How to find out the date of the first privatization of a house. Possibility of obtaining data online

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A large number of people are thinking about how to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not. In most cases, this question is asked by the relatives of the deceased owner. There are several ways to check the privatization of an apartment.

Contact Rosreestr

If you don’t know how to find out whether an apartment has been privatized, then contact Rosreestr for help. This method is the most convenient and reliable. Obtaining information on property from this authority is permissible only if one of two conditions is met:

  • The housing has been denationalized since 1998. On January 1, the law on the denationalization of apartments came into force.
  • The privatization of the property was carried out before the specified date, but after that there was a change of owner under agreements of donation, sale, exchange, etc.

In these cases, the state register must have material on the apartment and its owner. You can also find out in Rosreestr whether there are encumbrances on property rights.

Any person who submits the relevant documents can find out about the denationalization of the apartment of a deceased relative. The package must consist of an identification document and an application for the provision of data. In order to determine the privatization of housing with the help of this authority, it is necessary to pay a fee, the amount of which is 200 rubles.

Information on the property of interest is provided in the form of an extract from the register. Quite often it happens that there is no information about housing in this authority. This indicates that the denationalization procedure was carried out before 1998. After this, no action was performed.

Additional methods

How can I find out about the privatization of an apartment if there is no information in Rosreestr? There are several authorities through which you can obtain information about whether a home or house has been privatized:

  • Receipt. This is the easiest and fastest way to find out about denationalization. In this case, there is no need to ask anyone anything. Receipts are sent to your address every month. At the very top of this document the type of housing is described and it is indicated that the apartment is privatized. But this method is not entirely reliable. This is because in a utility service the data may not change for years.
  • BTI. In this service you can also find out about denationalization. There is a huge archive of data on the denationalization of various residential premises. When contacting this body, it is recommended that the application be submitted in writing. After this, the agency employee will present documents that will confirm or refute the fact of denationalization of the apartment. Providing information in this instance is available to home owners and their proxies, law enforcement agencies, heirs of property in the presence of a will, tax and statistical services, and authorities under whose jurisdiction the housing is located. The authority issues a certificate. This is an official document that contains information about a real estate property. Here you can find out not only the fact of denationalization, but also the date of this procedure. The procedure for issuing a document is determined in accordance with the provisions of the territorial authority.
  • Settlement center. Most people do not know who to ask about the denationalization of property at their address. In this case, it is recommended to submit an application to the settlement center. Obtaining information from this authority is only possible if a social tenancy agreement is provided. It must include the address of the apartment. Based on the contract, the data of interest is issued. Despite the informality of the information received, it is guaranteed to be accurate. Before submitting a request, the user is advised to ensure that the housing is municipal.
  • Internet. Obtaining data on denationalization can be carried out using the Internet. But to obtain information, it is recommended to provide a signature in electronic format. To obtain information, the user must visit the official website of the Unified State Register in the services section. To send a request to this authority, you must fill out a special form. The user is required to provide his passport data, as well as information about the rental and characteristics of the apartment for which the request is being made. After this, an electronic signature is placed and the request is sent to the authority. The response from the Unified State Register comes within 30 days after sending the request.
  • MFC. The single window service is an alternative to Rosreestr. This is an intermediary between a separate structure and a citizen who has information about denationalization. Obtaining information from this authority requires payment of a fee. If the request is submitted by an individual, then its amount is 200 rubles, and if by a legal entity - 600 rubles. Obtaining an extract is available to any person only if there is an appropriate basis. To obtain data, you must not only pay a fee, but also write an application. Legal entities must provide the same documents as to Rosreestr. The document is issued within 3-5 days. After this time, the person can independently collect the data from the authority.
  • Unified State Register. To obtain information, a person must contact the authority in accordance with the address of the apartment. Initially, the state fee is paid according to the issued details. After this, an application is drawn up. In this case, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of the regional Unified State Register. The application is submitted to the authority along with a receipt for payment of the fee and passport data. You can receive the material from the authority as quickly as possible. If a private organization wants to receive the material, then it needs to collect the appropriate package of documents. It consists of an extract from the Unified Register of Legal Entities, constituent documents, a certificate of TIN accession, and a power of attorney from the person whose interests are represented by the organization.

Due to the presence of a large number of ways to find out about the denationalization of an apartment, a person can choose the most acceptable option for himself.

Is the apartment privatized: how to get information?

Privatization of housing: obtaining information

Currently in Russia, most housing is private property. This state of affairs has been achieved largely thanks to the action of Federal Law No. 1541-1 of 07/04/1991 “On the privatization of the housing stock”, which, in accordance with Article 2, establishes for citizens of the Russian Federation the right to free ownership of residential premises that they use in based on social tenancy agreements.

At the same time, despite the fact that the validity of this law is currently limited to March 1, 2015, not all housing that citizens use on the basis of social tenancy agreements is privatized. That is why it is sometimes so important to find out whether an apartment has been transferred from state or municipal housing stock to private ownership. After all, it is precisely this procedure that gives legitimate grounds to a citizen who owns an apartment to make transactions with it such as purchase and sale, inheritance, and so on. Participants in such transactions may be interested in obtaining reliable information about whether the object of such a transaction is privatized property or is used by persons living in the apartment under a social tenancy agreement. How to find out if an apartment is privatized?

In order to find out whether an apartment is privatized, there are currently several options that differ in the nature of the procedure and the conditions for applying to it.

Request for information from the Bureau of Technical Inventory

The key point when choosing an organization to contact for the necessary information is the expected time of concluding a privatization agreement. The law granting citizens this right was adopted in 1991: thus, this agreement could not have been concluded earlier than this year. Moreover, in the period from 1991 to 1998, the Bureau of Technical Inventory was responsible for the execution of privatization agreements: accordingly, all information about transactions regarding privatized housing concluded during these years is located in this organization and it is necessary to apply for it there.
Each territorial body of the Bureau of Technical Inventory, as a rule, establishes its own procedure for providing such information and issuing the corresponding certificate, however, they are all characterized by a number of common points. In particular, an exhaustive list of persons who have the right to receive information about the fact of privatization of residential real estate from the BTI archive is usually established. These include:

  • owners and owners of this real estate, their authorized representatives, who must confirm their status by presenting a power of attorney duly executed on behalf of the person they represent. Having received the necessary information, the owner can provide this information to the person he deems necessary, for example, the buyer of an apartment;
  • heirs who have the right to receive this apartment. Such heirs include recipients of the apartment both by law and by will;
  • law enforcement and judicial authorities. The provision of information on specific residential real estate objects is carried out within the framework of cases in progress;
  • bodies of state power and local self-government. The request for information from these entities should concern real estate objects located in the corresponding territorial affiliation;
  • tax authorities. Representatives of these bodies are authorized to contact the BTI for information about residential real estate in accordance with the boundaries of the territory under their jurisdiction;
  • state statistics bodies. The provision of information to such bodies is carried out within the framework of existing forms of statistical observation;
  • justice institutions that implement state registration of rights to residential real estate;
  • other persons and organizations entitled to receive such information in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Request for information from the Unified State Register of Rights

In cases where it is necessary to obtain information about the status of an apartment that may have undergone the privatization procedure after 1998, the interested person must contact the state registration authorities responsible for registering rights to residential real estate. The full volume of such information for the period starting from 1998 is contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP), which is a state information base. It contains information about all current and terminated rights to residential real estate, as well as the grounds for granting such rights. In addition, the database includes data on the presence of arrests and encumbrances applied to each specific apartment.
The standard form of an extract from the Unified State Register provided to the applicant includes the main characteristics of the analyzed object, the type of rights registered to it, information about persons or organizations having such rights, as well as all available information about the presence of restrictions, encumbrances, claims and lawsuits in relation to of this residential property.
The circle of persons who have the right to request information from the Unified State Register is currently not limited by current legislation. Any individual or legal entity who has reason to be interested in information about whether this apartment has been privatized, what the conditions and circumstances of concluding a privatization agreement can act in this capacity. The procedure for providing an extract from the Unified State Register is paid: to receive a response to the request, you must pay a state fee, the amount of which varies depending on who is interested in this issue, that is, whether the applicant is an individual or a legal entity. Currently, the fee for providing information about a residential property to an individual is 200 rubles, to a legal entity - 600 rubles.
When applying in person for an extract from the Unified State Register to the state registration authorities, the applicant will need to write an application for the provision of information, to which should be attached the original or a copy of the receipt for payment of the state fee. Moreover, if the applicant is an individual, he will need to provide a document proving his identity.
A representative of an organization applying for an extract must have with him a longer list of documents, including a certificate of state registration of the institution, constituent documents in the latest valid version, including an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a document assigning him an individual taxpayer number (TIN). In addition, the representative of the organization will need to have with him a power of attorney, which is evidence of his right to represent its interests, and a passport.
In addition, it is possible to obtain information from the Unified State Register without a personal visit to the state registration authorities: a request for the necessary information about the object of interest can be made through the use of postal services. It is also possible to request the necessary information through electronic document management: data can be obtained by e-mail or through the public services portal of the State Registration Service (Rosreestr). It must be borne in mind that when receiving information about residential real estate through electronic document management, to confirm his identity, the applicant must have an electronic digital signature, which will be used in the process of preparing the necessary documents.

“How to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not» — this request may be relevant, for example, for the heirs of a deceased apartment owner. This article will tell you how to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not.

How to find out if an apartment has been privatized in Rosreestr

Interested in how to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not? The simplest, most convenient and reliable way is to request information from the Rosreestr service. This option can be used if one of two conditions is present:

  1. The housing was privatized after January 31, 1998 (the start date of the law on state registration of real estate).
  2. The apartment was registered as private property earlier than January 31, 1998, but after this date the apartment was the object of purchase and sale, gift, exchange, or was pledged or inherited.

In these cases, the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights (USRE) must contain information about the residential premises itself, all its owners and their rights, as well as the presence or absence of encumbrances on property rights (mortgage, arrest, etc.).

Download request

Any citizen has the right to contact the Rosreestr unit and request information from the Unified State Register for a specific property. In this case it is necessary:

Don't know your rights?

  • present identification;
  • write an application for the provision of information;
  • pay a fee in the amount of 200 rubles. for each requested object.

Information regarding the object of interest will be provided in the form of an extract from the register. If it turns out that the Unified State Register does not have information about the apartment, it means that either it has not been privatized, or privatization took place before 1998, and no further transactions with the apartment were formalized.

Additional ways to find out if an apartment is privatized

In the period from 1991 to 1998. registration of privatization was entrusted to the BTI, so if there is reason to believe that privatization took place before 1998, then this service should be contacted for information. The BTI information base must contain information about all premises transferred to private ownership before the start of the Rosreestr service.

However, it should be noted that, in contrast to the information from the Unified State Register, information from the BTI is not provided to all interested parties. Only persons expressly listed in the law (the owner of the property, his heirs, courts, government bodies, statistics and some other institutions) have the right to receive such information.

When talking about how to find out whether an apartment has been privatized or not, we must mention another fairly simple method. The fact is that in receipts for payment of housing and communal services there is a term “Rent” or “Social rent”. If the apartment is privately owned, then there are dashes in this line, since the owner does not pay for rent. If the apartment is not privatized, then this line indicates the accrued amount of payment under the social contract. hiring Therefore, if you have access to utility receipts for the past month, you can easily understand whether the home is privatized.

When purchasing residential real estate, many people have a completely logical question: how to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not? Privatization today refers to the ownership of property by a private individual. This procedure is necessary in order to be able to manage real estate as efficiently as possible.

Depending on the type of object, privatization of apartments, property enterprises or land plots can be distinguished. This topic is relevant mainly for heirs involved in the sale of real estate. This article will discuss in detail how to determine whether an apartment is privatized or not.

How to access the data?

Most residential real estate in Russia today is in private hands. In 1991, the Privatization Law came into force. Since then, citizens of the Russian Federation have received the right to own used residential premises. However, there is a small percentage of real estate that continues to be owned by the state or municipality. It is for this reason that the privatization of housing without the contribution of money was extended until 2018. Parliament adopted this resolution because the majority of homeowners living in dilapidated or unsafe premises may be left without the right to change their form of ownership. Those who are registered as in need of living space may not have time to exercise their right to privatize an apartment.

After completing the housing privatization procedure, owners can freely carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of property, as well as transfer it by inheritance.

Where can I get information about housing privatization?

The easiest way to obtain such information is to request Rosreestr. This method is suitable if the residential premises were privatized before January 31, 1998 and after that were the object of purchase/sale, exchange or donation transactions. The necessary documentation can be found in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights or Unified State Register of Real Estate. The base under discussion was founded in 1998. Its goal is to simplify state control over various real estate transactions. Here you can also find information about the presence of encumbrances and seizures on property.

Absolutely every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive information about the property of interest to him. All you need to do is show an identification document, an application for requesting information and a receipt for payment of the state fee. For legal entities, the list of required documents is much wider. They will need a certificate of state registration of the organization, a charter, an extract from the Unified State Register, documents on assigning an individual taxpayer number, a passport of the organization’s representative and a power of attorney.

Privatization certificate: where to get it?

An extract from the Unified State Register is produced within 30 days. The information is 100% reliable only after receiving the paper. Interested citizens must bring the document the sooner the better. If there is no data in the Unified State Register database, it means, most likely, the form of ownership has not changed at all or was registered before 1998.

Obtaining information through the privatization department

How to check whether an apartment is privatized or not? There is another way to get the information you are interested in. To do this, you must contact the Registration Chamber and fill out a special application form. You can obtain the form from a department employee. A copy of the applicant's passport must be attached to the document. Legal entities will have to provide more documents: company registration certificate, memorandum of association, charter and notarized power of attorney. You can pay the state fee at the register office.

After this, the employee will give you a receipt indicating that the information has been accepted for processing. It indicates the period within which the statement will be provided to you. As a rule, it is three days. After this time has passed, you will need to come with your passport and receipt to Rosreestr and pick up the original extract. This document must be signed by the registrar.

The apartment privatization certificate contains the following information:

  • Name;
  • appointment;
  • square;
  • cadastral number;
  • location address;
  • last names, first names, patronymics of copyright holders;
  • share of copyright holders;
  • restrictions;
  • existence of equity participation agreements;
  • information about current legal requirements.

All this information is provided for a fee. The amount on the receipt will depend on who is requesting the information. Individuals pay 200 rubles, legal entities - 600 rubles.

Alternative option

Where can I find out whether an apartment is privatized or not? One of the key points in solving this problem is the time when the form of ownership was changed. The privatization law came into force in 1991. For the next seven years, these issues were resolved by the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). Each privatization department regulates its own procedure for issuing certificates and obtaining information. For this reason, if the Unified State Register database does not contain the necessary information, then you will need to contact the BTI.


When preparing statements through the technical inventory bureau, one very important point should be taken into account. The fact is that this organization does not provide information to all interested citizens. Only homeowners and their authorized representatives can contact them. The latter may be heirs who have the right to receive living space under a will or law. Also, the recipient of information may be government authorities, law enforcement and judicial authorities as part of the consideration of current cases, statistical authorities, tax inspectorates, justice institutions and other persons authorized to receive this type of data.

Is it possible to get information for free?

Is it possible to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not via the Internet? There is also a very elementary way. Just look at the receipts for payment for housing and communal services. It should contain the line “Hiring”. If the apartment is privatized, then there will be dashes here. If the living space is owned by the state or municipality, then the amount that is paid under the social rental agreement will be indicated here.

Registration deadlines

How to complete all the paperwork correctly? Where can I privatize an apartment? The whole process takes two months. To make a request, it is absolutely not necessary to contact the privatization department. You can submit an application using the official website of Rosreestr. To do this, just select the “Public Services” section on the main page of the service and find the “Registration of rights to real estate” item.

In the window that appears, you must fill out the form using the following algorithm:

  1. Type - an extract of registered rights to real estate with publicly available information.
  2. Enter all information on the object of interest.
  3. Select the option for receiving information: by mail in paper form, through the territorial privatization department, in electronic form.
  4. Entering information about the customer. Here you should indicate who the applicant is, write his last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, and also put a tick next to the box indicating consent to the processing of personal data.
  5. The next step requires attaching scans of documents. First you need to select the type of paper: it can be a passport or a power of attorney. After this, you need to click on the “Add” button and select “Proceed to data verification”.
  6. If everything in the form has been filled out correctly, then you can send the information for processing. The page will immediately display the number of the registered application, which must be filled out. After that, with its help you can find out the status of application processing using the website.
  7. An email with a payment code will be sent to your email address. You can also pay for your order using the website. For this purpose, the letter uses the “Specify code” link, after clicking on which a window with various payment methods will open. You need to select the payment type. The money must be transferred within 10 business days.

If all steps have been completed correctly, you will eventually be sent a privatization certificate.

Where else can I get help?

How to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not? If necessary, you can use the services of third-party organizations. If you do not want to go to the privatization department, you can obtain all the necessary data through an online order from special intermediary organizations. They charge a fairly high commission for their services, and the time frame for preparing information is quite long. However, this option is suitable for those who do not want to go through all government agencies on their own.

How is privatization formalized?

What should you do if you need a privatized apartment? What documents must be available for this? The whole process includes several stages. First, you need to prepare a number of documents and take them to the multifunctional center or BTI. To get started, you will need a social tenancy agreement or warrant. You can order these documents through a single information and settlement center. Next, we contact the BTI to obtain a technical passport for the apartment. The cadastral passport contains information about the area, layout, volume and floor.

At the passport office you can get an extract from the house register about registered citizens. It is produced within two weeks. An extract from the Unified State Register for a real estate property is issued at the MFC after payment of the state fee. You will have to wait 7-30 days for the necessary papers, depending on the purpose for which the information is requested. In order to become the owner of a personal account for housing, you must visit the accounting department of the passport office. If the owner has a debt for paying utility bills, then the documents will not be accepted for registration. Also, if you entrust the registration to an unfamiliar citizen, you need to visit a lawyer and draw up a power of attorney.


The information presented in this review will be useful to those who are interested in privatization procedures. The procedure for changing the form of ownership itself takes a lot of time. Even one share in a privatized apartment plays a big role. After all, without the consent of all owners, not a single transaction with property can be completed.

Before starting the paperwork procedure, you should obtain all the necessary information. How to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not? For this purpose, a request should be submitted to Rosreestr. This can also be done via the Internet. An extract from the Unified State Register is prepared within three days.

Last modified: January 2019

When resolving issues related to real estate, it is important to check its ownership, and in the case of purchase and sale transactions, it is especially necessary to make sure that the person has full right to dispose of the housing, i.e. is the owner. Fortunately, there are several ways to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not.

Information about the status and ownership of the apartment is presented on the Internet, and it is also requested through official authorities. The choice of verification method depends on the details of real estate registration and the personal preferences of citizens.

Finding out about privatization is easy

Before transferring a deposit for an apartment, check whether the person acting as the seller has the right to alienate the property and transfer it to the disposal of the new owner.

Only the owner has the right to dispose of housing, but in the absence of privatization and living in the living space within the framework of social rent, the municipality or the state is considered the owner. In such a situation, there can be no talk of legal re-registration under the purchase and sale agreement.

You should not trust sellers and realtors who represent their interests without supporting documentation, because it is easy to become a victim of fraud and transfer the deposit to people who do not have any rights to the property of interest.

There are many ways to find out who the apartment is privatized for:

  • BTI;
  • receipts for housing and communal services;
  • Registration Chamber or MFC;
  • Using specialized Internet resources.

Sometimes it is enough to look at the housing and communal services receipt to determine the status of the property. In other cases, when documentary evidence of a fact is needed, they contact the BTI or Rosreestr (depending on the year when the housing was re-registered as property).

Basic method

Sometimes simply presenting a receipt is not enough. If an apartment is for sale and you need to ensure the legality of the upcoming transaction, contact Rosreestr at the location of the apartment.

The option is available for the following situations:

  • privatization took place later on January 31, 1998, when the law on state registration of property came into force;
  • the right to property arose earlier, but then real estate appeared in transactions of sale, donation, and exchange. The apartment is also checked when registering it as an inheritance or pledge.

In such situations, records about the re-registration of the owner of the property and the appearance/removal of encumbrances or arrest appear in the Unified State Register database.

To obtain an extract from Rosreestr, you must contact the department at the location of the object, proceeding in the following sequence:

  1. Show your passport.
  2. Submit a completed application requesting information.
  3. Pay a fee for processing the request and providing information on the object of interest (200 rubles per 1 object).

If an organization is interested in real estate, a more extensive list of papers will be required to submit a request:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity.
  2. Document with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  3. Certificate of registration and assignment of a taxpayer number.
  4. Charter
  5. Personal documents and power of attorney for a representative of the organization.

After processing the request, the applicant receives an extract from the Unified State Register. If the request is refused, it means the apartment has not been privatized, or it became private property a long time ago (before the law was adopted in 1998) and no transaction has taken place on it in the past period.

How else can you find out if an object is privatized?

There are other ways to verify the fact of privatization of an object. Depending on the situation and at the request of the applicant, other ways are used.


Until the provisions of the law on state registration came into force, in the period 1991-1998, BTI was in charge of privatization activities. Since you can find out when the apartment was privatized from the owners, it is better to ask for this information the day before.

If we assume that the apartment was privatized during this period, one should look for documentary evidence in the BTI.

The Bureau's database contains information about all facts of re-registration until the transfer of powers to Rosreestr, however, not all citizens will be able to obtain a certificate from the BTI.

The right to documentary confirmation of the fact of privatization is granted to:

  • homeowners and their representatives by notarized power of attorney;
  • heirs;
  • employees of the law enforcement system in the performance of their official duties;
  • municipal employees;
  • tax authorities;
  • justice authorities.

Despite the limited list of persons who have the right to apply to the BTI, the future buyer has the right to demand that the seller provide the relevant paper by initiating a request through the owner himself.

From receipts

If there is no need for documentary evidence, but it is only important to clarify the status of housing, it is enough to find receipts for payment of housing and communal services and check the information provided in them.

When using housing as a tenant under social rent, the entry “Social rent” is reflected in a separate line on the receipt. After privatization is completed, this line disappears from the receipts or contains a dash.

For municipal housing, the tenant pays a certain amount for the use of municipal property, which is reflected in the receipt. When planning to buy a property, ask to see receipts for utilities. In this way, you can check the absence of debts for housing and communal services and clarify the legality of the future transaction.

Visit to the MFC

An appeal to a multifunctional center is another option for interaction with Rosreestr, since an appeal submitted through the MFC is then sent to the registration authority at the location of the apartment.

Submitting a request through the MFC is as follows:

  • They draw up an application and submit it, along with supporting documents, to the department employee.
  • They pay the fee (through the terminal located directly at the MFC).
  • Receipt of receipt of acceptance of the request for work.
  • On the day specified in the receipt, the applicant comes to the department and receives an extract from Rosreestr by presenting an identity card (passport).

Through the Internet

There is no need to visit the office of the MFC or Rosreestr if you have access to the network. Anyone can receive a certificate of address via the Internet. The application is submitted online through the official portal of Rosreestr, when selecting the section for obtaining information from the Unified State Register.

Next, the applicant fills out the form with information about the object of interest and pays the service fee here. You can receive the document in hand after 5 working days at the Registration Chamber office, or by email specified in the online request form.

Making sure that the seller has the authority to dispose of the property is important not only for the buyer. Verification of information about the status of real estate is also required for the residents themselves when a deed of gift, mortgage or transfer under a will is to be executed. In order to avoid problems at the time of the transaction, it is recommended to check in advance whether the documents for the property are in order, first checking its status.

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