How to fell a tree in the right direction. How to properly cut down trees of different thicknesses

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Every owner of a private house with a garden or even small dacha treats all trees located on the site with care. This is not surprising, because in order to grow tall tree sometimes you need to put in a lot of effort. And the whole process is far from fast, sometimes it takes more than a dozen years. However, there are situations in which it is simply necessary to cut down a tree in the country house or in the area adjacent to the house. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. There are a number of technology rules.

Despite the value and attractiveness of a growing tree, there are a number of reasons why it should be removed.

Let's highlight some of the most popular:

Permission to remove a tree from the site

If the situation is simple, that is, you are the owner of the land on which the plant you dislike stands, get to work at any convenient time. But, if it grows in a public, or moreover, protected area, be sure to ask the relevant authorities in advance: is it possible to cut down the tree?

In some cases, you will have to spend a lot of time getting legal permission to remove it. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of getting a fine for cutting down a tree or even losing your freedom for improper treatment of green spaces.

Important! All the nuances of this problem are quite widely disclosed in the current legislation. Be sure to read them before cutting down.

Cutting methods

Not so long ago, the cutting process was quite lengthy and required good physical fitness employee. The whole process was carried out with an ax or regular saw. Today, such solutions are not particularly relevant. You can cut down a tree on your property quickly and easily using a chainsaw.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions for using the tool and watch a video on the technology of using the model you have chosen to eliminate any misunderstandings of the process. Otherwise, the result will not be a neatly cut tree, but damage to your health or the physical condition of your assistants.

What tools are needed for the job?

Besides the cutting tool prepare the following materials:

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw?

In order to correctly remove the interfering plant, be sure to first familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the technology.

Trajectory selection

Initially, decide how to cut down the tree correctly by mapping out the trajectory of its fall. While completing this task, be sure to consider the following nuances:


In addition to all the technical aspects, the positive result of all work performed is also influenced by the timing of its implementation. Not all natural phenomena contribute to the correct fall of a cut trunk. Therefore, proceed with plant removal only under the following weather conditions:

Barrel preparation

Despite the apparent simplicity of cutting down a tree, it is quite difficult to do it alone. Be sure to enlist the support of at least one assistant.

Look at the diagram of the work and the photo of the completed undercut to understand what kind of result you will get.

To ensure that the cut tree falls correctly and does not catch nearby objects, perform the trunk preparation work as follows:

Safety precautions

Given the high risk of not only injury, but also terrible injuries during the work process, be sure to strictly follow all safety rules:

Sawing and waste removal

The final stage of removing a tree from the territory is sawing the trunk, preparing firewood from it and removing the remaining debris.

Perform these tasks sequentially.

Important! Decide in advance where to take the garbage. Considering its possible quantity, you will most likely need a specific territory intended for this. Sometimes a cheaper option will be to contact a special company for the disposal of construction waste and lumber.


Watch a video that clearly shows the entire process of cutting down a tree.


To avoid damage and injury, and to obtain the expected result, treat the work performed with the utmost care and precision. If the size of the tree makes you doubt your abilities, try the technology initially on a smaller plant on your site or in a forest belt where there is no risk of getting a fine.

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Tree cutting is a question that often arises during construction. reinforced concrete structures, structures, laying various communications, as well as in matters of ensuring the safety of passers-by.

Due to the fact that the dimensions of the tree can be different, the difficulties that can be encountered during felling also vary. For example, if it grows in close proximity to a power line, in a residential area, on the territory of any parking lots or outbuildings, the question arises, how to properly fell trees so that they fall in the right direction?

The issue of felling itself does not cause problems, but when the trunk needs to be felled in the right direction, this is a task that can cause serious problems and puzzle even professionals.

Required Tools

In order to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw, you will need the following tools and accessories:

Valka performed using a chainsaw. If you just need to thin out the garden by summer cottage, a power saw will also work. But for felling wood, you should only take a chainsaw, since laying cables and wires in the forest is quite problematic and, as a rule, impractical. Moreover, this will take a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to fell trees with a chainsaw.

Wedges are used at the final stage of felling. In most cases, one wedge is enough, but for felling a large tree, two or even three wedges may be needed.

Ropes may be needed V difficult conditions rolls. For example, if in a parking lot you need to fell a tree so as not to damage the cars in the immediate vicinity, you can use ropes to tie the branches or trunk to be cut off to a crane.

It would be more correct, of course, to notify drivers about the upcoming work and make sure that they park their vehicles in another place, but sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to clear the area of ​​unnecessary trees, and there is simply no time to wait for the driver of the vehicle interfering with the work.

Ropes may also be needed for climbing the trees themselves, if, for example, they fall not entirely, but in parts. In this case, the branches are cut down first, then the trunk is cut down in parts.

At the final stage of felling, as a rule, a thrust pole is used when you need to apply additional pressure on the barrel in the desired direction. Axe - necessary tool. No felling can do without it.

Preparing for work

It is common to use a chainsaw to fell trees. But not everyone can work with it. That is, not everyone will be able to answer the question of how to cut with a chainsaw correctly. After all, this is a rather dangerous tool and you need some experience to work with it.

You can, of course, cut down a tree with an ax, like in the good old days, but it is better to use professional equipment for this.

Before you start using a chainsaw, need to check it and understand whether it complies with safety regulations and is in working order. You also need to fill it with the required amount of gasoline and oil.

After checking the saw, the trunk, which needs to be felled, must be inspected. Around it you need to remove everything that could interfere with free operation. After this, the trunk must be cleared to a height of one and a half meters from branches and young shoots. Then you need choose direction, in which it is better to dump. Now you can proceed directly to felling.

Felling technique

The felling technique depends on the thickness of the trunk. For example, young tree It’s easy to knock down a thin trunk, while dealing with a thick trunk is sometimes quite problematic. The height of the tree also matters. The lower it is, the easier it is to deal with it.

On the side in which you plan to fell the tree, you need make a notch a depth of half the thickness of the trunk and at an angle of 45 degrees to its vertical line. Then, when the trunk is more than 50 cm thick, a vertical cut is made from the oblique cut to the very bottom of the trunk; if it is relatively thin, a vertical cut is not needed.

After this, on the other hand, a horizontal cut is made slightly above the opposite oblique notch. While one person is sawing, another person is pushing the trunk in the desired direction with a persistent pole. At this time, you can also drive a wedge into the cut to create additional pressure on the trunk, but often there is no need for the help of a wedge.

The above felling technique is used for straight trunks standing vertically. If the tree is inclined, then it is almost impossible to fell it in the desired direction. Especially if the slope is large. If it is small, then using a support pole you can deal with it and move in the right direction.

Regarding this question of how to fell wood correctly, the felling technique here is not much different. Main, observe safety precautions, since felling a forest with a chainsaw, along with a useful context, can pose a direct threat to the life of the person felling the forest.

Each lumberjack has his own felling technique and his own answer to the question of how to cut with a chainsaw, but in any case, first you need to ensure the safety of the work.

Safety precautions

Tree cutting must be carried out in compliance with safety precautions and the following must be observed:

To avoid injuries and injuries when working with a chainsaw while felling forest, you need to be strict comply with the above rules. Working with a chainsaw is unsafe. The main thing in this matter is not to be overly self-confident, since excessive self-confidence can play a cruel joke.

Main Factors

Let us immediately note that the technique for felling large and small trees is different, and it is difficult not to notice this. The easiest way, as you might guess, is with the “small things”. So let's start with it.

So, what do you need to do to see a cut down tree at your feet? There are several factors that influence proper cutting, of which the main ones can be identified:

  • felling technique;
  • complexity of the work;
  • security.

These are the main three factors that influence the questions of how to properly cut down a tree and how to cut down trees with a chainsaw. The felling technique depends on the complexity of the work. As already mentioned, one technique is used for thin trunks, and another for thick trunks.

Cutting down trees of any complexity is a solvable task, but not everyone can cope with it. Therefore, in this matter, along with other factors, experience is important. When the question arises of how to properly cut down trees with a chainsaw, there must be an answer to the question: do you have experience?

Security- an important factor for a lumberjack in the question of how to cut down a tree with a chainsaw. Even before starting all work, safety must be ensured to avoid injury and injury.

The process of felling large trees with a chainsaw requires the availability of professional-grade tools, special equipment and knowledge of the relevant section of safety regulations. This information is about how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw without the risk of damaging buildings and elements located at a short distance landscape design.

Cutting down trees yourself with a chainsaw allows you to save money on paying a specialist, and also choose a convenient time for this work. A positive result is facilitated by the presence of a semi-professional or better professional-class chainsaw.

Trying to cut trees with a household-grade chainsaw with a low-power drive is undesirable from a safety perspective:

  • the productivity of such work is extremely low;
  • the risk of the headset getting stuck in the cut increases;
  • high loads negatively affect the service life of such a tool.

The scope of household chainsaws of medium and low power categories includes:

  • tree crowning;
  • pruning thick branches;
  • cutting out locks in construction wood during the construction of log cabins.

Disposable or any other forest felling is the prerogative of powerful and productive models professional level. At the same time, it is not recommended to use saws with electric drive. With identical petrol models power, torque of the electric saw range is significantly lower.

Working alone is prohibited. A companion may be required to assist in the event of an injury. His responsibilities also include additional control over the felling process and giving signals in the event of an emergency.

Initial stage of preparatory work

Self-felling of trees with a chainsaw is carried out in a certain sequence.

Preparation for the main job begins with studying the safety requirements:

  • checking and serviceability of the chainsaw as a whole;
  • selection of comfortable shoes, clothes and protective equipment, the minimum list of which includes glasses and mittens.

The following mandatory factors must be taken into account in the calculations:

  • tire length;
  • engine traction characteristics;
  • trunk thickness, wind strength and direction.

The next stage of preparation

  • The felling of large trees in the coastal zone requires careful preparation. Sawing a trunk that has fallen into the water creates many problems, the solution of which will require investment. additional funds.
  • You should also decide on escape routes if the situation gets out of control. The felled tree still needs to be sawed and removed, so it is advisable to provide fairly convenient access to the place where the trunk is cut.
  • When felling large trees, the risk of large branches falling should be avoided. The problem in each specific case is solved individually, in best case scenario— renting an articulated lift or paying for the services of an industrial climber. The information received from experienced sawyers will help you avoid mistakes that are typical for the first trial of strength.
  • When preparing the workplace for safe approach and movement, it is necessary to clear the surrounding area of ​​branches, leaves and other foreign objects.

Work sequence

The use of single-cut cutting of a trunk in amateur sawing practice is justified only when felling trees of moderate height and small diameter, in the range of 100-150 mm. Working with thick trunks requires compliance standard technology.

  • The first upper cut is made from the side of the planned laying of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of up to a quarter of its diameter. The bottom cut is made horizontally until both cuts meet.
  • The most critical stage of the work is the felling cut, which is performed from the side opposite to the place where the felled tree is laid. Before you begin, you need to once again make sure that there are no people or animals in the surrounding area, check that you have a secure grip on the tool, and take a position that is comfortable for work.
  • The felling cut is made parallel to the bottom one, 50 mm lower. The technology dictates that the cut is approximately 1/10th of the diameter of the trunk, which is used as a kind of hinge.

If the requirements for the size of the undercut, the location of the guide and felling cuts are not met, the direction of the tree's fall, especially in windy weather, may become unpredictable.

It is better to practice the primary skills of logging work on dry trees of small diameter, which can be easily found in the nearest forest. As a rule, confidence in your actions appears after practicing 3-5 attempts.

  • To prevent the headset from jamming in the cut, it is recommended to use wooden wedges. The use of metal analogues is undesirable due to the risk of damage due to the reverse impact of the saw.
  • When making a felling cut, it is necessary to constantly monitor the verticality of the trunk; adjustments to the work process can be made by an unexpected gust of wind.
  • As a rule, the time the large trunk falls is enough to remove the saw from the cut, turn off the engine and promptly leave the work area.

It is strictly prohibited to be in the workplace at this time, since when it hits the ground, the lower part of the trunk jumps to a height of up to one and a half meters.

Features of sawing a trunk on the ground

Subsequent cutting of trees with a chainsaw lying directly on the ground can create a lot of inconvenience. In particular, touching the working saw set to the ground can initiate the entry of abrasive material into the assembly and forced wear of the guide bar and saw chain shanks.

It is better to lift the butt with a long lever and place a flat piece of wood with a diameter of 100-150 mm under the bottom. The efforts made are compensated by increased operating comfort and safety of the material part.

When bucking a trunk lying on a slope, cleared of branches, it should be secured with stakes driven into the ground. When sawing, it is recommended to always remain on the elevated side.

Features of pruning branches

A significant part of the traumatic situations due to kickbacks occurs when trimming thick branches and branches, so for this work it is better to use a lightweight and easier-to-use tool garden class.

It is more convenient to start stripping the trunk from the top of the cut tree to the butt. It is strictly forbidden to cut branches with the end of the headset. In this option, the number of spontaneous emissions and the risk of injury increases significantly.

When the system is turned on frequently emergency stop The tool motor and saw kinematics are subjected to extreme loads, which negatively affect the durability of the tool as a whole.

The chainsaw is designed to carry out various works with wood. With its help, you can fell trees of various diameters and cut them into boards or bars. In addition, this tool is used for figured cutting on wood - carving. In order to use a chainsaw correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of various works and safety rules, neglect of which leads to very disastrous consequences.

Felling trees is enough traumatic process, because with the slightest mistake, the trunk of a cut tree, which has a huge mass, can fall on the person working with the chainsaw. Therefore, it is not enough just to have this unit and the desire to cut down a tree. Before you start working with a chainsaw, you should know the basic rules of working with this tool. So, safety precautions when felling forest contain the following points, which must not be ignored.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw

When felling trees with a chainsaw, it is necessary to select the right blade: it must match the thickness and type of wood. For example, if you need to fell thin trees, then there is no point in using heavy and powerful units. After all, they high consumption fuel mixture and lubricants, and it’s much harder to work with them. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • for trunks with a diameter of 600 mm or more, a heavy blade (650 mm) should be used;
  • for trunks of average diameter 300-600 mm - medium-sized blade 350-650 mm;
  • Thin trunks (up to 300 mm) can be felled using a blade up to 350 mm.

If you have work to do with hardwood(oak, beech, cherry, apple tree, pear, etc.), then it is better to use medium blades for thin trunks, and heavy blades for trunks with a diameter of 300-600 mm or more.

Preparation stage

Felling trees with a chainsaw will be difficult and sometimes dangerous without the preparation stage.

  1. Make sure there are no people, animals, buildings or other trees in the area where the tree is expected to fall.
  2. Very careful preparation is required for felling trees. near bodies of water. If a sawn object falls into the water, you will have to make a lot of effort, including using technology, to get it out and saw it.
  3. If you need to lay the tree to be cut down in a certain place, you can tie a cable to the top of the trunk or to its middle, and use a winch or other mechanism to force it to tilt in the desired direction.
  4. Before cutting down a tree, take care escape routes, if an unforeseen situation arises (if possible, remove all obstacles that may prevent you from leaving the danger zone).
  5. Provide access to the sawn and trimmed tree for loading and removal.
  6. If you have to felling big tree , then you first need to eliminate the possibility of large branches falling during work. It is recommended to rent a lift or use the services of industrial climbers to cut off problematic branches.

In amateur practice, it is allowed to fell trees using a single-cut cut only in cases where low plants with a trunk diameter of no more than 150 mm are to be felled. But thick trees need to be cut using standard technology.

  1. The very first, upper cut should be done on the side of the plant in which it should ultimately fall. It is made at an angle of 45°, with a recess of ¼ of the diameter of the trunk. Second, lower notch is carried out horizontally until the cuts join.
  2. The third file is called felling and is the most responsible. It is performed on the opposite side of the previously made wedge-shaped cut, parallel to the second cut (see figure below), but 5 cm higher than it. Also, according to the technology, the felling cut should not be sawed to the end, that is, to the wedge-shaped cut. It is necessary to stop without finishing about 1/10 of the thickness of the trunk, so that the remaining intact part acts as a kind of hinge.
  3. To prevent the saw from jamming in the cut, you must use wooden wedges. Metal wedges should not be used because the chain may be damaged if the saw kicks back.
  4. When making a felling cut, carefully monitor the verticality of the trunk. A sudden gust of wind can make its own adjustments, and cutting down a tree as you planned will not work.
  5. After the felling cut, even before the plant begins to fall, you should quickly, without fuss, remove the chainsaw bar and move away to a safe distance. It is extremely unsafe to be near a tree at this moment, since the lower part of the trunk can jump to a height of about 1.5 meters when falling.

If the undercut rule is ignored, and the guide and felling cuts are positioned incorrectly, then it will be impossible to predict the direction in which the tree will fall.

After the plant has been knocked down in the desired direction, you should cut off all branches on its trunk. For convenience, you need to place a flat piece of wood 100-150 mm high under the trunk. If you do not do this, there is a high probability that you will catch the ground with the saw. When the equipment gets into the ground, where there is always sand, the latter ends up on the tire, namely in the groove along which the chain slides. As a result of exposure to abrasive particles, not only the chain shanks, but also the entire tire begin to wear out quickly. Therefore, the question that builders often ask - is it possible to saw foam blocks with a chainsaw - is inappropriate.

How to properly cut a log

The next stage after felling the tree is sawing it. It must be carried out by following certain rules and according to the scheme.

Longitudinal sawing into boards

As you might guess, boards are made by cutting logs longitudinally. Since it will be necessary longitudinal sawing, then the saw chain must be of the appropriate type. To ensure that the cutting of the trunk into planks is accurate, it is used special device for sawing Big Mill logs, shown in the following figure.

It can be used to cut logs diameter up to 500 mm. The thickness of the resulting board is set using a special ruler marked on the racks of the device. It can already be purchased at finished form or do it yourself by watching this video.

To cut a log into boards of equal thickness, do the following.

To cut logs across the grain, you must install it on the unit saw chain for cross cutting. Basically, cross cut is used for cutting wood. The resulting small cylinders are then split into firewood. To make it convenient to cut firewood, the logs are placed on trestles 600-800 mm high.

In the same way it is carried out beam trimming.

Log sawing scheme

Below is a diagram that shows how to properly dissolve a log into boards and beams.

This operation can be performed in several ways.

  1. Sawing a square beam occurs from the core part of the log.
  2. To get 2 rectangular beams, the square beam is sawn into 2 parts.
  3. By sawing a log crosswise, you can get 4 beams.
  4. This type of sawing is called “tumble” and is used on sawmill frames. All boards are unedged.
  5. At this type by cutting a log, you can get a double-edged beam, as well as several unedged boards and a couple of croakers.
  6. Complex in its execution radial sawing. Feature When cutting boards this way, they have vertical growth rings.
  7. The double-edged beam opens onto edged boards and 2 wane.
  8. For boards with horizontal growth rings, front side they call the one that is turned towards the center of the log (core), and the back one is turned towards the sapwood (this is the name of the periphery of the trunk).

What is carving

The word “carving” came into our language from English and means “cutting”. This is the name for figured wood carving with a chainsaw. This art of skillful use of an instrument is beginning to gain popularity in our country. For carving, ordinary light chainsaws, for example, such as Husqvarna 135.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 135

The chainsaw has small dimensions, develops required power, has a weight of 4.4 kg and facilitates engine starting. The tire needs to be installed in a medium size, about 14 inches. The chain is selected in 3/8 inch increments. It is recommended to immediately purchase special chains. For example, the STIHL Carving Rapid Micro Spezial (RMS) chain has a ¼-inch pitch, short teeth and is designed specifically for figured sawing on wood. The Husqvarna 135 saw is well suited for beginner carvingists.

Chainsaw Husqvarna 450e II

As you gain experience, you can use more powerful units.

Sculptures created from wood using a chainsaw are very widely used in recreation parks, on city streets, near cafes, restaurants and other public places, and always attract the genuine attention of passers-by.

For example, seeing such a product in the park, few people will pass by it indifferently.

The imagination and skill of professional carvingists sometimes causes surprise and admiration.

To achieve such results, you need to make a huge effort, it will take years of practice to hone your skills. After all, even if you try to make some simple product with your own hands, you will immediately understand that carving wood with a chainsaw is not an easy process. But if you are filled with the desire to learn this art, then, undoubtedly, you will be able to realize all your plans and decorate your site with unparalleled products.

What can beginner carving masters do?

If you want to try your hand at wood carving with a chainsaw, then first you should choose a simple shape, for example, you can cut outmushroom or cube

Take your choice of wood seriously. If it is wet then ready product after drying, it will crack and the result of your work will be ruined.

So, first you need to make a blank from wood with a chainsaw, that is, give the product a general outline. At this stage, special precision is not needed. It’s just important not to remove too much. Keep a drawing of the object or a sample in front of you to more accurately represent the proportions of the finished sculpture.

Finished wooden sculptures are sanded sandpaper and are covered protective layer, paint or varnish. As you acquire skills, you can begin making more complex figures. Crafts made from logs, namely pillars depicting people or animals, are very popular among chainsaw carvers. They are installed vertically (buried in the ground). The photo below shows a simple manufacturing process bear figures made from logs, which is suitable for beginner carvingists.

To create birds More experience and dexterity are required, since very small details of the sculpture (head, feathers, etc.) must be processed.

A chainsaw with the proper power is capable of cutting down any tree trunk for which the length of the cutting part is sufficient. You need to carry out the work very carefully, adhering to all the rules. Particular attention should be paid when there is a risk of unpleasant situations due to too thick, icy or contaminated wood.

Place the lever in the middle of the backrest and use your shoulder as much as possible. If necessary, cut away any thick bark so that the arm is supported by solid wood. Making sure that the chain does not catch on the lever, fold the rear cut. Be sure to leave a suitable hinge.

Now it's time to turn the tree over. To help distribute the load and avoid strain, keep your back straight and knees bent - tuck your legs. When a tree begins to fall, always return to the escape route. Never push down on a tree with one hand while lifting with the other. Lifting in a twisted position is a recipe for serious back injury.

You need to take into account all the factors that can complicate the work, and use the chainsaw carefully, constantly monitoring your actions and the work of your partners.

There are a range of factors that influence the correct felling of timber. Most important conditions are divided into two categories: the technical component of the process and ensuring the safety of all persons involved.

When cutting trees into the wind or against their natural squat, cutting leverage can be invaluable. Cut out the notch and make the back cut off as shown in the picture. Be sure to leave a small corner uncovered for support. This will prevent the tree from being returned. Remove the saw and insert the chopping lever. On the tree side, pass through the corner support at an angle downwards to avoid hitting the chopping arm. Rotate the tree as before.

Get into the habit of using the chopping lever. As you work, carry or throw it from tree to tree. You don't have to use the lever with every tree, but it will be handy when you do. Tongs and Pulp Hooks Tongs and Pulp Hooks have made scaffolding safer and more efficient. The inventors of these tools created extensions of our hands. We no longer have to hammer our unsuspecting fingers while trying to lift a slippery balance or pinch our backs while trying to lift without bending.

Be safe when cutting

The technical side of the issue is usually requires an immediate solution even at, since each model is designed only for a certain thickness, density and structure of wood. Sawing is usually done quite slowly. Acceleration is only possible when working with well-yielding wood or thin trunks (you can even use it for this). Usually such plants are not of great value, so they are cut down very rarely.

Nippers are used to grasp, hold or lift pulpwood. Releasing the grip of the wood pliers takes a little practice. If they hold fast when you drop the line, you or your tongs may end up on a pile of pulp! To release the wood, use quick pressure and twisting. With practice you will get the hang of it quickly.

If you are willing to try the tongs again, you will understand why this tool is so easily accepted by forest workers. Thongs come with a leather or vinyl holster that slides over the belt for easy access. The chain hook is a curved steel hook mounted on a handle. There are two types available: it is designed to lift four-phase pulpwood about 30 cm long with the hook perpendicular to the handle. On some models the tip is replaceable.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tree in advance, comparing with the selected chainsaw model (see). The device must optimally meet a specific power goal. If the length of the device’s tire does not exceed 35 cm, then the maximum diameter of the tree trunk with which the work is carried out is 30 cm. When the length of the tire reaches 65 cm, then you can cut down options up to 60 cm in diameter.

The second type of cellulose hook has more short story in Atlantic Canada. Used more often in Scandinavia than here, it was designed for rolling rather than lifting wood. Unlike the previous larger hook, this one has a handle and hook in the same plane. As a result, any piece of wood larger than 15cm in diameter will fall out of the hook when lifted. This hook is designed to hold a roll of wood, and it comes with a holster to be worn on your belt.

This new hook is very good when used with modern systems forestry However, to know its true benefits, you must dedicate yourself to learning how to use it. If you ignore early disappointments, you will discover another valuable tool.

For the most massive types of wood, complex and very powerful chainsaws are used (see the most), having more than standard weight. The length of the tire in them is above 65 cm.

The sawing technology also changes along with the thickness of the target. One cut can reliably cut down trees up to 20 cm in diameter. If this indicator exceeds this threshold, you need to make several cuts in order to cut down the tree without damaging the device and without much effort on the part of the workers.

Here are some tips for using a smaller cellulose hook. With the influence of Swedish forestry practices in the province, several forest workers now use two hooks instead of pulp hooks. This approach requires refined technique and careful practice. The lift is more efficient because the weight is distributed more evenly across the shoulders than when used with one hand with tongs. The hooks are held on opposite sides of the pulp stick and at a slight angle as shown.

To reduce the chance of injury, try this with caution at first or get a demonstration. Essential has a strengthening of these instruments, especially the hook. Without correct sharpening they will be next to the useless ones. New tools are rarely sharp when sold, so follow this sharpening guide.

The greater the height of the tree, the more problematic compliance with safety regulations becomes.. Sawing also becomes more difficult, since greater weight requires some effort and high power devices. Sometimes you have to make cuts in a group, maintaining a level distance, that is, making them at different heights.

For a cellulose hook, store the inside of the point so it holds the wood securely. The inside of the point should be parallel to the front of the handle. Bevel the outer edges of a point to create sharpness. The shape of the point ensures that the hook always bites into the wood.

To check if the point is sharpened correctly, pull the hook through the flat wooden surface with both hands. The point should always bite into the forest. To maintain the correct point shape, sharpen by filing the beveled edges of the otter. The tongs are sharpened in the same way.

You need to measure the center of gravity in advance to determine the fall of the tree. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the crown, as well as the characteristics of the trunk itself. These criteria influence not only the position of workers, but also the proposed cutting locations, which are optimal. Usually the trunk needs to be cut down completely and at the root, but sometimes a certain part of it is required, which also affects the cutting process.

Personal safety equipment as described in the Safety Guide chain saws"and is shown in the illustration. Fuel and oil containers that are properly designed for this purpose. Do not use glass or soft plastics, and wedges and driven tools have at least two wedges. It is best to use plastic high density or soft metal. They are useful for rolling small trees or rolling and storing logs to assist with cross-cutting. Lever for chopping. This is useful for small trees and one with a hook can be used as a hook. You may prefer to trim the axe. This is also useful for splitting large blocks of firewood. Know your limitations. Tree cutting on steep slopes or unstable soil. Work on trees cut down on power lines, buildings or public routes. Driving trees one on top of another. Back, pulling the trees. Cutting down dead trees. Make sure that no one with you, unless they are an instructor or assistant, is within two tree lengths of the tree to be cut down. Check for hazards in areas such as electricity or telecommunications lines. If in doubt, seek advice from your local regulatory authority. If any path is expensive, railway or public access is within two tree lengths of your work area, check with the regulatory authority to see what precautions they require to prevent harm to other people and property. Check for buildings, equipment, fencing, or overhead mesh pipes within two tree lengths of the tree's fall direction. Having checked that precautions have been completed and taken where necessary, you are now ready to look at the individual tree that needs to be cut down. If possible, plan for the tree to fall so that it clears any obstructions and lands in a clear, open space. Check for dead or damaged branches or any debris that could be dislodged and fall into the work area as the tree falls. This is especially common in older shelterbelt trees and causes many serious accidents every year. They can come off when a tree falls and fall into the work area, pulling the tree out of the desired fall direction, or causing other trees to uproot and fall. Pay attention to any vines that may affect the direction of the fall. Look for any rot around the base of the tree where the cuts should be made. This may affect the direction of the fall. the sparsity of the tree, the location of the heaviest branches and the overall weight of the crown will help you choose the direction of fall. Wind can influence the direction of fall and must be taken into account along with other points. Avoid falling trees in strong winds or bad weather. If wedges or other cutting tools are needed, have them ready.

Controls the direction of fall, allowing the tree to fall freely in the selected direction. minimizes splitting or cutting. Acts as a hinge and controls the direction the tree falls, prevents the tree from twisting or breaking when falling, preventing the tree from falling backwards if the back cut is closed. Watch for the tree to lean back or bounce when it hits the ground.

  • Don't forget your first aid kit.
  • Chainsaw, files, manuals and tool kit.
  • Chainsaw manufacturer's booklet.
  • Working in the wind or with windy trees.
  • Cutting down large, highly branched shelter belt trees.
  • Cutting down trees with heavy currents.
  • Cutting down trees that may splinter or cut.
  • Willow and Tawa are two examples of such trees.
  • Make sure there are no other persons, children or animals in the work area.
  • This distance must be increased if cutting down a slope.
  • Look at the tree underneath different angles so you don't miss anything.
  • Look for branches connected to each other by branches of other trees.
  • Scarf; back split and wooden hinge.
  • Remove the saw from the cut and turn it off.
  • Proceed to the planned evacuation route.
  • Watch for falling material.
A rear cut at the same level as the scarf may cause the tree to detach from the stump.

Step-by-step instruction

The technology for cutting down trees of large and small diameter has several differences. First you need to learn how to cut down small plants:

  1. Step 1. Looking for the slope of the tree. Even a slight gravity is suitable, but the more strongly this feature is expressed, the more clearly one can notice the exact direction of the plant’s fall.

    It is advisable to cut straight trees in convenient places for stalling, not at random. One cut is approximately half the full size of the trunk.

    The cut is allowed to be left without holding the tree or hinge. The tree will fall without control. A rear cut at the same level as the scarf may cause the tree to be pushed away from the stump. Inverted trimming may cause the fall to fall in the wrong direction and damage the bar.

    Remember that if the tree has a large side or leans back heavily, these methods will not be successful and may even be dangerous. Get an experienced person or professional to handle this type of wood. A different cutting method may be required.

  2. Step 2. C reverse side The same incision is made at the same level. You need to wait until the plant begins to bend significantly, that is, the fall will be noticeable. First, the tree should be felled with a cut at the level of an adult’s shoulder, and then separately, that is, with minimal risk to safety, the rest of the massif should be refined and only a small stump should be preserved.
  3. Step 3. Cutting a tree into its component parts can be done starting from the branches, which are located farthest away. Small branches can be easily cut down in one step, while thicker branches should preferably be cut in two steps, so as not to damage the chainsaw. The saw chain (see) cannot touch the ground, as this will lead to its rapid dulling.

A tree is considered large if its diameter exceeds half a meter. First, the trunk is used as a support, but sawing the structure can only be done after choosing the angle at which the plant will fall. Algorithm of actions:

Some risk factors and difficulties

Remove the bark from the wedge position to expose the hardwood and the wedge is immediately effective. Bring the wedge home as they cut out the notch to get maximum help from the wedge lever. Do not attempt to drive a plastic wedge into a closed cut, as splitting or breaking the wedge may result in facial injury.

Start the back cut on the lean side of the tree, leaving a slightly narrower hinge tree than usual. Continue the reverse cut on the other side, allowing you to use a wider joint and insert a wedge into the cut. The tree must fall in the right direction. Once there is sufficient solid wood, insert a wedge or wedges into the cut and drive as the cut progresses. Make one side of the back cut as usual and place a wedge in this cut opposite the scarf and according to the desired direction of fall. Make sure both back slits are slightly overlapped, but make sure they are still on correct distance above cut scarves. Be aware that the tree may slide backwards or lift into the work area when it hits the ground. Don't turn your back, watch the progress and progress of the tree you cut down. Follow the escape route from the falling tree. Make the scarf a little deeper, but not more than half the diameter. Place the wedge in the rear as soon as practicable to ensure right direction falls as there is no crown to help topple the tree. on the ground. There are two types called "cut" and "hanging" trees. If a machine is present, it can help push the tree in the desired direction. Otherwise, wedges can be inserted into the back cut and driven into the house until the tree falls. If the back is too tight to insert the wedges, you can reapply the scarf and cut the back of the wood in reverse. Make a second round of cutting, cutting off the diameter of the tree above the first, as this will reduce the chance of splitting. Insert the wedges before there is a chance that the tree will lean back and keep them moving when cut down. If there are trees that abut felled trees, give them a quick check as there may be broken branches or suspended materials that could fall into the work area. Make sure the wood is stable and won't roll or move when you start working on it. If you have equipment, trees lying in difficult or dangerous positions should be pulled into a safe and stable position before pruning or cross-cutting begins. Pruning should be done while walking along the tree, provided the tree is stable and debris or scrub is not an obstacle. If pruning is to be done from the top of the log, the distance to the ground should be no more than 5 meters. This cutting method can cause back strain and lead to falls and tripping out. Trees that are actually on the ground can be pruned with relative safety. Beware of a tree suspended by its branches, as one large branch can hold the tree up. Cutting this branch may cause the tree to roll on top of you. Once the tree is supported from the ground, trim large branches from the outside, making a couple of cuts to test stability.

Trimming a tree held off the ground

Use enough bar when trimming to reduce the chance of nose or bar contact and kickback. Stand on your side from the tension and release the tension with two cuts, first on your side and then on the other side. Examine the wood and determine if any part may roll, drip, or wobble when the cut is completed. Magazine control can also be lost when magazines are curled or rolled. Unless it's clear that by holding a tree on a slope, you have to assume that it can move at any time. Make sure that other people are not in danger if the cut-out magazine rolls down the slope. Never attempt to cross a tree or log that is in a dangerous condition, or if the cut cannot be completed. It may be possible to make the incision in a less desirable position that might eliminate the danger. When going crosswise, gain stable footing and avoid standing on loose material. Clear a sufficient area to work and an escape route if danger arises. Look for any defects, such as rot or large branches, that may be affecting your intersection. Make sure that carrying the saw does not bring the chain into contact with the ground or objects that could damage it. Generally the wood will not lie in the ideal position for crosscutting and the following points will help you crosscut without error. The most common situations are tension, compression and pressure.

Let's go - cut down the trees properly

  • Make the scarf face the direction you want it to fall.
  • Insert the wedge into the cut.
  • Drive the wedge home when the cut is complete.
  • Cut the scarf as usual in the direction you want it to fall.
  • The back is as normal.
  • Make the scarf a little smaller than usual using the usual method.
  • Make the final part of the back by angling it to avoid a wedge.
  • Keep the wedge under pressure as the final cut is made.
  • If necessary, use a different wedge.
  • Move quickly along the escape route to distance yourself from the stump area.
  • Cut down trees along the slope.
  • Make sure you are not in the path of a rolling tree.
  • Place cushions if you think movement is possible, especially on slopes.
  • Always complete the cut from the top side of the log.
  • Always work on the uphill side of a tree on a slope.
  • Watch out for limbs that are under tension.
  • They can retreat and cause serious injury.
  • Don-tret-logs that are suspended at a height of more than 5 meters above the ground.
  • Crossing above this height means the saw is being used above shoulder level.
  • Never stand up or cut trees that have a root plate.
It doesn't matter if you just want to cut down a tree that has gotten too big in the garden or if you want to go into the forest.
  1. Step 1. A cut is made from top to bottom with a slope of 60 degrees. It must be done exactly from the side of the intended slope. You must always maintain the exact angle and keep the chainsaw absolutely level.
  2. Step 2. A horizontal line is drawn below, which should be adjacent to the innermost point of the first cut. When it is carried out all the way, you can remove the corner made of wood, which allows you to make a side cut.
  3. Step 3. On the opposite side of the first two cuts, a horizontal sawing is made, which begins slightly above the lower level of the cuts on the opposite side. It is necessary to cut quite deeply, but it is forbidden to perform the operation completely, that is, the tree must remain in an upright position.
  4. Step 4. In the second cut you need to install a pre-prepared wedge or a special blade for felling forest. The remaining volume can be removed using a spatula or by finishing from the inside.

Exists alternative way safe felling of trees. At first solid wood completely sawed through.

Then the device moves in the opposite direction with a slope to the left and reaches the middle. You need to insert a wedge under the second cut. The tree is sawn from the opposite side.

Sawing branches and trunk

Branches need to be removed from the bottom of the tree, which is already lying on flat surface. You should alternately finish the rows of branches, reaching the central ones, in order to gradually completely clear the trunk. All elements must be removed separately; it is advisable to transfer the sawn-off parts into a certain container during the work process.

Cutting branches from a horizontal log

To cut a trunk, you must take the following steps:

  1. The trunk is cut about halfway from the top.
  2. The saw turns off (see why), but remains in the tree. At this time, a wedge is driven into the hole obtained in the first stage, which must be tamped down well with a hatchet. This is necessary so that the saw does not become distorted by the weight of the two trunks, but is in a free position between them.
  3. The trunk is being sawed to the end point.

Sometimes the chainsaw bar remains in the trunk, especially for not just massive, but also hard wood. In this case, there is no point in pulling it out. You need to quickly turn off the motor, and then you should exert pressure on both sides of the barrel from the cut below, trying to simultaneously pull out the device. This action will require the help of a partner.

Take a closer look at the video:

Safety precautions

When performing tree felling procedures, it is necessary to ensure full safety precautions for both individuals and employees of organizations. You cannot fell trees yourself. Having a partner is a must. Should not be bred open fire during operation, and if it is present, you need to extinguish it before turning on the chainsaw. Also you can't smoke. You should take care in advance to protect your face from sawdust, as they always fly off when cutting wood.

Before sawing wood you need to make sure that if it falls it will not affect people, living beings, will not damage cables or wires carrying current. Do not work in strong winds. It is advisable to calculate in advance the direction of fall of the trunk down to the exact contour on which all the rods and other elements are cleared, so as not to damage the tree, and also not to cause its inertial revolution.

When working with full-length, thick posts, the chainsaw is held with both hands, and tension is constantly felt.

You should not carry out work using only the outer part of the saw, as this will lead to strong kickback and automatic shutdown of the device, which can ruin the entire work by making sloppy movements.

When cutting thick posts or massive branches, it is advisable to raise the chainsaw to shoulder height.

The main aspects necessary to comply with when cutting trees:

  1. If the trees are dry, then no sources of not only sparks, but also smoke should be allowed, since adding gasoline to dry wood can cause a fire, which not only slows down the work process, but also harms the environment.
  2. Before turning on the chainsaw, you need to look around. There should be no children or animals nearby. Only workmates or bosses.
  3. You should always try to hold the chainsaw. Even if malfunctions occur and it automatically turns off, you should behave carefully, since falling of the device with a sharp part can lead to dire consequences.
  4. Workers prepare in advance for sawing wood. Wear thick clothing and a face mask to cover the entire body from possible ingress of dust and dirt.

    To get rid of the continuous sound of a chainsaw, it is necessary to use sound-isolating headphones, otherwise headaches may occur during prolonged and regular work.

  5. The tree trunk should act as a kind of shield for the worker, so to cut it, the opposite side of the plant is first marked.

First, all are determined technological features , only then you need to clearly plan the stages of work, which will help ensure that you protect yourself from the impact of the weight of a falling tree. Even with great experience work, it is necessary to constantly take care of one’s own safety, since the highest number of injuries are received by workers who have been in this field for a long time and are accustomed to a constantly tense and dangerous environment.


To quickly cut down a tree, you must first perform preparatory work, ensure safety precautions, only then proceed with the event. It is enough to independently apply those positions that the scheme for sawing wood provides for, so that the success of the event is guaranteed.

Security technology is of great importance. To perform it correctly, you need to prepare in advance, and also be attentive to the work throughout the entire time of interaction with wood.

Autumn for gardeners is not only the time to harvest, but also the time to clean the area from excess branches, twigs and trees that have served their time. Trees, as you know, are different heights and width.

The chainsaw is the farmer's faithful assistant! Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to properly cut down trees using chainsaws. Let's look at the techniques and safety rules when felling and sawing large and small trees using a chainsaw.

  • Techniques for felling and sawing wood

    So, let's figure out how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw?

    Preparatory work

    Before starting to work with wood, it is necessary to evaluate all working factors:

    1. Is the tree standing straight or tilted?
    2. We determine in which direction the tree needs to be felled;
    3. Clearing the workspace (removing extra items, we cut down protruding shoots, twigs, bushes, etc.);
    4. We prepare the tree itself: we remove root burrs, branches and twigs located below shoulder level.

    Tip: To properly fell a tree, you need to pick up an ax and place it parallel to the tree at arm's length. Now move in this position towards the fall until the tree visually becomes the size of your ax. Now you are standing in the place where the top will lie. If there are no obstacles on your way, then the choice of side of the stall is correct. And, if there were obstacles, try to eliminate them, or choose a different angle of incidence.

    How to cut down trees with a chainsaw

    It must be said that the technique for felling large and small trees is somewhat different.

    In principle, this instruction is standard for all situations. Looking at this picture, you can easily cut down any tree, but there are always nuances, which we will discuss below

    Since the situation is a little simpler with small trees, we’ll start with them.

    Now, as for sawing sawn wood, there are also nuances here. 1 - cutting the trunk from above is not correct, the saw will simply jam; 2 - therefore, we begin to saw the cut tree from below

    Tip: Try not to touch the ground with the saw chain - this will dull it too quickly.

    Now, let's talk about big trees, with a diameter of 50 cm or more.

    The trunk of a large tree should serve as your support. After choosing the direction of fall, let's start cutting:

    There is another way: cut through the tree, then move the chainsaw in the opposite direction from the log house to the left to the middle. Then, there will be an underdrink on the side. Then insert a wedge at the end of the second cut and finish the wood on the back side.

    Training video on how to properly operate a chainsaw

    Sawing branches and trunk

    Sawing branches

    We begin to cut down the branches from the bottom of the lying tree. First we make a cut at the bottom, then finish it at the top. Large branches should be cut not at the very base, but a little further. And then, we will remove the knot separately.

    Sawing the trunk

    The trunk must be sawed as follows:

    1. Using a chainsaw, we cut half of the trunk from the top;
    2. Without removing the saw, insert the wedge and drive it in well with a hatchet (this way you will avoid clamping the saw between the halves of the trunk);
    3. finish it to the end.

    If the chainsaw bar is still stuck in the trunk, you should not try to pull it out. Stop the motor and push the barrel on both sides of the cut from the bottom until the saw comes out.

    About safety rules

    Both an experienced farmer and, especially, a beginner need to know the rules safe work when cutting down trees.

    Let us outline the main points of safe felling and sawing of wood:

    1. When working in the garden (forest), and even with a gasoline-powered saw, smoking is strictly prohibited. Dry trees + gasoline can save you from the need to cut anything, because there will be nothing left to cut - just a pile of ash!
    2. Before work, make sure that no one or nothing will disturb you. It’s like in war - there shouldn’t be any women, children or animals!
    3. Hold the tool firmly with both hands. If you drop a chainsaw, you can be left not only without a tree, but also without limbs!
    4. Do not cut wood vertically with the edge of the saw; a kickback effect may occur and the tool will be thrown directly at you.
    5. Wear work gloves and clothing and protect your face from splinters and dust. To make it easier to work, wear special soundproof headphones, otherwise the buzzing of the chainsaw will be remembered for a long time.
    6. Use the tree trunk as a shield and start cutting from the back side.
    7. Study well technical points and make a work plan for yourself. Don't be overconfident, even if you have a lot of experience. After all, according to statistics, it is experienced lumberjacks who are injured more often.
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