How to make a rose garden with your own hands (step-by-step instructions, diagram). DIY rose garden: advice from professionals and flower garden plans Stylish rose gardens

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There are many delightful flowers in the world; the rose, without a doubt, occupies a special position and is the queen among garden ornamental plants. There is a huge variety of varieties of roses differing in size, appearance, color and aroma, and the place in the garden where roses are grown is called a rose garden.

What types of rosaries are there?

There are many styles of rose garden design. So, for example, only roses of different types can grow there, or they can form a composition with other flowers, architectural forms and sculptures. Climbing roses can be a wonderful decoration for facades, columns, pergolas, gazebos and terraces.

Thus, a rose garden is a special type of flower arrangement, located on a plot of land specially selected for this purpose and containing mainly rose bushes of various varieties with different flowering periods, shapes and sizes.

There are several types of rosary designs:

  • Regular;
  • Landscape;
  • Displaced;
  • Solitaire roses.

A regular rose garden is placed on the largest, most formal piece of land. When arranging it, they usually adhere to geometric shapes(rectangle or circle) with the characteristic strict symmetry of planting rose bushes, and paved paths, making it possible to examine each plant.

In some climatic regions, creating this type of planting is quite risky, since even one bush that died in the cold season violates the harmony and integrity of the composition, which no flowerpots, pergolas, sculptural or architectural additions can correct.
The landscape rose garden is based on the creation illusions of some carelessness, in which, nevertheless, each plant is clearly visible. However, this arrangement of roses on the site must be carefully planned to avoid the impression of abandonment and unkemptness in the garden area. With this planning, bushes killed by frost can be easily replaced with young plants or just a lawn without disturbing the landscape composition.

As a rule, types of roses with different color shades, sizes and flowering periods are collected here. Picturesque ponds, sculptures, various stone decorative compositions, gazebos and terraces fit perfectly into the design of these corners of harmony and beauty.

The size of such rose gardens can be quite small, and they can be located away from the main entrance, creating a cozy relaxation and comfort area in the depths of the garden plot. The main condition in this case is to ensure the effect of constant flowering of plants through correctly selected varieties of roses.

This type of rose garden can be created either using small groups of the same type of flowers or using several different colors, while observing the rules of harmonious combination. The joint placement of standard and bush roses also looks great.
A good solution would be to design a rose garden on the lawn, which, however, also requires careful care. To avoid additional maintenance efforts, you can mulch the soil of your rose garden.

The mixed rose garden is quite popular, since in many regions, due to climatic conditions, the flowering time of roses is quite short. Therefore, the use of other flowering and ornamental plants in the rose garden is a very good solution to maintain its brightness and attractiveness throughout the gardening season, from early spring to late autumn.

More details in the video:

The list of garden crops that can be combined with flower “queens” is quite diverse. Growing roses together with conifers is considered classic. Slender vertical spruces give the flower garden solemnity and a certain severity, while the weeping forms of conifers make the rose garden romantic and sophisticated. Junipers and thujas also look great in the rose garden.

Barberries will be a wonderful addition to the spring (with their flowering), autumn (the beauty of the leaves) and winter (red berries) periods. In summer, priority is given to the gorgeous blooming of roses against the backdrop of colorful leaves and stems of barberries.

Roses in lilac and pink shades stand out well against the background of silvery gooseberry.

Other flowers can be used in the composition of rosaries. For example, bulbous species perfectly camouflage the bare part of the stems in the spring, and in the summer after flowering they hide under the luxurious foliage of rose bushes. Annual lobelias growing in the foreground set off white roses well; for red and burgundy flowers it is better to use gray alisum. By choosing the right shade range, you can also grow perennials in the rose garden that have the same flowering period (for example, daylilies and irises).

Plants with a spicy scent (lavender, oregano, sage, various wormwoods) perfectly emphasize the royal aroma in compositions with climbing roses.
For alpine slides and rock gardens, the best choice would be flowers of miniature varieties that can become the dominant element of the structure.
If space is limited, you can plant several identical rose bushes on both sides of the path or arrange a blooming rose arch.

Solitaire roses will be a way out of a situation when a gardener has practically no land to build a rose garden or is limited in the time he can devote to caring for his pets. In this situation, long-flowering varieties with magnificent lush bush forms, large fragrant flowers are chosen and a single bush is planted so that it is clearly visible from everywhere. The bush can be given a standard shape.

How to choose roses?

The size and position of the future rose garden determine the most suitable varieties. It is advisable to select a sunny, well-lit place, and, if this is not possible, place the rose garden in that part of the area where sunlight reaches at least half a day.
Regional climate characteristics determine the way plants are grown. Care is very simple and pleasant.

If in warm regions roses are planted in the ground, then in cold regions with severe frosts roses are planted in special containers, which are placed in a frost-free room for the winter and exposed outside in warm weather.

The second stage of choosing roses will be variety selection. What requirements must be presented to the purchased plant:

  • The purchase of seedlings should be carried out the sooner, the better. Of course, a preliminary selection can be made from the catalog, but it often provides incomplete information about the characteristics of the plant and its cultivation. Therefore, it is better to start choosing in the summer by visiting the nursery and seeing with your own eyes the size, shape, aroma and shade of the variety. If it is not possible to visit the nursery, then it is advisable to find out the name of the variety you are interested in and find the maximum amount of information about it, for example, on the Internet. When receiving seedlings from an online store, you need to prepare for the fact that what you end up with is not what you expected.
  • When selecting seedlings from the catalog, be sure to pay attention to the description of the plant, its height, splendor, presence or absence of aroma, resistance to various diseases and pests. So, for example, hybrid tea varieties are short-growing, and the height of the scrubs varies from dwarf sizes (20-30 cm) to one and a half meters. The height of floribunda is lower than hybrid tea varieties, and climbing roses reach 3-4 meters and require specially equipped support. Based on this knowledge, roses are selected whose size will not cover the rest of the plants in your garden and will harmoniously fit into its landscape composition. Carefully choose the shades of the plant so as not to introduce color disharmony into the overall appearance of your garden.
  • The aroma of a rose is another important detail that determines the choice of variety. It is the rose aroma that will create a unique microclimate in your garden. Thus, in the hybrid tea category, Allec*s Red, Blue Moon, Deep Secret, Double Delight, Papa Meilland, Prima Ballerina, Ena Harkness and others have a persistent aroma, and among floribunda roses - Arhtur Bell, City of London, Elizabeth of Glamis, English miss, Korresia, Shocking Blue.

The third stage will be the choice of seedlings when purchasing, because the beauty of your rose garden directly depends on quality of purchased seedlings. The main attention should be paid to the root system, which has the following commercial types:

  • open - such seedlings are sold by nurseries, markets and shops, with the roots covered with a damp peat layer. A healthy root system should be well developed with a large number of different branches, the stems should have a healthy green appearance without weak pale green or dry shoots, the wood should be dense and not give in to finger compression, the plant should contain at least 2 shoots after the grafting area, thickness which are about the size of a pencil or more. The kidneys should be “dormant”.
  • You can purchase already flowering plants in containers. It is important to know that the seedling must be grown in this particular container, while the soil and rhizome form a single whole, unlike plants that have just been transplanted for sale.

Preparatory stages

How to choose a place for a rose garden

Landscape design offers a huge variety of different options for placing a rose garden on your summer cottage. The main condition for choosing such a zone is a sunny place protected from the wind with fertile soil (preferably light loam), the acid level of which does not exceed 5-6 pH. It is not recommended to place it in wetland areas of the garden with high humidity, or shaded by trees or buildings.

Making a planting plan

Decide on the type of rose garden you want based on its size and possible location. Outline its border, for which you can use borders or low-growing border plants (including dwarf or low-growing roses).
To prevent neighboring plants from shading or drowning out each other, decide on the size of the bushes and other flowers you plant in the flowerbed. If there is not a lot of space, then compact varieties are ideal; in large spaces, voluminous tall varieties look good. Low-growing roses are perfect for decorating borders along the paths of a summer cottage, and climbing varieties will perfectly decorate the facade of a building, a gazebo or a fence.

Roses can be planted in small groups, taking into account coloristic features your garden. It is advisable to place bushes in a group that match in color, for example, red and white or yellow and purple. For roses that are not in harmony in color, intermediate plantings with white inflorescences are often used. Varieties such as floribunda, polyantha, and grandiflora look great from a distance, while hybrid tea species with an exquisite aroma are best placed close to the viewer.

Saxifraga, sedum and other similar types of flowers can be used as background plants, and to make the rose garden look luxurious, it can be advantageously shaded with coniferous plants.

If there is a pond on your site, then small groups of rose bushes will be an indispensable decoration for it. By the way, roses growing in front of ferns create particularly spectacular landscapes.

Taking into account all the listed factors, plan your rose garden, draw a diagram on paper and start planting plants according to created plan.

How best to decorate our rose garden

Soil preparation

An important stage in creating a rose garden is preparing the soil. At this time, it is necessary to carry out drainage work, improve and fertilize the soil. The most unsuitable soil for growing roses is clayey, highly moist, with high acidity. Clay areas are improved by adding drainage materials, which can be coarse sand, expanded clay or gravel. You can reduce the acidity of the soil by adding lime to it. Dry sandy soil is also unsuitable for planting rose crops. Therefore, it is improved by adding clay mixed with humus.

Preparation of the place for planting roses begins approximately two to three months in advance, that is, approximately in the middle of summer. The designated area is dug up at a depth of about 60 cm, adding mineral and organic fertilizers - Soil bacteria; Bone meal; Phosphorus fertilizers; Phosphorobacterin, drainage or clay as needed. The ideal proportions of sand and clay in the soil should be approximately 50% to 50%. By autumn, the earth will settle a little, be saturated with useful substances and get rid of excess moisture.

Organic fertilizers that can be used for rose gardens can be rotted manure, peat, humus, compost per 1 square meter of soil - 10 kg of fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride - are used in proportions of 70 g. / 30 gr. / 20 gr.

Preparation of seedlings

Typically, rose seedlings are purchased in advance and there may be cases of freezing or slight drying out of the root system. In the first case, it is recommended to bury the plant in open ground a few days before planting; in the second case, the roots of the bush are soaked in water for 10 hours immediately before planting. Before planting a flower, its roots are cut to 30 cm long and damaged areas are removed from them. The sections are treated with a water-based charcoal mixture. For better rooting and growth of plants, they are coated with a manure-clay liquid solution with the addition of phosphobacterin (3 tablets per half liter of water). Instead of manure, you can use heteroauxin at a rate of 100 mg. substances per 10 liters of water.

The above-ground part of the flower is also shortened, leaving several strong shoots without leaves and flowers.
Roses purchased in a container require thorough moistening of the soil so that the bush can be carefully removed and planted in open ground without damaging the root system. It is advisable to keep the entire earthen lump completely intact.
Also, before planting, to protect against pests, it is advisable to treat with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

Landing rules

When planting roses in open ground, adhere to the following: rules:

  • Holes for rose bushes are made with the obligatory observance of distance, in accordance with the selected variety and size of the plant (from 25 cm for dwarf species to 1.5 m for tall and climbing ones).
  • A hole is dug about 10 cm deeper than the length of the roots and 50-60 cm wide.
  • If necessary, a drainage pad is placed at the bottom of the hole, and then a small layer of planting mixture.
  • The seedling is lowered into the prepared hole vertically so that the roots do not wrinkle or bend, and the grafting site is approximately 3-8 cm below the ground level. Carefully evenly distribute the root system and fill the plant with pre-prepared planting mixture or soil, periodically shaking the plant a little to avoid air voids.
  • Compact and water the planting site thoroughly, even if the soil is damp.
  • The soil must be mulched, protecting it from drying out and other harmful effects.
  • It is necessary to provide protection from direct sunlight to the plant for five to six days after planting.
  • Ensure regular watering of the plant for 14 days.
  • To protect it in winter, it is advisable to cover the rose with 20-30 cm of earth or cover it with sand.
  • Tall and climbing plants are provided with support in the form of a stake 2-4 cm thick and 50-70 cm high above the plant.
  • After wintering, the roses are additionally pruned, hilled, and the soil surface is mulched with a layer of peat or humus.

In gratitude for your care, the rose garden will soon delight you with its irresistible beauty and aroma!

Rose is the queen of flowers. Breeders have worked hard, and now there are many varieties and hybrids of this truly exquisite plant on the market. A rose garden in a dacha is the pride of flower growers; it is the hallmark of the garden. Rose garden planting schemes depend on the imagination of the owner of the site, and each has its own flavor.

Types and styles

Before you start building a rosary, you need to decide what you want it to be like. And then the beautiful “island” created with your own hands will delight you for many years. Flower garden styles can be different: Front. It is created by brightly colored flowers and lush buds that look luxurious against the backdrop of dark green foliage.

Romantic. Such a rose garden is usually hidden from prying eyes in the depths of the garden. A gazebo covered in exquisite pastel roses provides an intimate setting.

Rock garden. Here the main role is played by ground cover and miniature varieties. They are unpretentious and bloom profusely. Forming a multi-colored carpet, they create an interesting combination with stones.

Vertical. Climbing and climbing varieties of roses are suitable for this style. Be sure to install trellises to which the plants are carefully attached. Vertical gardening helps to hide unsightly buildings or give a festive look to fences, fencing, and house walls.

Mobile, or mobile. In this option, flowers are planted in containers or flowerpots and placed along the path, in front of the house, at the entrance to the terrace. At any time, the plants can be rearranged to decorate another corner of the garden.

Regular. Suitable for large areas. These are flower beds of the correct shape - rectangular, round, neatly framed with bricks, pebbles, pebbles or other decorative material.

Landscape. Suitable for small areas. The strict order of planting bushes is not at all suitable for this option. It is preferable to plant several varieties with different colors and shapes of flowers.

Visible from one side. This rose garden is also suitable for small areas. Flowers are planted near a fence or wall. To decorate it, plants of different heights are used. Tall park roses are placed in the background, climbing roses are in the middle, and ground cover varieties complete the composition.

Viewable from all sides. Such a rose garden at a summer cottage is organized according to a planting pattern from the center to the edges. Tall rose bushes are planted in the middle, then medium-sized ones, and low-growing varieties along the rim of the flowerbed.

Varieties of roses

Having figured out the desired style, select varieties and types of roses:

  • hybrid teas are aristocrats among their “brothers”. It’s easy to choose your favorites from a variety of colors, sizes and shapes. The height of the bushes varies from 50 to 110 cm;
  • floribunda is a less demanding, profusely flowering species. A varied palette, double petals and bush heights of 40–150 cm allow them to be widely used in landscape design;
  • scrubs are rose bushes that can be planted along a support, arch or wall. They bloom for a long time, spreading a pleasant aroma throughout the garden;
  • English roses - bushes with large flowers quickly gain a height of up to 2 m. Some varieties can be grown as climbing species;
  • ground cover varieties - spread along the ground, creating a fragrant carpet;
  • climbing roses are indispensable for creating a romantic or vertical style - these are Flammentanz, Dorothy Perkins, Jasmina.

Choosing a place

Before you set up a rose garden, you need to find a suitable location. Rose loves the sun, but under the influence of bright rays, varieties with dark flowers fade. This is worth keeping in mind when choosing plants. The rose also feels good in partial shade, but the sun should illuminate the bush for 5–6 hours a day.

Plants are afraid of high humidity, and they begin to suffer from fungal diseases. Therefore, choose a ventilated place so that droplets of dew or rain dry faster. They protect from cold wind by covering it on the north side. The soil on the site should be air- and water-permeable, nutritious, rich in humus, with an acidity index of 6.5–7.5.

Making a diagram

To imagine what the rose garden will look like, make a diagram. For this you need colored pencils and a sheet of paper. First, taking into account the chosen design, the boundaries of the rose garden in the garden are marked.

Each selected variety is assigned a number and marked on the diagram. It is better to do this with colored pencils, depending on the color of the variety, and to allocate places for planting roses in the rose garden of unequal height. Also denotes perennial crops, annuals that are replanted every year, and background plants. If you are planning a rock garden, then mark the location of the stones.

The finished scheme is carefully reviewed again, assessing the combination of shades and the harmonious arrangement of plants.

Plants with white petals will help soften the contrast. You should not plant varieties with inflorescences of cold and warm colors in the same place.

Formation of the rosary

After creating a rose garden on paper and purchasing seedlings, they begin to turn the idea into reality. Making a rose garden with your own hands is not easy; it requires time and effort. Step-by-step instructions will help you understand where to start decorating your rose garden.

Preparing the ground

First of all, clear the intended area of ​​weeds and debris. They begin to prepare the soil in mid-July, then in the fall it can be planted with plants.

If the soil is heavy clay, then you will have to make every effort to improve it. Add drainage - pebbles, gravel, coarse sand to remove excess water from the root system of the plant.

On sandy soil, roses freeze and suffer from a lack of nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to add fertilizers and humus with clay.

Fertile soil is dug up to a depth of 60 cm, the top layer is loosened and fertilizers are applied. In 2–3 months, a soil mixture suitable for roses is formed. Peat, humus, compost - 10 kg per 1 m² are used as organic matter; mineral fertilizers will be needed in the following quantities: superphosphate - 70 g, potassium chloride - 20 g and ammonium nitrate - 30 g.

Preparing seedlings

Roses that are properly prepared before planting will develop well in the future. To do this, the length of the roots is reduced to 30 cm, damaged and diseased areas are cut off, and then moistened. All leaves and excess shoots are removed from the above-ground part - leaving 2-3 of the strongest ones.

Rules for planting roses

In the fall, holes are prepared. The depth depends on the length of the roots; it should be 10 cm more than the latter. The width depends on the crop variety and can vary between 25–150 cm:

  • for hybrid tea and low-growing park varieties - 60–100 cm;
  • dwarf, floribundas, miniature species - 25–50 cm;
  • standard 100–150 cm;
  • climbing varieties, tall park varieties - 200–300 cm.
The procedure for planting roses also depends on whether they were purchased with an open or closed root system. In the latter case, seedlings are grown in a container and go on sale in it.

The bush with a closed root system is carefully removed from the container, without destroying the earthen ball, and transferred to the prepared hole. Place it vertically and cover it with earth. To plant a rose with bare roots, pour a small mound into the hole and place the plant, making sure that the roots do not bend upward. Cover with earth and compact. Then the top layer is loosened and watered.

Features of planting standard roses

Unlike other varieties, standard roses are planted in the spring. Stakes are installed in the hole, which should be slightly lower in height than the crown. The plant is not buried and is planted 10 cm from the support, with a slight slope towards bending down for winter shelter. The soil is compacted, the seedling is tied to a support in three places with loops in the shape of a figure eight - in the lower part of the trunk, in the middle and at the base of the crown. Then they are trimmed.

Now the main task is to protect the top of the plant from drying out. To do this, the shoots are tied with moss or bandages and moistened regularly.

Subtleties of caring for a rose garden

In the first two weeks after planting, the bushes are watered. All weeds nearby are removed. In spring, summer and after flowering, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with a layer (20–30 cm) of sawdust or sand, mulched and covered. You can hill up by making mounds of the same height.

What plants do roses go with?

To add a touch of individuality to the rose garden, flower growers plant other plants there that highlight the beauty of the queen of flowers. You can decorate a rock garden, for example, with ferns and coniferous shrubs, as well as ground cover crops.

Lovers of change plant annual delphinium, begonia, pansy or salvia next to roses. Perennials include irises, primroses, periwinkles, and carnations. Clematis look good in tandem with climbing varieties. The brightness of the buds will be advantageously emphasized by barberry, asters and santolina. Boxwood, chickweed and shade-tolerant hosta and heuchera will help hide the bare stems of tall roses.

Lavender, sage and marigold will repel harmful insects. The rose garden will require attention and care, especially in the first years after planting, but the aroma wafting around and the beauty of the composition will be the gardener’s reward.

Roses have long been admired for their beauty, which is why they are planted in every garden. Let's consider which roses to plant in the country so that they bloom from May to October. The choice is huge: more than 30 thousand varieties with various colors and shapes, and exquisite aroma surprise even professionals.

Only compliance with 2 important rules - high-quality seedlings, as well as optimal planting density - will allow us to grow any bush from this family of thousands. Therefore, we will choose winter-hardy varieties that are resistant to bad weather and disease, but at the same time bloom beautifully and continuously.

Our main goal is to create a constantly blooming luxurious rose garden.

Rules for planting and care

Of course, we want to relax outside the city, so we will plant unpretentious roses for the dacha.

  • If these plants are grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock and grown in our climate in open ground, then we are guaranteed trouble-free success. Such bushes bloom profusely all season until frost and fill the garden with their fragrance.
  • It is the illuminated place that will ensure stable overwintering of all bushes, their immunity to diseases, rich and long subsequent flowering.
  • Roses prefer light neutral loams without waterlogging. This means we will improve heavy clay soil with compost and sand, and sandy soil with humus and clay.

Fertilizing with green manure plants is effective: they will enrich the soil until late autumn and protect the roots from frost.

  • The instructions specify the conditions for proper nutrition of flowering plants. Gardeners advise adding 30 kg of rotted manure and 50 g of NPK per bush per 1 square meter.

Planting roses

Sparse planting promotes strong weed growth, while dense planting promotes fungal infection.

  • Pour water into the hole, then add a mixture of humus and soil.
  • Strong seedlings have 3 shoots and both large and small roots are well developed.
  • We trim the long roots and remove the remaining shoots.
  • Leave the grafting site of the seedling 3 cm above the ground.
  • We water the bush and mulch the holes with peat.

Pruning and care

Let's look at how to properly care for roses in the country. We cut off all withered flowers with part of the branch, in the spring we shorten frozen, weak ones, and old ones - by a third of the length.

How to care for a rose in the country to protect it from diseases:

Nuances of feeding:

  • We fertilize with mullein or nitrogen twice: in June and October;
  • First, we water the grooves around the bush with water, then with liquid fertilizer and again with water, and then sprinkle with earth;
  • We will enrich foliar feeding with insecticide with fungicide and gum: they will improve the health of the plant.
  • When planting in autumn, we remove the buds so that the bush takes root well.
  • In October we will trim off the diseased branches and protect them from frost. To do this, cover the ground with sawdust, peat or foam balls. Then in winter the roots and soil will “breathe” freely.
  • Low (up to 70 cm) varieties will tolerate -35 degrees in the snow. However, additional insulation will enhance the result.
  • The larger the crown, the easier the bush will overwinter, so we will only trim it slightly in the fall.
  • We cover it with soil to protect it from frost, but in early spring we will open the root collar.
  • We will remove the frozen buds, then the black mold will not cover the entire bush.

Choosing a plant

  • We will plant container blooming country roses even in the summer: they immediately show that they are offering us the desired look.
  • We buy strong young roses: the old bushes are weakened, their buds are small and sparse. We can distinguish old plants by numerous sections.
  • We prefer varieties that are resistant to fungi, but with long flowering.


Low groups of identical roses give a sophisticated decorative effect. They delight with buds of all colors of their double or single petals.

Tall and medium

  • Half-meter bushes of tea varieties with large double inflorescences (up to 10 on a branch) are fragrant from June until winter. Then we cover them together with the root collar.
  • We can grow with our own hands spectacular two-meter giants near a hedge, near the wall of a house or in the center of a flower bed. These are roses from Canadian breeders. For the winter we will bend them half a meter from the ground and cover them.

  • Wrinkled rugosa attracts with its unusualness, as well as its one and a half meter height and resistance to cold and disease. Its remontant nature is surprising: buds appear continuously for six months.

The photo shows charming floribunda inflorescences.

  • Single or double petals of floribunda varieties are fragrant. Here's how to grow this rose: you just need to trim the fading flowers in a timely manner.

Advice! Moisture and sun are the best helpers when growing roses of any group. A bucket of water under the bush growing on the south side of the garden - and its flowering will continue.

  • Roses with increased growth of shoots and inflorescences of white-pink-red tones bloom profusely in June-July and then again, as they are not afraid of cold weather.
  • We plant climbing varieties in standard country houses made from block containers. This gives modern standard buildings an inimitable originality.


  • Polyanthas - neat compact half-meter bushes are decorated with bright large inflorescences all summer until the November cold. The plant overwinters comfortably with light soil cover.

  • The different colors of the inflorescences of ground cover varieties, the rapid growth of a carpet, winter hardiness and resistance to disease are just part of the arguments in favor of landscape roses. They perfectly decorate slopes, artificial cascades and alpine slides, gracefully frame flower beds and paths.


We will accentuate the variegation of roses with a simple splash of evergreen perennials. Refined conifers and openwork ferns will skillfully create a background for the royal buds. Their price is insignificant in comparison with such a picturesque, winning landscape.

Traditional rosary

  • The front part is covered with ground cover miniature plants, forming a fragrant colorful carpet.
  • We will populate the middle line with colorful floribunda bushes or hybrid tea bushes 90 - 130 cm high.
  • Tall climbing pink trees are solo plants: they should also stand out with the brightness of their petals. For stability, we will dig a stake 10 cm from the trunk on the windy side and tie tall pink lashes to it.
  • An elastic fastening for tying up plants will simplify the care of the crown.

Greenhouses and rose gardens heated by electricity are magnificent even in cold weather, and renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is beneficial because it is not expensive.

  • The backdrop of the rose garden is formed by a climbing rose, which on supports will reach 5 meters. The variety of this beauty is a climbing one, and it itself is well supported on a support.


  • Rose bushes picturesquely frame the site or its individual zones: a cozy utility courtyard and a charming island for relaxation. A single-row “border” in the garden will be laid by meter-long bushes, the distance between which is up to half a meter.
  • With a multi-row, two- or three-tiered fence, we will plant low plants in front and further in a checkerboard pattern, but strictly in height to the last one and a half meter giants.
  • 2-year-old bushes are good for.

The last row should not be closer than half a meter to a permanent fence or wall in order to maintain free ventilation of the plants, suppressing mold and mildew.


There are thousands of species of this royal flower and each has its own preferences for light, moisture, and soil. Knowing how to raise the queen of flowers, we will successfully take care of her prosperous existence at our dacha.

It is spectacular in the center of emerald green. Also beautiful is a mysterious gazebo entwined with roses, or a flowering arch from the gate to the house. The video in this article will share with us information about beautiful and unique roses.

Do you have your own house or summer cottage? Then this information is dedicated to you. The interior design of the yard is the pride of the owner. Of course, I want to show off the beautiful design. A flower garden will help make it so. An interestingly designed flower garden makes up 80% of a successful landscape design. We suggest using roses. You may think this is old and banal. But in fact, a rose can be different: refined, tender, playful, cheerful, noble, and accordingly, it gives this mood to the atmosphere, guests and owners.

The design of the yard should be beautiful, because this is the face of the owner

Roses are perfect for landscape design

Roses do not require special care

If you still doubt whether you should use roses in your garden, let’s consider all the associated advantages and disadvantages of this choice.


  • Beauty. This is the first and most powerful argument. Whatever one may say, a rose is a flower of extraordinary beauty.
  • A large assortment. At the moment there are many fans of this culture. And the breeders took care of them, providing a large selection of different species.
  • Care. Roses do not require special feeding or very complex care.

Flaws. We figured out the only drawback: poor frost resistance. Roses are heat-loving plants, so the harsh Russian frosts are not to their liking. However, frost-resistant species already exist. In addition, a grafted rose is more resistant to frost. So this issue can be easily resolved.

The only drawback of roses is poor frost resistance

Roses will look very beautiful in your yard design


Since we have decided to use roses in garden design, let's look at interesting ideas on how to use them correctly. There are no specific strict options for arranging a site with roses - who said that you need to act one way or another? But within the framework of one project, established rules must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. Therefore, we offer possible ideas and schemes on how to turn them into reality.

Let's study in more detail the proposed options and ways to implement them.

You can arrange the site in any way

You can decorate anything with roses

Arches with roses in the garden will look very beautiful

Vertical rose garden

This option is very convenient for arranging a shady gazebo. Using climbing roses, you will achieve the desired effect and turn an ordinary gazebo into a fabulous corner. To do this, you need to plant the bushes at a distance of half a meter from the walls of the gazebo in a fairly dense row. Then you need to make fastenings. Drive short stakes into the ground next to the bush (so as not to damage the root), tie a thick rope to it (white twine is best), and secure it to the walls and roof of the gazebo in accordance with the pattern you want to achieve.

As soon as the rose begins to sprout, you need to guide it along the rope, thereby securing it to it. Then she will independently adhere to this support.

Another beautiful and unusual version of a vertical rose garden is an arch. Such an element in the landscape design of your site will give it some zest. It is built on the same principle as the frame of the gazebo, only instead of ropes, a metal arch becomes the support. If desired, you can attach several ropes to this base to give more volume to the composition.

As soon as the rose begins to grow, it needs to be directed in the right direction

Climbing roses will perfectly complement the landscape design of the yard


We are used to seeing hedges built from a certain type of bush. But you can also create it from roses. This idea will look even better, and especially when it blooms.

You can build such a miracle both in the front yard and in the backyard, and frame the path from the gate to the house. The composition will look advantageous in any area of ​​the site and fulfill its function.

There is nothing complicated in its manufacture. The case is divided into several stages. The first is the most important stage: you need to draw a plan for the location of the fence. You can realize any ideas: from a simple line to the most bizarre shapes. In order not to get confused, and subsequently plant the bushes correctly, having achieved the desired pattern, do not ignore this stage.

Arches with roses will look very beautiful

Arches of roses will create a stunning atmosphere in the yard

You need to choose the color of roses carefully

We transfer the drawing to the surface of the earth. Having calculated the required space, the distance between the bushes and the shape of the fence, make notes on the areas of land intended for planting.

Let's move on to choosing roses. For hedges it is better to use low-growing bushes. They are usually compact and ball-like, so they can create a hedge effect, especially if planted close together. But make sure that the distance is sufficient for the normal functioning of the plant and the roots do not interfere with each other.

All that remains is to finish what we started and plant the bushes in the holes made in the previously designated places.

You can use tall or medium bushes. But they will leave gaps below, and by framing the path, they will interfere with free passage. The most advantageous option is the low-growing variety.

Roses can be combined with other flowers

You can combine roses with any number of flowers


Let's get to the most interesting part. Here you can combine all landscape design techniques and turn your fantasies into reality.

When composing a composition, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. Let's figure out what awaits us. In the overall score, pay attention to:

  • location (shade, light, humidity);
  • the presence of a strictly developed layout;
  • number and type of roses;
  • presence of other plants;
  • compatibility of roses with other elements of the composition;
  • ease of subsequent care.

So what do we mean? When using roses to create a composition with non-living elements, pay attention to whether there is enough space for the roots to develop, as well as ease of watering, and whether any elements will create an unfavorable atmosphere for the plant to grow (for example, a pond). When combining with other plants, be sure to ask whether they will take root together.

As in the previous option, this one requires a precise plan, even more strict. The main element in the proposed compositions will be an inanimate object (fountain, pond), and roses serve as an arrangement, so you need to concentrate attention on it. Make all the necessary measurements, calculate the required amount of space and material, and also create an accurate drawing of the location of objects. To do this, it is better to invite a landscape designer, which will significantly reduce your work and time.

So, many housewives dream of their own “swan lake”. Why not? It is quite possible to create it in your yard. Start with a pond. Make a good water supply and pumping system. We focus on the latter, since poor water circulation will lead to its blooming and the formation of an unpleasant odor.

When composing a composition, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances

When combining with other plants, be sure to ask whether they will take root together

It's easy to create stunning landscaping with roses

A “savage” stone is better suited for framing a pond. It will give a relaxed appearance. However, you can use any decorative stone.

Having completed the main part, we move on to the subsequent design. We organize planting of roses. In accordance with the planned plan, we plant the plants in the appropriate order. It is better to plant them at a short distance around the pond, or make flower beds nearby. A bench is well suited for such a composition. You can also decorate it with roses, and make a path leading to it from the pond, filling it with fine gravel and planting low-growing species along it.

The main detail in the next idea is a fountain. The first and second stages are no different. It is also necessary to draw a plan and purchase a good system for proper circulation of water in the fountain. Then complete the composition with roses.

You can also use a waterfall as a base - this combination will also be attractive. If you don't want to deal with water, make a dry pond. To do this, you need a frame made of any stone (as for a pond with water, only a low one). Fill the resulting shape with small pebbles, you can draw something inside, painting certain areas. To do this, use spray paint, or pre-soak groups of pebbles in another type of paint.

So, you can create any composition using everything at hand.

Roses in the yard will give you a pleasant mood

Design can be created from available materials

Flowers and colors

When using roses in landscape design, they can be combined with other plants or inanimate objects (as in the examples above). To do this correctly and safely for the plant, pay attention to the following factors:

  • plant compatibility (required amount of moisture, light, etc.);
  • do artificial inclusions interfere with the normal growth of the flower;
  • from an aesthetic point of view - color combinations.

These three factors are the main ones when arranging your garden and yard with roses. Be sure to monitor their implementation.

When selecting plants, consider compatibility

The color of the plants should be combined with other colors

Roses do not require special care


The key to a beautiful and long-living corner with roses is proper care. Naturally, the plant requires watering. When performing this task, monitor the required water level: do not overfill, but do not let it dry out.

Feed the flowers. Roses do not require special nutrition. However, they will benefit from additional soil nutrients.

The key to a beautiful and long-lived corner with roses is proper care

Meet the required lighting conditions in accordance with the type of plant.

Cover roses for the winter, as they are not frost-resistant.

As you can see, the rose is the queen of flowers, and everyone can cope with it. The main thing is proper care and creating a composition with a heart filled with love for flowers.

Video: Combining roses with other flowers

Roses attract any person who has a love of beauty. Although many people think that growing these plants yourself is incredibly difficult, the reality is different. If you have empty space in your garden, you can easily use it to plant these flowers. Naturally, there are certain nuances in this matter that the summer resident should be aware of.

First of all, it must be said that the place in the garden used for growing roses is usually called a rose garden. Such a flower garden can consist of various varieties of roses, differing in their color. At the same time, if you decide to set up a rose garden in the garden, this does not mean that it should contain only roses. If you wish, you can include other flowers, using them to form interesting compositions.

Design styles

When installing a rose garden in the garden, the owner can choose one of the following design styles:

  • Landscape;
  • Regular.

When choosing a design option, you must first of all take into account the size of the future flower garden. For example, if you decide to give preference to the regular style, then know that it involves arranging a flower bed made in the form of a geometric figure, for example, a triangle. Its important feature is the presence of a beautiful edging, for which brick or marble chips can be used. Crushed stone or pebbles are also suitable as materials.

When using the regular style, you must give the flower bed the correct shape. Often such rose gardens are complemented by grass lawns and decorative fences. To give the flower garden more decorative properties, you can arrange paved garden paths.

When arranging a rose garden in a garden in a landscape style, much more freedom is allowed. Therefore, here the owner does not have to worry about following strict rules. It all depends on your imagination. As a rule, such flower beds are formed by plants that are placed in large groups. But some owners often choose a country style for landscape design, which they try to extend to all elements of the site, including the rose garden. In this case, you can include ornamental crops, for example, reed grass, blue molinia, etc.

How to choose a place?

Finding a suitable place for a rose garden is not so easy, because here there are some nuances that must be taken into account:

Having understood in what place you will create a flower garden in the country, you can then select plants taking into account the chosen design. Planting roses must be done in a certain order, based on their height, which they can achieve during growth. For example, low-growing varieties should be planted first, then roses of medium height, allocating space for them along the center line, and finally tall varieties should be planted, providing special supports for them.

Rose varieties for the garden

These flowers differ in variety, which can also determine the final choice.

Low growing roses

This group of plants includes ornamental and border varieties. As they grow, they can reach height 300-350 mm, no more. During the development process, they form many beautiful flowers and leaves. In the fall, they need to be prepared for winter frosts by building a light shelter for them.

A special group is formed by ground cover roses, which in adulthood take the form of bushes or low-creeping plants. The latter look especially beautiful, as they help create a continuous carpet of flowers, from which a fragrant aroma emanates. It is very easy to care for these roses because they do not require frequent pruning. A useful quality of such roses is that they suppress weeds. Therefore, after planting these noble flowers, the owner does not have to worry that weeds can harm the roses.

Medium tall roses

Among the plants of this group of varieties, very popular are Austin roses. They stand out for the lush shape of their flowers. Their feature is abundant flowering. Mature plants can grow up to 750-850 mm in height.

Another representative of this group are hybrid tea roses. These plants can reach a height of 90 cm. Among their features, it is worth noting their delicate aroma and unusual arrangement of flowers. Roses continue to bloom until the first frost.

Floribunda roses are considered to be tall. Some representatives of this variety can have a height of 1.2 m. They also stand out for their abundant flowering. Up to 10 inflorescences can grow on one shoot. These roses can bloom for quite a long time. This explains their high popularity. These roses also attract attention with their varied aroma and the presence of a large number of flowers on the stem.

Also in the group among high varieties we should highlight fine roses. They became most widespread when laying out parks. In general, the category of park roses can include all other varieties that were not described above. Among the features of these varieties, it is worth highlighting their spectacular appearance and flowering, which does not stop for a long time. An important quality for the owner is their unpretentiousness, which is manifested not only in resistance to temperature fluctuations and diseases, but also in their low maintenance requirements.

Tall roses

Before you start planting these roses, you need to prepare a suitable place, which should have a sufficiently large area. Unlike other varieties, these roses grow up to 1.3 m and higher when mature. Climbing roses stand out especially among them, the height of which can be from 4 to 6 m. Climbing small-flowered varieties do not delight with their flowering very often, since they produce flowers only once a year. More preferable in this regard are climbing large-flowered roses, in which flowers form twice a year.

Plan and diagram of the rosary

Even before installing a rose garden at the dacha, the owner needs to develop a future plan for the flower garden. But this will not be so easy, since this requires taking into account a number of important points.

One of the important issues that needs to be addressed is choosing a suitable design for the rosary. To do this, you can use one of the following options:

  1. A flower garden, the basis of which is formed by plants of delicate pastel shades. As a result, you can create a flower garden with a rather romantic design. You can use white, pink and lilac roses for planting.
  2. To create a flower garden with a bright design, you can use roses with a pronounced red or yellow tint.
  3. Owners who have good artistic taste will find themselves in a more advantageous position here. In this case, they can create a contrasting rose garden that will help make your area more decorative.
  1. When arranging a rose garden in the garden, it is not necessary to use only roses. You can add other plants here. These can be flowers of a different color, for example, lavender or irises, which with their presence will help focus attention on the aesthetic qualities of the flower garden.
  2. If you want to achieve a variety of colors, you can add evergreen shrubs or perennials to your flower garden. To create a background, you can use coniferous plants and ferns.
  3. Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is recommended to outline the location of each element on the plan. This way you can better imagine which places are best to choose for certain plants.
  4. Not all plants coexist peacefully and can suppress each other. This is dangerous because fungal diseases may appear. This can be avoided by correctly calculating the number of bushes that you are going to plant on the site.

How to prepare the soil for a rose garden?

The photos show how varied the design of a flower garden can be. However, the beauty and durability of a rose garden largely depends on the soil used for it. Often preparing the soil for it can take up to 2-3 months. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a place for planting roses in the fall. Since it is impossible to say how quickly you will be able to complete all the necessary work, it is advisable to start doing this as early as July. First of all, you need to dig up the area to a depth of about 550 mm. After this, you need to loosen the top layer of soil.

Regardless of the variety of roses that you are going to plant in the flower garden, they need to be provided with special conditions. Therefore, it is important that the soil in the garden has the most suitable properties and composition. Fertilization is mandatory for the normal development of roses. This can be not only organic, but also mineral bait. As the first, you can use rotted manure, compost, humus or peat.

However, it is necessary to correctly calculate the feeding rate, since too much will not benefit the plants. To do this, you must adhere to the following scheme: per square meter of land there should be about 10 kg of fertilizer. Among mineral fertilizers, a mixture of potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate is considered quite effective.


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