How to make an indoor fountain. Do-it-yourself fountain in the country

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A cozy terrace, the aroma of a blooming garden, a soothing herbal tea... This associative series to the phrase “outside the city” can best be continued by the idea of ​​​​building a fountain at the dacha with your own hands. Flowing water allows you to relax for your own pleasure, push aside sad thoughts and unsolvable problems. The movement of water jets is another element of comfort and special color characteristic of a country landscape. To implement this idea, you can hire specialists, or you can show your imagination and build a small structure yourself.

The principle of the fountain and its types

Any fountain is a device that raises a stream of water under pressure to a certain height and sprays it in the air or concentrates it into waterfalls. Therefore, as part of the design, two main components can always be distinguished:

  • a source that creates a stream of water;
  • a receiver where this water flows.

According to the principle of operation, all fountains are divided into two large groups:

  1. Circulating. They are characterized by a closed system of water movement from a source reservoir under the action of a pump force upward through a pipe, followed by flowing into a receiving reservoir. An important point is to provide a water purification and disinfection system. All floor and indoor hydraulic structures, as well as small fountains for summer cottages, are made of this type.
  2. Flow-through. A prerequisite is a connection to a sewer system, so a tank as such is not required. This type is most in demand when arranging hydraulic structures as part of landscape gardening.

Another classification of fountains is based on the shape of the water jet provided by the nozzles and other structural elements used.


The best option for areas with height differences or large areas. When arranging a cascade, you can realize any design idea based on the overflow of water flow from one container to another. By adjusting the height of these differences, you can get rapid waterfalls or leisurely riffles.

The principle of a cascade fountain is that water flows from one container to another


One of the most popular options for organizing garden and country fountains. It is a structure that ejects water under pressure perpendicularly upward or at an angle. By changing the height of the jet, you can create a cozy babbling fountain or a multi-meter noisy stream of water.

Illumination will make a classic fountain even more impressive


One of the easy-to-implement solutions that also performs a decorative function. The height of the water column is usually small, but due to a special nozzle, the liquid is evenly distributed around the perimeter, forming a continuous water hemisphere.

The bell fountain will become a very original design element of the site


This type of fountain includes a diverse group of hydraulic structures that differ from each other in the nature of the jet:

  • single - small vertical jets of one given height;
  • tiered - small vertical jets of different heights;
  • spinner - a rotating jet forms a spiral flow;
  • water jet - water comes out of a hole in a decorative wall at a given distance from the surface of the earth;
  • fishtail - vertical jets fan out and fall in the form of a solid wall;
  • tulip - the stream forms a funnel expanding upward and falls into a thin dome.

The number of jets and height of the fountain can be any, depending on your preferences

Which pump to choose

A wide range of pumps allows you to choose the best option for operation in specific conditions. First of all, you should decide on the type of pump - submersible or surface. The advantages of submersible pumps include:

  • invisibility from prying eyes;
  • ease of installation - installation involves lowering the pump to the bottom of the reservoir and connecting the pipes and power supply;
  • low noise level;
  • efficiency;
  • optimal for small fountains.

Surface pumps also have their advantages:

  • water supply to any part of the fountain;
  • free access to equipment;
  • there is no need to clean for the winter;
  • optimal for complex hydraulic structures on a large surface of a reservoir.

Having decided on the type of pump, pay attention to the maximum pressure and performance of the unit, reflected in the comparison table.

Table: equipment parameters for different types of fountains

How to make a fountain with your own hands

To build a simple stone fountain design, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • water pump from 1100 W in power;
  • a copper pipe with a cross-section of 15 mm for delivering water from the pump to the top of the fountain;
  • a reservoir made of waterproof material for the pump with a volume that allows the pump to be immersed in such a way that at least 150 mm remains between it and the edge of the bowl;
  • a plastic or metal pipe for wiring the electrical cable;
  • coupling for connecting a copper pipe and a pump;
  • float type water supply regulator;
  • metal mesh to protect the tank from debris;
  • drainage gravel;
  • polystyrene pipe for the pump cord outlet;
  • bars for attaching the mesh;
  • stones for the upper decorative part of the fountain (can be replaced with clay pots, concrete bowls, etc.);
  • faucet with adapter and filter.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, we begin to implement the algorithm for step-by-step instructions for building a fountain with our own hands:

The design of any fountain consists of underground and above-ground parts

  1. Choosing a location. This should be on the leeward side of the house to avoid moisture getting on the walls of the building. The distance between the building and the fountain must be at least three times the length of the hydraulic structure.
  2. Digging a hole for a fountain. The dimensions of the pit completely depend on the size of the selected tank: a little wider so that it can be freely installed, and 5 cm above the edge of the sides. They provide for excavation of soil in the groove for the electrical cable.

    The pit should be slightly larger than the prepared tank

  3. Tank installation. The bottom of the prepared pit is leveled with small pebbles in a layer of 40–50 mm, the tank is installed and strengthened. Sand is poured into the grooves between the sides and the ground, which is carefully spilled, compacted and decorated with small stones. Or they simply line the bottom of the pit and its side surfaces with waterproofing material. The power supply from the pump is pulled into a plastic pipe of the required length, placed in a prepared groove, insulated and covered with earth.

    The reservoir can be made of plastic, ceramic or metal

  4. Pump installation. When placing, take into account the need for regular preventive inspection and maintenance of the device.

    It is important to ensure easy access to the pump for further maintenance.

  5. Laying the mesh. A galvanized metal mesh will serve as reliable protection against debris and foreign objects.

    To access the pump, a hinged hole is cut in the mesh

  6. Installation of the base. A metal pipe is connected to the pump to supply water upward (its length should be 100 mm greater than the expected height of the fountain), and wooden beams are laid on top of the metal mesh. The timber is taken with a section of 50x50, and their length should be 80–100 mm greater than the length of the tank. This will ensure the stability of the structure and prevent it from falling into the hole.

    secure the water supply pipe well

  7. Preparing the stones. In each stone (pot, bowl, etc.) intended for the fountain leg, it is necessary to drill a hole, the diameter of which will be 0.5 cm larger than the cross-section of the pipe. To avoid overheating of the drill and cracking of the stones, they must be periodically watered.

    The hole is made using a hammer drill or impact drill

  8. Installation of the structure. Stones, pots or bowls are placed on the pipe like a children's pyramid, fastened together with silicone-based glue. After it has dried, the tank is filled with water 150–200 mm above the pump, the unit is connected to the electrical network and a test run is performed to adjust the pressure.

    The ground part can be made in the form of a pyramid of stones

  9. Decorating the base of the fountain. You can equip a small reservoir, make masonry, plant ground cover plants, etc. It is important that the decor does not interfere with monitoring the water level in the reservoir twice a month and carrying out other preventive work if necessary.

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump?

There are fountain designs that do not provide for the use of a pump. According to the implementation option, there are two ways to solve this problem:

Decorative design

Decorating a country fountain is the final stage of construction. Depending on the owner’s capabilities, the general concept of the landscape and one’s own preferences, the following options can be used:

Sculptures and plaster figures. One of the simplest and most popular options for finishing the above-ground part of the fountain. The figurine can be purchased ready-made or made independently. It can be alone or form a plot composition.

You can make a composition out of sculptures

In some cases, such a sculpture becomes one of the elements that releases or receives a stream of water. With this decoration option, you should worry about installing it in advance - before the test run of the fountain.

Sometimes sculptures perform not only an aesthetic function, but also the function of receiving water flow

Backlight. The dynamic light type of lamps has become especially popular and relevant lately. They pulsate or change color in accordance with the movement of the jets. This option is often used in the decoration of city, garden and park fountains.

When creating lighting, you can combine different colors

Monochrome lighting options are the best option for a country house on a small area. The color of the lamp can be standard, performing a utilitarian function, or it can shade or harmonize with the color concept of the dacha.

The color of the lamp can be selected in accordance with the design of the site

Stones and rubble. They often disguise the base of the fountain and the water reservoir and pump located underneath it. Options with arranging large stones in a chaotic manner on small pebbles are acceptable. The recommendation from designers in this case is to use no more than two types of stone, which will avoid a clutter of colors and shapes.

Using stones you can create real miniature grottoes on your site

Options for uniform backfilling with blued pebbles have also become widespread, which creates the effect of the presence of a reservoir - a dry lake, stream, etc. This technique allows you to connect the fountain with other decorative elements of the site.

The stone “stream” looks especially original

If the pebbles are painted in different colors, then around the fountain you can lay out ornaments and patterns reminiscent of a flower bed, Indian motifs, etc.

Using colored pebbles you can create any pattern

Pond with plants. If you choose to arrange a small artificial reservoir, then it is decorated with aquatic plants, taking into account the requirements for lighting, water temperature, etc. Preference should be given to unpretentious specimens.

A pond surrounded by all kinds of plants gives you the feeling of being in the wild.

Placement of the fountain among decorative foliage plants, the shape of the crown or leaf blade of which is in harmony with the general style of the hydraulic structure.

Even a small, discreet fountain will sparkle with new colors surrounded by plants.

Stylization of the material used for the main part of the fountain to match the overall concept of the landscape. You can even make a mini fountain with your own hands. Here, as with sculptures that serve as sources or receivers of water, installation should be carried out in advance - before the test run of the structure.

There is room for such a fountain even in a small area

Care and maintenance rules

Operating a home fountain does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • change water filters regularly;
  • monitor and replenish the water level in the tank twice a month;
  • dismantle removable structural elements for the winter;
  • When cold weather sets in, cover the pit with a wooden sheet made of boards or plywood.

Thus, owners of suburban areas can independently build a fountain with their own hands from scrap materials. A hydraulic structure can be decorated in the same style as the surrounding landscape or become an accent of the landscape. Simple rules of care do not require special skills or significant effort, and the variety of models allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget.

Decorating a site is a favorite pastime of summer residents and homeowners. Beautiful flower beds, flower beds and even beds are a true decoration. However, nothing pleases the eye more than ponds and ponds surrounded by beautiful vegetation. And if a stream of water still comes out of it, then the corner turns into the best resting place. If you still manage to make not only a fountain with your own hands, but also beautiful lighting, put a swing or bench nearby, in the evenings all the inhabitants will gather on this patch.

This fountain is DIY and so is the lighting: a waterproof LED light with remote control for changing colors

Fountain device

To make a fountain at your dacha you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Of course, it all depends on the size of the reservoir and how you imagine it. Depending on the method of construction, fountains are of closed and open type. We are talking about the cyclical use of water. The closed type uses the same volume of water, driving it in a circle. Open - new all the time. Garden and country fountains are mainly made of a closed type: their design is simpler and more economical. Of course, water has to be added and changed periodically - it evaporates and becomes dirty, but still, the costs are not very high.

When installing an open type system, you will have to think through the water supply system, control of its level, drainage and disposal. You can, of course, use the fountain’s reservoir as a container for heating water before watering, and use the bowl to distribute it throughout the garden, but watering is not needed around the clock, and the fountain can operate in this mode.

In the simplest version, to make a small-sized fountain, you need some kind of sealed container and a submersible pump. Any container can be used - a special plastic one for a pond, a barrel, an old bathtub, a basin, a cut tire covered with film, etc. With pumps it’s a little more complicated.

Fountain pumps

Fountain pumps are sold specially, with built-in filters. To make it easier to make a fountain with your own hands, you can buy such models. It’s very easy to work with them: put them in a container, secure it so that it doesn’t move, fill it with water, carry out the starting manipulations (described in the instructions) and turn it on.

Fountain pumps come in different capacities and raise the jet to different heights. Often the kit comes with replaceable nozzles that change the nature of the jet. They are powered by a 220 V network; there are models powered by solar panels. They are made hermetically, so there will be no problems when connecting, no step-down transformers are needed. The only thing that won’t hurt is an automatic machine and an RCD on the line to which the pump will be connected. This is just in case, to increase security. The price of the smallest and lowest-power fountain pump is $25-30. Productive models cost several hundred or more.

You can use any submersible pump for the fountain. But you need to buy or make (you can make a sand one) a step-down transformer for it. A security group from a machine gun and an RCD on the line will not be out of place here either. This circuit is worth tinkering with if you have an old pump that is not currently being used.

How to do it without a pump

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump? It is possible, but it is open type. For example, bring a water supply pipe into the pond - central or. The water coming out under pressure will produce a jet of some height. By installing a tip on the pipe, we can change its shape. But with such a construction, it is necessary to figure out where to divert the water. You can go back to the well or to the river, to the irrigation area, etc. Although with such an organization there is a pump, it pumps water into the house, and the fountain is only one of the flow points.

The second option is to place some kind of container at a height, supply water to it, and from there it is supplied through pipes to the fountain located below. To create a more or less decent jet height, the container must be raised 3 meters or higher. But the question remains: how to supply water there. Again using a pump, but no longer submersible. They are cheaper, but require a filter. You will also need a pit in which the equipment is installed. A system of pipes connects it to the bowl of the fountain.

In this area, everything has become easier with the advent of LEDs. They are powered by 12V or 24V, which is much safer than regular mains. There are even lamps that run on solar-powered batteries.

Illumination can be done using waterproof or similar spotlights and lamps. To power them, you need an adapter that converts 220 V into 12 or 24 V, but they are usually sold in the same place where LEDs are sold, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Installation is simple: the spotlights have mounting brackets, the tape can be “shot” with a stapler, only the brackets need to be found larger than the size of the tape: there is no need to punch it, so as not to break the tightness.

There are LEDs that change color. Shades from 8 to several thousand

Schemes of fountains of different configurations and photos of their design

Surely you know that the main component of a fountain is its bowl. In essence, this is the same pond, but with additional equipment - a pump. A pond can be made in at least a dozen different ways, and some of them are described in a separate section, because we won’t describe how to make a bowl for a pool. We will pay maximum attention to the organization of fountains and their decor.

Small fountain

The device requires a container and a pump. Decoration is put on the tube that comes from the pump. These can be slabs of stone in which it is necessary to drill a hole, with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe. These slabs are strung on top of each other like a children's pyramid.

Scheme of organizing a decorative fountain for a summer residence

To avoid water overflow, it is necessary to provide a drainage system - just below the maximum level, cut a pipe into the container, the second edge of which is led into the sewer system, drainage system or into the garden. You can do it another way: arrange a water collector around the bowl - make a concrete groove or dig in a plastic one. The collected water should also be taken somewhere. Usually in closed systems the problem is not overflow, but a lack of water - it evaporates, but you can play it safe.

DIY fountain: photo report 1

And now a photo report of how a mini-fountain was made with your own hands according to this scheme. It turned out interesting.

To make this fountain you needed:

  • square plastic flowerpot without holes;
  • small fountain pump;
  • a plastic pipe 0.7 m long, the diameter is such that it fits over the pump outlet;
  • a bag of decorative pebbles;
  • three bricks;
  • red granite sawn into slabs.

The tool used is a drilling machine to drill holes in granite with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

We install a bowl in the prepared hole and place bricks in it, closer to the edges. They are needed for the stability of the structure and to reduce the amount of pebbles. They also serve as support for the stone structure. Between the installed bricks we place a pump with a tube on, pour in water and check how it works.

Holes were pre-drilled in the slabs in the workshop. They should be located approximately in the center so that the weight of the stones does not overturn the structure.

The first slab rests on lying bricks, the rest are strung so that the center of gravity does not shift. Having laid the first one, we fill the remaining space with pebbles. After the last piece is laid, a mark is made on the pipe. The very last stone is removed, the pipe is cut down just below the mark, then the last fragment is returned to its place. When the water is turned on, it seems to come straight out of the stone. Very unusual and uncomplicated.

Photo report 2

The next version of a small fountain is made according to the same principle, only a flexible hose is used instead of a pipe, and driftwood is used instead of a stone. The effect was simply wonderful.

Everything is so clear that there is no need for comments. It differs from the previous design only in the presence of a mesh. This is to increase the volume of water: the tray is small in size.

Until you see it, it’s hard to imagine how easy it is to make amazingly beautiful things. As for pipes, it is better to use polyethylene pipes - they bend well and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

How to make a fountain from a tire, see the video report.

Room or tabletop

Mini-fountains are made according to the same principle, only they use very low-power pumps. Suitable even for aquariums, but without aeration. They even work almost silently. We will make a fountain in the Japanese style. In addition to the pump, you will need a small ceramic container for this. In our case, oval made of baked clay. A piece of bamboo - about 70 cm long (bought at a flower shop, sold as a support for climbing plants), a bunch of living growing bamboo and a number of small pebbles. From all this comes such beauty.

First of all, cut a piece of bamboo into pieces of different lengths. It is hollow inside - these are natural pipes, which also do not rot for a long time. One of the sides should have an oblique cut, the other should have an even cut. You cut it so that the longest piece near the evenly cut end has a “joint”. The lower incision goes approximately 5 mm below this thickening. There is simply a partition inside, with its help it will be easy to attach this segment to the pump outlet. It is difficult to cut, but I managed to saw through the thin trunk with a metal blade.

We put a small pump in the vessel, put the longest piece of bamboo on it - its length is about 35 cm. On the other side we put a bunch of living bamboo, filling the space between them with pebbles.

We tie the two remaining pieces of dry bamboo to our “pipe”. You can use hemp rope. That's all, we made a mini fountain with our own hands. All that remains is to add water and turn on the pump.

Other models can be made using the same principle. Now you understand how and it will be easy to change the design. A few photos for inspiration.

Another type, more traditional and familiar to us, uses almost the same idea and the same tools. The difference is in the design. You can take a large ceramic or even plastic pot. It is only important that it has no holes for drainage. Then it’s a matter of technique: divide it with a plastic partition into two or three zones, pour more soil into one and plant one of the moisture-loving plants.

The second part will be the reservoir. Only when organizing circulation is multi-stage filtration necessary: ​​the water becomes very contaminated. Therefore, glasses made of filter materials with different meshes are inserted one after another - first - a wire or plastic mesh, then - fabric with different meshes, and inside this structure - a small pump.

You can make with your own hands not only the composition of such a tabletop fountain, but also a pump. How? Watch the video.

Pebble fountain

The fountains with pebbles have a very interesting design. Their bowl is disguised, so it looks like a dry fountain, without a bowl. In fact, there is a bowl, but it is decorated with pebbles, which are laid on a mesh covering the tank.

Dry pebble fountain - device diagram

A container is installed in the dug pit. Its volume and size should be quite decent: to collect all the splashes, or at least most of them. Place a pump in the container and cover the top with a metal or plastic mesh with a fine mesh. It serves to protect against large contaminants getting into the water, and a thick wire mesh can be laid on top of this fine mesh. This is if you use pebbles. If you are laying stone slabs, you can use boards or bars.

How to make a “dry” fountain with your own hands

With pebbles, it’s probably better to do the opposite: first lay a mesh with a large cell as a base, and on top of it with a small one. This way you won’t have to worry about choosing large pebbles, and debris won’t get into the water.

Rockery with a source - this is what this fountain might look like

If you use your imagination, you can come up with very interesting compositions based on this. For example, one of the options with a garden watering can. If yours is in a classic style, a watering can fountain is unlikely to fit well, but it will fit very well into a country style.

As you can see, water is collected in the same vessel, hidden under pebbles, and from there it is pumped into a watering can with a small pump.

Near the wall

This is a classic option - a small or large stream of water runs from the wall, flowing into the bowl. As you may have guessed, there is a pump in the bowl that supplies water through a pipe to the water outlet point. It's simple if you know how. It's just a matter of implementation and decoration.

To prevent the pump from floating, it is screwed to some kind of heavy plate. At least for the sidewalk, as long as the size fits. The case usually has corresponding holes for mounting, but when choosing, you should pay attention to this.

If you plan to do something similar near the wall of a house or fence, take care of its waterproofing. Even if the water does not flow down the wall, splashes will fall on it and the humidity will be increased. At a minimum, it is necessary to coat it several times with a hydrophobic compound. Try to find one that doesn't change the color of the surface too much.

The design style may be different. A flat surface is made at the top bowl, from which water flows off like a wall. The effect is very interesting. It is important that the surface from which the water falls is mirror-smooth and absolutely horizontal.


The iridescent jets look very interesting. Fountains of this type are called cascades or cascading. With this organization, water is poured from one bowl to another. In the case of a country or garden fountain, you can come up with interesting shapes. For example, a fountain made from buckets, watering cans, teapots and even old garden carts.

The principle of organizing such a cascade is simple: several vessels or bowls mounted above each other so that a stream of water flows from one to the other. At the bottom is the largest tank, where the pump is located. He delivers water through a hose to the highest of the vessels.

How to make a fountain bowl

If you need a classic shape - a round, square or oval bowl from which a stream of water flows, the easiest way to find a suitable plastic tank. They come in different shapes and volumes - from tens of liters to several tons. In color they are mainly black and blue. Although it seems that for our purposes it is better to take a blue color, keep in mind that against such a background the pollution is more visible. To prevent your fountain from looking like a swamp, you will have to clean this bowl often. From this point of view, it is more practical to take black - the water looks the same, but you need to wash it less often.

The selected tank can either be buried flush with the ground level, or leave a side. Most often, the sides are decorated with stone or pebbles. Depending on this, choose the depth of the pit. It is dug out and is slightly larger than a bowl.

When the required depth is reached, all the stones, roots, snags are removed, the bottom is leveled, compacted, sand is added in a layer of about 10 cm. It is well leveled and spilled so that it becomes compacted. Place the bowl on the prepared base and fill it with water. Sand or soil is poured into the gap between the walls of the bowl and the pit. Sand - if the soil is clayey, and soil - if it drains normally. Having filled in a small layer, it is compacted - carefully, using a pole or deck to get into the gap to be filled. But no matter how well you compact, be prepared for the fact that in a couple of weeks you will have to add more: the soil will shrink by several centimeters.

You can do without a plastic bowl. There are two other options: make the tank from monolithic concrete. In this case, you can make a fountain with sides. The process is long and expensive, and you also need to worry about waterproofing.

The cheapest option is to dig a pit and line it with film. In principle, any high-density polyethylene will do, but it will last a year, maybe two. Then it begins to let water through. Special films for swimming pools are more reliable in this regard, but they cost a lot of money, but can be used for years. The technology for making such a fountain bowl is captured in the photo.

The first stage is digging a pit and leveling the walls. After the required shape and dimensions are achieved, the horizontal areas are leveled and covered with a layer of sand. It will protect the film from possible damage.

We lay the film in the finished pit. It should lie inside without tension, freely. Its edges are covered with soil and pressed down with boulders. To prevent plant roots from growing through the film, it is not advisable to spread it under. This is a non-woven fabric that is very tear resistant. It is used when laying roads to prevent the soil from being crushed and trees from sprouting. So she can protect the fountain without difficulty.

Boulders are laid out on the laid film. If the pit is stepped, boulders should lie on each step. When the design of the bowl is almost complete, a pump is installed. The bowl is filled with water and the bowl is tested for leaks and pump performance.


The fashion for fountains for apartments and houses appeared in our country quite a long time ago and is currently experiencing its rebirth. A similar decorative technique for decorating the interior of living rooms is still considered an original solution to revitalize it and give some freshness to the interior space.

How to make a fountain with your own hands? If you have enough space, it is possible to build a home fountain or a small lake with water lilies - it’s all a matter of your imagination and taste.

A home fountain may be a good way to decorate little-used corners of your apartment (loggias with plants, for example). If the area is small, then you can make a mini waterfall.

Video: making a mini stream yourself

Before you start building a waterfall, you should study a number of examples in photos and videos on the Internet, where indoor fountains are presented in all their diversity. Having decided on the size (mini or larger version), appearance, design (waterfall, stream, etc.), you can begin to create a fountain with your own hands.

Video: pond, stream, for home

Principle of operation

An indoor fountain is very simple and consists of organizing the circulation of a water mass in a closed cycle, which is carried out using a compact electric pump. In this case, the water rises to a collection point located at some elevation, from where it flows or falls like a small waterfall into a special storage tank.

Video: a small version made of stone yourself

The choice of a suitable shape and design according to which a home fountain will be created will depend, of course, on the features of the interior of your apartment. At the same time, you can always complement the waterfall with well-designed lighting and unobtrusive sound so that it turns into the decorative element of your dreams. Home fountains should relax the owners and decorate the room, delighting the guests. Suitable options can be found in the photo.

Design Features

The simplest indoor fountain with your own hands can be made from the following minimum required set of components:

  • the base on which indoor fountains are mounted (receiving tank);
  • standard silicone hose;
  • mini pump from an aquarium or another pump option;
  • a container used as a source (or several to make a waterfall, as in the photo at the beginning of the article).

In addition, to design the composition and finish you will need decorative primer, expanded clay and other auxiliary materials. Home fountains should look interesting to decorate your interior. Examples can be seen in the photo.

As a source, you can use a large sea shell or an elegant mini jug in which you drill an inconspicuous hole. It will be needed to install a piece of silicone hose into the “source”, through which water will be supplied to this container using a pump or pump. You can use a regular flower pot as a base (receiving container).

An indoor fountain will decorate the house, humidify the air in the room, and give a little coolness on a hot day. There is no need to buy expensive installations. If you consider yourself a creative person, then be patient, give free rein to your imagination and start creating a fountain with your own hands.

The design of an indoor mini fountain is quite simple. It is based on the principle of a closed cycle: water is poured into a system connected to a power source, while a submersible electric pump lifts the water upward, and then, depending on the type of structure, it flows into a storage tank.

An indoor fountain can be of three types depending on the method of water discharge:

  • gushing: the stream shoots up and falls into the mini-pool;
  • cascading: water falls from a small height, flowing over decorative ledges;
  • closed: water circulates in flasks or flat wall-mounted containers in the form of pictures.

Photo source:

Indoor fountain location

Before starting work, decide on the size and location of the future fountain. A bulky, large fountain will look out of place in a small apartment.

An indoor fountain can be floor, wall or tabletop. The choice depends on the size of the room and the functions assigned to the fountain. For a small room, a small tabletop fountain would be optimal.

Functionally, the fountain serves not only as a decorative item, it humidifies the air well. Therefore, fountains should not be installed near wooden furniture: it can deteriorate from constant moisture. When choosing the location of the fountain, also take into account the presence of small children or pets in the house: install the structure where it will not disturb anyone.

Photo source:

Materials for creating a fountain

Most often, indoor fountains are made of glass and stone. The glass part is a kind of foundation for the fountain, its basis. Stones are used to stabilize the structure. For fountain parts that do not come into contact with water, you can use wood, ceramics, and synthetic materials.

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An indoor fountain can be supplemented with lighting. At night, such a fountain will serve as a kind of night light. A sound background and an additional built-in clock or barometer will make the fountain functional.

The main element for creating an indoor fountain is a pump (water pump) for circulating water. An indoor fountain is a small installation, so don't go overboard. Choose low-power, silent pumps for aquariums or specifically for small fountains with a capacity of approximately 6 W and 240 l per hour. The higher the power, the noisier the pump. You should hear the murmur of water, not the operation of an electric motor.

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Indoor fountain decor

The beauty of creating a fountain with your own hands lies not only in saving money, but also in the opportunity to decorate it to your own taste. If you have difficulties with inspiration, you can always take advice from people who know: look through magazines about interior design.

What might be suitable as decor? Before you run to the store, think about how many cute little things you have lying around your house, unused. A pot, ceramic pot or vase, shells and pebbles brought from the sea - the most popular “filling” for fountains – can be used as a base. Even souvenir figurines can find a second life. Artificial trees and flowers, gravel, living plants - all this can become decor for a fountain.

To create flowing water, you can use different containers: bowls, sea shells, lakes, etc.

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Indoor fountain step by step

Making a fountain with your own hands is very simple. The main things you will need:

  • sealed container for a fountain: flower pot, vase, pot, bucket;
  • water pump (pump for moving water). The pump can be purchased at a hardware store or pet store; a low-power water pump for aquariums is suitable;
  • a piece of hose (for example, for cleaning aquariums);
  • decorative elements.

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We install the pump at the bottom of the selected vessel (the pump has suction cups) and attach a hose to it. We cover the pump with stones, and the water supply tube is brought up between them. We cover the space around the pump with large decorative elements (expanded clay, stone), then with smaller ones (pebbles, shells, glass). We leave only the outlet of the filter, and fill the rest with water. The tube, like the pump itself, should be completely masked so as not to disturb the harmony of the composition. And then the decor and design at your discretion.

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A good solution is to “seat” a figurine (frogs are often used) on a tube supplying water. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the figurine and thread a tube into it, water will flow from the frog’s mouth.

Reliable fixation and sealing of the entire structure is achieved through the use of waterproof adhesives.

The power of water emission is controlled by a wheel located on the pump body. This power also depends on the diameter of the tube: the smaller it is, the higher the jet, accordingly. If you want water to flow out in several streams, install a divider on the tube.

Operating an indoor fountain does not require much effort and consists only of maintaining a sufficient water level for circulation. There should be enough water so that the pump is constantly in the water. The water will evaporate, so it will have to be added to the fountain every week.

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Funny video

The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

Fountains are not only cool on a sunny day. This is also positive energy spreading throughout the house from the sounds of rushing water.

Many people want to surround themselves with artificial ponds or at least small fountains so that they can relax and unwind next to them after work. You can do all this yourself: just learn how to make a homemade fountain with your own hands and build it, quite quickly and efficiently. And just such a fountain, created with your own hands, will become an exclusive decoration of your site and home!

Types of fountains

All fountains can be divided into fountains intended for indoors or outdoors. The first type includes indoor fountains. They are used rather for the purpose of decorating the interior of the house and can be different in shape and size, depending on the parameters of the room.

Outdoor fountains are designed to decorate a personal plot. They are placed on the site in front of the house or in the garden. They can be made of plastic, natural stone, marble, porcelain.

In addition, such a fountain can be equipped with lighting, and then you can admire it not only during the day, but also in the evening and at night. A festive atmosphere is guaranteed with such a fountain!

Country fountain

Many people ask themselves the question - how to make a fountain in the country? Before you start arranging this hydraulic structure, you need to decide on the desired model. Its appearance directly depends on the general style of the site. So, if a country-style dacha is perfect, a fountain in the shape of a mill is perfect, but for a site in a classic style, it is better to build a fountain with a minimum of decor or in the form of a statue.

If your dacha resembles a picturesque corner of nature, you can make a small fountain, reminiscent of a geyser, gushing directly from under a stone. You can also place the fountain near an artificial pond surrounded by boulders.

Many lovers of country life are tormented by the question of how to make a simple fountain on their site. To do this, the fountain pool is buried in the ground, and a special recess is made at the base for all the equipment and the pump.

The main advantages of such a fountain are its elegant design, shallow depth and convenient built-in overflow-drain system. However, there are also disadvantages - high costs when installing the pool itself, cables and fittings. If you decide to make a fountain at home and settle on this particular type, arrange it so that each element pleases the eye and creates a feeling of harmony and peace.

Tools and materials for arranging a fountain

Before you begin installing the fountain, you need to acquire materials: a beautiful fountain is unlikely to come out of nothing. The choice of materials for the fountain depends on the place from which its arrangement begins. It is better to use a small reservoir on a summer cottage to build a fountain, and then before making a home fountain, you will not need to think about water drainage. If you already have a reservoir, then for work you will need:

  • storage tank;
  • set of nozzles;
  • the fountain itself;
  • pump.

The most crucial moment is the choice of pump. The modern market offers electromagnetic, centrifugal and vortex pumps. For country fountains, it is recommended to use centrifugal pumps, as they are more powerful, but at the same time quite economical. If there is no pond on the site, you need to dig a pit and equip an artificial pond in it, equipping it with a special film and a concrete block on which the pump will be placed.

Stages of fountain construction

The organization of a country fountain requires careful planning. In order to understand how to make a fountain with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate the location of the future structure, its proximity to power sources and water supply.

Water from the fountain can be drained down the drain into the sewer, or it can be recycled - reused, which significantly saves the process. When preparing sewer channels for draining water from the fountain, a rainwater inlet may be used.

If there is a ready-made bowl for the fountain, a pit is dug for it. Otherwise, they also dig recesses and equip it like a small pool: drainage in the form of sand, strengthening the walls, a waterproofing layer, connecting a sewer drain.

The construction of the fountain itself begins with the installation of a pump. It is important to remember that there is an underwater and above-water position for fountain pumps, with the above-water pump being more often used for larger fountains as it produces a higher, stronger jet. It is also necessary to ensure that the electrical wiring is well insulated. The fountain itself is usually installed in the center of the pond so that water does not spill beyond its boundaries.

Fountain decoration

The uniqueness of a homemade fountain can be emphasized by decorating it. How to make a fountain at home so that it becomes a decoration of the yard both day and night? This is possible thanks to the effect of artificial illumination of the fountain using special lighting equipment. Lamps that illuminate the fountain around the perimeter and even in the water will help create a fabulous harmony of water and light.

You can also plant bushes or flowers around the fountain, and the bottom of the reservoir itself can be landscaped with the help of various aquatic plants. The fountain can be decorated with wood, stone or statues.

When equipping a fountain, you can use ready-made statues and figures. But it depends on you how much a standard fountain will become exclusive.

Indoor fountain

Any apartment interior can be enlivened with the help of a small fountain. Before starting work, it is better to figure out how to make an indoor fountain with your own hands and think through all the nuances. To implement this idea you will need the following materials:

  • container on which the fountain will be located;
  • aquarium pump;
  • a small piece of hose for cleaning the aquarium;
  • glue;
  • large sink;
  • colored decorative soil, shells and expanded clay.

First you need to find a container in which the fountain will be located. For this purpose, you can use any vessel you like, for example, a flower pot. You can also choose a beautiful flower pot or basin for a fountain, the main thing is that the water does not leak out.

In addition, you need a pump with a sprinkler and without a tip, since the container for the fountain will be small. The main task of the pump is to raise the stream of water.

Stages of construction of a decorative fountain:

  1. Cut a small piece of about ten centimeters from the aquarium hose. You need to immediately put it on the pump tip and make sure that all the holes in it are open at full strength, since the power of the jet depends on this. Then you should strengthen the pump at the bottom of the selected container.
  2. We fill the pump with expanded clay and level its surface.
  3. Cover the expanded clay with plastic wrap with a hole for the hose.
  4. Sprinkle decorative primer onto the surface of the film.
  5. If you need a stand for a sink made of stones, then it should be glued to the sink with epoxy waterproof glue.
  6. Install the stand by first inserting the hose into it.
  7. We put the sink on through the drilled hole at the end of the hose and pull the hose into it one centimeter.
  8. Decorate the surface of the fountain with beautiful shells or stones. And the sink from which water flows can be replaced with something else, as long as there is a hole for the hose. The design and style of an indoor fountain depends entirely on the imagination of the craftsman who makes it.

Decorative mini fountain

A cool fountain on a hot summer day improves your mood and invigorates. In such a situation, even a small fountain will be a lifesaver for you. How to make a mini fountain? This is quite easy, you just need to stock up on the following materials:

  • flower pot with tray;
  • small water pump;
  • paints for ceramics and glass;
  • contours;
  • decorative plants for the aquarium;
  • artificial translucent balls or stones.

Stages of work:

  1. The flower pot will serve as the basis for the fountain. If desired, you can decorate it with unusual painting. To do this, use special paints for ceramics and glass.
  2. Then install the pump under the tray to circulate water; you need to make a small hole in the bottom for drainage.
  3. Pass the pump tube through the hole and fill the bottom with decorative stones.
  4. Assemble the entire structure and fill it with water. Decorative aquarium plants will help revive the landscape.

Thanks to this scheme, anyone can make a mini fountain with their own hands, using their fantasy and imagination.

Fountain lighting

One way to make even an ordinary fountain magical is to use lighting. It could be:

  • surface lighting in the form of lanterns along the perimeter of the fountain;
  • underwater lighting using waterproof lamps;
  • floating backlight on built-in autonomous batteries.

With underwater lighting, the effect of water glow is created; if the lighting is rotating, then the whole process turns into a water-light extravaganza. A rotation mechanism is used for this.

An important stage of lighting equipment is laying the wiring in a water-repellent busbar. For safety, it is equipped with an automatic breaker (in case of current leakage). To comply with safety precautions, when installing fountain lighting, lamps with a voltage of 12 Volts are used. These are primarily halogen lamps, and lamps based on fiber optics and LEDs. Connect the lamps to the network or transformer.

If you want to illuminate the water surface, place the lamps around the perimeter above the water. If you want to emphasize some element of the composition, use a directional beam of light, if the entire composition is a spotlight. Using spotlights, you can focus attention on one detail, for example, a group of plants in a pond.

Fountains have always decorated any interior. Today they are widely used for the purpose of decorating premises and improving personal plots. Therefore, they are widely used in landscape design. A fountain on the lawn, near a gazebo, near an artificial reservoir surrounded by rock gardens - there are many options for the location of fountains. They can occupy any free space or become a central place in the design of the garden plot. By giving free rein to your creativity, you can figure out how to make the fountain not only beautiful, but also unusual.


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