How to make a stand. Mobile phone stand - how to make it yourself

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Naturally, a regular do-it-yourself phone stand can be made easily and from scrap materials. This could be a plastic card, a cassette deck, or even a toilet paper roll. But the car holder must be attached somewhere, otherwise the gadget will fly all over the cabin. Here are 5 independent inventions that solve the problem of placing smartphones and tablets in cars.

1. Velcro

The cheapest way. Buy double-sided tape at an office supply store or adhesive tape in the sewing accessories department. Glue one side to the gadget, the other to the dashboard. Before gluing, the dashboard and back cover of the gadget must be wiped to ensure that no dust or dirt remains.




Such a holder will only survive until the first hole or serious shock. And the gadget attached to it, most likely, too.

2. Binder clip (stationery clip)

Back to the stationery holder! We buy a paper clip, also known as a binder clip. We take out the staples, bend them as in the picture, wrap them with thick thread, put them in place and secure them with an elastic band. Then we attach the resulting device to the air duct and you’re done.


Inexpensive, fits tightly and is easy to perform.


The phone cannot be easily removed from such a clamp. It is not a fact that winding a thread will really soften the impact on the phone. The angle of inclination cannot be changed. The air duct grille can be broken.

3. Wire

For those who are willing to sacrifice the integrity of the dashboard. This holder is only for tablets with a book case. Take strong stainless wire. Drill two holes with the appropriate diameter in the dashboard. Bend the wire and insert it into these holes. Hang the tablet by the case.


All you need is wire and a drill.


There will be holes in the dashboard. The tablet will not be securely fixed and will block access to the radio.

4. Screws or nails

The most brutal way. For the toughest men. Four screws/nails in the dashboard - and the phone is definitely not going anywhere.


No one will want to argue with the owner of such a holder on the road.


Damaged dashboard and scratched phone.

5. Metal

This method is for craftsmen and lovers of working with metal. Cut out the necessary parts for the future holder from a suitable metal. Bend it to the size of the gadget. Gather the parts together and connect firmly. Sand and paint. Add rubberized inserts and mounting for installation in the interior. Ready!



It is impossible to do this without special skills and tools.

There are three types of homemade products: flimsy, spoiling the interior, or requiring real skill. Why waste your time in vain if you can buy a phone holder for a dashboard or glass, for example, an OLMIO car holder for smartphones, which will fit into the interior of the car, won’t spoil anything and will allow you to use your phone conveniently?

How often, when we are at home, in the office or on the road, we cannot remember where we put our phone. To prevent this from happening, you should get comfortable and ergonomic stands that you can make yourself. A phone stand can be made with your own hands from the most unexpected materials at hand. Our step-by-step master class will tell you how to do this.

How to make a phone stand with your own hands: options for the office and car

Whether at work or in the car, we all need to be connected at all times. At the same time, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive stands, because they can be made from waste and used materials.

Card stand.

The simplest version of a phone holder is a card stand. To make it, you need to carefully bend the unnecessary plastic card in two places, as shown in the photo below, without allowing it to break.

Experience shows that a plastic card stand is very reliable and can even withstand air travel during severe turbulence.

Stand made from office clips.

To make a phone stand from paper clips or binders, as they are also called, you will need one large and one small clip. The legs of the small clamp should be placed between the holding part of the large clamp and the resulting structure should be placed on the table so that the larger clamp rests on its surface.

Similar coasters can be made in five minutes from clothespins.

Paper clips make an excellent car stand. To make it, you need to disassemble a large clamp and slightly bend the metal parts, as shown in the photo below.

To avoid damaging the surface of the phone, it is recommended to wrap metal fasteners with thread in several layers. We return the holders to their place, additionally securing them with adhesive tape and a rubber band. We attach the clip to the ventilation blinds. The phone is securely attached between the metal parts of the binder.

Paper stand.

Ordinary office paper, folded in a certain way, can even support the weight of a large smartphone. To make a paper stand, you need to measure the dimensions of the phone and adjust the pattern below to fit them.

Cut the piece out of paper, fold it along the dotted lines and insert the side parts into the slots. This design is good because it allows you to charge your phone without removing it from the stand.

We study popular options for stands for home comfort

A desktop phone stand for the home should not only be comfortable, but also durable, stylish and fit well into the interior of your home. Let's consider options for such products.

Stand made of newspaper tubes.

A phone stand made from newspaper tubes will be a wonderful gift and an excellent decoration for any interior.

To weave such a stand, you will need several pre-painted long newspaper tubes, scissors, knitting needles, a little glue and varnish.

We place six blanks parallel to each other at a distance of approximately 1-1.5 cm and firmly fix them in the machine or in any convenient way. We place knitting needles or wire in the outer racks to make it more convenient to form smooth and neat contours of the product. We begin to braid the base with a working tube using the rope technique or calico weaving. We monitor the parallelism of the rows and, if necessary, coat them with glue for better fixation.

We weave a rectangular piece of the required length. We take out the knitting needles or wire. The ends of the stands are carefully tucked in and trimmed. We give the workpiece the required curved shape, if necessary, wetting it a little with water.

Similarly, we weave the leg of the stand using fewer tubes. We bend the finished leg, install it on the main part and secure its posts between the rows of the stand. We cut off the excess and hide it. We coat the product with glue, if desired, additionally paint it and cover it with 1-2 layers of varnish. After complete drying, the stand can be used for its intended purpose.

Stand made of origami modules.

Modular origami is a fairly young, but very popular type of needlework. With its help, you can make many unusual and original gizmos, including a phone stand from modules.

To make the stand you will need double-sided paper in blue and pink. We cut the sheets into blanks and fold the modules.

We start weaving from the base of the stand. It will require 28 blue modules, which must be connected to each other and closed in a ring. We make three more rows in the same way. From the fifth row we reduce the number of modules by 1, 2, 3, 4 pieces. In the seventh row we place one pink module in the middle.

In the eighth row we put 6 modules, make a skip, another 10 modules, skip, 6 modules. The number of pink modules is 2 pieces. In the next row, we place three pink modules on the pink area. We begin to design the shaped edging of the stand, as shown in the photo below.

In the back part we form a heart-shaped pattern, above which we install a number of blue modules. Gradually narrow the stand until a triangular wedge forms at its back.

The module stand is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch the video tutorials below on how to make other options for phone stands.

If you have accumulated unnecessary bank or discount cards, do not rush to throw them away, because you can use them to make useful things - stands for smartphones with different designs. We have collected several design options, including quite sophisticated ones.

The first stand is the simplest. It can be done by simply bending the card in two places so that you get something like this:

You can make three bends and get a structure that more securely holds the base of the smartphone.

To prevent the card from breaking and losing strength at the bend points, it is better to bend it after pre-heating it with a hairdryer. The plastic will gain increased elasticity for a while and then harden again.

To create this design, you will need to make cutouts on both sides of the card, forming hooks, and bend it in half. Sharp rags at the cut sites need to be ground off; this can be done with a file or sandpaper, and if there are none, with a nail file or a stationery knife.

For such a delivery you will need two cards glued together. This provides additional stability - you can place your smartphone on it not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Two cutouts on the card - and such a stand is ready. For greater stability, you can use two cards - one will be attached to the left side of the smartphone, the other to the right. The second card can be cut out by placing the first one on it, so they will be completely symmetrical and the smartphone will not warp.

The Chinese produce such a stand. It is exactly the same size as a bank card, which means you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need to use a very heated knife to make several cuts on the card and build the same structure by bending the lower holder, the back for fixing and the base of the card. The advantage of this stand is the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.

Having cute, cozy touches in your home helps create a warm atmosphere. Making something interesting and useful at the same time is not so difficult. Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone. When we return home, we most often put it on the table. It happens that we don’t notice and throw papers or other things on top, and sometimes we even lose them on the desktop. A DIY phone stand solves two problems at once: you will forever be able to allocate a place for your phone and develop the design yourself.

How to make a phone stand?

You probably have at least one cardboard box at home. From such waste material you can create something unique. We suggest making a phone stand from paper and an old box.

  1. To work, you need to prepare office glue, a pencil with a ruler, and a knife.
  2. Before you make a phone stand, you need to prepare the cardboard. Cut rectangles measuring 10x20cm. We will need 9 such blanks.
  3. Now you need to glue them together in threes.
  4. On two of them we draw such a detail. This will be the side of the DIY phone stand.
  5. Cut it out. In order for everything to be beautiful and the structure not to lose stability, you need to put the sidewalls one on top of the other and check how similar they are.
  6. Take a utility knife and cut a hole in the shape of a rectangle.
  7. Next, you need to make the base for the phone stand with your own hands. We measure the width of the phone and cut out a stand to fit the size of the third piece. The width of the phone is the length of our rectangle. The width of the rectangle should be such that it can fit into the grooves on the sides.
  8. We assemble the structure. You will also need a small circle made of cardboard, its diameter is slightly less than the distance between the sides. (photo 8)
  9. All blanks must be covered with paper. This could be a newspaper clipping or scrapbooking paper.
  10. To make the back, take two pencils or something similar. We make holes in the sides and insert them there. We put our cardboard circle on the axle.
  11. Your DIY mobile phone stand is ready!

Another DIY phone stand option

You can make a simpler version of this stand from cardboard.

For a home craftsman with a minimum of tools and maximum diligence, it will not be difficult to make such a wooden phone stand. The material used is a 10 mm thick board or plywood. You can also use thinner plastic. Approximate dimensions are shown in the figure. The stand is 10 centimeters high, 8 cm wide (6 cm when clear). It is mounted on two semicircles with a radius of 4 centimeters. Of course, before you get down to business, measure the widest of the phones that will be placed in it. The stand is assembled using PVC glue and then decorated at your discretion. For example, in the picture above, the edging is processed by burning.

Well, here I think there’s hardly any need to explain, especially to us, not young people. Yes, many of course recognized the good old “podcassette player” from a tape audio cassette.

Simply remove the cassette, turn the cassette case over, open it in the other direction and you get a stand at an angle of about 75 degrees. The width of the “pocket” is approximately 12 millimeters; the current thin smartphone fits there perfectly.

Here’s a “brutal” phone stand made from an ordinary aluminum fork. The two outermost teeth are bent at the very base at an angle of 90 degrees. The two middle antennae are bent at a distance of 15 millimeters from the base, also at an angle of 90 degrees. Your gadget is placed between them. The fork handle acts as a support.

This stand requires six clothespins and one pencil. The pencil should preferably be hexagonal; on a round one, the clothespins will slide. I think it’s clear from the photo - the four clothespins are the legs, the two on the top actually hold the gadget, and the phone is inserted between their petals. The width adjustment is quite large - the length of a pencil. By the way, even if you hook a couple of clothespins onto the edge of any vertical surface (let’s say the wall of a box), they will successfully cope without four other clothespins and a pencil!

This stand is very simple, but also suitable for small phones. This is a regular old bank or discount plastic card. It should be divided crosswise into three equal parts with a pencil and bent along the lines. But I would make the lower “heel” on which the phone will stand just a centimeter, and divide the remaining distance into the “arm” of the support itself and the support.


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