wax. Say “So be it!” - the final words of the ritual.

Love spell on menstrual blood

Also, one of the most effective love spells is a spell based on a woman’s monthly blood. However, such divination will only be in effect for one month, and after that the guy’s feelings will gradually fade away.

Repeated ritual is dangerous for him, since problems with the intimate sphere, gastrointestinal tract, and emotionality (increased aggression) are possible.

The love spell itself can be done in two ways. The first is done at a distance. To do this, you should take a photo of the guy, drop your monthly blood on it and burn it.

In the second method, you should also use a conspiracy. Add drops of blood to the food or drink of the object of desire, while saying the following words:

Fortune telling on food

There are several ways to bewitch a man using food. One way is an apple. At midnight, take a beautiful fruit, cut it into two parts and cut out the middle. On a small piece of paper, write your name and your boyfriend's name. Holding a piece of paper in your left hand and an apple in your right, say the following words:

Place the paper in the middle of the fruit, close it and wrap it with red thread. Hide it somewhere and let it dry. Eat the core.

Candy can be another means of love spell. Buy a whole box and put it on the windowsill. Place two candles from the church nearby. At twelve o'clock at night, light them and cast a spell.

Put out the candles with your hand and let the candies sit on the windowsill all night. After the ritual, the sweets must be eaten within a week by the object of your desire.

Love spell on candles

You can also bewitch a guy using the energy of candles. This spell works well at a distance, and all you need from available materials is a piece of paper and a red candle. Write the guy's name and yours on the piece of paper. Burn it in the flame of a candle, while repeating the following spell:

Scatter the remaining ashes to the wind.

Love spell on a flower

A very simple love spell can be performed on indoor plant. Buy a flower that can bloom. It could be Kalanchoe, begonia or hibiscus (you can also choose another plant).

Name him after the guy you have feelings for and court him. The plant must grow, get stronger and bloom. The result of such a long-term love spell is that the feelings of your object of desire will live as long as the plant feels good.

Buy a flower for a waxing moon or a new moon, prepare it immediately required quantity money, no change. You need to water the flower with holy water.

Love spells using prayer

Such love spells belong to white magic, and are based on visualization and prayer. After its implementation, your lover will begin to sympathize with you, he will feel good in your company and gradually his feelings will become stronger, he will form a dependence on being with you.

To perform a love spell, you will need a personal item of the person being bewitched, for example, an item of clothing or a watch. It must be sprinkled with holy water and the following words must be said:


Now you know ways to bewitch a guy, someone you like, at home (spells). However, before you put them into reality, think about the consequences for yourself and for the object of your desire. If love is imposed by force (or rather, not even love, but attachment and dependence), then a sad outcome is quite likely.

How? You haven't read yet:

No matter how funny and absurd the rituals associated with love magic may seem, they really exist and operate, despite time. No one has yet been able to clearly explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

To put a strong love spell on a guy at home without consequences, from a distance without a photo

If you want to attract a guy to you, without negative consequences for him, use the basic techniques of White magic. This means that you will not try to unquestioningly subjugate the will of your loved one to please you, but will only lead him to the idea that you are exactly the girl he needs, while leaving the final right of choice to him.

To avoid consequences, before resorting to magic, maybe you should try to realize yourself as an individual. Then you can be interesting to your friends and desirable to your loved one. It’s hard, but it will bind your chosen one to you more tightly than the most powerful love spell.

How to quickly bewitch a guy who likes conspiracies and consequences

You can bewitch a guy using magic quite quickly. If a professional gets down to business, the love spell will work the very next day. Everything would be fine, but in life you have to pay for everything, and the price for a perfect love spell can be the health of your loved one, and in some cases, your children together.

You can bewitch someone quickly, but then you will have to live with this person for a long time. Many people note that under the influence of a love spell, a person’s behavior changes dramatically. He becomes aggressive and seeks an outlet in alcohol. It turns out that the once beloved turns into unwanted and hateful. Whether you agree to live your life with such a person and whether it’s worth making a love spell at all is up to you to decide.

How to love a guy yourself at home using a photo, an apple, or candles without consequences

A love spell on an apple is considered one of the easiest. This ritual can be done by everyone. The main thing is not to tell anyone that you did it.

On the waxing moon, sit at the table, light a candle, put a photo of your loved one in front of you and write his name on a separate piece of paper. Light another candle and write your name on the same sheet. Cut the apple in two, place a note with your names on one of the halves and put the apple back together. At the same time, you should imagine your loved one as clearly as possible and tell him about your feelings as if he were nearby. For this, in fact, photography is needed.

At the end of the ritual, the apple is placed on the windowsill. There it should lie for 7 days. If the apple begins to dry out, it means that your loved one will soon show interest in you. A rotting apple is a sign that you are too different to be together.

The used apple, regardless of the result obtained, must be buried.

How easy and simple it is to bewitch a guy yourself without candles, without his things, white magic, without him and without harm

You can bewitch a guy and make him understand your feelings without resorting to the help of magic and witchcraft. What's wrong if you are the first to invite the guy to get to know each other better and agree to meet in an informal setting?

If you still can’t do without magic, then try the following ritual. In the evening, fill a cup with water and read the following spell over it:

“The new moon is born, sharing its beauty with me. Let my face be white, my skin soft, my hair long, illuminated by the moon. You won't find a beauty more beautiful than the moon at night,

and in the light of day - more beautiful than me. Amen."

In the morning, you will need to wash your face with the enchanted water, pouring every drop of it on yourself: This conspiracy relates to White magic and will not harm anyone, and will only once again give you confidence in your abilities.

How to effectively bewitch a guy at home on the water, using his things in one day

The simplest and effective love spell at home it is done with water. For him, water from a well or spring is poured into an ordinary glass (water from a tap will not work, it loses its natural strength) and a curse is pronounced three times in a whisper:

“Just as everything dries up without water, so you (the name of your loved one) cannot live without me, you will dry up. Come to me, as to a spring, and I will give you a drink of life. It will be like this. Amen."

It is advisable for the beloved to drink the charmed water. If he doesn’t want to drink, don’t insist, but casually pour water on his clothes. The plot is strong and will work even if you use such an unexpected method.

How to really and correctly bewitch forever on a cigarette, on blood, on paper

Ideally, this love spell is done on the waxing moon. They write the name of their loved one on a cigarette with their blood. The cigarette is completely smoked, and the ashes are collected on a paper sheet.

Then, in one breath, blow away all the ashes from the leaf and recite the spell:

“If you don’t collect the ashes, you won’t leave me!”

The magical effect of a love spell on a cigarette is due to three powerful magical elements used by sorcerers and shamans since time immemorial - tobacco, fire and smoke. Therefore, there is no doubt about the power of the love spell.

How to bewitch a guy without consequences at home » Love spells » How to bewitch a guy yourself

Love magic is by far the most popular method of influence. Many girls are looking for methods on how to bewitch a guy and try to perform rituals on their own. It is important to remember that any impact of this nature can affect all parties involved in unexpected ways. To avoid this, you need to know how to bewitch a guy without consequences, without outside help.

How to bewitch a guy

Most often, girls look on the Internet for information on how to bewitch a guy at home. This is a very important step. Magic abilities live in every person, only some devote a lot of time to it, and some don’t. In any case, it is necessary to thoroughly and seriously prepare for the rituals. You need to correctly set up the fields of your energy flow, clear your mind and concentrate on the goal, clearly imagine its implementation.

Before executing a plan, it is necessary to study all aspects of the matter, how to correctly carry out a bewitchment. Love spells are recited on the night of the waxing moon or on the full moon. Magic is powerful visualization, not just ritual actions and words. The moon strengthens the influence of women's thoughts precisely on its waxing days. Since ancient times, the moon has been considered the patroness of women.

To bewitch a guy, ritual actions are usually carried out on the day of the week with a masculine name. Magic at home cannot be used unless absolutely necessary. When performing an action, a woman must understand that she will have to spend her whole life with her chosen one; if there is no certainty, then it is better to leave everything as it is. Love spell magic has a strong impact on a person’s will and thinking, changing his fate and behavior, causing a lot of harm.

Women are less susceptible to the effects of love spells due to their physiological structure. Even if a guy managed to bewitch a girl, with the very first menstruation all the pseudo-love will pass, but a woman can have a rather strong effect with the help of blood. Before carrying out such rituals, you should think several times, because you can not make a love spell yourself, but direct severe damage. Such love spells have the power of a family curse that passes from generation to generation along the male line - this needs to be understood. By making a love spell, you doom your daughters and sons born in such a marriage to an unhappy life. If you are still thinking about how to bewitch a guy on your period, then you can get started.

Bewitching a guy with menstruation is the most effective and strong method. Menstrual blood washes a woman's genitals and can cause wild sexual desire in a man. After waiting for the moon to rise, you can begin the ritual action. It is necessary to collect blood on the second or third day of the menstrual cycle. By the light of a red wax candle, read the plot:

“You tasted my blood, forget how free you were, give me your heart and give me your love forever. You can’t run away from me, you can’t get away.”

The main ingredient of the ritual is added to the food or drink of the guy he likes. You need to complete the ritual in the coming days, and be sure to make sure that everything has been eaten or drunk.

You can bewitch a guy effectively and independently using a photograph. This method is considered one of the strongest. You need to choose the right photo:

  • it must have been made very recently;
  • the entire person must be in the frame.

To carry out the ritual, you need to light a church candle and, turning the photograph to face the fire, move it in a circle, saying the spell:

“Just as I (my name) miss you, so you (boyfriend’s name), without remembering yourself, fall in love, and don’t live, don’t eat, don’t drink without me. Let the one I like finally come, and we will become the happiest on Earth.”

At the end of the ceremony, burn the photo and scatter the ashes to the wind.

It is very easy to bewitch a guy with an object if you have any personal item of the object at home. This can be any object that a man often comes into contact with throughout the day. An important point In this ritual, energy marks appear. Negative memories and feelings should not be associated with the item. On the full moon, light red candles and place the object in the middle, touch it with your fingertips, and, closing your eyes, read the spell:

“The power of my will, the power of my thought, be embodied in this object, always remind me (the man’s name), don’t let me forget. I want to bewitch, to sow melancholy in the soul. Let him not want to live without me and lay his love at my feet.”

At the time of the ceremony, it is necessary to clearly represent your chosen one. After the manipulations have been completed, the next day the man must take this thing from your hands.

Bewitching a guy at home with candles - another one effective way get rid of loneliness. A candle is an integral part of any ritual action, even if it is black magic. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon:

  • take two thin candles;
  • one will symbolize you, the other a man;
  • write a name on each candle and wrap them in a spiral;
  • set them on fire at the same time and read: “as these candles burn with fire, so let two souls (your name and the guy’s) burn with passion just now, let my words come true”;
  • at the end of the ritual, blow out the candles and inhale their aroma;
  • Before going to bed, tie the cinders with red thread and put them under the pillow.

Hair is a unit that carries a large flow of energy. Bewitching a guy at home by hair is quite an effective way, but not entirely easy to implement. The difficulty lies in finding the hair. On the third night of the waxing moon, you need to light red candles, first placing them in a triangle. Place a mirror in the center, a hair on its glass, read the spell:

“I conjure a piece of him, I conjure his soul not to resist, but to submit and submit to my will, to become my soul mate. Let him stand in front of me. Just as a book is read, so he is read by fate for me.”

From each candle, drop a drop of wax onto a hair. After the wax hardens, always carry the resulting amulet with you, especially when you are about to meet the object of your desires.

How to bewitch married man? First, in the evening, pour cold water into a bucket and throw a silver ring into it. As the sun begins to rise, rotate the ring at the bottom around its axis to the left and say the following spell:

“Beloved, desired, (man’s name). As the dew subsides, my beloved will find me and will be mine forever. I just want you to be happy with me. My word is as strong as a stone.”

Then throw all the water out of the window. The ritual must be completed before the dew disappears. The sooner after the ceremony the girl catches the eye of her beloved, the sooner the love spell will work.

How to bewitch ex-boyfriend(husband) safely, using hair and a comb. You will need a piece of his hair, maybe a very small one, you should always carry it with you. Read the spell on the comb:

“Comb, comb, comb your favorite hair, let it remember how much you loved and how happy you were with me. Brother teeth, help me, bring my beloved back into my arms. Day after day let him suffer without me and come back forever.”

Then return the item to the person.

Christmas is the time to practice witchcraft. If you are interested in how to quickly bewitch a guy, this is the best moment. In order to bewitch the object of desire, you need two candles, a photo of your lover, and a mirror. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, place candles, place a photo between them in front of the mirror, so that you can see the guy’s reflection in it. In complete silence, you need to focus on the object of your desires, and then begin to read:

“On a dark magical night, let the air bring (your name) to me, help me spirits, and strengthen my power as a fortuneteller. Let the magic corridor deliver the words of my soul to my dear (man’s name). Just as magic candles burn, so let his heart begin to glow with love, let him always desire me and never know life without me.”

Such simple love spells will have an impact not only on unknown guy, but also on ex-husband, and will help get him back.

A very simple old love spell is done at home on Christmas time, using a comb. Combing your hair before bed with the words:

“It falls hair by hair, and my dear (man’s name) strives for me. Tomorrow he will come up to me and start a conversation with me.”

Then place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, you need to collect the hair that remains on the comb, burn it, and put the ashes in your loved one’s food or drink. Thus, you can bewitch a guy without consequences. This action is aimed at attracting attention, starting an acquaintance, if after the manipulations the chosen one called, it means that he really had feelings.

Christmas love spells are the most powerful and safe look impact. It is at this time that the souls of deceased ancestors descend to earth and you can ask them for something for yourself: love, prosperity, children. One of these rituals performed on Christmas Eve is a love spell on saliva. With the help of this action, you can get the relationship off the ground, give it some progress if you already have feelings, but don’t have the courage to approach, or so that the person you’ve been dating for a long time finally asks you to get married.

Draw a protective circle and place a burning red candle in it, put a photograph of a man next to it, and sit in the circle next to the objects, visualize your thoughts and feelings. After a while, wet your thumb and place it on the image in the heart area and read the words:

“Just as night fortune telling under the moon is strong and strong, so will your love be mine only. Speak about it in words, show it in your actions, so that not only is there a buzz in my heart, but it appears to me. And with your words and your deeds, express your love. The heart speaks, so let the mouth speak about love.”

Love spells-lapels: how to find out that your man has been bewitched

Many married girls faced such an unpleasant event in life as an evil rival who is trying with all her might to destroy the marriage. In order to protect against such individuals, you can use a lapel, anti-love magic, or use prayer. Pure sincere faith is the best weapon against evil people. How to find out that your husband is bewitched by another woman:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • facial symptoms of depression;
  • often lashes out at family members;
  • shows a very strong craving for the person who performed the bewitchment ceremony;
  • Minor troubles happen at home.

After ritual actions, you can confuse a person’s behavior with real feelings, and think that he really fell in love.

If you don’t want to give your husband to your friend, the ideal ritual, which is quite easy to do, would be a love spell on pectoral cross IR. You need to remove it discreetly, and then put it back on the subject’s neck and fasten the chain around his neck with your own hands. To bewitch a man at home, you will need three wax candles, a vessel with holy water and a cross. In the center of the room, in evening hour, you need to set up a vessel with water, light the candles and, lowering the cross into the water, pronounce the words for ten minutes:

“I speak to the pectoral cross, I want to return my beloved, let our strong feeling remember how he loved me, and forget the homewrecker, hear the month, help bring back the most beloved.”

The cross must be returned within three days.

If a girl needs to fight off an annoying boyfriend, she can make a simple lapel with a pin. We need a new thing over which the words are read:

“If you stab until it bleeds, just as you stab, the feeling for me will turn into disgust for him. He will forget, fall behind, and begin to live happily without me. I return your love to you (object’s name).

It is necessary to pin a pin on a person's clothing in such a way that it causes discomfort, perhaps even pain. The point is for the querent to take off the item himself.

How can a guy bewitch a girl? Not only girls are looking for various extraordinary ways to achieve the love of the person they adore. Great easy option for guys - a love spell on candy. You will have to present such gifts quite often. One charmed candy will not be enough. You can do the ritual with individual candies or with a whole box. At home, you should put your photo on the box. You must be at full height in the photo. The photo should lie on the candy for a couple of hours, or even better, a day. Then read the spell over the sweets:

“Sweetness on the tongue, my image (my name) in the heart of my beloved (girl’s name).”

White and black magic love spell rituals certainly leads to certain consequences. Whatever the intervention, and whatever the motivation for such action, this is a change in one’s own and someone else’s fate. Our whole life consists of interconnected events, violating which a person must realize that he will have to pay for it. Wedding as a result love magic will not make you happy, in any case. In such a marriage, you may not even be destined to become a mother. Before you start witchcraft, think, because somewhere a person destined by fate is waiting for you.

It’s not uncommon that after various magical manipulations, girls turn to magicians for help with the words: “I bewitched a guy, but now I don’t know what to do with him.” This is due to the fact that under magical influence, behavior and thinking change, and you may get a completely different person than the one you liked. Therefore, think 100 times before asking the question whether it is possible to bewitch your beloved guy.

How to bewitch a guy. How to bewitch a man. Ritu�


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Deciding on a love spell is very difficult

What to do if your loved one does not pay attention to you after a quarrel or breakup, or you fell in love, but they remain indifferent to you? What should you do to win back his love or arouse his feelings for you?

To do this, try strong love spells without photographs, because you may not have photographs of your loved one. In the article we give recommendations from experts in magical rituals on how to make a love spell without a photograph correctly.

Red candles for love spells

If you want to bewitch or bring back your loved one, try performing a magic ritual and performing a strong love spell without a photo. You will have to complete it within seven days, but the results are amazing! For this you will need:

  • Half a meter of red satin ribbon (like blood);
  • Thick (“gypsy”) needle;
  • Two large red candles, preferably made of wax.

Heat the needle on the fire, holding it with tweezers, and then scratch on one candle given name, and on the other - a loved one. Now tie both candles together with a red ribbon and light them. Now for an hour you need to look at the fire and slowly repeat the spell. Do not stop during this time and do not be distracted by anything else. Lock yourself in the room, tell your family not to disturb you, turn off the telephone, radio and TV, close the windows to exclude distracting extraneous sounds.

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Is it possible to make a mirror love spell yourself?

On the second day, you light the same candles again, but the plot is read for fifty minutes, and so every day reduce the ritual time by 10 minutes. On the seventh day you will have candle stubs left. Take all the items involved in the ritual, an igloo with ribbon and a candle, and burn it near your loved one’s home. Now quickly go home without entering into any conversations or looking back. It is absolutely forbidden to talk to anyone until you are at home.

When you get home, take a shower and go to bed. This love spell without a photo can forever bind a guy or a girl, at any distance. His blood will always boil near you, so he will never stop loving you or abandon you. Such a magical effect can only be removed with the help of a professional.

Try the strongest love spell on a man without a photo, which you can easily do at home yourself.

You will need 40 candles for the ritual, one for each day of the ritual. Take them all, tie them together with a red light satin ribbon, light them and immediately extinguish them by immersing them in water. Now hide the candle bundle away from the eyes of your loved ones so that no one sees them or takes them.

Now you will take one candle at a time and place them in the same plate. While the candle is burning, you will need to read the plot until a small stub remains from the candle. After forty days, collect the remains of the candles and wrap them in a clean sheet of white paper.

Find in the area young tree with fruits, any - apple, pear or other. On a moonlit night, bury a bundle with the remains of candles under it. Now, as long as this tree is alive and healthy, the love spell will not lose its power.

We speak food

What to do if your husband has found a sexual relationship on the side? Do not despair! There is a powerful love spell without the use of photography, which can be done using meat at home. How to bewitch a woman, wife, girlfriend or man without consequences?

For this ritual, you need, without haggling, to purchase a piece of juicy pork at the meat market on Saturday, on this very day. Bring the meat home and cast a spell over it. Give half of the enchanted product to the dog, and cook the second part deliciously to feed your beloved husband or boyfriend.

It must be said that such a ritual is done on one day, during the period of the waxing moon, with the aim that the love of a guy or husband for you also grows like the moon. This ritual is also carried out in an atmosphere of secrecy, and after it no one should know about it, not even the closest relatives and friends, and even more so, the man on whom you cast the love spell.

A love spell without a photo is not long-term

If you have the opportunity to take some personal item, belonging to a loved one, you can try to do an easy ritual to evoke love. Such a thing can be a handkerchief, lighter, lipstick and others. Negative consequences for this love spell are missing.

  • Buy new thing, perform a ritual with her and give the enchanted object to your loved one. At the same time, the gift should be such that it is not thrown away, but used for at least 2-3 months;
  • If you were able to get the favorite thing of the object of bewitchment, you need to speak it secretly and return it back in the same way;
  • If the object is far from you, his item will not be returned after the love spell. It must be kept in a secret place or destroyed.

The only drawback of this love spell is its short duration, but it can be repeated periodically as long as you need this person. The duration of the magical effect rarely exceeds 2-3 months, since it directly depends on your energetic force. The ritual can be performed not only on a guy or a man, but also on a girl.

You can speak and remove the conspiracy yourself

How to return love and bewitch a guy or man? There are powerful magic love spells from a distance without a photo that will help your troubles. You need a new large candle and a sharp object.

To carry out the ritual, take a candle, draw on it with the tip of a knife, scissors or needle the name of your loved one and place it next to the mirror. Sit in front of the mirror, light a candle and say the spell three times. Then you need to turn your face to the candle and read another plot three times.

Remember, any love spell can be removed with a lapel if you seek help from a specialist in white or black magic. Therefore, before performing the ritual, make sure that you really want the relationship with this person to return. This ritual cannot be used for the purpose of revenge or fun. The consequences of rash actions can be dire.

Most popular magical ritual, which is carried out at home on your own, is a love spell for sex. With the help of this ritual, you can return not only sexual, but also love feelings to your husband. The peculiarity of this love spell is that it is easy to cast, and it is safe to perform it yourself.

If you do not want to subjugate the will of the person being bewitched, and even more so, cause depressive feelings in him, this ritual is for you, because it does not lead to personality suppression. How to bewitch a guy correctly?

It will take all the power of your imagination. Mentally draw a shimmering silver web before your eyes. As soon as you get this picture, you need to mentally throw the resulting net over the one you like - your beloved man, boyfriend or husband. The peculiarity of this ritual is that it must be done during sex with the object of the love spell.

You will have to be in tension throughout the entire sexual encounter, since it will not be possible for a moment to let go of the image of the web being thrown. At the same time, your partner should not suspect anything, so try to portray passion.

If you can do this, love and sex will never leave your family.

Complete all steps of the ritual

You can do without the help of magicians if you use a ritual with water, after which your beloved man will always love you. How to bewitch without consequences at home?

Wait until evening. Pour a glass of water, not reaching the edges by a finger's width. Now you need to take the glass with your left hand. Finger right hand move along the rim of the glass and say the name of the object of the love spell.

Place this glass of water on the windowsill at night so that the moonlight falls on it. In the morning, prepare coffee or tea for your beloved man by adding a few drops of enchanted water to the drink. As soon as your loved one takes a sip, look closely at the bridge of his nose, but unnoticed by your loved one, and do this until he drinks the entire drink.

It is possible to make love spells without a photograph at a distance, which can be performed at home with your own hands, in which blood from a finger is used, and Friday is chosen as the day of the ceremony. Don’t forget that they can be removed by a strong magician, so if your loved one is bewitched, the situation can be corrected by installing blockages for extraneous energy influence! What is the most important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman? Of course it's love! And with or without the help of a love spell – it’s up to you!

Love, especially unrequited love, can very often become the reason love spell. However, it is worth remembering that any incorrectly performed ritual can do more harm than good, both to the subject of the divination and to the person doing the divination.

Let's look at what types of love spells there are and what is the best thing to do to stay with your loved one forever.

How to bewitch a guy at home? How to bewitch your ex-boyfriend?

There are several most simple ways love spells that will help you easily bewitch the object of desire without special effort. These include a number of ancient rituals.

Method No. 1

The person performing the love spell needs to sit in front of the mirror at night and begin to braid his hair, visualizing the image of his beloved. At the same time, the phrase is repeated to yourself: “I want to be with my beloved (name).”

Then you need to go to bed with your hair braided. The braid cannot be unraveled until the beloved begins to show signs of attention.

Method number 2

Buy church incense. On the night before the icon, burn it, saying: “As incense melts and burns, so let (name)’s heart burn with eternal love to me".

Method number 3

You need to take honey, water and several candles (3 pieces). The ritual takes place at midnight in the forest at full moon. The right hand is tied with white cloth, and the left with black. Before each turn of the fabric, drink a sip of water with honey.

After this, in the forest, using candles, they create a triangle around themselves and light all the candles with one match. After this they say: “Being far away, know how difficult it is for me. Light up like these candles, if you’re near me, I’ll reciprocate.”

During the entire ritual, it is necessary to visualize the image of your loved one. The better the image is formed, the stronger the attachment will be.

These methods are considered the simplest, but less effective. If a stronger attachment is needed, you should turn to love spells using candles and blood. In that white magic can't help. All the love spells presented below are objects of black magic, so you need to do everything extremely correctly so that the one you like and the spellcaster himself do not suffer.

Classic love spells

Classic love spells in black magic include love spells based on photos, with candles, with a comb, on cards and on dice.

The girl should buy candles and decorative lamps from natural wax. If you take black candles, the ritual will be completely saturated with black magic. In addition, you will need a new tablecloth. Pink colour, foil, red piece of chalk, safety pin.

Before sunset, the table is covered with a new tablecloth, and a heart is drawn on it in the middle with red chalk. Two candles in stands are placed in the center of the picture and the words are said: “Goddess of love, help me, come to the rescue. Light a fire in two hearts and keep it alive. Let our love only grow stronger.”

The candles must burn out. After this, all the melted wax needs to be sealed in foil, pinned with a pin and the guy’s name and yours written on the package. Place the package in an inaccessible hiding place. The result can appear in just one day.

Bewitch your beloved guy. Strong ritual with 40 candles

The ritual uses 40 church candles. Before the ceremony, take each candle in your hands in turn and read the “Our Father” prayer. After this, you need to collect all the candles in your hands and light them, saying the words:

“As they burn day after day, so will the feeling of the servant of God (name) for me, the servant of God (name). Amen!"

The phrase is pronounced 3 times, then all the candles are extinguished with one movement of the hand.

All of the above actions are preparation for the ceremony.

Then, every day at the same time, one lit candle is placed in a saucer. The candle should burn out. Leave the wax in the saucer. The same is done for 40 days with the remaining candles. At the end of the ritual, wax from 40 candles should remain in the saucer. The wax is placed in White list paper and is buried under a young tree. Results may appear within 3 days after the love spell is completed.

Ritual for blood

Many girls like to read books that describe how to bewitch a loved one without harm, and so on. However, a description of the blood ritual is rarely given in them due to the danger of the ritual. The blood ritual is considered the most powerful and inevitable. Such a ritual should be a last resort, which is possible only in exceptional cases.

It is worth noting that this love spell is limited in time. The effect comes quickly, but can last from 6 months to several years. With the appearance of a child in the family, he may completely lose his strength. After that it needs to be updated.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon at night, preferably at midnight.

For the ritual you will need a needle and a glass of red wine.

You need to pour a full glass of red wine. Pierce ring finger right hand and place an odd number of drops of blood into a glass of wine. At the same time, you need to say the words: “As you drink the wine (name of the guy or man), passion will ignite in you. All thoughts will be about me, day and night, and in dreams.”

A man must drink wine from a glass. Even if he takes just a few sips, the love spell will work.

There are love spells without the use of candles, blood and other magical paraphernalia. These include a love spell using a phone.

In order to perform a love spell using a phone, you do not need physical contact, which is so important in other love spells.

Despite the fact that in love magic this love spell is viewed quite skeptically, positive sides it still has it. One of the advantages of a love spell via phone is that it is easier to bewitch the object of desire through a gadget than through physical contact.

It's playing important role then when your loved one completely avoids you, will not eat or drink anything with you. In addition, the ritual does not require complex actions; you do not need to buy a lot of candles and other items for the ritual. No need for a specific place and time (forest, river, night, etc.)

If you have often thought about how to quickly bewitch a guy, then this option is for you. The ritual is based on the fact that you need to make a call and say words that have a love spell.

When you call a phone number, you should say the words of the love spell into the receiver:

“I make it so that from now on you will be mine, you will love me...”

In order for love spells over the phone to have a more lasting, powerful effect, they resort to the forces of the elements. To do this, draw butterflies, angels, birds and airplanes on paper and ask the air and wind for help, so that they encourage your chosen one to call you.

They ask the drawn image of an angel for strength: “...put my strength in the thoughts of your loved one, turn his thoughts towards me...”

The effect of a love spell involves a serious change in a person’s energy fields. In this regard, serious mental disorders may occur. After performing the rituals, completely calm and balanced people can behave very irritably and aggressively.

It is noteworthy that the bewitched person does not feel any love, and all tenderness and manifestations of care look very feigned.

Signs of a love spell in most cases manifest themselves in the absence of sexual desire. Even a man who was previously tireless, after being exposed to witchcraft, will try in every possible way to avoid physical contact.

The bewitched man behaves as if this is not his fault; he will never point to himself as the reason for the decrease in activity, but will make it clear that the woman has ceased to attract him.

The effect of love divination can be recognized by a sudden craving for alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicating substances, including illegal drugs. A bewitched person develops new harmful ones.

The consequences of a love spell often include suicidal behavior. If there is even the slightest risk, those bewitched behave fearlessly and without unnecessary hesitation embark on dangerous adventures with no chance of getting any benefits from it.

However, signs of witchcraft rarely include deliberately injuring the body or taking one's own life; by this action you can find out cemetery love spells or African fortune telling.

How to bewitch a guy without magic?

In most cases, divination without magic involves suggestion at the level of energy fields. Perhaps the young man will pay attention to you simply because he liked you. However, as you know, all thoughts are material. If you think only about love for one man, it is quite possible that it will actually arise.


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