How to do interior decoration in a frame house. Which facade to choose for a frame house? How to cover the interior walls of a frame house

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A newly built frame house resembles a box in which it is not so pleasant to live. To give it a cozy look, it is necessary to complete the interior decoration. Although this stage is considered final, it often leads to confusion due to the abundance of different types of finishing materials. To help you figure out which internal one will be most preferable for you, detailed information is presented in this article.

General information about interior decoration

Before you begin the interior cladding of a frame house, you need to make sure that the water supply and electrical wiring is completely completed. Otherwise, all the finishing work performed is meaningless. Only then should you begin to select materials, purchase them and actually carry out the final stage.

Such work is divided into rough and fine finishing. The first includes covering the frame of the walls from the inside using materials that are intended for further application of decorative finishing. The second part of the work includes the finishing decoration of the walls. In this case, the selected design that one wishes to achieve is included in the accounting. It is important to take into account certain requirements, thanks to which the work will be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible:

  • Finishing work does not need to begin in all rooms at once; one should adhere to the principle of sequence.
  • The room furthest from the exit should be completed first.
  • Finishing is done from top to bottom. This means that first of all the ceiling is put in order, then the walls and finally the floor. However, if the ceiling is suspended, then in such a situation it is done last, and starts from the walls.
  • In order not to damage or stain areas of the premises that are not subject to finishing, it is necessary to cover them with polyethylene.
  • It is better to calculate the amount of material needed and purchase it immediately to avoid downtime in the future. It is recommended to take it at least 10% more in case of cutting.
  • You need to familiarize yourself in advance with the nuances of the type of design that has been chosen.

The speed of work depends on many factors, for example, the timeliness of delivery of materials, the qualifications of workers, the complexity of the work, the configuration of each room, and the presence of force majeure. On average, a frame house has an area of ​​60 square meters. m will be completed in a month. For an area of ​​80 - 100 sq. We will need at least two months. If finishing is carried out, then the work will take three months. However, it is also worth understanding that if you do not have special skills and do the interior decoration yourself, it will take much more time.

All about rough finishing

Rough cladding is required to prepare walls, floors and ceilings for finishing work. At this stage you need to do the following:

  • internal wall insulation;
  • wall covering with slabs;
  • installation of slopes;
  • floor screed

To perform such tasks, you can choose a variety of materials. The most popular are plasterboard and OSB boards. Moreover, such options are affordable. With their help, preparing walls is quite easy. They have a smooth surface and allow you to quickly and efficiently level the walls. In addition, even complex design solutions will become easy to implement. These can be multi-level ceilings, partitions and ledges, carved in a wide variety of shapes.

The walls of a frame house can be decorated with wooden lining or imitation wooden beams. This interior has a cozy, attractive appearance and creates a unique microclimate. It is also important that when using these materials, finishing is no longer necessary. The lining or timber performs a double role and creates an original design. At the same time, such material is expensive, it is quite difficult to install it yourself, and the help of a specialist may be required.


This stage includes painting walls and ceilings, tiling or wallpapering, and laying floor coverings. To perform such work, there are also many different options on the market, differing in price and quality. Wallpaper can be chosen from the simplest paper to non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass. With their help, it is easy to comply with all individual design preferences, since they differ in design, texture, width, color, and cost. Moreover, hanging wallpaper with your own hands will not be too difficult.

Liquid wallpaper takes the form of a dry mixture consisting of cotton and binding fiber or cellulose. This material will help hide minor flaws that were made at the previous stage of interior finishing of a frame house . WITH This finishing cladding looks quite impressive. In addition, it is also easy to do it yourself.

Ceramic tiles, which are available on the market in different textures and colors, look very beautiful. With its help it is very easy to decorate the interior. Due to the high moisture resistance of the material, it is recommended for use in the bathroom. Very often, tiles are used as floor coverings and for finishing aprons in the kitchen.

Flexible stone is similar in characteristics to natural stone, but differs in ductility and flexibility. The material is wear-resistant, resistant to external influences, and has the appearance of decorative wallpaper or slabs. Plastic lining can be purchased at a low price, but its practicality is low. For residential buildings, this is not the best option, since the material does not look cozy or attractive enough. Although wooden lining has advantages in all respects regarding quality and appearance, it is an expensive material that requires a professional approach to installation.

Features of the use of each type of finish

You can choose many materials for finishing a frame house. First of all, the choice depends on the budget and quality of the walls. If they have unevenness or defects, it is easier to hide them using chipboard, OSB or drywall. These materials are used for primary cladding, and are also used to implement complex design ideas, since it is easy to cut out various shapes and elements from them.

When carrying out finishing work, you can choose wallpaper, lining, flexible stone, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles or liquid wallpaper. If all the actions will be performed by yourself, then you should first stock up on the necessary tools, decide where the switches and sockets will be located, and apply safety precautions. So, further details about each finishing option.

Interior finishing with plasterboard

Drywall allows you to hide not only uneven walls, but also hide communication nodes. This material is one of the lightest and easiest to install. Getting started is installing profiles. It is recommended to make a distance of 60 cm between them. This is the best option, which will save time on installation and ensure reliable fastening of the drywall. Thus, a space is formed between the wall and this material, which can be used to insulate the frame house inside using foam plastic or mineral wool.

When finishing walls with plasterboard, the stages of work are as follows:

  • Mark the line along which the starting profile will be installed and fastened to the wall.
  • Complete installation of the frame on which the drywall will be attached.
  • Laying the existing cable along the walls in special channels (PVC pipes or plastic boxes).
  • Laying insulation.
  • Laying drywall on the profile, fixing it with self-tapping screws.
  • Putty the joints between the sheets and further grout with fine-grained sandpaper.

Using OSB

OSB boards are a mixture of fibers and wood chips glued together with adhesives and resins. This material is strong and impact-resistant. OSB boards have a certain classification:

  • OSB-1. They are used in the production of furniture, for rooms with a standard level of humidity.
  • OSB-2. They are used indoors with a standard level of humidity; this is the basis for fine finishing.
  • OSB-3. Used in rooms with high humidity.
  • OSB-4. They are used for external cladding as a basis for further façade finishing.

It is better to use a wooden frame for such slabs. Fastening is carried out using spiral nails 5 cm long or similar self-tapping screws. The distance between them should be about 15 cm. Due to the effects of temperature changes, it is necessary to leave a gap of 1-2 cm between the wall and the panel. The final stage is plastering and finishing with fine-grained sandpaper. In addition, OSB can be coated with several layers of varnish. It is worth considering that when painting or plastering panels, additional priming of the walls is required. OSB-3 and OSB-4 boards can also be used for flooring. In this case, the fastening is carried out on the logs.

Wooden panels

Chipboard is a material that is characterized by reliability, durability and relatively low price. This type of cladding is popular for good reason. Its advantages are as follows:

  • cleanliness during installation;
  • a beautiful decorated look that allows you to use this finish as a finishing touch.

There are 4 ways to attach chipboard to the wall.

Option 1. Lathing– installation is carried out on the lathing, when space is required between the wall and the sheets or it is necessary to hide uneven walls.

Option 2. Hardware– use nails or self-tapping screws for installation. Attaches to a flat wooden surface.

Option 3. Profile– installation is carried out on aluminum profiles on uneven wall structures. The use of laminated material makes the structure moisture resistant.

Option 4. Glue– the use of an adhesive composition is the simplest and fastest way, however, when dismantling the slabs will be damaged, in addition, they must first be primed and treated with an antiseptic.

Using wallpaper

Wallpaper is one of the most common and familiar materials. On the market now you can find not only ordinary paper wallpaper, which is environmentally friendly and allows the walls to breathe, but also other types. Paper wallpaper does not tolerate water and moisture and easily loses its attractiveness when exposed to sunlight or mechanical action.

There are vinyl coverings that are resistant to mechanical stress, tolerate moisture well, and in some versions also allow walls to breathe. Acrylic wallpapers have the same characteristics, but in comparison with vinyl they are less durable. Non-woven and fiberglass coverings are usually used instead of plaster, after which paint is applied to them.

Application of decorative plaster

For the interior decoration of a frame house, one of the good solutions is decorative plaster. It can easily hide any imperfections in the rough cladding. This type of cladding looks attractive and makes it very easy to change the interior of the room at any time by painting it.

The advantages of plaster include moisture resistance and the absence of the ability to absorb odors. This makes it advantageous to use in the kitchen. One thing you need to understand is that such work is painstaking and takes longer than other options. Therefore, when using it in all rooms of the house, the finishing process may be delayed.

Installation of ceramic tiles

Tile is an ideal choice for the kitchen, bath, and area near the fireplace. It is durable and can withstand heavy loads, so it is perfect for laying on the floor. The choice of colors, patterns, and design works on the market is very large, which allows you to make the interior exactly according to your preferences and tastes. In this case, the surface for laying ceramic tiles must be perfectly flat.

The work requires certain skills, but the process itself is not complicated:

  • First of all, the surface is primed.
  • A special adhesive intended for tiles is applied.
  • Ceramic tiles are placed on top.
  • Its position is checked using a building level; if necessary, it is adjusted with a rubber hammer.
  • For uniform jointing, plastic crosses are installed between the tiles.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining essentially has all the characteristics of wood. This is an environmentally friendly, durable material that has the beautiful aesthetic appearance of natural wood. The material is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and mechanical damage. Its advantages also include additional noise and heat insulation. However, to ensure durability, it is necessary to periodically treat wooden lining with special means, otherwise it may be susceptible to rotting. In addition, the cost of the material is high, especially since preliminary preparation of the walls is required.

The work on installing wooden lining is identical to the case with drywall. First of all, the installation of a wooden block or metal profile is carried out. Next, the material is attached to the frame using self-tapping screws or finishing nails.

Plastic lining

Unlike wooden lining, plastic is a good choice for rooms with high humidity, for example, a bathroom or kitchen. In addition, a variety of colors will allow you to implement any design idea. The care and installation of this material is quite simple. To install plastic lining, you first need to attach the sheathing. The lining is mounted on it using self-tapping screws or a stapler. Each strip has special grooves that you need to get into when attaching one strip to another. Work begins from the corner of the room or starting area.

After erecting the frame and insulating the walls, installing the roof, installing windows and doors, you can finally proceed to the stage called “interior finishing of the frame house.” Working on the interior is probably the most creative part of the construction process, not only of a frame building, but of any other residential building. And, naturally, it will be reasonable if the interior and exterior are organically combined.

Since one of the distinguishing features of a frame house is its relative cheapness, it hardly makes sense to carry out premium-level interior finishing. After all, no one would think of covering the doors of an adobe hut with gold leaf! Therefore, it makes sense to talk about inexpensive, but quite high-quality interior decoration.

In order to spend a minimum of time and money on interior work, especially if you do it yourself, and also get maximum satisfaction from bringing your ideas to life, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. First of all, all communications should be laid: water and heating pipes, ventilation wiring, electrical wiring, etc. Only after this is it possible to begin other work.
  2. First, the “dirty” work is carried out. For example, laying tiles. They should be performed immediately in all areas of the house where it is necessary.
  3. The interior decoration of a frame house should, if possible, be carried out room by room, that is, do not touch the remaining rooms until work in one of them is completely completed.
  4. Finishing work should begin from the farthest room, and finish in the one closest to the front door. This rule will help you save significant time and money on protecting the results of work already performed.
  5. We strongly recommend finishing from top to bottom. That is, first the ceiling, then the walls, and finally the floor. Although exceptions are possible here. So, you should wallpaper the walls after sanding and varnishing the parquet floors.

Preparatory work

To ensure that the walls and ceiling of your home are perfectly smooth, the wallpaper does not peel off, and cracks do not form in the floor, you need to properly prepare these surfaces. Builders call this rough finishing. It is necessary in order, firstly, to eliminate defects that inevitably arise when building walls, laying the floor, ceiling, etc. of a frame house with your own hands. Secondly, the finishing materials you will use to complete the repair have their own requirements for the surfaces on which they will be attached (nailed, glued, etc.). For example, in order for the wallpaper to lay flat on the wall and stay firmly on it, the surface must be puttied and primed. That is, the main goal of the preparatory work is to level the internal surfaces of the house.

Plaster of walls and ceilings in frame houses is practically not used (except for decorative). This is due to their very design. Instead, surfaces are leveled with plasterboard, oriented particleboard (OSB), particleboard (chipboard), fiberboard (fibreboard), and plywood.
This work can be done with your own hands, but for ceiling work in this case you will need either the help of 1-2 people or supporting stands. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for one person to cope with large and rather heavy sheets.

The frame for wall and ceiling slabs is installed in the same way as during renovations in other types of houses. With one exception. If in monolithic buildings (brick, reinforced concrete, cinder block, etc.) the functions of heat and sound insulation are performed by the material of the enclosing structures itself, then the walls, partitions and ceilings of frame houses cope with such protection unsatisfactorily. Therefore, they are soundproofed in the most careful way and provided with a heat-protective layer. Therefore, the frame for attaching plasterboard and other facing sheets should not be made too small. After all, between the main wall and the sheets you can place a sufficient amount of insulating material. In addition, the starting profile should be secured through damping (rubber, silicone, etc.) gaskets, which will serve as an acoustic decoupler.

All defects from fasteners, as well as sheet joints, must be thoroughly puttied and, after drying, cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. Dust formed after grinding is removed with a vacuum cleaner. The final stage of rough finishing is priming the entire prepared surface.

Preliminary preparation of the floor consists of leveling it. Depending on the design, this can be either laying a concrete screed or planing a sub-plank floor. In any case, after this operation it is recommended to cover the floor with plywood or oriented particle boards. Naturally, this recommendation does not apply to ceramic tile floors, where leveling occurs due to a rather thick layer of cement mortar or tile adhesive.

DIY finishing

For the final (final, finishing) finishing of the walls and ceiling of a frame house, the same materials and technologies are used that are used for other buildings. However, the following types have gained the most popularity.

We believe it would be useful to remind you that the walls and ceilings of a frame house must be equipped with a vapor barrier layer. Otherwise, the interior decoration of a frame house can be seriously damaged during the operation of the building, and quite quickly.

Floor finishing

Any finished floor in a frame house can be made with your own hands.
The only question is what kind of coating is suitable for such a house? Since frame technology is based on the widespread use of natural wood, it would be quite logical to use the same material for flooring. This is what often happens. The most common material is a floorboard made of coniferous wood, less often - hardwood. Mostly finished floors are laid from pine tongue-and-groove boards 35 mm thick. Then the floor is sanded over the entire area and, depending on the preferences of the residents, painted or covered with transparent polyurethane varnish.

Flooring made from piece or panel parquet is less commonly used, but this is significantly more expensive than a regular floorboard. We believe that the best option in terms of price and quality is flooring made from high-quality laminite. In addition, laminate flooring has another important advantage: like the entire frame house, laminate floors are assembled very quickly. So, the floors in a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. are laid with your own hands in 3 days.

But we do not recommend installing ceramic tile flooring. The fact is that such floors require a massive and very rigid base, which is in no way consistent with the concept of a frame house. It is better to lay floors with linoleum in rooms with high humidity.

No matter how warm, cozy and comfortable your home is, it won’t look good without quality finishing on the outside. Modern finishing of a frame house can be made from a variety of materials, both natural and synthetic. Each type of exterior finish has its own pros and cons, features of fastening to the wall, and differences in prices. There are some that you can easily do yourself, while others are best left to a specialist.

What is it for?

Non-ventilated structures lack such an important component as an air gap. They attach directly to the wall, making installation much easier. At the same time, the panels also protect the walls well from temperature changes in winter, and in summer they reflect the sun's rays, keeping the room temperature comfortable.

Suspended structures can be used not only for cladding new buildings, but also old ones. The principles of attaching screens to the wall do not cause damage or deformation. This is especially true for ventilated facade panels.

Before installation work, in order to extend the life of the walls of your home, there is no need to carry out additional processing or dismantle the old cladding.

Wet cladding of a wooden building

Can wet cladding of a frame house be done with additional insulation? To do this, foam boards must be glued to the external OSB boards. Here you need to be careful and choose polystyrene foam specifically for exterior decoration. This material is called façade, and is marked with the letter F, for example: PSBS-25f. Do not buy extruded foam, which store consultants like to recommend. It is more expensive, but is completely unsuitable for exterior decoration of frame houses. The fact is that it does not allow steam to pass through at all, which means that the walls will not be ventilated and condensation in the form of water droplets will accumulate on them. And frame walls are already much more airtight than those made of brick or blocks.

EPS can only be used when insulating the base, as it is harder and does not absorb moisture. To better attach the primer to it (it is too smooth by itself), it is necessary to scratch the slabs with sandpaper or scratch them with something sharp.

Let's place the foam on the glue, joint to joint. Using polystyrene foam you can create decorative elements on the facade of a building. They are ideally located near windows or around the front door.

A layer of special glue 4-6 mm thick is applied to sheets of foam plastic (you can take the thinnest one - for example, 40 mm, since frames, as a rule, already have mineral wool insulation). A fiberglass mesh is embedded in the glue, acting as the so-called base reinforcing layer. It is coated on top with a special quartz primer, which includes a fine sand filler.

Only after all this work has been completed can a layer of decorative plaster be applied, which differ both in color and composition.

Types of plaster for exterior finishing:

  • acrylic
  • silicone
  • silicate
  • mineral
  • with various fillers

Important: Pay special attention to the quality of the reinforcing mesh. The adhesives release alkali, which can dissolve the reinforcing layer, causing the entire finish to become unusable.

Facade brick for cladding

Facade bricks can also be of various types. It differs in its composition, color, and additional inclusions. The most common types of bricks for exterior decoration are:

  • silicate
  • hyper-pressed
  • ceramic

Sand-lime brick has the most reasonable cost, and ceramic brick creates the most stylish and neat appearance of the building due to its surface. It can be smooth, glazed, or even matte. Hyper-pressed brick contains fine limestone and shell rock, which reduces the percentage of moisture absorption. Facade bricks are also divided into:

  • hollow
  • full-bodied

Holes are created in the hollow façade brick to provide an air gap. Therefore, such brick retains heat better.

External brick cladding can be done in various types of installation. Do not finish at low temperatures, as the solution may freeze.

Calculate the amount of material required for the exterior finishing of frame houses in advance, since different batches of bricks may have slight differences in shades, which will be noticeable after the cladding is completed. After exterior finishing, you can achieve a more even shade of the masonry if you treat the wall with a solution of 10% perchloric acid.

Siding and PVC panels - cheap and tasteful

Siding is panels for the outer cladding of frame buildings made of polyvinyl chloride, the thickness of which is about 1.0 -1.3 mm. This is the cheapest and easiest way to finish frame walls externally, which you can do yourself. Thanks to its synsetic structure, siding is not subject to destruction, and allows you to forget about protecting your home for a long time. The sheathing does not deform, does not rot, and fungi and bacteria do not like the material. The appearance of the house takes on neat European features, and the use of structural elements and different shades makes the house special.

A frame house protected by siding is not subject to corrosion. The lining material and all cladding can withstand sudden temperature changes from minus 40 to plus 60.

This is the best way to finish a frame building with a light foundation. The lightness of the finishing material does not put a lot of stress on the walls and base.

Particularly popular is this type of siding, such as PVC facade panels with a stone look. PVC is a synthetic material that provides an excellent basis for simulating natural stone, granite, brick, and marble. At the same time, this type of finish is easy to clean and can be used to protect the base.

Panels with siding can be mounted on a frame, which provides an additional air gap. Additional ventilation helps remove excess moisture from the wall and retains heat. In addition, you can additionally use insulation.

Thermal panel cladding with clinker tiles

You can cover the walls with stone on the outside using thermal panels. The material is created on the basis of polyurethane, and performs not only protective and decorative functions, but also insulation.

The panels are fixed in a seamless manner, which improves the finishing properties. Clinker tiles, which create a beautiful appearance for a frame building, strengthen the walls, improving its shockproof properties. The tiles are not subject to abrasion, destruction and deformation by fungus, mold and bacteria. It is easy to clean.

The installation process occurs in several stages:

  1. Verification of building geometry. All walls should be smooth and the corners should be 90 degrees. If there is a deviation, it is necessary to use additional lathing for the frame house.
  2. We begin work by securing the base profile. The aluminum profile is fastened horizontally to the base of the frame structure.
  3. The next stage is corner thermal panels. We attach the panel to the base of the profile.
  4. We fix the panels using dowels or self-tapping screws. Using the puzzle method we put together all the panels.
  5. Using polyurethane foam, we seal the panels, eliminating the gaps between them.
  6. We treat the seams with frost-resistant grout.

The biggest disadvantage of this method of framing frames is the price.

Facade tiles for brick, stone and other natural materials

By using wall cladding in this way, you can protect the walls, change the design of the house, and give an old house a fresh look. The tiles are attached to wooden walls using lathing, otherwise moisture can penetrate from the tiles to the wall. The tiles must fit together tightly enough to prevent moisture penetration. Fixation occurs using adhesive solutions.

Due to its composition, tiles for external decoration have the following qualities:

  1. Variety of colors and shapes.
  2. Various reliefs and textures, shine and dullness.
  3. Inexpensive and easy installation.
  4. An excellent choice for residential premises.
  5. The weight of the tiles is quite light, so no additional strengthening of the foundation is required.
  6. Can be used for wooden frame buildings, as it does not weigh them down.
  7. Protects the wall from condensation and moisture penetration into the frame wall.
  8. Eco-friendly and harmless.
  9. Easily repairable.
  10. It may look like finishing made from elite varieties of stone, granite and marble, but the price is much lower.

Such tiles consist of concrete, sand, plastic and coloring pigment.

Block house: modern type of cladding

Using a block house in finishing will help give your home the natural and natural look of a wooden house. It is a rounded log (or beam) with a flat surface inside. The flat surface is attached to the wall, as a result of which the frame house takes on the appearance of a house made of timber. Even inexpensive panel houses look like luxury housing.

In addition to its excellent appearance, the blockhouse has the following features:

  1. It perfectly protects the walls of the house from external environmental influences, including rain, snow, frost or scorching rays of the sun.
  2. Durable and not subject to destruction, thanks to modern high-quality impregnations.
  3. The exterior finishing of a frame house with a block house can be carried out with simultaneous insulation and soundproofing of the building.
  4. Quick and easy fixation can be done with your own hands.
  5. It is easy to replace one or more finishing elements and make repairs.
  6. It combines well with plastic, brick, and decorative plaster, giving a unique appearance to a frame house.

Well, it looks like the house has been built. However, there is still a long way to go before it can be lived in. Now it is nothing more than four walls with windows and a roof. There is still a lot of work ahead, aimed at turning a frame house from a soulless and cold box into a cozy and warm home. It needs finishing both external and internal.

Internal frame of a house without finishing

The interior decoration of a frame house, by and large, does not differ from the decoration of ordinary houses. The whole process is divided into a roughing stage and finishing work or finishing. Both of these stages are important in their own way. Rough work carried out carelessly will not allow finishing work to be completed at the proper level. And without finishing, the house will never take on a finished look, and the construction will never reach its logical conclusion.

General rules for carrying out work

  • Finishing work in the premises should be carried out in turn. You should not start decorating all rooms at the same time.
  • You should always start work from the room that is located farthest from the exit.
  • Work on finishing the inside of a frame house should begin after completion of all communications: water and sewer pipes, as well as cable ducts and electrical cables.

The insulation is laid after the installation of ventilation

  • The finishing of any room is carried out according to the “top to bottom” principle. That is, first the ceiling is put in order, then the interior walls of the room are finished. The flooring is laid at the end. The only exception is the case when suspended ceilings are supposed to be used in the room. In this case, first they finish the walls, arrange the floor and only then the ceiling.
  • It is better to cover areas of the premises that will not be finished with polyethylene. This will protect them from damage and construction debris.

Among other things, you need to remember the following feature: the walls of the frame house in the places where the openings for windows are arranged must be further strengthened.

Speed ​​of work

Many factors influence how quickly work on the interior finishing of a frame house can be completed. This includes the timely delivery of finishing materials, the configuration of each room, the complexity of the upcoming work, the qualifications of the workers who will carry out the work, and, of course, the budget.

The need for additional insulation of walls from the inside cannot be ignored either. After all, for a frame house this is especially important.

Wall with insulation

Finally, force majeure circumstances may arise.

In general, for finishing a small frame house with an area of ​​40 square meters. m. may take about a month.

A house of 60 “squares” will be completed in just one and a half to two months, and finishing a two- or more-story house will take at least three months.
If you have a certain skill, you can carry out interior finishing work yourself, but the fact that only if they are involved can you talk about specific deadlines for completing the work will always speak in favor of professionals. If you decorate the interior of a frame house with your own hands, the work can take not even months, but years.

What is the rough finish?

Rough work is carried out in order to prepare the ceilings, walls and floors for finishing.

During this stage the following is carried out:

  • insulation of walls from the inside;
  • wall cladding;
  • floor screed;
  • installation of slopes, etc.

You can choose a variety of materials for this stage of finishing a frame house. And each of them has its own pros and cons.
The most popular and affordable are OSB boards and plasterboard.

Sectional diagram of finishing the wall of a frame house

These materials are characterized by a flat surface and with their help you can quickly and efficiently prepare the walls of rooms for subsequent finishing, as well as create additional partitions inside the finished rooms. Using OSB and plasterboard, you can not only quickly and efficiently sheathe walls, but also implement complex design solutions.

For example, thanks to the flexibility of plasterboard sheets, you can easily design protrusions and partitions into wavy and rounded shapes. And the lightness of this material makes it possible to make multi-level ceilings.

Designer home interior using OSB boards

It is also possible to finish the walls of a frame house with clapboards made of natural wood or imitation wooden beams. This will give the house a cozy and aesthetic appearance, and at the same time help create a unique microclimate.

An additional advantage is that this material is a kind of “two in one”. After laying the lining or covering the walls with imitation timber, finishing the walls is no longer required. However, high-quality wooden lining can hardly be called a budget material, and it is difficult to lay it with your own hands in a high-quality manner, as well as to sheathe walls with imitation wooden beams without the help of professionals.

What is included in the finishing?

  • painting ceilings and walls;
  • wallpapering or tiling;
  • laying the floor covering.

Today's construction market is ready to offer materials for the finishing stage, as they say, for every taste and budget.

  • Wallpaper - from the simplest and traditional paper to vinyl, non-woven and fiberglass.

The modern construction market offers a variety of options for this material. Wallpaper varies in cost, design, texture, and width. Today it is not difficult to choose them taking into account all individual wishes, and if you have a certain skill, hanging wallpaper with your own hands will not be difficult.

Option for interior decoration with wallpaper with a pattern

  • Ceramic tiles - among the advantages of this material, of course, are its beautiful appearance and a significant degree of decorativeness.

Ceramic tiles delight you with a wealth of choice, a variety of colors and textures. Most often, tiles are used to decorate the interior of bathrooms. This is due to the high moisture resistance of the material. In addition, you can use tiles to lay the floors and the working part of the walls in the kitchen (the so-called apron), as well as the floors in the hallway.

  • Liquid wallpaper is a dry mixture containing cellulose or cotton fibers and a binder.

Finishing with liquid wallpaper makes it possible to hide minor flaws made during the previous stage of work, and at the same time it looks very impressive. An additional advantage of this material is that it is not difficult to decorate walls with liquid wallpaper with your own hands.

  • Flexible stone - it has all the advantages of natural stone, but at the same time this material is flexible and plastic.

It is usually produced in the form of decorative panels or wallpaper. This material is characterized by high wear resistance and resistance to external influences. In addition, this material is quite environmentally friendly.

  • Plastic lining is not too expensive and practical material. Moreover, it is also lightweight.

But finishing with it is not very suitable for a residential building, since it introduces a touch of officialdom into the interior, depriving it of comfort.

Interior of a frame house with plastic lining

  • Cladding the walls of a residential building with high-quality wooden lining or imitation timber is good in all respects except cost.

Well, we have already mentioned that problems may arise with installing this material yourself.

Interior finishing with plasterboard

First, locations for installing profiles are outlined. The optimal distance between the profiles is 60 cm. In this case, a minimum of time will be spent on preparatory work, and the plasterboard sheets will be securely held on the walls. In fact, another wall is built along the existing walls, consisting of a metal frame with drywall attached to it.
Insulation boards (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) can be laid between the wall and the sheets of drywall. This layer will create additional protection for living spaces from cold and dampness.

Work on finishing walls with plasterboard is carried out in the following order:

  • the starting profile is attached along the intended line;
  • the entire frame is mounted on which the sheets of drywall will be attached;
  • cables laid along the walls are laid in special cable channels (plastic boxes or PVC pipes);
  • insulation is being laid;
  • plasterboard sheets are laid on the profile and fixed with self-tapping screws;
  • The joints between the sheets are carefully puttied and rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper.

Finishing with OSB boards

Work on interior finishing with OSB boards actually differs little from work on finishing with plasterboard. The main difference between OSB boards is that they weigh significantly more. Therefore, a more massive profile is needed for them. Typically, in this case, a frame made of wooden beams is used, onto which OSB sheets are attached with self-tapping screws 5 cm long. Upon completion of installation, the surface of the boards must be thoroughly sanded and coated with several layers of varnish.

The walls of the house are covered with OSB boards for final finishing

In addition, OSB boards can also be used for flooring. In this case, the laying and fastening of the slabs is also carried out on logs made of timber.

Finishing with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a very good solution for interior decoration. This material always looks attractive and with its help you can additionally hide minor flaws in the rough finish.

The big advantage is that decorative plaster is not afraid of moisture and does not absorb odors, which is very good for use in kitchen areas. In addition, working with this material is not difficult.

If you wish, you can decorate the walls with decorative plaster yourself.

Wallpaper for painting

This material is beneficial primarily because it makes it possible to refresh the interior after some time by simply painting the walls. The process of gluing this wallpaper is no different from gluing regular wallpaper.

Painting walls using masking tape

Wooden lining and cladding with imitation timber

Wall decoration with wooden clapboard or imitation timber made from natural wood is done according to the same principle as for plasterboard sheets. A frame made of metal profiles or wooden beams is mounted on the walls, onto which the finishing material is attached. Self-tapping screws are also used for fastening both lining and cladding with imitation timber.

Types of lining for interior decoration of a frame house

Ceramic tile cladding

The process of covering walls with ceramic tiles is considered a “delicate” job that requires certain skills. However, the process of laying tiles is extremely simple:

  • the surface is carefully primed;
  • the carefully primed surface is covered with a special tile adhesive;
  • The tile is applied to the glue;
  • The position of the laid tiles is checked with a building level and, if necessary, it is adjusted with a special rubber hammer;
  • uniform jointing of the tiles is ensured by installing special plastic crosses between them.

There are other options for choosing materials for interior decoration. The article briefly describes only the most common ones. And which one you give preference to - the choice is yours.

Building a house using frame technology is an inexpensive and reliable construction option. If you have the proper skills or with the help of a construction team, all work can be completed within a period of several weeks to a couple of months. The final stage will be the interior finishing of the frame house, after which the long-awaited construction will be completed and moving to a new home will become possible.

Let’s consider how the interior finishing of a frame house should proceed correctly, what difficulties will be encountered during construction, which option is more preferable for a particular stage of construction work.

Features of rough finishing

Depending on the amount of available funds, before final finishing work, you can choose a less expensive or lighter building material. What difficulties arise when choosing and what characteristic features does each have?


It is not so heavy in weight, it allows you to carry out all the work yourself and has an almost perfectly flat surface, which does not require so much additional processing.

Interior finishing with plasterboard.

The interior finishing of a frame house with plasterboard begins with the installation of a light metal frame, in increments of 600 mm, onto which sheets of plasterboard are attached using self-tapping screws. The joints between the plates are sealed with putty, the entire surface is lightly sanded with sandpaper.

At the stage of installation of the metal profile, it is possible to carry out additional insulation of the structure using mineral or ecowool, or any other method. Also, before the final installation of plasterboard sheets, it is necessary to install plastic boxes to hide cable channels and wiring in order to avoid their deterioration and damage during further operation of the house and construction work.

On a note

Finishing a frame house inside with plasterboard can involve both walls and ceiling. This material is not recommended for use on floors due to its light weight and relative strength.

OSB boards

Oriented strand boards - OSB or OSB - are heavier and are installed by at least two people or a construction crew. The metal profile for their fastening is chosen to be already reinforced, and the screws and nails for installation are at least 50 mm long. The strength of the material allows it to be used for flooring.

Wall finishing with OSB boards.

Sheathing a frame house inside OSB follows the same scenario as plasterboard, only after final installation the surface is more thoroughly sanded due to its hairiness. It is also recommended to coat the slabs with varnish in several layers, drying them thoroughly each time. If in the future you plan to paint the surface, lay tiles or plaster, OSB boards are treated with a primer.


A more natural, homemade and environmentally friendly material in wooden form, more economical - lining in plastic form.

Lining the interior space.

Natural wood - cedar and linden will not only allow you to enjoy the beauty of the interior, but will also reduce the number of headaches for the future owner thanks to the favorable microclimate created. Other types of wood will also help create home comfort and transform the interior beyond recognition.

On a note

The undeniable advantage of this building material will be exceptional durability, excellent sound insulation, and the ability to retain heat longer.

An example of how interior decoration of a frame house can be done using lining (photo).

Finishing with lining an attic in a frame building.

When choosing lining, much attention should be paid to the type of building material purchased:

  • “Extra” is the most expensive type of wood of the best quality, without any noticeable surface defects.
  • “A” – the lining may have slight darkening and small chips.
  • “B” – the wood has knots and minor cracks.
  • “C” - inexpensive wood slats with a noticeable number of surface defects - knots, traces of resin, darkening, which can be played up thanks to the style of the future room.

If the inside of a frame house is finished with plastic lining, this will prevent the material from premature deterioration, but will not create the same atmosphere as real wood. The finishing will save a certain amount, but will look artificial and not natural.

Plastering works

Carefully prepared ones can be decorated with finishing decorative plaster, which has significant advantages:

Plastering work on drywall.
  • Large color palette and choice of shades;
  • Heat and moisture - the impermeability of the material will preserve the wooden elements of the building longer;
  • High strength of the material, which does not depend on temperature changes and exposure to sunlight.

On a note

The strength of the plaster causes possible difficulties when carrying out repairs in the future. If the owner of the house wants to change the covering of the walls, he will have to either repaint the plaster with a different color or knock down layers of material.

Painting works

A more common type of finishing is painting the inside of a frame house. If painting is carried out on the surface of a wooden lining, it is recommended to choose light layers of varnish or paint to emphasize the natural beauty of the material.

Painting the lining with acrylic paint.

Before painting the inside of the house, it is necessary to treat the wood with antiseptics for greater durability of the material. It is recommended to apply paint or varnish from top to bottom, initially treating the joints of the joints, and then the main surface of the parts.

If necessary, the interior decoration of the walls of a frame house, ceiling and floor using paint and varnish can be carried out in several layers, observing the drying time interval.


Repairing a frame house inside with photos, vinyl, paper or other types of wallpaper is the most common finishing option. Rolls with a width of 0.5 to 1 meter are available on the market, at a cost of 100 rubles per roll.

Wallpaper design for the wall.
  • Paper - the cheapest, not particularly strong and durable, deformed under the influence of liquid and sunlight;
  • Vinyl – more durable, resistant to damage;
  • Non-woven - consist of foamed vinyl, dense and resistant to mechanical stress, can be covered with a layer of paint;
  • Acrylic – bright and durable, resistant to leaks;
  • Fiberglass – also suitable for painting, mechanically and fire resistant;
  • Liquid - a dry mixture of cotton particles, cellulose and a binding mixture, successfully hides surface defects, a wide selection of shades and textures.

Non-woven wallpaper for walls.

If you do the interior decoration of a frame house yourself, you can use the following tips:

  1. It is not recommended to carry out work in all rooms of a frame house at once; it is better to do repairs gradually, from one room to another.
  2. Finishing work is carried out after installing all communication systems, heating, plumbing, and electrical wiring.
  3. It’s better to start with, then touch the walls inside the frame house, the final stage is the flooring.
  4. Work should be carried out from the room furthest to the entrance, to the front door.
  5. At the preparatory stage, you should isolate the rooms from each other with a plastic curtain, or cover the renovated rooms with film to prevent the spread of debris.


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