How to tell your child how babies are born. How to tell your child where babies come from

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At a certain age, children begin to have questions regarding the structure of the world around them, and some of them puzzle even adults. Often, when thinking about how to explain to a child where children come from, parents fall into a stupor. In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of - when asking such a question, young children do not even think about the physiological side of the process, and this is what first comes to mind for parents. Today, there are several methods that allow you to satisfy children's curiosity without traumatizing the baby's psyche with unnecessary details. For convenience, simple recommendations were divided by child psychologists into several age groups.

How to talk to a 3-4 year old child correctly?

Children begin to be interested in their origins no earlier than 3 years of age. It is at this time that a little person’s idea of ​​his own personality is formed; the little one constantly makes new discoveries and realizes his gender identity. The first harbingers that questions about childbirth will soon arise may be the baby's comments about the differences between the structure of the female and male body. A meeting with a pregnant woman or a newborn can provoke curiosity.

When answering questions from 3- or 4-year-old children, there is no need to go into detail and talk about physiology (kids won’t appreciate or even understand this anyway). Describing the processes of conception, pregnancy and childbirth can have a very negative effect - the baby will have associations with the disease, especially if you mention the hospital. Psychologists consider the best option to be a short but true story about how mom and dad met and fell in love with each other. They wanted a baby, and then dad gave mom a seed, which she carried in her tummy for several months. The seed grew, and a baby came out of it, who first lived in his mother’s belly. Then he felt cramped and asked to go outside. For children, even half of these explanations are enough.

When telling a story, it is recommended to support it with documentary evidence in the form of photographs, then the child will have no doubts about its veracity. We must not forget about the numerous emphasis on the fact that a child is the fruit of the love of mom and dad; such an effect has a beneficial effect on the psyche of children.

How can you explain everything clearly to a 5-6 year old preschooler?

At this age everything is a little more complicated. Even if the previous answers still satisfy the child, many tricky questions and attempts at detail appear. First of all, children are interested in how daddy’s seed got into mommy, how the baby then came out of the tummy and how he didn’t suffocate there all the time. The questions may be more direct, given the fact that thanks to the development of modern technology, children now and at such a young age can inadvertently see scenes of a sexual nature on television.

There is no need to run away from questions, even sensitive ones. Sooner or later you will have to talk to your child about sex. When doing this, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. You can't position sex as taboo. You need to explain to the baby that this is a natural act. At the same time, it is important to convey to the child the fact that only adults have sex.
  2. You can use books and pictures designed for children. Children are already developing the concept of modesty, but they perceive printed information quite calmly.
  3. It is not necessary to describe the process of sexual intercourse in all details; you can limit yourself to information about kissing and caresses. Based on the child’s reaction, you can determine when you can stop. The same applies to the process of childbirth - there is also enough information about visiting the maternity hospital.
  4. Already at such a tender age, children need to be informed about pedophiles. Suffice it to say that only adults can kiss and touch each other, and if an uncle or aunt offers this to a child, this is bad, you need to run away from such a person and tell your parents everything.

All questions the child has must be answered in the same spirit - fully, clearly, accessible, without embarrassment or excuses.

Conversation on a sensitive topic with a schoolchild aged 7-10 years

In pre-adolescence, children are already quite aware of sexual life, they can even surprise their parents with some details. At the same time, one should not assume that they already know everything and do not need further instructions. If you do not create an atmosphere of trust between mother and daughter, between father and son during this period, the moment will be irretrievably lost.

Even before children grow into young men and women, there is still a lot of information that needs to be conveyed to them.

  • Despite the amount of knowledge children have at this age, it can be distorted. You shouldn’t be shy about talking—you need to talk to your child and sort everything out.
  • Girls need to be told everything in detail and clearly about upcoming changes in the body, menstruation, breast growth and other important points. The girl should know that she can turn to her mother with any question.
  • Boys need to be prepared for a change in body shape, the appearance of hair, and a deepening of their voice.
  • Particular attention is paid to the rules of personal hygiene; aspects of communication between girls and boys can be touched upon a little.

The biggest mistake would be to prepare for the conversation in advance and create a solemn atmosphere. This will only stress both of them. It is better to start such conversations during everyday moments; you should not use terms, everything should be as simple and accessible as possible.

Is it necessary to talk “about this” with a teenager aged 11-16?

Paradoxically, this is the most difficult period for talking about sex and relationships. On the one hand, everyone already knows everything, on the other, there are a lot of questions on both sides. Maintaining a trusting relationship with a child during this period is not even a science, but a gift. The main thing is not to force your friendship on your child.

If possible, it is worth having a conversation with your teenager about contraception, family planning, possible pregnancy, hygiene and caution. Regular lectures will not help here. Children trust parents more who talk to them as equals and give examples from personal experience.

Threats, horror stories and lectures can provoke an effect opposite to the desired one. At best, the child will simply withdraw into himself, at worst, he will begin to do everything out of spite. You cannot criticize a teenager for showing interest in the opposite sex and aspects of sexual life. It is especially dangerous to shame a son or daughter for finding books, magazines or discs of an erotic nature. It is best to support your child and say that parents are always ready to answer any questions.

Things parents shouldn't do

There are several things you should not do when introducing your child to childbirth.

  1. You cannot come up with legends and implausible stories that will distract your child for 1-2 years. An outright lie will set the child up in such a way that he will never ask his parents anything again.
  2. It is also not recommended to delay time. Phrases like “the time will come, and you will find out everything yourself” will only arouse the little man’s curiosity. He will find another source of information.
  3. You cannot switch the baby's attention to the other parent. If you tell your son that his mother will tell him everything, there is a high risk of undermining your own authority and even turning the child against you.
  4. Children remember even a small lie for the rest of their lives. They will either lie back, thinking that it is not scary, or they will begin to question everything their parents say.

One of the biggest mistakes in parenting is trying to take a child to a child psychologist. If such important information is conveyed to a person from an early age by strangers, one cannot count on trusting relationships in the family.

Faithful helpers for modern moms and dads

If time passes, and the child does not show any interest in the topic of the birth of children or the characteristics of sexual relations, it is worth provoking a conversation. If this seems overwhelming, you can start with books and educational CDs. Today, several versions of special encyclopedias have been written that can, just as well as parents, provide children of any age with the necessary information. After familiarizing yourself with the methodological material, you need to ask the child if everything was clear and if he had any questions.

Psychologists advise both parents to prepare in advance for a tricky question. The baby can “double-check” the information received from dad by turning to mom. If the versions diverge, this will not lead to anything good.

Typically, children become interested in the history of their appearance at the age of “why,” that is, about 3-4 years. Until this age, even when looking at baby photographs, a child usually does not ask the question “Where did I come from?” This interest is completely normal, but for a long time this topic was hushed up, and children were “brushed aside” with well-known clichés: “found in cabbage,” “brought by a stork.”

Modern psychologists claim that fictitious stories about the appearance of a child in a family ( “found in cabbage”, “brought by a stork”) greatly undermine the child’s trust in his parents, because someday the child will still find out the truth and will be upset by the parent’s deceit.

When explaining to a child where children come from, you need to speak truthfully, but this truth must be adapted to the age of an inquisitive person. The older the child is, the more questions he has about “this.” Parents should prepare for such questions in advance so that they do not take mom or dad by surprise and do not make the child doubt the sincerity of adults.

How to talk to a 3-4 year old child

At the age of about 3 years, the child begins to feel like an individual and for the first time identifies himself with representatives of one of the genders - boys or girls. In this regard, interest in the structure of the body arises, and children notice not only the differences between boys and girls, but also pay attention to the body features of adults. In this regard, questions regarding the purpose of the genital organs and their differences may become harbingers of questions about childbirth (if, for example, a child on the beach saw a baby of the opposite sex). A meeting with a pregnant woman can raise many questions, because a belly of outstanding size will not go unnoticed. Even more often, conversations about birth begin after the baby has a chance to see or get to know the baby closely. Some children may ask the direct question “Where did I come from?” No matter where the wind of children’s interest “blows,” the parents’ task is to answer the child honestly and clearly.

How to talk to a teenager 11-16 years old

Maintaining a trusting relationship with a teenager is an art, because at this age the authority of adults is devalued. However, without trust, conversations on sensitive topics are impossible.

Teenagers are actively interested in the opposite sex, fall in love, and date. In some ways they are still just children, but physiologically they are already ready to lead an “adult” life.” That is why the first place should be conversations not about hygiene or body changes, but about family planning, conception, pregnancy, contraception.

As in matters of preparation for growing up, in conversations with teenagers, a free atmosphere, a state of dialogue, and not “dry” lectures are important. It’s better to talk “about this” on equal terms, like an adult with an adult, calling a spade a spade and talking about real dangers. When talking about relationships with the opposite sex and the possibility of having a child, it is important to emphasize that a child is, first of all, a big responsibility, so it is better if he is born consciously, in marriage, when both are ready to start a family and share responsibility .

Parents of teenagers are always worried: what if their child starts having sex early? What if there is an unwanted pregnancy or infection? Unfortunately, in some families, sex education for a child comes down to “if I find out, I’ll kill.” Even more unfortunately, in this situation, parents have every chance of simply not finding out. That is why if a child shares something personal, you should not criticize, scold, or condemn him.

The older the child, the more complex questions arise in his head. He wants an answer to each of them, and if not in the family, then on the street or on the Internet, these answers will be found. If for some reason a child does not ask questions or show interest in a sensitive topic, parents should take the initiative into their own hands and start conversations first. The better a child is “armed” with information, the more prepared he will be for adult life.

We also read:

Selection of books

  1. Dumont Virginie. Where did I come from? Sexual encyclopedia for children 5-8 years old
  2. Virginie D., Montagna C. Where do children come from? Sexual encyclopedia for children 8-11 years old
  3. “How I was born”, Katerina Janusz, Mervi Lindman. Age: 4–6 years
  4. “Where do babies come from?”, Doris Ruebel. Age: 4–7 years
  5. "The Book of Love" by Pernilla Stalfelt. Age: from 4 years
  6. “The Main Wonder of the World”, Georgy Yudin. Age: 6–10 years
  7. "Before You Were Born" by Jennifer Davis, Laura Cornell. Age: 2–4 years
  8. "The True Story of How A Baby Is Made" by Per Holm Knudsen. Age: 3–5 years
  9. A Kid's First Book About Sex by Joanie Blank. Age: 7–11 years
  10. "Mommy Laid an Egg: or, Where Do Babies Come From?", Babette Cole. Age: 3–5 years
  11. "Where Did I Come From?", Peter Mayle. Age: 7–10 years

Sooner or later, every child begins to be interested in the question of his origin, which often puts parents in an awkward position. Not every parent knows how to correctly answer the question “where do children come from?”; some begin to come up with fables, others make excuses about storks and cabbage, others begin to answer in scientific terms that are too complex for a child’s intellect, and some even leave their child without an answer. And only in isolated cases do parents give their children a truthful and understandable answer.

What to say and what not to say

The question “where do children come from?” your child can ask you at any age. As we develop and receive new facts from the outside on the topic of childbirth, questions about this will appear again. It is important to understand that at the time of the conversation with the parents, the child will already have some destructured information. By and large, such a conversation is necessary for a child to “sort out” everything he knows, weeding out misinformation from the truth. In this regard, it is important for parents to always tell the truth and not tell tales that you heard in your childhood. If a child suspects you of lying, he will simply stop contacting you on issues that concern him, and will discuss it with people who are frank in conversations on any topic. Also, when talking about the nuances of childbirth, you should not be embarrassed, this can cause excessive unhealthy interest. Depending on the child’s age, it is necessary to provide him with the minimum information that will provide answers to all the child’s existing questions and will not cause an avalanche of additional questions.

Children should receive all basic knowledge about procreation and their own origins from their parents, and not from their peers on the street. In addition, by communicating with your young child about his birth, you can instill in his mind a moral position towards love and the value of family relationships, and with older children you can even discuss issues of choosing a sexual partner, contraceptive methods, mutual responsibility of partners in deciding to have child, etc.

Do not send your child for explanations to a parent of the same sex; if the child turned to you, it means that he trusts you more in this matter.

Let’s now try to figure out exactly what “portion” of information to provide to a child depending on his age. The age limits outlined below are approximate, and what to say to your child directly depends on his individual intellectual characteristics and awareness of anatomy, physiology and social activity.

Preschool age: 3 – 5 years

It is at this age that children first begin to think about their origins. At this age, children most often are not interested in issues of conception. Tell us that before his birth, the baby lives in his mother’s tummy, where he was comfortable, safe and warm. However, then the baby felt cramped in his mother’s stomach, so he got out of there. If the child has a question about how he got into his mother’s tummy, tell him that dad gave her a magic grain, from which the baby grew in his mother’s tummy. Such a grain occurs only in adults and only in cases where mom and dad truly love each other. Such a true, but at the same time heavily veiled story will be more than enough to reveal the issue of childbearing to a child 3–5 years old.

Stories about children being brought by a stork are not suitable even for children

Children 5 – 7 years old

At this age, children already know a lot, most likely, and the secret of the birth of children has long been known to him, even if he has never approached you on this issue.

He received all the information he had from books, the media, peers and other sources. However, he still cannot consistently use it and, in the hope of putting together the existing puzzle in his mind, turns to his parents for clarification.

You can't get away with simple explanations here. The child will have to be told the basics of the anatomical differences between boys and girls and think carefully about how to tell the child about sex as carefully as possible. Due to the fact that at the age of 5–7 years it is easier for children to perceive visual information, you will have to resort to the help of various encyclopedias, layouts, educational videos and cartoons. When talking with your child about the nuances of reproduction, forget about the feeling of shame, you are telling him about natural things, therefore behave as naturally and naturally as possible.

Begin your explanations with the primary sexual characteristics of girls and boys, then turn to the topic of relationships among family members and love between them. Don't forget to mention that sex is only for adults, and children's bodies are not at all adapted to it. Tell your child about the “secret” parts of the body that no one should touch except themselves; you can show these organs to mom, dad, doctor, but only in case of urgent need and only with the permission of the child himself (many victims of sexual assault, having grown up, they talked about how they didn’t know that it was bad when they were touched “there” and didn’t know how to communicate that this was unacceptable). Clarify that it is from such a “secret” place, located in the mother’s lower abdomen, that children appear. You shouldn’t focus the child’s attention on how difficult it was for mom to give birth, that she almost died, and the like. Such conversations can develop serious psychological trauma in your child’s subconscious.

Children aged 7 – 10 years

If you previously did not hesitate to talk to your child “about this”, were not too lazy to explain to him the basics of anatomy - all that remains is to tell him about the upcoming physiological changes, because puberty will soon await them. Soon the boy will learn what a wet dream is, and the girl will begin menstruation for the first time. So that the child is prepared for such “surprises” of the body and does not hesitate to turn to his parents for help in such “emergency” situations, it is necessary to discuss all this in advance. Also talk about first falling in love, relationships between boys and girls, not forgetting to once again focus on the fact that sex and, especially, having children is something that only adults can think about, and only after they have received a proper education and will solve the problem of work, housing and will be able to fully support themselves.

For older children, you can buy an educational encyclopedia

Adolescence: 11-16 years

11 – 16 years old is the most dangerous age. Children want to feel like adults, do not want to lag behind their peers and try in every possible way to get ahead of them. According to statistics, most teenagers begin their sexual life between the ages of 14 and 16 years. At this age, children rarely ask their parents about intimate relationships; they try to find out everything on their own. Now your main task is to bring your child to a conversation about sex and explain to him that sex is a responsibility, and engaging in it at such an early age is dangerous, not cool. It is necessary to discuss with teenagers the issues of preventing casual relationships, methods of contraception, types of sex and their consequences, the consequences of unwanted pregnancy, and serious sexually transmitted diseases. The most important thing is to instill in the teenager’s mind that sex is a serious responsibility that falls on both partners. Only people who love each other can approach such a responsible task competently and carefully, understanding that having children is possible only after the mother’s body is fully formed and pregnancy with subsequent birth does not threaten the life of the young mother and child. Mention the consequences of abortion, indicating that such an approach is unacceptable either from a moral or physiological point of view, since due to an abortion, a young mother may be completely deprived of the opportunity to have children in the future.

In this case, it is desirable that the mother conduct such a dialogue with her daughter, and the father with his son. It is important to choose the right time for such a conversation, as well as its style. Communication on such topics should happen casually, unobtrusively. It is very important that there is a dialogue that does not turn into reading notations. You can recall incidents from your own life, or from the lives of people well known to both you and your child. Pay attention to which conversations arouse true interest in your child, and which, on the contrary, are boring and uninteresting for him. In the future, when once again raising the issue of procreation, communicate with the child in exactly the form that arouses his greatest interest.

Video: how to explain to a child where babies come from?

The program “Mom’s School” is dedicated to highlighting such a sensitive issue - how to explain to a child where children come from? How to approach this issue delicately? Currently, there is an opinion that children need sex education. Is it so?

When you face the problem of explaining to your child where babies come from, try not to run away from it, but to approach your child’s sensitive issue as responsibly as possible. Although each age has its own characteristics of receiving information, and you still haven’t been able to finally figure out how to tell your child about pregnancy and birth as correctly as possible at the current stage of his perception of information - know one thing: it’s better to talk to him not quite correctly than not talk at all. Although intimate issues are the most difficult in communication between children and their parents, it is precisely such conversations that bring them closer together.


For a small child, parents know and can do everything. Therefore, of course, he goes to them with all questions. And this is very good, try to keep it going forever. So the child goes to his parents with a question about his birth. A simple child's question can puzzle parents. How to tell your child where babies come from?

No taboos

The first thing to do is to remove the taboo from the topic. This is what child psychologists advise. A child has the right to ask such tricky questions. In some families, parents avoid answering or strictly prohibit conversations on these topics. The child is forced to look for answers to his questions from others.

The baby begins to notice differences between the sexes at about three years of age. He begins to be interested in the difference between boys and girls, uncles and aunts. At this age, a child may also be interested in the question of having children; he begins to pester his parents with “inconvenient” questions, and you will be faced with the problem of how to tell your baby where children come from.

How and what to say

You need to talk about the differences between the sexes, the conception and birth of a child in a language that the child can understand, without overloading him with unnecessary details.

For a child under five years old, the answer that the child is growing in his mother’s tummy is quite enough.
As the child gets older, he will, of course, wonder how he mysteriously ended up in his mother’s tummy. Now we can tell you that dad gives mom a seed from which a child grows.

The answers must be clear to the child and truthful. Prepare in advance for this conversation.

Nowadays there are picture books on sale that tell the child in an accessible and understandable way how children are born. If you just can’t find the words to answer your child’s questions, then buy this book. Be sure to read it with your child so that you can clearly answer all his questions.

By adolescence, a child should know the anatomical and physiological features of gender differences and the birth of children.

7 Mistakes to Avoid

1. Refusal to answer.

Even if your child’s questions confuse you, you should not shy away from answering. Take a time out, think over your explanations, consult a psychologist or purchase a children's encyclopedia on the relevant topic. The child should not feel guilty and abandoned when left alone with his questions. His curiosity is completely natural and is associated with development, the need to understand the world and himself in this world.

You should not bombard your child with scientific terms and imagine the whole process as purely mechanical. There is not a word in medical reference books about feelings, desires, emotions, pleasure. Children do not expect such exhaustive, dry and complex explanations from you. The child needs to receive an answer in a simple and accessible form, formulated specifically for him, to hear your words, and not an impersonal text.

3. The child is enlightened by a parent of the opposite sex.

When a child asks questions about sex life, it will be better if a parent of the same sex answers them. If this is not possible, it can be some trusted person of his gender.

Why? When a child begins to realize his gender identity, then, as a rule, girls identify themselves with their mother, and boys with their father. This mechanism helps children in the future to correctly position themselves in society as a man or a woman. And a child, especially when he gets older, will find it much more convenient to address intimate questions to a parent of the same sex.

4. Do not explain anything if the child does not ask questions.

A child may not talk about sexual topics not because he is not interested. On the contrary, his interest may be too strong and disturbing, he may experience embarrassment, which prevents him from asking the questions that concern him.

Often a child does not ask questions when he feels that adults are unwilling to talk to him about such serious topics. It is important to remember that a child aged 3-5 years needs to be talked to about life, love and death.

5. Forcing events.

It is undesirable to tell a child about something that he is not yet ready to perceive and understand. You don't need to start talking about your sex life until you're two years old. This is an age for other questions, because the child is just beginning to navigate the world and human relationships.

6. Touch on too complex and serious topics.

When talking about the birth of a child, you should not describe the details and talk about the pain and difficulties associated with childbirth. There is no need to explain to your child what a caesarean section is. Also, there is no need to delve into what is associated with sexual intercourse: erection, positions, etc. It will be enough for your child to know that he was born because mom and dad fell in love with each other, and that the doctor helped his mother during childbirth.

7. Avoiding topics of sexual violence.

It is absolutely necessary to warn the child about possible dangers, of course, without terrible details and intimidation. The child should know that he should not go anywhere with strangers, even if they are kind to him and offer him candy. It is imperative to tell the baby that his body belongs only to him and no one has the right to touch it.

Tell your child that if someone touched him, it should not be a secret, and you should definitely tell your parents about it. Remember that the child should come to you with all questions and if you forbid him or do not answer, he will lose trust in you. The main thing is not to be afraid of such “difficult questions.”

A conversation with a child about how he was born sometimes catches parents before they are ready for it. Our ancestors invented several popular explanations, for example, “they found it in the cabbage” or “the stork brought it,” but such excuses are good only for the little ones, and even then not always. In the modern world, a child quickly becomes acquainted with information about sex education, and it is necessary to speak to him truthfully from the very beginning. How to explain to a child where babies come from? The question is complex, but let's try to figure it out.

Conversations with preschoolers

For the first time, the topic of gender relations and the birth of a child can be raised with a 3-4 year old child, when he himself asks about it. To correctly explain the essence of the issue, there is no need to go into anatomical details. Information must be adapted to preschool age, presenting the available information as clearly and childishly as possible.

For example, allegorical ideas that mom and dad had cells can help. The parents loved each other very much. When mom and dad hugged, the cells passed to each other, connected and turned into a small baby. At first he lived in his mother’s tummy, where his house was, and when he grew up, he came out through the door below.

For children 3-6 years old it will be quite enough. Sometimes a cartoon that presents the information in a similar way can help.

Junior school age: learn more

At school, a 7-10 year old child already learns much more about the world and man, and previous explanations cease to satisfy him. Pregnant women seen on the street and the birth of animals prompt broader thoughts. In such cases, parents need not to get lost, but be sure to talk with their children, adapting the information.

You can tell a 7-8 year old child that the human body consists of cells. When children grow up, they develop cells that can turn into little children. But for this it is necessary for father’s and mother’s cells to meet. If mom and dad love each other very much, the cells connect and a baby is created.

This time the cells can be given names: egg and sperm. For young children, these names are not yet associated with anything, and they perceive them completely normally.

When the baby grew up, he came out of the door at the bottom of his tummy. Sometimes children 7-8 years old ask their parents to show the places where the child came from. Of course, there is no need to do this, but it is worth explaining to the kids that these places are secret and cannot be shown to anyone. At the same time, mention that if any stranger asks the child to show or touch his “secret” place, he should run away and tell his parents about it. This way you will prevent pedophiles from attacking your child. Talk about the rules of communication between adults and children. But don’t give boring lectures: present information in an interesting way, in the form of a conversation, and only when the child himself is interested in learning something about the issue of childbirth.

If parents are embarrassed to touch on such topics themselves, there is a picture book, video or cartoon for children 7-8 years old that will help teach basic information in an adapted form. And only then you can discuss what you watched or read...

Talking to teenagers

After the age of 11, children already know a lot from television and biology lessons at school: the topic of sex cannot go unnoticed. Puberty begins, when it is important to correctly explain to children what the differences between the sexes are. It would be a good idea to talk about the fact of pregnancy and contraceptive methods. Parents should emphasize that the child should only be with adults who are ready to take responsibility for him.

Pictures on the topic

Information must be presented scientifically, with an explanation of the reasons for the processes occurring in the body. A book or educational video will help adults with this. It is best for parents of the same sex to talk about sex education: women with daughters, men with sons.

You should not avoid conversation and hope that all the necessary information will be provided by lessons at school. A child 11-16 years old will, of course, receive some information, but this is not enough for a complete adequate picture. A frank conversation with parents will help children feel more confident and build correct behavior with the opposite sex.

What benefits will help?

If you don't know how to explain to your child where babies come from, get help from a variety of sources. Today there is no shortage of sex education literature adapted for children. There are many videos, cartoons, and TV shows that can be found on the Internet.

  • Dumont Virginie “Where did I come from? Sexual encyclopedia for children 5-8 years old";
  • Pernilla Stalfelt “A Book of Love” (from 4 years old).

Adults can choose literature and video materials to suit their taste. The main thing is to make sure that the benefits are appropriate for the child’s age. Don't run away from conversations. Books are just a way to present information and a reason for discussion, and not a way to get rid of children who are confused by questions.



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