How can an employer protect himself from blackmail from a “harmful” employee? Irreplaceable employee

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One of the people from whom I learned management consulting was Bill Johonesson, a very well-known management consultant in America who has carried out projects in many countries around the world. For example, he worked for a year as an anti-crisis executive director in the African branch of British Petroleum, etc. He told me a story.

Working in large company, which I will not name for ethical reasons, he served as an anti-crisis director. Things weren't going badly for the company, but it was experiencing serious difficulties and losing sales.

Members of the board of directors, introducing Bill to the situation, also told him about one employee who had the status of “irreplaceable.” They advised him not to quarrel with him, since the person “depended on successful work with clients". This person held the position of head of the service department and combined the position of one of the production managers. He received the status of “irreplaceable” by exploiting his brilliant memory. He remembered everything by heart technical nuances and changes for all customers and never made a mistake. And since the database on these technical changes was practically not maintained, the loss of this employee would result in the loss of the most valuable production information for the company, and also confidential.

This man terrorized the board of directors with arrogant demands for the resignation of employees he disliked, but were valuable to the company, and wringing out absurdly high bonuses for himself personally. The directors were forced to follow his lead, because, assessing the potential losses of his dismissal (and his departure was the tool of blackmail), they chose the lesser of two evils. Bill was told about this situation and warned about possible consequences for production in the event of the departure of the “blackmailer”. Let's be honest, this is not an easy task for a manager.

But not for a WISE consultant.

Bill had already been working for twenty years by this time under a license from this Association, using the administrative technology of L. Ron Hubbard. As you know, this is the only technology that allows you to completely take control of the human factor at any enterprise in any country. Monopolists, so to speak.

I will not quote here all the intricacies of this technology (theories and instructions), which served as stable data for Bill’s successful solution to the current situation. I will simply describe this solution itself.

The employee in question came to see Bill within a few days. Putting his feet on the table and smiling an angelic smile, he asked if the directors had talked about him, and if Bill knew what a valuable employee was sitting in front of him. Having received an affirmative answer, he conspiratorially lowered his voice and assured Bill that he would help him in everything, and that he was very glad about his appointment, since the previous director was stupid and could not fully understand such a valuable employee. He will strongly support the newly appointed director if he only doubles his salary and fulfills a couple more demands. And everything will be covered in chocolate.

Bill Johonesson is a former athlete, weighing about a hundred kilograms, such a large man. This was not happening in America, so Bill simply got up from the table, walked around him, took the “irreplaceable” employee by the collar and, dragging him out of the office in front of astonished observers, personally kicked him out the office doors. Ordering the security to never let this person into the building again, except to the HR department for dismissal, accompanied by security.

I will not describe in vivid colors the round eyes and the pre-infarction state of the board of directors, since they did not last long.

Next, Bill, with the help of the personnel department, hired several local college students, who (since it was summer) spent a month touring all the clients with a special questionnaire, Technical information about which was lost. And they restored the database, for the maintenance of which the blackmailer who had come across was supposed to be responsible. At the same time, several more serious problems emerged, which this employee also kept silent about.

At the same time, with the help of a good recruitment agency, a technical specialist of a similar level with an acceptable reputation was found.

And suddenly people breathed more freely, and production began to gain momentum. And since Bill also corrected gross violations in marketing technology, and corrected the organizational structure of the entire area of ​​product promotion, statistics showed a sharp rise within two months. The situation was turned around.

Why did I tell this incident?

In management, as in any production, there is precision technology. Imagine that you were put in charge of the production of a metallurgical plant, and you know nothing about metallurgy. And in the workshop there is an emergency with equipment that puts everyone on edge, and everyone is waiting for your orders. Will you be able to give an instant, correct solution without the help of specialists? Hardly. An experienced, well-trained metallurgist can.

It's the same in management. It's not just about the personal abilities of the leader. Much depends on knowledge of control technology, both theory and practical actions. Do it once, do it twice, do it three - get a standard, high-quality result. With full understanding of why this result was obtained.

The most complete and consistent working technology for organizing and managing an enterprise is Hubbard technology. These are twelve well structured volumes job descriptions and standards covering all areas of the organization. The instructions in them are selected by topic, so you can find necessary advice is not difficult, even with such an abundance of information. And they contain the only technology that is completely problem solving human factor.

It is noteworthy that all the data in all twelve volumes is completely consistent with each other and you will not find contradictions anywhere. Many managers literally open their mouths when they leaf through this encyclopedia for the first time.

True, I have not yet seen this technology be fully applied in any commercial enterprise, but this is not required to improve performance. Quite enough basic principles, which form the basis of the general management system standard “Administrative Know-How Model”.

There are, of course, other schools and technologies that address the human factor or help solve individual problems. But hardly anyone can name a technology that can solve all problems with employees.

It would be unfair to you not to tell us about it.

It’s just that a few hours before I sat down to write the article, I was faced with the problem of an “irreplaceable” employee at one of my clients, and I remembered the case with Bill. Not every similar situation needs to be resolved as described in the example above. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. There are many tools - you need to know all the data in detail in order to give good advice. But indicate the source most practical advice And right decisions It will be at least honest on my part.

What if you have a similar situation, what if you need this too?

However, if extortion is an illegal way to demand money from a victim, then blackmail in legal practice is defined as a method of committing another crime, in most cases extortion, which is expressed in the form of a threat to commit any undesirable actions for the blackmailed person that are not related to threats of violence or murder.

That is, if a person is threatened with beating or murder, this cannot be considered blackmail; it falls under the corresponding article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on threats.

Thus, Legally, blackmail is equivalent to extortion. The penalty for this offense may be imprisonment for up to four years and a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles if there are no aggravating circumstances, but if they exist, then the punishment can be from seven to fifteen years and a fine of up to a million rubles.

Types of blackmail

There are several main types of blackmail, but regardless of the severity of a particular type, they all pose a danger both to an individual and to society as a whole.

Emotional blackmail

In fact, emotional blackmail is a certain way of manipulating a person, and it is more likely of a psychological nature than legal.

Almost every person has encountered this form of blackmail; most often it is used by people close to you, and it is expressed in the form of the condition “if... then...”.

There is no criminal punishment for such manifestations of blackmail, but we must not forget that emotional blackmail can easily develop into a more serious form, which may subsequently entail a legal solution to the problem.

Blackmail from friends

This is an unpleasant situation. But often the role of the blackmailer is a person familiar to the victim: colleagues, neighbors, casual acquaintances, etc. Such a crime is easier to solve because the identity of the suspect does not need to be identified, unlike the situation when blackmail is carried out anonymously.

Blackmail on someone else's behalf

The most common type of blackmail. It is dangerous because you do not know who exactly is blackmailing you. Often it is this type meets .

In general, a favorite place for blackmailers, if you have access to your personal account, it costs nothing for the criminal to take possession of any confidential information that you did not intend to share with the public, and then blackmail you by making this information public.

Political blackmail

This type of blackmail is especially common today. It can be public or private, and most often it is not associated with any manipulation a certain person, but by the desire to achieve something from the community he represents. Such blackmail can be fraught with a variety of consequences.

How to recognize blackmail and how to behave

What signs can you use to determine that you are being blackmailed? Moreover, we are now talking not about everyday blackmail, but about a criminal offense. In fact, this is quite simple and does not need much comment.

If a certain person contacts you directly or through anonymous calls/messages and claims that he has certain, materially provable information that discredits you, which he is willing to keep secret in exchange for cash or other material assets or services, then this is definitely a blackmailer.

Such actions already show signs of a crime under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, what should you do if you are being blackmailed?

What to do? The first and most important rule is not to panic. The blackmailer is very interested in getting some benefit from you, therefore, he will not make public the information he has an hour after he made a statement to you. This means that you have time to properly think about the current situation and make a decision.

The biggest mistake that victims of a blackmailer often make is making concessions to him. As soon as the criminal realizes that you are afraid and consider the threat to be real, he begins to gain momentum and demand more and more. Also, there is no need to try to come to an agreement with him; a person who has already decided to blackmail is unlikely to make concessions.

Another common mistake is trying to deal with the blackmailer yourself by using force. This is a crime, and it will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, so it is better to act using legal methods.

From the point of view of legal experts, there are two options for how to deal with a blackmailer. The first one is to contact the police. But be prepared for the fact that when you contact law enforcement agencies, you will have to provide the information for which you are being blackmailed. If these data do not contradict the law, you have nothing to fear, feel free to submit an application.

You must attach the available information to your application. evidence that you are indeed being blackmailed. This could be an audio recording phone call, a printout of correspondence with the blackmailer or a video recording of a conversation with him.

If there are witnesses, this should also be indicated; they can help bring the criminal to justice. Also in the application you must record all the information that you know about the blackmailer: name, address, place of work, phone number, etc.

Most often, a police officer is offered to catch a blackmailer red-handed. That is, you agree to its terms, make an appointment, which takes place under police control, and after the amount of money is transferred to the suspect, he is detained.

There is another option on how to get rid of the blackmailer. You can try to collect counter-incriminating evidence against him. This method is suitable if for some reason you cannot or do not want to contact the police.

You can act independently or involve certain specialists in the process. For example, a professional detective. As soon as the incriminating evidence has been collected, invite the blackmailer to start a dialogue again, but this time on mutually beneficial terms. At this stage, you can also involve a specialist - a mediator, who resolves disputes privately, without the participation of third parties.


As mentioned earlier, there is no special article for blackmail in the Criminal Code; it is included in the crime under Article 163 “Extortion”.

The crime scheme looks like this:

  • there is an object, it can be absolutely any person or group of persons;
  • subject - directly the extortionist or blackmailer, can be one person or a whole group;
  • the objective side, most often it is money, less often services or some kind of property; with blackmail there may be coercion to sexual intercourse or some kind of action;
  • the subjective side is the presentation of demands, personally or anonymously.

The blackmailer may threaten with violence or murder (in this case the classification of the crime changes), damage or destruction of property, or dissemination of confidential information. The punishment of the perpetrator will depend on the specific situation, on what signs of crimes will be discovered in addition to extortion.

According to Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a blackmailer can receive up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles if he acted alone, but if the crime was committed by a group of persons on a large scale, then participants in an organized criminal group can receive up to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of up to one million rubles.

The defendant will not bear responsibility for blackmail alone, but it can be included in other crimes - extortion, threats, coercion into sexual relations, etc. Punishment, therefore, will be assigned based on the totality of proven crimes.


Blackmail, unfortunately, is a common phenomenon, especially with the advent of social networks. If you find yourself in the role of a victim of a blackmailer, remember that your emotional well-being is more valuable than any secret, no matter how sensitive it may be for you.

Do not follow the criminal’s lead, immediately contact law enforcement agencies, and then, with a high probability, he will be held accountable for what he has done.

Blackmail is an inducement to commit actions that contradict the principles of the blackmailed person or the current legislation. How can you avoid blackmail? What to do if you are blackmailed at work? Read the answers to these and other questions below.

Blackmail is not called an independent crime, but a means of committing other crimes. Blackmail should not be confused with abuse of power. After all, blackmail can be used by all persons without exception, and abuse of official position can only be used by those who are one step higher in the hierarchical ladder.

Cases of blackmail in the workplace are emerging more and more often, and many do not know what to do in such a situation. In addition to the Labor Code, the provisions of the Criminal Code come to protect the rights of citizens. After all, blackmail can manifest itself in such crimes as:

  • extortion
  • racket
  • manipulation
  • ultimatum
  • and others…

Blackmail is always used for some purpose, and that is why it manifests itself in various types of crimes.

How to avoid blackmail

Based on the above, it can be understood that blackmail is used by all participants labor relations. In particular, by the workers themselves, who blackmail their bosses different methods. The question arises: how to avoid such blackmail and how can you counteract it?

First of all, you must carefully read all the contracts and agreements that the parties, that is, the employee and the employer, enter into between themselves. Because in the terms of the contract there are certain points that may infringe on the rights of one of the parties. And these doubtful provisions of the contract must be resolved in advance by mutual agreement.

Situations often arise when an employee tries to blackmail the employer. The reasons for blackmail can be different. And the most common threat is a complaint to the tax authorities. Most often they try to prove the fact that the employer does not officially pay wages and uses illegal labor.

There is no need to worry in this situation. After all, this fact of the offense still needs to be established and proven, but no one will pay attention to the complaint of one employee. At a minimum, it is necessary to record the moment the offense was committed so that there is significant material evidence. And when taking the case to court, do not forget that the employer can file a counterclaim against the employee. And it is very difficult to prove the fact of payment of wages “in an envelope”.

What should employees do?

There are also situations when the employer is to blame for the current situation. Promising employees stable and high wages, he pays exactly the opposite of what was promised. In this case, blackmail may be almost the only way out of this situation.

If an employee is being blackmailed, then it is advisable to record the fact of blackmail using audio or video recording, so that you can safely go to court. After all, labor and criminal law still protect the interests of citizens. The main thing to remember is that no one ever has the right to blackmail a person for the sake of their interests. Article 163 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation stands for the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, not allowing anyone to carry out acts of extortion or blackmail.

Nowadays, blackmail, alas, has become a common occurrence, and according to statistics, every third Russian faces this. Do not forget about the rules of law that protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to seek help from the court or the tax authorities.

Employers are well aware that the Labor Code protects, first of all, the interests of the employee. This is correct - after all, the employee in these legal relations “ weak side" However, sometimes this party begins to use its rights to the detriment of the employer. What mechanisms do employees use to abuse their rights and how can they properly counter their actions?

Introductory information

In practice, almost every personnel officer or accountant performing his duties has to deal with so-called personnel blackmail. As a rule, with the help of blackmail, an employee tries to “extort” some concessions for himself. And in such cases, the employer always has options: agree or argue. The decision is usually made taking into account possible labor and time costs.

But there are also situations when an employee “fights” under the banner of the Labor Code, as they say, out of principle. And in such a situation he has to resist. The basic principle of such confrontation is correct design all documents.

Refusal to sign

The Labor Code requires that almost all important documents be handed over to the employee against signature. Employees know this and often try to blackmail the employer by not signing the document, thereby blocking its action.

However, such blackmail is quite easy to deal with. After all, the fighting mechanism is provided for by the same Labor Code(see, for example, Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If an employee refuses to sign a document, this fact must be recorded by drawing up an act in the presence of “witnesses” - two, or preferably three employees (preferably not related to the one who refuses to sign).

This procedure looks like this: The employee, in the presence of “witnesses,” is read out the document that he refuses to sign for familiarization with. Then he is asked to put his signature, certifying that he has read the document. If he refuses to put such a signature, the “witnesses” and the employee who read the document sign the corresponding act.

In this act we indicate the date, place and time of the “action”, as well as a list of persons present when drawing up the act. Then the essence is stated: what document (name, details), by whom and to whom it was read. Next, the fact of refusal to sign is recorded. You can also make a note that the act was drawn up in the presence of the refused employee and presented to him for signature.

The described act might look something like this:

Limited Liability Company "Lampas"

Vladivostok city, twenty-seventh of August two thousand fourteen

By me, leading specialist of the HR department Pronina I.P., in the presence of:
Deputy Head of the Expeditionary Service I. P. Stolyarova;
commodity expert N. S. Pavlova;
secretary Ivanov R.P.;
Expedition Department Manager P.S. Karlova,

This Act has been drawn up as follows:
today, 08/27/2014, at 10:28 a.m., in the premises of Lampas LLC at the address: Vladivostok, st. Molostovykh, 7, off. 25 I presented to the manager of the expedition department P.S. Karlov for review the notice dated 08/25/2014 No. 28 “On changing the working hours”. Karlov P.S. refused to familiarize himself with the said notice against signature. After which this notice was read out loud by me in the presence of P.S. Karlov.

I have read the act:
expedition department manager /Karlov P.S./
Karlov P.S. refused to familiarize himself with the act.

We confirm the facts set out in the Act:
Deputy Head of the Expeditionary Service Stolyarova /Stolyarova I.P./
Commodity expert Pavlova /Pavlova N. S/
Secretary Ivanova /Ivanova R.P./

Leading specialist of the HR department Pronina /Pronina I. P/.

This document is filed and stored together with the document that the employee refused to review. Accordingly, from the moment of signing such an act, the employee is considered to be properly familiar with the document.
The same should be done if the employee refuses to appear at all to familiarize himself with the document. An act on this is drawn up, which records the fact of the employee’s attempt to familiarize himself with the document and his actions in connection with this.

Didn't pick up my work book

Another common situation when an employee tries to “make money” from the employer is evasion of receiving a work book upon dismissal. The calculation here is simple: issuing a work book is the responsibility of the employer. Without a work book, a worker is deprived of the opportunity to find a job, which means that the employer who “holds” the work book must pay for the time of such forced absence.

It should be noted that if the employer does not begin to counteract such actions of the employee in a timely manner, the chance of paying for such “absenteeism” is really high. What should be done if the employee does not show up for work book on the last working day?

Pregnant workers

It is worth mentioning separately in various ways blackmail related to pregnancy of workers. Here situations usually develop according to two scenarios. The first is provoking termination employment contract at the initiative of the employer, dismissal and subsequent filing of claims that at the time of dismissal the employee was pregnant and, accordingly, the dismissal is illegal. The second is the actual refusal of work by a pregnant employee with the expectation that it is not possible to fire her for absenteeism and other violations of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, in the first of the situations described, it is almost impossible for the employer to protect himself from blackmail. The only thing that can be done in such a situation is to check the reality of the issued certificate and, if it turns out that it is fake, initiate criminal prosecution of the employee. The employer can organize such a check independently by sending a request to the organization that issued the certificate, or petition the court if the matter comes to trial. remember, that key point in such disputes is the date of pregnancy, which in the initial stages is established from the woman’s words and is subsequently clarified based on the results of medical examinations. This clarification can also be used to defend the legality of the dismissal.

You can also try to justify the legality of dismissal by reference to abuse of right (Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2012 No. 31-P, Appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated September 26, 2012 in case No. 33-3295/2012). But here you will need evidence of the employee’s dishonest actions. For example, a significant and unexplained time gap between dismissal and going to court, testimony of witnesses about facts of blackmail, etc.

If the certificate and dates of pregnancy do not raise doubts, then the employee will have to be reinstated at work with payment of all amounts due (clause 25 of the Plenum Resolution Supreme Court RF dated January 28, 2014 No. 1).

With the second situation, everything is a little simpler. Yes, the employer has no right to fire such a truant worker, but he is also not obliged to pay her wages. This means that in this case it is necessary to act in the same way as in the situation with a missing employee described above. That is, record the facts of absenteeism in personnel documentation.

Every person has a weak point, and the extortionist is looking for such a “control pedal” for his own benefit. Blackmail is real psychological terror, for which the law provides for real punishment. But, even with all the protection of citizens by law, anyone can become its victim, because on the World Wide Web, blackmailers and hackers operate very skillfully on the Internet.

Blackmail - what is it?

Blackmail is a criminal offense associated with the threat of publishing compromising facts (information, photographs, video, audio) for the purpose of profit or obtaining the desired services or concessions. Blackmail is in a great way manipulating people, and each of us can become a victim of a blackmailer

Psychology of blackmail

In order to be well prepared for a meeting with swindlers, and to know what to do when blackmailed, you should first understand the psychology of this phenomenon. Power over the victim! This is the whole effect of extortion, so the threat of blackmail acts as the main lever of pressure, which allows you to drive the victim into a corner and subjugate him, forcing him to carry out orders for his own benefit. Basically, blackmailers do not stop once they get what they want, and continue to oppress the person, demand fulfillment of their desires and enrich themselves at his expense further.

Emotional blackmail

One of the forms of everyday manipulation is energy vampirism and emotional blackmail, which boils down to only one thing - to get what you want by any means necessary. Most families have such relatives. Threats and reproaches fly from their lips, pursuing one goal. And almost everyone succumbs to such “persuasions,” not suspecting that they themselves are elevating themselves to the rank of a victim of blackmail.

There are three types of emotional tormentors:

  1. "Tyrant" demands unquestioning obedience. He acts harshly, is stubborn and assertive in achieving his goal, without giving the victim the slightest chance of refusal. Rough treatment with threats: “Just try not to…” or “I’m warning you.” last time...,” lead the victim into a state of emotional oppression and depression.
  2. "Sufferer". This type of blackmailer is the exact opposite of the first. Feigned weakness, sickness, and depression force caring relatives to follow their lead. Often, sad speeches end with statements about a serious illness or desire to die, planned suicide, or the phrase “no one loves me, no one understands me, no one cares about me” in order to achieve fulfillment of demands.
  3. "Guilty without guilt". Such blackmailers are subtle psychologists who are capable of instilling in their victims the idea of ​​some kind of guilt or a sense of duty to them. The “guilty” practically drive themselves into such bondage and believe that they are doing everything right, indulging the whims of the blackmailer.

Sexual blackmail

Sexual blackmail can also occur in relationships between people, but it is divided into several types:

  1. Blackmail in relationships. He is temperamental, she is not so much. As a result of the dissimilarity of temperaments, sooner or later an ultimatum will arise: “if not with you, then with someone else.” In such a situation, relationships, as a rule, are doomed to failure, because under constant pressure, intimate intimacy will only lead to irritation and disgust.
  2. Forced sex under pressure. This is a common scenario in most relationships started on dating sites or at parties. As a rule, men act as blackmailers in such a situation, demanding intimacy from women, and the latter may agree without much desire for fear of missing out on a promising groom. However, we should not forget that many men can only play blackmail, thus checking the availability of the lady they like.
  3. Forcing intimacy either for the provision of some service, or as payment for concealing incriminating evidence. This is the most vile form of sexual blackmail, involving violence.

Signs of blackmail

The most important weapon of a blackmailer is information supported by evidence. It could be provocative photo, compromising audio recording or video. In personal relationships, a blackmailer can play on feelings for him, for example, threatening suicide or moral suffering. Often the victim does not always realize his dependence on the blackmailer. This can be determined by the following aspects:

  • searching for justification for one’s actions in relation to the blackmailer;
  • doing something to please someone else;
  • unquestioning compliance;
  • committing acts against one’s desire to end the suffering of a loved one;
  • weak-willedness and complete subordination.

What to do if you are blackmailed?

Blackmail and extortion, in fact, are crimes with one underlying reason - a ransom demand. It is worth immediately noting that for the most part, neither swindlers nor domestic “terrorists” stop once they get what they want, and continue to use their power over the victim for the sake of satisfaction. Therefore, it is imperative to know what to do when blackmailed and how to behave with the tormentor.

How to deal with a blackmailer?

  1. Under no circumstances should you panic. You should pull yourself together and think soberly.
  2. Do not take into account what the blackmailer tells you, because his main goal is to intimidate and take control of everything. Behave calmly, because the swindler certainly does not expect such behavior from you.
  3. Do not try to negotiate with the extortionist and do not give him what he asks for. In this situation, it is best to stall for time so that law enforcement can understand this matter.
  4. If you are being blackmailed with information, then it is better to tell your relatives about your “sins” yourself. This way you will present the information as it is, without embellishment, and there will be nothing to blackmail you with.

How to get rid of a blackmailer?

The main defense against blackmail is the absolute ignoring of the blackmailer. If you do not respond to threats in any way, then the extortion is more likely to stop, because the blackmailer’s goal is not to compromise, but to make money. We should also not forget that best protection– assault, that is, the filing of charges, and the punishment for blackmail provides for real and serious prison terms under several articles, depending on the severity of the crime. Let's look at liability for blackmail using the laws of the Russian Federation as an example:

  • Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – extortion, up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • Art. 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of the secrecy of correspondence is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles;
  • Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – violation of inviolability privacy. Punishment of up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles.

How to prove blackmail?

Fraud and blackmail are two concepts that go hand in hand in the criminal code, and the evidence base for which has many nuances. How can one prove the fact of blackmail?

  1. Try to make correspondence or record a conversation with the blackmailer.
  2. When the attacker announces his demands, try to delay the transfer of money or whatever the scammer demands. And under no circumstances follow the scammer’s lead without the safety net of the investigation, otherwise it will be almost impossible to prove the fact of blackmail.
  3. Next, you should contact law enforcement agencies with a detailed statement and provide all available evidence of blackmail and other criminal acts.
  4. Once a criminal case has been initiated, comply with all police requirements. It is quite possible that it will come down to spy equipment (wiretapping, covert recording) and marked banknotes.
  5. When contacting a blackmailer, behave naturally so that “the fish does not get off the hook of justice” if they suspect something is wrong.
  6. After completing the investigation and obtaining all the necessary evidence, you can be sure that the swindler will receive a real sentence for the blackmail committed.

Films about blackmail

Some of the most action-packed genres in cinema are films and TV series about extortion:

  1. "Pretty Little Liars". The action of this series revolves around four girls who, a year after the death of their mutual friend Alison, begin to be blackmailed by an unknown person. The blackmailer holds many of their secrets and secrets, even those that were known only to the deceased.
  2. "Enemy of the state". When you unwittingly become the owner of evidence incriminating a high-ranking official, it is no longer clear who the ideal victim for blackmail is, because a real hunt begins for you.
  3. "The beauty and the Beast". Are you ready to remain imprisoned in the monster's castle to save your father's life? A serious step that will completely change the fate of the beautiful Belle.


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