How to make a clamshell with your own hands from wire. A simple way to make an effective clamshell

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Crayfish boiled in salted water with seasonings is an excellent appetizer for a foamy drink. But many beer drinkers are simply lazy or don’t know how to catch them. This is partly due to the fact that there is no fishing gear - a rachevnya, or crayfish trap.

In this article we will tell you how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands and how best to attach bait in it. We will also briefly give examples of baits for and indicate the best places to install traps.

Types of crayfish

There are open and closed shells, both of which can be made at home. Here is a short list of the different designs:

  • plastic bottle trap;
  • screen;
  • inkwell;
  • top;
  • umbrella.

We will describe the production of some of these cures in this article.

From the bottle

The simplest and fastest version of a homemade soup can be easily made from such a popular material among all our homemade crafters as a plastic bottle. To make a trap we will need:

  • five liter plastic bottle;
  • soft wire or thick fishing line;
  • rope;
  • cargo;
  • awl;
  • knife and scissors.

We give a description of how to make a crayfish trap using the above materials and tools:

  1. Cut off the top part with the neck of the plastic bottle.
  2. I also cut the neck itself so that there is a hole through which the crayfish can fit.
  3. We turn the upper part over and insert it into the lower half with the tapering end inward, so it is easy for the cancer to get inside, but then difficult to get out of the trap.
  4. We connect the two halves. You can knit them together using fishing line or wire threaded through holes made with an awl.
  5. We make large holes in the main part of the bottle to release air.
  6. We attach some kind of weight to the bottom to prevent the trap from floating up.
  7. We knit a loop from the inside to the bottom to attach the bait.
  8. We tie a rope to the junction of the trap parts.

On the pond you need to untie the wire connecting the two parts of the crayfish and strengthen the bait. Then you need to tie both halves again. After that, holding the homemade trap by the rope, we throw the trap into the selected place of the reservoir. Using a cord, we fix the ravine on the shore to a driven peg or a growing bush or tree.

In the form of a top

This design resembles the previous model in the way the crayfish enter it through a tapering cone. It is best made from metal fine mesh. Let's describe how to make a clamshell of this type:

  1. Cut a strip of mesh about a meter wide. This piece can be from one and a half to two and a half meters long; a longer trap will be difficult to throw and pull out.
  2. We roll the strip into a cylinder, the diameter of its base will be about thirty centimeters.
  3. We tie the edges of the strip together using tying wire or welding.
  4. From the same mesh we form two conical entrances.
  5. We attach them with the narrow side to the base of the cylinder using wire.
  6. We tie the narrow ends of the cones together inside the trap with three wire ties.
  7. We tie ropes to one or both ends.

Bait is placed in the trap, then the top is thrown onto the crayfish or brought into the water, depending on its size. There is no need to weigh it down, since the metal mesh adheres well to the bottom.


Screens are called lift-type traps with a mesh stretched over a metal frame. They are also easy to make at home. For this we need:

  • strong elastic steel wire with a diameter of 4-6 millimeters;
  • mesh with small cells;
  • cord.

To make a shell out of this, you need to do the following:

  1. Bend the wire into a circle with a diameter of about fifty centimeters. For this we need a piece 1.5-1.6 meters long.
  2. We weld the ends of the wire or tie them with binding wire.
  3. We stretch the net over the resulting hoop. The tension should not be tight so that the net sags a little in the center.
  4. We tie four laces of equal length to the hoop, the segments should be approximately 40-50 centimeters.
  5. We tie the second ends of the laces together.
  6. We attach a rope to a common knot.

At the pond we tie the rope to a long, strong pole. We place a weight in the middle of the screen and tie a bait placed in a bag made of rare fabric. It could be:

  • tulle;
  • gauze;
  • Women's tights, maybe not new.

We lower the crayfish trap into the water and wait for the crayfish. This trap needs to be checked every 20-30 minutes. We pull out the crayfish vertically, while the weight helps to pull the bottom, preventing the prey from quickly leaving the crayfish.


If you improve the previous trap a little, you can make an ink trap. It received this name because of its resemblance to the non-spill inkwell, which was used by Soviet schoolchildren when writing with a fountain pen.

To upgrade, we will need to bend another ring, using a piece of wire one meter long. It is easy to calculate that the diameter of the small ring will be about thirty centimeters. Next we do this:

  1. We take the bottom with the mesh stretched over it from the previous design.
  2. We connect the bottom to the ring using three or four knitting needles, 20-30 centimeters high. Welding electrodes are great for this. The result was a design in the form of a wire truncated cone.
  3. We stretch the mesh over the sides of the cone.
  4. We tie laces to the small upper ring; they can also be secured to the bottom, and simply crossed over the small hoop.
  5. We connect the laces together and tie a rope to them.

On a pond we equip the inkwell in the same way as the screen. But thanks to the high sides, it is difficult for crayfish to get out of it, so you can leave such a trap without pulling it out for a much longer period, from two to six hours.

Boiled crayfish are a delicacy for many residents of big cities. Despite the fact that in many reservoirs the population of these representatives of arthropods is large, it is not always possible to catch a worthy trophy. To ensure a good catch, you make your own crayfish catcher. With its help, catching the required number of crayfish will be convenient and simple.

Many people remember a simple method of catching crayfish from childhood. In the summer, adults and children entered the water and tried to grab a dangerous object by the body with their hands. Sometimes fingers got caught in the powerful claws, which somewhat darkened the impression of the exciting activity. But in cold weather there are few people willing to use this method. A crayfish trap will come in handy at any time and weather.

You can use clamshells both from a boat and from the shore. It is enough to attach the bait to the net and lower the trap to the bottom of the reservoir. On the river, it is necessary to fix the device so that it does not get carried away by the current.

The waiting time, which is 2-3 hours, can be devoted to fishing, relaxing by the fire, outdoor games, etc.

It is not possible to purchase ready-made traps in all regions of the country, so it makes sense to master the independent production of simple crayfish traps.

Types of crayfish

The imagination of fishermen has no limits. As modern materials become available, new types of traps arise. There are three types of crayfish traps on sale.

  1. A trap based on a metal hoop and a mesh with 2x2 cm perforations is one of the simplest devices. Making a homemade crayfish trap of this type is not difficult. The bait is tied in the central part of the mesh circle, after which the trap is lowered to the bottom on a rope.
  2. A more complex device is the crayfish trap, which consists of 2 metal rings. One of the hoops has a diameter of 50 cm, the other ring has a diameter of 80 cm. After stretching the mesh, a cone is formed with a cut end. The height of the trap is 20 cm. The trap is equipped with bait, which is suspended on a wire down the center. The trap is lowered so that the large hoop is at the bottom of the reservoir.
  3. A trapezoidal trap is effective and easy to use. It is a cage made of metal mesh. The frame is made of steel wire.

Materials for production

Traditionally, the following materials were used to make crayfish shells.

  • Nylon mesh is an affordable and fairly waterproof material that allows you to quickly build a trap. It is enough to make a frame of a suitable shape and stretch the net, and you can hope to catch an arthropod trophy. Nylon is good because it is easy to cut and tie. Over time, the crayfish's claws render the trap unusable.
  • Steel mesh today has many modifications, so you can choose the most suitable material for your product. The famous chain-link mesh can be used when you need to stretch the fabric over a frame. And the welded version with rectangular cells holds its shape well without an additional frame.
  • Craftsmen extract metal hoops from old wooden barrels, rusty tanks, aluminum cans, etc.
  • Steel reinforcement, thick wire, and thin-walled tubes can also serve as a frame.
  • Crayfish shells made from plastic bottles are inexpensive. These can be drinking containers with a volume of 5-6 liters.

The most commonly used materials are:

  • metal wire;
  • nylon rope;
  • fishing line

Tools you should stock up on include a tape measure, metal scissors, pliers, an awl and a knife.

Examples of homemade shells

Before you make a crayfish trap with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with several samples. They are made from different materials, so everyone can choose a model to their liking.

PET bottle trap

The lightest and most cost-effective trap can be made from two five-liter bottles.

  • Using a knife, remove the neck and bottom of each bottle to create plastic cylinders.
  • After this, one of the cylinders is inserted inside the other to a depth of 1-2 cm. Using an awl, 6-8 holes are made at the joint around the circumference. Soft wire or fishing line is pulled through the holes to secure the connection.
  • The handles are removed from the cut necks, after which they are inserted with a narrow part inside the cylinder. The installation of these connections is carried out in the same way.
  • It is necessary to make perforations along the entire cylindrical surface. Holes can be cut with a knife or drilled with a drill.
  • All that remains is to tie a nylon rope, place the bait inside and lower the crayfish catcher into the water.

Photo 1. From a plastic bottle.

Model made of nylon mesh

The shells, made from nylon mesh, are called “inkwells”. The trap is made using the following technology.

  1. Two hoops are made from wire 4-5 mm thick. One of them should have a diameter of 40-60 cm, the other - 15-20 cm.
  2. The large ring is covered with mesh and secured with nylon thread or fishing line.
  3. Then the small ring is attached in the same way.
  4. To prevent the structure from collapsing after being lowered into the water, it is necessary to install 3 spacers 15-20 cm long from the same wire between the rings.
  5. All that remains is to attach a handle, tie a rope, lower the bait inside and throw the trap into the water.

Photo 2. Mesh with a square section.

Rolled steel mesh product

If the question arises of how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands for many years, then the steel mesh option will be the most optimal.

  1. At the first stage, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure to measure out a piece of workpiece 1 m long and 0.8 m wide. The easiest way to cut a piece of mesh is with metal scissors.
  2. Now you need to make a cylinder with a diameter of about 25 cm from a rectangular blank. The joint is fixed using pieces of soft copper wire. The protruding ends of the wire in the mesh are bent inward.
  3. To make walls with holes, you need to cut out a semicircle with a radius of 25 cm. At the central point of the radius, draw a semicircle with a radius of 5 cm. Carefully cut out the future hole with scissors.
  4. Then you need to bend the workpiece so that you get a cone with a cut top. In a cone-shaped position, it is necessary to secure the connection line with wire.
  5. The side wall is inserted with the sharp part of the cone inside the mesh cylinder. The edges of the cone and cylinder are fastened with wire. The second wall of the trap is made in the same way.
  6. To make it easier to place the bait and remove the crayfish, a 15x20 cm rectangle is marked in the center of the cylinder. An incision is made on three sides, this creates a kind of door. A piece of wire will help prevent spontaneous opening.
  7. It is best to attach a nylon rope to the edges of the shell. All that remains is to place the bait and test the catchability of the structure.

Photo 3. Made of steel mesh.

Any of the do-it-yourself crayfish traps can be modernized and adjusted to the fishing conditions. The main thing is that there are crayfish in the reservoir, then you definitely won’t have to return home without a catch.

Boiled crayfish are a delicacy for many residents of big cities. Despite the fact that in many reservoirs the population of these representatives of arthropods is large, it is not always possible to catch a worthy trophy. To ensure a good catch, you make your own crayfish catcher. With its help, catching the required number of crayfish will be convenient and simple.

Many people remember a simple method of catching crayfish from childhood. In the summer, adults and children entered the water and tried to grab a dangerous object by the body with their hands. Sometimes fingers got caught in the powerful claws, which somewhat darkened the impression of the exciting activity. But in cold weather there are few people who want to hunt for crayfish in this way. A crayfish trap will come in handy at any time and weather.

You can use clamshells both from a boat and from the shore. It is enough to attach the bait to the net and lower the trap to the bottom of the reservoir. On the river, it is necessary to fix the device so that it does not get carried away by the current.

The waiting time, which is 2-3 hours, can be devoted to fishing, relaxing by the fire, outdoor games, etc.

It is not possible to purchase ready-made traps in all regions of the country, so it makes sense to master the independent production of simple crayfish traps.

Types of crayfish

The imagination of fishermen has no limits. As modern materials become available, new types of traps arise. There are three types of crayfish traps on sale.

  1. A trap based on a metal hoop and a mesh with 2x2 cm perforations is one of the simplest devices. Making a homemade crayfish trap of this type is not difficult. The bait is tied in the central part of the mesh circle, after which the trap is lowered to the bottom on a rope.
  2. A more complex device is the crayfish trap, which consists of 2 metal rings. One of the hoops has a diameter of 50 cm, the other ring has a diameter of 80 cm. After stretching the mesh, a cone is formed with a cut end. The height of the trap is 20 cm. The trap is equipped with bait, which is suspended on a wire down the center. The trap is lowered so that the large hoop is at the bottom of the reservoir.
  3. A trapezoidal trap is effective and easy to use. It is a cage made of metal mesh. The frame is made of steel wire.

Materials for production

Traditionally, the following materials were used to make crayfish shells.

  • Nylon mesh is an affordable and fairly waterproof material that allows you to quickly build a trap. It is enough to make a frame of a suitable shape and stretch the net, and you can hope to catch an arthropod trophy. Nylon is good because it is easy to cut and tie. Over time, the crayfish's claws render the trap unusable.
  • Steel mesh today has many modifications, so you can choose the most suitable material for your product. The famous chain-link mesh can be used when you need to stretch the fabric over a frame. And the welded version with rectangular cells holds its shape well without an additional frame.
  • Craftsmen extract metal hoops from old wooden barrels, rusty tanks, aluminum cans, etc.
  • Steel reinforcement, thick wire, and thin-walled tubes can also serve as a frame.
  • Crayfish shells made from plastic bottles are inexpensive. These can be drinking containers with a volume of 5-6 liters.

The most commonly used materials are:

  • metal wire;
  • nylon rope;
  • fishing line

Tools you should stock up on include a tape measure, metal scissors, pliers, an awl and a knife.

Examples of homemade shells

Before you make a crayfish trap with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with several samples. They are made from different materials, so everyone can choose a model to their liking.

PET bottle trap

The lightest and most cost-effective trap can be made from two five-liter bottles.

  • Using a knife, remove the neck and bottom of each bottle to create plastic cylinders.
  • After this, one of the cylinders is inserted inside the other to a depth of 1-2 cm. Using an awl, 6-8 holes are made at the joint around the circumference. Soft wire or fishing line is pulled through the holes to secure the connection.
  • The handles are removed from the cut necks, after which they are inserted with a narrow part inside the cylinder. The installation of these connections is carried out in the same way.
  • It is necessary to make perforations along the entire cylindrical surface. Holes can be cut with a knife or drilled with a drill.
  • All that remains is to tie a nylon rope, place the bait inside and lower the crayfish catcher into the water.

Photo 1. From a plastic bottle.

Model made of nylon mesh

The shells, made from nylon mesh, are called “inkwells”. The trap is made using the following technology.

  1. Two hoops are made from wire 4-5 mm thick. One of them should have a diameter of 40-60 cm, the other - 15-20 cm.
  2. The large ring is covered with mesh and secured with nylon thread or fishing line.
  3. Then the small ring is attached in the same way.
  4. To prevent the structure from collapsing after being lowered into the water, it is necessary to install 3 spacers 15-20 cm long from the same wire between the rings.
  5. All that remains is to attach a handle, tie a rope, lower the bait inside and throw the trap into the water.

Photo 2. Mesh with a square section.

Rolled steel mesh product

If the question arises of how to make a crayfish trap with your own hands for many years, then the steel mesh option will be the most optimal.

  1. At the first stage, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure to measure out a piece of workpiece 1 m long and 0.8 m wide. The easiest way to cut a piece of mesh is with metal scissors.
  2. Now you need to make a cylinder with a diameter of about 25 cm from a rectangular blank. The joint is fixed using pieces of soft copper wire. The protruding ends of the wire in the mesh are bent inward.
  3. To make walls with holes, you need to cut out a semicircle with a radius of 25 cm. At the central point of the radius, draw a semicircle with a radius of 5 cm. Carefully cut out the future hole with scissors.
  4. Then you need to bend the workpiece so that you get a cone with a cut top. In a cone-shaped position, it is necessary to secure the connection line with wire.
  5. The side wall is inserted with the sharp part of the cone inside the mesh cylinder. The edges of the cone and cylinder are fastened with wire. The second wall of the trap is made in the same way.
  6. To make it easier to place the bait and remove the crayfish, a 15x20 cm rectangle is marked in the center of the cylinder. An incision is made on three sides, this creates a kind of door. A piece of wire will help prevent spontaneous opening.
  7. It is best to attach a nylon rope to the edges of the shell. All that remains is to place the bait and test the catchability of the structure.

Photo 3. Made of steel mesh.

Any of the do-it-yourself crayfish traps can be modernized and adjusted to the fishing conditions. The main thing is that there are crayfish in the reservoir, then you definitely won’t have to return home without a catch.

Let's look at how to make a new crayfish model from metal mesh with your own hands. Its design is very simple, although it is not so easy to carry due to its natural bulky shape. A way out of the situation may be when you take a roll of mesh with you on a hike, and all the work on creating traps ready for casting takes place right on site, on the shore of the reservoir. By the way, crayfish love clean running water in reservoirs.

What is needed for a clamshell.

We need a metal mesh with a mesh size of at least 25 mm. Pliers or pliers, wire cutters, metal wire, tin snips, a marker, nylon thread to tie the trap and throw it away from the shore, and a tape measure for measuring.


We need to measure 80 cm. It turns out that the width of the shell is 60 cm and the length is 80 cm. Now we need to cut it out using metal scissors; the rest of the roll is no longer needed, so we put it aside.

Next, we roll the workpiece into a pipe. Using the mesh structure and extra wire, connect the edges of the roll. The distance between the twists is approximately 5 cm. Use soft wire, it is convenient to work with, and the shape of the mesh will be held due to its material.

Now we need to make one more element of our trap. This will be the end part for the resulting cylinder, so we will measure its diameter from one side. As you can see, this figure is 25 cm. We measure this size on another sheet of mesh and set a mark of 25 cm. We should get a semicircular workpiece.

We place a semicircle on the floor, measure 5 cm from the middle of it and draw another, but small, semicircle. This will be the channel for the crayfish to pass through the entrance of the trap. Again, use metal scissors to cut off this small semicircle. The size of this hole depends on the size of the crayfish that are found in the pond. It may be more, respectively. By connecting we get something like a funnel or watering can.

Assembling the shell structure.

First let's check if the sizes match? In our case, everything fits together perfectly. Therefore, you can tie the funnel and attach it with wire to the cylindrical body. One side of the shell is ready, you just need to do the same procedure on the other side.

When both sides are equipped with funnels, you can proceed to the final part. We need to make a small window from which we will get crayfish and place bait. Draw a square and cut it out with wire cutters.

What baits can be used to catch crayfish? It can be any fish, rotten meat, etc. Crayfish come just to the smell.

Now about the trap lock. Here you just need a piece of wire, which we use to twist the window after laying the bait. The thread for the trap does not need to be too thick, as it is very light. A nylon thread is attached to both ends. We tie another thread to the middle, which will lie on the shore.

The crayfish enter through one of the ends and head towards the smell of carrion. For them there is no way out of their trap, although some possibility exists, but it is very small.

We throw the crayfish at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the shore. It is better to throw a trap near stones, since crayfish love rocky or clayey shores, because they make nests in such places. We leave the trap for several hours, keeping in mind that they are best caught in cloudy weather and at night.

So, the trap is ready. In the last part of the video it is tested for effectiveness. Only one small fish was caught, but this does not mean that the device is not catchy, since it is not possible to catch crayfish in all bodies of water and not at any time.

Crayfish are not a fish, and there are not many ways to catch them. You can catch a crayfish with a fishing rod only by accident, walking in shallow water, turning over stones and driftwood in the cold - crayfish love clean, running, cold water, a rocky bottom, separately submerged snags and other natural obstacles. For this purpose, a crayfish trap was invented.

These chitinous representatives of the bottom fauna are active almost all year round. You can lure them even in winter if you correctly guess their habitat in a given body of water. But the best time is from mid-June, when the crayfish finish molting and spawning, until December. Then they crawl into their holes and practically never leave them until spring.

The installation location of the crayfish also needs to be chosen based on the bottom topography, current and other nuances. Crayfish do not like open places and rarely crawl out onto the sand. But a quiet backwater, thickets of reeds or a bottom strewn with stones and snags - this is their element. There is somewhere to hide here, and the current does not carry away potential prey. After all, crayfish primarily feed on dead fish and frogs, but they will not refuse mollusks, snails and drowned birds. They find food thanks to a well-developed sense of smell. They can crawl towards the bait that interests them from a fairly large space.

Crayfish design

A closed folding clamshell has several useful properties:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • ease of use;
  • catchability;
  • ease of transportation.

Rakolovki are divided into two types:

  • open;
  • closed.

When fishing with open traps, the crayfish must be taken out of the water and checked at least once an hour, because it is just as easy for crayfish to get out of it as it is to get in. But it is very difficult for crayfish to get out of a closed crayfish trap, which is why they are placed mainly in the evening, and checked only in the morning.

What bait should I use?

However, there is no point in throwing an empty trap to the bottom, regardless of its design. If you don’t put a fragrant bait that is interesting to crayfish, they can crawl right on it and won’t even look inside. The principle of fishing is based on making the crayfish crawl into the trap. The bait most often used is:

  • small fish or pieces of fish;
  • dead frogs;
  • open shellfish;
  • cake;
  • a crust of bread grated with garlic;
  • porridge with the addition of an attractant.


In the spring, after leaving their wintering holes, crayfish will happily feast on fish, preferring bream, crucian carp or goby. They won’t refuse the purchased one either. Only, before placing the bait in the crayfish trap, it is recommended to dry it a little and make several cuts, so it will smell even stronger.


Due to the abundance of food in the summer months, crayfish stop moving long distances and prefer to stay in one place. But, if cancer smells some delicacy, it is ready to go even on a very long journey to diversify its diet. Animal or bird giblets work best as such a delicacy at this time for crayfish. This concept refers not only to the entrails, but also other parts of the carcass (skin, ears, pork cheeks, etc.) and even small pieces of meat. Again, before using, you should leave them in the sun for a couple of hours to achieve a natural, attractive aroma. But you shouldn’t wait until the bait is completely rotten.


With the approach of cold weather, crayfish strive to eat for future use and are ready to grab any food that comes their way. During this active period, they can be lured by almost any strong scent, but garlic works best. A small piece of rye bread is rubbed heavily with a head of garlic. It’s even better if you put them together through a meat grinder. This type of bait is placed in a crayfish trap wrapped in gauze. If this is not done, the bread will swell and simply wash out of the trap.

Other types of bait also work flawlessly. And meat, and poultry, and fish, and even cereals, sprinkled with an odorous attractant.


From mid-December until about mid-March, catching crayfish is difficult, but quite possible. The main thing is to know the bottom topography and their wintering places well. Crayfish get out of their burrows because they do not hibernate, but they need to eat something. However, cold water carries odors very poorly. This is why you need to know exactly where to place the trap. The bait for crayfish in winter is mainly meat and offal, but fresh fish, cut into small strips, is also suitable.

The big inconvenience is that you need to cut a large hole in the ice so that the trap can pass through it freely. And since they place it mainly from evening to morning, care must be taken that it does not freeze. To do this, you can put spruce branches or straw on top.

Homemade crayfish

Making a crayfish trap with your own hands at home is absolutely not difficult. To do this you need to choose the right material. Some craftsmen can make this trap even from a plastic bottle directly on the shore using a sharp knife and several pieces of rope, but the size of such a crayfish cannot provide a large catch. So it’s worth spending a few hours and making a high-quality trap that will last for more than one season.

To make a regular open shell you will need:

  • soft steel wire;
  • fine nylon or metal mesh;
  • nylon thread;
  • rope.

Two rings are bent from the wire. One with a diameter of 50-70 cm, the second - 20 cm. The rings are connected to each other by three symmetrically located spacers made of the same wire. As a result, it turns out that the upper ring is rigidly fixed, the trap will not fold, turning into a flat pancake, where the crayfish cannot get into. A wide ring is installed in the center of the mesh and tied to it using nylon threads. Then, carefully straightening the mesh, tie it to the upper ring. A rope is attached to it, which will be used to lower the shell to the bottom and lift it.

A closed-type shell is somewhat more difficult to make, but the set of materials remains the same. This time you will have to prepare not one, but three wide rings. And the little one will remain alone. But if there are two entrances located at two ends, then two such rings are needed. In the second case, you will also need twice as many spacers. The design feature that ensures efficiency is that the small inlet ring is located inside the large one. A kind of neck is formed, along which the crayfish crawl inside the shell, but can no longer get out.

Lure attachment

If you simply put pieces of meat, bread with garlic wrapped in gauze, or offal inside, they may simply fall out when installing the crayfish catcher. There are many ways to secure bait in a trap. You can simply tie it with the same nylon thread or elastic band directly to the center of the mesh. But some fishermen, already during the construction of the trap, make a special pocket from a nylon mesh, where the prepared odorous bait is placed before installation. The pocket should be located in the middle of the side that will lie on the bottom.

Tactics and techniques of fishing with crayfish

You should choose the right place where crayfish are found and place the crayfish trap in the late afternoon, because arthropods prefer to go out to feed in the dark. Cloudy weather sometimes confuses them: when there is no bright sun, it can also bring good results. But the main catch is still at night.

The technique comes down to correctly placing the trap in the chosen location. This can be done both from the shore and from a boat.

If near the shore there is a sharp drop into the depths or other obstacles that prevent you from entering the water, take a long but strong stick with something like a slingshot at the end. This slingshot clings to a rope tied to the trap, and gradually the crayfish is taken to the selected promising place. Then, by tightening the rope, the trap is slowly lowered to the bottom. It is better to tie the other end of the rope to something on the shore. Crayfish, even in large numbers, are unlikely to steal the crayfish trap, but such a precaution will never be superfluous. This type of casting requires some skill, so it is better to have a partner.

Installation is even easier from a boat. Having arrived at the chosen catching place, the trap is carefully lowered to the bottom, and a float made of a piece of foam plastic or an ordinary plastic bottle is tied to the end of the rope.

The open shell is checked approximately once an hour. This should be done carefully, being careful not to stir up the water. It is left closed for several hours, often until the next morning.

There is no need to put a large amount of bait. Especially if the design includes a nylon pocket. The goal is to attract the crayfish, not feed them. One small fish, a piece of meat or offal, a piece of rye bread with garlic is quite enough. Severely rotten fish or meat should also not be placed. It is believed that crayfish love it, but in fact this opinion is erroneous. If arthropods have a choice between rotten meat and fresh food, they will choose the latter.

Ban on catching crayfish

In some regions of our country there is a seasonal ban on catching freshwater crayfish. Its deadlines are set by regional authorities responsible for ecology, fishing and hunting. In some places this is almost the entire year, so only the autumn months are reserved for fishing. Somewhere just a couple of spring months. This ban is introduced in connection with the deposition of eggs by arthropods, during which they molt. Spawning and molting begin in early May and continue until mid-June. It was during this period that crayfish fishing was prohibited almost everywhere.

Crayfish meat is very tasty, but it is more of a gourmet snack for a certain type of drink than food in the full sense of the word. But catching crayfish is an activity that brings pleasure not only from the catch, but also from communication with nature, time spent in good company, and a good mood.


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