How to make a door lock. DIY cardboard castle: how to make an original composition with your own hands How to make medieval castles with your own hands

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Nothing is impossible for the resourceful and creative, right? Why spend personal savings on an expensive construction set if it can be made from waste material... and in just half an hour! Do not believe? Then see how easily cardboard rolls, trays and boxes are transformed into luxurious medieval castle, and you will want to make such a miracle yourself.

But the most interesting thing is that each time the fortress can be built differently - depending on the mood and circumstances of the game.

Please prepare:

  • rolls of paper towels, foil, etc.,
  • cardboard boxes and inserts,
  • egg tray,
  • cones, nuts,
  • toothpicks,
  • scissors,
  • stationery knife,
  • PVA glue (glue gun),
  • stapler

Start working and don’t be afraid to fantasize, the main thing is passion and love for nature! Recycling of raw materials - another step towards preserving the Earth's natural resources.

At first let's make a dragon. This cute dinosaur will perfectly cope with his role. Cut out the silhouette of a dinosaur from a cardboard piece. Cut the kitchen towel roll in half and make two longitudinal cuts on both halves. These are dinosaur limbs. Glue gray spots on the back of the dragon, and colored ribbed spikes on top. There is very little left - to make the dinosaur’s eyes, draw a mouth and secure the body in the cuts of cardboard rolls. Ready!

Let's move on to making a paper castle. The courtyard towers will consist of rolls of different diameters and heights. Cut out windows and balconies with a stationery knife or nail scissors. It’s best to leave cutting the rolls to your mom or dad.

Trees are easy to make by hot glueing nuts and pinecones inside small cardboard cylinders.

To the narrowest and tallest towers, feel free to glue a cardboard base - a circle or a spool of decorative tape. Otherwise, the rolls will fall and destroy the structure.

Fairytale castle roofs are very easy to make! Grease the inside of a cell cut out from an egg carton and attach it to the tower. The sharp tops of the towers can be easily made from cardboard circles. All you have to do is cut out a small sector with a top in the center of the circle, roll the workpiece into a cone and fasten it with a stapler or PVA glue.

Make the walls and corridors of the palace from cardboard parts from household appliance packaging. They should be shaped like a brick.

The pride of every castle is its flag. Multi-colored flags (if, of course, you paint them) will decorate your fortress on toothpick mounts.

What is a palace without a princess? Place her in one of the fortress towers. And don’t forget about the courtiers, guards and other puppet people.

Add details: cut out an image of a crown - a symbol of royal power, make flower beds and an entrance to the fortress with a drawbridge.

Take out the old railway from the closet - and you already have a whole fairy-tale country with amazing inhabitants and medieval architecture. Have a fun game!

And after playing to your heart’s content, don’t forget to put the construction set into a box or plastic container. The fairytale castle will come in handy more than once.

Homemade garage locks have a simple design and are opened with a special key. They are installed from inside the garage, which makes the devices invisible.

Such locks are made according to individual sketches of the garage owner, for which it is quite difficult to select a master key, which can be done for standard models of locks purchased in stores or markets. What types of homemade garage locks there are are discussed in this article.

Types and features of homemade garage locks

The garage is designed to protect the vehicle from the harmful effects of external factors and to protect it from theft. No garage can give a complete guarantee of car safety, but its safety largely depends on the strength and reliability of the garage door lock.

Homemade garage locks, like most devices, can be of several types.

They can be:

  • Mounted.
  • Mortise
  • Rack and pinion (see).
  • Invoices.
  • Mixed devices.

One of the main criteria that distinguishes these devices is the method of their manufacture.

They can be:

  • Factory products.
  • Homemade locks for the garage.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Often the choice of product is determined by its price. If you want to purchase a reliable and high-quality factory device, you will need to pay quite a lot of money.

This is due to the fact that the lock will not be a simple factory stamping, but a mechanism assembled by hand by a professional. There are a number of points that distinguish factory products from handicrafts.

The main ones are: low quality and lack of reliability of many factory designs. In any case, you will have to pay a fairly large amount for good devices.

When making a lock, due to the desire to save money, you can lose in its quality, which can affect the safety of the car.

Advice: The installation of the structure should be approached very responsibly. You need to remember the basic rule: the lock that is not visible protects better.

The principle of operation of locks depending on their type

  • Homemade garage padlock.

This is the most common type of product. The entire mechanism of such a device is located in a suspended housing.

Locking is done using an arc or pin, which is inserted inside. For the structure to work, on the locked doors it is necessary to install special eyes into which an arc is inserted, with the help of which the locking occurs.

This type of technical device has one negative quality, which casts doubt on its positive properties - it can be opened relatively easily. Such locks are hung from the outside, so attackers have access to it, and with the help of a master key it can be opened or simply knocked down.

Advice: This type of lock should only be used as an additional security measure when combining the use of several locking device options.

  • Homemade rack and pinion garage lock.

This is a fairly popular option for making locks. It is installed from the inside, and the locking process is carried out by several sliding rods.

The lock is opened with a special individual key, which is inserted into the hole and, when turned, pulls out the bolts. This type of device design is somewhat more reliable, but it can be hacked by sawing the locking elements or picking up the key.

  • Mortise lock.

It is quite difficult to install, and the reliability of the device is relatively low. This design can only be used as an additional measure of protection.

Easier to make yourself are locks for other types of garages.

These include:

  • Homemade garage lock– a spinner, its general appearance is shown in the photo.

This is the name of a lockable system that works on the principle of a deadbolt. The lock version has a fairly simple design; you can easily make it yourself.

This device works according to this principle:

  1. from the inside, special eyelets are installed on the two garage door leaves, which can be metal or made of wooden beams;
  2. in the center of the gate, a pinwheel bolt is mounted on a through bolt, driven by turning relative to the center;
  3. The ends of the turntable should fit into the eyes, and thus securely lock the doors from the inside.

In this case, there are no lock elements on the outside. This is the most reliable lock for a garage; breaking the gate becomes almost impossible.

  • Espagnolette.

This is the simplest, most reliable and effective homemade option for locking garage doors, which allows it to be used in most cases. An espagnolette is a metal pin that moves inside the eyes.

It is usually mounted on the inside of garage doors. This device operates on the principle of a valve.

  • Locks installed for swing gates.

This locking device is a type of latch, with the difference that the latch most often moves in a horizontal direction and is used with a single-leaf gate design. For swing gates, the locks consist of metal rods that move vertically inside special eyes installed on the gates.

To carry out the locking, a pair of holes about half a meter deep are made in the ground under the rods.

Tip: The strength and reliability of the structure should be increased by installing metal tubes of suitable diameter in these holes, which are then concreted.

This type of lock has a main drawback - it is locked from the inside, which requires the installation of an additional door. They can be used if the garage is built into the building of the house or in the courtyard of the estate.

How to make a simple garage lock

Instructions for making a simple rim lock with a latch, which is driven by a special individual homemade key, consists of the following:

  • Making the base of the castle. This is a metal plate approximately three millimeters thick, with a diameter of 10 millimeters.
  • Two linings are cut from the same metal:
  1. width - 22 millimeters;
  2. length – 120 millimeters.
  • The overlays are bent in a vice according to the sketches.
  • The valve is being manufactured.
  • A guide tube with an outer diameter of approximately 10 millimeters for the lock key is being prepared. Its length depends on the thickness of the gate. One end of the tube is cut at an angle of 60 degrees, as shown in Figure 4.
  • Assembly of the structure begins with welding the linings to the edges of the base

Tip: If parts are deformed after welding, they must be straightened. Minor distortions will be eliminated when installing the lock on the gate.

  • Four holes are drilled in the corners of the plate to secure the lock to the door.
  • The guide tube is inserted into the plate hole with a diameter of 10 millimeters, the bevel is inserted into the pads.
  • The tube is carefully welded to the base, while maintaining mutual perpendicularity.
  • The valve is inserted into the linings, in the middle between them.
  • Two screws with a diameter of M4 and a length of about eight millimeters are screwed into the valve. These screws are valve travel limiters; it is advisable to place spring washers under their heads.

The key is selected from a circle with a diameter of 8 millimeters, its length is 150 millimeters.

  • One end of it, approximately 25 millimeters long, is bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • On the other side, a cut is formed at an angle of 60 degrees.
  • A hole is drilled in the cut area.
  • The beard is made according to Figure 7.
  • The key is assembled according to Figure 8.

The secrecy of the lock is ensured by drilling key holes in the bolt below or above, the interval can be one millimeter, which will provide the lock with a large number of “secrecy” options. For these purposes, you can change size 12 according to Figure 5 within acceptable limits.

How to make a garage lock with your own hands is shown in more detail in the video. A high-quality lock in the garage is a guarantee of car security.

Main advantage homemade garage locks- their originality. Thieves are familiar with industrial locks and how to install them. A homemade garage lock, if it is original enough, can put out crooks to a dead end, and this always frightens those who come “to the business” and beats they want to continue.

It makes sense to make such a lock when you have access to good materials, hardening steel, lathes and milling machines, etc. Otherwise the most original castle will simply be knocked down or broken by force. Another way is to use it in an unusual way ready-made locks or their parts.

Photo homemade locks with a secret for garage:

Modification of purchased locks

If you do garage lock it doesn’t work out with your own hands due to a lack of the necessary materials or technologies for processing them, then you can try finalize ready-made locks.

There are different types of locks:

  • invoices;
  • mortise;
  • mounted

The padlock It’s easy to knock it down with a sledgehammer, no matter how cunning its larva turns out to be. The loops can be cut with a regular hacksaw without much noise. The padlock is not a big obstacle for modern children's, very well equipped great tool.

Invoices And mortise locks break significantly more difficult. In essence, this is simply knocking out the door (this is especially true for mortise locks). For such cases, hackers use two methods:

  • opening with a master key;
  • sawing the bolt (bolt).

If there is a gap in the door that allows access to the deadbolt, then it may be sawed with a jigsaw for a few minutes.

Some types of locks proposed by craftsmen, for example, a rack lock with "secret" key, are too naive to protect against burglars. The only secret here is turning bar length on the key. The burglar will make this strip out of cardboard and cut it with scissors until the lock begins to wrinkle it. Next time the burglar will come not for reconnaissance, but to the point.

Security of the garage against opening should be considered a little wider than just choosing a lock. According to the location of garages there are collective located in the courtyard of a residential building or attached close to an individual house or cottage. In many cases, the garage may be part of the house.

The worst case is collective garage.

But lately many garage communities have been putting surveillance cameras, and they do it quite cunningly, they hire watchmen and it becomes increasingly difficult for car thieves to work.

A garage in the courtyard of a house is more convenient for the owner, especially if it is visible from the apartment window, and private garage with the house - it's very good. In the latter case, the garage can be protect the best thing.

For the best protection for your garage, use durable metal gates And doors, those that cannot be knocked out with a sledgehammer. Homemade garage lock must be completely hidden from the outside, and its bolt must be armored. Such a lock cannot be opened with any master keys, or even ordinary keys. This electronic lock, controlled from a distance.

Another, also very practical option, is to install hidden electric lock together with ordinary, mechanical. Moreover, you can even use a padlock. Mechanical lock serves as the first barrier that burglars will have to overcome. But after they do this, they will encounter a new, incomprehensible obstacle, get nervous and withdraw.

The most advanced for our time can be considered a hidden electric lock with control via radio interface. The key is miniature radio transmitter(key fob) transmitting a code combination. The receiver checks that what is received matches the given key and opens the lock.

To prevent advanced hijackers from using the intercepted key, transmitter and receiver change the code for next time according to a certain algorithm, so that it turns out "one-time password". This is called an anti-scanning system or dynamic code encryption.

But this not the cheapest option. The minimum price here is approx. 9000 rub.. Self-production of such a system will be much more cheaper for the money, but will require a fair amount of knowledge in radio engineering, electronics and programming, as well as the ability to solder very miniature parts.

Case Study

What can a car owner who wants to do well do? protect your car for little money?

One of the practical options, suitable for a garage located close to the house, is given below. Apartment or house is good protected, and you can only open the garage from home.

Garage doors are locked only from the inside, using locks with powerful bolts, and it is advisable to disguise this power so that through the open garage it is unclear what exactly is holding the gate.

From the side of the garage gate you can only take ram with the help of a truck, but this case goes far beyond peacetime conditions, when crooks prefer not to make noise.

The owner gets into the garage through a separate door in the back wall of the garage. This door is locked too internal lock, but there is also a regular lock. Internal locks- These are solenoid-type electric locks that are controlled from home, via a cable that runs parallel to the garage power cable with mains voltage.

When the door closes with a regular lock, close and solenoid locks. Opening a regular lock with a master key won't give anything to burglars. And the owner himself, before leaving the house, opens the electric locks by supplying power to them and, thereby, unlocks the garage door for subsequent opening with a regular lock.

These electric locks should be installed so that they attract as little attention as possible.

Lock solenoids are usually powered by voltage 24 V and require several amperes of current to operate and much less current to hold open (unless equipped with latches).

Some of the electric locks have latches, also controlled electromagnetically. But most often they come across electromagnetic locks, which have a beveled crossbar and fix it when the door is closed. Opening occurs after current is applied.

According to fire safety rules, when people are in the garage, the doors must open instantly And unhindered! How to do this is up to the owner, but this is the rule Necessarily must be carried out.

In winter it is possible freezing of crossbars, but you can fight this and it’s quite simple.

To do this you should warm up electric locks. The lock body is wrapped with fiberglass cloth, then evenly with nichrome wire, thickness 0.3-0.5 mm.

The length of the wire is chosen such that the solenoid warms up at room temperature to approximately 70 degrees Celsius.

The voltage source used is the same from which the solenoids are powered. It must provide current not less than 8 A.

The nichrome wire is then covered with a new layer of fiberglass, and you can also make a tin casing on top, and connect the nichrome wires with copper wires (preferably welded using coal from a battery and boric acid) and carefully remove outward.

In winter, after thaws and repeated frosts, it is enough turn on heating a few minutes before the doors open and the locks will work trouble-free.

When working on this project, it is important don't show it to anyone the existence of such a cunning system and don't tell about how it works. All car owners love to brag to each other about their technical achievements, but this is not the case. Because the garage power cables(220) and lock management You can stretch it in a corrugated pipe in advance, take advantage of this and don’t tell anyone anything.

Let everyone think that you are spending light in the garage. Otherwise, crooks can dig up the cable and open the garage according to your instructions.


If you wish, you can protect your garage well from car thieves. There are two ways to do this. Either spend a lot of money on perfect locks and put the garage under police protection (which also costs money), or show a little skill and make tricky lock for the garage with your own hands. By the way, rich people, despite all the cool technologies they pay for, are “bombed” more often and more successfully, because their garage and car are known to a wide range of people.

Useful video

How to do homemade garage lock watch the video with your own hands:

The garage is that secret place where every man can spend a lot of time. But on top of everything else, an expensive item is stored there - a car. Many people save some money to buy a suitable car for themselves. Therefore, the first place after purchase is reliable protection of your “treasure”. That is why you need to hang a reliable and durable lock on your garage that no one can open or break into. Among the many purchased locks, there are homemade security locks for the garage, which are distinguished by their reliability and increased security.

What is the advantage of homemade locks? The fact is that they are more difficult to open. If attackers are already familiar with standard locks, which many buy in stores, then a barrier with your own hands with modifications can stop the robbers. This is exactly what our article is dedicated to. We will look at some of the secrets of garage locks, their types and features. We will also learn how to make a homemade garage lock with your own hands.

Effective lock secrets for garage security

The secret in the lock is just that, so that no one knows its structure. The main task is to make the lock structure complex, but at the same time simple at first glance; the secret should not be easy to read with indirect signs. There is some pattern here. It lies in the fact that simplicity is the key to success. The simpler the lock seems, the more difficult it will be for an attacker to break it and understand the principle of its operation.

Since these are homemade garage locks, their variety is quite large. However, among a large number of different designs, there are several grains that can be canceled:

Note! To ensure that your secret lock remains secure in the future, it is important to ensure that strangers do not see you opening or closing the garage door. Otherwise, the principle of its work and the very essence of the work will be lost. The trick will fail.

Security locks that operate on the basis of a simple car alarm have a similar drawback. Why can you say this? Because any car alarm has a standard device and mechanisms. That is why a professional needs to take at least one look at the key fob or signaling box, mechanism and wires, to determine the implementation of the secret. Let's take a closer look at some of the available security lock schemes, and then we'll try to put it all into practice.

Some schemes of locks with a secret

First, let's look at the mechanical types of a lock secret. They boil down to modernizing an existing castle. Here's what you can do to protect your garage from thieves:

Simple screw lock with secret

Now we can consider homemade screw locks for the garage. They are very popular because they are easy to create and quite effective. In order to create them, you will need to be able to use a machine. Then you can get a screw lock with a secret, which you see in the photo below.

Its operating principle and secret is that the key head has a special configuration. To create a more complex screw-type lock system, you need to make two degrees of protection and two keys. This will make the design even more reliable. To understand how this product works, we suggest you watch this video:

As you can see, the garage protection is very reliable. Nowadays, replicas of antique mechanical locks with a secret are gaining quite a lot of popularity. The secret of its functioning comes down to the very complex shape of the key. This means that it is very difficult to make the same shape of a working surface for yourself without having the original. However, it is hardly rational to use it for garage doors.

Padlock with secret

If we talk about modern analogues of the design of the ancient castle, which was discussed above, then these are simple hinged structures for garages. We are all used to seeing them. Below in the photo there are drawings of similar structures.

The body of the product has 2 bushings with pins. and a retaining ring. They block the movement of the mechanism. The circuit shackle can be removed when you were able to correctly select the position of the pin. When the mechanism turns, the groove on the cylindrical part of the pin begins to align with the corresponding hole in the body. Then the end of the bow can be released or blocked. If the lock has one pin, then choosing the desired position on the body is not so difficult.

If you make two pins that have their own individual arrangement of grooves, then choosing the right position will be very difficult and time-consuming. In addition, when closing the garage, you can easily turn the pin to any position to determine in what state the lock can be opened.

An example of creating a lock with a secret with your own hands

Now let's look at how you can make a simple lock with a secret with your own hands. The first option will be to create a special key and locking structures. To create it, you need to have welding skills to perform a number of welding jobs.

The design itself is very simple. On the reverse side of the garage door of one half you need to weld hinges in which a locking mechanism in the form of a metal plate will be installed. The same loops are welded onto the other half, into which the locking plates will fit. It is important to place them at the same level so that movement is smooth. A hole is made in the plate itself, thanks to which the owner can close or open the garage. The whole secret is in the key for such a lock. It will be made of thick wire and have a special shape and length. It will allow you to insert the key into the hole in the gate, and then open or close the locking mechanism. All holes are made identical to the diameter of the wire.

The point is that there can be several such plates. And the secret comes down to the fact that there is no lock or structure on the gate, only a hole. The attacker will not be able to pick up the key or understand how to open the gate, because he does not see the exact distance from the hole to the plate. A key 1 or 0.5 cm larger/smaller will not be able to open this door. To understand how clearly everything works, you can watch this: homemade locks with a secret for the garage video.

Advice! To prevent an attacker from guessing how to open this lock, you can disguise the hole and hang a regular old lock next to it, which does not work. This will distract him for a long time, and he will not be able to get inside in any way.

You need to understand what the purpose of a lock with a secret is: it should confuse the attacker. It is in originality and non-standardness that all the strength of the design lies. If they have learned to cope with ordinary constipation, then this is something new, unrecognized. The more you can upgrade the product, the better.

Let's sum it up

Garage protection is the main task for every car owner. And if thieves have learned to bypass standard store-bought products, it’s time to show your imagination and make your own cunning and unusual lock with a secret. With it you can definitely be sure that no one will encroach on your property. And thanks to the visual video, you can make similar designs with your own hands.

Every little girl certainly dreams of a brave and handsome prince on a white horse. And what is a princess without a real luxurious castle?

In this article we have prepared for you a very interesting master class on making a cardboard castle, which will become your favorite object for games. Not only girls, but also boys can play with a handmade cardboard castle. After all, in the castle you can organize large-scale battles, and not just wait for your lover in the highest tower.

So, to make a cardboard castle you will need the following materials: cardboard boxes, packaging and toilet paper rolls, as well as scissors, glue and paint.

Based on the cardboard wealth that you manage to collect, you must design your own unique castle.

Make the main buildings in the fortress from cardboard boxes. From small rectangular boxes you can make strong walls. You can use cardboard toilet paper rolls to make towers.

To construct roofs you will need cardboard.

Be sure to remember to cut out windows and doors, balconies and terraces in the buildings, then the game will be much more interesting.


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