How to position your tongue when pronouncing the letter l. Making the correct “L” sound in a child

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It is better, of course, to contact a speech therapist, but you can try to correct it with the help of articulation gymnastics. It helps develop and improve the tone of the muscles of the tongue and lips, as well as improve speech hearing. It should be carried out in the form of funny games and fairy tales, so that children can quietly master the correct sounds. 1 Introduce your child to the main organs involved in creating sounds. This can be done with the help of articulatory gymnastics-fairy tales, which will interest the child and quietly warm up the lips, cheeks, and tongue. 2 Work on speech breathing. Since speech occurs while exhaling, improper distribution of air during exhalation can greatly distort sound pronunciation. The most famous games that help develop breathing are games with soap bubbles, blowing out imaginary or real candles, and launching boats on the water. This way, in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, the child learns to control the stream of air released. Make sure that he does not puff out his cheeks, but takes air into his lungs. 3 Perform a set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound “l” in front of a mirror. Slowly at first, if some movements don’t work, help the child with a spoon (handle). Sit in front of him so that he can clearly see your movements of your lips and tongue. Do the exercises with him. The goal of all corrective exercises for the sound “l” is to develop the mobility of the entire tongue and its parts, and to regulate the correct air flow. “Horse” is the well-known sound of hooves clopping. Ask your child to smile, showing his teeth and opening his mouth slightly. In this position, let him flick the tip of his tongue like a horse. Do it with him, slowly at first, then faster. And make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw remains motionless. “The horse rides quietly” is a mandatory variation of the previous exercise. Invite your child to do the same thing with his tongue, but without making a sound, like a horse on reconnaissance. The rules remain the same - do not stick out your tongue and do not move your lower jaw. "The breeze is blowing." Smile with your mouth slightly open, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. You should get two air streams from the corners of your mouth. Teach your child this and control the air movement with a fluffy piece of cotton wool. "Delicious jam." Together with your child, open your mouth slightly and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not move your lower jaw while doing this. If the child does not succeed, first practice holding a relaxed, wide tongue on the lower lip (the tongue should be stuck out and placed on the lower lip, without tucking it over the teeth). Then offer to raise your tongue and touch your upper lip. "The steamer is humming." Invite your child to open his mouth slightly and pronounce the sound “y” for a long time (like the hum of a steamboat). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and located in the back of the mouth, and the back is raised towards the sky. 4 Develop your child’s fine motor skills at the same time, because it stimulates speech development. Play finger games, draw, sculpt with your child.

The development of a child’s speech is an important task facing parents. Many people want to teach their child how to pronounce the letter L correctly as soon as possible. More precisely, the sound [l] is one of the most problematic for many children. Special exercises developed by speech therapists will help with this. This sound is not a complex one, and errors in its pronunciation can usually be corrected at home, but it is important to remember that the work must be done regularly. A visit to a speech therapist will help parents decide on the basic exercises that the baby will need to do.

Causes of errors

First of all, you need to figure out why a child may make a mistake in pronouncing the sound [l]. There may be several reasons.

  • Hearing impairment. The child hears the sound incorrectly and therefore begins to pronounce it incorrectly.
  • Often, a child copies the speech mistakes of his elders, so if one of the parents has a defect in the pronunciation of [l], then the child may also encounter a similar problem.
  • Often a problem with articulation arises in bilingual families: hearing speech in different languages, the child may get confused and not immediately figure out where he should say which sound.
  • The reason for the error may also be physiological - if the frenulum is shortened, then [l] will not be able to be pronounced correctly - the tongue does not reach the upper teeth.

Whatever the reason, it can be eliminated in any case - through special exercises or with the help of a specialist. Most often, a child should learn to pronounce all sounds correctly, including [l], by the age of 4-5, so if parents observe the opposite, they should immediately visit a speech therapist and begin making adjustments.

Error options

A child may make the following mistakes when pronouncing [l]:

  • omit this letter in words (instead of “elk” - say “axis”);
  • replace a consonant sound with a vowel [у] (уос);
  • use [j] instead of [l] (“kolobok” will sound like “koyobok”).

A situation may also occur when a child confuses the hard and soft versions of L, using them in the wrong form, softens the sound, or, on the contrary, uses the hard version.

How to pronounce a letter?

It is important for parents to understand the correct location of the speech organs, which allows them to receive the sound L.

  • The tip of the tongue is located at the roots of the upper teeth, resting against them. A possible position is to rest in the gap between the lower and upper teeth.
  • The air passes in a strong air flow along the sides of the tongue.
  • The tongue should not rest against the teeth with its lateral edges.

Most often, this process will not cause any particular difficulties for the child, and after a few lessons he will be able to pronounce the sound correctly. But if you study the rules of pronunciation together with your baby, the result will be better.

Correct training organization

When working with a child, it is important to take into account the characteristics of age, so the best form of such training is play. Parents need to think over a lesson program, which should be constantly varied.

Children do not yet understand the importance of exercises for pronunciation, so the lesson should be structured in such a way as to arouse interest and enthusiasm. A new game every day is the key to success.

What games can be used when doing exercises?

  • Into the ball.
  • With toys that will “learn” to say words or phrases.
  • Drawing.
  • Modeling from plasticine.
  • A store whose products are words starting with the letter L.

This activity will be a fun and useful pastime; the baby will unnoticeably learn to pronounce sounds correctly.

Work principles

If a child cannot pronounce the letter L, it is necessary to regularly work so that he learns to speak correctly. However, it is important for parents to adhere to a number of rules.

  • Working in front of a mirror will help your baby control his facial expressions.
  • Training should not be tiring or boring; 1-2 exercises, repeated several times, will be enough for one day.
  • Praise is an important part of the process, creating a desire to study carefully and meet the expectations of parents, so you need to rejoice with your child at his slightest success.

These simple rules will help make your classes as productive as possible.

Basic exercises

To teach a child to pronounce the letter L, you should perform a number of exercises that will help the child pronounce correctly.

  • "Smile". The easiest exercise for children to perform, which will help you get started and improve your child’s mood. It is done like this: the child should smile as broadly as possible and show his upper and lower teeth. Next, freeze in this position for a few seconds. At first, 3-5 seconds are enough, gradually the time increases to 10. The smile is done once, but it is advisable to repeat it throughout the day (the optimal number is 8 times a day).
  • "Breeze". Open your mouth slightly, slightly bite your tongue with your lips and blow as hard as possible. This exercise is also repeated several times a day, the total duration should be approximately 3 minutes.

Parents should work independently in front of the mirror, observing their own facial expressions, and only after that set an example for their child.

  • "Clicking." The child imitates the clop of a horse. It is important to ensure that the lower jaw remains completely motionless. The pace of execution should be gradually accelerated, as if the horse begins to run faster. Next, another change is made, you need to click more quietly, as if the horse is walking very quietly, stealthily.
  • "Goodies." The baby is instructed to imagine that he is licking something sweet and tasty (for example, chocolate paste). To do this, you need to rotate your tongue in a circle, licking your lips. Performed for 1 minute per day.
  • "Tube". A simple and fun exercise that little ones will love. The lips fold into a tube; to do this, pull them forward as much as possible.
  • "Long tongue". The child sticks out his tongue as far as possible. You can suggest trying to reach your nose and chin with your tongue.
  • "Sound[s]". The tip of the tongue is located in the depths of the mouth, the back is raised to the sky. In this position, you should stretch out the “y” sound, trying to make it sound as clear as possible.

It is better to combine such a complex with the development of fine motor skills; this will be an excellent way to develop speech, as well as the intellectual potential of the child. Children like these exercises, do not cause any particular difficulties and are performed with pleasure.

For the best results, training should be combined with articulatory gymnastics, which will strengthen the labial and lingual muscles.

Establishing the correct pronunciation

To learn how to say solid [l] correctly, you should work on pronunciation every day. It is best to start the lesson with a warm-up.

  1. Smile widely, showing your teeth, then press the tip of your tongue on the front teeth (you can tell the child that it’s like he’s pressing a bell button), then start humming. At first the sound will be soft, but over time the baby will learn to pronounce the hard L correctly.
  2. The next exercise is aimed at softening the sound. You need to smile, trying to show your teeth as much as possible. Then gently bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth. Now you should start breathing through your mouth (like a dog who is very hot). To avoid breathing through your nose, you can pinch it temporarily. After humming with your tongue clenched between your teeth, like a steam locomotive, you need to take a short pause, placing your tongue on your lower lip and pronouncing the sound [a]. When your child learns this simple method, you can teach him the “la-la-la” song.
  3. The next step is to repeatedly pronounce the syllables: LA-LO-LU and so on. This will help the child consolidate the pronunciation of the sound and not make mistakes in its further use.

After the baby has learned to pronounce all the syllables clearly, and the sound [l] in his reproduction sounds correct, it is necessary to begin a more complex task - pronouncing whole words. It is important to choose those that contain the letter L: lard, lamp, spoon, aloe, saw, horse.

If a child has difficulty pronouncing, it is necessary to start with interdental pronunciation, and then move on to reproducing the sound, holding the tongue behind the teeth. We teach the child what will be useful to him in later life, so there is no hurry.

Professional help

If after a series of sessions no improvement is observed, it is imperative to visit a professional speech therapist, who will identify the problem that caused the difficulty and offer recommendations for solving it.

A visit to a specialist is also required in the following cases:

  • if one of the family members has problems with diction and unwittingly sets a bad example for the child;
  • when Russian is not the family’s native language or people speak different languages ​​or accents at home.

By learning about the problem and starting to solve it in a timely manner, you can help your child acquire correct, clear speech and save him from many problems in later life.

In this article we will talk about how to teach a child to pronounce the letter l. Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The problem may be that the baby simply does not understand what articulatory pose should he take?. He may begin to be capricious and shout “I can’t pronounce the letter L!” just run away from you into another room.

There is no need to criticize or point out the shortcomings of your baby's speech. Find the pleasant aspects, and in an accessible language for him, point out the consequences of such pronunciation. Children will happily accept this approach and quickly learn to speak correctly.

First you need to figure out What specific mistakes does the baby make? and what are the reasons behind such mistakes:

Speech therapy games for producing the sound l

Such games not only promote the correct pronunciation of sounds, but train memory and thinking, which is very important in the formation of a future member of society.

How to learn to pronounce the letter l for an older child?

When the incorrect pronunciation is already formed, things are much worse. It’s not easy for you to retrain your child; you still need to make sure for quite a long time that the child does not confuse the correct and incorrect pronunciation of the sound l.

But the cause of incorrect sound pronunciation can be not only the inattention of parents or the laziness of the child, but also serious problems of the speech apparatus. So before you teach yourself to say the letter L, you need to show your baby to a number of specialists. These include:

  • child psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • pediatrician.

If experts have not identified any problems, then the cause of incorrect pronunciation of sounds is pedagogical neglect. How to teach a child to pronounce the letter l? It’s worth working on this and not letting things take their course. The baby should feel your support. You must give your child confidence that you are there and will help at any moment. At the same time, regular activities with your child will bring a lot of pleasure to both you and the child. Children will learn faster with happy and caring parents.

An integral part of the process of making sounds is breathing exercises. Don't neglect these simple but effective exercises. You can come up with absolutely any fantastic story or create a play environment to make it more interesting for your child to do breathing exercises. With their help, the baby learns to control the flow of air and learns the correct articulation of the tongue and lips. While playing, you can and should learn, you just have to be patient and get to work!

Often these days you can hear a disturbed pronunciation of the sound L. This violation is called labdacism. So, instead of the word “shovel”, they say, for example, “uvapata”, “ropata” and so on. If a child who is three years old talks like this, then sometimes it can even be touching. However, if an adult speaks like this, it is more likely to cause ridicule. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a speech therapist in a timely manner. And this needs to be done as early as possible.

Speech therapists sometimes believe that incorrect pronunciation of the sound L can be corrected in primary school or senior preschool age. Believe me, such experts are wrong. After all, how correctly a child speaks depends on his mastery of reading, writing and sound-letter analysis of words. And in general, the development of a child as a successful person. And if this problem is still not cured in adults, then you should start taking action, and a start can be made with the help of our tips and recommendations.

What should be the position of the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of the sound L?

  • The vocal cords vibrate.
  • The soft palate should be positioned so that it covers the passage into the nasal cavity.
  • The root of the tongue is raised.
  • The sides of your tongue should not touch your upper molars to allow passages for the air you exhale.
  • The tense tip of the tongue should rest against the gums or upper teeth.
  • The lower and upper teeth should not be too far apart from each other.
  • The position of the lips should change and depend on the vowel sounds that come after the sound L.

The most common mistakes when pronouncing the sound L

  • Forced exhalation, as a result of which you can hear a sound that resembles the sound N (air goes through the nose) or the sound F (with the participation of the cheeks).
  • Replacing L with R, for example, “redheads”, not “skis”.
  • The position of the lips is incorrect, the sound combination “uva” is heard, for example, “pashuva”, and not “went”.
  • The tongue is in the depths of the mouth, the sound Y is heard, for example, “yoozhka”, not “spoon”.

Preparing the speech apparatus to pronounce the sound L

  1. 1. To do the exercise called “Smile” you need to do the following: smile so that your lips stretch, and then return to their original state.
  2. 2. “Tube” can be done in two ways. The first is to clench your teeth, pull your lips forward and transform them into a square. Second - imitate the pronunciation of the sound U (only without voice).
  3. 3. “Needle”: Smile and stick your sharp tongue out of your mouth.
  4. 4. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”: Place a wide tongue on your lower lip. You can make a small hollow. It is important that the tongue is not too tense.
  5. 5. "Turkey": open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip, and then make stroking movements from top to bottom. You can add the sound combination “bl-bl-bl”.
  6. 6. "Let's ride a horse": smile, lift your tongue up to the alveoli and “suck.” Then click it, imitating the “clatter of hooves.”
  7. 7. "Let's go on the swings": smile. First, lower the sharp tip of your tongue by the lower teeth, and then lift it by the upper teeth.

Several ways to make the sound L

First way. Open your mouth wide. Make sure your upper and lower teeth are visible. Then stick your wide tongue out between your teeth, pronounce the sound A and immediately press it with your teeth. As a result, you will get a combination of the sounds A and L. As soon as you are able to pronounce the sound L in this position, move your tongue to the correct position - it should be raised up and rest against the gums or teeth.

Burr and lisp in children often cause sleepless nights for their parents. How to teach a child to say the letters r and l? Is it normal that he doesn’t pronounce them? What if it's something serious?

First, make it clear to yourself: up to the age of six, speech defects are normal. A child may not pronounce certain letters of the alphabet (as a rule, these are the notorious r and l), distort words, or use them incorrectly. This is normal, the baby is learning.

But after six this is definitely a problem. If your child is already approaching school, and speech sounds are still difficult, it’s time to take him to the doctor. You cannot do without medical consultations, even if you think that you are able to solve children's problems on your own. The doctor will first determine what is causing the speech defects and prescribe treatment.

Problems with the correct pronunciation of sounds in children can be of a psychological and biological nature.

The first is when a baby cannot pronounce a particular sound due to his own psyche. For example (and this is the most common case), parents spent their entire childhood lisping and cooing with their child, swallowing and distorting words. As a result, the child believes that this pronunciation is correct, which as a result is reflected in his speech. The problem may also be due to the fact that the child either does not know the mechanism that produces the sound, or simply does not want to pronounce it.

The second are the biological characteristics of the baby’s oral cavity. Sometimes, in order for a child to pronounce letters, it is enough to “cut” the frenulum of the tongue.

If the problem is psychological, it is better to seek treatment from a speech therapist. He will not only conduct training sessions with the baby, but will also tell parents how to teach their child to say the letters r and l at home.

Most often, speech therapists, answering the question of how to teach a child to say the letters r and l, recommend: “Say tongue twisters, rhymes and do mouth exercises.”

Tongue Twisters

A set of small speeches, rhymes and tongue twisters is one of the main elements of the technique.
As tongue twisters, you can use the well-known “The Greek rode across the river...” or “Karl stole coral from Clara.” Or learn with your child and recite poems out loud to practice the letter “r”:

“Fish, saffron milk cap, lynx, fisherman,

Rainbow, rocket, cancer.
No, not cancer.
Then chamomile
Fisherman, gun, shirt,
Maybe a frame or a handle?
No. Are you giving up? It's Zhuchka!
She sits under the table and growls."

or "l":

“The milk ran away, ran away, ran away.

I had a hard time catching it
Being a housewife is not easy!”


“Grandfather planted onions, grew an onion,

The grandson saw the bow and tore off the top of the bow.
Amazing thing:
Tears are falling from my grandson!”

Fun exercises

One of the elements of training is for children to perform simple exercises to practice the sounds r and l.
"Lion cub." Ask your child to vocalize how the lion roars. Let it be loud and long.
"Chanting". Let the child imagine that he is singing before the performance and sing loudly “La-le-lo-li-le-la-lu.” Repeat approximately 5-7 times.


Sometimes children simply do not know what the position of the lips and tongue should be in order to make the sounds r and l. Gymnastics helps to understand this and also trains the muscles of the tongue.

Here are some exercises:

"Snake". Place your tongue between your teeth, open your mouth slightly and exhale air through it.

"Nibbler." Open your mouth slightly and run your tongue along the back wall of the upper row of teeth left and right.

"Tease." Open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue and move it up and down and side to side.

The lower jaw and head should not move during exercises.

And most importantly: in any method related to teaching a child to say the letters r and l, systematic lessons are important. Only constant efforts can be crowned with success.


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