How to make a watering can from a canister. Homemade country watering can from a canister

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In gardening there are no extra buckets or garden watering cans. In order not to run around the entire site with one watering can, you need to have several of them. Of course, you can purchase them in sufficient quantities, but this is “not our method,” as Fedya said in “Partner.” And the site is called “Do It Yourself”, not “How to Spend Money”.

We will make a watering can from an old one plastic canister, which appear in abundance in the car enthusiast’s household. Not only will we “attach” an idle canister, but we will also make something useful in the garden, and we will also save some money on buying a ready-made watering can.

Actually converting a canister into a watering can involves inserting a tube into it, preferably at an angle to the body, like a real watering can. A couple of polypropylene parts will help us with this. plumbing pipe, you will have to purchase them in the store. Of course, this is not the only possible design for a watering can, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of time or money on making it. And I preferred to use “standard” parts, which also open up some prospects for modernization.

So, I needed a “turn” of 45 (or better yet, 60) degrees (15 rubles) and a piece of pipe of 50 cm (21 rubles). They fit together perfectly in principle. From the tools - sharp knife and a hot-melt gun with hot glue. The melting point of hot-melt adhesive practically coincides with the melting point of polyethylene and polypropylene (the tip of the gun leaves melted marks on their surface), so the connection is very strong. It's not even gluing, but welding.

Having chosen a relatively flat place near the bottom of the canister, mark the location of the future hole on it and cut it out. The angle pipe should fit freely into it, but without a large gap.

Apply hot melt glue liberally to the joint, quickly insert the pipe into the hole and let the glue harden. Formally, our watering can is almost ready, we just need to add some small details. In particular, put a piece of pipe on the pipe and shorten it a little. For a standing watering can, the tube should not be significantly higher than the lid of the canister, otherwise such a long-nosed watering can will be inconvenient to use.

So that the nozzle does not experience a large lateral load, which tends to break it out of the canister, we tie the spout tube with a piece of strong wire to the neck or handle of the canister. Since the spout tube is quite large (mine was 40 mm), the flow of water from such a watering can must be limited somehow. It is enough to cut some kind of cork out of wood and cut off a small segment from it. Then a wide fan of water will flow from the watering can.

That's all. If you plan to fill the watering can from a tap or hose, you can stop working there. But if you are going to use a watering can to scoop up water, then it is better to cut a hole at the top of the watering can, on the side opposite to the spout of the watering can. Then the water will quickly fill the watering can, and the air will quickly exit from it through the spout.

Thus, having spent almost only 1 Euro (relatively speaking), you can make a quite decent and functional watering can for your garden. The capacity of the watering can is naturally determined by the capacity of the canister.

Watering can - necessary thing for the gardener, but it is not always available where you grow houseplants, each time pouring them from a mug. Watering plants at the roots does not always have a beneficial effect on them. appearance, since some plants need to be watered from above, capturing leaves and flowers.

In this article we will look at how to make a comfortable watering can from a plastic bottle.

1. Take a half-liter or liter plastic bottle and wash it thoroughly, removing any stickers and any remaining soda or juice.
2. Using a marker, place dot marks on the bottle where the holes will be located in the future. The holes on the bottle should not be too close to each other, but also too far from each other, since at a close distance, the water will flow in one continuous stream. The optimal number of holes for irrigation is 25 pieces, 5 horizontally and 5 vertically, forming a square on the walls of the bottle.
3. Take pliers and a small nail. Clamp the nail with pliers near the head and bring it to an open fire. For open fire You can use a paraffin candle. Only the tip of the nail needs to be heated over the fire for 20 seconds.
4. Bring the heated nail to where the markings are located, then pierce the wall of the bottle, slightly pressing on the nail. If the nail cools down when making holes, heat it again over a candle.
5. On the opposite side of the bottle, using a knife, cut a square hole for pouring water into the bottle. Diameter square hole you choose yourself, but it should not be lower than the irrigation holes, relative to the bottom of the bottle.
6. For convenient watering from a bottle, you can make a handle from adhesive tape.
7. Fill a plastic bottle with water so that it is 2-3 cm below the hole.
8. Carefully tilt the bottle horizontally over the plant to begin watering it. Refill the bottle with water as needed.

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Agree, a watering can is a necessary thing for a gardener, but it is not always at hand when you grow indoor plants. After all, watering simply from a mug at the root is not suitable for every plant and does not always have a beneficial effect on their appearance, since some plants need to be watered from above, including leaves and flowers.

Today we will look at an example of how you can do without a purchased watering can at home. And to make it from simple plastic bottle.

1. Take a half-liter or liter plastic bottle and wash it thoroughly, removing any stickers and removing any remaining soda or juice.

2. Using a marker, place dot marks on the bottle where the holes will be located in the future. The holes on the bottle should not be too close to each other, but also too far from each other, since at a close distance, the water will flow in one continuous stream. The optimal number of holes for irrigation is 25 pieces, 5 horizontally and 5 vertically, forming a square on the walls of the bottle.

3. Take pliers and a small nail. Clamp the nail with pliers near the head and bring it to an open fire. For an open fire, you can use a paraffin candle. Only the tip of the nail needs to be heated over the fire for 20 seconds.

4. Bring the heated nail to the plastic bottle where the markings are located, then pierce the wall of the bottle, slightly pressing on the nail. If the nail cools down when making holes, heat it again over a candle.

5. On the opposite side of the bottle, using a knife, cut a square hole for pouring water into the bottle. You choose the diameter of the square hole yourself, but it should not be lower than the irrigation holes, relative to the bottom of the bottle.

6. For convenient watering from a bottle, you can make a handle from adhesive tape.

A watering can for flowers is an indispensable attribute personal plot, a dacha plot of land, a cottage house and even an apartment. So that the watering can doesn't just play its functional role, but also combined with landscape design or the interior of a newfangled apartment, you need to understand where exactly you will use it.

Handmade watering cans decorate the interior and are useful to use. Every housewife loves her flowers and takes care of them. The watering can is an assistant in this matter.

Watering can for flowers

If the permanent home for the watering can will be an apartment, you can take a watering can you already have or purchase the simplest option and then paint it a uniform color. However, this option will surprise few people, because you can buy a plain watering can in a store, so why then waste time and effort on painting it?

Excellent and simple option There will be a beautiful bright sticker that is applied to the surface of the watering can. You can completely cover it, but you should understand that paper stickers will quickly get wet and deteriorate, unless, of course, you stick tape over the paper. This should be done along the entire perimeter of the drawing so that there are no gaps left, because water can get into things and seep into the depths.

As you know, they play a very important role. Some of them require special care; they should not be over-watered, which can happen if you pour water from a bottle in a large stream. You can also damage the trunk of the plant, even if you don’t notice it, but the plant will suffer.

Many indoor foliage flowers like to be watered from above, creating a rain effect. Droplets form on the leaves, and this also nourishes them. This is where a watering can will be useful, which can be combined with a sprayer.

However, it is also worth remembering that this rule does not apply to all house flowers, and for some of them, top watering will be marked by the onset of diseases and leaf rotting. Therefore, before using a watering can, read on the Internet how to water correctly certain types colors.

How to make a watering can

Let's think about how to make a watering can with your own hands so that it not only helps you with watering, but also looks interesting and unusual.

The first and easiest option is to take and make holes in its lid using an awl. To prevent this option from looking too ordinary and banal, you can take a bottle unusual shape, having previously examined the entire range of drinks offered in the store.

It will be difficult to cover such a bottle, so if its color does not suit you, it is advisable to use paint. However, this maneuver applies to bottles whose surface is dense and does not bend, otherwise the paint will quickly crack.

However, the option of cracked paint is also not bad, because it is also interesting and unusual, but it will be suitable for you if you use a watering can, for example, in the country. This is not suitable for an apartment option, because peeling paint underfoot is not what we are looking for.

DIY watering can from a glass

The watering can can also be made from a glass. It will be more difficult to process, but this version of the watering can will last much longer and will look much more aesthetically pleasing. For such a device you need to take some kind of glass or even a ceramic mug, as well as a drill.

You should be very careful with the drill, because while working to create a hole, the mug may burst or small cracks may appear on it. To prevent this from happening, the hole should be drilled carefully and slowly.

  • we take the plastic tube that we prepared, in accordance with the thickness of which we created a hole;
  • paint the tube and the glass itself in the same color;
  • insert the tube into the glass under the flower watering can;
  • We fix it with glue so that there are no gaps through which water could seep through.

It is advisable if you choose a mug that has a narrow neck, since a wide top hole will be inconvenient to handle, and to prevent water from spilling out of it, you will need to pour too little water into an already small mug.

Unusual DIY watering can

If the option with an original small watering can does not suit you, and your plans include watering large quantity flowers planted in open ground, you will probably need the idea of ​​a large original watering can.

Take a bottle from some detergent, draw chaotic lines on it using regular paints. You will get an interesting avant-garde style watering can, on which dirt will not be too noticeable. To prevent the design from being washed off, cover the watering can varnish coating. You can leave such a watering can in the yard if you have one, next to which they look great decorative elements.

However, the watering can be simple decoration interior or landscape design plot. Even if you only have, it doesn’t matter, you can put a watering can next to them, it will only decorate and add aesthetics to the atmosphere.

Hello DIYers, as well as summer residents and gardeners! This August has finally taken revenge on the previous two abnormally cold and rainy summer months. It has already managed to pamper us with real summer warmth and even heat, but the situation with rains was the opposite, since this August there was practically no rain. Therefore, we had to again take up the watering cans and watering cans and water the garden beds. And then, in the midst of watering work, our purchased watering can nozzle for a plastic watering basin completely broke down. I must say that from the very beginning it was quite flimsy, and even earlier it had to be wrapped with electrical tape. But then a whole piece broke off and it became completely unsuitable for watering.

It’s true that we also have two old metal sprinklers with durable metal nozzles, but they are quite heavy and not very convenient to use. Moreover, it is especially difficult for women to use them. From this point of view, a modern plastic shower is, of course, much more convenient and therefore is used most often. Therefore, I decided to quickly make homemade nozzle for this watering, literally from what was at hand.

The materials I needed for this were:- An empty plastic shampoo bottle;
- A piece of old rubber hose. Tools needed:- Cordless drill-driver;
- Metal drill with a diameter of 2.5 mm;
- Knife;
- Shilo.

Making a waterfall

First I cut a small piece of rubber hose.

This hose fits very well into the neck of the shampoo bottle, since it fits onto it very tightly and firmly and no additional fastening is required.

However, in order to attach the other end of this piece of hose to the spout of the waterer, you need to remove a certain layer of rubber from the inside using a knife.

And this piece of hose fits quite easily, but at the same time very tightly, onto the spout of the waterer.

Now you need to modify the shampoo bottle by drilling holes in it.

To do this, you first need to mark and prick the centers of future holes with an awl.

And then drill them out with a drill.

After this, all that remains is to cut off with a knife from the surface of the bottle the pieces of plastic remaining after drilling the holes.

Then you need to rinse this bottle from any remaining plastic shavings that have gotten inside, and put on the previously prepared piece of rubber hose. And now our nozzle is ready!

Now you can put it on the spout of the waterer.


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