How to make a new lampshade for a table lamp. Ideas and workshops for making lampshades with your own hands for a floor lamp and table lamp

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The appearance of any lamp primarily depends on the lampshade or ceiling. In this article, we will try to make a lampshade for a floor lamp, a table lamp and a chandelier in the kitchen with our own hands. We note right away that there are a lot of ideas for its manufacture and you can use almost any material, even paper or fabric, even make it out of wood or metal.

We update the lampshade of the floor lamp

So, for starters, we will make a lampshade for a floor lamp with our own hands. First of all, you need to solve the issue with the frame. There are two options here:

  1. Use the old one, tearing off the upholstery from it.
  2. Make a new one.

The first option, of course, is simpler - we cut off the fabric, clean the frame, if necessary, tint it, sheathe it and you're done. The second is more difficult, but it allows you to completely change the appearance of the lamp. In addition, if the old frame is no good and falls apart before our eyes, then there will be no other way out.

How and from what to make a frame?

There are many options, since it will practically not be visible behind the fabric. Suitable, for example, a wastebasket - metal or plastic - flowerpots and much more of suitable sizes and shapes. Everything will depend on the possibilities and imagination.

Wastebasket and planter - almost ready-made frames for the lampshade

If nothing suitable could be found, then you can independently make a frame from wire or construction mesh. The second option is extremely simple. We cut off the desired piece of mesh with ordinary scissors, turn it into a cylinder or a truncated cone and fasten it with wire scraps from the same mesh.

Making a frame from building mesh

The wire is preferable because it can be used to make a frame of almost any shape and size - it all depends on the imagination.

Wire frame options

To make such a frame, you will need, first of all, wire, which can be found in any appropriate store. It is better to use steel - it is quite rigid. Aluminum, taken from the wiring, is also suitable - it is easier to work with it, but the frame will turn out to be not very strong, it is easy to wrinkle it.

Healthy. Another option for "mining" steel wire is clothes hangers.

Such hangers are an excellent material for making a frame for a lampshade.

We make a sketch of the future frame, cut the pieces of wire of the required length with wire cutters and fasten them by bending the ends with rings or using a thin soft wire.

Examples of connecting blanks for a frame using copper wire and ordinary electrical tape

Insulating tape, of course - an extreme measure. Firstly, such a connection is short-lived, and secondly, it is not very aesthetically pleasing and can be viewed through the upholstery of the lampshade.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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Important. If the frame of the lampshade is made of steel wire, it must be painted. Otherwise, the metal will begin to rust over time, and the rust will show through the fabric, spoiling the appearance of the product.

Frame decoration

The frame is ready, now it needs to be decorated. There are a lot of options and methods for decorating, let's focus on the simplest and most affordable, but quite aesthetic.

Cloth upholstery

For work we need:

  • upholstery material - cotton fabric, synthetics, PVC film, etc.);
  • a sheet of paper for making patterns;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.

First you need to make a pattern. If the frame is made in the form of a cylinder, then there are no problems. We know the height of the pattern - this is the height of the frame. The length of the pattern is calculated by the formula L=Pi*D, where:

  • L is the length of the pattern;
  • Pi - 3.14;
  • D is the frame diameter.

If the lampshade has the shape of a cone, then the calculations will be quite complicated, but we will do it easier. Just wrap the frame with a sheet of paper and cut off the excess. We will already cut according to this template.

Making a pattern using a paper template

We mark the fabric, not forgetting to make allowances for stitching, and cut out the pattern. It remains to wrap the pattern around the frame, pin it with pins and sew. If the top and bottom seam does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, you can glue it with strips of fabric, giving the lampshade a finished look.

Pasting the edges of the lampshade with edging tape

Jute trim

More precisely, jute twine and rope. The first can be taken with a thickness of about 2 mm, the second should be thicker - 8-10 mm. We will fasten the lampshade material with a thermal gun, since the glue dries for a long time and making the lampshade with it will take too much time.

Twine and rope for making a jute lampshade

The manufacture of the lampshade begins with the braiding of the frame with jute twine. We fix one end of the twine with a loop and tightly wrap the frame with it. If the piece of twine is over, we fix its end with hot melt adhesive, and we wind the new one with an overlap to hide the place of gluing.

Wrapping the frame with jute twine

Going lower and lower, we reach the place where the rope will be located and immediately weave it in.

Attaching a rope with twine

Healthy. It will be much easier to first braid the entire frame with twine, and then weave the rope in separate segments.

Finished jute lampshade

How to make a lampshade for a table lamp

And now let's try to make a lampshade for a table lamp with our own hands.

A simple ribbon lampshade

To implement this idea, you will need a decorative satin ribbon 1.5 - 2 cm wide, both in one color and in different colors. Additionally, you need PVA glue or any other glue that glues the fabric well, and clothespins or stationery clips.

That's all you need to make a stylish table lamp shade

Healthy. PVA glue is most preferable - after drying it is practically invisible.

The lampshade manufacturing scheme is as follows:

  • We make a frame of the desired shape and size from wire, as described above, or use the finished one by removing the old upholstery from it.
  • Using glue, we fix the edge of the tape on one of the rings of the frame and temporarily fix it with a clothespin.
  • After the glue dries, remove the clothespin and begin to wind the tape between the rings with a slight overlap, and make more overlap on the small ring. At the end of the winding, we fix the end of the tape with glue and fix it with a clothespin until the latter dries.
  • If we need a multi-colored lampshade, then we wind a ribbon of a different color in the same way, but with a gap through which the previous layer will be viewed.
Making a lampshade for a table lamp from decorative tape

You can additionally decorate the product with a border, which is easy to glue around the circumference of the lower ring.

Lampshade decoration with decorative border

Decorating with a twisted ribbon

This method is perfect for a cylindrical frame. You will need all the same tape, glue and clothespins.

As in the first version, we first wind the tape around the rings, creating vertical stripes. We will wind closely, but without overlap.

Winding vertical stripes

Now let's take a look at the horizontal stripes. We fix the tape with a pin horizontally at the bottom ring, leaving an end of 20 cm. Now we pass it under the first vertical tape, then over the second and again under the third. Thus, we “weave” the checkered lampshade until we make a full turn.

We cut the ribbon with an allowance of 20 cm. Tie the ends of the ribbon into a bow. We do the next row in the same way, but in such a way that the bow is on the opposite side of the lampshade. We fill in this way the entire lampshade in height and we get such a miracle:

Making a lampshade from weaving ribbon

Ideas for a ceiling chandelier in the kitchen

We figured out the floor lamps and table lamps, it remains to make a lampshade for the kitchen on the chandelier with your own hands. Let's look at several options, for example: from napkins, woven from threads, and from dense rope, wood and other materials. Note that they are perfect for other rooms, and especially cozy and organically fit into the interior of a country house or cottage.

Frameless lampshade made of napkins

To make such a lamp, we need crocheted napkins. Suitable as one-color, and different colors, harmoniously combined with each other. You also need PVA glue and a regular balloon.

We inflate the balloon and glue it with glue-soaked napkins, starting from the top. It should be located in the center - in its middle there will be a hole for the cartridge. We place the rest of the napkins at our discretion with an overlap. In this way, you can make both a full sphere and a hemisphere.

When the glue dries, we pierce the ball and release the finished lampshade, which will retain its spherical shape. It remains to pass a wire with a cartridge connected to it through the center of the upper napkin.

Do-it-yourself lampshade for the kitchen from napkins

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in the repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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It is much more reliable to cut a hole in the top napkin and sew a plastic ring of the appropriate diameter to it. This will allow the use of cartridges with special flange rings, which will securely fix the lampshade and prevent its accidental displacement.

Cartridges with flange rings and adaptation of the lampshade for them

Wicker lampshade

If we are familiar with weaving macrame, then we can make a lampshade from threads or ropes. We will not dwell on this idea much, but simply consider several options for its implementation - whoever knows how to weave will cope.

Examples of wicker lampshades for the kitchen

Rope lampshade

This lampshade is perhaps the most difficult to manufacture of those proposed, but it has the appropriate look. To create it, we need:

  • ordinary clothesline - even cotton, even synthetic;
  • PVA glue;
  • needle and thread;
  • any water-soluble paint (preferably in the form of a spray);
  • PVC inflatable ball;
  • masking tape;
  • wooden lath with sides (a cable channel of the appropriate width is suitable).

Let's start with the formation of a snake blank. We dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of 2: 1. We impregnate the rope with it and put it in the groove of the rail in the form of a snake, making sure that the step of laying the loops is the same.

Making a snake

After laying the snake at the junction of the loops, we sew with a thread, trying so that the stitches are not very noticeable. In this case, it is not necessary to tighten the loops strongly. After the glue has dried, the snake can be pulled out of the groove - the blank for the future lampshade is ready.

We inflate the ball and cover it with masking tape so that the rope does not stick to the plastic. On the prepared "blank" we lay the snake around the ring, grabbing the turns to each other with small stitches.

Laying the snake on the ball

Now we generously coat the entire laid snake with the same composition - PVA glue with water.

Impregnation of the lampshade blank with glue

After the glue dries well, blow off the ball and remove the almost finished lampshade from it. It remains to paint it in the desired color. We do this carefully and on both sides.

Painting the lampshade with spray paint

It remains to fix the product on the cartridge with the help of flange nuts.

Healthy. Such a lampshade will look very good if you hang it upside down by making an impromptu wire suspension mounted on a cartridge.

Finished lampshade hung upside down

Wooden lampshade

A fairly original lampshade can also be made from natural material. We use ordinary branches for these purposes. In addition to us, carpentry glue. PVA is also suitable, but it is more noticeable after drying. And, of course, you need an inflatable ball or ball - where without it?

We inflate the ball and glue it with branches cut into pieces of 5-10 cm. When the glue hardens, the ball can be blown off and removed. It remains to cover the product with a colorless varnish and the original ceiling is ready.

Stages of making a ceiling lamp from branches

Fabric and wood lampshades for a kitchen chandelier are beautiful, but not exactly practical. In this room they are constantly cooking, which means that the ceiling will quickly become clogged with particles of fat and lose its appearance. It is better to use materials that can be washed if necessary. Let's try to make a "waterproof" lamp.

Lampshade from disposable spoons and bottles

To make such a lampshade you will need:

  • round five-liter plastic bottle;
  • disposable plastic spoons;
  • hot glue gun.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of the ceiling

We cut off the bottom of the bottle, and bite off the handles of the spoons. We take a thermal gun and paste over the bottle with spoons.

The process of making a ceiling lamp from disposable spoons

We make a hole in the bottle cap, into which we pass a wire with a cartridge connected to it from the inside of the ceiling. It remains to hang a stylish lamp in place.

Finished spoon lamp

And finally, a few ideas for homemade ceiling and table lamps that are easy to implement at home.

Here's a trash can for you! And here, it seems, someone was undressed ... And here it is not so much the lamp that is striking, but the shadows created by it.

So our conversation about homemade lampshades ended. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in their independent production - there would be a desire.

Original lamps and lampshades with their own hands. Ideas, master classes

DIY lamps and lampshades. Ideas, master classes

Hello everyone!

Creating or decorating lamps and lampshades is not only incredibly interesting, but also quite useful: it allows you not only to create a unique item, and in full accordance with the interior of your home, but also to save a lot of money. It is enough to purchase the simplest lamp for little money and beat it to your liking. And there are a lot of options for what and how to do, in a variety of techniques, using a variety of materials.

I picked up ideas for creating and decorating lamps for you and me, I hope you can choose the right option for yourself :) Enjoy watching!

The lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique, the base of the lamp is made of books

The decor of the metal frame of the lampshade with feathers is very stylish :)

Quite often, fabric or paper flowers are used to decorate lampshades, the result is very romantic :)

Fabric flowers with candle processing

Chintz convolutions are used as flowers here.

Twisted fabric flowers

Flowers used here

The flower is made of a cotton strip of fabric, strung on one side and gathered into a bud.

Spiral newspaper roses

The bottom of the lampshade is decorated with spiral paper roses.

Decor of an IKEA lampshade with paper flowers

Lampshades made of lace and knitted napkins look very beautiful.

Shaped with glue

A balloon is inflated and lace napkins are applied to it with glue. After drying, the ball is pierced, deflated and removed.

A very beautiful option: a birdcage is used as the base of the lamp, the lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique with obsolescence.

Even an umbrella can be used for a chandelier :)

Even shreds-trimmings of fabrics will go into action: wound, tied in a knot. This option will fit perfectly into the design of a country house or a children's room.


For the manufacture of lamps, various glass containers are often and successfully used - jars, bottles. A little lower I gave a master class on the manufacture of such a lamp.

A bottle as the base of a lamp - below is also a similar master class

It is a little more complicated here - a hole is drilled at the bottom on the back of the bottle through which the cord is inserted.

The lamp is made of figured metal sheet

The origami technique has been successfully used to create lampshades

Fabric strips glued to the base of the lampshade

Lampshade from various retro leaves

Lampshade from a basket - why not? :)

The second life of a metal colander

Unnecessary forks-spoons created a very interesting version of the chandelier :)

A very nice solution: a metal mesh is stretched over the frame and a poultry house is beaten. I think for a child's room.

And here's another bird theme :)

Painting a lampshade with acrylic paints

Thin veneer lampshade

The base of the lamp is glued with seashells

Knitted lampshades - look very cozy :)

Lampshade decor with commemorative photos and slides

The flowers on this lamp are the bottom of plastic bottles :)

Lampshades covered with paper circles

Vegetable lampshade :) I think it’s still hot for the flower there :)

Lace lampshade

Decoupage technique is also applied here.

A very interesting solution - a wire as an art object :)

The lampshade is decorated with strips of fabric

branch lamp

The lampshade is decorated with crumpled-compressed coffee filters (cupcake molds)

Glass vase lampshade

Lampshade base - unnecessary toy soldiers, glued and painted with spray paint

Creative lampshade made of strips of felt

Lampshade made of ping-pong balls :)

Floral decor

And many, many more ideas...

Master class on making a lamp from a jar with a metal lid from Tom & Brit (

Punch holes with a nail to create a hole

We insert the cartridge

Paint in one color

We screw the light bulb and insert it into the jar

The lamp is ready :)

Paper lamps from

We need a picture of a castle

Cut out, cut through the windows, glue

Inside we place a spotlight on batteries

Rope Chandelier by Sarah M. Dorsey (

We will need a rope, Mod Podge glue (can be replaced with diluted PVA), a ball

To create the wavy shape, Sarah used wooden slats. We lay out the form, coat with glue for fixing.

After drying, lay out on a ball and coat with plenty of glue

After drying, remove the lampshade from the ball and paint it with white spray paint - Sarah has four layers

Very beautiful lampshade made of grandmother's squares from the author of the resource

We cover the lampshade with fabric

Bend the strip of fabric in half lengthwise and twist it into a roll

Straighten slightly

Apply glue to the fold and glue to the base

Kiri's lampshade base tutorial (

Required accessories

Thoroughly wash the bottle, disinfect and dry

Cover with spray paint

Mounting process


This is how a gin bottle turned into a base for a lampshade :)

As you can see, the case is quite simple and very interesting. Give free rein to your imagination, create and let your home be beautiful and cozy!

Well, for those who still prefer to buy ready-made lighting fixtures, I recommend looking into a specialized online store where high-quality and stylish table lamps, chandeliers, sconces, accessories, etc. are presented in a huge assortment. from the best manufacturers and at very flexible pleasant prices:) By the way, according to Google statistics, this online store is the most popular among Ukrainian buyers:) Use it with pleasure!

I wish you all the best and good luck!!

Every house has an old and ugly floor lamp. You should not throw it away, because a lampshade worn out by time can be replaced with a new one made by yourself, after which the lamp will perform its functions properly for many years, and at the same time please the eye. Such a product does not require much time and effort, and consumables are easy to find in your closet or on the mezzanine. Another advantage of a do-it-yourself lampshade is that no one will have exactly the same interior element.

How to make a frame

It is good if the old frame is in satisfactory condition and can be used to decorate the lamp. Otherwise, you will have to make a similar design yourself

For this you will need:

  • Soldering iron, solder and rosin to connect all parts into a single whole.
  • Pliers.
  • Thick wire that holds its shape. Too bending will not work, since such a frame will deform under the weight of the lampshade. The type of metal from which it is made does not play a role; you can use both copper and steel or aluminum wire.
  • A piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Compass.

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. On a piece of paper, using a compass and a pencil, draw three circles, which will be the basis of the frame. The smallest one should be of such a size that it can be securely held by the electric cartridge. The rest set the shape of the frame. If they are the same size, you will need a cylindrical lampshade; if you make the lower circle larger than the upper one, the lampshade will be in the shape of a truncated cone. The option in which the diameter of the upper circle exceeds the diameter of the lower one is also possible, but is rarely used in practice.
  2. The wire is bent according to the drawn pattern and pieces of the appropriate length are cut off.
  3. A small circle is placed inside the lower circle and three pieces of wire are measured, the length of which allows these two circles to be connected to each other.
  4. With a ruler, measure the desired height of the lampshade and cut pieces of wire of the appropriate length, which will connect the upper and lower parts of the frame.
  5. All parts are fixed with a soldering iron.

Making a lampshade

Anything can serve as a material for a lampshade - paper, fabric, branches and bark of trees, beads and beads, garbage bags, threads, glass fragments, feathers and even fur. However, if you plan to use an incandescent lamp, and not LED or gas discharge, you should remember that it generates a large amount of heat. In this case, you need to opt for a material that definitely will not melt; and in order to avoid a fire, it does not hurt to treat the finished product with a fire retardant (this is a special spray that increases fire resistance, you can buy it at a hardware store).

From fabric

If the interior design allows, you can use colored fabric for the lampshade

This is the most classic version of the lampshade. The good thing is that with the right selection of fabric, it will take a minimum amount of time to decorate it. The ideal choice would be textured; if the style of the interior allows, there may be a color pattern.

Tools and materials for the manufacture of such a lampshade:

  • Scissors.
  • Threads and needle.
  • A piece of fabric.
  • Openwork braid.
  • Thin paper and a pencil for a pattern.

The work is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  1. To make a pattern, you need to wrap the frame of the lamp with paper and circle it with a pencil. Then cut out the resulting pattern, deviating from the drawn lines by a centimeter or one and a half (these will be seam allowances).
  2. Put the pattern on the fabric and circle or pin with pins, then cut the blank of the desired size and shape.
  3. Using a needle and thread, sew the fabric to the frame, as if wrapping the wire with the left allowances and placing the stitches under it.
  4. Hide the attachment points of the fabric by sewing an openwork braid over them.
  5. After that, the work can be considered complete, but you can decorate the lampshade by sewing pompoms, beaded or thread fringe on the bottom (all this is sold by the footage in sewing stores and in needlework departments).

From threads

Crocheted lampshade looks original

You can also crochet a lampshade with your own hands for a floor lamp using thin threads. Particularly beautiful are products made from textured viscose or cotton yarn. For this you will need:

  • Threads.
  • Hook matching the thickness of the thread.
  • Scissors.
  • Paper and pencil for pattern.
  • Pattern scheme. Experienced knitters can do without it, creating a canvas from memory or relying on their imagination.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to create a pattern according to the same principle as described in the previous section. So it will be more convenient to try on the fabric in the knitting process, especially if the work is not done at home.
  2. After that, they start knitting. Since all patterns are standard, and the frames have different shapes and sizes, in the process you will need to adjust to your needs by expanding it with additional columns or shortening the pattern by eliminating some rows.

Knitting a lampshade is a rather time-consuming process that requires experience and skill, so those who are just learning how to crochet should opt for other options for decorating the lamp.

Typical knitting pattern:

From scarves

From old scarves you can create a unique piece of decor

The Pavlovsky Posad scarf, inherited from the grandmother, will become a worthy part of the interior if you turn it into a lampshade for a floor lamp.

To do this, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Scissors.
  • Needle with thread.
  • A handkerchief without holes, puffs, stains and other damage, as they will be very noticeable.
  • Decorative ribbon and fringe.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Throw a scarf on top of the frame so that the middle is located in the center of the upper circle.
  2. Make a hole in the scarf. The size must be smaller than the diameter of the circle. This is necessary so that you can wrap the wire with a cloth and secure with a seam.
  3. Sew a scarf to the top of the lampshade.
  4. Distribute the tensioned scarf over the entire frame. To make it more convenient to do this, you can stab it with sewing pins.
  5. Trim off excess fabric.
  6. Sew a scarf to the bottom of the frame.
  7. Next, you need to perform decorative work, securing the fringe at the bottom with stitches so as to hide the seam. Tape is tied on top in the same way.

From beads

Beaded products look expensive and exclusive

The lampshade made of beads turns out to be very elegant, sparkling and stylish. In the store, such products are expensive; if you do it yourself, it will cost mere pennies. And the implementation does not imply any complexity, even a child can handle it.

Before starting work, you should prepare:

  • Transparent glass beads. It is advisable to take not the smallest, you can combine beads of different colors and sizes, interspersing them also with opaque and metallized ones. It all depends on imagination and personal preferences.
  • Thin wire or fishing line. The wire is easier to fix, and the structure assembled on it looks stronger. The lampshades on the fishing line seem weightless.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Lighter for melting the ends of the fishing line.
  • Beads for lampshade decoration.

The assembly process consists of only a few steps:

  1. A piece of wire or fishing line is attached to one of the spokes connecting the upper and lower parts of the frame. Its end should be melted with a lighter.
  2. One by one, beads are strung on the wire.
  3. When the row becomes long and reaches the next knitting needle, you need to wrap it with wire, making one turn. For fishing line, it is better to do two.
  4. Further work is performed by repeating the described procedure until all the knitting needles have been passed.
  5. When a full circle is made, there are two ways to proceed. Either continue wrapping the frame with wire with beads strung on it in a spiral, or cut and fasten the end of the wire, and then start the second row immediately below the first.
  6. After completing the work (when the entire lampshade is braided with wire rows), you need to string beads on a wire or fishing line and attach them to the bottom of the frame to form an impromptu fringe.

To make it more convenient to work, you need to take not very long pieces of wire or fishing line. When one piece ends, its edge should be fixed on the nearest knitting needle, and then the beginning of the next piece should be attached to it.

decor ideas

In addition to the methods described above, there are many other decor options.

For example, you can sew a lampshade from a plain fabric by sticking lace and artificial flowers on it with a glue gun. Such openwork elements are easy to cut out of lace fabric or buy ready-made in a needlework store.

A very original product will turn out from a skirt or bodice from a dress.

If there are a lot of fabric flowers in the house, do not throw them away. They will gain a second life, being glued to the substrate, which is wrapped around the frame of the floor lamp.

It is very easy to create a relaxed and playful lampshade from a wide satin braid. It is enough to flash it with large stitches and pull one end of the thread, while securing the second. The tape will become gathered, after which it must be wrapped around the old lampshade. To keep the braid, it is sewn on top and bottom.

The lampshade made of felt with carved butterflies looks interesting. If this design option seems boring, you can improve it by smearing the wings with glue and sprinkling with sparkles.

Creating a lampshade with your own hands is a huge space for imagination. You should not repeat the given designs exactly, it is better to bring something of your own into them, something that will make the interior unique and give it individuality.

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In order for harmony to reign in the house, the housewives try to arrange everything in the best way. Who prefers an interesting purchased decor, and someone tends to the Hand Made version. In today's publication, we will figure out how to make a lampshade for a lamp with your own hands. In addition, the HomeMyHome editors offer to explore several interesting options with individual design technologies.

An interesting design idea made of soft fabric with pom-poms

Lampshades are very easy, and most importantly, nice to do with your own hands. In this process, you should not limit your imagination. You can come up with your own version with a variety of textures. For this, various tools and materials are used. Also, the procedure for self-production of decorative coating of the lamp has a number of features.

Models on the frame

Frame structures can have a variety of shapes and sizes. The basis of the workpiece is often wire. A properly selected frame will retain the shape of the product for the entire period of operation. At the same time, it accurately fixes the distance from the lampshade shell to the light bulb. The product becomes rigid and durable. Therefore, he is not afraid of light mechanical damage.


How to make a frame for a lampshade with your own hands

There is nothing wrong with the fact that you are using the old frame model of an existing floor lamp. However, if there is no such option, you will have to create it yourself. For this purpose, you can use various blanks:

  • an old paper basket (these can be found in the office). It is desirable that it has a fine weave. Products with long rods in a circle are allowed;
  • wire frame. This option will take a lot of time. For this purpose, steel, and sometimes thick aluminum wire is chosen. You can make a blank in two wires, and additionally braid with a fishing line or string.

Traditionally, the shape of the future ceiling has the shape of a truncated cone. Sometimes it is a cylinder. As a rule, they try to make the last option larger in diameter so that it fits the finished lamp.


Fundamentals of frameless models manufacturing technology

The frameless model is a product, the basis of which is the material itself. In order for the lampshade to immediately acquire the desired shape, a special three-dimensional template is performed. Material is glued on top of it and the necessary decor is made. This design is left to dry completely, after which it is ready for use.


Related article:

DIY lampshade. In the article, we will look at what you can make a frame for a lampshade from, how to make a lampshade with your own hands from paper, cardboard, paper plates, and what other ideas there are for creating lampshades from different materials.

How to create an interesting lampshade with a design for different lamps with your own hands

A homemade lampshade for a lamp will be an interesting decor. Most importantly, it will emphasize the decor of the room, highlighting it among the usual ones in the chosen type of interior. It will create some emphasis, which will draw attention.


Do-it-yourself lampshade model for a floor lamp

Various materials can be used for the lampshade. It is important that they comply with safety requirements and, when heated from the lamp, do not emit foreign toxic odors. We bring to your attention interesting options from various raw materials.


From paper

One of the interesting techniques is origami. Using this technique, it is very easy to restore the lampshade of a floor lamp with your own hands, even the most unexpected shape. To do the job you will need:

  • two paper gift bags (preferably not glossy);
  • scissors;
  • awl and kapron thread;
  • glue stick may be required.


Step-by-step instruction

In order not to forget anything, it is important to act strictly according to the algorithm. Be sure to make sure that the material is intact, it is enough to create a ceiling.

  1. Remove the threads from the product and carefully tear the bags at the seams and glued places.
  2. Fold the resulting part in half, then make an accordion out of the workpiece.
  3. Press the two outer strips diagonally in half.
  4. Now do the same with the second piece, then fold them together along one edge.
  5. Make holes along the bottom edge with an awl and thread a thread through them.
  6. Draw the lace so that it is outside.
  7. Unfold the paper at the free edge. The result should be a flower.
On a note! Do not forget to form knots at the attachment point. This will make the lampshade stronger. It won't loosen up over time.


from wood

You can be engaged in the manufacture of a wooden lampshade for a lamp, having the skills of a carpenter. In other words, the whole process will not cause difficulties. Such a lampshade will be very useful for a bath. The main thing is to act step by step.

IllustrationAction Description
Having prepared the right amount of wood, we begin its processing: first, we burn the paint, if any, and then we polish it
We form a circle with an inner hole from the board and grind it well
On thin boards we make a sketch, according to which we cut out the strips for the lampshade of the desired size
We create a second ring a few centimeters smaller in diameter. We glue them together. Leave under the vise until completely dry.
We make holes on the prepared planks. They will serve as a place for attaching parts to the base. We fasten the wooden parts of the lampshade together with small carnations

The finished lampshade can be decorated in a variety of ways. To give additional rigidity to the structure, it is better to pull it off with a special tourniquet. The finished product can be stained and then varnished.

On a note! You can make lampshades for a chandelier with your own hands from any materials at hand. It is advisable for beginners to choose the correct and strict form of the frame.

From yarn

With the help of woolen threads, it is very easy to create a spectacular lamp design. Experts believe that in order for the design to be more interesting, you need to choose a more colorful pattern. You can see all the details of the instructions for creating such a lampshade in the master class below.

Related article:

Making a lampshade for a table lamp

You can use different ideas to make a DIY table lamp shade. As a rule, this requires material that can always be found on the farm. You can create models from fabric, wire and other blanks.


From fabric

Suppose we have a finished frame. It needs to be trimmed. To make a beautiful and correct version of a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands from fabric, you need a template and a pattern. This is all done in stages.

  1. Take the frame and a large newspaper. Make a mark at the junction of the two ends.
  2. Cut off the excess paper from the top and bottom.
  3. Lay the blank on the selected fabric and circle it with a pencil.
  4. Cut out the required amount of fabric, be sure to leave room for allowances and seams.
  5. Wrap these edges and iron them.
  6. Wrap the frame with fabric, then glue the joints together or make a neat seam.
  7. All the edges that remain must be wrapped inward and glued. To do this, you can use strong double-sided tape.

It remains only to decorate the lamp model. To do this, you can sew an interesting border, colored ribbon or ribbon on the lower part.


From wire

Usually this design is based on a metal frame. As a fine finish, it is recommended to use copper thin wire, it is light and elastic. It is very convenient to work with such an element. In order to create a ceiling lamp for a night light, you will need the following inventory:

  • wire cutters;
  • thin copper wire (from coils from old TVs or radios);
  • lamp frame
  • dense line.


An approximate algorithm for the production of a do-it-yourself lampshade from wire will be as follows:

  1. Prepare the base, if necessary, align the deformed parts. This applies to frames made of wire.
  2. Then start winding the circles (base and top). Make turns so often that there are no gaps between them.
  3. Then proceed to the vertical braid. To do this, start working from the top circle to the bottom. If there is another middle one, make one turn on it too.
  4. Make sure the wire is not too tight. Next, disassemble the entire braid into several bundles in the middle and fasten it together with a small piece of fishing line.

At the end of the work, remove all visible pieces of wire or bend them inward.

On a note! If the wire ends exactly in the middle of the product, it is better to “bite off” it at the circumference of the frame, and continue braiding a new one from the same place. This will help to avoid visible joints, because they greatly affect the aesthetics of the structure.


From newspaper tubes

Light enough, budgetary and practical, you get a lampshade made of newspaper tubes. Be sure to stock up on plenty of material. Ideally, if there is a solid supply. For manufacturing you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • ball;
  • newspaper tubes;
  • scissors, long needle.

Step by step instructions can be found below.

IllustrationAction Description
We stock up on newspaper tubes. To do this, we cut the material into strips 7-10 cm wide, fold them with a knitting needle and glue
We turn two circles with the same diameter, about 10-12 cm. We form cones from them. For reliability, we glue PVA
We create such blanks, as shown in the photo. Fill them well with glue and leave to dry completely.
We connect the structures in this way. We glue the parts with holes in the middle together. They will serve to enter the light bulb and cable
We throw newspaper tubes on the ball in a chaotic manner, glue the joints and wait for it to dry. Then pop the ball
We glue the prepared bases with the ceiling itself. The result should be the same as in the photo. Additionally, parts are painted to give them a designer look.
Advice! A do-it-yourself wicker lampshade can be made from dry branches of trees or shrubs, after peeling them.

Chandelier lampshades: video

You can diversify your home with handmade decor in a short period of time. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive materials and accessories. For example, to make a lampshade with your own hands for a chandelier in the kitchen or another room, just use the recommendations from the video below.

Interesting new ideas for making creative DIY lampshades

Decoration in the house should be done in accordance with the style of the interior. In addition, it is important that the creative does not look too pretentious. To do this, we recommend arming yourself with the ideas that the HomeMyHome editors have prepared for you.

A lampshade made by hand from threads looks very interesting. This option would be appropriate on nightlights and small wall sconces.


You can use material of different colors or further paint and decorate the finished lamp.

A do-it-yourself lampshade made of cord for a chandelier is quite painstaking work. You can't do without the skill of weaving and knitting. Such models of lamps are usually used for ceiling chandeliers or table lamps.


Variants of vine lampshades are very popular. They look like baskets. Such elements look great in corridors, hallways and in the kitchen.

Updating a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, making a new one or repairing an old one is a good idea to give a fresh gloss, a new mood to your home.

Change the frame or just the lampshade

How can you make a lampshade for a floor lamp with your own hands, if the old one is worn out or no longer corresponds to the new time or the new tastes of the owners.

Everyone loves floor lamps. This is the most versatile light source. It is so comfortable to sit under it with knitting or a book, it can be moved, it is mobile and is an interior decoration. Therefore, the decor of the floor lamp so attracts the eyes of needlewomen.

Many lamps are inherited from previous generations, and, perhaps, at first, they push it somewhere, but then the aura of old household items becomes attractive. There is a desire to repair the old floor lamp, update the lampshade and all this at home.

This is a good idea, now there are so many ideas around and the possibilities for their implementation that it is simply embarrassing to sit idly by. To arrange a hauling lampshade on an old frame or to remake a floor lamp is completely up to you, the process will be exciting in any case.

Lampshade frame

From wire disposable hangers

Using pliers, unroll and straighten wire from disposable dry cleaners hangers.

Using a ruler and wire cutters, cut two pieces of straightened wire to the desired length. The length is equal to the length of the perimeter of the floor lamp shade

Use pliers to make a circle with each hook and loop wire to hold the circle together

Measure and cut two pieces of straight wire equal to the height of the lampshade + hem allowance for the hinges

Bend loops at both ends of these wires, use a round stick and pliers

Slip the loop at one end over the circle and pull off, and the loop at the other end over the other circle. Do the same with your own hands with the second wire. To secure the frame structure.

Glue the loops. Glue for metal "Cold welding", "Epoksilin", "Superglue".

Cut 4 pieces of wire with a size equal to the radius of the circle minus the radius of the small circle for the bulb, plus hem allowances for the hook. You can calculate the radius from a known circumference using a formula known from school, or you can use the online calculator at

Make a small circle for the light bulb with your hands from a piece of wire a little longer than the circumference of the light bulb socket plus an allowance for the hook. Connect the wire into a ring and glue the ends

Attach all 4 needles to the big circle and to the small one.

wire mesh

For a floor lamp you will need 2m of mesh 40cm wide

How to sew a fabric lampshade video

What can be made

Do better with what you know how to do. If you knit well, show off the knitter's talent, if you embroider boldly embroider a plot that beckons you. Most importantly, do it yourself. Your guests will gasp with delight and admiration.

Fabric lampshade

A very convenient option if you need to update or repair with your own hands at home. And it happens that the furniture has been updated and you need to change the colors of the accessories. Or, finally, the most beautiful embroidery is finished and it turned out to be appropriate for a floor lamp. Padding saves in many cases, see the detailed master class on the site.

Read on the site: How to make a lampshade with your own hands

You can make a lampshade for a floor lamp or a table lamp in minutes, or you can create a masterpiece from the world of lampshades with your own hands for weeks.

Master class fabric lampshade. Master class fabric lampshade with paper pattern

Lampshade in macrame technique

A macrame lampshade can be found even on the street, as an attractive advertisement for a store or a cozy cafe.

Thread lampshade

Surprisingly, threads have been used for this purpose for several decades. The threads create a particularly cozy look, whether they are tightly attached to each other or scattered in sparse, light, elegant weaves.

  • Choose threads to harmonize with the interior of the room
  • Use dense, thin threads, they hold their shape and color better. Loose gain glue and become faded.
  • Before winding the threads, evenly grease the ball with petroleum jelly
  • Use transparent glue that becomes glassy when it dries.

For a black lampshade, we took a skein of black satin thread and 2m of strong black braid.

crochet lampshade

Crocheted lampshades look incredibly cute and cozy at the same time, and at the same time can be exquisitely stylish. Create an exclusive thing with your own hands. Even for beginner knitters, crocheting in a circle is a simple thing. And for experienced needlewomen, a whole expanse of ideas is more complicated.

A lovely lampshade for a flat kitchen lampshade is crocheted according to the pattern. The diagram is attached below.

Wooden lampshade

Wooden lampshades are made from slats or from a single piece of wood. The mind-blowing video shook my imagination.

Video how to make a floor lamp from a log with your own hands

A selection of photos for inspiration and pleasure

Ideas used in the article:,,


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