How to make water that glows in the dark. How to make glowing liquid and other tricks

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Glow in the dark water is a great way to make a party unusual and memorable. Also, the glowing liquid will cause a lot of positive emotions in children, who will happily pour the unusual cocktail from one glass to another. But do not forget that the liquid flickering with all the lights is not harmless water, but a chemical mixture. Follow the dosage and sequence of actions so that the end result brings joy and not additional hassle.

What is luminous liquid

The basis of a luminous liquid is a substance that can reflect light. In the case of luminous water, they should not dissolve in water, otherwise the physicochemical reaction would not occur, and there would be no effect. Main active substance is an organic or inorganic compound that, when interacting with an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), is capable of emitting a luminescent glow. The catalyst can be iron or phosphorus; in their presence, the emitted glow is rich and intense.

Where is luminol used?

Luminol is a crystal that can glow in the presence of iron and other metals. It is actively used in forensic examination to detect washed-out traces of blood. Luminol is also used in chemistry lessons and as electrical insulation.

How to make a glowing liquid using luminol

Luminol has high price, and it is not so easy to buy in pure form. Liquid Luminol is sold in large drums and is used in transformer and distribution substations as an electrical insulating fluid. Naturally, no one sells it just like that; this dangerous substance can only be used for industrial purposes. It is much easier to obtain luminol from the immunomodulator "Galavit", which contains the sodium salt of illuminate. To obtain a minimum amount of 50 ml solution, you will need 20 tablets or 40 sachets of 50 mg powder. The tablets are pre-crushed to a powder state. Then the resulting substance is dissolved in 50 ml of water. That's it, the luminol is ready.

How to make glowing liquid using luminol

Luminol is a powder yellow color, which in an alkaline environment begins to glow bluish.

  1. Take 50 ml of luminol solution and pour it into a glass flask, preferably the kind used for experiments in chemical laboratories.
  2. Add 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and stir.
  3. Sprinkle just a little on the tip of a knife copper sulfate(ferric chloride).
  4. If no chemicals are found, add a few drops of blood from thawed beef or chicken liver.
  5. Add 5 ml of caustic soda there.
  6. Transfer the flask to dark room and turn on a small lamp or light candles. The flask begins to shimmer with a fluorescent blue glow. To change the shade, add a few drops of another dye.

There is another way to obtain luminous water. It is suitable for those who do not keep chemicals like copper sulfate at home.

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of regular washing powder in a glass of water
  • add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 5 ml of luminol solution there
  • stir, add a little potassium permanganate
  • under the influence of an alkaline environment, the liquid will begin to bubble and shimmer in different colors

Remember to use chemicals very carefully. And also wash the dishes thoroughly after finishing the experiment. And it’s good if it’s just dishes. Because if the technology is not followed, the unexpected can happen. In a word, if you are not comfortable with chemistry, you should look for simpler ways to obtain luminous water.

  1. Buy a highlighter (do not confuse it with a marker; a marker has a denser texture; highlighters usually come in neon shades).
  2. Check the text highlighter for fluorescent ink content (swipe it over a sheet of paper, take it into a dark room and light it slightly).
  3. Take out the rod and cut it lengthwise. Place the contents in a glass warm water. Wait until the color filler goes into the water.
  4. Add a little soda, then the liquid will bubble. Take the glass into a dark room and illuminate it.

Glowing water from pine concentrate

  1. Take pine concentrate on the tip of a knife (it contains salt filler, fir essential oil, salt filler).
  2. Pour a glass of water and add pine needle concentrate there. Take half a tablespoon boric acid. Hold a spoon over the fire (turn on the burner, light a candle).
  3. Slowly pour in a little pine solution and heat to a boil.
  4. The resulting crystalline substance is called a phosphor, it gives ordinary water a glow.

The phosphor can be used as a basis for luminous paint. To do this, take clear nail polish for nails weighing 7-8 grams and mix the contents with 2-3 grams of phosphor. To add a tint, add a drop of regular fluorescent paint. Of course, the paint will not shine as brightly as store-bought paints. But its brightness is enough to produce the desired effect.

To create glowing liquid using improvised means, you need to have at home at least luminol powder or Galavita tablets, which contain the necessary components. With luminol the glow will be much brighter and last longer. For greater safety, use safe materials like a marker pen or a regular one washing powder. Remember about safety measures, do not harm yourself.

Video: how to make glowing liquid at home

Colored, glowing water inside a jar, on the soles of shoes, a T-shirt or balloon, will always arouse curiosity and interest. A bright yellow or blue glow, securely closed in a glass container, resembles a star that a lover took from the sky for his chosen one. Flickering light inside hot air balloon for a child, like magical night moths lost in the sky. Connect the balls into garlands, and your home will turn into a wonderful, magical place, all you have to do is turn off the lights. And if you apply luminescent paint to your clothes or shoes, you will stand out from the crowd, like a ghost. If desired, you can fill glasses or vases with the ready-made color composition and place them around the living room in unexpected places– as soon as night falls, everything around will flicker with rainbow lights, causing everyone’s admiration.

What methods of preparing luminous liquid exist?

Phosphor is a chemical substance that requires care and special attention. It is highly undesirable for children to conduct a rather dangerous experiment without the help of adults. A little trick: if you don’t want to waste time making it, just buy any luminous marker, disassemble the rod into fibers and put it in water. The colored water will glow at dusk. The phosphor can be ordered online, but the beauty created is valued much more.

Paint or clothing can be made from boric acid and pine concentrate. The drugs are cheap and can be purchased at any pharmacy.


  • Water – 50 ml;

  • Coniferous concentrate – 3 g;

  • Boric acid - 1 pinch;

Dissolve pine concentrate in water. Pour a pinch of boric acid into an aluminum container and add pine needles drop by drop. Place the saucepan on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the solution begins to bubble, remove the pan from the stove and let cool. Then add water again, a pinch of boron, and a dose of pine concentrate. Put it on fire. Ready liquid should have a yellowish tint. Pleasantly surprise your other half: write a love declaration on a piece of paper and stick it on the wall. All that remains is to wait for darkness.

Magical shimmer with hydrogen peroxide

Protect your face from burns - hydrogen peroxide has a characteristic odor that pierces your nose and throat in a second, and also makes your eyes water.


  • Water – 300 ml;

  • Hydrogen peroxide – 2 tbsp. spoons;

  • Table salt – 2 tsp;

  • Vinegar – 0.5 tsp.

All ingredients must be mixed, screw on the lid and shake the flask thoroughly. To get a soft blue glow, mix in glass jar luminol - 15 g, Dimexide - 30 ml and dry alkali - 35 g. Shake the jar thoroughly until a blue glow forms. If the glow is cloudy and unsaturated, open the lid a little. Air getting inside will make the solution brighter.

Glow in the dark laces

Be sure that when you appear on the dance floor in shining sneakers, you will be surrounded by the attention of others until the end of the evening. The most important detail is the laces, which must be wide and of high quality. Pour 300 ml of water into a glass and mix it with 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. After the soda dissolves, add 2 tsp to the liquid. hydrogen peroxide, shake the jar. Dip the laces into the solution and wait 10-15 minutes.

The container can be either glass or plastic.

Surely you would like to know how to make glowing water at home using available materials and with minimal effort.

To create such a wonderful liquid, you will need great desire and patience, since following all the step-by-step instructions requires precision and meticulousness from the performer. And to get the most good result chemicals will be needed. They can be easily purchased at pharmacies or stores specializing in chemistry.

There are many instructions that explain how to make unusual luminous water at home using available materials. However, they are all divided into two main groups: with and without luminol.

Phosphors are organic substances that absorb the energy of chemical interaction, thereby generating it into light radiation. By reacting with acid, luminol gives a continuous glow. This is powder white with a yellowish tint, it is sold strictly according to a doctor’s prescription or, for example, it can be purchased at a chemical store.

Among the available components for glowing water, which can be easily purchased at a city pharmacy, you can highlight substances such as brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide and alkali.

Don't forget that any method of creating glowing water involves working with chemicals that are very caustic, and therefore it is very important to follow basic safety precautions.

That is, it is necessary to carry out the experiment wearing gloves and safety glasses. Another nuance of making glowing water at home is dirty dishes, which will require considerable effort to wash after the experiment.

If certain proportions are observed, all these substances, when combined, begin to emit light. To do this, you will need to carefully observe the order of adding substances and their dosage, otherwise you will not succeed. It is recommended to carry out the process of making luminous water in a darkened room, so it will then shine much longer and brighter. You can obtain a luminous liquid using several methods.

Based on luminol

To create glowing water at home, it is advisable to use luminol. It emits a soft, even, bluish light, but it is very expensive and can be purchased either on chemical forums or at special bases. An alternative is Galavit tablets, which will need to be ground into powder and added to water. One pack of the drug contains 0.5 g of luminol.

The most popular method of making glowing water involves using the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 g luminol;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 80 ml or 3 g of hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • 3 g copper sulfate;
  • 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution;
  • fluorescent dyes (you can use rubrene or brilliant green);
  • transparent suitable cones, glasses and other containers for liquid.

After acquiring all the above components in strict dosages, you can begin to create luminous water in the following sequence:

  1. Ordinary tap water is poured into the prepared container, and luminol is gradually dissolved in it.
  2. Then hydrogen peroxide is added to the container and immediately followed by copper sulfate, instead of which you can use either ferric chloride, or red blood salt.
  3. Next, caustic soda or pharmaceutical 10% ammonia is carefully added to the container.
  4. The finished solution is thoroughly mixed and when the light is turned on, you can admire the amazing bluish glow of the water.

If the resulting bluish glow does not suit you or you need something brighter, then a dye is added to the solution.

Without luminol

You can decorate your home in an original way with elements of luminous water without this chemical element. Craftsmen We also figured out how to make glowing water at home without such a rather expensive chemical substance, like luminol. For example, you can:

  1. Grate white phosphorus and dissolve in water.
  2. Take 250 ml of soda, mix with 1/5 tsp. baking soda and 2 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix boric acid powder with a few drops of fluorescein. Apply the resulting mass to metal element− plate, and then heat it and put it in water. The glowing effect will last about 1 minute until the metal cools.
  4. You can take a glowing magnet (toy, keychain), scrape off a layer of phosphorus illuminator from it, crush it into dust and mix with water. You can add gelatin to the mixture so that grains of phosphorus do not settle in the container. To glow, the liquid must be periodically recharged in the sun.

But you need to realize that you cannot simply create luminous water at home, either with or without luminol. The first method is very expensive, and the second may not live up to expectations (the glow will either be weak or the water will stop glowing very quickly). For this reason, if there is a goal to create exemplary luminous water, then it will be necessary to be persistent, and then all efforts will not be in vain.

Conclusion and conclusions

Glowing water provides an unusual opportunity to form independent light sources, which are very useful for street or road works, as well as during rescue operations. For example, for tourists, speleologists and deep-sea divers, this is also a very convenient element at hand, which many of them love to take with them on long trips.

However, without special skills in the field of chemistry, you can only apply diligence and some financial expenses, make an amazing and unforgettable holiday with water at home.

Cheer up your mood or simply conduct an experiment with an ordinary liquid that will glow very beautifully, creating a romantic atmosphere or a fun attraction for children. Good luck!

Glowing water is an amazing thing. This is a wonderful decoration for any holiday, because jars with such water glow very beautifully in the dark.

Let's look at how to make glowing water at home with your own hands, from what, and also general rules handling her.

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What materials will be needed?

Let's deal with the most in a simple way How to make a glowing liquid from improvised materials. Here's what you'll need to make this water yourself:

All materials for the recipe for an interesting DIY liquid can be found at the pharmacy (hydrogen peroxide), grocery supermarket (soda, vinegar) and specialized stores (dyes and other additions, such as glitter). Some materials are only sold in chemical stores and may not be easy to find. By the way, there are very expensive materials, but the costs are probably worth it.

Work algorithm

How to make a glowing liquid at home is not at all difficult, we will make it in the simplest ways, but there are more complex options. The most important thing is to maintain proportions and do not overdo it, otherwise the experiment will not only fail, but will also cause harm. The first recipe without luminol.

Ready liquid will glow for about two hours. Quite enough for children's party or decorating the room for the duration of the event. If you use a different method to prepare the liquid, it will glow longer. Special fluorescent chemicals can be added.

Another recipe

This cooking method is more complicated than the first. It includes a substance such as luminol. - an excellent chemical reagent from which you can make a miracle liquid. So, how to make a glowing liquid.

Will need more materials and perhaps this method is more expensive than the first. For it we will need: 2-3 grams of luminol (this is a chemical reagent), 80 ml hydrogen peroxide, a glass of water, 3 grams of copper sulfate, solution sodium hydroxide 10 ml, dye (for example, brilliant green), vessel (glass or plastic, jar,).

Luminol is a substance that, when placed in a certain environment, glows with a bluish glow. Myself The process of preparing the solution is simple: you need to mix all the ingredients, and lastly add luminol powder. There will be a reaction soon. By the way, there are master classes on the Internet on how to make luminol at home with your own hands.

We looked at the simplest and most common recipes, but you can find many other interesting master classes on the Internet.

What is glowing water used for?

In general, the luminous liquid itself is very beautiful, it will be perfect for any holiday. For example, on New Year You can arrange jars with such water, make garlands and Christmas tree decorations from such small jars. It will look interesting and unusual. And do-it-yourself glowing water is great for a children's party; you can show tricks to kids.

The glowing liquid contains harmful substances, it must be handled very carefully, children should not be left with it unattended, and do not allow the composition to come into contact with the skin or eyes. Also, children should not be left alone with water. By the way, when preparing and using liquid, do not forget to wear protective clothing: gloves, goggles, an apron.

If direct contact with the liquid cannot be avoided, you must urgently rinse the area where it came into contact. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately.

Glowing liquid is a wonderful invention. With its help you can revive any room, give it brightness and originality. If you follow everything necessary recommendations, safety rules and strictly follow the recipe, the process of creating and using a luminous liquid will bring only positive emotions.

Glow in the dark water is a great way to make a party unusual and memorable. Also, the glowing liquid will cause a lot of positive emotions in children, who will happily pour the unusual cocktail from one glass to another. But do not forget that the liquid flickering with all the lights is not harmless water, but a chemical mixture. Follow the dosage and sequence of actions so that the end result brings joy and not additional hassle.

What is luminous liquid

The basis of a luminous liquid is a substance that can reflect light. In the case of luminous water, they should not dissolve in water, otherwise the physicochemical reaction would not occur, and there would be no effect. The main active ingredient is an organic or inorganic compound, which, when interacting with an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), is capable of emitting a luminescent glow. The catalyst can be iron or phosphorus; in their presence, the emitted glow is rich and intense.

Where is luminol used?

Luminol is a crystal that can glow in the presence of iron and other metals. It is actively used in forensic examination to detect washed-out traces of blood. Luminol is also used in chemistry lessons and as electrical insulation.

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How to make a glowing liquid using luminol

Luminol has a high price and is not easy to buy in its pure form. Liquid Luminol is sold in large drums and is used in transformer and distribution substations as an electrical insulation fluid. Naturally, no one sells it just like that; this dangerous substance can only be used for industrial purposes. It is much easier to obtain luminol from the immunomodulator "Galavit", which contains the sodium salt of illuminate. To obtain a minimum amount of 50 ml solution, you will need 20 tablets or 40 sachets of 50 mg powder. The tablets are pre-crushed to a powder state. Then the resulting substance is dissolved in 50 ml of water. That's it, the luminol is ready.

How to make glowing liquid using luminol

Luminol is a yellow powder that begins to glow bluish in an alkaline environment.

  • Take 50 ml of luminol solution and pour it into a glass flask, preferably the kind used for experiments in chemical laboratories.
  • Add 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and stir.
  • Pour just a little bit of copper sulfate (ferric chloride) on the tip of a knife.
  • If no chemicals are found, add a few drops of blood from thawed beef or chicken liver.
  • Add 5 ml of caustic soda there.
  • We transfer the flask to a dark room and turn on a small lamp or light candles. The flask begins to shimmer with a fluorescent blue glow. To change the shade, add a few drops of another dye.
  • There is another way to obtain luminous water. It is suitable for those who do not keep chemicals like copper sulfate at home.

    • Dissolve a teaspoon of regular washing powder in a glass of water
    • add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 5 ml of luminol solution there
    • stir, add a little potassium permanganate
    • under the influence of an alkaline environment, the liquid will begin to bubble and shimmer in different colors

    Remember to use chemicals very carefully. And also wash the dishes thoroughly after finishing the experiment. And it’s good if it’s just dishes. Because if the technology is not followed, the unexpected can happen. In a word, if you are not comfortable with chemistry, you should look for simpler ways to obtain luminous water.

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    Making a glowing liquid using a color highlighter

  • Buy a highlighter (do not confuse it with a marker; a marker has a denser texture; highlighters usually come in neon shades).
  • Check the text highlighter for fluorescent ink content (swipe it over a sheet of paper, take it into a dark room and light it slightly).
  • Take out the rod and cut it lengthwise. Place the contents in a glass of warm water. Wait until the color filler goes into the water.
  • Add a little soda, then the liquid will bubble. Take the glass into a dark room and illuminate it.
  • Glowing water from pine concentrate

  • Take pine concentrate on the tip of a knife (it contains salt filler, fir essential oil, salt filler).
  • Pour a glass of water and add pine needle concentrate there. Take half a tablespoon of boric acid. Hold a spoon over the fire (turn on the burner, light a candle).
  • Slowly pour in a little pine solution and heat to a boil.
  • The resulting crystalline substance is called a phosphor, it gives ordinary water a glow.
  • The phosphor can be used as a basis for luminous paint. To do this, take a transparent nail polish weighing 7-8 grams and mix the contents with 2-3 grams of phosphor. To add a tint, add a drop of regular fluorescent paint. Of course, the paint will not shine as brightly as store-bought paints. But its brightness is enough to produce the desired effect.

    To create a luminous liquid using improvised means, you need to have at home at least luminol powder or Galavita tablets, which contain the necessary components. With luminol the glow will be much brighter and last longer. For greater safety, use safe materials such as a marker pen or regular laundry detergent. Remember about safety measures, do not harm yourself.


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