How to make a pear from tires. How to make a punching bag from tires with your own hands: step-by-step instructions How to make a punching bag from tires

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A good punching bag is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

Besides, sometimes I want a pear hang in the yard or on the sports ground open air, and you can’t just leave an expensive branded item on the street.

But this does not mean that you will have to practice your strikes on something else.

You can make a full-fledged punching bag with your own hands, and from free material- used car tires.

First you need to get the tires. Their number will determine the size of the pear in height. Usually this 5-8 pieces.

There is nothing complicated in the creation process. Let's make do with the most basic tools. The main one is a drill with a thick drill bit.


To create a tire bag using strong rope, you will need:

  • drill with a drill of at least 20-22 mm;
  • 4 tires (from passenger cars);
  • twine 2-2.5 meters in length, 15-18 mm in diameter;
  • lighter.


  1. Wash tires.
  2. We place them on top of each other. It is advisable to place the heavier ones on the bottom, and the lighter ones on top.
  3. We measure their height, cut 2 pieces of twine. The length of the pieces should be 2-3 times greater than the height of the tires stacked on top of each other.
  4. Marking the locations for the holes.
  5. We drill with a drill Tires have 4 holes at equal distances from one another. We take as much as possible big drill: rubber is an elastic material that contracts, causing the hole to become smaller. The circumference of each hole should be approximately 12-15 cm.
  6. Threading the ropes. We make knots at the bottom of the wheels.
  7. We singe the nodes using a lighter.
  8. We tie the loops together at the top of the tires.

The boxing apparatus made from tires is ready, all that remains is hang securely his.

Hanging hook

It is best to hang the pear on a hook.

A regular bracket is far from the optimal option, since the wheels will almost rest against the wall, and it will be difficult to learn how to box well.

We will need an anchor bolt with a hook-shaped end:

  1. Using a hammer drill equipped with a drill for working with concrete, we make a hole in the ceiling. Important! You may need to make several holes in the ceiling, since on the first or second try you might end up not in the concrete, but in one of the cavities that are usually made in concrete slabs to reduce their weight.
  2. Screw the hook into concrete slab. All is ready.

You can also use the second option (with bolts). Fasteners should be added to the ropes.

In this case, the homemade boxing equipment will not only be able to withstand very strong blows, but also falls:

  1. We make 4 holes in the wheels. But the top side of the very first tire and bottom side We don’t touch the very last one. Important! The holes must match the size of the bolts, so you will need to select the appropriate drill.
  2. Tighten the bolts and nuts well.
  3. Now at the top of the first and bottom of the last wheel drill holes. Their circumference should be larger than the diameter of the holes intended for the bolts. We will thread thick ropes into these larger holes. Chains can also be used instead of string. The bolts will hold them in place.
  4. We pass the ropes through large holes . The job is done - now we can box.

Pear on a log

To create a pear on a log, we can’t do without:

  • logs;
  • screws;
  • metal strips.

Nothing complicated:

  1. First we create kernel for tires. It will be made of logs, whose circumference will be of such a size that the tires will fit tightly.
  2. Digging in the rod into the ground. We'll have to dig a hole of order 50 cm deep, or better yet, deeper. Then the log will be stable.
  3. We bury wooden base, we check how firmly it stands.
  4. We string tires onto a log rod. If the total height of the tires is less than the log, you need them secure it so it doesn't fall down down. We do this using planks or bars. We nail them to the sides of the log.
  5. Tires with log connect with screws.
  6. Lower tire with rod fastened with a metal strip.

Projectile from one tire

When it is not possible to get a lot of tires or a pear big size not needed, you can make a projectile from just one tire. This type of work is the least labor-intensive.

You can make a pear from one tire very fast:

  1. Place the tire vertically.
  2. Use a drill to make a hole in the top for the hook.
  3. We fasten the rope to the hook.
  4. We tie it to something (a tree, a beam).

When there are a lot of tires and there is somewhere to place them, you can create a whole complex boxing equipment.

In the center there is a punching bag on a log, and on the sides there are boxing equipment made from one tire and suspended on a rope.

Video on the topic

This video shows a handmade pear:


Making a pear from used tires is easy. Expensive materials and it doesn’t require much effort.

Having your own boxing equipment will allow you to conduct real training independently at any time, without investing a penny in it.

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Many people want to make themselves a punching bag, but few people get around to it, and this, by the way, is not even accidental. The fact is that in fact, creating a punching bag is not such a simple matter as it might initially seem. Although, it is impossible not to mention that it can be done in many ways. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of bags. And what? A very good way. A boxing bag can be made from leather, burlap and other materials. As for us, we recommend using car tires.

And also, if you are not sure that you will succeed, we advise you to buy a pear in a specialized store. As simple example We can cite the online store of goods for martial arts and MMA “Fightevo”. They sell good punching bags, as well as equipment and clothing for martial arts. By the way, this store is located at We also note that the prices there are relatively low.

What materials will you need?

First things first, decide where you will hang the bag, this is very important. Sometimes organizing a support for hanging a pear is more difficult than creating it. IN in this case a crossbar was used.

For this you will need the following:

4-5 car tires;
steel chain;
bolts, nuts, washers;
drill, drill bit;
open-end wrenches;
bolts with rings.
We also recommend preparing chalk and tape measure.

How to make a punching bag from tires

In general, yes, in car tires you need to drill three holes on each side with the exception of one tire, one of its sides does not need to be drilled. These holes are needed, as you probably already guessed, for passing bolts. You need to drill at the same distance.

Once the holes are ready, you can immediately begin assembly. Everything is simple here. One tire is placed on top of the other with the holes aligned, then bolts are inserted into these holes, after which nuts are screwed onto them. To keep the fasteners in place, use wide washers.

On top you need to install three bolts with rings. Well, then we need to start organizing the suspension system. For this, in fact, you need a steel chain. Cut three identical pieces, then secure them to the rings and then secure all three to the rest of the chain.

The topic of today's review is how to make a punching bag from tires. Such a simple and inexpensive projectile is ideal for people living in the private sector. Place it in your yard and you can practice on it at a convenient time. If you live in an apartment and you have a park or square nearby, install it there. In this case, there is a high probability that children will hang on it, and it will not last long, but it can then be easily repaired and continue to study on it. We will look at three ways to do this.

  1. Fastening bolts.
  2. Metal cable fastening.
  3. Tires on a pole.

Bolted pear

One of the most labor-intensive methods, but convenient and durable. For assembly you will need:

  • Tires.
  • Bolts.
  • Nuts.
  • Washers.
  • Metal chain.

Let's take four car tires, it is better to take rubber without spikes, it is softer, and you will not injure your fists when working on it. We put one wheel on the other and drill holes in them. Make at least eight holes on each wheel, so the structure will be more reliable and last longer.

When we drill everything, we need to fasten them with bolts; for strength, we fix them on top with washers. Once we secure this entire structure, we make four holes on the top rail for the mounting bolts in the shape of a loop. We will hang for them. Having installed the fastening bolts, we hang the pear on a chain and attach a carabiner on top.

If the projectile is too light, it can be weighted by filling it with sandbags. You need to take two strong planks, place them in a cross on the bottom of the pear, and secure them with bolts. Afterwards, put several sandbags inside, which will give good weight. If it turns out to be too tough, find for yourself optimal weight, removing 1-2 bags.

To see how to make a punching bag from tires with your own hands, watch this video:

The pear is ready, let’s choose for it appropriate place and start training. It must be remembered that such a projectile is very hard and working on it with bare hands is dangerous. Put on special training gloves and feel free to start training.

The design is easily removable and can be moved to another comfortable spot. It is convenient to practice series and hit accentuating blows. It will take its rightful place in any gym, striking martial arts.

Projectile on metal cables

The principle is the same as with bolts. We put the tires one on top of the other and drill four holes in them. Afterwards, we take the cable and stretch it between the wheels. He will unite them, and for him we can homemade pear hang up. Next, we take a metal chain and attach our structure to a pre-selected tree. As you can see, the design is easy to manufacture; you can make it yourself within a few hours. The only thing you need is help to hang it; it’s almost impossible to do it alone.

If you want to practice not only punches, but also kicks (low kicks), increase the number of tires to 7-8 pieces. In this way, you will lengthen our structure, it will turn out to be quite heavy and comfortable for leg work.

Do not take a cable with a small section, it will quickly fray and your projectile will quickly become unusable. Take it with a diameter of 40-65 mm, its wear will be quite large and when the neighbor’s children begin to hang on it, it will not tear.

On a pole

Perhaps the easiest way to make a training apparatus. We only need two things:

  1. Pillar.
  2. Tires.

It is necessary to dig a hole. It should be deep enough so that the post does not loosen or fall when struck. A meter pit will provide long term services for homemade sports equipment. After we place a pillar in it, it is advisable to fill it with crushed stone or rubble stone, this will give the projectile stability.

Then, we begin to put the tires on the dug-in post. We take so many of them that it is slightly above the level of your head. This way it will be convenient for you to hit it with a variety of blows. There is a punch in boxing, it is delivered like a side kick, but its trajectory is from top to bottom. It will be more convenient for you to practice it if the tires are stacked high. If someone else comes to work on it and is taller than you, he will be very pleased to work on it.

There is no way to put a pole, attach the tires to the tree. You will have to cut them on one side and circle them along its trunk. To prevent the wheels from flying off during impacts, nail them to the tree and secure them with washers. This bag is well suited for parks; there will be many people who want to practice hitting the rubber after you leave.

There is an option for the lazy. Take one large wheel, preferably from a BelAZ, and hang it with a rope on a high tree branch. Such a projectile will be light, and not as good as previous projectiles, but it can be used well for single hits.

There is no time or desire to make a street exercise machine manually; the easiest way is to buy it in a specialized store or find it on the Internet and order it on the website. You will save time and effort. It is convenient to order a pear on a special tripod in the kit. You don't have to look for a place to hang it. All that remains is to collect it and start studying. A shopping bag will look great in the yard, and you can keep yourself in good shape at any time.


Friends, we looked at all the ways to make a punching bag from tires, choose the most convenient one. Make it yourself or buy it in a store, the decision is yours. I hope you liked the article. I wish you to be strong and be able to train in any conditions.

Prices Sports Equipment in specialized stores they “bite”. But you can make a lot of things with your own hands and without compromising the family budget. And the long-standing dream of having a punching bag in the house can become a reality thanks to... ordinary tires!


To create a pear, you need to have 5-7 tires, strong rope, wire or bolts, a carabiner for mounting the pear on the ceiling, a drill, and a screwdriver.

Tire fastening options

First of all, you need to fasten the tires. For this purpose, holes are drilled on them - 4 on each, and the holes must be placed in the same places - for subsequent coupling of tires through these holes.

Next, the tires are fastened to each other. This can be done using a rope. To do this, it is threaded through drilled holes. Knots are tied at the bottom of the rope or a piece of reinforcement or a stick is tied around it in order to prevent the tires from slipping.

Tires can also be secured with bolts. To do this, the bolts are strengthened with wide washers, again so that they do not fall out of the holes. Then comes the sequential coupling of tires.

It is necessary to install hooks into the holes on the top of the tire hitch, from which the punching bag will be suspended.

Tires plus log

You can modify the pear by putting tires on a log of suitable length and diameter. In this case, the tires are connected to each other and to the log using screws. The lower tire is connected to the log using metal strips.

Pear from one tire

In absence large quantity tires, or if a large bulb is simply not needed, it can consist of one tire. To do this, it is placed vertically, a hole is drilled in the upper part in which the hook is fixed. The tire can be hung directly on the hook or tied with a rope, and the rope can be secured to the hook.

Pear pendant

You can hang the pear on a bracket. But this installation option has a drawback: the pear will hang in close proximity to the wall. In this case, free movement around the pear will be difficult.

Most best option– built into ceiling hook. You can't do without it here anchor bolt, which has a hook at the end, as well as a hammer drill and a special drill. A hole is drilled in the ceiling. It must be borne in mind that concrete floors not solid cast, they have cavities to reduce weight. And if, after drilling a hole, it turns out that such an empty cavity has entered, then you will have to drill another hole, and maybe more than one. The hook needs to be mounted only in the hole that does not fall into the empty cavity of the ceiling. On last stage A pear is hung on a hook on a chain or rope.


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