How to make a women's ring with your own hands. How to make an original ring? Manufacturing instructions

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Jewelry is every girl's weakness. But what is sold in stores is sometimes so boring and unoriginal that you want something new and unusual, for example, some beautiful and unusual ring. Make it yourself! There is nothing complicated about this.

What can rings be made from?

If you decide to create something original, then use the most incredible and unexpected materials, they are the ones that make unique and creative little things. Here are some ideas:

  • If you have a box of old ones (ask your mom, she definitely has one), then dig through it, you might find something original there.
  • Be sure to find some wire, it will serve as an excellent base for a ring. Its thickness can be different, it all depends on your wishes.
  • Beads, beads. What girl doesn't love all this? If you suddenly have old broken beads that you hate to throw away, be sure to use them.
  • Old broken rings. If it happens that the ring falls off the ring and gets lost somewhere, then do not throw away the “bare” ring, it will serve as an excellent basis for a new amazing ring.
  • Coins. If you have old coins, they can make great jewelry. More will be written about this below.
  • Ribbons. They can be used too.

But, in general, if your imagination works well, then you can make something amazing out of any even unnecessary thing. And such decoration will be exclusive, since it was made by your own hands.

By the way, I would like to say that to make your task easier, it would be useful to acquire a cone for measuring rings; it will be an excellent stencil. But if you don’t have one, it’s okay.

How to make a beautiful ring?

How to make a ring from practically improvised materials with your own hands? First, you need to measure your finger so as not to make a mistake with the size. It's easy to do. Take paper, pencil and scissors. Cut a strip of paper approximately 5-7 centimeters long.

Wrap this strip around the finger you plan to put your ring on. Mark with a pencil where one edge intersects the other. Cut off any excess. If necessary, measure the resulting strip, this will be the circumference of your finger. You can also use this strip as a template to measure out materials.

Now we offer several options for beautiful rings.

Ring "Bow" made of ribbon

You will need:

  • satin ribbon (no more than 0.5 centimeters wide);
  • thick wire for the base;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • thread and needle;
  • glue.

Here's what to do:

  1. First measure the required length of wire. To ensure the strength of the future ring, it is better to make several turns, so multiply the girth of your finger by 3 and add half a centimeter. Measure this length on the wire, cut off the excess with wire cutters.
  2. Now start wrapping your finger (or size cone, it will be easier) with wire using pliers. You've got the base.
  3. Now take the satin ribbon. Where the edges of the wire meet, glue the edge of the ribbon. Start wrapping the tape around the base. Make sure it fits snugly against the wire. When you have wrapped the entire base, cut off the excess and secure the end with glue.
  4. Cut a piece of tape 10-15 centimeters long; the edges can be singed or burned so that they do not unravel (you can heat the scissors before cutting).
  5. Tie a bow and secure the middle with a couple of stitches.
  6. Glue the bow to the base (to the place where the end of the ribbon that you wrapped around the wire is attached to).
  7. Ready!

Coin ring

An original ring can be made from a coin, but it is quite difficult, so it is better to ask someone for help (preferably someone who has the skills to work with metals and process them). Here's what you'll need:

  • drill;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • a coin (for example, a two-ruble coin);
  • a piece of metal;
  • hammer;
  • textile;
  • tea spoon;
  • emery roller;
  • polishing wheel.

Let's get started:

  1. Take a coin, place it on its edge and place it on a metal base. Press it down with a teaspoon. Now you have some hard work ahead of you. Take a hammer and hit the teaspoon to flatten the coin. It is important to constantly monitor the process and also strike with approximately the same force so that the edge is as smooth as possible.
  2. Then you need to make a hole in the center of the coin using a drill. Stop as soon as the drill goes through. The coin is secured, it will be convenient for you.
  3. Now sand the edge with sandpaper using a roller until the surface is shiny.
  4. Now use a larger drill bit to enlarge the hole. Then change the drill to an even larger one. Constantly monitor the process and try on the ring so that in the end it won’t be too big for you.
  5. Use an emery roller to polish the inside surface.
  6. Ready. Of course, it’s easy to write this, but in reality everything is much more complicated, so it’s better to ask someone to help (your husband, for example).

Ring made of beads and beads

You can make a beautiful ring from beads and beads. Here's what you'll need for this:

  • wire (you will need to string beads on it, so the thickness should not be too large);
  • beads;
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Multiply the circumference of your finger by 3 or 4 (depending on the number of turns), add two centimeters. Measure and cut the appropriate piece of wire.
  2. String beads onto the wire. There should be one centimeter left at each end. In these places it is better to secure the beads with glue so that nothing falls off later.
  3. Wrap the beaded wire around your finger or measuring cone. Bend the remaining ends slightly; they will be needed to secure the ring.
  4. Let's start making the ring. Take the wire, cut three pieces 2-3 centimeters long (depending on the size of the bead).
  5. String two beads onto each piece. Immediately bend the ends (only the tips) using pliers so that the beads do not fall.
  6. Next, bend all three pieces in half to form a depression in the middle, and distribute the beads to the ends. Place the base in this recess by threading pieces of wire through it. In this case, the bent ends of the base wire should be located directly next to the ring.
  7. Now bend the pieces of wire so that the beads are located next to each other. Twist all the ends so that the beads remain at the top.
  8. Secure the ring with the bent ends of the base, bending them over the wires of the ring.
  9. Ready.

Button ring

Dear visitors to the “Handmade and Creative” website, I welcome you and would like to introduce you to an interesting master class on creating an attractive, and at the same time very simple to create, ring. In order to make a ring with my own hands, I tried to describe in detail each stage of the work. The master class also contains illustrations, so you can easily navigate during the process of creating a product.

Required materials and tools:

  • several beads (amethyst beads were used in this master class);
  • wire, the size must match the size of the bead hole. In this case, two types of wire d-22 and d-18 were used;
  • pliers with a thin nose;
  • wire cutters;
  • round nose pliers;
  • a special metal mold to create the correct shape of the ring; if one is missing, you can use any rounded metal object, for example, a thin pipe or a stool leg.

Ring shape

To create the shape of the ring, we will use wire with a diameter of d-18. Using wire cutters, cut a wire about 3 lengths around the circumference of your finger. We begin to wrap the wire around the round base of the ring, in this case it is an ordinary wooden object.

Stringing beads

We draw the ends in the center of the ring and string a bead on each end. A master class on how to make a ring with your own hands is at the equator, hold on tight;)

Let's continue

Now we turn each wire through the bottom of the ring and take them out in directions opposite to each other. Using pliers, we again thread the pieces of wire through the center of the ring and fix them.

We use a different wire

Now we will use the second piece of wire, the diameter of which is d-22. In this case, we will use this wire to make the side spirals of the ring as a pattern. We decide what size the spirals will be, and turn the wire crosswise through the base of each bead, thereby bringing the ends of the wire out asymmetrically to each other. In the photo, the length of each end of the wire is about 2.5 cm (1 inch), so the spirals will not be particularly large.

Spiral ring as a pattern

Once we have prepared the wire for the spirals, use needle nose pliers to grab the end of the wire and roll it towards the base of the ring. We try to make the spiral tight, so press the wire as hard as possible. We repeat the same action with the second piece of wire. As a result, we will have two side spirals.

If you like to do creative things with your own hands, I advise you to take a look in the continuation of the post at how one handyman made an unusual ring. Below is a detailed photo report of the work done.

We are preparing the instrument. He looks very scary. Almost like being in a dentist's office.

We take a piece of model wax and use this very tool to cut off all the excess))

Cut, cut.

Looks like it was cut out.

Now it's time to sandpaper. Very small. All surfaces must be very smooth.

We solder the sprues to the resulting blank.

And a funnel where the molten metal will be poured

We stuff it into an iron pipe. I call it a glass

We make special plaster. The so-called Formmass. It differs from ordinary gypsum in that it does not crumble at high temperatures and has a smaller fraction.

We pour it into the resulting glass and hide it under the cap of the vibrating vacuum table. In order to expel most of the air from the plaster. Mainly to ensure that there are no bubbles left on the surface of the casting

Minus one point. This is not the limit, it’s just that the pressure gauge no longer shows negative values. There is no scale. By the way, gypsum, or form mass, literally boils at low pressure. In other words, like other gas-saturated liquids.

The result is a cylinder of plaster in an iron frame. It's called Opoka

You need to bake it - that means in the oven

It’s only 750 degrees and how it shines

The actual temperature in the oven

Temperature again

We charge the flask, cooled to 450 degrees, into a centrifugal casting device. And we put metal in the mold next to it. Unfortunately, I didn’t photograph the process itself; it requires three hands and nothing to hold the camera with.

The molten metal, under the action of centrifugal forces, is poured into the flask, filling the place of the wax burned out in the oven and as a result we get what was made in wax only from white gold.

We anneal it so that the metal structure relaxes and rests from pressure and terrible dendrites. I read about dendrites that form in metal during casting, but I still didn’t understand anything.

Necessary materials:

Angle grinder;
a nut, the size of which must match the size of the finger;
Dremel sander;
crepe (painting tape);
sanding paper with grit 220 and 600;
knife with a sharp blade;
table salt solution;
power unit;
cotton buds.

Manufacturing instructions

Step 1. You need to grind off the corners of the nut
All safety regulations must be followed when performing this work. The nut must be tightened with pliers and using a grinder, gradually grind off the corners. One surface of the nut should remain

Step 2. Narrowing the nut
After the corners of the nut have been ground off, you need to proceed to the stage of giving the nut the shape of a ring. This is done gradually, maintaining the symmetry of the sides. When the ring is narrowed enough, it is worth chamfering its edges and refining the shape.

Step 3. Processing the inside of the ring
Using a Dremel, you need to remove the internal threads of the nut. The surface must be treated evenly, maintaining symmetry. Internal chamfers must be made.

Step 4: Sanding the surface of the ring
Use a file to smooth out the grooves from the grinder and grinder. Finish the sanding with sandpaper of different grits. It’s better to start with 220 and finish with 600. With their help, you can achieve the desired smoothness of the future ring.

Step 5. Create a signet imprint design
Absolutely any design can be used as a print. For example, as an option, you can stylize your own initials.

Step 6. Preparing the workpiece for the etching process

To do this, you need to either cover the ring with nail polish or wrap it with masking tape, and then use a fairly sharp knife to cut out the intended image on the surface.

Step 7. Carrying out the electrolysis etching process

The power source can be a regular charger (12 V). The process itself is simple. The only thing is that the smell will be quite unpleasant. The positive wire from the charger should be connected to the ring. A solution should be diluted from salt and a cotton swab should be soaked in it.
It is to its wet side that you need to attach a wire with a negative charge. You will get a kind of stick-electrode, which will need to be passed several times in those places of the ring where you need to etch.
When the etching is finished, you need to disconnect all the wires and remove the tape.

In the nineties, when the country was faced with such a thing as a shortage, and it was almost impossible to get something worthwhile in stores, almost no one wondered how to make a ring from wire, and no one could be surprised by such a homemade decoration. Now this trend has moved aside, a lot of costume jewelry has appeared in stores for literally pennies. But there are fashionistas who know how to make a wire ring with their own hands so that it fits organically into the image.

Necessary materials

To make this simple decoration you will need very few tools and materials:

  • Any thin wire, preferably aluminum. For children's rings, you can use one that is covered with insulating plastic.
  • Round nose pliers.
  • Scissors for cutting metal.
  • Beads.

How to make a wire ring with the inscription love

In order to make a wire ring with the inscription “love” yourself, you first need to have some experience working with this material. With some skill, creating such an accessory will not be difficult for you.

You can write almost any word using this principle. But it must be remembered that it must consist of three or four letters in order to fit on the outside of the finger.

How to make a champagne wire ring with your own hands

Some romantic men, in a fit of emotion, when there is nothing at hand except a bottle of champagne, still want to make their girlfriend happy, at least with a wire ring. In this case, the wire on which the bottle cap is held can come to their aid. The principle of making such a ring is very simple.

Ring with a bead inside

How to make a wire ring so that it is unusual and at the same time very attractive? Most likely, those around you will not remain indifferent to the product in which the bead is hidden.

To make it, you will need to repeat the first steps from the section “How to make a ring from champagne wire”, only instead of forming a rose from the free ends, you will need to make a small spiral, put a bead on it and start randomly wrapping the free ends around it . It is necessary to achieve such an effect that the bead continues to be visible through the wire. But it was as if it were all covered with cobwebs.

Another option is to pass the free end of the wire through the bead, place it in the middle of the ring and make a couple of turns of the wire around the bead so that it is all above the ring.

This accessory will be a great addition to a romantic look.

Unusual accessory: ankle ring

An excellent summer decoration would be a ring worn on your foot. This accessory will look great with open shoes and boho style clothes. Here is a detailed plan on how to make a snake shaped copper wire ring.

  1. Take a wire 10-12 cm long.
  2. Place it on the back of the toe on which you plan to wear the jewelry, exactly in the center of the wire.
  3. Wrap both ends around your finger to make two turns.
  4. Remove the ring from your leg and bend one end of the wire with pliers several times, imitating the tail of a snake. Cut off the excess.
  5. Using the same pliers, bend the upper end of the wire into the shape of a snake's head and fold the free end down so that it is hidden under your finger while wearing the product. Trim off the excess.

Ring with semi-precious and precious stones

If you are still wondering how to make a ring from wire and none of the options proposed above appeal to you, then you will definitely be delighted with this decoration. If you have several beautiful and small natural stones, you just need to turn them into a beautiful ring. It’s good if there is already a hole in the stone, for example, if it was left over from another piece of jewelry. But you can simply glue the stone in the center of the product. All the initial work follows the steps of creating a champagne wire ring. But for this product it is better to take very thin copper or gilded wire and fold it not twice, but three or four times. Then the loose ends need to be twisted around the stone.

Wire ring with beads

Jewelry with beads looks very beautiful and delicate. To understand how to make a wire ring with small beads, you do not need to have experience in creating such products. All you need to do is place just enough beads onto a thin copper wire to cover the top of your finger. Then, on one side and on the other side of this bead row, you need to make small rings using pliers. Now take a small piece of wire and secure it to the ring of the bead row, then repeat the same on the other side. Try on the product: if it fits you in size, then cut off the excess, if not, then first change the size up or down.

Wedding rings: imitation wire weaving

It’s interesting that a few years ago the world of wedding fashion was swept by a wave of wedding rings that looked like they were woven from wire. The newlyweds put an individual and personal meaning into this accessory only for them. But more often than not, such rings hint at the absence of strict boundaries within the newly-minted family. These non-standard wedding rings are chosen by girls and men who do not want to wear ordinary, strict jewelry, but want something more delicate and youthful. In addition, such accessories are often made in the shape of a nest, which symbolizes family.

How to make a wire ring for a wedding with your own hands? Not many people will decide to make an accessory for such an important day on their own, but you can still participate in the creation process: draw a sketch of your future jewelry and take it to the jeweler. This way you are guaranteed to receive exactly the ring you imagined.

Thus, you learned how to make a wire ring with your own hands step by step. It's a lot of fun to experiment with this material, so don't just stop at the tips in this article and try something new!


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