How to season a cast iron frying pan or make a real cast iron beauty. How to season a cast iron frying pan before first use How to properly season a new cast iron frying pan

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Why do you need to season a cast iron frying pan?

Cast iron is a porous material, and although the pores are hardly noticeable to the human eye, food particles can still get into them, which decompose over time, causing the release of bad smell, and to work surface everything starts to stick to the pan, and rust also appears. To avoid such problems, it is important to properly heat your cast iron frying pan before using it for the first time. In addition, manufacturers often lubricate cast iron frying pans with machine oil, which is also removed by piercing.

How to properly season a cast iron frying pan?

For this procedure, we will need products that any housewife has in her kitchen - salt and vegetable oil.

  1. First, the frying pan needs to be thoroughly washed with a new sponge using detergent (by the way, this is the first and only time a detergent is used; in the future, you only need to wash a cast iron frying pan hot water, in this case it is permissible to use metal scrapers for washing dishes).
  2. Then wipe the frying pan dry and pour salt about 1 cm high into it, keep it over medium heat, stirring the salt until it becomes brown tint(this takes about 30 minutes, the salt will absorb industrial grease, and an unpleasant odor may be released). Throw away the salt and wash the pan warm water and wipe dry again.
  3. Next, pour sunflower oil into the frying pan, and additionally heat a cast iron frying pan for another 20 minutes, drain the oil and repeat the procedure with the oil 2 more times, after which the cast iron frying pan is ready for use.
When the frying pan heats up, the pores on its working surface expand, so the oil fills them and thereby forms a dense protective film that prevents food from entering and has excellent non-stick properties. Therefore, food does not stick to a frying pan that is properly heated, and it becomes easier to clean.

Caring for a cast iron frying pan is as follows: firstly, cast iron cookware is afraid of dampness, so store it in a dry place, also you cannot leave liquid in such cookware, otherwise it will start to rust. The bottom of the pan should always be oiled, so there is no need to drain it after each use. In some cases, when the frying pan is heavily soiled, it must be washed in hot water without using detergents, wipe dry, then grease the bottom and walls with vegetable oil. The cast iron frying pan should be stored in this form until next use.

It is useful for a good housewife to know how to heat a cast iron frying pan. This utensil can be found in almost every home; it is very convenient for cooking. However, it must be prepared for use.

Why not do without calcination?

Calcination is necessary in order to:

  • clean the pan from production oil;
  • a non-stick layer has formed;
  • rust protection appeared.

Cast iron is a porous material, so it is correct to process it with oil. It will create a film that will protect the pores from pieces of food getting into them. Thus, dishes will not burn during cooking. This measure will also protect against corrosion, so the frying pan will serve for many years.

Basic methods of calcination

Be sure to start the procedure by washing dishes with warm water and a soft sponge. Then you need to wipe it dry; for convenience, you can take paper towels. Oil and salt are used for calcination; you will also need an oven. The idea is that the oil or fat needs to get into the pores to seal them. Methods can be combined for better results.

The easiest way is to heat a frying pan and grease it with oil. To do this correctly, place it on the stove and hold it until the white smoke stops coming out. It is recommended to open the window during this time; sometimes the smell from the procedure can be very strong. After this, pour oil so that it completely covers the bottom and leave on the stove for half an hour. After this time, wipe the entire surface with a soft cloth and pour out the oil.

On many cast iron items, manufacturers indicate that simply heating with oil is sufficient. But it often happens that after production they are lubricated with low-quality products, even machine grease. They do this in order to protect the product from corrosion, but, of course, it is not worth cooking food in such containers. Before use, it is better to take the time to heat a new frying pan with salt.

This is how it is done correctly. Place the vessel on the fire and pour a thick layer of salt - the bottom should be completely covered. When the product becomes hot, it will absorb all the excess that could be on the surface. The salt will turn yellow during the process. The procedure should last at least 10 minutes, frying is carried out over medium heat.

Next, you need to let the pan stand for a while so that it cools slightly, then throw away the salt, pour a small amount of oil, and grease it properly. Put it on the fire again to form a non-stick film.

The oil must be vegetable, refined. You can take olive oil.

You can also use the oven. Clean dishes should be lubricated with oil, without missing a single area on the surface. Gently blot off excess with a paper towel. It is advisable to let the dishes sit for a while, then wipe off the excess again. Then place the pan in the oven upside down so that the oil drains freely. It is useful to place a sheet of foil at the bottom of the oven to make it easier to clean. It needs to be calcined for two to three hours at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Universal calcination using different methods

All these methods are quite effective. But if you combine them, it will work out universal method which will give a truly high-quality result. With its help, foreign substances will be removed, and the pores of the cast iron surface will be well filled with oil, so that protective film. This type of cookware is durable.

Calcination is done like this:

  • If possible, remove the handles so as not to interfere.
  • Wash and dry the pan.
  • Heat over the fire until it stops smoking.
  • Washed cold water. It won't hurt the hot pan. If it was deformed, it means it was of poor quality.
  • They put it on the fire, wait for the surface to dry a little, and calcinate it with salt.
  • Wash it, put it on the burner to warm it up a little, the pan should dry during the process.
  • After removing from heat, grease with oil; the dishes should be warm enough.
  • Place upside down in the oven for 3 hours.

The result will be a pan to which nothing will stick. Moreover, without any foreign impurities. In this way, you can clean it of rust if it has not been properly cared for before. Of course, there is no point in using this method if you are confident in the quality of the product and its storage conditions. In such cases, it is enough to ignite, for example, with salt and grease. The manufacturer of the cookware also matters. For example, American and European cast iron frying pans are usually sold prepared, they are treated with rapeseed oil.

What to do with an aluminum frying pan?

It is also worth knowing how to calcinate aluminum frying pan. After all, utensils made from this metal are often used in the kitchen.

A new thing needs to be prepared for cooking on it. To do this, wash it well with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. This way it will be cleared of grease and degreased. After this, dry completely, put on fire and pour this amount vegetable oil so that it covers the bottom entirely. Add a large spoonful of salt. The result will be a film that will stop the oxidation of the metal and prevent harmful chemical compounds get into food.

If everything is done correctly, you will get a safe and convenient cookware. You can start cooking. But you should remember about proper care. When using abrasive, caustic detergents, or hard brushes, the protective film will be damaged. It can also be destroyed by some foods if you do not wash the pan immediately after cooking and leave it for another day. Tomato paste gives this effect. In this case, you will have to re-calcine.

Almost every housewife has a cast iron frying pan in her kitchen. It is convenient to fry and stew dishes, as well as bake pancakes. This cookware heats up slowly and holds the temperature well. However, for the dishes to last for a long time, before the first use, a cast iron frying pan must be calcined. Let's figure out why and how to do it correctly.

Why season a cast iron frying pan?

There are several reasons that indicate the need for a calcination procedure:

  • A cast iron frying pan has many pores. On a heated frying pan it forms protective layer, which clogs the holes, protecting it from small particles of food.
  • in production, cast iron frying pans are covered thin layer machine oil. It is difficult to get rid of it with detergent, but the calcination procedure will help remove the protective lubricant.
  • Calcination helps keep dishes from rusting longer.

Before you start using it, you need to harden not only the frying pan, but also any other cast iron utensils for cooking, for example, a cauldron.

Features of calcining a frying pan

Each case has its own characteristics of calcining a frying pan.


First of all, you need to clean the frying pan from rust. Then take any cloth, soak it in vegetable oil and thoroughly wipe the surface of the dishes. Place the frying pan in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for an hour. After this processing method, old cast iron cookware will become like new.


Before first use, a new frying pan must be prepared. Calcination will not only help remove the layer of oil that is applied during production, but also create a non-stick coating. When heated, the oil fills the pores of the metal, which prevents the absorption of fat and food particles. In addition, this coating protects food from metallic taste.

Remember that high temperatures do not harm cast iron. If the metal is damaged during the calcination process, it means the frying pan is made of low-quality material. When purchasing, choose products from well-known brands, for example, "BIOL" or "Siton".

For pancakes

A small cast iron frying pan with low edges is best for making pancakes. It also needs to be calcined before use. It is better if the frying pan is stored separately, as it is not recommended to wash it. The same applies to grill pans.

With wooden handle

High temperature can burn wooden handle frying pans To prevent this from happening, the following methods are recommended:

  • heat the dishes on the stove;
  • Before calcination, remove the handle.

With rust

Using a rusty frying pan will not only be unsatisfying, but it will also ruin the taste of your food. Before calcining an old frying pan, it is necessary to get rid of the results of corrosion.

The following methods will help you deal with rust:

  • clean the dishes with a metal sponge and some detergent;
  • a small layer of rust can be removed using a paste of soda and water;
  • wipe the rust areas with a water-salt solution;
  • Use household cleaners to remove rust.

After cleaning the frying pan from rust, it is necessary to rinse the dishes and harden them with the addition of oil.

How to season a cast iron frying pan

Submerge cast iron cookware heat treatment Can:

  • using an electric or gas stove;
  • in the oven;
  • in the oven;
  • at the stake.

How to heat a cast iron frying pan

Below are a few effective ways heating the pan.


This option is suitable for any cast iron cookware. Cover the bottom of the dish with a 1 cm thick layer of salt. Keep the frying pan over medium heat for about 20 minutes. During this time, the salt will absorb all the harmful substances remaining from the technical oil. When the salt darkens, remove the pan from the heat, let it cool slightly, throw out the contents and grease the pan with fat or oil. After which the pan must be heated again.


A quick way to heat cast iron cookware. Fill the frying pan with vegetable oil. Place in the oven at 250 degrees for at least half an hour. Then take out the frying pan, pour out the oil, wash and wipe dry. Repeat the procedure, but then do not wash the pan, but wipe it with a cloth.

Why does a cast iron frying pan smear black?

In some cases, a cast iron frying pan may become dirty with black soot. The reasons are:

  • remnants of machine oil that was used to treat the frying pan during manufacture.
  • improper care of the frying pan. The frying pan was probably washed with detergents, which is not recommended.

In both the first and second cases, you should thoroughly wash the pan and then heat it. This will help get rid of black plaque.

Heat up a cast iron frying pan at home it is simply necessary. Especially if you just brought it from the store and are going to often cook food with it. In our article we will describe the three most popular methods of calcination cast iron frying pan, and also tell you why this is done.

Why bake a frying pan?

Every housewife has probably asked the question more than once: “Why heat a new cast-iron frying pan before first use?” The answer is quite simple: the fact is that at the factory, right before releasing the frying pan into the public, manufacturers cover it with a thin layer of machine oil, which cannot be washed off with usual means for dishes. But this is not the only reason.

There are tiny holes on the inner surface of the pan that form there after the cast iron product cools. When we apply oil to a new frying pan by heating it, it forms a thin protective layer as the oil is poured into the pores and then remains there. This forms a sort of non-stick coating that only gets thicker over time. And thanks to this process, cast iron is less susceptible to corrosion.

I would like to remind you that calcining a cast iron frying pan will not cause any harm to the dishes, and if you notice cracks in a new frying pan, then you can take it to the store, because it is definitely not cast iron.

How to do it right?

There are three reliable ways to properly calcinate a cast iron frying pan at home, which have justified themselves for several decades. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them. It should be noted that you need to heat a cast iron frying pan for at least 20 or 40 minutes.

Vegetable oil and salt

All you need is salt and refined vegetable oil. It can be replaced with fat or lard. This method of calcining a cast iron frying pan at home is the most reliable and effective.

First, wash the pan with any detergent, then let it dry or wipe it dry with a clean cloth, then generously cover the bottom with a layer of salt. Place the pan on medium heat for 20 minutes, after which the salt should be poured out. Pour a little refined oil or fat into the bottom of the frying pan. Place it on the stove again and heat it for the same amount of time.

After this, pour out the oil, rinse the pan with running water without using detergents, and then wipe dry. Now it can be used.

Vegetable oil

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put it on medium heat and remove it only after half an hour. After this, the dishes will need to be washed clean water. There is no need to use any detergent, just rinse the dishes, then wipe them dry, and then you can use them.


The oven is another way to heat a frying pan. It is perfect for those who need to heat a cast iron frying pan quickly, without having to watch it. And this method is as follows:

    preheat the oven to 180 degrees;

    take a cast iron frying pan, rinse it with cold water, then put it in the oven for 40 minutes;

    you can add a little fat or oil to the pan;

    After 40 minutes, carefully remove the pan from the oven using an oven mitt and immediately rinse with cold water. Do not be afraid that the dishes may deteriorate due to sudden temperature changes. Cast iron is a very resistant material, so it is not afraid of temperature changes.

In order for your new cast iron frying pan to serve you as long as possible, you need to adhere to several simple rules: Always wipe the pan dry after washing it, as rust may form on it; don't rub inner covering hard metal sponges; do not rinse detergents, which contain chlorine. By following these simple recommendations, you can always keep your dishes in good condition.

Heating up an old frying pan

In order to calcine an old cast-iron frying pan, you must first thoroughly clean it of rust, if any, and then thoroughly wipe the entire surface of the frying pan with a cloth generously soaked in vegetable oil. Now place the pan in the oven, turning it upside down. The temperature should be set to about 180 degrees and leave the pan in the oven for at least an hour. During this time, cast iron will be able to absorb vegetable oil, and when you open the oven and look at the result of your labors, you will not believe your eyes! An old cast iron frying pan is literally reborn if it is heated in this way!

Chefs who know a lot about good cookware talk about cast iron cookware only in in excellent shape. Cast iron pots are valued for their exceptional durability, strength, unique anti-corrosion, heat-conducting and non-stick properties, and for the fact that food cooked in such cookware always turns out delicious. And in order to “put these qualities into action” and maintain them throughout for many, many years, you need to know how to heat a cast iron frying pan and why, in principle, do it.

Read in this article:

Purpose of calcination

Cast iron is an alloy of iron mixed with carbon. Very hard, durable and at the same time porous material. During the cooking process, the pores of the metal become clogged with food particles and fat. The leftover food decomposes, as a result of which a specific, very unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the vessel. The food begins to burn, and a thick black soot forms on the outer and inner surfaces of the product, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Calcination with vegetable oil is a preventive measure against such problems. Under the influence high temperature the pores expand and fill with an oily substance. As the material cools, they narrow, clogging the oil inside. An oily protective film is formed on the surface of the cast iron, protecting the material from contamination and the appearance of an unpleasant odor during operation.

The second reason why it is necessary to fry cast iron cookware is to create a thin non-stick, anti-corrosion layer on the working surface. This is achieved thanks to the same vegetable oil, which penetrates into the pores of the metal alloy during calcination. After this procedure, the pan will not rust, food will never “stick” to it, and a metallic taste will never appear in the finished dish.

Procedure for calcination with oil

Preparing new cast iron cookware for use is not difficult, but it must be done. Everything is very simple and clear:

  1. Wash the frying pan with warm water and dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.
  2. Place on high heat and heat well.
  3. After 5-8 minutes, smoke and a characteristic technical smell will appear - this is the industrial lubricant evaporating. The smell is strong, so it is recommended to turn on the hood on full power and/or open a window in the kitchen.
  4. As soon as the smell of grease diminishes, rinse the pan under running water and put it back on the fire.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the vessel in a layer of 2-4 mm, lubricate the side internal surfaces.
  6. Heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Turn off the heat and cool the pan.
  8. The oil is drained and the surface of the dish is wiped with a dry, clean rag.

After this treatment, the cast iron frying pan can be immediately used for its intended purpose.

Calcination with salt

Before the first use, it is necessary to heat the frying pan with salt in order to get rid of the special technical lubricant that is used to coat the product during the production process in order to avoid rusting of the metal. Salt is an excellent sorbent, therefore it completely eliminates the characteristic smell and taste of factory lubricant.


  1. Wash the pan with warm water.
  2. Place on medium heat.
  3. Sprinkle regular kitchen salt on the bottom in a 1 cm layer.
  4. Fry for half an hour without stirring.
  5. As soon as the salt darkens, turn off the stove and leave the pan to cool.
  6. The salt is thrown away, the inner surfaces of the dishes are rinsed with water, and wiped with a dry soft cloth.
  7. Place the pan on medium heat again and heat it up.
  8. Pour a little vegetable oil and lubricate the walls.
  9. Heat for 15 minutes.

The product is cooled and the oil is poured out. Wipe the inner surface of the frying pan with a paper napkin or a clean cloth. For better effect, repeat the procedure twice.

Do not worry that during the heating process the pan will become deformed or cracks will appear on it. If the product is of high quality, this is excluded, since cast iron is a very durable material and can easily withstand thermal effect up to +900ºС.


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