How to clean a sink at home. Self-removal of clogs in the sink: photo

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All sinks are susceptible to clogging. The frequency of cleaning depends on compliance with operating rules, technological problems and clogging substances. According to average statistics, the kitchen sink gets clogged more often due to grease and food debris.

You can clean the drain different ways. These include folk remedies and household chemicals, devices for household and professional use. Methods for removing blockages at home depend on the causes of their occurrence.

Causes of blockages

Blockages and bad smell are formed for the following reasons:

  • Mechanical - something is stuck inside the drain system (one large object or a large number of small debris).
  • Operational – the drain has not been cleaned for a long time and deposits have formed on its walls, preventing the free passage of liquid.
  • Technological – damage, pinching of pipes, etc.

Mechanical clogs are the most common, since sink drains are not designed to contain debris. They are characterized by sudden occurrence and complete blockage of the system. Operational ones manifest themselves in the form of decreasing sewage disposal capacity.

Technological reasons make themselves felt immediately after the start of operation. But sometimes technical shortcomings appear after a short period of time. In such cases, you can get rid of blockages after eliminating the deficiencies.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the blockage. It can be the result of several reasons at the same time. In this case, it is necessary to use various methods one by one. First, pour boiling water into the sink (if available). metal pipes) or open for 20 minutes hot water(if the pipes are plastic). If this does not help, try other means.

Safety precautions during work

Before starting work, ensure that safety precautions are observed. When using household chemicals and some folk remedies (acetic acid, etc.), you need to wear thick rubber gloves. Use vinegar essence with caution as it may cause burns. When using funds household chemicals, study and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Avoid getting harmful substances into your eyes and clothing. Products containing chlorine, in addition to negative influence on the skin and mucous membranes, leaving stains on clothes. Persons suffering from allergies are advised to use respirators or masks when using household chemicals or acids. The room needs to be ventilated.

Effective folk methods for removing blockages

Traditional methods are accessible and highly effective. They can be used independently, without involving plumbers. Despite the presence of a large number of household chemicals, traditional methods will always be relevant.

Soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar can be found in any kitchen. To use the traditional method, you do not need to spend extra money. Baking soda and vinegar are second only to a plunger in removing clogs in the sink. Combined use enhances their effect.

Pour soda into the drain hole and fill it with vinegar essence in a 1:1 ratio. During the reaction, a large amount of foam is formed, which bubbles for several minutes, releasing gas with a specific odor (close the hole with a stopper). After 20-30 minutes, turn on the hot water under pressure. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Baking soda

Baking soda is used for cleaning hot water. You need to fill half a pack of soda with 10 liters of water at a temperature of 70 degrees. Afterwards it is advisable to use a plunger.

Citric and oxalic acids

Citric acid is also found in every kitchen. It is a mild and non-toxic remedy for combating blockages, limescale and rust. Due to less aggressiveness, lemon acid inferior in cleaning properties to vinegar. To eliminate the problem, pour it into the drain (at least 2 sachets), fill it with a small amount warm water and leave overnight.

Oxalic acid is a potent agent compared to citric acid. It is used to remove limescale and rust from plumbing fixtures and urinary stone from toilets. To remove organic blockages in the sink, oxalic acid is used in the same way as citric acid.

Alka-Seltzer tablets

Place two tablets of the drug in the drain hole and pour a glass of table (9%) vinegar. This method helps with minor blockages in the siphon. Eliminates unpleasant odor.

Other folk methods

Chlorine in any form (“White”, etc.) can be used to remove clogs. Pour the product into the drain hole and leave overnight.

Effective method cleaning the siphon - remove it and remove debris. This does not require special devices. The problem is that there is a lot of dirt and an unpleasant smell, so this is not a job for the squeamish. Before removing the siphon, place a bucket under it.

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Mechanical cleaning methods

Let's consider mechanical cleaning using popular devices.


By a simple means To remove blockages in the sink, use a plunger. Its advantages:

  • Availability (inexpensive).
  • Versatile (can be used in sinks, bathtubs and toilets).
  • Functionality (eliminates most problems).
  • Possibility of many years of operation without extra costs(quality products last forever).
  • Ease of use (only physical strength is used, no need to connect to an energy source).

By purchasing it, you can save on calling a plumber. Flaws:

  • Low efficiency due to operational and technological causes of blockage.
  • Does not completely cope with severe clogging.
  • Must be actively applied physical strength, sometimes for a long time.

Directions for use: pour water into the sink, apply a plunger to the drain hole, and press vigorously several times.

Vacuum cleaner with blow function

If you have a vacuum cleaner with a blow function in your home, you can use it. You need to fix the vacuum cleaner pipe in drain hole, filling the cracks around with rags, then turn on the vacuum cleaner in blowing mode for a few minutes.


To clear the blockage, a special brush is used, with which you can remove debris from the siphon without disassembling it. The brush is inserted through the drain hole and fishes out debris using its mechanism. The device has a built-in magnet that removes metal objects from pipes

Plumbing cable

The cable can be purchased for self-use or call a plumber with it. The device removes blockages deep in pipes. The longer the cable, the greater the chance of reaching the blockage. This method is especially effective for mechanical blockages. The cable is inserted into the pipe and threaded into it until the right place by turning with the handle.

Hydraulic pump

A hydraulic pump is a professional equipment for plumbers. Clears blockages using high pressure water. The method is effective and environmentally friendly. The disadvantage is high price.

Video story

Popular household chemicals - examples and instructions

You can use household chemicals to clean your sink drain. Liquid medications are more effective than powdered ones. When using them, there is no need to disassemble the siphon. Household chemicals from the box are already ready for use and do not require special preparation.

  • "Mole". The most common remedy. It comes in liquid, gel and dry form (granules). Advantages, in quick elimination blockages and budget price. The main disadvantage is the harmful composition. Directions for use: pour (fill and fill with a small amount of water) into the drain hole for 15 minutes - 1.5 hours.
  • "Tiret" It has a lot in common with “Mole”, but is more expensive. When using, you must first pour in the product and then slowly pour boiling water (5-6 glasses). When action occurs, a violent reaction occurs. Applicable only to metal pipes.

Eliminating unpleasant odor from the sink

There are two most common reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the sink.

  1. Sink odors may be caused by an improperly installed drain pipe (no U or S bend). In this case, the error must be eliminated.
  2. A foul odor is a consequence of a blockage. Fixing the problem should fix the situation.

Problems with home plumbing are the most unpleasant thing that even the most tidy housewife will sooner or later encounter.

It is known that blockages occur when small particles of various origins get into the sink drain hole.

Even if all conceivable precautions are taken, they accumulate in the outlet pipe and prevent the free flow of water. Most problem area– a water seal, that is, a curved section of pipe.

If such a problem does occur, it is not necessary to urgently call a plumber. You can unclog your sink yourself.

There are methods for this that have been repeatedly tested by many people who have suffered from plumbing surprises.


First, let's remember the old good way, used for many generations, is a plunger. It cleans the bath with the same ease.

This necessary item is a construction made of a dense rubber cap with a handle. Its action is based on the creation of a water hammer, under the influence of which the waste that has clogged the pipe moves into the sewer riser.

The cap is pressed tightly against the drain hole and the drain is cleaned with sharp upward and downward movements of the handle. Usually 3 to 5 pushes are enough.

If the water does not go away or goes away very slowly, the procedure should be repeated until a visible result is achieved. Contamination that appears from the drain must be immediately removed from the sink to avoid re-clogging.

Traditional methods

Another common one folk way clearing clogs in the sink - using soda.

The recipes are different, but they are all based on the property of soda to dissolve the fatty component of blockages, thereby reducing their density and volume.

So, let's prepare a solution according to one of these recipes:

  • three tablespoons of ordinary soda are poured into the drain, and then poured with a large amount of hot water;
  • pour the same amount of soda into a glass of vinegar and leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the drain is also washed with hot water. A chemical reaction occurs in the pipe, the result of which will be the dissolution of fat - and therefore easier passage of the blockage;
  • components similar to the previous ones are enriched with any washing powder: soda and powder in equal quantities are poured into the drain and filled with vinegar. After 20-30 minutes, the sink drain is flushed with plenty of hot water.
Baking soda and vinegar are often used when cleaning the kitchen sink, since it is in the drain that greasy clogs most often form that need to be dissolved.

Special means

In addition to using available chemicals, you can use special preparations for removing blockages, which are sold in household chemicals departments.

Dealing with them is quite simple: the amount of product indicated in the instructions is poured into sewer drain and after some time is washed with water. As a result, the blockage dissolves and is removed very quickly.

But these drugs, due to their high aggressiveness, have a significant drawback - active reagents can corrode the rubber gasket, as well as damage the integrity of sewer pipes, especially plastic ones. Therefore, you should not be too zealous when using special means; it is enough to use them no more than once a quarter.

The listed recipes for clearing blockages are good for kitchen sinks; for other sinks and washbasins, it is optimal to use mechanical methods.

Mechanical cleaning

Manual cleaning is not the most pleasant manipulation, but for the purpose effective cleaning drainage, as well as maintaining the integrity of pipes and gaskets, its use is completely justified.

Under the sink there is a siphon - a kind of sump in which dirt settles. This prevents them from getting into the pipes, otherwise cleaning can be seriously complicated.

If the siphon is plastic, it is disassembled and cleaned, after draining the water from the sink. After removing debris from the bottom of the siphon, check the cleanliness of the corrugated outlet and wash it. After these manipulations, all parts of the siphon are screwed into place.

The task can be complicated if a cast iron siphon is installed under the sink, secured with bolts. He is non-demountable design, so it needs to be cleaned with a cable and washed. Only after this will it be possible to install it back.

You can clear a clog in the sink at home without dismantling the siphon using a plumbing cable, which is inserted into the drain and rotated there. different directions. In this way, the sink drain is reliably and efficiently cleared of contaminants.

As a rule, these methods allow you to completely remove the blockage in the sink or washbasin. If you cannot get rid of the blockage on your own, the most reasonable solution is to contact a specialist from the housing department.

If the kitchen sink is clogged, what should you do to ensure that activity in this most important room is not paralyzed until a team of plumbers arrives? Not a single housewife is insured against such an emergency situation, and in this regard, it is necessary to know several ways to eliminate this problem and be able to apply them. Moreover, there is not always a special solution in the kitchen that can cope with this task, therefore, knowing the methods using improvised means, you can always get out of the situation by using them in practice.

In the diverter system sewer pipe There is one most problematic place where sediment collects. In some designs this is a siphon reservoir, and in others it is a curved section of pipe that plays its role (otherwise this element is called a water seal). In this place of the sink drain, dirty water is usually retained, and, naturally, the dirt settles on the walls of the lower part of the siphon, where in most cases a blockage forms.

Various types of siphons - in the vast majority of cases, blockages occur here

If such an emergency does occur, then you should not immediately call a plumber, since you can save on this process by doing the work yourself.

There are many ways to clear your kitchen sink drain of accumulated dirt. Some of them have been tested over the years of use by many generations of owners, while others were invented by craftsmen quite recently, and they use means that, it would seem, are absolutely far from plumbing.

Sink clogs can be of three types:

  • Operational, resulting from accumulated grease and dirt deposits.
  • Mechanical ones that appeared due to being hit by a hundred to tolarge waste, which interferes with the free movement of water.
  • Technical blockages that may arise due to incorrect assembled structure siphon or due to a manufacturing defect. This option can sometimes be corrected solely by replacing the siphon drain block.

In any case, you need to try to fix the problem yourself, especially since replacing a corrugated pipe in combination with a siphon is also not a task of increased complexity. However, before purchasing a new kit, you should try different cleaning methods.

Cleaning a sink with a plunger

The method of cleaning a sink using a plunger is considered traditional and quite effective. Therefore, this plumbing accessory should be in any household, especially since it is inexpensive and can be used for decades.

A plumbing fixture known to almost everyone is the plunger.

First way

The plunger consists of a comfortable wooden or polymer handle and a thick rubber cap. This simple device works on the principle of creating a small force of water hammer in the drain pipe. Under its influence, the accumulated caked dirt moves from its place and rises from the siphon to the level of the outlet pipe, and the water then carries it into the sewer.

In order to manipulate the plunger, you need to grab its handle with both hands and press the cap to the drain hole of the sink. The rubber part of the plunger works like a suction cup and, when pressed, attaches well to a smooth ceramic or metal surface.

Then, using force, you need to perform several progressive pressing movements down and up. At this time, liquid movement occurs inside the pipe, which is transmitted to all the accumulations in the blockage. They lag behind the walls and can freely move along with the incoming water into the sewer.

The operating principle of a plunger is that the water hammer it creates removes the blockage from its place

If the first attempt was unsuccessful, and the water still does not drain well or does not drain at all, then manipulations with the plunger should be repeated until a positive result is obtained. If, when removing the cap from the drainage point, dirt and plaque elements come out into the sink along with it, then they must be removed immediately to avoid re-clogging the pipe.

It is very important - if a pipe from the overflow hole is connected to the drain pipe, then this hole must be closed, for example, by making a gag from a wet rag. Otherwise, attempts are doomed to failure - the water will flow along the path of least resistance, and will begin to come out of the overflow hole, without transmitting the hydraulic shock to the accumulations of dirt.

Second way

If you are unable to deal with the blockage using a plunger alone, then this tool can be used in combination with a mixture, the ingredients of which are found in any kitchen - soda and salt.

For the cleaning process, you need to take a glass of salt and the same amount of soda, then mix them together and carefully pour them into the drain. After this, a glass of boiling water is poured there. The mixture should fall into the siphon glass, so you should not pour in a large amount of water. After spending this simple process, the sink should be left alone for 10–15 minutes. Then the plunger comes into operation again, which should again carry out the manipulation already described above, remove the rising dirt, and rinse the pipes with an intense stream of water.

Traditional cleaning methods

Sometimes it is possible to clean a sink without using a plunger, for example, if an operational blockage has been created, that is, water does not pass through due to a thick layer of fatty deposits on the walls of the pipe. This process will also require substances that are always available in the kitchen, and the main one is again soda, since it is the one that can dissolve the fatty components in the deposited layers. It is better to use technical soda for these activities, which is often used to soften water in washing machines, but its food version is also quite suitable.

First way

This method is the simplest of all existing ones. The technology is simple - 3÷5 tablespoons of soda and approximately 250÷300 ml of boiling water are poured into the drain hole, and after 10÷15 minutes the drain is poured with hot water.

Second way

Take soda again, the same amount as in the first method, and pour it into the drain. Then, a glass of vinegar is poured into it, and all this is left for 10-15 minutes, since a chemical reaction between these two ingredients should occur in the contaminated siphon. It is during the violent reaction that the mixture will promote the dissolution and detachment of dirt from the walls of the siphon and pipes. When using ingredients that react with each other, the drain hole must be closed at the top with a stopper so that the foam and gases released remain inside the drain system.

Soda and vinegar - excellent helpers to clear blockages

After the specified time has elapsed, the waste system is flushed with hot water.

If concentrated acetic acid is used for cleaning, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9, otherwise plastic pipes may not withstand the process of an excessively violent exothermic reaction, melt and leak.

Third option

In this case, use: soda and washing powder, 3÷5 large spoons, a glass of vinegar. Soda and powder are poured into the drain, which is then filled with vinegar on top and left for 15-20 minutes. After this, the pipes and siphon are thoroughly washed with hot water.

Video: baking soda and vinegar “guard” the cleanliness of the sink drain

Fourth option

With this cleaning method, instead of soda, a preparation used to remove hangover syndrome- “Alka-Seltzer”. 2÷3 tablets of this product need to be thrown into the drain hole, and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. This ingredient, just like soda, will give a very violent reaction when interacting with vinegar, in which fat will dissolve, and dirt will break down and actively move away from the walls of the siphon and pipes. After 8÷10 minutes, the waste system must be rinsed with hot water.

"Alka-Seltzer", in addition to its primary purpose, can also help in the fight against clogged drains

The advantage of using Alka-Seltzer over soda is that in addition to cleaning the pipes, it effectively removes the unpleasant odor from the accumulated mass. However, it should be noted that this cleaning method is only suitable for eliminating operational gaps.

Cleaning using specialized chemicals

All of the above folk compositions In our time, they are used to clean drains, usually in extreme cases, since in the hardware store you can find a large number of chemicals intended specifically for this process. Moreover, it should be noted that the price for them can lie in a fairly wide range - from expensive to completely affordable for everyone.

The range of special chemical compounds for eliminating blockages and preventing them is very wide

Household chemicals intended for cleaning are divided into those produced in liquid or dry form, in the form of powder or granules. All drugs are made on an alkaline or acid basis.

Cleaning agents should be selected depending on what material the outlet pipes are made of. sewer pipeline. Basically, all products are suitable for both plastic and metal pipes, but still, before purchasing, you should study the instructions from the manufacturer. Otherwise, a situation may arise that you will have to not only do urgent cleaning in the kitchen, but also buy new system plum.

Acid compounds are considered universal means, which can dissolve operational blockages and free pipes from large debris.

Most often, a “Mole” type cleanser is chosen from this type of composition. Work with these reagents is carried out in the following order:

  • Pour boiling water into the drain and leave for about 20 minutes.
  • After this, a cleaning solution is added to the hole and left for several hours. You cannot use the sink at this time, so it is better to carry out all manipulations late in the evening - an aggressive cleanser will do its job overnight.
  • In the morning, the pipes must be thoroughly flushed with cold water.

It should be noted that “Mole” and similar products can free the system not only from fatty deposits, but also from rust if metal pipes are installed.

Since any product intended for cleaning pipes is an aggressive environment, you need to work with it extremely carefully, taking necessary measures precautions. Be sure to put it on your hands latex gloves, make sure not to allow drops or dry composition of the substance to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Before starting work it is necessary to mandatory Study the manufacturer's instructions in detail.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical cleaning methods include several options - using a plumbing cable, a special plastic household hook, or even a vacuum cleaner.

Such methods can be called drastic, and they are used only in cases where none of the methods described above worked with sufficient efficiency.

First way

For self-cleaning plum mechanically You can use a special hook made of flexible plastic. Although this device is called a hook, it looks more like a narrow bar with small peculiar “spikes” on the sides. This rack has a handle on top that makes cleaning the sink more convenient.

This hook is used to remove mechanical blockages from the pipe and siphon, that is, elements that cannot be dissolved with the help of chemicals and folk remedies eg hair or fibers from textiles.

This device works as follows:

  • The plastic hook is lowered into the drain hole, carefully bypassing the existing jumpers.
  • Using a handle, it is scrolled through the pipe and siphon.
  • When scrolling, accumulated dirt gets caught on the side “spikes” and wraps around.
  • After this, the bar is carefully pulled out of the drain along with the dirt, which is immediately removed into the trash bin.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Second way

This cleaning method is available to those who have available powerful vacuum cleaner, having a blowing function. A similar operation can be carried out using an electric mini-wash.

To use compression and push the stagnation further down the pipe and then into the sewer riser, you need to remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and wrap it around the perimeter with a thin cloth so that it fits tightly into the drain hole. Then she is lowered into the hole as deep as possible, and turn on the vacuum cleaner for blowing. Strong flow air and will become a pipe cleaner from blockages.

The washing vacuum cleaner needs to be used differently. The principle of its operation is diametrically opposite - in this case the vacuum cleaner is used to pull dirt out of the siphon. To do this, a special suction cup is placed on the end of the pipe; instead, you can use a plunger cap if it is made of elastic rubber.

The nozzle installed on the vacuum cleaner is pressed against the drain hole as tightly as possible so that it fits tightly to the bottom of the sink, and then the device is turned on to retract. Dirt from a pipe or siphon, drawn through the pipe, will fall into a special chamber for dirty water. This will clear the sink drain.

Third way

In the event that the hook is not gets enough before the blockage occurs, but the vacuum cleaner fails because the plug in the drain is too dense, you can try using a special plumbing cable that has a comfortable handle on one side and a brush or spiral attachment on the other. This cleaning tool is made of resilient steel and has an external plastic covering for ease of cleaning after use.

A special plumbing cable with a “ruff” at the end

The working end of the cable with the “ruff” is gradually immersed in the drain hole, and using the handle, using the principle of screwing, the cable is pushed through the siphon into the pipe.

While scrolling e rsh it removes all the plaque that has accumulated on them from the walls and pushes the mud stagnation towards the sewer main pipe. To enhance the cleaning effect, you need to periodically turn on hot water, which will immediately carry dirt deposits into the sewer.

This method of cleaning pipes is well suited if the drainage system is made of metal, since it rsh SP is special to clean off not only dirty, but also rusty deposits. If it is used for a plastic system, then you need to act extremely carefully so as not to damage the walls of the siphon and pipes.

If you don’t have such a cable on your farm, you can make a similar cleaning device from elastic wire or a plastic hanger—“hanger.” So, the longest one is cut from a hanger part - cross member, on which a small hook is left at the end.

If the cable is made of wire, it is first straightened, and then a small hook is bent at one of the ends. However, this type of cleaning is less effective, since even a bent wire is not able to collect all that has formed on the surface. interior walls dirt.

Fourth method

Method number four is a last resort in cleaning the sink, and even if it does not help, then the reason should be sought not in the drainage system, but in the sewer pipe. And in this case, most likely, only a specialist can help.

However, it is still worth trying to solve the problem yourself. The method involves radically cleaning the siphon.

The process can be carried out using two methods: complete disassembly all drain systems, or unwinding only the siphon cup, if its design allows this.

It should be noted that this process is not a pleasant one, but if you want to save on calling a plumber and quickly clean the sink drain, then the work done will be fully justified.

Since the main cause of blockage lies in the siphon, it’s worth starting with it. If it turns out to be clean, then you can begin removing and disassembling the entire drain system.

The plastic siphon consists of two parts, which are twisted together using threaded connection. To clean, this unit must be disassembled. Before you start work, you should be well prepared so as not to further complicate the matter with cleaning. It is necessary to place a suitable basin or bucket under the sink, since when the siphon is untwisted, dirty water will definitely flow out of it.

Having unscrewed the lower part of the siphon, you need to rinse it and remove any debris that interfered with the drainage of water. If no serious blockages are found in it, you need to inspect another problem area– connecting the siphon with a corrugated pipe, since sometimes dirt, rising from the bottom of the siphon, gets stuck in this area.

Having disassembled the siphon, you need to carefully remove and wash or even replace all the rubber or plastic gaskets, since during assembly they will need to be correctly installed in place. Very often after disassembly it is clear that the gaskets are deformed, pinched, have tears and reuse are not applicable - you will have to purchase new ones. True, they are quite inexpensive.

All dirt is removed from the siphon and pipe, they are thoroughly washed, and after that all elements of the system can be assembled and installed in place.

The container from under the sink does not need to be removed until the drainage system has been tested for leaks. To check the quality of assembly and the tightness of all connections, it is necessary to turn on the water under high pressure and flush the pipes generously. At this time, you need to monitor all connections - they must remain completely dry. If leakage is detected, the connection should be tightened, but if this does not help, then a poor-quality gasket has been installed.

When tightening the connecting nodes, there is no need for “fanaticism” - it is not at all difficult to deform the plastic thread, thereby rendering the part unusable. There is still more here important role high-quality cuffs or pads play a role.

Video: cleaning a sink drain with disassembling the siphon

Preventing clogs in the kitchen sink

In order to avoid resorting to the methods described above for cleaning the drain for as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures that will allow you to operate the kitchen sink long time without any emergency situations.

  • Greasy dishes should be washed only with hot water and household detergents that break down grease.
  • All dishes should be thoroughly cleaned of food residues before placing them in the sink.
  • An additional removable mesh with small cells must be installed at the drain hole, which will let only water into the drain, filtering out large inclusions
  • Every week it is advisable to carry out preventative flushing of the drain system using boiling water and soda.

All people periodically encounter such an unpleasant everyday phenomenon as clogged pipes. This happens from time to time due to banal carelessness when using plumbing fixtures. A clog can occur in a kitchen sink that does not have a drainage drain, or in a bathroom sink where hair, pieces of soap, and other small objects get caught.

They form dense deposits that obstruct the flow of water. And since this problem causes a lot of inconvenience, it needs to be resolved quickly. You can call a plumber, but you won’t always find him right away, and calling him and his services are not cheap, so it’s best to study it yourself, in the sink.

A selection of the best ways

There are several ways to clean a sink, and to solve the clog problem, you can try them all one by one until one of them gives a satisfactory result.

A clogged sink is the result of careless use of plumbing. Food waste, fat deposits or hair, soap bars and other particles clog the sink over time and water stops flowing out of it.

Method #1 - the good old plunger

Most often, the siphon in the sink that connects it to the sewer becomes clogged. It is designed in such a way that the drained water does not immediately flow from the sink into the sewer pipe, but is partially retained in it by means of a bend. The created water seal prevents the spread of unpleasant odors in the kitchen or bathroom. The simplest and affordable way Removing a clog in the sink means using the old, familiar plunger that is found in almost every home. It helps, as a rule, in most cases, therefore it is a very popular method of restoring the outflow of water in case of blockages.

A classic plunger consists of a rubber cap with a wooden handle. When it is pressed, the plugs formed in the sink are destroyed under the influence of mechanical pressure. To clean a sink with a plunger, first fill it halfway with hot water and vigorously press it onto the drain, creating pressure differences. As a result, the blockage is destroyed and the water can drain freely.

A plunger is the simplest plumbing tool that should be in every home. This is the easiest and most common way to remove blockages in the sink.

You may also find these instructions useful for clearing clogged drains: .

If the reason your sink is clogged is due to small particles of food waste and debris, and if the clog is small, a plunger will do the job. And if the particles are large and the clog is quite old, a plunger may not be suitable for solving the problem. Then you will have to resort to other cleaning options.

Method #2 - chemicals

Unlike the previous option, there is no need to apply physical force here. Everything will be done specially for you chemical compositions designed to clear blockages in sinks and sewer pipes. They contain various alkalis and acids that dissolve inorganic and organic compounds. Stores currently offer various means To remove blockages, you just need to choose the right one. For metal and metal-plastic pipes you should choose the “Mole” product, and “Tiret”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Domestos” are suitable for any pipes.

The purchased product must be poured into drain pipe(while wearing protective rubber gloves) and wait about five hours, but it’s best to pour it overnight and pour boiling water into it in the morning. This type of cleaning may not work after the first attempt. Therefore, the actions with the chemical must be repeated, which, of course, is a disadvantage of this method of dealing with blockages. In any case, you should not refuse it; it is quite simple and cheap.

To eliminate blockages that have appeared, as well as to prevent their occurrence, special chemicals, which dissolve mud deposits in pipes

Baking soda and vinegar essence are excellent folk remedies for clearing blockages in the sink. Gases and bubbles released as a result of a chemical reaction will help remove contaminants deposited on pipes

If there are no special chemicals in the house at the right time, you can use baking soda and vinegar essence. Pour a pack of soda into the drain, fill the bottle with 70% essence and after some time rinse with hot water.

Method #3 - disassemble and clean the siphon

When the plunger has been tried and dry cleaning, but the blockage still remains, you have to think about how to remove it, what other method to choose for this. There is a more radical option that will definitely help. This is disassembling and cleaning the siphon. This is where debris that has passed through the grate that covers the drain hole most often accumulates. This is facilitated by curved shape pipes.

The surest way to remove a blockage in the sink is to dismantle and clean the siphon, where dirt deposits accumulate and prevent water from flowing out.

The procedure is as follows:

  • we dismantle the siphon, this is done easily, especially if the siphon is plastic, do not forget to put a bucket under it;
  • unscrew the lower and upper retaining rings, disconnect the siphon from the pipe;
  • remove all debris from the inside, rinse with hot water and degreasers;
  • if the siphon is corrugated, then remove it, wrap one end of the corrugation with polyethylene, pour in hot water and then tightly wrap the other end of the hose with film. Straighten it and perform circular movements. Water cleans all folds of the corrugation, washing away fatty deposits;
  • We carefully put the structure back together and check how the situation has changed.

If the cause of the blockage was that the siphon was filled with garbage, then after cleaning it, the water will immediately leave the sink.

This procedure is much more difficult to perform with a cast iron siphon, since it will take a long time to unscrew the rusted bolts, remove the cover and then clean the pipe with a cable. Therefore for easy solution For clog problems, it is better to install a modern plastic sewer system.

Method #4 - clean the pipes with a plumbing cable

There are times when the siphon has already been washed, but the water still slowly drains away. This means that dirt is stuck somewhere deep in the sewer pipe. In this case, you will need a plumber flexible cable. Let's figure out how to break through the formed garbage plug using a cable to clear the blockage in the sink.

A flexible plumbing cable with or without different attachments will help break through the debris plug that has formed in the depths of the sewer pipe, which will clear the blockage in the sink

A plumbing cable is a three-meter long spiral-wrapped wire, one end of which looks like a spiral drill, and the other end ends with a handle. The thickness of the cable varies and is selected taking into account the width of the pipe. Here's how it's done:

  • The end of the cable is pushed into the outlet pipe and directed towards the intended location of the blockage.
  • At the same time, using the handle, the cable is constantly rotated around the longitudinal axis.
  • After pushing the cable until it becomes clogged, you should make several back-and-forth movements with it, which will help destroy the dirt plug. We move the cable carefully so as not to damage the surface of the pipe, especially if the communications are old and have not been changed for a long time.
  • We remove the cable and wash it from contamination.

After making sure that the blockage has been cleared, we rinse the pipes with a large amount of hot alkaline solution.

How to prevent blockages?

Each of the methods described above for removing blockages is good in its own way. But you should not ignore home methods for preventing blockages, because by paying due attention to them, you can minimize the occurrence of blockages sewer system:

  1. In many cases, the cause of clogged sinks is the formation of a debris plug in the pipe. To prevent this from happening, you should try not to pour leftover food and grease from dishes into the sink, or better yet, into the toilet.
  2. To ensure that as little debris as possible gets into the drain, it is necessary to install special metal mesh. At least once a week, it is advisable to rinse the sink drain (but not the plastic one) with boiling water, and pour it into the drain hole twice a month special means to remove blockages.
  3. When replacing the sewer system, it is better to give preference to plastic drains and pipes. Elements from of this material more durable and not subject to corrosion.

Annoying clogs can also form in the toilet. Our material contains methods and instructions that will help you solve this problem yourself: .

As you can see, preventative measures to prevent blockages are quite simple, but following them will greatly help you not to encounter an unpleasant cleaning situation.

The sink is an important attribute in the kitchen. This is where fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, dishes and kitchen appliances are washed. Fat, food, and debris get into the drain hole. different sizes which leads to blockage. What to do if your kitchen sink is clogged?

What clogs can you clean out yourself?

Without preventive measures, sooner or later it will clog. In this case, it is impossible to use the sink: water simply accumulates in the sink bowl. You shouldn’t despair right away and call specialists. Most clogs can be cleared out yourself, and you can save a lot on plumbing costs.

If your sink is clogged, don’t despair, most clogs can be easily removed.

What are the types of clogged kitchen sinks?

  1. Operational– without preventive cleaning, they form in every drain over time. Reason for formation: long-term accumulation of deposits of fat, dirt, food waste, and debris on the walls of pipes.
  2. Mechanical– are not so common, but they are more difficult to eliminate. Cause of formation: large debris entering the drain.
  3. Technical- simple cleaning will not help in this case; you will have to completely change the drain system. Reason for formation: malfunction of the drain system, defect, incorrect installation.

You can remove large debris from the siphon by completely unscrewing it.

If any housewife can cope with the first two types of blockages, then only a specialist or owner with “golden” hands can eliminate the technical reasons.

Cleaning a sink with a plunger

The plunger is the most common and easiest to use tool for cleaning sinks. He has been known to almost everyone since childhood. The design of the plunger is very simple - a wooden stick with a rubber cap.

It is advisable to have a plunger in the house in case of a blockage.

Operating principle of the plunger:

  • using a rubber cap, a tight adhesion of the plunger to the surface of the sink is created;
  • translational power movements of the tool handle create a water hammer effect in the system;
  • dirt and plaque in the siphon or elbow is set in motion by water hammer, rising to the level of the sewer pipes;
  • water easily washes away the raised debris.

Important! If the design of the sink provides an overflow hole, it must be closed (for example, with a gag made from a wet rag). Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Anyone can work with a plunger. Just a few movements and the accumulated water will go down the drain, forming a water funnel in the sink.

After using the plunger, flush the drains with plenty of water.

Working with a plunger:

  1. Press the plunger firmly onto the surface of the sink. The edges of the rubber cap can be lubricated with any cream. This will make the plunger’s adhesion to the surface tighter.
  2. Fill the sink with water until the rubber cap is covered.
  3. Make a few translational movements handle with force.
  4. Remove the plunger. The water should drain quickly.

It is important to know! To clean a double sink, you need to use two plungers. In one part of the sink, the drain hole is simply blocked with a plunger, and in the second it is cleaned with forceful movements.

Method for complex blockages - a cleanser in combination with a plunger

If you fail to clean the sink with a plunger on the first try:

  • you can add a glass of a mixture of soda and salt in a 1:1 ratio to the drain hole;
  • then pour a glass of hot water;
  • stand for 10-15 minutes;
  • apply a plunger.

Sometimes when using a plunger, some of the debris and sludge comes out into the sink. They must be removed immediately to prevent re-clogging.

Folk remedies for cleaning sinks

In cases where the blockage has formed due to the accumulation of fat and small fractions of food waste, you can do without using a plunger. Here it will be enough to use available tools available in every kitchen.

Very simple and just as effective remedy for cleaning drains in the kitchen - soda

Removing operational blockages using soda:

  • pour a glass of soda into the drain hole (technical soda is better, but baking soda is also suitable);
  • pour a glass of vinegar on top, this will enhance the effect of soda;
  • wait up to 15 minutes until the chemical reaction has completely passed;
  • rinse the drain with a liter of boiling water, and then with a generous stream of tap water.

Advice. The drain hole must be closed during cleaning in this way so that the resulting foam and gases do not escape outside.

For a better effect, you can add washing powder or bleach (3-5 tablespoons) to the soda. Another trick - you can rinse not just with boiling water, but with fresh potato broth. This eliminates the unpleasant odor.

You can replace soda with Alka-Seltzer anti-hangover tablets, using them according to the same principle. The tablets will help not only remove the blockage, but also get rid of the unpleasant stagnant odor.

Folk remedies can be used both to remove blockages and as preventive measures.

Chemicals for cleaning sinks

Household chemical stores offer a large assortment chemicals to remove clogs in kitchen sinks. They can be liquid, powder or granular. They are made on an aggressive (alkaline or acid) basis.

Algorithm for working with household chemicals:

  1. Pour a small amount of boiling water into the drain hole.
  2. Add cleaning agent and leave for several hours.
  3. Rinse the sink with plenty of cold water.

Advice. The effect of the product is designed to last for several hours and you cannot use the sink during this period of time. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.

Chemicals help not only clear pipes of blockages, but also get rid of rust if the sewer system is metal.

Chemicals for cleaning drains can be purchased at any store.

Chemicals must be used very carefully, observing safety precautions. Contact of aggressive substances on the skin or mucous membranes causes a chemical burn, so you only need to work with gloves, avoiding splashing of the product.

Cleaning the drain using mechanical methods

When a plunger, folk and special chemicals do not cope with a clogged sink, you have to resort to radical cleaning methods. They can be done using a plumbing hook or cable, and even using a washing vacuum cleaner.

To use a vacuum cleaner for these purposes, you will need a special attachment. Outwardly, it looks like a plunger cap. The nozzle is pressed against the drain hole, and the vacuum cleaner starts blowing. A few seconds will be enough to clear the blockage. Can also be used at home mini car wash. After cleaning, the drain is rinsed with cold water.

Cable for cleaning the drain hole

Plumbing hooks and cables must be used very carefully so as not to damage the siphon and pipes.

  1. The cable is lowered into the drain hole until it hits the accumulation of debris.
  2. When the movement of the cable is limited, it begins to rotate while simultaneously making pushing movements.
  3. When the blockage is cleared, the drain is washed with plenty of water.

In some cases, you will have to disassemble and clean the siphon. This is not difficult to do, but you need to remember that there is always water in the siphon, and the dirtiest and most stinking one. Before unwinding it, you must place it in a bucket or other container.

Preventing sink clogs

Timely prevention helps to avoid many serious problems. Preventing kitchen sink clogs is no exception.

Removable grate for drainage in kitchen sink prevents debris from entering the system

  1. Install an additional removable fine-grained screen at the drain hole.
  2. Clean the dishes thoroughly beforehand to remove any remaining food and grease with a napkin.
  3. Wash dishes with hot water and fat-dissolving agents.
  4. Flush the drain with boiling water regularly.
  5. Clean your sink once a week using the folk remedies described above.

If you follow the recommendations, your kitchen sink will not become clogged and cause unpleasant troubles. If the blockage could not be avoided, do not despair, but boldly get down to business. The services of a plumber will only be needed in the most difficult cases.

Removing a clog in the kitchen sink: video

Self-removal of clogs in the sink: photo


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