How to make a pipe at home. PVC shakuhachi flute

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The flute, in our case the flute, is an ancient wind musical instrument. The appearance of the prototype flute dates back almost 35 thousand years ago, making it one of the oldest instruments. And the flute we are familiar with became known in Egypt five thousand years ago, and is still the main instrument in the Middle East. Folk or folk rock cannot do without it. Those who are familiar with fantasy worlds know that the pipe is one of the favorite instruments of the elves. But in our reality, playing the flute will brighten up winter evenings. And you can make this wonderful tool in less than an hour.

For production we will need:
Wooden tube (reed, bamboo, reed, etc.)
A piece of wood or cork
Drills for 2; 4.2 and 6 mm and something you can drill with (screwdriver, drill, engraver)
Needle file
Hacksaw blade for metal

Flute barrel

The first step is to select the body of the pipe. Any hollow tube will do, be it reed, reed or PVC plumbing pipe. I found a great bamboo tube.
It is not completely round, the internal diameters are 23 and 25 mm. I sawed off 400 mm, this is how long the flute will be. Although I needed to saw off 300 mm, as usual I mixed everything up.

At one end we make two holes close together, the boundaries of which should be located at a distance of 40 mm from the edge. I first marked the holes with a 2mm drill and then drilled them out with a 4.2mm drill. Next, use a file to make a rectangular hole, with a length of 5 mm and a width of 7 mm. And we grind one side of the window at an angle of 30-45 degrees, all with the same file. This is the whistle hole. The sharpness and smoothness of the bevel will determine the sound quality.

Next, we make six game valve holes (the markings were made earlier). The first hole will be 60 mm from the bottom end of the flute, the rest in 20 mm increments. Again we make holes with a 2 mm drill and drill out with a 6 mm drill. In general, these drills were right for me. The setting principle is this: the larger the hole, the higher the sound, so you can start drilling from 4 mm. The main thing is not to overdo it, because you won’t be able to reduce the hole. Drilling should begin from the bottom hole. Using a tuner, we will tune the pipe in natural major. We drill the bottom one and blow it, tune it using the tuner, then drill the second one. The second hole is rebuilt when the first one is open, and so on. You should get the following series of notes: A sharp, A, G, F, D sharp, D, C.
We sand all the holes with sandpaper, but very fine, so as not to damage the natural color of the bamboo.


Now, from the end where the hole for the whistle was made, you need to make a bevel. From the edge downwards we retreat 4-5 mm, and to the left 40 mm. We make the bevel with a hacksaw blade for metal.

Now we make a sleeve from a piece of wood or cork. First I gave the piece of wood a round shape, then I made the same bevel as on the flute itself. I found the wood to be soft, so I did everything with a knife. You need to make a flat edge on top, 1 mm away from the edge, as in a regular whistle. You can’t make a bevel that is too large, there simply won’t be a whistle. We insert the sleeve into the “body”.

I made the sleeve too small. It should fit tightly into the flute and sit there securely. I had to glue all the gaps with hot glue. I coated the sleeve itself with PVA glue before inserting it into the flute.

This completes the making of the flute. You can already get the first sounds. Again, this is ideal for learning. Since a good flute costs a lot, it should not be confused with a recorder. Our homemade flute has an acceptable sound, and the manufacturing process took half an hour. The instrument can be decorated to your taste, but for me bamboo looks good anyway.

How to make a pipe (pipe) with your own hands

The flute (pipe) is an ancient musical instrument. It was usually done by shepherds to entertain themselves during monotonous work. A pipe (pipe) was usually made from reeds, reeds or other hollow material. In order to make such a pipe, you will need some kind of hollow tube approx. 30cm. with inner diameter approx. 1 cm. This is a reed stalk (it grows along river banks or in wetlands) or a PVC tube. You will also need a tuner or some kind of musical instrument for tuning the sound, a hacksaw, a wood burner, a sharp knife, “Moment” glue, a needle file, sandpaper and a piece of wood for the whistle.

Progress of work on making a pipe (pipe) from reeds

First, you need to saw off the tube to length (mine is 27cm), align the edges and remove the internal partitions (if any) with a knife:

Then we clean the internal channel using sandpaper wound on a stick:

Now it is necessary at a distance of approx. 2cm. Cut the whistle hole from the edge. It has a rectangular shape. Its width is 0.7 cm, length 0.5 cm. This is approximate. It can be finalized with adjustments. Mark the hole with a pencil and cut it:

Now we use a file to form the corner of the whistle hole (on the side closer to the exit). It should be at an angle of 45 degrees. This angle is very important because... it is directly involved in the formation of sound, cutting the air stream.

Now you need to make a wad from a piece of wood and adjust it to the diameter of the internal channel (the diagram of its structure is below). It should reach the near edge of the whistle hole.

You can tie the edge of the pipe with a thread so that the reed does not crack:

insert the wad into the pipe, first trying it on:

We saw off the excess, leveling the edge:

Coat the wad with glue and insert it into the pipe. When it dries, we form a bevel of the edge of the pipe for ease of playing:

Now, using a tuner, we check the tonality (first sound) of our flute. I got "D". Next you need to burn the first hole. First, we burn a hole of small diameter, check with a tuner and adjust the holes, widening it. The wider and higher the hole is to the whistle, the higher the note. The tuning of the pipe is diatonic, i.e. major or minor scale. With all the holes closed, the note “D” is obtained, which means the first hole will correspond to the note “E”, the second to the note “F sharp”, the third to “Sol”, the fourth to “A”, the fifth to “B”, the sixth to “C sharp”, and lower "D". This is a major key. Below I will post a diagram with hole measurements and the whistle device.

After tuning the six holes on the top surface of the flute, you need to clean the internal channel from any burnt residue with sandpaper:

Lastly, we burn a hole from the bottom surface of the flute:

Diagram of the whistle and measurements of the holes of the pipe:

If you liked these or other wood and birch bark products that we make with our own hands, you can buy or order them by contacting us by e-mail: [email protected].


It is not necessary to buy musical wind instruments in specialized stores, as there is a lot of advice on how to make them at home, using only your own strength. These homemade instruments make great gifts, are great for playing outdoors, and can play a role in introducing folk music.

We make the pipe ourselves

With your own efforts, it is quite possible to make a simple instrument, namely, a pipe-pipe. The simplicity of manufacturing lies in the fact that the materials can be found even in nature. I would also like to note that such a homemade instrument will be no worse than one bought in a store, since it will be created taking into account traditional techniques and will be able to express beautiful sounds.


The first thing you need to do is find the base material, which can be reed or reed. The main thing is that the material is dry and without damage. The length of the stem must be at least 30 centimeters, and the diameter must be equal to one centimeter.

To make a pipe you will need to have additional working tools:

  • Super glue;
  • hacksaw;
  • sharp knife and sandpaper.

Once a suitable material is found, separate the uneven edges from it, and then sand them with sandpaper. Then, using a sharp knife, remove all the insides from the stem. Try to sand the inside of the stem as well. Just be careful, as the dry stem is very fragile and will need to not be broken.

It is worth measuring about two centimeters from the edge of the future pipe, which will eventually become the hole for the whistle. The whistle itself should have a slope of 45 degrees.

First take care of the prepared piece of wood, which will later become the whistle. This blank needs to be greased with glue and inserted inside. Wait until completely dry.

To make the holes, you will need a wood burner to carefully place the holes. At the same time, it is important to maintain the tonality of your homemade instrument, where a tuner will be an indispensable assistant.

    How to make a pipe?


    It is not necessary to buy musical wind instruments in specialized stores, as there is a lot of advice on how to make them at home, using only your own strength. These homemade instruments make great gifts, are great for playing outdoors, and can play a role in introducing folk music. We make the pipe ourselves [...]

To make a pipe you will need reeds or reeds. It should be whole and dry. The stem length should be approximately 30-35 cm, and the average diameter should be about 1 cm.

If you have a pet, then you can buy a wide variety of clothes and shoes for him, in particular for dogs.
When making a pipe, you also need to prepare needle files, a wood burner, a hacksaw, sandpaper, superglue and a knife. To make a flute whistle, you need to select a piece of durable wood.

The uneven edges of the tube must be sawed off and smoothed with sandpaper. After this, use a metal stem or a knife to remove the partitions of the stem from the inside.

Then you need to wrap sandpaper around the stick and insert it into the channel of the future flute. And it needs to be cleaned up. To process the pipe further, you need to tightly wrap the edges of the stem with strong threads so that it does not crack.

Measure 2 cm from the edge of the flute and use a whistle pencil to mark a rectangular outline of the hole 7 mm wide, while the length should be 5 mm. It is necessary to carefully cut out the hole.

Using a needle file, you need to process the whistle of the pipe, while giving the correct slope to its angle. The whistle must be at a 45 degree angle.

From a special prepared piece of wood, an insert must be made into the whistle, which must correspond in size to the diameter of the flute channel. You need to insert a piece of wood inside, smearing it with super glue. The excess needs to be cut off.

After this, you need to turn on the tuner and blow the whistle in order to determine the tone. Taking a wood burning machine after determining the tone, you need to burn a small hole. On the diatonic major scale, checking it with a tuner, widen the hole. A small hole is also made on the back side.

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How unpredictable and ornate are the paths that lead us to life’s milestones! So my interest in the Shakuhachi flute came quite unexpectedly. What is even more unexpected (for myself) is what I want to offer you on this page. Namely, making a flute with your own hands from PVC. The Shakuhachi type flute is a fairly simple instrument, structurally speaking. If it could be made hundreds of years ago, now, having modern materials and tools, as well as means for calculations, anyone with such a goal can make a flute.

A PVC flute has a pleasant, deep, thoughtful, fairly strong sound (subject to all the recommendations outlined on this page). The nature of the timbre of PVC is of course different from babuk, it is no worse or better, it is just different. But for beginners, as well as for those who want to experiment with scales and keys, this is an excellent opportunity to realize their creative impulses. Besides everything, as has already been written a lot in other materials on PVC flutes, they are unpretentious to environmental conditions and can be a constant companion wherever you go. From my own experience, I can say that making a flute is no less enjoyable than actually playing it. This is already a game, this is already a sound, a melody of inspiration, aspiration realized in such a wonderful instrument as the Shakuhachi type flute.


Having received my first flute (bamboo) in the key of F (Shakuhachi 1.5), I thought that this was not quite what I expected. It turned out that I ordered a flute before I figured out their sizes and tonalities. Oh, these sudden impulses of the soul!!! Well, okay, let's leave the lyrics for later. So, ordering a new flute was financially expensive, but I still wanted something more meditative. Thanks to Evgeniy's materials (), I became interested in the possibility of making a flute from a simple PVC pipe. “What, it’s inexpensive, accessible, you can experiment, it’s enough for the first time, and then, lo and behold, I’ll be able to buy a bamboo flute.” That's what I thought.


Having purchased everything necessary, I proceeded to... What? For thoughts.

The fact is that the recommended flute sizes and hole locations varied greatly depending on the source. I am still more of a supporter of the European system of notes, and therefore the accuracy of sound, and therefore the accuracy of the size of the flute, is an important issue for me. This was especially felt after the first attempt (I still tried to use the recommended sizes) in the process of tuning the flute by cutting holes. I clearly noticed correlations between the holes, while I was adjusting one hole, the other immediately floated in tone, a little, but it floated. Bending the flute, of course, evened out the deviations of the notes, but all this seemed inconvenient.


If you want to do something, do it yourself.

I started by finding out about the resonance properties of air column oscillations. It turned out that the frequency of oscillations of the air column in a pipe open on both sides is equal to: the speed of sound divided by the length and divided by 2, and for a pipe closed on one side, divided by 4.

Having cut out a piece of pipe corresponding to the calculations and turned it out, I discovered that I had not hit the right note. The Shakuhachi flute is not a doubly open pipe and is not closed on one side! She is something “in the middle”. Empirically, it was possible to calculate the division coefficient; it is equal to 2.20031. Now my trumpets sounded exactly on the right note. But what to do with the holes?

Having calculated the holes according to the required frequencies (notes), it turned out that something was clearly wrong. It became clear that the position of the holes needed to be calculated differently, taking into account their diameter and, possibly, the thickness of the pipe wall. After all, the hole also forms a small pipe. I’ll omit the tedious descriptions of my ordeals in this field, although they really captivated me and were about to threaten to give birth to a “eureka”... The materials helped again, to whom I am very grateful!

Now it's practice


In a plumbing store I came across a pipe with an internal diameter of 21 and a wall thickness of 5.4. It allows you to immediately grind utaguchi without additional, thickening attachments, which has a very positive effect on the aesthetic appearance of the flute.

Flute "2.9" in the key of F (F) with standard Minie tuning. Pipe 22.5 internal diameter, 6.7 wall thickness. The sound is deep and quite loud. The holes are located in places convenient for spreading. Grooves were made for the holes to reduce the wall thickness. Sound sample

Happy making and happy playing!!!

A self-made flute is a wonderful gift! She will give you many minutes filled with enthusiasm in attempts to blow out the sound! Especially when the subject heard and saw how they had just played it, and how wonderfully it sings, and how easy everything looks!!! ;-) I have already given away almost all the flutes, except those that I play myself, and the number of people who want them is not decreasing. Go for it!!!

Gift copies

From left to right:
1. Flute "1.8" key D(Re) with standard Minie tuning; Sound sample
2. Flute “2.0” in the key of C (C) with standard Minie tuning.


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