How to decorate a barrel at the dacha and transform the area. How to decorate barrels in the country? Interesting tips Decorating water barrels in the country

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Painting a water barrel in the garden takes some effort. After all, a garden is not only a place where vegetables and fruits are grown, it is also a place of relaxation. And therefore it is important to keep it beautiful, take care of the plantings, and water the plants. But watering from a hose is not enough; often for this purpose they use settled water, which is collected in a barrel in advance. And it should also fit into the interior of the garden.

First you need to decide on the size of the barrel that you want to install on your site. It may depend on several factors, such as the size of the garden and the number of beds that will use water.

If you choose a large volume, then it makes sense to show your imagination and decorate it with some kind of design. But you need to immediately decide what will be depicted on it. The amount of paint that will be used to cover the surface will depend on this. A small barrel can be painted one color. But if you want, you can still dream up your imagination and draw a small masterpiece on it.

Next you need to decide on the location of the container in the garden. You should choose a place in the sun so that the water can heat up. If you try, you can easily fit the barrel into the interior of your garden. After you have decided on the future design, you need to clean the future art object from rust and dirt so that it is not affected by corrosion and the water in it is always clean. An iron sponge is perfect for this; it can easily remove rust.

After this, you need to treat the surface of the barrel with alcohol to degrease the surface. Only after this can you start painting.

Painting the container

It is advisable to give preference to water-repellent paint. You can coat the barrel with a metal primer. It will help level out uneven areas, then the paint will adhere better.

When painting, you can show all your imagination. You can paint it in green camouflage, then the barrel will look great in the garden. The first layer of paint on the barrel must be applied with a roller. What happens next depends only on you. If you have children, then you should please them with drawings.

But if there are no children or children’s drawings will not match the barbecue, old sofa or hammock, then you can depict a floral pattern on the barrel. With a few cans of spray paint and branches from various plants, you can turn your barrel into a work of art. You can also use a stencil for this. A large selection of stencils allows you to find one that will appeal to any summer resident.

It is important that the design is proportional to the size of the barrel.

The drawing can be outlined, small details highlighted in a different color, then the image will look even better. But you should only choose colors that are compatible with each other.

Colors and designs

Each color has its own effect on a person. Red has a stimulating effect on a person, green lowers blood pressure, soothes the eyes, and blue helps to concentrate. The finished barrel can be placed in the garden, in the vegetable garden between the beds or in the front garden. To make the barrel fit into the interior, you can resort to different methods. For example, if the barrel is green, then the lower part can be disguised as grass.

The most popular designs on barrels:

  • fairy tale heroes;
  • flowers;
  • children;
  • animals;
  • faces and emotions.

Painting a water barrel in the garden is quite an important undertaking for which you need to prepare responsibly and not be careless. After all, the beauty of the garden or dacha will depend on this. This method of decorating your site is popular because of its simplicity. And you won’t need that much money for this.

Decor of a water barrel at the dacha

Everyone wants to have a beautiful dacha with well-groomed flower beds and beds, without conspicuous, dirty nooks and rusty, unsightly water barrels. For those who spend a lot of time and effort on arranging and decorating their garden and summer cottage, it is important that even plastic or metal water barrels have an attractive appearance.

Funny pictures on water tanks

Old water tanks, as a rule, look sloppy and dull, which in the midst of sunny summer can ruin not only the interior of the summer cottage, but also the mood. Those who love to be creative and are not indifferent to their summer cottage can solve a similar problem in this way: present the process of painting a water barrel as a form of relaxation. In this case, your favorite activity will help you relax your soul, and the result of your work will delight the eye for a long time.

It should be noted that for painting it is better to take metal barrels; plastic tanks can also be painted, but after the work they do not look so impressive. Although working with a plastic barrel is much easier. In order to start working, you just need to wash and dry it.

In addition to acquiring a bright appearance after painting, an old iron barrel can also be saved from corrosion. Since the times when people began to actively use metal objects, a better way to protect them from rust than painting has not yet been invented.

There are a huge number of pictures that can be applied to the outer edges of the tank, as well as methods for applying them to the barrel. Some summer residents who have small children, for the most part, put fragments of their favorite children's cartoons and cartoon characters on the barrels, others prefer funny faces that can give an inanimate object a certain character, others prefer floral prints.

It’s one thing to have a general theoretical understanding of painting water tanks, but it’s another thing to apply knowledge in practice. After all, not everyone will be able to master the technique of applying “paintings on a barrel.” It’s good if a person has artistic abilities and has at least a small idea of ​​the art of art. Otherwise, you will have to use a stencil to apply the design to the barrel. This may not be as bad, but it is also not as original as hand painting.

How to paint a water barrel

Before painting the water barrel, it must be cleaned of debris, dirt and dust accumulated on the walls. Then, using any solvent, degrease its surface. This will help the paint lay down evenly. Now you can start painting directly. The first layer of acrylic paint should cover the entire surface of the tank. After applying a layer of paint, the barrel must be thoroughly dried and the layer of acrylic paint must be secured with clear varnish. In this case, rain will not be able to wash away the drawing. After the barrel dries again, the main pattern is applied to the resulting background. To really like the result of your work, it is better to first make a sketch of the drawing on paper and then transfer it to the barrel. When the tank is completely ready, it must again be coated with a layer of varnish.

The resulting funny pictures will decorate the garden, this area, attract attention and lift your spirits. In addition, the drawings do not require special care. Beautifully painted barrels look beautiful at any time of the year. Paintings on tanks look especially impressive in late autumn or winter. When cheerful colored faces and pictures peek out from under fallen leaves or snow.

Initially, all water tanks are the same, and only a creative owner who cares about his dacha can decide how to give them a little originality and thereby create a new decorative element for a summer cottage. But everyone will agree that coming to a dacha decorated with bright decorative elements is much more pleasant than coming to a dull, unremarkable site.

If you follow a few simple tips for painting metal water barrels. By following these rules, painting a water barrel will not turn into a fruitless and boring task.

Most modern primers can be applied to the surface of a barrel that is not cleaned of rust. It is better to apply the first layer of acrylic paint using a roller. It is best to immediately draw the drawing with chalk, so that if necessary, unsuccessful lines can be easily erased. In order for the composition to look harmonious, the design on the barrel must correspond to the scale of the water tank.

Even the most durable materials fade and crumble over time. Plus, they most often show rust. The same applies to barrels. As a result, such containers become unsightly and spoil the entire appearance of the garden. You can, of course, throw away the old tank and buy a new one. However, this requires a lot of money. That is why it is better to go the other way - paint the existing container in beautiful colors. Together with crafts from cans and crafts from old tires, they will look good on the site.

This type of activity will have double benefits: the barrels will be given new life, and children will be able to take part in this exciting activity.


To hide rust on barrels, you can use one of the following methods:

When choosing a camouflage method, you can use the following means:

  1. Cover with vegetation.
  2. Cover with moss.
  3. Create small containers from willow twigs.
  4. Paint in protective colors.

If you like covering the tank with vegetation, you can plant small trees or bushes and attach the tank behind them. You can simply leave it on the ground or bury half of it in the ground. In this case, it is necessary to wrap the bottom with oilcloth to prevent rust on the walls.

In the case of lining with moss, you should purchase a twine rope and, applying pieces of moss, tie the whole thing with a rope. This is done to the very top of the barrel.

When choosing to create containers, the following work is carried out:

  1. All natural material is prepared in advance: twigs and branches.

in the photo: how to beautifully paint a barrel at the dacha

  1. Dried willow branches must be soaked.
  2. The ends of the branches should be sharpened and placed in the ground at a distance sufficient to place the barrel inside.
  3. The weaving process itself begins from a side invisible to prying eyes.
  4. Weaving is carried out with a “snake”: the twig, as it were, slips from different sides under the supporting branches.

If you can’t get comfortable with the weaving technique, you can use painting the tank in khaki color, which will successfully hide the tank among the thickets.

In the photo - how to paint barrels in the garden:

When choosing a coloring, you need to know about its features:

  1. Only clean tanks should be used.
  2. Before starting work, cleaning is done with a special brush and emery paper.
  3. Only paints that can withstand natural conditions can be used.
  4. A solvent is required to correct the image.
  5. You need to use brushes: wide - for tinting and narrow - for drawing.
  6. A graphite pencil will allow you to make preliminary markings.

It is best to paint barrels with acrylic paints. They:

When painting containers with these means, you must use the following sequence of actions:

This diagram applies to metal barrels. If wood is used, it must first be washed from moisture and then varnished. And only then paint and drawings are applied.

The main types of drawings will be the following elements:

  1. Vivid images of fairy-tale characters.
  2. Use of dropouts.
  3. Plastic bottles.
  4. Leaf patterns.
  5. Foam for installation.

As fairy-tale characters, you can use those that children like or those that you love. Such barrels can be installed near the children's area or in an open place.

When using screenings, it is necessary to have glue applied to the tank and the natural material itself. It turns out to be quite an original design. Plastic bottles should be cut into different shapes and glued to the tank.

Leaves can be used as a stencil. They are carefully glued, and an aerosol is sprayed on top. Then the sheet is removed, but the image remains.

Foam can be used both in the form of patterns and as a basis for drawing a pattern on top.

Stencils are a great solution for those who don’t know how to draw or can’t come up with anything original. Their use is extremely simple, and the effect is excellent. You can create them yourself, using ideas from the Internet, or purchase ready-made ones in a special store.

Types of stencils

There are the following types of stencils:

Multilayer stencils allow you to use them for a large amount of time. Their main advantages include the creation of voluminous and large drawings. The disadvantages include such items as high cost and the need to use glue.

Single-layer stencils are intended for one-time use. The advantages include a minimum of time spent, a low price and the ability to create any design. But they cannot be used on plastered surfaces.

Dense and flexible stencils are used to create any image. They can be of various types: in the form of plants, flowers, stars and other things. Their advantages include non-standard design and low cost, while their disadvantages include a short duration of use.

Stencils using glue are used as follows: first, the adhesive base is peeled off, and then it is applied to the surface of the barrel and carefully smoothed out. Those that do not have glue are lubricated with the composition and glued.

On the video - a do-it-yourself stencil:

How to make them

When painting a barrel using stencils, you can use the simplest method - using natural material. To do this, perform the following procedure:

  1. All unique shapes and sizes of leaves, branches and other things are prepared.
  2. The barrel or tank is installed on a hill and against the wind.
  3. First, the container is painted with light green paint. The diagonals are drawn on top using a white tint.
  4. Natural material is applied and sprayed from a spray can.
  5. This is how all the work is done.

If you want to create something more beautiful and unusual, you can make your own stencils.

The video shows how to use the stencil:

To create them, you can use one of the options.

Option one

Using templates: To do this, you can download ready-made types offered on many sites. Then the stencil is strengthened with paper.

Option two

Pattern Thickness: You can choose how many layers the stencil will contain. After this the following is done:

  1. The design of the drawing is being thought through.
  2. It is being created.
  3. Copying occurs either onto one tracing paper or onto multiple ones.

Option three

Choice of material. If you want to create a stencil on paper, then:

  1. Select the type of paper.
  2. The template is sealed using paper or packing tape.
  3. The drawing is drawn and carefully cut out.

If it is made of a plastic base:

  1. The image is applied to a plastic surface.
  2. The sample is cut out.
  3. All sharp corners are rounded.

Thus, you can make absolutely any stencil.

On the video - how to paint a barrel in the country:

How to use

After creating a suitable sample, you need to use it to decorate the barrel. The following amount of work should be carried out:

  1. The stencil is fixed to the surface using paint or tape.
  2. The paint is applied using improvised means.
  3. It should be as small as possible so that the drawing does not blur.
  4. The brush is stuffed or rotated over a stencil.

The simplest type of stencil is ready. For a more complex and voluminous pattern, you can use the following steps:

  1. Using an already painted stencil, you should add different shades of paint - from lighter to darker.
  2. The same sequence should be performed - from the center to the edge.
  3. If you use round patterns, you can make a different sequence - from the edge to the center.

Thus, using different technologies when drawing the same stencil, you can create real masterpieces on the walls of barrels.

Stencil drawing will help you feel like designers and creators of unusual designs. Keep in mind that making samples is not very difficult, anyone can perform this action. The only difficulty is the correct calculation of the amount of paint and drawing of the elements.

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Painted barrels at the dacha

Barrels of various sizes are an indispensable attribute of a summer house. They often function as a reservoir for storing water; a place for a flower bed is another popular role for a container. Regardless of its purpose, the aesthetic appearance of the barrel indicates the owner’s thriftiness. To interestingly paint barrels for your dacha, you don’t need an art education. A creative approach will allow you to solve the problem with minimal costs.

Coloring ideas

A beautifully painted container does not need to be hidden away from prying eyes; it will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the dacha. The choice of location depends on its purpose and the theme of the drawing. If children are relaxing at the dacha, images of fairy-tale characters will organically complement the playground, especially if a painted barrel is used as a flower bed. Floral themes, butterflies or other representatives of flora and fauna as a design can decorate a front garden, vegetable beds or barbecue area. This is very practical from the point of view of the close location of water for irrigation.

There are several options for painting a barrel:

  • Having artistic skills allows you to select a suitable image and then transfer it to the barrel.
  • Lack of creative abilities is not an obstacle to creative garden design. All kinds of stencils will allow you to transform the barrel in accordance with your own ideas about beauty.
  • The painted barrel looks original, where all family members left handprints as decoration.

Having chosen the first method of decoration, the subject of the image can be different:

  • The presence of children at the dacha obliges us to take care of their aesthetic perception. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny animals or insects are the most popular version of a painted barrel. If you want to combine relaxation at the dacha with unobtrusive activities, put colorful letters and numbers on the container.
  • Favorite flowers and ornaments are quite a favorite theme for decorating a barrel in the country.
  • A painted container can depict cheerful, mischievous and loving faces.

Using a stencil also gives free rein to your imagination. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made. Stars, flowers and other vegetation are a suitable option to get an attractively painted barrel. Using live tree leaves as stencils for decoration is a favorite technique of many novice garden designers. The following photos will help you get an idea of ​​the originality of the painted barrels:

Preparatory stage

Large painted barrels with a volume of 200 liters look most advantageous. Depending on the material from which the vessel is made and the method of applying the design, the following items will need to be prepared for work in the country:

  • clean containers;
  • sandpaper and metal brush;
  • paints for external works;
  • brush and solvent;
  • a simple pencil or stencil.

Preparing a plastic barrel is considered less troublesome; just wash and dry the vessel thoroughly. Before painting a metal barrel, it is necessary to remove all rust using sandpaper or a special metal brush. At the next stage, the surface is degreased by wiping with a rag soaked in an alcohol solution.

Advice! If you want to paint a wooden barrel at your dacha, it must first be washed to remove any deposits, and after it has completely dried, it is varnished.

Creative process options

It is practical to paint barrels at the dacha with acrylic paints, which have the following advantages:

  • resistance to precipitation and other negative natural influences;
  • easy to apply to the surface and easily washed off your hands;
  • do not pose a risk to the child’s health when participating in coloring;
  • a painted barrel will have a bright pattern.

Working with a stencil

To paint a container using a stencil, you need to choose a dense and flexible product. If the finished specimen has an adhesive base, the decorating process consists of the following steps:

  • The future painted barrel should be given a plain background. The shade is selected depending on the color palette of the future drawing. If you plan to paint the barrel with vegetation, avoid a green tone so that the image does not merge.
  • The adhesive base of the stencil is removed, the template is fixed on the barrel and carefully smoothed.
  • Free spaces are painted with a brush, aerosol paints or by tamponing using a sponge.
  • Painted containers look impressive, where the shades smoothly transition into each other.

You can paint a barrel at your dacha using a homemade stencil:

  • A suitable image is selected and printed on paper. If desired, apply your own design.
  • The paper is compacted in any convenient way: glued to cardboard or covered with tape. It is permissible to use plastic containers as a basis for a small stencil.
  • The contours are cut out using a stationery knife; it is better to do this on an old table.

The stencil is ready to be used in the country as a template for a painted barrel. Several templates are shown in the photo below:

Another simple way to paint a container using natural foliage:

  • First, you should take care of your own protection and the landscape of your dacha. Personal equipment includes gloves, a hat if necessary, a respirator and an apron. In order not to spoil the vegetation of the dacha, the surface is covered with polyethylene.
  • The background for the future drawing is created. In addition to the traditional plain surface, painted barrels with smooth white-green transitions applied diagonally with aerosol paint look original.
  • After the base has dried, large foliage with different outlines is fixed on the surface of the barrel, and its edges are emphasized with spray paint.

The procedure for applying an individual drawing

Barrels in the country are a great way to show your creativity by turning them into an organic element of landscape design by painting them. The painting process contains the following steps:

  • Clean containers are cleaned of rust using sandpaper or a wire brush.
  • The primer is applied.
  • Depending on the future appearance of the image on the painted vessel, the background surface is formed.
  • Using a thin brush, apply the contours of the image in accordance with the selected sketch. If adjustments are necessary, use solvent.
  • Then they begin to paint the inside of the picture. For large sizes, a wide brush will help.
Advice! It is desirable that the dimensions of the picture correspond to the dimensions of the barrel.

When installing several painted containers nearby, it is better to paint them in different colors, giving the design of the cottage more bright touches. Admire the photo examples of how cheerful the painted barrels look at the dacha.

Non-standard methods of decoration

In addition to coloring, you can decorate containers at your dacha in other ways:

  • One of the simplest tricks is to cut out colorful figures from plastic bottles and glue them onto a painted barrel. Most often they choose the butterfly option.
  • Mastery of weaving techniques allows you to decorate a barrel with vines. Such decor will organically fit into the design of the dacha, and periodically painting the container will no longer be necessary.
  • Using small pebbles, a kind of mosaic is created on the container. In this case, it is important to choose the right frost-resistant glue; liquid nails are used as a replacement.
  • Decorating a barrel with forest moss using twine is a rather original replacement for a decorated container.


Involving all family members in the barrel design process will reveal hidden talents. A creative approach and a little free time can transform the design of a summer house with the help of simple painted containers.

Painted barrels at the dacha 23 photos

barrels in the country

At the dacha, barrels are always needed, and they are always there, and in sufficient quantities. The only bad thing is that they rust from water and become completely unsightly. So why not pick up a paint brush, dip it in paint and... And populate your area, instead of rusty cans, with colorful funny people, faces, and figures.

This idea probably dawned on many dacha owners, and as a result, even a new genre of painting appeared - painting on barrels. Such cute decorations for the site, for the garden.

interesting barrels

It has become very fashionable and relevant to paint barrels in pairs - like these, for example, “sweet couples”:


Barrels are intended for storing and collecting water, that is, they have a purely domestic, utilitarian purpose. But if the barrel is beautifully painted, it will even become a decoration for the area, like a garden figure. This is how the imagination of craftsmen summer residents works.

painted barrels

However, not only barrels are painted. Other garden utensils, which have lost their original attractive appearance over time, are also subject to artistic treatment. Watering cans, buckets, cans, basins - everything becomes material for creativity.

painted dishes in the country

A creative person is able to see beauty in everything, and not just see it, but also make it visible to others. Even give a second youth to an old, unsightly garden accessory, such as a watering can, for example. A master class will help you paint it beautifully using a stencil.

Apply aerosol glue to the reverse side of the pre-prepared stencil

Carefully glue the stencil onto the surface of the watering can. Apply a little paint to a small sponge and press it onto the stencil with the sponge.

In the same way, with another sponge we apply patina in randomly selected places. After a few minutes, remove the stencil

and we can admire the result

Barrels in the landscape of your dacha.

Here are a couple more photos of options

Furniture made from metal barrels

See all the homemade products in the photo gallery below

Chairs made from iron oil barrels

Here are a couple of examples of how you can make furniture from barrels on which you can sit with the 5th point. Despite all the beauty, I would not want to sit on such a chair, due to the hard and thin edges, the rigidity and coldness of the material.

Benches made from iron barrels

On the left we see benches cut from solid barrels, but on the right there is a bench made from two barrels with a wooden seat, BUT it is possible that two parts were cut from one barrel.

Kennel and barbecue

I feel sorry for the dog in this kennel made of an iron barrel, it’s cold in winter, he accelerated - his nose hit the sharp edge, ah. And on the right is an excellent option for a barbecue made from a barrel; by the way, on our website we have a step-by-step master class on making such a homemade product with your own hands.

Chandelier and stove

I have never seen such a chandelier made from a barrel anywhere, but in my opinion the solution is simply wonderful. On the right is a stove made from a barrel, a fairly common solution here.

Photo gallery: a selection of 16 photos of crafts made from metal barrels

Here we can look at all the homemade products that are made by skilled craftsmen from large iron barrels. Here are all the photos that we found on the Internet.

Barrel chairs

As you can see, the left chair is made from a metal barrel, and the right one is made from an old wooden wine barrel. Also see chairs made from plastic barrels in the gallery below

Benches made from barrels. A couple of photos

As you can see, these benches are made from wooden and metal barrels. See other barrels in the gallery below

DIY barrel chair

And these chairs (on the left) are made from metal barrels. On the right is from a plastic barrel. See armchairs made from wooden barrels in the gallery below.

Photo gallery: 25 photos of furniture made from barrels

Well, in this gallery we have collected for you all the photos of the furniture that is intended for the fifth point) Enjoy your viewing!!!

Dog kennel from a barrel: a couple of simple options

Beautiful booths made from barrels

And these couple of photos are proof that any task can be approached creatively. You can buy similar booths in online stores.

Photo gallery: 20 photos of dog booths

Photo selection of the most interesting dog house models that we managed to find on the Internet

Washbasin with sink made of metal barrels

Photos of washbasins made by hand from large iron barrels. See other options in the gallery below.

And this is a photo of a sink made from a metal barrel

Isn’t this an interesting option, a very unusual solution for making a sink from an iron barrel. It turned out almost like a loft style!

From a wooden barrel

But these options are made from old and new wooden barrels. This is suitable for both a city apartment and a country house. Some models can be bought ready-made in online stores, or you can make them yourself

Photo gallery: 20 photos of sinks with washbasins made from barrels

A couple more photos of tables made of wooden barrels

On the left is a very interesting option: a table made of a wooden barrel with a cozy fire in the middle.

With glass top

Photo gallery: 25 photos of tables made from barrels

To enlarge the photo, just click on it

Bedside tables made from barrels

A couple of photos of using old barrels in everyday life,

Bedside tables made of metal barrels

Cabinets can also be made from metal barrels; they can be either part of the interior or a useful part of household items, for example, a tool cabinet (right)

Photo gallery: 11 photos

To enlarge the photo, just click on it

Baby crib (rocking cradle) made from a barrel

Here are a couple of photos of cribs that can also be made from barrels

Photo gallery:

Barrel bed (10 photos)

To enlarge the photo, just click on it

Flower pots from barrels.

Flower garden from barrels

Look at a couple more photos below - examples of how you can make a flower garden from a barrel

Photo gallery: 24 photos of flower beds made from barrels

To enlarge the photo, just click on it

We create a unique decor for the dacha - we paint the barrels

The dacha is a favorite place to work and relax. The second type of pastime is not only pleasant, but also necessary. Therefore, every summer resident tries to decorate his favorite dacha on his own. As soon as the transformation of the garden plot has begun, I want to bring all the details into colorful harmony. The thrifty owner has metal or plastic water containers at his dacha. It can be:

  • barrels for irrigation;
  • tank for summer shower;
  • container for soaking grass.

Most often, these are old rusty barrels that have almost served their purpose. But even a container for soaking grass (“green” fertilizer) can be made very original. The easiest and most affordable way is to paint.

Currently, this is a very popular area of ​​country landscape design, which is called painting on old barrels.

After such creative intervention, the old rusty barrel does not spoil the appearance of the site at all. It can be placed in a garden bed, in a recreation area, near the house or simply at the entrance.

What you will need

It is better to paint barrels with a dye for a specific material. If the barrel is wooden, take wood enamel. A metal or plastic container can be transformed with alkyd, oil-based or water-dispersion paint with an anti-corrosion effect. Many summer residents choose acrylic paints. They create a bright pattern, withstand weather conditions well, are easily applied to the surface and removed from hands, and are safe for children.

If you can't buy new paint for painting, take leftovers of any color. It is important that the paint on the painted barrel has a water-repellent effect. In addition, you will need:

  1. Brush, sandpaper. It is better to take a large sandpaper grain size. But, if you still have to sand the surface, then a fine-grained one will come in handy.
  2. Scraper and brushes. It is advisable to paint the barrel not only on the outside. It's good to protect it from the inside. To do this, you will also need a brush holder so as not to lean into the barrel and breathe in paint fumes.
  3. Solvent, white spirit. Needed for diluting old paint for painting or adjusting a drawing.
  4. Primer. It will help preserve the barrel at the dacha much longer. Apply before painting.
  5. Pencil, chalk. It is very important to draw a sketch on paper or directly on the barrel to make it easier to paint.

To create some drawings, juniper or thuja branches, stencils, and a can of spray paint will be useful.

Sequence of creative stages

The very first and most important thing will be the choice of container. You can paint barrels in any condition to decorate your dacha. If you take a holey and very old one, then it’s good to transform it into a flower bed. It will last less than a whole one, but this summer season there will be one more painted flowerbed.

A barrel suitable for storing water must first be cleaned of rust and dirt so that the paint adheres well. For this purpose, use a scraper and sandpaper. Some summer residents apply a rust converter before painting. In any case, the next step is to remove any remaining dirt, dust and grease using a cloth. It is moistened in alcohol or solvent, and the surface of the barrel is wiped.

It is much easier to prepare a plastic barrel for painting. You just need to wash and dry the surface well.

While the barrel is drying, you need to draw a sketch or decide on the theme of the drawing. It is placed on paper and then transferred to the surface of the barrel with a pencil or chalk. The most common themes for coloring:

  • flowers, trees, leaves;
  • animals, birds;
  • People;
  • abstract color sketches.

Let's move on to the painting stage. First, paint the inner surface. Here you will need an extension for the brush so that you can reach the very bottom of the barrel with paint.

The paint must dry. Let's move on to marking the drawing.

Important! A sketch on the barrel is a must! If you need to draw a large picture with paint, then without a pencil sketch it will not be easy to achieve symmetry.

Otherwise, when you move into the distance, you may notice drawn eyes, flowers of different levels or sizes.

Using spray paint, they create a very original look for the design. To do this, apply the background color to the barrel, then apply a sprig of thuja or juniper to the wall and spray the paint directly onto the sprig. It turns out to be an amazing decor.

We place the updated barrel on the site

A painted decorative element can be disguised, or it can be made an accent point. Willow twigs, pieces of moss, and live plants in a flowerbed or garden bed are good for camouflage. Dried willow branches are soaked, sharpened and woven. The moss is tied to the barrel with twine. The height of the harness is chosen in accordance with the surrounding landscape. If the size of the painted barrel is large, it is dug into the ground. The bottom is wrapped in polyethylene or film to protect it from moisture.

If the container for coloring is leaky, do not rush to throw it away. After all, it can serve not only for storing water. What can you build from a painted barrel at your dacha?

Firstly, a flowerbed.

Any color and pattern. A very popular plot is a girl and a boy.

Children like this option. “Costumes” and “faces” can be painted in any style, even from different eras. For a flower bed, you should not paint the barrel with plants. It is better to choose geometric patterns, animals or birds.

Garden houses are the second popular option where a painted barrel is used. You can store garden tools in it. Inscriptions on the barrel can be made with paint on pieces of linoleum.

In addition to following the painting technology, you need to know some nuances. First of all:

  1. A freshly painted barrel should not be brought into a living space. Either leave it outside or put it in a shed.
  2. Do not try to exactly reproduce a drawing you saw somewhere. Better add your creative imagination to create a unique masterpiece.
  3. Choose the complexity of the drawing according to your capabilities. This process should not bore you.
  4. Be sure to ensure that the dye matches the material you are applying it to. Choose only moisture-resistant paints.
  5. To preserve the decor on the barrel longer, coat the top with clear varnish.
  6. Do not carry out construction or household work with solvents and acids near a painted barrel. If you are careless, you can ruin the drawing.

Painting a barrel at the dacha with your own hands is not difficult at all. Children can also participate in this process. They will suggest their fairy tale fragments and help bring them to life. Use contrasting solutions. Paint the barrels in different bright colors, and then the dacha will always be light and cozy.

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Do-it-yourself flower beds, garden flower bed ideas

How to paint barrels on the site with your own hands if a considerable number of them have accumulated and it is difficult or simply a pity to throw them away? The solution is simple - try using a few paints and brushes to turn ugly rusty ruins into elegant decorative elements. However, don’t let the condition of the barrels scare you. Even those in which cucumbers are planted or those that have long lost their formal appearance can be turned into wonderful elements of landscape design.

Even the oldest barrel can be made an integral part of the landscape by choosing the decor in accordance with the style and color scheme of the summer cottage.

How to decorate a site using improvised elements

There is, perhaps, no such dacha plot where a certain number of old barrels have not accumulated. They are often used as reservoirs for storing water or used as a system for watering plants. If the appearance of these barrels leaves much to be desired, they can greatly ruin the overall beautiful appearance of the estate. But don’t rush to throw everything into the nearest landfill - you can make beautiful and eye-pleasing crafts out of them. To do this you will need to apply imagination and a little work.

To decorate barrels at your dacha you will only need paints, brushes and imagination.

Before you start work, get the necessary materials and tools. This will help you avoid distractions during the creative process. You will need:

  • enamel - any, for metal or wood;
  • spray paint cans;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • solvent;
  • metal brush for cleaning the surface.

This kind of preparation will not require any special expenses - many owners of country houses have a small supply of open cans of paint, which are left over from household work and are stored simply “just in case.”

To prepare a barrel for painting, you should clean its surface from the remains of old paint and rusty deposits, and then wipe it with a solvent.

If you want to decorate a plastic barrel, it does not require such preparation - it is only recommended to wash it thoroughly and dry it.

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Barrel design development

The stencils will be ordinary tree branches and leaves. Such compositions look richer, but they take more time to create, since each layer of paint must dry.

When the preparation of the surface for work is completed, you need to figure out exactly how the barrels will be decorated in the country. Barrels in a dacha look quite advantageous as an element of landscape design; they contain images such as fairy tale characters, flowers, and geometric figures arranged in a pattern.

First you need to create a sketch of the future image on paper. Later it will be transferred to the surface of the barrel. It will need to be completely painted so that its entire surface is a uniform, soft color.

Apply the contours of the image onto such a base with a brush, checking the sketch. After that, paint them with paint, choosing the color as you wish.

The simplest design, which nevertheless looks very advantageous and pleasant, is a barrel at the dacha, painted in one color, dotted with the palms of family members - the owners of the dacha. To do this, each family member, including the smallest ones, leaves their handprints on the painted surface, having previously dipped them in paints of different colors. What is attractive is not only the creativity of the idea itself, but also the fact that this kind of memo will be pleasant for the whole family to contemplate for many years.

If the barrel to be decorated is used only to act as a design element and does not contain water, you can plant a small flower garden on top of it. Large stones are poured into the container, suitable soil is added on top, where flowers or cucumbers are planted.

Metal water barrels are an indispensable attribute in almost any vegetable garden or garden. It’s not difficult to simply paint a barrel at your dacha, but you can approach this event creatively. As a result, beautifully painted old garden barrels become an original design element of a country garden.

Selection and preparation of barrels for further decoration

Not only drawings on the surface are in demand, but also decoration with plants, as well as decoration with wicker boxes and other design elements.

You can simply paint the surface a single color or decorate it using special stencils. It’s not difficult to paint containers with your own hands in an original way, but it’s important to choose the right materials, and Also properly prepare your work surface:

  • the water barrel must be intact, without water leaks;
  • the container in which flowers or garden crops are supposed to be grown must have drainage holes in the bottom;
  • containers can be plastic, wood or metal, but metal and plastic structures are most often used for painting;
  • the surface of the old barrel must first be very thoroughly cleaned of dirt.

In order for all applied decorative elements to be preserved throughout the entire period of operation, it is imperative to remove rust and old paint from the surface using coarse sandpaper or a special brush with stiff metal bristles.

At the next preparatory stage, you need to wash the surface well and dry it, and then thoroughly degrease the surface to be painted with a regular solvent, which will significantly improve the adhesion of the applied paint. A good result is obtained by using a primer before applying the main, base background paint.

How to decorate a water barrel using a stencil

You can brightly decorate the surface by drawing fairy-tale characters or animals, seasons, and cartoon scenes. To apply a beautiful design, you can use ready-made stencils or create an original and stylish stencil yourself in accordance with your personal preferences.

Making your own stencil

The basis for the stencil can be cardboard or thin plastic of sufficient thickness, from a file folder. The picture can be selected from any source, but the most convenient way is to take a ready-made suitable pattern from thematic Internet sites and print it on a regular household printer. If necessary, an image that is too large is divided into several separate fragments.

How to paint a water barrel (video)

Basics and features of the technology for creating a stencil with your own hands:

  • on a paper or cardboard base the drawing is applied with a soft pencil, and on a plastic base the drawing is applied using a felt-tip pen or marker;
  • Using sharp scissors, carefully cut out the design along the lines, without damaging the internal jumpers;
  • The inner small sections of the pattern can be cut with nail scissors or a wallpaper knife.

The workpiece must have smooth edges without burrs, dents, cracks or accidental cuts and tears. Landscape images are best done according to the template only partially, and complete the smallest details using a regular art brush. It is very convenient to fill large areas of the design with paint using a foam sponge.

Also, all kinds of natural materials, represented by leaves, twigs or shells, can be used as very original and quite accessible stencils. First, the surface of the container is painted with paint in light green tones and the diagonals are drawn in white, after which natural material is applied to the surface and sprayed from a can of paint.

Technology of applying a pattern to a barrel

After cleaning the rust and old layer, the surface of the metal barrel is coated with a metal primer. The standard technology of ornament or pattern, as well as a plot design on the surface of the tank is not complicated, but requires compliance with some rules:

  • the main background should not be too bright, and is applied from a spray can with paints for working with metal;
  • the stencil is fixed on the surface of the container using paint or ordinary stationery tape;
  • the paint must be applied very carefully and in doses, which will prevent the pattern from blurring;
  • To get a three-dimensional design, you need to add different shades of paint using an already painted stencil, starting from a lighter color and ending with the darkest tone.

The only difficulty that a novice designer may encounter is the problem of accurately calculating the amount of paint and high-quality drawing of the smallest elements. To make the drawing durable, the final stage is varnishing.

Garden barrels in garden design

Many owners of household plots and garden plots are very well aware that an incorrectly designed barrel can create real disharmony, and very often it does not fit into the “green interior” of the landscape at all.

Children's zone: how to paint a barrel and apply a design

To decorate a children's or play area, you can use containers with the most fun and thematic designs that will harmoniously fit into the environment and become an original addition to sandboxes, swings or painted plywood houses.

It is mandatory to cover barrels with water with tight lids, in which a round hole is cut to allow rainwater to drain. You can paint with the brightest and most cheerful colors or depict funny faces and cartoon or fairy-tale characters. The images of butterflies and frogs flying over flowers look especially interesting.

Ideas for decorating barrels (video)

Painted barrel flower beds

A blooming flowerbed made from a barrel is the most interesting way to design flower beds in your backyard. The main advantage of a plastic barrel is its excellent safety and durability. This design does not rust, but before using it as a flower bed it should be properly decorated. Painting can be done using a spray gun or spray can.

The metal structure is also often used as an original flower bed. The simplest and most accessible stencil is used to use twigs or other available materials to create an easily recognizable outline. Such materials should have sufficient density, and the contour obtained around the template should be slightly adjusted using an artistic brush.

From a large number of metal containers, decorated in the same style, very beautiful and unusual compositions are obtained. Nutrient soil is poured inside the barrel or containers with soil are placed, after which petunias or various types of ampelous, profusely and long-flowering ornamental plants are planted. The barrels can be placed at different heights or dug into the soil at different depths.

Artistic painting of a barrel in accordance with the style of the garden

A win-win option for decorating containers in accordance with different styles is to create original designs from plastic bottles. Transparent plastic bottles cut into random pieces are painted with different colors in accordance with the design. The cut out elements are glued to a surface painted in a base tone using regular construction adhesive. This way you can get a mosaic or plot design.

Barrels that are painted with floral patterns look very beautiful and harmonious with garden vegetation. The main condition is the correct choice of background, which should not be too bright and distracting from flower beds, flower beds and garden edgings. You can effectively decorate the surface with a pattern of fluttering butterflies, bees and dragonflies, or use images of other representatives of flora and fauna.

Original ways to decorate a barrel

An unusual alternative to standard coloring is represented by relief decorative screening. In this case, the technique consists of applying a layer of construction adhesive to the surface of the barrel and adding a dense layer of screenings. After drying, the desired color can be achieved using spray paint. The lower part of the container can be decorated with large pebbles, and the upper part can be decorated with shells.

If you independently design a garden space in a country style, then It is advisable to decorate barrels with wicker boxes:

  • harvesting willow, dogwood or bird cherry twigs a couple of meters long until the beginning of February;
  • the basis of the wicker structure is thick and even branches with a diameter of 20-30 mm in the amount of seven to eight pieces;
  • thick frame branches are pointed at one end and buried around the container into the ground by about a quarter of a meter.

How to decorate a barrel (video)

Weaving with soaked rods begins from the back side. The ends of thin branches must be nailed with small nails to the supporting thick branches. Weaving involves threading each thin twig between vertically installed thick shoots of the frame. To obtain the most dense weaving, the twigs must be tapped periodically from above using a wooden hammer. The wicker structure can be supplemented with artificial sunflowers.

To get an original and stylish design, you just need to use your imagination and purchase high-quality working material. It should be remembered that for proper painting it is best to use spray paint for painting cars, and also be sure to use rubber gloves, work clothes and safety glasses when working.


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