How to find out the date of privatization of an apartment online. How can I get this information? How to find out if an apartment at an address is privatized

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The privatization of apartments is a very pressing issue and always stands apart in the real estate sector. First, let's try to understand what privatization is and how it happens.

Privatization of an apartment- This is the transfer of property from the hands of the state to the hands of ordinary citizens. In fact, the procedure is simply necessary if a person intends to live in an apartment and subsequently pass it on by inheritance.

But often people themselves do not know whether the apartment is privatized or not. Let's look at ways to determine this, as well as all the nuances that arise in connection with this issue.

You can find out about the issue of privatization in different ways; of course, the easiest way is to ask relatives. A convenient and inexpensive way when it comes to your real estate. But what to do if you are interested in finding out information about the privatization of another apartment. Such data can be obtained from Rosreestr, as well as via the Internet.

You can also contact the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) the old fashioned way. Finding such a service is very easy, as is getting the necessary information from them. Each person chooses which method to use; each of them has its own pros and cons.

How to find out if an apartment has been privatized in Rosreestr?

What makes this method interesting is that any individual or legal entity can request data and receive a response.

To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Come to any branch of Rosreestr.
  2. Have the necessary documents with you. To obtain information, you must have an identification document of the applicant (passport), as well as an application of a certain sample. You can write it when you come to the department.
  3. Pay the state fee. The amount of the fee is small, the only difference is who applies, an individual or a legal entity. For the first, the duty will be less, and for the second, accordingly, a little more.

So, by contacting the department and filling out all the papers, a person receives information.

What information can be obtained in this way:

  • The address of the object, as well as its location.
  • Materials containing information regarding the owners of the object of interest. Their passport details, as well as the date of privatization, if any.
  • Information about claims in rights to this property.

Thus, it turns out that when contacting, you can get quite serious and accurate information regarding the property of interest. This method is often used not only to find out whether one’s apartment is privatized or not, but also by real estate buyers in the process of buying/selling.

It must be said that this method is currently the most popular and in demand among citizens of the Russian Federation. But besides it, you can find out information about privatization from other sources.

Additional ways to find out if an apartment is privatized

The option discussed above is the best and most convenient. But it is not always possible to contact this service. Situations vary, so consider other methods.

Request for information from the Bureau of Technical Inventory

The procedure for contacting the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) is a little more complicated, and not everyone can obtain information there. First, you need to draw up a written request, which will indicate the issue of privatization of a specific apartment.

After consideration, information can be issued to the following citizens:

  1. For apartment owners, as well as people who represent their interests under a notarized power of attorney. It is important to note that after the request, the data is checked and only on this basis is it considered valid.
  2. Heirs who have the right to an apartment. Such a right can be of two types, by will or by law. In any case, the data will be provided; you just need to present documents indicating the right to inheritance.
  3. State statistics bodies also have the right to receive such data. Of course, officially this can only be done at work, but in practice, people of such professions can take up a similar solution to this issue and provide absolutely all the data on the real estate of interest for a small fee.
  4. Local management services, as well as government authorities can obtain the data. Here the situation is similar, you can contact local authorities, who can find out this information without any problems.
  5. Other government officials(law enforcement, judicial and tax officials).

Speaking about obtaining data from the BTI, we can say that this method is in no way inferior to applying to Rosreestr. For example, if you are interested in finding out information about your apartment, whether it is privatized or not, then this service is very convenient.

And this is not the last way, because sometimes there is no time to go somewhere, fill out some papers, stand in lines, and so on. In such cases, you should not despair, because especially for such busy people, or lazy people, there is another resource - the World Wide Web.

How to find out if an apartment has been privatized via the Internet?

Although this method seems simple, finding out information via the Internet is not so easy.. This can only be done by contacting the Unified State Register directly via email. You can also do this through the website of the Federal Registration Service.

But not everything is so simple; to apply, you need to have a special digital signature, which can be obtained directly from the same government agencies. This means you will still have to go somewhere, at least once.

Is this visible on the utility bill?

Indeed, this is the easiest way to determine, because this information is visible on such receipts. Of course, everything is not described there, but it is not difficult to determine whether an apartment is privatized or not.

In any such receipt there is a line with the inscription “Hiring” or “Social hiring”. But if the apartment is privatized, then the line will only contain dashes, because the owner does not have to pay for the rent of his home. But if the rental amount is indicated there, then we can say with confidence that this property does not belong to anyone. Or rather, it belongs to the state.

How to find out if an apartment at an address is privatized?

Finding out about the issue of privatization if you have an address or information about the people assigned to the apartment is quite simple. To do this, you just need to contact the settlement center.

It would seem that it is simpler, but there are nuances here. There is similar information in this service, but in fact it is prohibited to provide it. In practice, this rule is ignored and data is given. In general, it is not difficult to obtain data, but it will be illegal, although accurate.

To summarize, we can say that there are many ways to find out about the issue of privatization. The best way would be to contact Rosreestr, where you can get not only detailed information, but also relevant documents. Well, if you don’t need documents, then it’s even easier to do it.

One way or another, personal housing has long become a desirable object for every person. Today the real estate market is crowded. If just recently there was practically no choice of apartments, then today there can be no question of this.

A huge number of offers awaits you at any real estate agency.

However, along with the increase in the number of proposals, real estate prices are also rising.

Today, in order to purchase living space, you need to have an impressive amount of money. Not all citizens can afford such housing.

If you conduct a sociological survey, you will find out that it turns out a significant part of the citizens of our country do not live in their own apartments, on the contrary, who rents residential premises from other persons.

These are additional expenses that prevent them from saving for their own housing. Meanwhile, mortgage programs are not always profitable, and not every family can afford them.

What should citizens do who do not have their own real estate, and also do not have a decent income to rent from others?

Today, the trend of social hiring has become widespread. It lies in the fact that housing that was on the balance sheet of the municipality is given for use to a citizen.

This is an excellent opportunity not to spend money on rent, but to pay only for consumed utilities. In addition, there is a significant bonus that sets social rent apart from other types of rental housing.

After some time, you can become the owner of the property in which you have lived all these years. To do this, you need to go through a very simple privatization procedure, which once and will forever secure you as the owner of a specific real estate property.

However, there is one caveat. Not all real estate that is rented out for social rent is not privatized. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase property that has already gone through the privatization procedure.

Therefore, before starting the procedure for appropriating real estate, you need to make sure that the living space in which you live under a social tenancy agreement is not privatized. We will talk about the ways in which you can find out the status of your home in this article.

Ways to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not

Where can I find out whether an apartment is privatized or not?

By receipt

Now let's talk directly about the most popular ways of determining the presence or absence of privatization facts. The first, and easiest way, is to find out the owner using the receipt.

A payment document is sent to your address every month, it indicates the number of services consumed, resources, as well as the payment for them.

In addition to the data of the management organization that sends such notifications, The receipt also indicates the initials of the owner.

If the property is not privatized, then the owner’s initials are not indicated; instead, the address of your local administration is specified.

Read on our website about privatization of an apartment and whether you can apply for it.

By the address

The second way is to clarify the information at your residential address.

To do this, you need to go to the local administration, which issued housing with social rent agreements, and clarify the issue of the presence or absence of privatization.

If she wasn't there, be sure to take the appropriate certificate, establishing this fact. This certificate may be called an extract and be signed by the head of the municipality.

A sample claim to the court for recognition of the right to privatize residential premises is available.


The multifunctional center is authorized to provide information about the presence or absence of privatization, but only if it is directly related to this residential premises in some way.

Same as in the case of the Rosreestr you need to fill out an application, submit it to the employee, and wait for a response to your request.

Typically, the waiting period can be from two to three weeks. You will be notified of a response by phone call or email.

In the Internet

Today, in order to obtain any information, it is not at all necessary to leave home.

For example, today, in order to establish the fact of privatization, you can simply turn on the computer.

You need go to the website of the state register of registration of transactions, register on it and find the corresponding menu item.

Having selected the appropriate menu item, you must enter your city and the address of the object of interest.

If the apartment has ever been privatized by someone, then you will certainly be notified of this fact using an electronic window. It will indicate that this property is owned by someone.


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