How to create a fast-growing perennial hedge in your country house? Living hedge: what is best to make from - features of plant varieties, photos and videos Plants for a living fence.

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If you decide to make such a decoration in your yard, then you need to decide on the purpose of the fence, its location relative to the sun and other factors, as well as its shape. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is one that needs to be shaped, cut and adjusted to certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of plant that will ideally cope with all your requirements.

Viburnum-leaved bladderwort

This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to quickly green up their area. resistant to diseases, tolerates frosty winters well and, most importantly, these hedge plants are fast-growing. grows in all directions at once. Its branches are densely covered with foliage, which looks similar to maple leaves, as well as currants and viburnum. The leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. The plant blooms at the end of June and beginning of July. Its inflorescences are umbrellas of many small flowers that densely fill the already dense branches.

Did you know? In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm.

The shape of the crown can be formed independently or allowed to grow in all directions. Standard bush has round shape. Some landscape designers create fountains or square, low fences. The height of the bush and its width are up to 3 meters.
The plant should be pruned regularly, ridding it of inward growing, dry and diseased branches.

The best time for this is the end of autumn or the beginning of spring, when severe frosts have already subsided. It is important to do this at a time when the juices on the branches have not yet reached their usual speed during the warm season. Then you won't damage your plant. It is preferable to create a bush shape in the spring.
It is worth noting the variety of varieties. They are radically different from each other due to foliage color. She may be:

  • purple color, which can change to red in the autumn ("Diabolo", "Little Devil", "Coppertina");
  • yellow with a golden tint (“Darts Gold”, “Luteus”);
  • the sheet has two colors at once: gold and burgundy (“Center Glow”).

There is also a dwarf variety "Nana", which is painted in a rich green color and decorated with bright white flowers.


  • European and Giralda are distinguished by the highest resistance to frost;
  • the greenest one has the largest flowers, but does not tolerate winter well and is suitable for the southern regions;
  • oval-leaved;
  • drooping;
  • the middle one overwinters without loss.

Important! Fertilizers are important for forcysia: organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. And also pruning, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" is a spherical bush no higher than 30 cm with bright green leaves that turn yellow-orange by autumn;
  • “Baguette” is round in shape, no higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which turn brown when growing in the sun, and green in the shade;
  • "Admiration" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has unique foliage, which is purple inside and has a light border at the edges;
  • "Speshal Gold" - a thick golden crown that turns pink in the fall;
  • "Atropurpurea Nana" is a purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, 1 m wide;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow higher than 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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A worthy alternative to heavy concrete and metal fences today is a much more environmentally friendly hedge, which perfectly copes with all the functions of a fence and at the same time serves as a decoration for the site. Let's consider how you can make a perennial fast-growing hedge yourself: what type of evergreen plants is best to use and how to properly care for them.

The main advantage of using green spaces instead of traditional fences is their appearance. Lush greenery will certainly please the eye, and at the same time protect your area from dust from the road. Moreover, the bushes will actively produce oxygen, which is also an important argument in favor of this choice.

Here are some more benefits of hedges:

  • fencing made of shrubs does an excellent job of camouflaging, thanks to its fairly high density;
  • during the period of flower pollination, the hedge serves as a bait for beneficial insects;
  • you won’t have to wait too long to create a full-fledged hedge from fast-growing plants;
  • thorny bushes for hedges make it possible to create impenetrable fences for humans and animals;
  • there is quite a wide variety of existing perennial garden shrubs that bloom all summer. Photos and names contained in the catalogs allow you to choose an option that will decorate the site throughout the warm season.

It is important to understand that the care of such a fence will be quite specific due to the fact that the plants require care: cutting, fertilizing, and sometimes watering. However, if you consider that a traditional fence also requires attention and periodically you will have to paint and repair it, we can say that the effort and time required are almost the same.

Do-it-yourself hedge at the dacha: what plants can be used

Many different plants are used to create a hedge. Sometimes you can find options that use small trees. The choice largely depends on your financial capabilities, as well as individual preferences. Let's consider two main groups into which all plants used for this purpose are divided.

Coniferous plants. Due to their ability to always remain green, these bushes are very popular among those who want to make a hedge. It is important to note here that only decorative varieties are suitable for this purpose. It is also worth taking into account the growing characteristics of each species: some conifers grow better in shaded conditions, while other species prefer sunny places.

Helpful advice! It is not recommended to plant coniferous plants if your site is dominated by clay soil or groundwater is located close to the surface. In addition, it is worth maintaining a certain distance between the bushes: 25-55 cm.

The second group of plants – deciduous – offers much greater diversity. Due to their high growth rate, already in the first year after planting they will reach a sufficient height to fully serve as a hedge.

In the process of caring for a fence made of deciduous plants, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • green spaces of this type can develop in completely different ways, so during the growth process it is worth paying attention to their formation;
  • if you use climbing plants, then you should take care that your own and neighbors’ beds do not suffer from them;
  • you can plant fruit-bearing varieties of shrubs or trees;
  • planting bushes with thorns and thorns can provide you with additional protection from strangers entering the area.

When making a choice, it is worth taking into account many available factors, including climate, soil type and topography of the site. It is also better to ask in advance how the plants you choose get along with each other.

Trees and shrubs for hedges: photos and names of fast-growing plants

In order to make the right choice, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with all the existing options. It is enough to get a general idea of ​​the requirements of a particular plant, and you can easily determine the most suitable one.

We will mainly consider those options that are relevant in the Moscow region. The fast-growing hedge plants on this list are quite capable of surviving in the local climate.

Barberry: planting and caring for shrubs

It is preferable to plant barberry shrubs in the spring, but in rare cases, autumn planting is also allowed. A barberry hedge is extremely unpretentious and requires minimal care. Not afraid of wind and drafts. The only undesirable factor for barberry is the increased acidity of the soil.

The instructions for caring for barberry bushes are universal for absolutely all varieties and types. During normal times, the plant does not require additional watering, but during periods of excessive heat or drought, you can moisten the soil once a week. It is important to try to avoid getting water on the leaves.

Excessive precipitation is much more dangerous for barberry bushes than drought. This is due to their ability to accumulate water and rot. For this reason, it is recommended to regularly get rid of growing weeds and loosen the soil.

You can start pruning a year after planting the bushes, removing weak and dry branches. This procedure has both formative and sanitary significance, so it must be carried out.

Periwinkles are classified as herbaceous plants with erect shoots or creeping subshrubs. They have many different colors (most often blue, but pink, purple, and white inflorescences are also found) and bloom in spring.

There are no difficulties in growing or caring for them. Planting periwinkle in open ground can be done at almost any time of the year: in spring, late autumn and even on cloudy summer days. The plant is not too sensitive to external factors and takes root well both in sunny and shaded areas.

Additional watering is not required for periwinkle, unless you take into account periods of prolonged drought, which occur infrequently. The rest of the time, flowers are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Weeds are also not a problem for them, so you can do weeding solely at your own discretion. It is important to trim the plant after a long flowering period has ended to help it renew itself and form.

Euonymus: planting and caring for a hedge

Euonymus is a whole genus of plants that includes both shrubs and trees. Bushes are often used to create hedges. Their main difference and advantage is the unusually beautiful coloring of the leaves, which can combine red, orange, yellow, white and purple shades.

Euonymus belongs to the category of fruit-bearing plants, but its fruits cannot be eaten due to the presence of toxic substances. However, as a decoration for an autumn garden, its fruits look simply incomparable.

Shrub care involves regular pruning and removal of dry, damaged branches. By forming a fence, euonymus allows you to create not only even borders, but also give it a wide variety of geometric shapes. The plant does not require additional watering, but it may be sensitive to frost at a young age. Therefore, it is better to cover newly planted bushes in case of frost.

Privet: a hedge made from this plant

Privet is one of the most popular fast-growing shrubs for hedges. This is an unpretentious plant that easily takes root in shaded areas. In addition, it copes well with drought. The only thing that can become an obstacle to full growth is excessive dryness of sandy soils or their increased acidity.

Regarding the period that is best suited for transplanting privet, opinions are divided. Some argue that it is best to do this in the spring, before the new cycle begins and the buds open. Others believe that it is more reliable to transplant in early or mid-autumn.

The main principle on which watering privet is based is a rare but plentiful supply of moisture to the soil. With the exception of particularly dry periods of summer, natural precipitation is sufficient for this plant, so there is no need for additional watering.

It is also worth buying privet because it is ideal for mastering the technique of topiary trimming of bushes, since it can easily hide all the inaccuracies and shortcomings, very quickly producing new shoots.

Helpful advice! As soon as the bush planted in the ground takes root, it is necessary to trim the top so that it is denser and does not grow too much upward.

Hawthorn for hedges: buy seedlings or grow yourself

Not everyone knows about the possibility of creating a hedge using hawthorn bushes. For this purpose, certain varieties are used that are able to survive in fairly harsh climatic conditions and have a fairly dense crown that can be formed.

This plant prefers open sunny meadows, since a lack of natural light can cause the bush to not bloom. However, hawthorn is quite frost-resistant. Its stems are covered with thorns, and after flowering, a period of fruiting begins, characterized by the appearance of orange or reddish fruits.

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Photos with plant names will help you navigate the huge variety of flowers and make the right choice for your site.

The best time to plant hawthorn bushes is spring. It is during this period that it is best to carry out all excavation work. But here it is important to understand that hawthorn is not a fast-growing plant and therefore the period for growing a full-fledged hedge can reach 10 years.

You need to start pruning and shaping from the fourth year of the plant’s life, and then regularly maintain its shape. This can be done at any time of the year, depending on the need. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary pruner.

Spruce: a hedge of conifers

The popularity of spruce hedges is explained by several factors, the main one of which is the ability of this tree to always remain green. Unlike deciduous bushes and trees, which fall off in the fall, spruce trees can hide your site from prying eyes at any time of the year.

Other advantages of this solution include:

  • coniferous trees have a very positive effect on the environment, helping to clean the air and neutralizing unpleasant odors;
  • such a fence serves as reliable protection from both dust and snow during the cold season;
  • coniferous plants are quite resistant to various kinds of diseases;
  • Trimming and shaping fir trees should not be done too often. This is due to the rather slow growth rate.

Despite all these advantages, it is worth noting that spruce, like many other conifers, prefer a humid climate. They do not respond too well to increased soil dryness.

Honeysuckle is one of the varieties of honeysuckle, which belongs to the “liana” type. Its height can reach 6 m, and the color of the shoots can vary from green to red. The flowering period of this plant is late spring and early summer.

Note! Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits are poisonous and unsafe to eat.

If you want your honeysuckle hedge to actively bloom, it is better to choose an open sunny place for it. The spring months are best for planting. In order for the plant vines to form a complete fence, it is necessary to install special supports.

Neutral acidic soil is best suited for honeysuckle. This plant does not like soil with a high clay content or excessively dry soil. At the same time, quite high resistance to frost is noted.

Caring for honeysuckle honeysuckle involves removing weeds, regular and abundant watering, as well as pruning and shaping.

Willow: a weeping tree hedge

A natural willow fence is one of the simplest options you can find. This is due to the unique ability of this tree to take root even from twigs. That is, in order to create a full-fledged hedge, you do not need to plant traditional seedlings with an already formed root system. It is enough just to stick a willow twig into the moist soil and soon it will sprout on its own.

Once the twigs have sprouted and become established, your main task will be to monitor the formation and, if necessary, limit the growth of the trees. Another property of these plants is their extremely high growth rate, which, on the one hand, allows you to create a full-fledged hedge in the shortest possible time, but on the other, requires constant attention and control.

Helpful advice! In order to make a living fence more reliable, it is quite acceptable to use wire that is attached to the vertical supports of the fence. Thanks to the greenery, it will be hidden, but will prevent unwanted guests from entering the site.

Campsis grandiflora: planting and care

Popularly, Kampsis has several other names, for example, tecoma or trumpet flower. The plant belongs to the category of tree-like perennial deciduous vines and in some cases can reach 15 m in length. During the growth process, young shoots wrap around the support pillars in a spiral, and then, becoming woody over time, retain their shape.

The long flowering period of this plant is also pleasing - from June to September. Almost all summer you can enjoy scarlet or bright orange inflorescences, consisting of individual flowers that are shaped like small gramophones.

Warmth and plenty of sunlight are considered favorable for the growth of campsis. And although the plant can survive in almost any soil, a slightly acidic or neutral environment is considered the most favorable for it. In this case, flowering will be more abundant.

Campsis vines grow very quickly, so pruning should absolutely not be neglected. The growth of the fence must be constantly monitored by trimming and guiding the vines. In addition, it is recommended to remove old branches to make room for new ones that are more suitable for flowering.

Cotoneaster brilliant: photo of a hedge

The most important thing that gardeners who decide to use shiny cotoneaster for a hedge should understand is that this plant is not at all the same as an ordinary cotoneaster. And this species will definitely not be able to provide you with edible berries. Looking through the photo of the brilliant cotoneaster, you can see how beautiful such a fence looks.

The cotoneaster itself is a bush, which is formed by erect stems tightly spaced together. The maximum height that this shrub can reach is 2 meters, but you will have to buy brilliant cotoneaster in the form of seedlings. At the same time, its crown is very thick and fluffy.

You need to take care of the brilliant cotoneaster regularly. This includes watering, loosening the soil and mandatory trimming of bushes. Although it is worth noting that as the bushes take root and grow, they require less and less attention. So, over time, you can stop watering, except during periods of severe drought.

You can carry out sanitary pruning, designed to remove all unnecessary and old branches, at any time, regardless of the time of year. This must be done both for the purpose of forming and rejuvenating the bushes. The main formative pruning is carried out mainly in the spring, before the first buds appear.

Helpful advice! During spring pruning, it is recommended to remove one-third of the growth to allow the plant to grow fully while maintaining the desired hedge shape.

Lawson's cypress: a green fence made from a coniferous plant

Lawson's cypress can confidently be called one of the most beautiful coniferous plants that are used to create hedges. If you pay due attention to choosing a planting site, you will not have any difficulties with its cultivation in the future.

The ideal location for this cypress tree can be considered a clearing located close to a permanent source of water. These plants love moisture very much and constantly need it. In addition, it is highly desirable that the landing site is also protected from strong winds.

In summer, each tree requires daily watering at the rate of 8-10 liters. In addition, you can additionally spray the crown with water. You need to fertilize the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers at least once a month.

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, simultaneously removing all dried branches and controlling growth. At the same time, you can also fertilize to support the plant.

Cupressioparis Leyland: an evergreen hedge of trees

Leyland's cupressociparis is an evergreen plant that consists of trees whose height can reach 20 m. The crown of these trees is dense and has a symmetrical shape with shoots hanging down. The plant can grow 1.5 m per year, so it is classified as a fast-growing plant.

Kupressociparis lives quite calmly in the shade and has few requirements for external conditions. If we talk about the most favorable environment for it, then it prefers moderate humidity and soil saturated with minerals. As for acidity, this indicator is not particularly important. During the dry season, young trees need periodic watering, but the rest of the time natural precipitation is sufficient for them.

Helpful advice! Trees can be planted in open ground only after their root system is sufficiently well developed. Until this point, they must be kept in special containers.

In search of fast-growing bushes for hedges, many people pay attention to a plant such as cherry laurel. Most of its species grow rather slowly, but cherry laurel is an exception and is therefore used by gardeners quite often.

Separately, it is worth noting the beauty of the flowers of this plant. Long (up to 12 cm) inflorescences consist of a large number of small flowers and give the hedge a decorative and aesthetic appearance.

Cherry laurel perfectly withstands any difficulties, including severe frosts. It is quite shade-tolerant, but requires moisture. If the soil is too dry for a long period, the plant will stop blooming and bearing fruit and will grow worse.

A fast-growing cherry laurel hedge requires pruning and shaping twice a year. The first time this must be done is at the end of next summer after planting the seedlings.

Holly: photo, planting and caring for the bush

Holly is a shrub that has dark green foliage with a glossy surface. Its leaves are prickly, which allows you to create an almost impenetrable fence, the height of which can reach several meters. The plant is unpretentious and can fully grow and develop both in conditions of sufficient sunlight and in partial shade.

A hedge of holly bushes takes 4-5 years to form, provided that sufficiently developed plants have been planted in the soil. At the same time, during the planting process, it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 60 cm between the bushes to give them the opportunity to grow.

Planting can be done twice a year: in autumn (October-November) or spring (April). But pruning is recommended to be done in mid-summer (best at the end of July).

Balsam fir: care features

Balsam fir is a plant that prefers to grow in shaded areas. Shade or partial shade is good for it. Also, its development will be positively affected by the close location of the reservoir. This is due to the fact that fir loves moist, well-drained soil rich in microelements. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil is not acceptable for this plant.

For planting in open ground, seedlings that are at least 4 years old are used. It is best to plant in April, but you should choose a cloudy day for this. Preparations should begin in advance by digging holes of a suitable size two weeks before planting.

Despite the fact that fir is quite resistant to frost, sudden changes in temperature can cause frostbite to the trunk of the tree. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches during periods of severe frost. Of course, this applies more to young plants.

Helpful advice! It is important to remember that the fir root system is quite shallow, so strong winds can damage the plant. During the planting process, it is better to select places where the trees will be protected from strong gusts.

Garden ivy: photo of a hedge and nuances of cultivation

Garden ivy is one of the most unpretentious plants you can find to create a hedge. Planting and growing it will not cause any trouble to the owners. The plant grows well in both shade and sun. However, it does not tolerate high humidity and severe frosts very well, so it is advisable to cover the plant for the winter.

The choice of landing site is based on the following criteria: absence of drafts and strong winds, preferably high ground. At first, ivy grows quite slowly, adapting and getting used to new conditions. Therefore, it is best to plant in early spring, so that the plant has the opportunity to gain strength during the summer months.

Garden ivy does not require frequent watering. Even during periods of drought, 1-2 times a week will be enough. Closer to autumn or during periods of natural precipitation, it is worth abandoning this too.

Helpful advice! To maintain the health of the plant's root system, it is recommended to loosen the soil immediately after rains to prevent the formation of dense areas that will not allow moisture and oxygen to freely penetrate to the roots.

Boxwood: planting and caring for hedges in the garden

Boxwood is an incredibly beautiful shrub that allows you to create unique hedges in garden plots. At the same time, this plant has requirements, compliance with which will allow you to grow healthy and beautiful bushes. So, the most suitable soil is considered to be one with moderate humidity and a sandy or loamy composition. Boxwood reacts poorly to increased soil acidity.

Increased groundwater levels also have an adverse effect on the development of the root system. As for the plant’s love for direct sunlight, we can definitely say that boxwood prefers shaded areas, although when creating a hedge, it can be difficult to meet this condition.

Boxwood should be planted in the spring. For this purpose, you need to prepare trenches, the depth of which will be twice the size of the root system of the seedling. During the planting process, pay attention to the condition of the root system, as well as the crowns of the plants.

Thuja Brabant is an ornamental plant that cannot be called whimsical, but at the same time it requires compliance with a number of planting and maintenance conditions in order to maintain its functions. First of all, it is worth noting that this thuja does not tolerate shadows well. A lack of sunlight can cause the plant to lose its original bright green color.

At the same time, extreme heat is no less harmful. The ideal option is partial shade, when the plant is exposed to sunlight for part of the daylight hours and is hidden in the shade the rest of the time. This can be achieved by planting thuja on the western or eastern side of any building on the site.

Taking into account the peculiarity of the shape of these plants (wide crown and narrowing at the top), seedlings for hedges should be planted at a distance exceeding 50 cm from each other. So saving space in this case will not work.

Dry, depleted soil cannot become a worthy basis for growing thuja, which, in terms of its decorative characteristics, can meet all the requirements, and most importantly, your expectations.

Thuja Smaragd: a hedge made from this plant

Having made a choice in favor of thuja for a hedge, it is worth considering another variety of this plant as an option. Thuja Smaragd can reach a height of 3-5 meters. At the same time, its girth will reach 2 m. Such serious dimensions of an adult plant should be taken into account in the process of planting seedlings, leaving a sufficient gap between them, even if in the end you want to get a dense green hedge.

The tree grows quite slowly and its annual growth does not exceed 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Thuja can live for 150 years. As for the conditions, the trees are quite unpretentious and can grow both in sunny areas and in shade.

Which thujas are best for a hedge - everyone decides for themselves, based on their appearance, as well as the conditions existing on the site. But one thing can be said with confidence - both a hedge made of thuja Brabant and a fence made of its brother Smaragd will be an excellent decoration for your site throughout the year.

Perennial fast-growing hedge: general tips

As can be seen from the list above, many plants are quite unpretentious and require increased attention from owners only at the stage of choosing a suitable location and planting. In the future, only periodic pruning will be required to maintain the fence in proper condition.

Buying shrubs for hedges is also quite simple. Garden centers or greenhouses that grow seedlings of shrubs and trees are best suited for this purpose.

What is the best way to make a hedge?

After reviewing the photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for your dacha, you will be able to evaluate which option is preferable for you. The choice should be made based on the following criteria:

  • available conditions for plant growth: type of soil, illumination of the site, climatic features, amount of precipitation, etc.;
  • the amount of time and attention you are willing to devote to maintaining your hedge. Different trees and bushes for hedges require different efforts from owners. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to this issue, it is better to give preference to a simpler option, which will allow you to get by with formative pruning once or twice a year;

  • the aesthetic component is an equally important aspect of choice. Much depends on how you see the fencing of your site, whether you want an evergreen or deciduous plant, etc.

The choice of fast-growing plants for hedges is quite large, so choosing the right option for you will not be too difficult. The main thing is to look at as many photos as possible with the names of perennial bushes for the garden and vegetable garden, the pruning of which involves shaping. And after you make a choice in favor of one option or another, read the detailed instructions on how to make a hedge with your own hands using one or another plant.

A hedge is an excellent alternative to a conventional fence. This is an excellent element of landscape design that hides the area from prying eyes, serves as a screen from dust and wind, and performs a security function. An evergreen hedge not only pleases the eye, but also makes the space more harmonious.

When choosing plants for a hedge, you should consider the following factors:

  • Desired fence height.
  • Purpose.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Features of the site (soil type, lighting, humidity).

Fast-growing shrubs for hedges: elderberry, forsythia, euonymus, currant, mock orange, cotoneaster, honeysuckle, sloe, privet, hawthorn, roses, broom, Thunberg barberry. If the choice fell on a single-tier high hedge, you can choose trees - maples, poplars, willow, linden, rowan, turf, buckthorn, chokeberry, hazel, lilac and others.

TOP 10 ideas for hedges


Such a hedge should not be higher than 50 cm. Choose dwarf plants (lingonberry, Lawson cypress, Thunberg barberry, dwarf caragana, boxwood and others). The alternation of evergreen and flowering plants looks interesting. For example, boxwood with rose hips or climbing roses.

Important! A border fence will be a wonderful frame for any element - a flower bed, fountain, pond or playground!

Fence for zoning space

The idea is especially relevant if the plot is small, but you want to separate the economic zone from the garden. Shrubs up to 1 meter high look best - they will not shade the area and at the same time look very colorful. They can be planted either symmetrically or in wavy lines.

Unusual shapes for hedges

It’s clear that only professionals can cut a mammoth or a dinosaur from a bush. However, elements in the shape of a cube, wave, arch or rectangle on the site will also look great! And caring for them is a feasible task even for novice gardeners.

Colorful hedge

Multi-level structures are now in fashion, your trick may be in the choice of plants for the hedge. One row can be formed from red-leaved boxwood, the second from green juniper, the third from gray spruce. Your site will acquire unexpected color and contrast.

Blooming wall

Choose fast-growing shrubs for hedges - hawthorn, spirea, blood-red currant. Their flowering lasts 3-4 weeks, and border flowering plants can be planted at the foot of the hedge - this way your garden will be pleasing to the eye all season long.

Original mix

You can alternate plants with other elements. The result will be a kind of chess game that looks very interesting! A hedge can be supplemented with wooden modules, brick pillars, wattles, gabions, large boulders and other elements.

Improvisation with an old fence

Let's say you have an ugly old fence. It seems like a shame to demolish it, and it spoils the appearance of the site. Using a simple wire structure, you can form a support for climbing plants and containers with plants. Pots can be filled with seedlings, flowers or herbs. Among climbing plants, we can recommend climbing roses, grapes, hydrangea, clematis, honeysuckle, and wisteria. Why not a hedge?

"Living" walls

An evergreen hedge doesn't necessarily take up a lot of space. Install wooden or mesh supports as desired and plant vines, ivy or grapes near them. “Walls” located at an angle look great. By the way, it is quite possible to hide a recreation area or a sandbox behind them.

Wild garden

The stereotype that a hedge should be trimmed to a line, with millimeter precision, is hopelessly outdated. If the size of the plot allows, you can give preference to an unshaped fence. Its width can reach 1-2 meters. A combination of plants with different flowering periods looks impressive. For example, combine barberry, rosehip and mock orange in one hedge.

Fence of fruit bushes

We combine business with pleasure! Felt cherry, gooseberry, blackberry, currant, chokeberry, barberry! The distance between the bushes is 40-50 cm. Beautiful and tasty!

Photos of hedges

We also suggest looking at a selection of beautiful and fashionable hedges. Some of them are classics of landscape design, while others are the most fashionable trends.

A hedge is not just three trees standing in a row! This is an opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer and bring your ideas to life! Both you and your loved ones will surely like this decoration of the site!

Are you tired of watching your neighbors? We present to your attention the most suitable plants for hedges, which will be the most suitable for building a living fence at your dacha. Seclude yourself from prying eyes with a hedge and live in peace, because the shrubs from our list for a green wall can definitely help you.

Plants for hedges No. 1. Cotoneaster brilliant


An evergreen shrub 0.5-1 m high with high shoot-forming ability. Suitable for low hedges along borders. Cotoneaster is an ideal plant for a hedge because:

  • Decorative all season.
  • Often used for urban landscaping because it contains phytoncides that purify the air.
  • The fruits are not poisonous, so the bush can be planted if you have small children.
  • Can be cut to suit almost any shape.
  • Unpretentious.
  • Tolerates air pollution.

Plants for hedges No. 2. Bladderwort viburnum


Luxurious shrub with a spreading crown. When well-groomed, it looks quite solid. The height of the vesicular carp in Russia can reach 3 m, so there is plenty of room to roam. It is worth keeping this in mind because:

  • The shrub is unpretentious and tolerates drought and poor soil conditions.
  • Bladderwort turns yellow in autumn, and there are varieties with purple leaves.
  • It lends itself well to shearing, the crown is high and thick - basically this is a rare combination.
  • There is no need to be afraid for the children; they will not be poisoned by the fruits, because they are not poisonous.

Plants for hedges No. 3. Spirea


Spiraea is a very beautiful plant, which is decorative with its flowering in spring: shades range from white to purple. It deserves your attention because:

  • Will delight you with spring decorativeness.
  • Withstands haircuts very well.
  • There are low and tall types of spirea, so you can create a hedge of different heights.
  • Spiraea can be given interesting shapes.
  • The fruits are not poisonous.

Be sure to trim off faded inflorescences, this will allow the plant to maintain a neat appearance.

Plants for hedges No. 4. Mock orange crown


A perennial shrub that blooms in summer. It is worth growing on the site because:

  • It has fragrant flowers.
  • The fruits are dry, safe for children.
  • The shrub is tall, reaches 3 m.
  • Decorative in summer.

The mock orange will never cease to please you if you do the pruning on time.

Plants for hedges No. 5. Derain white


A beautiful perennial shrub that tolerates shade. The stems of the plant are bright red; even in winter the bush is decorative. The foliage has an attractive multi-colored color in autumn. Derain has very bright, beautiful fruits. You can use it to make a tall hedge 3 meters high. The shrub will bloom in any conditions. There are varieties of white turf with very decorative foliage, for example, a silver-green hue.

Plants for hedges No. 6. Barberry Thunberg


A perennial shrub, it can be used to make a medium-height hedge. It is worth planting it on the site if:

  • You want to admire the colorful foliage and fruits in the fall.
  • Do you want to make compote or jam from barberry.
  • You are ready to trim the bush regularly to maintain a thick crown and beautiful shape.
  • You do not like to treat plants for pests, since barberry practically does not get sick.

Thunberg barberry will create a dense and impenetrable hedge.

Plants for hedges No. 7. Thuja


Thuja is a tall tree or shrub. Our climate allows it to reach a height of about 3 meters. The hedge will be tall and thick. This shrub has its advantages:

  • Thuja lends itself well to cutting and takes any shape.
  • The shrub purifies the air and releases phytoncides.
  • Thuja can withstand urban conditions.
  • Thuja seeds are not poisonous.

Among the disadvantages of thuja, one can note fading in the sun and the brown color of the needles. In our conditions, the variety “Smaragd” or “Emerald” feels best. The shrub is not suitable for all garden styles; it is best to fit it into the Mediterranean landscape.


Privet is a shade-tolerant shrub from the olive family. The plant reaches a height of 2-2.5 m in our latitudes and blooms in mid-summer. Undoubted advantages of using privet:

  • It cuts and shapes well.
  • It is easy to grow and adapts to unfavorable conditions.
  • Privet tolerates cold winter times well.
  • The bush will attract butterflies to your summer cottage.
  • It is not susceptible to pests and diseases.
  • It should only be watered during severe drought.
  • Without trimming, it takes on an interesting vase shape.

Carefully! Privet fruits are poisonous. Don't plant it if you have children.


A sun-loving crop that reaches a height of 1.5 m. In May, the bush is covered with magnificent purple inflorescences. The advantages of the bush are as follows:

  • The shrub is not susceptible to powdery mildew.
  • It has a fairly compact crown.
  • Meyer lilacs tolerate dry conditions easily.
  • It grows well after spring pruning and crown formation.
  • Winter-hardy, but freezes slightly in severe winters.
  • Resistant to urban conditions, tolerates gas pollution and smoke.

Meyer lilac has a decorative "Palibin" form with a dome-shaped crown with purple inflorescences.


Yew is an evergreen tree, which in the Moscow region reaches a height of 5 m. It is suitable for a hedge for several reasons:

  • Constantly decorative - the culture is evergreen.
  • Long-lasting, lives 3000 years.
  • Not demanding on watering.
  • Does not require fertilizing.
  • The shrub is drought-resistant.
  • Forms shoots even on old wood.
  • Great haircut.
  • Beautiful in a topiary cut, but only in warmer climates.
  • It has bright red decorative fruits.
  • Wind-resistant and tolerates urban conditions.

Yew has decorative forms, but they are less winter-hardy. Attention! All parts of the plant are poisonous. Do not plant shrubs if you have children.


Hawthorn is a very unpretentious shrub that is resistant to our conditions. It has its advantages:

  • Grows even on sandy soils.
  • Propagates well using cuttings treated with Kornevin.
  • Has good shoot-forming ability.
  • Suitable for curly haircuts at human height.
  • It tolerates planting well on a stump.
  • Absolutely winter-hardy, no shelter required.

The plant is a medicinal plant and is used for cardiovascular diseases. Hawthorn will attract birds to your conservatory. Keep in mind that scent of blooming hawthorn Your family members may not like it.


Many people associate shrubs with childhood. The girls painted their lips with serviceberry berries, and the boys simply ate and enjoyed the tart taste. They create magnificent hedges from serviceberry:

  • The deciduous tree is well trimmed into shapes.
  • Irga tolerates any type of pruning and becomes thicker.
  • Drought-resistant, practically does not need watering.
  • Tolerates northernmost temperatures down to – 50 °C.
  • Attracts insects as it is a honey plant.
  • Transfers landing to a stump.
  • Resistant to city conditions.
  • The beautiful blue-violet fruits are edible.
  • Orange and yellow leaves in autumn, which are very decorative.

The plant comes from America! Experts believe that it threatens the natural flora of Russia, as it often runs wild. But in general, irga is promising in terms of landscaping.


A heat-loving plant with bright red berries in winter. A small tree reaching a height of 1.5-3 m in our conditions. Plant characteristics:

  • The species is winter-hardy and does not require shelter.
  • Unpretentious to soil conditions.
  • Tolerates gas pollution, smoke and other unfavorable urban conditions well.
  • The fruits first turn red, then turn black, which adds decorativeness.
  • Life expectancy is about 50 years.
  • Grows back well after cutting.
  • The shrub does not require protection from the wind.
  • This species has beautiful decorative forms.

Medium-height living green walls are created from Gordovina viburnum.


A beautiful flowering shrub that is used for unformed hedges. Reaches a maximum height of 2 m. Characteristics of weigela:

  • Decorative in spring with pink inflorescences.
  • Roots 100% from cuttings.
  • Tolerates transplantation well.
  • It has a spreading crown.
  • Weigela blooms for more than 1 month. Every 2 years the crop requires pruning.
  • It is used to create medium-height hedges.


A shrub with very lush flowering. The density and density of the crown allows it to act as a low-growing, beautifully flowering hedge. The birthplace of the culture is North America. Plant characteristics:

  • The height of tree hydrangea is about 1.5 m.
  • Requires shelter for the winter.
  • The plant needs regular watering.
  • The peak of decorativeness occurs in the summer.
  • It has beautiful decorative shapes.
  • Loves sunny places or light partial shade.

If Are you ready for a moody hedge?, then feel free to choose hydrangea. All costs will be more than paid for by its magnificent flowering.


A beautiful flowering shrub with a delicate aroma. Distributed in Russia. It will make an unpretentious hedge. Characteristics of honeysuckle:

  • There are decorative forms with cream, red and pink flowers.
  • Winters well; winter shelter is not required.
  • The height of the plant reaches 4 m, you can safely create a high living wall.
  • Tolerates transplantation well.
  • It has a vertical dense crown.
  • Propagates well from cuttings.
  • Grows quickly and trims well.

Attention! The fruits of Tatarian honeysuckle are poisonous. Do not plant it in places where children walk. The plant may need support.


Miniature and very decorative shrub. The honey plant attracts bees and butterflies. The culture is actively used in urban landscaping. Potentilla characteristics:

  • The plant is smoke and gas resistant and is not afraid of dust.
  • Cinquefoil needs anti-aging pruning every 5-6 years.
  • The culture does not require shelter for the winter.
  • Cinquefoil cuts well.
  • The plant has many ornamental varieties with cream, pink, yellow, orange and red colors.
  • Blooms in summer for 2 months.
  • The plant has healing properties and is used in folk medicine. In severe drought, cinquefoil needs to be watered.


A mini-flowering hedge can be created using almonds. The culture grows in the Altai region. The shrub reaches a height of 2 m. Characteristics of the shrub:

  • It has a spherical crown and produces numerous root shoots.
  • Grows on any soil.
  • Drought resistant, but watering is recommended for abundant flowering.
  • Old shoots die off and need to be gradually cut off.
  • Withstands haircuts very well.
  • Shelter for the winter is required only for young plants.
  • Blooms pink in May.

This type of almond tolerates urban conditions well. The plant begins to bear fruit only at the age of 11.

So, tall hedges can be obtained from the following plants:

  • vesicular carp;
  • turf;
  • hawthorn;
  • yew;
  • honeysuckle;
  • serviceberry;
  • mock orange
  • Medium living fences are made from:
  • spirea;
  • viburnum;
  • lilac;
  • privet;
  • barberry.

Low green walls are formed from:

  • cotoneaster;
  • hydrangeas;
  • cinquefoil;
  • almonds;
  • weigels.

Hedges are able to absorb noise and harmful substances, they are decorative and attract attention. Green walls will decorate your garden area.

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Owners of land plots always strive to mark their boundaries, while trying to make the fence neat and beautiful. Using vegetation to form a protective structure is an excellent choice. This is due to the high decorative qualities, as well as the environmental friendliness of the material used.

What is a green hedge, what groups is it divided into?

is a protective structure that consists entirely of vegetation.

Trees, shrubs or grasses are used as planting materials. The choice of what to give preference, first of all, depends on the intended purpose of the fence.

There are several options for using a fence:

  • designation of site boundaries;
  • division of neighboring territories;
  • subdividing the allotment into functional zones;
  • framing flower beds, paths, paths;
  • protection from the entry of animals or strangers;
  • hiding minor flaws in buildings.

The advantages of living fencing are:

  1. No need for additional finishing. Plants do not need to be plastered, painted, or varnished.
  2. Masking flaws. Green plantings perfectly attract all attention, and climbing and tall varieties completely hide imperfections.
  3. Attracting pollinating insects. Flowering, fruit-bearing species attract many insects, which will also pollinate other plantings on the territory, which significantly increases productivity.

Disadvantages can be called:

  1. Large time costs. Trees and shrubs take a long time to grow; most subspecies require at least 5 years to form a hedge.
  2. Fruiting. Although many berries are edible, they often fall onto paths and grass inside the property. The process of rotting soon begins on the ground, which is accompanied by unpleasant odors and also attracts flies, midges, and beetles.

There are three main groups based on trunk length:

  1. Short. This includes plant varieties that grow about 50 centimeters from the ground. Seedlings are used to decorate the borders of paths and flower beds. Otherwise called border plants.
  2. Medium height. Trees and bushes 0.5 to 2 meters high provide medium-sized green protection. It is allowed to plant thorny subspecies, such as blackthorn, which will only increase the protective functions of the fence. But it is not recommended to plant near aisles: there is a high risk of injury and damage to clothing. Fruit-bearing varieties should also be planted slightly away from paths so that the berries do not stain clothes.
  3. Tall. Bushes and trees from 2 meters long create real living walls. Thick crowns that completely cover the trunks create impenetrable natural protection.

If the owner of a land plot wants to maintain the decorative appearance of the plot throughout the year, then it is necessary to pay attention to evergreen species. Some deciduous and coniferous varieties are able to retain their greenery for 12 months without exposing the trunks.

Deciduous vegetation looks decorative only in the warm season, and in the fall it sheds its foliage, which is renewed only in the spring.

When the owner of the territory cannot choose only one variety of greenery, the option of annual plantings is perfect for him. Green protection will bloom all season and then fade. Next, the remains of the fence are removed, and next spring it is possible to plant new protection.

It is possible to create a combined hedge. For these purposes, seedlings are selected taking into account the time of flowering, fruiting, and the ability to retain leaves: it is best if they coincide as much as possible.

It is allowed to plant in several rows, but then the seedlings should be placed in a checkerboard pattern to provide each tree and bush with enough light, moisture, and fresh air.

You can also make a multi-tiered protective structure. For example, the first tier will consist of trees, the second - of bushes, and the fence will be completed with border vegetation.

There are varieties that keep their shape perfectly, do not get sick, and look beautiful without mechanical processing. But most subspecies require regular trimming to control height and maintain health. Also, living fencing can be given almost any shape.

It is necessary to take into account how much time the owner of the plot can devote to caring for the vegetation. If it is not possible to regularly care for plantings, choose the most unpretentious species.

Light-loving vegetation should not be planted in shady places; only light shade is permissible. Varieties that grow better in the shade are not placed in the sun: direct exposure to light can cause enormous damage to the seedlings.

Plants for a green hedge

Low-growing vegetation, which is used to decorate the edges of paths and edging flower beds.

"Bagatelle" is a deciduous shrub with a low growth rate. The crown is formed from leaves of purple or brown color in the shape of a ball; the foliage grows very densely, but in 12 months it grows by no more than 2-3 centimeters. The beginning of flowering occurs in June-July and is accompanied by small inflorescences consisting of flowers of a delicate pink shade. Sometimes the flowers do not form inflorescences, but grow separately. Barberry bears fruit already in October with bright red elongated berries that can be eaten. The light-loving bush develops well in places with partial shade. It survives frosts and drought well, and is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Adult species are thinned out in early spring, and young species are properly pruned. Watering is done moderately, due to the fact that the bush does not tolerate stagnant water. Young seedlings are covered with spruce branches for the winter.

"Golden Princesses" is a deciduous variety that grows approximately 50 centimeters above the ground. The foliage is collected in a lush cannon-shaped crown, growing up to 100 centimeters in diameter. Initially, the leaves grow in a bright yellow hue, but as they develop, their color becomes calmer, more saturated, and during the fall it changes to orange or red. Spiraea blooms with pinkish flowers up to 5 centimeters in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Spiraea is planted in well-lit parts of the territory. Frost-resistant breed, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. Grows best in moderately moist, loose, fertile soil. The haircut is carried out in the spring, cutting off the bush almost at the root, leaving literally 15-20 centimeters from the ground level. To maintain the decorative appearance of the shrub throughout the summer period, it is necessary to dry out the fading, drying parts in a timely manner.

is a creeping evergreen species of low-growing shrubs. The foliage has the shape of an elongated oval, and the color is complex: a green middle part with a yellow edging. It can grow 30-200 centimeters, but the height is controlled by mechanical processing. Grows quickly in places with light shade or diffused light. But if the euonymus is planted in the shade, the leaves will quickly lose their appearance. Fairly unpretentious vegetation with an average growth rate that needs to be fed every spring. If the owner regularly and carefully cares for the euonymus, the bush will look most decorative. It can get sick under conditions of high humidity, so water only sparingly. Also, in order to protect against excess water, it will be necessary to drain the soil at the planting stage.

otherwise called low growing acacia. The bush is very frost-resistant, survives dry times well, and grows well even in urban conditions. Prefers well-lit places, reaches a length of 30 to 250 centimeters, which is perfectly regulated by haircut. Flowering occurs throughout the summer and consists of small flowers of bright yellow color. Later, a lot of berries are formed that are not edible for humans, but birds consume them with great pleasure. Cargan is propagated through seeds, but this must be done immediately after collecting the seeds. When everything is done correctly and on time, you can expect the first shoots in the fall of this year or in the spring of next year. The tops of the bush freeze easily, so you need to cover them for the winter, and place the seedlings where there are no through cold winds.

Shrubs and trees of medium height are used to create hedges.

belongs to the heather family. Different subspecies grow to different heights from 30 to 300 centimeters. It is recommended to plant in those parts of the land where there is no direct sunlight, but it grows well in a little shade and does not lose flowering. Does not tolerate open areas with gusts of wind or stagnant moisture. To plant rhododendron, you can drain the soil from expanded clay or crushed stone, and water it moderately as it grows. Shrubs are planted early in the spring to increase the seedlings' chances of survival. It is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and grows in almost any area. The root system of this breed is distinguished by its sensitivity, so it is better to maintain its condition with a mound of mulching material.

is a shrubby member of the barberry family. A rather low-growing shrub with very leathery foliage, which during blooming has a red tint, changing to green in the summer, and by autumn it is colored with bronze flowers. With the onset of frost, the stems of mahonia turn purple. The shrub tends to grow strongly in the area through many root shoots. The bush blooms very luxuriantly, spectacularly, and a pleasant aroma spreads. Yellow flowers create small inflorescences. The fruits are sweet and sour, and stay on the branches for a long time. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil or the level of soil acidity, but it is recommended to carry out systematic watering and apply fertilizers every spring.

On a plot of land, it will provide maximum protection from the penetration of animals or strangers due to multiple thorns on its branches. The thorny shoots can not only damage clothing, but also cause significant damage to the skin. Blackthorn is a very strongly branching shrub, but most subspecies lend themselves well to mechanical processing. Those sloe species that tend to grow widely can be controlled by pruning. It holds back gusts of wind well, bears fruit with edible berries, and looks most decorative during flowering.

It grows up to 2.5-3 meters and creates dense growths. Flowering time occurs in June-July and is accompanied by white or pink flowers. It bears fruit with edible berries that contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which allows the fruits to be used for medicinal purposes and food preservation. Chokeberry easily survives frosts, does not require particularly careful care, is flexible to pruning, and there is no need to frequently water or feed. It looks most beautiful when in bloom, without mechanical processing. Even with free growth, chokeberry does not lose its decorative qualities.

is an evergreen shrub reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown consists of oblong, pointed foliage, about 15 centimeters long. The start of flowering is April or May. Small white flowers grow, collected in racemose inflorescences. It grows quickly even on the shady parts of the plot of land, and is frost-resistant. Cherry laurel berries are considered medicinal fruits that are edible and are also used in the creation of energy drinks. Cherry laurel should be planted either in early spring or only in October. It has no special soil requirements and responds very well to fertilizing. It is characterized by increased resistance to pests.

It responds well to mechanical processing and perfectly maintains the look created by cutting. A plant with a low growth rate, develops well in shady places. Evergreen shrub, very durable. Yew needles have a flat appearance, soft texture, green tint, and the bark is brown-red. During planting, it is better to pre-apply fertilizer. Yew is undemanding to the composition and acidity of the soil, but does not tolerate excess moisture. You need to plant grown bushes in the spring, perhaps starting as early as April, maintaining a distance of 50 to 200 centimeters from each other, and propagate by cuttings or seedlings. It is not necessary to systematically prune the bushes, since even if it grows freely, the yew will not get sick and will not lose its external characteristics. Young plants do not tolerate negative temperatures and frosts well, so it is better to cover them for the winter.

- This is a type of shrub that tolerates moderate frost well, but will not survive strong icy winter winds and the rays of early spring sun. A slow-growing variety with a shiny, dense crown. It is very malleable to mechanical processing and perfectly holds the shape that it was given. It blooms very decoratively and bears fruit with black seeds. It grows better in shaded areas, but is able to develop in conditions of complete shade or full light. It is unpretentious to soil composition and acidity level, and likes moderate watering.

Real living walls are created from tall species of bushes and trees.

It is a tall tree, reaching a length of 15 to 70 meters. The evergreen plant retains its decorative characteristics all year round. Spruce does not require particularly careful care; it is unpretentious in terms of composition and soil acidity level. Breeders have developed subspecies of spruce that differ in the color of the needles, the shape of the paws, the number of cones, and their size.

- This is a representative of coniferous trees, looking impressive as part of a living wall. There are about 70 subspecies of juniper, differing in height, density and splendor of the crown. The least demanding varieties are: Virginia, Cossack, ordinary, Chinese, scaly. Juniper is characterized by increased resistance to pest attacks, weather changes, gusts of wind, and diseases. It has no special requirements for the land where it will be planted, but it grows noticeably worse on heavy soils. In such a situation, it is recommended to drain the soil. Planting material should be taken when it is 3-4 years old so that the seedling takes root better. Prefers sunlight, but grows well in light shade. Planted in spring, but can be planted in autumn.

For a hedge it must be very resistant to cold and frost. An easy-to-care tree with branches that do not frizz. Mountain, Scots and Weymouth pines look the most decorative. You cannot buy pine seedlings just anywhere: there are many very similar subspecies that sellers provide for the purpose of deception or out of ignorance. The difference is in the development of the root system, that is, within the same breed, different subspecies will either take root in the area, or will often get sick, or even die. To create green walls, only varieties with well-developed roots are used.

It grows disgustingly poorly in urban conditions, but is an excellent option for planting outside the city or in a summer cottage. The tree takes root well, grows well, and withstands bad weather well if it is located far from the city. A cone-shaped crown, a powerful root system, and a flat shape of needles are the distinctive characteristics of fir. It looks very beautiful and neat due to the vertically growing cones that ripen in the first year of growth. Fertilizers are applied into the soil first when planting a tree, and the next feeding is carried out after 2-3 years of growth. It is necessary to water the fir very abundantly, but 3 times a season is enough. But you should not overdo it: excess moisture can lead to plant disease.

It is a very popular type of vegetation for creating a green hedge. The distinctive features of thuja are:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • survives freezing temperatures;
  • Excellent machinability.

It is unpretentious regarding the type of soil, but grows best on loam, sandy loam or sandy soil. Very resistant to diseases, gusts of wind, and pest attacks. Grows well in sunny places and parts of the site with light shade. Cleanses the surrounding air space, ionizes it, and saturates it with useful phytoncides. It can reach a height of 4-15 meters, and for a living fence the length is no more than 1.5 to 3.5 meters

Step-by-step instructions for planting a green hedge, further care

Before starting planting work, a detailed layout diagram of the future living fence is drawn up. The drawing takes into account the landing line, step width, digging depth, amount of material required, and estimated waiting time.

After all the calculations have been carried out, you can begin to prepare the territory. To do this, they carry out garbage collection, weeding, and marking. You can make the markings as follows: pegs are driven into the ground along the line of planting seedlings, around which a rope is wound. They will dig along this rope.

In general, it is permissible to dig individual holes or a common trench. But experienced gardeners recommend digging a trench, as this will make the depth uniform. The absence of differences will not only make the hedge neat, but will also prevent the seedlings from sinking too deeply into the soil.

Next, a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the excavated space and soil drainage is done. Drainage will not allow moisture to accumulate much, since stagnation of water destroys most plants. Expanded clay or crushed stone can be used as drainage raw materials. The average height of the drainage layer is from 10 to 20 centimeters.

Before immersing the seedlings, it is important to carefully straighten the root system. When the seedling has been grown in another place, it is planted together with the lump of earth on which it developed.

The free space between the vegetation and the edge of the trench is filled with local soil or enriched soil is purchased.

The soil around the seedlings is lightly tamped and watered at the root.

The width of the digging area for seedlings is calculated based on the number of planting rows. They dig 0.5-0.6 meters deep.

At the stage of purchasing planting material, you should not chase savings. Purchasing young animals in unverified places may lead to replacement with similar species. You should buy seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries.

If the owner wants to save the construction budget, it is better for him to choose shrubs. It is allowed to purchase one lush, grown bush and then divide it into several small bushes that will take root well on the land plot.

Vegetation is almost always planted in the spring after the first frost. To increase the plant’s chances of survival, you should treat the root system with a nutritious mash of clay and mullein solution.

Plants that develop well in shady places and have a low growth rate can be planted close to each other. If the greenery prefers sunlight, planting is done more freely.

It is imperative to fertilize the soil when planting young animals to ensure sufficient levels of nutrients. Fed trees, bushes, and herbs grow better, bloom more luxuriantly, and bear more fruit if they were initially fed. Fertilizers are then applied inside the soil every spring.

During the first 2-3 years of growth, mechanical treatment is not carried out. Next, according to the breed, greens. It is possible to do only a sanitary haircut: to dry out withered flowers, dried branches, diseased shoots. Free-growing varieties perfectly retain their decorative characteristics even without pruning. Other types of pruning are decorative in nature. You can give it almost any shape - the green protection will hold it perfectly.

Manipulations on shaping the crown should be carried out in the evenings so that the bare branches do not get sunburned. Immediately after cutting, the plant must be moistened abundantly and the planting site must be covered with straw.

Young bushes are pruned as much as possible, that is, literally 5-10 centimeters are left from the ground, but the vegetation will be completely rejuvenated, the crown will become thicker and denser.


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