How to calm the nerves of stress. How to calm your nerves - quickly, in a stressful situation, on your own

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All my life I have been quiet and calm. In any situation, I managed to keep my emotions in hand. Screaming, venting anger on another person, it was simply impossible to imagine me. But lately, my stress-resistant body has changed beyond recognition.

Illness or bad character?

Gradually, not immediately, but relatives began to notice that my character began to deteriorate. From a calm, good-natured woman, I turned into a kind of fury, which infuriates and annoys everything. The feeling that now I will simply be torn apart by hatred for others has become familiar.

I did not want to live in a state where any tiny problem can unsettle, when negative emotions go off scale, my heart beats frantically, and my eyes bleed. I didn't understand why this was happening. Maybe I fell ill with some serious illness, and the body reacts to it in this way?

Uncertainty and terrible thoughts forced me, after several months of torment, to make an appointment with the local doctor. What a surprise it was when Dr. advised me to see a neurologist . “Darling, you are stressed. Nerves need to be treated.

“Smart, I would have sent her to a psychiatrist, but with such nonsense as stress, I can handle it myself!” I thought irritably.

Stress state: what is it?

First of all, I tried to figure out what “stress” is. It turns out that this concept appeared recently, in the second half of the 20th century. It denotes a protective reaction of the human body to negative external influences. The modern way of life demands a colossal effort from us. Anything can be a stress factor: fatigue, nervous strain, city bustle, relationships with others, family squabbles. It turns out that there are millions of people like me in the world? Alas, this was little consolation for me.

Studying this problem, I realized that there were three stages of stress in total:

  • anxiety- “the first call”, indicating that something has begun to “break” in the body;
  • resistance- when the body is still fighting;
  • exhaustion- a period that means that there are almost no protective forces left.

It seems that two stages have passed unnoticed for me. Apparently the "bell" worked very poorly and I did not hear it. I suddenly found myself on the threshold of the most difficult stage. One pleased that this "disease" is not fatal. Nerves urgently needed to be put in order, but how?

How do I beat stress at home?

She immediately rejected the old “grandfather’s” way of washing down troubles with alcohol: female alcoholism is a thing even more terrible than stress. This is a dead end path.

I am a stubborn woman, if I take up something, I must bring it to its logical end. Having shoveled the entire Internet and rummaged through the specialized literature, I realized the main thing: it is urgent to change the way of life. For these purposes, I even developed a whole program, which I called "12 to calm the nerves."

Switching to a balanced diet

I consider this method to be the most important. After all how we eat determines our appearance, and how we look determines our mood.

I will not dissemble: I used to consume foods completely uncontrollably, especially sweets. I ate my bad mood with them. Indeed, for some time I felt better, I calmed down, but then the irritation rolled over with even greater force.

The first thing I did was review my menu.

  • Instead of starchy, fatty, sweet and salty foods, I included cereals, soups, vegetables, fruit salads, etc.
  • There was a small portion of 5 times a day.
  • I drank two liters of plain water a day.

Proper nutrition quickly gave a positive result: Only two months have passed, and everything has decreased by 10 kg. Hooray, I have a waist again!

Now a new reflection in the mirror no longer infuriates me, as before, but cheers me up, worse than any antidepressant.

Simple exercises as a way to relax

It was a discovery for me that there are special exercises that help relieve tension and rid your head of negative thoughts. These seemingly simple movements help stretch hardened muscles and relax them.

The blood supply is normalized, and the nerves quickly calm down.

  • Open your mouth wide and actively move your lower jaw.
  • Straighten your shoulders, straighten up and stretch hard.
  • Rub the back of the head and neck with force with your hands.
  • Rub your earlobes well.
  • Massage your hands vigorously.

Some psychologists also offer to perform any physical exercises (squats, tilts, weight lifting). I found it boring and not interesting, so I replaced them with dancing in front of a mirror to incendiary music. Ten minutes of jumping, and the mood immediately improves.

Walking is the easiest way to deal with stress

Dancing and exercise is not for everyone. I didn't like them at first either. Do you know what you came up with? When my nerves went wild, I went out into the street and slowly walked to the nearest square. There she sat down on a bench and began to contemplate. I looked at the trees growing nearby, raised my head and looked at the passing clouds. I was also interested in people hurrying about their business, their clothes and facial expressions.

Contemplation is like meditation. You can do it anytime: at lunchtime by the window or on the way home from work. Contemplation helps to be distracted, to forget about current problems for a while, to abstract from troubles. Try it, I assure you that you will like it.

Learning to calm down with breathing

Want to relieve stress quickly? Then nlearn to control your breathing. You can find a lot of different breathing exercises on the Internet.

To calm down and return the body to tone, I use only two, and this is enough for me.

  • One short inhalation (one-two) and a long exhalation (one-two-three-four).
  • Long inhale and quick short exhale.

Repeat these steps several times and in just a few minutes you will feel real relief.

Get rid of stress in your sleep

During periods of a nervous breakdown, it is necessary. Do not be afraid to postpone all important things for "later", give your body the opportunity to recover.

We wash away all sorrows with water

Water treatments are the most effective way to relieve stress. Taking warm baths or a contrast shower every day will not only strengthen the nervous system, but also heal the entire body. For example, I made it a rule to take a steam bath every Saturday and swim in the pool on Sunday. On Monday I don’t go to work, but it’s like I’m flying!

The smell of happiness - aromatherapy

I just fell ill with aromatherapy. I love the smells of different oils so much, especially lavender and mint. I add them everywhere: to my favorite cream, to water before taking a bath, etc. Believe it or not, I even drip it into a bowl of water when I clean the apartment. Now I want to buy also a special aroma lamp. In the evenings I will enjoy pleasant smells with my favorite music.

Relaxation to your favorite music

By the way, about music. Now, while I still do not have an aroma lamp, I, in those moments of my life when psychosis just rolls over, I put on soothing music and light candles. I sit in my favorite chair, look at the fire of a candle, gradually forget about all my problems and calm down.

Relieve stress with massage

Relaxing massage is the best therapy for all diseases not only for the soul, but also for the body. You can sign up for a professional massage or do it at home. I like the first one better. This is where you really relax. Yes, the event is costly, but when it comes to health, then, as they say, "bargaining is not appropriate here."

If there is no financial opportunity to visit a masseuse, then you can limit yourself to massaging the feet on your own. It is there that a large number of points are located that are responsible for the psychological state of our body. And don't forget the head massage!

Vitamins to increase stress resistance

We must not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes that help fight stress from the inside. Vitamins and minerals activate the body's defenses: immunity will increase, energy balance will improve, metabolism will improve. Choose any complex, since there is a large selection of them in pharmacies now. But the most effective are Berocca, Stressstabs, Centrum, Unicap».

We calm the nerves with folk remedies

Do you think aromatherapy, contemplative walks and breathing exercises are a waste of time? It means that things are really bad for you, and you need to take more serious measures. Just do not rush to take antidepressants, there is a chance of even more harm to your health. Refer to proven "grandmother's" recipes.

I, as needed, I am preparing for myself two simple tinctures that my great-grandmother used:

  • Art. grind a spoonful of valerian root, put it in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Strain and drink several sips throughout the day.
  • Grate raw beets, squeeze the juice and mix with honey (1:2). Take half a glass three times a day for a week.

Medical way to deal with stress

In especially advanced cases, sedatives are indispensable. But again, these are not andidepressants, but herbal preparations. They provide a stable, long-lasting effect, and, importantly, act on the body gently, without destroying it.

There are a lot of similar drugs in pharmacies now, but specifically I prefer:

  • "Novo-passit" (extracts of several herbs);
  • "Persen" (melissa, valerian, mint);
  • "Negrustin" (St. John's wort).

Twelve ways - twelve small steps to restore the nervous system. I have tried all of the methods above. I admit that the recovery process was long, but, on the other hand, the result has been holding for a long time. What changed? My sleep returned to normal, unmotivated anxiety, irritability and anger at others disappeared. And I also understood the most important thing: some sources of stress are impossible to avoid and predict, so you need to learn to accept the current situation as it is.

In this article, I will explain how to relieve stress and tension without the help of drugs or. In the first part of the article, without meaningful theoretical calculations, I will immediately give 8 tips on how to relieve stress. You can try these recommendations for yourself today and see how effective they are.

Also, in the second part, I make it a point to touch a bit on how to minimize your daily stress levels, and how to become less stressed. Many tips for getting rid of stress for some reason do not pay due attention to this. But I am focused on a long-term result and it is obvious to me that The less stress you have, the easier it is to deal with.

Have you heard the slogan “fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish”? Everyone needs to know what measures need to be taken to extinguish a fire, but it is even more important to understand what needs to be done to prevent a fire (for example, do not sleep with a cigarette in your mouth and with a working iron and boiler in your arms). The same is true with stress: you need to be able to prevent it.

Fatigue, nervous tension, responsible affairs, relationships with people, the bustle of the city, family squabbles - all these are stress factors. The consequences of the influence of which make themselves felt during and at the end of the day, affecting us with fatigue, nervous exhaustion, bad mood and nervousness. But all this can be dealt with, you just need to know how I assure you, and without sedatives and alcohol.

The latter provide only short-term relief and weaken your body's ability to deal with stress on its own. I dwelled on this nuance in more detail in the article. At this stage, it is important to understand that I categorically do not advise to relieve stress with any drugs and this article will not talk about any drugs, we will learn to relieve stress with natural relaxation methods. So let's get started.

Although it sounds trite, but not everyone manages to remember this always, and we begin to chew the annoying chewing gum of thoughts about the unpleasant events of the current day in the brain and just can’t stop. This is very exhausting and despondent and does not contribute to getting rid of stress. At such moments, we are simply worried about something or trying to find some solution for ourselves.

The key is to think about tomorrow, and now, turn your attention to something else. I have long noticed how different the perception of life's problems, depending on our physical and psychological state. In the morning, being vigorous and fresh, everything seems to be within our reach, we can deal with everything, but in the evening, when fatigue and stress pile on us, problems begin to take on terrifying proportions, as if looking at them through a magnifying glass.

It seems like you are a different person. But it’s just fatigue and exhaustion that distort the view of many things, you should be aware of this, assessing your current state: “now I’m exhausted and tired both mentally and physically, so I don’t perceive many things quite adequately, therefore, I won’t now think about them." It is easy to say, but sometimes it is difficult to give yourself such a sober account, since negative thoughts, it would seem, climb into our heads on their own and do not want to leave from there.

But there is a little trick, how you can deceive your mind, wanting to immediately start thinking about the problem, which now seems to him of the utmost importance. Promise yourself that you will think about it tomorrow morning, as soon as you wake up and open your eyes, and before you wash your face, sit down and think about it intensively. So you lull the vigilance of the mind, which "agrees" to make a concession and postpone the decision of this situation until later. I did this many times and was surprised to find that yesterday morning an amazing metamorphosis took place with yesterday's "big problem" - it lost its significance, I even stopped wanting to think about it, it seemed so insignificant in a new perspective.

Get rid of negative thoughts. Clear your head. It may not seem so easy, but the ability to control your mind comes during meditation.

So much has been said about this in the framework of my blog, I will not repeat myself. If you want to relieve stress immediately, then this is a great reason to try or start practicing different ones and see how well it relieves you of stress. But there is a second good feature here, the more you meditate, the better you start to abstract from problems and clear your head of thoughts, and the less stress you get every day due to the fact that your mind becomes calmer.

It becomes easier for you to endure the influence of stress factors, and those things that once introduced you to great excitement and tension as you practice will become mere trifles for you: suddenly traffic jams, city noise, squabbles at work will cease to be problems and render negative impact on you. You will start to wonder how the people around you take these trifles seriously and dramatically and also worry about them, as if the whole world collapsed before their eyes! Although some time ago they themselves were upset because of the little things ...

But one single session of meditation is also beneficial.- you experience a strong relaxation and forget about the problems, the main thing is to concentrate and not let thoughts about what happened to you today enter your head. This is very difficult to do: thoughts will still come, but try not to think about anything at least for a while and switch your attention to the mantra or the image.

By the way subscribe to my instagram at the link below. Regular useful posts about self-development, meditation, psychology and getting rid of anxiety and panic attacks.

During exercise, endorphins are released. happy hormones. Going in for sports you get a surge of good mood plus strengthen the body. This is much more effective than drinking beer, since the latter only weakens your ability to cope with stress, which I have already talked about and will talk about in the next article. And sport strengthens you morally: a healthy mind in a healthy body. That is, playing sports as well as meditation forms in you a long-term ability to resist stress during the day.

You didn't think that some people are so attracted to hardening with cold water? What makes them in severe frosts to commit such, at first glance, a mockery of themselves, like swimming in an ice hole? And what stretches a satisfied smile on the bather's ruddy physiognomy? The answer is endorphins, the well-known “hormones of happiness” (this is a journalistic term, in fact, these are not hormones, but neurotransmitters), which are released when the body is sharply cooled. It would seem that they would stand out here?

But now I'm going to add a little to the piggy bank of your erudition. It is believed that extreme sports are associated with adrenaline. This is true. But it is not adrenaline that provokes people to dizzying jumps and stunts, it is not for the sake of it that everything happens, as many mistakenly believe. Adrenaline - only makes your heart beat faster, increases your stamina and speed of reaction. But those very thrills, the “high” after a parachute jump, are given by endorphins.

These are not only “happiness hormones”, they contribute to pain relief, the body begins to secrete them in an extreme situation, which it perceives as threatening and, in order to partially exclude the possibility of death from pain shock as a result of a possible injury, the release of this hormone begins, which has such a pleasant side effect.
Perhaps a similar mechanism is triggered by cooling the body, since this is also stress for the body (not to be confused with the stress that is discussed in the article).

A contrast shower is a much softer and more affordable means of hardening the body than winter swimming., anyone can do it. This procedure is not only Can relieve stress and improve mood, but also strongly hardens the body (I GENERALLY stopped getting colds since I took a contrast shower, and my grandfather took it all his life and never had a cold, despite his advanced age).

Not only a contrast shower, but also any water treatment can help relieve tension, such as a hot bath, swimming in a pond, visiting a pool, etc.

Any one you like. The pleasure that you get from is also directly related to the chemical processes in the brain. They are triggered by a harmonious sequence of sounds (or not quite harmonious - depending on your taste) and cause a feeling of happiness and euphoria. Even sad and gloomy music can cheer you up, provided that you like it, no matter how paradoxical it may sound (at least for me it is).

But just for relaxation, I personally use a smooth monotonous and slow sound, the so-called ambient music style. To many, such music may seem very tedious and boring, but that's the whole point. Many other musical styles are characterized by an intense pressure of emotions in compositions, fast rhythm and tempo, and a sharp change in mood shades. All this, although it can entertain and please you, but in my opinion, it does not always contribute to relaxation due to the fact that such music bombards your brain with an abundance of notes and musical intonations.

If you are tired and want to relax, then it is better to listen to something more contemplative and "enveloping", you may not like this music at first, but at least you will rest. You can listen to an example of compositions from the ambient genre in the audio recordings of my group in contact, for this you just need to join it (you should have seen a link to it on the right side of the site) and click on play, having previously taken a lying position in a comfortable position. At the same time, try to relax and "endure" at least 20 minutes, try to forget about all the problems and do not think about anything, "dissolve" in the music.

To relieve stress, you can walk a little and breathe. It is better to choose a calm and quiet place, such as a park. Avoid hype and large crowds. During the walk, again, try to relax, get rid of thoughts, look around more, direct your gaze outside and not inside yourself and your problems. Contemplative Exercises good for calming. Sit on a bench and look at the tree, peer into its every bend, try not to let anything else occupy your attention for a certain time. This is a subspecies of meditation practice that can be done at any time, even during a lunch break at work.

When walking, the pace of the step is slow, do not run anywhere and do not rush. You can combine it with sports, take a walk, breathe, get to the horizontal bars and parallel bars - hung up, pulled yourself up and the stress was gone!

If such walks cause a feeling of boredom, then

Tip 7 - Start relaxing on the road after work

I know from my own experience that even if the day was not particularly difficult in terms of nervous stress, it’s all the same that the road home can be very tiring or spoil your mood. Many don't know how to relieve stress after work and continue to accumulate it on the way home. Therefore, already on the road, start turning off thoughts about work and current problems, abstract from what is happening, do not succumb to general anger and nervousness, the atmosphere of which, as a rule, reigns in public transport and on the roads. Be calm, try to suppress within yourself those impulses that lead to the fact that you begin to get angry at someone and swear out loud or to yourself. Since all this negativity can put the finishing touches on your evening picture of stress and tension and finally exhaust you. Let others get angry and nervous to the detriment of themselves, but not you!

Here is the golden rule that you must learn. In order not to have to get rid of stress with all sorts of lethal means like pills or alcohol, it is better to minimize its manifestations throughout your day, starting in the morning. How can this be done and can it be done at all? In order to find out, first, let's talk about what stress is and how it accumulates in you.

The nature of stress

First, briefly about what stress is. There is one fundamental point here. It is a mistake to perceive stress as an external phenomenon. It is wrong to think that it generates a stressful situation. It arises within us as a reaction to external circumstances that we perceive as stressful. Feel the difference? This means that stress depends on us, on our reaction, this explains why all people react differently to the same things: someone can become depressed from one unfriendly glance of a passerby, while the other remains iron calm, when everything is falling apart.

Based on this, one very important conclusion suggests itself, which is that how much stress we got depends more on ourselves than on what happened to us. This is a fundamental position. It turns out that although external circumstances can not always be adjusted to considerations of our comfort and balance (it is not always possible to find a less stressful job or leave the city for a more peaceful place, it is not possible for everyone), but it is always possible to change your perception of what is happening, so that it does not give rise to nervous tension in us. And it's all real.

How to minimize daily stress

I have already partially answered this question in my advice: meditate, it can reduce your sensitivity to external stress factors to a minimum level. Also go in for sports and spend more time in the air, this will strengthen your nervous system. If you are too lazy to do the latter, then at least start with meditation, this is a must if you want to become calmer and less stressed! You shouldn't, it will only harm your nervous system, so that mental fatigue will only accumulate faster in the future!

You can also read my article on . Since the less you are nervous, the less stress accumulates. It is better for you to use the lessons that are given in this article, especially pay attention to breathing exercises, their use just refers to the answer to the question how to relieve stress quickly without spending a lot of time.

And finally, something very important. Be calm and unruffled. Remember that much of what happens to you daily: affairs at work, the reaction of others to you, random conflicts - this is all sheer nonsense!

Work is bullshit

Work is just a way to get money, don't take it seriously.(This does not mean that it should not be approached responsibly, it means that you need to determine a place for it in your life, and not allow it to go beyond the boundaries of the area where you localized it) Your failures at work can not always be identified with personal failures: a huge gulf often stretches between a person and his profession, so if you can’t cope with something at work, this does not mean that you are a worthless person (of course, many companies try to form the opposite opinion in their employees: it is not beneficial for them that an employee stopped identifying with your work and being so philosophical about your failures, they want to see you take corporate goals as personal goals).

Human relationships are rubbish

All relationships with strangers, intrigues are also nonsense and trifles that you should not pay attention to. What others think about you, your colleagues, is their own business and their perception of you, moreover, it can be distorted by the characteristics of the perceiver's personality. Worry less about what other people around you think about you.

You should not torment yourself and prove something to someone for the sake of principle, because you won’t prove anything anyway, everyone will remain with their own, the only thing they will get is a large portion of negativity. What a bad economy! Do not take part in squabbles and showdowns where everyone only does what sticks out his ego, his beliefs, his character. These are not the disputes in which the truth is born, this is a dispute for the sake of the dispute itself!

Try to behave in such a way that the negativity of other people does not cling to you.: smile at rudeness. This is not a call to turn your left cheek when you are hit on the right. Still, it's not bad at all to put people in their place in certain situations and not allow you to be treated as they please.

This advice concerns the fact that you do not need to take part in senseless swearing and showdown in response to rudeness in transport, at work or on the street from colleagues, drivers, bystanders, etc. In those situations from which you can get out with a smile , while maintaining a good mood and not getting dirty with someone else's dirt and at the same time not losing your positions, do this (come out with a smile - the winner!), And do not waste your energy on proving something to someone.

In short, if a colleague is systematically rude to you, you need to tactfully put him in his place and no longer sort things out, but you don’t have to swear with all sorts of cleaners, security guards and other heads of barriers that you see for the first and last time. Judge by the situation.

Smile more!

And generally speaking, smile more often!. A smile is a magical thing! She is able to disarm anyone and discourage him from sending waves of negativity in your direction. Believe me, if you need to get something from someone, except for some special cases, “assaults” on a person will not have the same effect as a symbol of goodwill - a smile. In response to the “collision”, a person turns on a protective reaction and he begins to answer you in the same way, even if he knows that you are right, he simply cannot do it differently, since he is offended and forced to defend himself. Negativity only causes negativity!

But at the same time, you yourself should be lenient towards people overwhelmed with tension and negativity who do not know how to
restrain your emotions and keep the situation under control: you do not need to respond with an immediate rebuff to their abuse and assaults. I have already spoken about this, if the situation can be resolved without quarrels, then try to contribute to this. Smile at the swearing and ignore it where possible. Let your thoughts not be occupied by some petty disassembly.

That's probably all. In the next article, I will write about why you should not drink alcohol or sedative pills in order to relieve stress and tension.

It is impossible to exclude various stressful situations, conflicts, quarrels or depression from everyday life. The human psyche instantly notes dangerous and harmful environmental factors and immediately reacts to them. Frequent emotional stress can disrupt the performance of the whole organism. When figuring out how to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need to objectively evaluate the available nuances. Important points for choosing a particular tool are:

  • breakdown frequency;
  • psychological condition;
  • established, often - the wrong regimen of the day.

How to calm your nerves

There are several ways to get rid of irritability, excessive susceptibility of events, and bring the psyche back to normal. The most effective methods are the use of sedatives, natural remedies, traditional medicine complexes or special breathing exercises. You can increase their effectiveness by changing the daily routine, diet, or giving up bad habits. Necessary:

  • spend more time outdoors
  • do not forget about a full sleep;
  • establish proper nutrition.

With the help of sedatives

Strong medications designed to treat the nervous system are prescribed by specialists in emergency cases. Prescription sedative tablets have a special composition, they are not recommended to be taken without prescriptions from specialists. The course of treatment should not exceed the specified time. This period depends on the degree of the unpleasant condition. How to relieve severe stress and calm the nerves with drugs? Accept:

  • "Atarax" (a drug with a combined action, additionally relieves sleep disturbance);
  • "Glycine" (normalizes the state of the psyche, improves mental activity, does not have the properties of a hypnotic drug);
  • "Nervo Vit" (contains valerian extract, has a complex effect on the nervous system).


Most sedative drugs available in tablets have a number of contraindications. They should be taken after consultation with a specialist. They are prescribed in case of emergency, when stress reaches its maximum degree of manifestation. Traditionally, tablets are used to treat the consequences of severe emotional upheavals, prolonged depression, and nervous breakdowns. Common prescriptions that help solve the problem, how to relieve stress and calm nerves quickly are:

  • "Tenoten" (available in various forms, intended for the treatment of neurotic diseases, stressful conditions, taken by prescription);
  • "Quattrex" (available in pharmacies by prescription, refers to broad-spectrum drugs);
  • "Phenazepam" (a highly active tranquilizer, has a hypnotic, muscle-relaxing effect on the body).

Natural sedatives

The most common herbal sedatives are:

  • "Persen" (recommended to take at the time of neuroses, stressful conditions, as a prophylactic);
  • "Novo Passit" (has a complex effect, but has some side effects, sold without a prescription);
  • "Motherwort" in the form of tablets or tinctures (a sedative, considered safe, available in pharmacies without a prescription);
  • "Valerian" in tablets (calms the psyche, does not disturb sleep, helps fight anxiety, stress and other mental states).

Sedatives for sleep disorders

Some stress relievers that can calm the CNS include:

  • "Adaptol" (relieve irritability, normalize sleep, relieve the effects of stressful conditions);
  • "Deprim" (contains an extract of St. John's wort, has a calming effect on the body, relieves insomnia);
  • "Melison" (lavender extract and a mixture of other herbs have a beneficial effect on the psyche, normalize sleep).

With the help of breathing exercises

Some methods that help to cope with the problem do not involve the use of medications. Gymnastics will help you quickly figure out how to get rid of stress. Special breathing exercises can have no less effective effect on the psyche than drugs. It is recommended to listen to soothing melodies while doing gymnastics. Breathing exercises to calm down:

  1. Relieving tension from the shoulders and neck (hands should be placed on the shoulders, when inhaling, spread them to the sides as much as possible, repeat the exercise several times).
  2. Relieve tension from the back (raise your arms up, while inhaling, stretch the body as much as possible, standing on your toes, you should try to “reach the sky” with your hands, repeat up to 5 times).
  3. Breathing with the stomach (the air must be inhaled and exhaled several times so that it fills not only the chest, but also the stomach).
  4. Slow breathing to calm down (inhale the air slowly and as deeply as possible, exhale sharply, repeat several times).
  5. Active breathing through the nostrils (inhale air through the nasal cavity, capturing oxygen as much as possible through the nostrils).

When solving the problem of how to cope with stress, it is recommended to use a breathing technique from yoga. Inhalation is done in four counts, then exhalation, and the breath is held for a similar time. You need to repeat these steps several times. Experts note that a noticeable relief of the emotional state occurs after a few minutes.

Through songs and music

The influence of certain melodies and sounds on the human psyche has been studied by psychologists for many centuries. It is believed that music to calm the nerves has no less effect than traditional medicine or medications. Doctors recommend listening to compositions by S. Rachmaninov, I. Bach, P. Tchaikovsky. Soothing melodies include favorite songs or pieces of music that a particular person likes and during which he relaxes.

To eliminate stress, it is recommended to listen to special musical compositions for meditation, recording the sounds of nature. It is necessary to carry out such relaxing sessions not only during a period of nervous tension, but also regularly - to prevent breakdowns and neurosis. Melodies will be the perfect addition to gymnastics or getting ready for bed.

Video on how to calm the nervous system

You can get rid of nervous tension not only with special drugs, but also with non-drug means. Aromatherapy, exercise, soothing music - all these and other methods are highly effective in getting rid of stress. Video tutorials tell about them and other common tips and means of dealing with nervous tension. Practicing psychologists will introduce you to the secret calming technique in one minute.


How to calm the nervous system and relieve stress

There are many ways to get rid of nervous strain and stress at home. To relax and calm down, you need to pay attention to proper sleep, a walk in the fresh air, chatting with friends. Good anti-stress properties have activities such as cleaning the room, cooking, caring for pets and indoor plants. Sports and dance therapy have an excellent effect on the human nervous system. Particular attention in a stressful situation should be given to your diet and enrich it with products that help to cheer you up, get rid of stress, add vitality and energy.

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    How to relax after stress?

    With severe stress, the functioning of almost all internal organs and systems is disrupted. That is why it is important to know how to calm down and quickly relieve stress without drugs and pills at home.

    The first thing to help calm the nerves is a long sleep. This is necessary so that after a person has been in a stressful situation, the body can relax and restore its strength. You need to sleep for a long time in order to get tired of sleep.

    How to relieve stress with active actions?

    You can put your nervous system in order with the help of a calm long walk at a fast pace in the fresh air, in some beautiful place where you could admire nature and put aside all your problems. Contemplation of water, singing of birds helps to relax, relieve fatigue.

    In order to calm down, stabilize your emotional state and put your thoughts in order, you can do some cleaning, take a walk or play with your pet, read a good book. A favorite pastime, hobby, passion will help to abstract from a traumatic situation and set new goals and objectives for oneself. You can afford to do things that you usually don't have time for.

    A soft toy will help to throw out negative emotions. You can beat her, shout, express everything that has accumulated in her soul. However, this must be done in a place where no one can see or hear a person, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

    Communication with a loved one will make it possible to quickly and easily cope with troubles, get sincere support, sensible advice. Laughter therapy helps to reduce the stress hormone by 27%. You can try to sincerely laugh with a friend or relative over a situation that made a person very nervous, find positive aspects in it.

    What relaxation techniques will help to cope with the problem of nervous tension?

    A warm bath will help you relax. This will help relieve muscle tension and relaxation. To enhance the effect, aromatic oils of lemon balm, rose, jasmine, bergamot, anise, patchouli, sandalwood are used. Massage will have a good effect on the nervous system. For this, there is no need to go to a specialist. You can do self-massage, during which you need to carefully rub your hands, shoulders, neck.

    Listening to your favorite music will help you forget about the unpleasant situation and recover. Singing is a good way to recover from overexertion. In addition, this is a great way to prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve blood flow in the lungs and chest. Singing your favorite tune will saturate the blood with oxygen, improve gas exchange.

    Psychologists advise that within 15 minutes after a nervous shock, you need to draw your stress with colored pencils, and then burn or tear your drawing into small pieces. Thus, one can get rid of negative thoughts and tension.

    Tears and screams will bring great relief. If you want to cry or scream after stress, then you should not restrain yourself in this. Otherwise, the voltage will only increase.

    If none of the methods help, you can use the sedatives that the modern pharmacological industry offers. These are specially designed complexes that help relieve nervous tension, emotional stress, calm down, relieve stress. Such drugs as Neuromultivit, Elkar, Vitrum Superstress, Bodrovit, Makrovit have proven themselves well. It is important to remember that before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    How to quickly relieve stress?

    There are effective anti-stress techniques that can return joy to a person in life and improve well-being in the shortest possible time.

    You can reduce the negative impact of stressful situations by changing your diet. To do this, you need to use healthy foods that contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole.

    Product Contained useful substances Action on the body
    Green teaL-theanineRelieves fatigue, irritation, calms anger, aggression
    ChocolateEndorphin, serotonin, meager amounts of cannabinoidsUplifts mood, helps to get rid of accumulated negative emotions, causes a feeling of happiness and mild euphoria
    Red caviartryptophanIt is a source of the "hormone of happiness", strengthens the nervous system
    AlmondVitamin E, zinc, monounsaturated fatsHas calming properties, reduces stress hormones, lowers cholesterol
    pistachiosMonounsaturated fatty acidsContains substances that are responsible for a cheerful and cheerful mood
    BeansMagnesiumRelaxes tense muscles, calms the nervous system, regulates the level of cortisol - a substance that is responsible for relieving stress and balanced mood
    HoneyA large number of easily digestible and energetically valuable sugars, vitamins B, C, folic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium, phosphorusStrengthens not only the nervous system, but the whole body. Has a calming and hypnotic effect, restores strength
    MilkProtein lactumHas a calming and relaxing effect. The product lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels - a hormone that is produced during stress
    CheeseVitamins A, E, fatty acids, tryptophanReduces stress and feelings of aggression, has a calming and mild hypnotic effect
    CitrusVitamin CImproves overall well-being, improves mood, adds vigor and strength
    SeafoodFatty acids, iodine, zincCalm the nervous system
    MelonIncreases antioxidant levelsRelieves fatigue, nervous tension
    TomatoesPhenylalanineStops the breakdown of the hormone responsible for good mood
    CabbageVitamins of group E, B1, B2, B3, P, PP, H, K, U, carotene, provitamins D, essential amino acidsImproves mood, relieves fatigue
    BananasSerotoninUplifts mood, relieves fatigue, invigorates

    How to relieve stress for a man at home?

    Men are more susceptible to the negative impact of stressful situations. This becomes especially evident after the age of 40 years. Therefore, sometimes they react to them not quite adequately. Representatives of the stronger sex try to pretend that the problem does not exist, run away from trouble, or solve all problems with the help of hard liquor. However, this does not help to solve a difficult situation, but only exacerbates the accumulated problems.

    There are ways to get rid of stress that will help men get rid of excessive nervous strain and relax a little without alcohol, cigarettes or other harmful addictions.

    How to get rid of the stress caused by communication with other people?

    If a young person has to pass an exam or pass a job interview, then in order to reduce the stressful situation to a minimum, it is necessary to rehearse your conversation in advance. This will give confidence and a person will be able to concentrate on a positive result. Switching to another type of activity on the eve of an important event will be useful.

    If there was a conflict at work or in public transport, then you can imagine that you are holding a lemon or an orange in your hands. Then you need to strongly clench your hands into a fist, as if squeezing juice from fruits. This method will help get rid of the accumulated negative energy and aggression.

    A romantic dinner with your beloved woman in a restaurant will help you relax. If there is no desire to go out somewhere, then you can order food home or try to cook something yourself. If the stress is related to problems of an intimate nature, then you should talk frankly with your partner. If she does not want to show her understanding of the situation, then perhaps a new love will restore the lost sexual energy.

    How to relieve physical fatigue and muscle stiffness?

    If a man feels that he is very tired, then you can try meditation. You don't need to use complex exercises for this. It is enough just to retire for 5-10 minutes in a secluded place, close your eyes and imagine yourself in some very beautiful place, remembering the good moments of your life. A great way to relieve fatigue is a good sleep and a contrast shower.

    If emotional overstrain is accompanied by severe muscle stiffness, then you can go in for sports, play team games with friends, or just take a short run.

    Passive Ways to Relieve Stress

    You can spend a kind of day of laziness. To do this, you need to stay at home, make yourself a hot bath, turn on your favorite music, put on comfortable clothes, order pizza, play your favorite computer game.

    As the saying goes, men don't cry, but it's a great way to relax. If you just can’t cry, then you can talk to a good friend on the phone. Another option would be to write a letter to yourself, in which you need to carefully state the essence of the problem. After that, the message must be torn, thrown away or burned. After that, the person will feel a little better at heart. It may be possible to find a way to solve a disturbing problem.

    You don't have to take on everything at once. It is worth learning to say “no” and not to place too much responsibility on your shoulders. Important issues can be postponed until the morning. It is not excluded that the next day there will be no trace of all the troubles.

    How can a woman relieve stress?

    Every day a woman has to endure many worries and worries. This may be related to children, relationships with a spouse or relatives, troubles at work, or conflicts with girlfriends. All these factors lead to excessive stress. You need to know how you can alleviate your condition after a strong nervous tension.

    1. 1. One of the best ways to relieve stress is to change activities. If a woman is constantly engaged in intellectual work, then it would be nice to pay attention to physical activity and energetic actions. Those whose work is connected with constant movement and movement need rest in a calm environment.
    2. 2. It is important to forget about work troubles and leave them in the office. The ability to separate public and private life is very important for maintaining women's psychological health. Constantly thinking about the incomplete report or the upcoming conversation with the boss will further aggravate the situation, but will not solve it. At home, attention should be paid to children, spouse, favorite activities.
    3. 3. Even if there is no such desire, it is necessary to force yourself to smile. This will help to balance the heartbeat and relieve mental stress. You can watch some kind of humorous program or a comedy film.
    4. 4. Excellent helps to cope with the effects of stress easy fitness. You don't have to go to the gym for this. It is enough just to sit down 30 times, run around the house, especially if there is a staircase to the 2nd floor, jump.
    5. 5. An important condition for successfully getting rid of nervous tension is that one must try to do one thing, solve one problem at a time. This must be done consistently and slowly.
    6. 6. You can take a little nap and forget about all the problems. If you don’t feel like sleeping, then you just need to lie down on the sofa, close your eyes and lie down with your legs thrown up for 15–30 minutes. This contributes to the restoration of mental and physical strength.
    7. 7. The aroma of citrus fruits will help to cheer up and add energy. This is due to the fact that tangerines and oranges increase the amount of the hormone norepinephrine in the blood. This leads to the appearance of cheerfulness and stabilization of the emotional background.
    8. 8. To avoid stress, you must try to finish all unfinished business on time. To do this, you need to make a list and alternately perform all the important things. Don't try to cover everything at once. This must be done step by step, slowly.

    How to help a child and a teenager get rid of stress?

    If one of the parents noticed that the child is experiencing nervous tension, it is necessary to tactfully call him to talk. Perhaps he himself wants to talk about his problems, but he is prevented by a sense of pride.

    Children and adolescents, unlike adults, do not yet know how to adequately allocate their time. Therefore, in a conversation with a child, you should tell him that you should not do all things at once. It is better to give preference to the type of activity that the child likes the most and causes positive emotions. Otherwise, already in adolescence, devastation syndrome may begin against the background of severe overwork and emotional burnout.

    Despite the apparent desire for independence and independence, children of the primary school age category are in great need of care, affection, attention and support. You can support the child not only verbally, but also physically. This can be done with hugs, kisses, strokes.

    An important point for maintaining the psychological health of children is the praise of parents. This is a powerful support tool that will give you the moral strength you need to face stressful situations. It is important for a teenager to realize that his parents are not indifferent to his successes and failures. You need to show your teenager your confidence.

    When a teenager tells something to his parents, it is important to put everything aside and sincerely listen to the child carefully. If distracted by extraneous matters and not listening to him, then this can hurt him greatly and lead to the fact that the teenager will begin to trust his feelings and thoughts to friends. In conversation, a mocking or sarcastic tone should be avoided. do not raise your voice, control your emotions and words. Under no circumstances should a child be abused.

    All important family matters should be discussed with the child. He should not be excluded from participation in making important decisions. He must feel that his opinion is important to the family. You should not repeat the phrase to the child many times that parents are older and know life better. This causes a feeling of irritation in teenagers. The child's suggestions or comments should be taken seriously. If it is necessary to make a remark to a teenager, then it is necessary to condemn his act, but not himself as a person. It should be remembered that each of us has the right to make mistakes.

    You should develop a healthy sense of humor in your child. This helps to defuse the situation and relieve nervous tension. It is necessary to demonstrate your ability to treat even the most unpleasant situation with a sense of humor.

    A teenager should not be expected to immediately follow the advice or recommendations of his parents, demonstrating his humility and obedience. Today's youth have their own attitude and a special look at the problems that interest them. During a quarrel, a child may blurt out very unpleasant words. However, he doesn't really think so, as it's done on emotions. Do not panic and draw negative conclusions.

    It should not be forgotten that there are no ideal parents. Everyone can make mistakes.

    Dance therapy for stress relief

    Dancing will help maintain a good mood and optimistic mood. It is not necessary to be a professional in this matter. You can just turn on the music and start moving. Don't try to look pretty. You just need to relax your body and move to the beat of the melody. This will help you relax, relieve stress and forget about problems.

    It should be taken into account the fact that each type of dance has a special effect on the human body.

    Dance Human impact
    WaltzHelps restore the nervous system, activates the activity of the brain, stabilizes the emotional state, gives strength, improves coordination, gives a sense of harmony and tenderness
    FlamencoFlamenco gives self-confidence, relieves nervous tension, helps to relax. Improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure. Dance is a good prevention of varicose veins, joint diseases, strengthens the muscles of the legs and abdomen
    Eastern danceHelps to gain self-confidence, relieve stress. Dancing is the prevention of problems in the sexual sphere, infertility, diseases of the female genital organs. Improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduce the appearance of cellulite
    TangoDance helps to relieve nervous tension, gain self-confidence, sexuality. Gives the body flexibility, seductiveness, elasticity. Strengthens the abdominal and leg muscles
    Celtic dancesHelps to gain balance, uplift mood. Dancing is the prevention of scoliosis, strengthens the legs and feet
    Latin American dancesPerfectly cheer up, relieve fatigue and stress. Keep the figure in good shape, prevent diseases of the genital area
    Indian dancesThey have a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. It is believed that this type of dance prolongs a person's life. Indian dances are useful for patients with diabetes, hypertension, scoliosis, overweight
    FoxtrotDance is useful for older people, as it gives a small load. Gives a feeling of optimism and good mood

    What else can save a person from stress?

    If a person experiences stressful situations at work, then you need to learn how to manage your time and clearly separate work and personal time. Life should not be reduced only to the performance of their duties. It is necessary to find time to communicate with children, the second half, relatives, friends, for your hobbies and hobbies. Work problems and troubles should be left at the workplace, not brought home.

    Self-blame is not the best way to solve complex problems. Do not collect all the troubles in one big pile. This contributes to the fact that a person makes wrong conclusions, makes wrong decisions, negative energy accumulates in him. You need to control your thoughts and not set yourself up for the fact that the upcoming day will be unsuccessful.

    One of the main secrets of dealing with stress is a person's positive thinking. We must learn to enjoy even minor events in life, perceive positively even the most unexpected difficulties, be able to find something good in every negative situation. This will be the key to excellent psychological health and a strong nervous system.

    You need to calm down and stop rushing somewhere. All activities must be carefully planned. We must try to stick to our intentions. Constant haste is the first step to stress and nervous exhaustion.

    A person should realize that he can also be wrong. You don't have to strive to be perfect. If some unpleasant situation has occurred, it is necessary to analyze it and draw appropriate conclusions. This will help to avoid repeating such an oversight in the future and help save your nerves.

Therefore, it is very important to temper yourself physically and mentally in order to withstand any life storms.

A responsible exam, a transition to a new job or an emergency in the previous service, problems with superiors or colleagues, quarrels with friends, financial difficulties, family discord, problems with children and relatives - how many situations can there be when you have to worry more than usual! In such a situation, it is not far from a nervous breakdown! How to calm the nervous system and achieve spiritual harmony?

Peace, only peace!

Intensified physical and mental activity, especially in a stressful situation, often causes the appearance of a persistent focus of excitation in the central nervous system. And if a person, in addition, is naturally rewarded with anxious and suspicious character traits, then do not go to a neurologist - he has increased nervous excitability.

It is impossible to completely eliminate stress and overexertion from our lives. But it is quite realistic to harden your body so that it can easily withstand any cataclysms. To bring the nervous system to a stable state, follow simple rules.

1st rule. get enough sleep. The main symptom that the nervous system has become excited is insomnia. Accordingly, in order to prevent loosening of the nerves, you need to follow a sleep schedule: go to bed and get up at about the same time, and spend at least 7-8 hours in bed. However, these figures are rather arbitrary, since someone needs 6 hours of sleep to feel fresh and rested in the morning, while another needs at least 9 hours in bed. To sleep easier and more soundly, you should not go to bed soon after a heavy dinner, and also immediately after doing active work (whether physical or mental). It’s good to give your brain time to prepare for sleep beforehand, to relax a bit. A warm bath with aromatic oils or herbal decoctions, light entertaining reading in bed at night is what you need. But computer games are better to be postponed to an earlier time. For soothing baths, hawthorn flowers, valerian, calendula, peppermint, oregano, motherwort, nettle leaves, etc. are suitable.

2nd rule. Avoid Noise. Many of us get so used to the TV being on that we hardly notice it. But information, sometimes of an aggressive nature, pouring from the screens, places an additional burden on the nervous system. Turn on the "box" only to watch programs that really interest you, and the rest of the time, let the music sound at home. Better classic. Recordings of sounds of nature are also suitable. By the way, such an audio design is more useful than even complete silence. This was found by Australian scientists who conducted a study with a hundred student volunteers on the eve of the exam. Experience has shown that those who practiced in silence had more rapid heart rate and breathing and higher blood pressure than those who listened to classical music. So Mozart will help you!

3rd rule. Spend more time outdoors. Our brain, although it weighs no more than 2% of body weight, absorbs 18% of the oxygen received by the body. And this means that long walks in the park or in the forest are vital for everyone who is forced to strain their brains a lot and fruitfully. And also for those who are experiencing a difficult psychological situation at home or at work. Too lazy to walk alone - get yourself a four-legged friend.

4th rule. Use medicinal plants. To make nerves stronger than ropes and eliminate insomnia with increased nervous excitability, a decoction of calendula - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers in a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Drink half a glass of infusion warm before going to bed. Motherwort is no less effective: pour 15 g of grass with a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 min. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day.

St. John's wort also has antidepressant properties. The course of treatment with tea from this plant is 4-6 weeks. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry chopped grass should be poured with a glass of cold water, covered, heated in a water bath to a boil, boiled for 3 minutes, set aside, insisted for 30 minutes, strained and drunk half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Well, and finally, a recipe for the lazy: you need to take a pharmacy tincture of hawthorn and valerian fruits, mix in equal proportions. Take twenty drops diluted in half a glass of water at bedtime.

5th rule. Change your diet. Nerves will become stronger if you enrich your diet with B vitamins and nicotinic acid, which are especially necessary for the proper functioning of neurons. Vitamins of group B help relieve excitement, relieve fatigue and improve memory, composure and attentiveness, increase learning ability, and prevent stress. The best source of this vitamin are legumes, especially soy. By the way, soy is also rich in lecithin, useful for the normal functioning of the nerves and heart. There is also a lot of lecithin in the germs of various grains. Calcium will help the nerves a lot, which promotes the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.

Lack of calcium is expressed in increased anxiety and irritability. Calcium enters the body with milk, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir, it can be obtained from plants in greens, celery, beets and almonds. Another useful element for the nervous system is iodine. They are rich in berries, cauliflower, buckwheat, sea fish, algae.

6th rule. Go in for physical education. Daily physical exercises not only develop muscles, strengthen ligaments, the skeletal system, but also discipline, and therefore help to become more balanced and calm. And, in addition, when the muscles work, the body secretes hormones of happiness - endorphins. This natural remedy for stress, which is secreted by the brain, has a beneficial effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system. So step march!

7th rule. Look at life philosophically. Learn to be reasonable and accept failures and mistakes as a natural part of life, do not go to extremes, do not despair. To have strong and healthy nerves, try to think positively.

Negative emotions loosen the nervous system, weaken the internal forces and paralyze the will. Well, positive, respectively, on the contrary. Remember: everything that is done is for the better!

8th rule. Learn proper breathing. Breathing is considered correct not with the chest, as most of us are used to, but with the stomach, more precisely, with the diaphragm. Compared to chest breathing, it provides a more complete saturation of the blood with oxygen, performs self-massage of the abdominal organs, improves intestinal motility, and has a calming effect on the nerves. To master it, you need to imagine that your stomach is a balloon, and try to slowly inflate and deflate it several times. It’s better to start training lying down - it’s easier, and then you can move on to breathing while sitting and standing. Over time, it will be easy for you to do this even at the workplace.

9th rule. Apply water procedures. Nothing strengthens the nervous system like swimming, as well as wiping - in a word, any contact with water, because it tempers, soothes, stimulates the nerve endings in the skin.

A cool shower is useful in the morning - it strengthens and tones the central nervous system. In the evening, before going to bed, a soothing warm shower or bath is best. A good workout for blood vessels, nerves and the whole body is a contrast shower.


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