How to create a balanced diet. Sample menu for a week with a balanced diet

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A balanced diet is one that fully and in the correct proportion ensures that all nutrients enter the body: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. You need to eat with it in small portions and according to a regimen consisting of 4-5 meals. In addition, it must take into account the age and individual energy needs of each person.

Basic rules for a balanced diet

A balanced diet is one in which the daily ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is 1:1:4. To do this, you can imagine a plate divided into 3 equal parts: two of them should be filled with carbohydrates, and the rest should be equally divided between proteins and fats.

A balanced diet must be varied. It includes:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetables, legumes and greens;
  • fruits and berries;
  • all types of nuts;
  • low-fat and low-fat dairy products;
  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • porridge;
  • bran;
  • all types of tea, still water, compotes, fresh juices and smoothies.

By adhering to a balanced diet, it is necessary to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum and not smoke. In addition, you should not overuse salt and sugar when preparing food. Fried, fatty and very spicy foods can be eaten no more than once a week. Products can be boiled, stewed, baked in foil and steamed. Raw vegetables and fruits are healthier than cooked ones.

A balanced diet completely excludes fast food and sweet carbonated drinks. You also need to be careful with confectionery, baked goods, coffee, pickled and canned foods. It is better to give preference to dark chocolate. Spices and seasonings should be used sparingly.

All products in a balanced diet should be natural, pure, high quality and fresh. Long-term storage in the refrigerator destroys beneficial substances. It’s better to forget about mayonnaise, replacing it with vegetable oils and lemon juice.

The total daily amount of calories consumed with a balanced diet cannot exceed the established maximum normal limit for a particular age, gender and physical activity. Basically, this figure is in the range of 1200-2000 kcal. About 40-45% of this should come from breakfast.

In the two balanced nutrition options presented below, you are allowed to slightly change your diet based on your taste preferences. You can also compose it yourself, but at the same time observing all the rules and recommendations.

Sample menu of a balanced diet for a week for weight loss

  • Breakfast: a glass of fresh juice or water on an empty stomach, oatmeal in water with honey and chopped nuts, rye bread.
  • Lunch: steamed or stewed fish, unsweetened tea, boiled potatoes with herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed any non-starchy vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 90-110 g of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, green tea, hard-boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: any berries mashed with a spoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 40-60 g of boiled veal, vegetable soup, fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: any unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, half a ripe avocado.
  • Breakfast: a couple of grain breads or toast with low-fat cheese, tea with lemon balm, mint or ginger.
  • Second breakfast: large orange.
  • Lunch: 140-210 g of boiled chicken, steamed broccoli or asparagus, citrus juice.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: rye bread and vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast: a couple of grain breads, low-fat yogurt, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: dried fruits or berries grated with honey.
  • Lunch: tea with lemon, vegetable salad, 130-160 g of baked or boiled fish (preferably red).
  • Afternoon snack: 70 g cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast with fresh herbs.
  • Breakfast: green tea, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese, any porridge cooked in water with dried fruits.
  • Second breakfast: natural unsweetened yogurt.
  • Lunch: light soup or chicken broth, steamed vegetable sauté (zucchini, carrots, red peppers, herbs, eggplant, onions, etc.).
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: 140-160 g fish fillet or low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 90-110 g of boiled chicken, green tea, grain bread.
  • Second breakfast: medium apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with feta cheese, 140 g of pasta with tomato paste, tea with mint or fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: choice of grapefruit, orange, mango, peach.
  • Dinner: fermented baked milk and a protein shake or unsweetened drinking yogurt.
  • Breakfast: muesli, apple, water or fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: any mixture of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Lunch: 140-160 g of lean meat, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, still water.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  • Dinner: bean and red pepper salad.

The presented version of the balanced nutrition menu will help you gradually lose excess weight, while providing the body with all the beneficial substances it needs. In addition to these products, it is very important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (still) daily.

An approximate menu of a balanced diet for a week to maintain weight at the same level

  • Breakfast: tea and cottage cheese with any dried fruits.
  • Second breakfast: natural drinking yogurt and a large orange.
  • Lunch: buckwheat with lean boiled meat, vegetable salad (preferably with flaxseed oil), a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of almonds and pomegranate juice.
  • Dinner: any stewed vegetables (at least 3 types).
  • Breakfast: 2-4 slices of cheese, herbal tea, any porridge with honey and grated fruits or berries.
  • Second breakfast: large apple and walnuts.
  • Lunch: soup with meat broth, steamed or baked fish, a slice of yeast-free bread.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: Greek salad or salad of any fresh vegetables, boiled chicken.
  • Breakfast: toast, 2 egg omelet, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: ripe avocado.
  • Lunch: spaghetti with herbs and sauce, mushroom soup.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: a portion of stewed or boiled meat with vinaigrette.

4th day of balanced nutrition

  • Breakfast: tea, curd cheese, muesli with milk.
  • Second breakfast: maximum a couple of glasses of any berries.
  • Lunch: lasagna or paella, spinach cream soup.
  • Afternoon snack: unsweetened drinking yoghurt.
  • Dinner: salmon baked in foil with herbs.
  • Breakfast: tea with lemon, oatmeal with honey and chopped almonds.
  • Second breakfast: smoothie.
  • Lunch: boiled or stewed potatoes with carrots and herbs, chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: a couple of slices of bran bread, seaweed and seafood salad.
  • Breakfast: a couple of toasts with low-fat cheese, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: ripe large pomegranate.
  • Lunch: boiled beans with lean boiled meat.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruits.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.
  • Breakfast: milk and buckwheat porridge.
  • Second breakfast: a handful of hazelnuts.
  • Lunch: tomato, vegetable soup, boiled fish or meat, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: large grapefruit.
  • Dinner: any fresh juice and carrot casserole.

In addition to the above, you must add at least 1.5 liters of clean still water to your daily balanced diet for a week.

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A balanced nutrition system is one of the few that does not require significant effort and restrictions. The main principle is to create a clear schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner and consume exclusively energy-rich and nutritious foods.

The concept of “energy value of food” refers to healthy calories (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other important enzymes), which, after absorption, give the body the necessary energy for normal functioning. A balanced nutrition system not only improves overall health, but also significantly contributes to losing weight or maintaining a normal weight.

Balanced menu

When creating a balanced nutrition menu, there are four main factors to consider:

The menu should include the most healthy nutritious foods that contain all the necessary substances for the fruitful functioning of the whole body. If there is a lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates or vitamins, this can lead to rashes, dry skin, brittleness, weakness of hair and nails, malfunction of internal organs, etc. Therefore, you need to carefully select products. Labels, boxes, as well as special tables of caloric content and energy value of various foods can tell you about their nutritional value.

The essence of creating a balanced menu lies not only in the quantity of food, but also in its quality. You need to evaluate foods based on the density of various nutrients they contain, that is, how much benefit you can get from each calorie. This is why it is advisable to select foods with a high level of density for the diet. When getting rid of excess weight, it is worth enriching your menu with vegetables and fruits.

The most suitable foods for a balanced diet are various cereals, salads, vegetable dishes, fruits, lean meat and fish, low-fat dairy products, nuts, beans, and corn. When eating food, you need to monitor the calorie content of foods, since some can be eaten more, while others require less due to their high calorie content. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up, for example, wine or chocolate; you just need to consume less healthy foods in moderate or limited quantities.

The daily intake of nutrients should generally be in the following ratio:

Proteins – about 15%
fats – 20 - 25%
carbohydrates – 60 - 65%

Equally important for a balanced diet is drinking fluid in a certain amount, because water helps tone the skin, remove toxins from the body, and also reduces the risk of heart disease. It is recommended that an adult drink an average of 1.5-2 liters of plain water per day to avoid dehydration. When preparing your daily diet, it is worth remembering the calorie content of tea, coffee, juice or sweet water.

It is advisable, while maintaining a balanced diet, to drink about 1.7 liters of milk every week, but low-fat. It is preferable to consume calcium-rich milk. To maintain your moisture balance, you can drink, in addition to regular water, mineral water, green tea and various juices that do not contain sugar - but all these drinks must be taken into account when calculating your total daily calorie intake.

Meal time

The effectiveness of a balanced diet also depends on your meal schedule. The main key to success is to accustom yourself to divide your diet into three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. In this case, you need to schedule the menu so that the morning and afternoon meals contain more calories, and the evening meals contain as few as possible. Since the human body works more actively during the day, the resulting substances can be successfully absorbed and consumed, and at night the person rests, therefore all systems must also be kept calm, thus allowing the body to organize them without difficulty. It is advisable to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Physical exercise

Calorie intake rates directly depend on the level of physical activity (low, moderate and high). That is, a balanced diet is closely related to the activity of the body, so you need to consume valuable calories in moderation and spend more of them.

Energy consumption, as well as the energy value of the product, is measured in calories. You need to start from the figure of 1200 kcal, since this is the minimum that is necessary for the body’s basic expenses and maintaining normal life. Therefore, the more a person moves, the more calories will be needed.

Basic rules for a balanced diet

  1. 1 With a balanced diet, you should consume as many calories as your body can burn per day.
  2. 2 You need to eat well. That is, the approximate ratio of nutrients is 1:1:4, where the first two indicators are proteins and fats, and the last one is carbohydrates.
  3. 3 It is worth constantly changing the components of the diet, diversifying it, because in this way a shortage of different types of nutrients is avoided.
  4. 4 When losing weight, you should monitor weight fluctuations and consume a minimum amount of calories. If your weight has returned to normal, then you can allow yourself to fully and variedly enjoy the benefits of a balanced diet.
  5. 5 A balanced diet is based on three traditional meals, but small snacks are also allowed between breakfast and lunch, as well as lunch and dinner. Light additional meals will not hurt, but on the contrary will contribute to weight loss, if you do not go beyond the established daily calorie intake.
  6. 6 Indigestible dietary fiber, which is called fiber, significantly contributes to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also cleanses it. These fibers are found in cereals, legumes, vegetables, whole grain products, fruits and berries.
  7. 7 Although fat is necessary for the body, its amounts should be kept to a minimum. Eating large amounts of fat daily can lead to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. In a balanced diet, fried foods should be replaced with baked or boiled ones.
  8. 8 It is advisable to give up sugar to promote weight loss. Sweets can be replaced with fruits, and overall well-being, appearance and overall health will improve.
  9. 9 Consuming too much salt can lead to hypertension because table salt is a source of sodium. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in the diet. It is also preferable to use iodized salt.
  10. 10 Of course, in most cases it is difficult for an adult to give up drinking alcoholic beverages. But it’s worth limiting the amount you consume and not making alcohol a permanent part of your daily diet. In addition to the fact that alcohol contains calories, it stimulates appetite receptors, which will lead to a disruption of the balanced nutrition system.

Only a few people who lose weight through diets achieve their goals. Moreover, half of them, after switching to a regular diet, gain the ill-fated kilograms again, and even in even greater quantities. For some, weight loss results in poor health and health problems. However, all these complications can be avoided if you use a balanced diet rather than diets. Moreover, figuring it out is not as difficult as it might seem at first.

What it is

A balanced diet is a diet based on the optimal balance of substances necessary for normal growth, development and functioning of the body. At the same time, the daily need for energy is fully satisfied, the correct proportions of BJU are observed, and saturation with vitamins and microelements occurs. This allows you to maintain normal weight at any age.

With an increased BMI (read what it is and how to determine the norm and deviations taking into account age), nutritionists and doctors advise not to go on a diet, but to use a balanced diet, which will allow you to lose weight without harm to your health and without regaining lost kilograms in the future.

The weight loss process starts thanks to a significant reduction in fat in the diet, a decrease in simple carbohydrates, proper redistribution of dietary fat, and adherence to a meal schedule. As a result, metabolism is normalized and accelerated, the body stops storing reserves, and digestion improves. In a week, no more than 1 kg is lost, but these are the indicators that are considered optimal for losing weight without harm to health.

The theory of balanced nutrition

It was formulated at the end of the 19th century. A great contribution to its development was made by I.P. Pavlov, who described in detail the physiology of the digestive system. According to it, eating is a way to maintain a single and constant molecular balance in the body. Any expenses must be offset by new food receipts.

A daily intake of vital substances, expressed in quantitative terms, was established. They are influenced by physiological characteristics (age and gender), physical activity, climatic conditions and other factors. Over more than 100 years of the theory's existence, these data have been revised several times.

At the moment, the statement of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A. A. Pokrovsky is relevant, who defined proper balanced nutrition as the optimal balance of all food components that maximally satisfy the physiological needs of the body. Moreover, this applies not only to beneficial nutrients, but also to those wastes that are filtered and eliminated by the liver and kidneys.

The daily requirement of an adult for substances and energy, according to the theory of balanced nutrition, is presented in the table below.

Most diets cannot provide a person losing weight with this daily requirement. The result is health problems and rapid weight gain at the end.


1. Rational balanced diet

Takes into account the food characteristics of different human populations in accordance with their geographical location. For example, for northern peoples it involves an emphasis on meat and fish, and for African tribes - on fruits and vegetables. For the former, the amount of fat consumed automatically increases, while for the latter, a protein minimum is characteristic. Therefore, a plant-based diet for a Nanai (for example) will be not only useless, but also harmful. This factor must be taken into account when creating a diet for weight loss.

2. Functional balanced nutrition

This is food with a healing effect, something like dietary supplements, but with a different status. As a rule, it undergoes long-term clinical trials and is supported by appropriate documentation. It is created on the basis of natural ingredients and is as close as possible to the products that nature offers. It can replace any meal. In particular, the most prominent representative in this niche is a brand that offers “smart” food for weight loss.


The most important concept in the theory of balanced nutrition is the BJU ratio, i.e. in what proportion proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in a person’s daily diet. The classical concept sets the norm at 1/1.2/4, although the second digit has recently been increasingly rounded to one. Other formulas are also suggested:

  • 4/2/4 - experimental proportion, not yet scientifically confirmed;
  • 2/1/2 - for knowledge workers;
  • 2/2/5 - during intense physical activity;
  • 5/1/2 - universal formula for weight loss;
  • 2.2/2/4.5 - for women;
  • 3/2/5 - for men.

Using the formulas for calculating the daily ratio of BJU for your parameters, you can create a diet for weight loss without any harm to health.

Example. If we use the Mifflin-San Geor formula, for a 30-year-old man with a height of 180 cm, a weight of 90 kg and moderate activity, the optimal BJU ratio is 120/35.6/200 (in grams). You can see more detailed calculations of how these numbers turned out, and also find out how to balance your diet to lose weight.

The uniqueness of such nutrition is that absolutely everyone can practice it - both children and the elderly. Diets in most cases are contraindicated before 18 and after 55 years. For example, a teenage boy who is overweight will have to increase his protein intake and slightly limit carbohydrates. And for a woman after 60 years of age, when the problem of excess body weight should no longer be a problem, and the priority should only be maintaining health and prolonging life, it is necessary to observe the classical proportion (taking into account existing diseases and doctor’s recommendations).

The variety of proportions indicates the mobility of this theory. It also has another valuable property. As energy sources, BZhU are interchangeable for a short time.

Example. Normally, carbohydrates should be about 60 g for every 100 g of food, and proteins and fats should be about 20 g each. When deciding to lose weight with the help of some kind of diet (let’s take this as an example), for some time you can upset this balance without harm to your health. body, taking into account the interchangeability of these substances. With a daily calorie content of 1,500 kcal, the ratio can be redistributed as follows:

Proteins should make up the majority of the diet to preserve muscle mass and maintain carbohydrate metabolism. However, from the point of view of proper nutrition, such a balance is considered seriously disturbed and cannot last too long, otherwise at some point neither proteins nor fats will be able to cover the lack of carbohydrates, a lack of energy will appear, which will negatively affect not only the process of losing weight, but and to your health.

For this reason, a healthy, balanced diet excludes dieting as a way to lose weight. According to this theory, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie intake and reduce the amount of food consumed, but not to violate the BJU ratio.

Basic principles

To create a balanced diet for weight loss, you need to follow certain rules.

BJU ratio

  • 20% of daily calories;
  • 60% of them are of animal origin, 40% are of plant origin.
  • 20% of daily calories;
  • 60% of them are of plant origin, 40% are of animal origin (better - easily digestible, found in fish and seafood).


  • 60% of daily calories;
  • 95% of them are complex, 5% are simple (you can read about the differences in).


  • Breakfast (40% of daily calories): proteins, simple and complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (5%): proteins or complex carbohydrates.
  • Lunch (30%): soup, protein with vegetable side dish, fruit drinks.
  • Afternoon snack (5%): proteins or complex carbohydrates.
  • Dinner (20%): easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates.


  1. A balanced diet involves 5-6 meals in small portions.
  2. Under normal conditions, drink at least 2 liters of water. During active sports and in the heat - up to 3 liters.
  3. The day starts with a glass of warm water. You need to drink it before each meal (about half an hour before).
  4. You should not drink solid food with drinks. They are allowed to be consumed no earlier than half an hour later.
  5. Limit daily salt intake to 7 g.
  6. Don't overeat before bed. Have dinner about 3 hours before.
  7. Limit your diet and, over time, completely eliminate unhealthy foods such as sweets, baked goods, fast food, chips, sauces, processed foods, and meat by-products.
  8. Remove frying from your cooking methods.
  9. To lose weight, it is enough to reduce your daily calorie intake, but not eliminate any of the BJU components from your diet.

If you are planning to lose weight without harm to your health and want to achieve lasting results, you will have to follow these basics of a balanced diet.

The first balanced nutrition pyramid was developed by American nutritionists at Harvard School in 1992. In 2007, it was improved, received the status of a state program and was named MyPyramid.

Balanced nutrition pyramid

I stage(base of the pyramid)

For all:

  • complex carbohydrates: bread, pasta, cereals, rice;
  • vegetable fats: rapeseed, corn and sunflower oils;
  • oranges, watermelon, beets.

For those who play sports and lose weight:

  • wholemeal bread, unpolished rice, durum wheat pasta, buckwheat, pearl barley;
  • vegetable fats: olive, flaxseed oils;
  • tomatoes, bananas, apples.

Consumed at every meal.

II stage:

  • vegetable proteins: legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • animal proteins: meat, eggs, fish, seafood.

Used twice a day.

III stage:

  • dairy products.

Use once a day.

IV stage(top of the pyramid):

  • animal fats: red meat, butter, margarine;
  • sweets: sugar, creams, sparkling water;
  • bakery;
  • alcohol.

Their use should be limited to a minimum.

Products for a balanced diet


  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • greenery;
  • oats, millet;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes;
  • kiwi, apples, tangerines, plums;
  • nuts;
  • bread;
  • cranberry, cherry.
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products.



  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • beef, rabbit;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • eggs;
  • milk.


  • nuts;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • fruits;
  • mushrooms.



  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • oily vegetables and fruits;
  • Cold pressed oils: olive, linseed.


  • fish;
  • fish fat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

Sample menu for the week


Breakfast: baked cheesecakes

  • 200 g 3% cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 4 dates;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 50 g peeled flour.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and mix it with semolina. Beat in the egg. Knead the resulting dough. Wash, pit and finely chop the dates. Pour into the main mass. Add melted honey. Mix everything thoroughly, form thickened small cakes, roll in flour. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place cheesecakes on it. Bake at 180°C for half an hour.

First for lunch: green cream soup

  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 100 g celery stalks;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • greenery.

Peel and cut vegetables into small pieces. Boil until ready. Drain off the water in which they were boiled. Pour in a new one and bring to a boil. Add cheeses. Keep on moderate heat for another 5 minutes. Cool and blend in a blender. Sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

Recipes for the lowest-calorie and delicious soups for quick and effective weight loss can be found.

Second for lunch: vegetable stew with fish

  • 200 g cod (you can take any fish of your choice);
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • 100 g bell pepper;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 150 g cauliflower;
  • 50 ml tomato paste;
  • water (“by eye” to cover the vegetables).

Grate carrots on a coarse grater, zucchini and peppers into cubes, cabbage into small slices. Place all the vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan, add water, boil for about 15 minutes. Cut the cod fillet into arbitrary pieces and add to the stew. Keep covered over moderate heat for about 40 minutes. Shortly before turning off, add the paste.

Dinner: omelette with vegetables

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 50 ml 3% milk.

Cut the tomato into slices, the pepper into strips, and the onion into half rings. Place on a greased baking sheet. Beat eggs with milk. Pour them over the vegetables. Simmer in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.

Before choosing, try to organize a balanced diet and evaluate the benefits. Health benefits, sustainable weight loss and a varied diet - all this will allow you to feel great and look your best.

Nutritionists and doctors have said a lot about the importance of proper balanced nutrition. For most, the phrase “proper nutrition” sounds scary because of the pictures that come to mind: steamed cutlets, Lilliputian portion sizes, fresh vegetables...

“Eh!”, we sigh heavily, “goodbye, delicious food!” Is the situation really that dire?

Will a balanced diet have to forever be labeled as “tasteless”? Is it really impossible to put it on an equal footing on the scale of “deliciousness” alongside a diet that includes French fries, cream pies and sweet juices?

Let's figure it out.

The theoretical side of a balanced diet

A healthy lifestyle, calls to follow from everywhere, includes not only giving up bad habits, physical activity, positive thinking, but also a balanced diet. The statement: “Our health is in our hands” is not without meaning, because a person’s lifestyle makes it 50% more likely that he will go to the hospital for help from qualified specialists.

As they say, rely on medicine, heredity and ecology, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

If we talk about a balanced diet in general, then the following “golden rules” or principles of this, without a doubt, worldview should be highlighted:

  1. Water is the source of life, so its daily consumption in an amount of 1.5 liters is not just another problem for those losing weight, but a necessity.
  2. Proteins and minerals act as the building materials of cells and tissues of living organisms: their inclusion in the diet is mandatory.
  3. Fats and carbohydrates help the human body not to faint from a lack of strength and energy: in order to complete the next approach in the gym, you should eat.
  4. Vitamins and microelements are responsible for metabolism.

This is what information looks like, slowly leading to the essence of the theory of a balanced diet: including a certain amount of all types of nutrients in the daily menu.

Nutrition pyramid

A pyramid divided into sections with products helps to visually represent a balanced diet. Moving from the base to the top, you can get acquainted with the foods that should be consumed in or out of priorities.

The basis of the pyramid of proper balanced nutrition is cereals or grain foods. Cereals, bran or grain bakery products and pasta.

The beneficial plant fibers, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates contained in cereals make them indispensable elements of proper nutrition. The daily norm is within 200 grams.

A step higher are fruits and vegetables. The second components of the pyramid include vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant fiber.

The fruit or vegetable part on the plate should make up about 50% of its area. For fruits and vegetables, there is an approximate daily limit of 4.5 cups.

The third position from the bottom is occupied by products of animal origin. Meat, dairy and seafood contain protein, without which human existence for long periods is impossible.

Legumes, nuts, and seeds come to the aid of vegetarians.

The top of the pyramid includes all “negative” foods, the consumption of which must be minimized with proper nutrition. They represent fatty, sweet and salty foods, alcohol.

A rational, balanced diet consists of 3-4 meals, the intervals between which should not exceed four hours (except for sleep). With three meals a day, breakfast makes up about 30% of the total calories, lunch - up to 50%, and dinner - 20%.

A quarter of a percent of the daily calorie intake is given to breakfast with four meals a day, about 15% to lunch, about 45% to daytime meals and about 15% to evening meals.

The components of the dinner plate should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Meat, fish, beans, hot spices, caffeine and chocolate, as the main stimulants of the nervous system, should be put aside for tomorrow.

Diet and balanced nutrition: differences

A balanced diet, even for the purpose of losing weight, is not a diet. Of course, the effect of the diet allows people from all over the world to lose extra pounds in a matter of time, but have they thought about the consequences...

The dangers that warn the human body when leaving most diets are eliminated with proper nutrition. A balanced diet is a lifestyle in which a person does not experience stress on the way to achieving the goal of a healthy and strong body.

A feature of diets is the restriction in the consumption of certain substances: proteins, fats or carbohydrates. As a result of the shock experienced by the body, a sharp decrease in weight occurs, which, upon restoration of the usual diet, returns as quickly as it went away.

Meanwhile, the principle of proper nutrition is to provide the body with all the elements necessary for healthy functioning. The main thing is to maintain balance and adhere to proportions.

You can learn about the basics of a balanced diet from the video.

How to switch to proper nutrition

A clean, balanced diet is impossible without tracking the quantity, energy value and nutritional value of food (in other words, subtracting calories), the quality and regularity of food intake, calculating the fluid consumed and energy expended.


Variations of meals according to proper nutrition

We bring to your attention 5 menu options for each meal, which can be distributed throughout the week!

So, for breakfast with a balanced diet, eat:

  • oatmeal with honey, nuts, fruits;
  • dietary pancakes made from chopped banana and chicken egg;
  • low-fat cottage cheese combined with herbs and cucumber;
  • omelette made from chicken eggs, tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms;
  • muesli with dried fruits, seasoned with yogurt.

Feel free to dilute your morning meals with glasses of freshly squeezed juice, tea or coffee without adding sweeteners.

When proper nutrition and lunch are combined, the following variations are obtained:

  • baked potatoes complemented with vegetable salad;
  • brown rice seasoned with steamed vegetables;
  • chicken fillet accompanied with white cabbage salad;
  • boiled beef with beans stewed with vegetables;
  • steamed vegetables and fish;

Drink a glass of tea or water 10-15 minutes before eating: this way you will reduce your appetite and, accordingly, the amount of food absorbed.

Complete your gastronomic routine with options:

  • vegetable salad with red onion and cheese;
  • boiled lean meat with fresh herbs;
  • buckwheat + fruit;
  • assorted fruits and nuts;
  • mix of vegetables, fruit.

Have snacks in between main meals. Depending on hunger, for lunch or afternoon snack, according to the rules of a balanced diet, they eat fruits, bars, cottage cheese, and dried bread.

Balanced menu for vegetarians

Vegetarianism is divided into several additional movements that allow or prohibit the consumption of dairy products and eggs.

Strict vegetarianism, which involves compiling a menu of food exclusively of plant origin, is called veganism and requires considerable attention: if you miss the slightest mineral, vitamin or type of protein, a vegetarian can die or develop a wide range of health problems.

Therefore, the process of creating a vegetarian menu must be approached wisely and responsibly.

Breakfast options for vegetarians:

  • boiled buckwheat with fried onion and carrots;
  • a mixture of barley and barley porridge, jam;
  • oatmeal/flakes with added fruit;
  • semolina and banana;
  • cheese pancakes coated with jam;

For lunch ideas, non-animal eaters might consider:

  • vegetable soup, carrot and nut salad;
  • stewed beans with vegetables, cabbage salad;
  • cheese and vegetable soup;
  • cucumber salad with added herbs, pea or chickpea soup;
  • seaweed in addition to mushroom soup.

An evening meal according to a vegetarian menu may consist of:

Are you planning to switch to vegan food? Start by gradually giving up meat, then dairy products and eggs.

How to lose weight with a balanced diet

Lose weight without hunger - this is how proper nutrition works. No harm to health!

Only saturation with vitality, inspiration and energy.

Slimming with the help of a balanced diet for weight loss will be more effective if you include more vegetables with fat-burning properties in your diet: turnips, cabbage, carrots, corn.

The fact is that the difficulties that the body encounters when digesting these gastronomic fat burners force it to spend more energy than it receives.

It is important to focus on fresh vegetables with a fibrous structure (peppers, zucchini) and greens. Completely exclude sweets, flour and fried foods.

Put a taboo on semi-finished products and products of the meat processing industry.

In addition to the new diet, include physical activity: losing weight according to the “workout + proper nutrition” scheme is considered the most optimal and harmless to health. The main thing is to choose your favorite sport (hiking, cycling, tennis, dancing) and practice regularly, adhering to the rule: physical activity several hours before meals.

Use video tutorials, mobile workout apps, or visual exercise photos online. Sign up for a fitness club that has opened nearby and stay active.

In order to create a balanced menu for weight loss, stick to the previously listed variations of dishes and do not forget about the “golden truths”.

Through the mouth of the people...

Proper nutrition is a panacea for excess weight. I went into hibernation as a plump bear cub, and in the spring I woke up as a charming little inch, and all thanks to what? Of course, proper nutrition. Minus thirteen kilograms in three months.

- Valeria, 31 years old

Personally, I have never had problems with excess weight, but I have had problems with my skin. It was always a shame that a 20-year-old girl like me couldn’t get rid of the unfortunate acne on her face. Supplements, masks, scrubs - nothing helped. But as soon as I set about changing my, literally, inner world, everything went away. After just a few months I was able to give up foundation, concealer, etc.

- Tatyana, 25 years old

You can learn about a balanced diet from a vegetarian’s point of view from the video.

In fact, a balanced diet is simple and accessible nutritional recommendations for every person. The basis of a balanced menu is proper breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of healthy dishes and products that contain proportional amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. After all, a properly formulated diet charges you with energy for the whole day, gives you self-confidence and improves your mood. A balanced diet allows you to control weight and prevents the deposition of excess subcutaneous fat.

Your menu should include healthy foods that contain vitamins, complex carbohydrates, animal proteins, and unsaturated fats. Healthy foods on your menu will allow your body to function well. Hair, nails, bones, skin, internal organs will be healthy thanks to a balanced diet. Treat the process of choosing products very carefully and responsibly. Look at the expiration date on the packages and boxes, as well as the food storage conditions. Pay attention to the protein, fat and carbohydrate content, as well as calorie content.

It is necessary to evaluate products not only by calorie content, but also by how much they contain of certain useful substances. Quality is always more important than quantity. You need to eat right all week, of course you can make 1 day for yourself as an exception and eat food that you love, but it is not healthy, but only 1 time a week, remember, no more. To help your stomach and control your weight, add vegetables and fruits to your weekly menu. Limit the quantity of fruits, approximately 10-14 fruits per week, but an unlimited amount of vegetables per week, because they contain fiber and other useful substances.

A balanced diet includes the following foods. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, egg whites, chicken fillet, fish, seafood, vegetables, salads, lean meat, wholemeal bread, low-fat dairy products 0.5%, nuts, legumes. Watch your caloric intake in your daily menu. For men and women who lead a normal lifestyle, you need to multiply your weight by 25-30 and you will get the approximate number of calories per day to maintain normal weight. For example, your weight is 55 kg, which means you need to consume 1375-1650 Kcal per day to maintain weight and feel good throughout the day. Everything is individual, if you have an active lifestyle, then it may be worth increasing the number of calories in your menu, but it happens that according to the formula above, you have a lot of calories and you start to gain weight, then feel free to cut the calorie content of your diet and look at your changes in the mirror.

The daily intake of menu components is as follows:

  • Proteins – 15-20%
  • Fats – 15-25%
  • Carbohydrates – 50-60%

If you play sports or lead an active lifestyle, then the protein ratio is about 30-40% of daily calories.

A balanced diet is not only about food, but also about drinks. Men and women need water every day, the norm is 1-2 liters, depending on the intensity of the day. Clean water has a beneficial effect on the skin, removes toxins from the body, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Avoid dehydration. After all, we consist on average of 60% water, surprising but true. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the correct balance of water in the body. It is advisable to reduce carbonated drinks, coffee, strong and sweet tea in your menu.

It is necessary to train the biological clock in our body to eat at the same time, every day, week after week. Then gastric juice will be produced at the right time, in the right quantity. The entire menu should be divided into 3-4 meals. Tomorrow, lunch, dinner - must be hearty, in no case is it tea and a bun. A full breakfast provides you with energy early in the morning. Work and study are better for you, and your mood immediately lifts when you are well-fed. It is advisable to eat every 3-5 hours, depending on your time capabilities. To work, you can take containers with food that you prepared at home, this way you will provide your body with a nutritious lunch and save money on a cafe. In the first half of the day, try to consume 70% of your daily food intake, and in the second half of the day, 30%. After all, during the day you move more and burn calories more actively, and in the evening, as a rule, many men and women spend at home and move less actively and burn fewer calories. Have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. At night, the stomach should rest, and not digest food and store it in fats. Try to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger so as not to gain extra pounds.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast - omelet of 2-3 eggs, 1 glass of milk 0.5% fat with oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch – rice with lean meat, vegetable salad, tea with lemon without sugar.
  • Dinner – vegetable stew with steamed fish, vinaigrette, jelly.
  • Breakfast – oatmeal with fruit, 2% fat cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, juice.
  • Lunch – durum pasta with chicken fillet, cucumber, tomato, tea.
  • Dinner – Baked fish, vegetable salad, fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Breakfast – toast, low-fat cheese, 0.5% milk.
  • Lunch – pearl barley porridge with lean meat, banana or apple, vegetable juice.
  • Dinner – carrot casserole, grapefruit,
  • Breakfast – Cottage cheese 2% with raisins and pieces of fruit, milk 0.5%.
  • Lunch – Buckwheat with lean meat, vegetable salad, green tea with lemon.
  • Dinner – Stewed vegetables, fish fillet, jelly.
  • Breakfast - oatmeal with pieces of fruit and honey, a couple of pieces of cheese, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch – stewed potatoes with meat, cucumber, tomato, vegetable or fruit juice.
  • Dinner – beans with fish, vegetable stew, tea without sugar.
  • Breakfast – muesli with 0.5% milk, low-fat yogurt, juice.
  • Lunch – borscht with herbs, steamed fish fillet, bran bread.
  • Dinner – vegetables (cucumber, tomato, radish, carrot), chicken soup, compote.


  • Breakfast – buckwheat porridge with 0.5% milk, 1 glass of milk with oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch – steamed fish, rice, vegetables, tea with lemon.
  • Dinner – vinaigrette, mushroom soup with bran bread, compote.

We remind you that before eating, drink 200 ml of water 10-15 minutes before eating, and have snacks of fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, vegetable juice and other light foods, 1 or 2 times a day, between main meals.

A balanced diet is an excellent solution for health and a great figure.


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