How to choose a spray gun for the home: tips and tricks. How to choose an airbrush for painting cars in a garage? Electric spray gun: manual or floor

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Hello dear friends! I have prepared quite interesting material for you - an airbrush for painting a car. This is a special pneumatic or electric tool that works through a compressor that supplies compressed air and directly to the paintwork material itself.

Which one is the best, I can't say for sure. If you look at Avito, you can find many options. In Novosibirsk, Ufa, Omsk and other cities, it is easy to find both professional and amateur spray guns for beginner painters. So the range is really huge. Buy through the Internet store or look after the device alive, decide for yourself. There are good Chinese models, an inexpensive remote control from Kraton, as well as a number of fairly expensive devices. Which one you need and how much you are willing to spend depends on the requirements and possibilities.

Electric or pneumatic

If you read the forum, study the reviews, talk to professional painters and just compare the characteristics, you can easily come to a conclusion regarding pneumatic and electric devices for painting cars.

Even when planning to buy an inexpensive budget and do-it-yourself painting tool, give preference to a pneumatic device. Yes, the electric remote control works without a compressor, you do not need a large number of components. But it is relevant to take it only if you need to locally paint over small damages, where it is not scary to get a coating of lower quality. They are compact, quickly prepared for work, but are not suitable for full coloring.

If serious paintwork is planned, you only need a pneumatic spray gun. A mini electric type tool will not allow you to qualitatively update the paintwork of your car.


The next question I want to explore with you is the size or diameter of the nozzle. It is called a nozzle, and there are many options for the size of this element.

The paint material passes through the nozzle. Choose a parameter depending on the viscosity of the material. Here are some examples:

  • 2.5-3 is used when processing the machine with liquid putty;
  • sizes from 1.6 to 2.2 are needed for a primer;
  • acrylic and varnish is applied through a nozzle size 1.4-1.7;
  • base, varnish, as well as water-soluble paints require a nozzle of 1.3-1.6;
  • local processing of the body is carried out by an airbrush with a nozzle of 1.2.

These are not rigid requirements, but simple recommendations.

Types of spray gun systems

Which tool to choose, you will ultimately decide on your own. My task is to inform you about existing devices and make it clear what each of them is.

I will not talk about how to make a homemade spray gun or how to set up a purchased factory tool. For the first case, there are corresponding videos, and for the second, instructions from the manufacturer.

To work with a metallic, that is, an optimal paintwork, you can use a fairly cheap remote control to spray paint and other materials necessary to obtain the desired result.

Chasing an expensive professional remote control, if we are talking about a one-time use in a garage, I don’t see the point. Yes, when you are a painter and provide painting services, then you need to have professional equipment. And at least 3 different remotes for the respective materials.

The bulk of spray guns are based on three systems:

  • HVLP;
  • LVLP.

There are others, but in fact, to paint a car, you need these 3. They differ from each other, have strengths and weaknesses. By talking about them separately, you can draw objective conclusions for yourself. Prices vary depending on a number of factors.


An outdated system that has not lost popularity due to its availability. They are still used in some workshops. Consoles of this type operate at a pressure of 3-4 atm. Spray pressure is almost the same.

HP systems do not require large amounts of compressed air. The gun creates a wide stream (torch), which evenly covers surfaces.

The problem is that spraying is accompanied by the formation of a paint mist, and only up to 45% of the paint gets on the machine. The rest settles outside the car.

The strengths of the HP system include:

  • no need for a powerful compressor;
  • wide torch;
  • high processing precision.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • large loss of material during spraying;
  • during the spraying process, dust rises, which makes high demands on the cleanliness of the room.

For the money, this is a good tool, but far from the best. If possible, take the remote control of other systems.


High volume and low pressure. Popular spray guns for painting cars, which are actively used to this day.

It requires a lot of air to work, but the spraying process is carried out at low pressure. The input pressure is 2.5-3 atm, but the output is less than 1 atm. Due to the low pressure, it was possible to effectively transfer the material to the surface. Losses are no more than 25%.

This system shows itself perfectly when applying metallic and mother-of-pearl to cars.

The strengths include:

  • low percentage of loss of paintwork material;
  • slight fog formation;
  • the remote control does not raise dust in the room;
  • good performance figures.

As for the disadvantages, they are:

  • you need a powerful compressor for efficient operation;
  • the compressor and the spray gun are connected by a larger diameter hose;
  • the distance from the remote control to the surface to be treated should not be more than 15 cm, which simplifies the processing of hard-to-reach places.

The system outperforms HP, but is inferior to today's leader among spray guns.


Low volume at low pressure. The creators of this system of atomizers tried to get rid of the shortcomings of previous systems and combine their advantages. They succeeded, because the remote control has a low air consumption and perfectly transfers the material to the car body.

Their input pressure is up to 2 atm, and the output is from 0.7 to 1.2 atm. They consume less air than HVLP system consoles. Therefore, a productive compressor is not needed here. The loss of paintwork material during spraying is no more than 30%. Plus, you can hold the remote farther from the surface than with HVLP.

As a result, the strengths of LVLP include:

  • the need for a small volume of air (approximately 270 l / min);
  • high percentage of material retention during application;
  • no effect of dust lifting in the room;
  • low level of fog formation;
  • independence from pressure drops;
  • high performance levels.

But there are no shortcomings here. None of the experts can say anything significant against them. I fully support their position as LVLP systems are truly the best.

If you are already puzzled by the choice of an airbrush, you need to give you credit. After all, despite its increasing popularity, many painting professionals still use a roller, which entails an increase in duration and a decrease in quality compared to the work done by a spray gun. However, not every professional is able to navigate the diversity provided. Without studying in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the tool, you can throw money away and not get the desired result. Before comparing spray guns, let's figure out how the device works and what are its main functions.

What is a spray gun

An airbrush is, in simple terms, a paint sprayer. All spray guns consist of a gun, a container for the solution and a device with which the paint is pumped from the container and pushed out of the nozzle of the gun. Thus, the sprayed paint falls in small droplets in a uniform layer on the surface. Spray guns are not only easy to use, but also, with proper operation, are able to provide a smooth, evenly painted surface of large volumes in a short time. And the high cost will pay off due to the service life of the tool.

There are two main groups of spray guns according to the method of injection and ejection of paintwork materials:

  • Air or pneumatic;
  • Airless - electric and battery.

The design and operation of both types is significantly different.

Body painting with pneumatic sprayer

Painting with an electrospray


Such an airbrush works due to compressed air pumped by a compressor. The gun is connected to a compressor with a hose, which, in turn, is connected to electricity. Pressurized air converts the paint into tiny particles and pushes it out of the gun nozzle. Such tools cope with both large surfaces and small parts. The quality of painting is much higher than the quality of other methods, so they are widely used in painting cars.

The design of the air-operated spray gun

The main disadvantages of these spray guns are fogging and a significant loss of paintwork materials at the exit (up to 55%).

Considering that you buy a gun and a compressor at once, the cost of the tool is undoubtedly higher. You also need to keep in mind that the compressor must necessarily fit the characteristics of the gun, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the equipment. This fact further complicates the choice of the buyer. But in return, the buyer receives a powerful professional device.

All commercially available pneumatic pistols are divided into main types:

  • HP - high pressure technology;
  • LVLP - low pressure technology, small volume;
  • HVLP - low pressure, high volume technology.

They differ in the pressure in the air chamber of the gun and the air consumed from the compressor.

HP is a simplified technology. It is used in inexpensive pistols. The bottom line is that a high level of pressure allows you to consume relatively little air. This provides fast painting, but not the best quality. The disadvantages of the technology are strong particle turbulence and fogging. Accordingly, we have uneconomical consumption of paint. The percentage of its transfer to the surface is 45–50%.

A distinctive feature of LVLP technology is the highest quality atomization, low air consumption, and a significant reduction in fogging. The percentage of paint transfer from some manufacturers reaches 90%. However, the speed of operation is low due to low pressure. Such sprayers belong to the highest price category.

HVLP - upgraded HP spray gun. Air enters the gun at high pressure and the paint is atomized at low overpressure compressed air. Insignificant fogging and small losses of paintwork are typical. The paint transfer rate is 65%. The quality of the application is better. They have less air requirement than HP pistols, but higher than LVLPs. Such pistols have earned the title of "super economical". They are most often used in auto painting.


These guns are powered by a built-in motor with a piston pump that pushes the paint into the nozzle. Of course, the quality of painting with an electric sprayer is inferior to pneumatic ones, since the paint particles are much larger due to the lack of compressed air. But you will get an inexpensive device that does not require special maintenance and additional purchases, with the exception of the material. These spray guns work from a network of 220V. Suitable for surfaces of a small area and are considered household.

The design of the airless spray gun

Electric spray guns are: floor for professionals or manual for domestic purposes. Floor-mounted have a large installation with a tank and a motor separate from the gun.

It is most convenient to work at home with a sprayer with a transparent tank. This allows you to monitor the consumption of paint.

Comparison table of electric and pneumatic spray guns

Evaluation criterionPneumaticElectric
Spray methodair pressureelectric motor
Performance300–400 m2/h200–260 m2/h
The weight0.4–0.7 kg1.1–3.5 kg
Engine power1.1–1.8 kW0.18–0.7 kW
The volume of the barrel under paintwork0.4–1 l0.4–1 L (>5 L floor standing)
Advantages of one over the other
Economy of material consumption- +
Ability to apply thick formulations+ -
Staining quality+ -
Painting small parts- +
Need for additional equipment+ -
Price+ -
Environmental friendliness- +

How to easily decide on the choice of a successful model? Compare your goals and requirements for spray guns with the characteristics that the manufacturer offers us. To do this, let's take a closer look at the parameters of the tool, which are important to pay attention to when buying it.

The purpose of the work and purpose

In order to choose a successful tool model, first of all, determine the purpose for which you decided to buy.

For repairs in an apartment or house every 5 years, the cost of purchasing pneumatic equipment with a compressor is not comparable to the result. Even if in the future you plan to periodically tint something, it is better to purchase a standard electric spray gun.

For garage car painting, whether you are an amateur or a professional, contact the manufacturers of pneumatic sprayers. In detail painting, quality is the main indicator of a clean job. Inexpensive pneumatic devices, but always of a proven brand, cope with all stages of preparatory and finishing work better than others. The speed of coloring will depend on many factors: the size of the torch, the outlet pressure, your skills.

Viscosity of formulations

Electric spray guns in relation to paints and varnishes are more capricious. The DIN viscosity index indicated in the passport of any spray gun must not be lower than the viscosity of your composition. Therefore, builders often resort to diluting paint with water. But it is most likely that it will not work to apply thick compositions and putty with such devices.

Pneumatic spray guns are capable of working with more viscous formulations. However, here it all depends on the type of gun, needle size and pressure. With high-pressure jet spray guns, primer, paint, varnish or other viscous materials lie on the surface in an ideal layer, without streaks, streaks and layering. As for low-pressure tools, if it is easy to pick up LVLP under thick paint, then it will not be enough pressure for putty.

Presence of adjustments

When choosing a spray gun, electric or pneumatic, be sure to check for adjustments. With their help, you can adjust your device to the surface to be painted and the specific composition by changing the pressure, limiting the stroke of the needle, which is responsible for the supply of paint, the shape and size of the torch.

Also pay attention to the equipment of the tool. It is best if the kit includes interchangeable nozzles with different diameters, a pressure gauge, hoses of different lengths.

Tank location

When choosing a sprayer, the location of the reservoir for the composition is important. It all depends on the distance and location of the surface for finishing. For example, when working with a device with a lower tank, it is recommended to hold it strictly vertically to inject paint. However, the vertical location of the tank is inconvenient for painting ceilings.

Tool mobility

Will you ever spray paint away from electricity? You decide. For this case, we suggest getting acquainted with an airless battery spray gun.

What is its advantage? Definitely mobility. But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • The weight of the tool due to the presence of the battery;
  • Low power;
  • Limited working hours;
  • Pressure drop with a discharged battery and, as a result, poor-quality painting.

Therefore, even if you are going to perform exceptionally small household tasks, and the mobility of the tool is not in the first place, we advise you to purchase an airbrush from the household category, powered by an outlet.

Performance and Power

Finally, when choosing an atomizer, often the first thing a buyer looks at is its performance and power. And here you need a cold calculation.

When buying a pneumatic device, it is recommended to first purchase a gun, and then choose a compressor according to its characteristics. Based on the performance of the gun, that is, the air consumed, select a compressor with a "margin". If the compressor is not properly selected, the pressure drops too quickly or the motor runs at its limit, as a result of which it may overheat, shut off and early wear of the piston group.

When comparing tools, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that the company indicates the input performance in the passport. Depending on the model, losses occur due to air compression. Therefore, the actual output capacity is 65-70% of the indicated one.

The average compressor power is 1.2–1.8 kW, which is enough to operate the entire unit. The volume of the receiver for most types of work is sufficient in the range of 24-50 liters.

With airless spray guns, things are easier. The manufacturer has foreseen and balanced the characteristics of the pistol and the motor with the pump. Focusing on the price and performance, you can choose the best device for yourself. But keep in mind: the greater the power and performance, the better the device will cope with thick compositions.

Experts advise adjusting the gun for each composition and material and checking it on a separate surface. The optimal choice of needle is 1.3–1.4 mm.

Summing up the choice of an airbrush, we present you the most popular proven brands of manufacturers that are in demand among professionals and amateurs.

  • Bosch. Bosch produces inexpensive and compact spray guns with an electric motor for home use. The most famous models: PFS55, PFS65. The pump and motor of lower power models are designed built-in. Bosch spray guns are used for surface treatment of walls and ceilings, for painting small parts. The average productivity is 0.11 l/min. The tools are easy to use and maintain. The main disadvantage of these spray guns is the restriction on the use of certain types of coatings, such as: alkaline, latex, dispersion paints and other hard-to-spray compositions. Therefore, prices for spray guns start at 4000 rubles.
  • Wagner. German Wagner air-type spray guns are a good competitor to Bosh. Models costing from 5000 r. (Wagner W550) are only suitable for liquid coatings, the productivity is 0.13 l / min. More expensive atomizers costing from 12,000 rubles. (Wagner W665) thick compositions can also be applied, including water-dispersion paints, which cannot but please the painter. Products are supplied with accessories.
  • paintzoom. In Russia, the airbrush is also known under the name "SPEKTR". The cheapest and easiest to use electric sprayer. However, do not rely on its reliability. It can be used for small volume jobs that do not require high quality. Airbrush productivity is about 0.3 l / min. The cost of the spray gun is from 1000 rubles.
  • Black&Decker. Air spray guns HVLP of the American company have proven themselves well in the production of painting work on medium and large surfaces, primarily at the household level, in houses, apartments, summer cottages. But with good experience, they are also suitable for automotive painting. Popular models are the HVLP200 with integrated compressor and the HVLP400. Black & Decker spray guns are equipped with a special system for regulating the configuration and size of the nozzle, which saves material. The tool can be easily disassembled and washed. Models belong to the middle price category of spray guns, and the cost starts from 4000 rubles.
  • Elmos. Airless spray guns Elmos are used in domestic conditions. Good performance allows you to paint medium surfaces. The sprayer works best with water-based paints, varnishes and polishes. Thanks to the elongated bendable nozzle, it is possible to paint hard-to-reach places, horizontal and vertical surfaces, without turning the gun over. The Elmos PG-80 model has proven itself well, with a capacity of 0.3 l / min, which is equipped with a special turbine that creates the necessary amount of air to increase the staining speed. The cost of such a spray gun is from 4000 r.
  • sata. The Chinese brand produces high and low pressure pneumatic spray guns. Sata tools are suitable for professional painting jobs, for large and small surfaces. The maximum working pressure of 0.7 bar, a good uniform spray pattern and sufficient speed contribute to a uniform application of the composition. Material transfer is more than 60%. It should be borne in mind that it is for high-pressure spray guns that a fairly powerful compressor is required. Some models are specially designed for the application of viscous compounds, thick paints or fillers. The price of Sata spray guns is in the range of 13,000–50,000 rubles.
  • walcom. Italian spray guns Walcom are designed to perform large volumes of painting work and are considered professional. Several lines of sprayers are on sale, depending on their purpose. There are both basic models for primers and thin paints costing from 7000 rubles, and sprayers for body work and aero design from 22000 rubles. Spray guns are considered the most economical and environmentally friendly, paint transfer is more than 80%.

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

There are few people left today who use brushes or rollers for major car repairs or home decorating. These tools do not allow you to get a perfectly smooth and uniform layer of paint on the treated surface. Therefore, you have to buy a tool such as a spray gun. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, people tried to spray paint cars, walls and ceilings. Especially often, a household vacuum cleaner acted as a source of compressed air. Today the market is littered with tools from different manufacturers, designed for both professional painters and home craftsmen. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, experts recommend paying attention to several points.

Spray gun selection criteria

    First of all, you should decide on the design. Pneumatic models give high quality spraying. But before you buy them, you need to take care of the source of compressed air. And if there are no problems with this at large enterprises, then for home use you will have to buy a compressor. The situation is cheaper and easier with electric spray guns. But only expensive models can match the quality of paint application with pneumatics.

    For a wide range of applications of the spray gun, it is important to have additional nozzles or replaceable nozzles in the kit. They are available in different diameters (up to 7 mm), the selection criterion is determined by the viscosity of the sprayed material. The lower the viscosity, the thinner the nozzle required for good atomization.

    When working with a spray gun for a long time, thoughts about ease of use come to mind. The smaller the weight and overall dimensions, the easier it is to operate the tool. As for paint tanks, containers up to 1 liter are made of plastic or nylon and are installed on top. And large tanks (more than 1 liter) are often made of metal and are attached to the bottom of the spray gun.

Our review includes the best spray guns. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

    tool design;

    technical specifications;

    expert opinion;

    consumer reviews.

Rating of the best spray guns

Nomination place Name of product price
Best Inexpensive Electric Spray Guns 1 2 599 ₽
2 4 918 ₽
3 1 990 ₽
4 1 960 ₽
The best professional spray guns 1 35 000 ₽
2 36 400 ₽
3 19 590 ₽
4 6 900 ₽
The best pneumatic spray guns 1 19 100 ₽
2 5 900 ₽
The best airless spray guns 1 59 990 ₽
2 39 000 ₽
3 2 470 ₽

Best Inexpensive Electric Spray Guns

In electric spray guns, the paint material is fed by gravity and sprayed at the expense of high pressure. The material lays on the surface in an even layer, which has a positive effect on the quality of staining. The disadvantages of this type of tool, experts attribute the low transfer coefficient of paintwork materials. Our review includes the following models.

Experts characterize the HAMMER PRZ150A electric spray gun as a productive device. It is easy to use, allowing you to effectively spray primers, paints, varnishes, enamels and other materials. The model became the winner of our rating due to the combination of an affordable price and good technical parameters. The tool has a spray pattern adjustment in three positions, as well as the ability to adjust horizontally and vertically. Thanks to this, it is possible to economically spray paintwork materials, reducing paint consumption by up to 40%.

The spray gun is easy to maintain, the head and nozzle are quickly disconnected from the body, washing in solvent is not difficult. Comfortable work for the painter is ensured by a rubberized handle, and the level of the paintwork material is clearly visible in the transparent tank.


    affordable price;

    adjustable torch;

    simple maintenance;

    comfortable handle.


  • low quality plastic.

Only a few years have passed since the presentation of the new Bosch PFS 55 spray gun by a well-known German manufacturer. Today this model is very popular in our country. Experts gave this device the second place in the rating. The main purpose of the tool is the painting of small areas and single parts. The airbrush is able to work with different types of paints and varnishes, oils and other technical liquids. The scattering nozzle is adjustable vertically, horizontally, and also has three positions in a circle.

The Spray Control system allows you to save expensive material, ensuring maximum spray accuracy. Thanks to the SDS button, the tank and atomizer are quickly removed from the body, which simplifies the flushing process.


    high color accuracy;

    economical consumption of paintwork materials;

    simple service.


  • the tightness of the inner sleeve is periodically violated.

The airbrush Zubr KPE-350 does not have any special frills, but it copes with its direct duties perfectly. Experts believe that the key to good work is a powerful electric motor (350 W), which ensures uninterrupted operation and good traction. Materials with a viscosity of up to 60 DIN can be efficiently passed through the nozzle, while the paint is applied economically and evenly. A special HVLP system is responsible for material consumption, which combines a large spray head and low pumping pressure.

The painter can direct the jet of paint both horizontally and vertically. For convenience of use there is a rotary nozzle. The device has proven itself in the construction industry, as well as during repair work. Experts gave him the third line of the rating.


    quality assembly;


    powerful electric motor.


  • limited functionality.

For painting small areas, the Canadian PATRIOT SG 110 electric spray gun is perfect. A modest electric motor (110 W) does not allow the tool to provide higher performance. Due to weak power, the spray gun failed to rise higher in the ranking.

But the experts praised the case, which is made of impact-resistant plastic. Even falling on a concrete floor from a height of human height, the tool withstands with dignity. According to professionals, the internal content is also of good quality. Also noted is a comfortable handle that does not slip out thanks to the Extra Grip pads. For the convenience of coloring hard-to-reach areas, the kit includes a flexible extension cord.


    reliable body;

    affordable price;

    There is a flexible extension.


    weak motor;

    poor performance.

The best professional spray guns

Modern electric spray guns are also in demand among professionals. These models are distinguished by high performance, fine adjustment of the spray pattern, and economy. Experts praised the quality of several instruments.

The ASPRO-1800 electric spray gun is very popular with professional painters. Experts gave the palm to this model for a powerful filling and a productive engine (900 W). Within one minute, the tool is able to spray up to 1.8 liters of paint or primer. With this device, you can paint large areas or complexly profiled surfaces without loss of quality. Painters appreciate the professional tool and for ease of operation and maintenance.

The design of the spray gun is convenient, the body of the tool is based on a special stand. It can be easily moved, because the weight is only 10 kg. The manufacturer equipped the spray gun with a 15-meter extension hose. It is useful when painting ceilings or spacious rooms.


    quality assembly;

    power and performance;

    thoughtful design;

    15 meter extension.


  • not detected.

The professional airbrush Caliber ABR-850 is practically in no way inferior to the winner of the rating. Only the motor power is slightly less (850 W), but this does not limit the high performance of the tool. Within 1 minute, the device sprays up to 2.1 liters of paintwork material. During operation, a pressure of about 227 bar is formed, which allows you to place the spray gun from the surface to be painted at a distance of 40-50 cm.

Professionals note that with crazy performance, the device is distinguished by economical consumption. And the use of a single-phase collector motor in the design allows you to safely use it without grounding. The model is somewhat inferior to the leader in mobility due to the greater weight of 14.5 kg and the four-legged stand.


    acceptable price;

    quality manufacturing;

    high performance;

    economical consumption of coatings.


  • insufficient mobility.

With the help of the WAGNER W867E All-Spray universal paint sprayer, professional painters are engaged in finishing facades, ceilings and walls. The airbrush has a high power (570 W), which speeds up the work. So, in 5 minutes it is possible to paint 15 square meters. m. At the same time, it is possible to regulate the supply of paint within the range of 0-350 g. The tool is able to process a wide range of materials, from water-alcohol solutions to wood impregnations.

The airbrush differs in economic work, it accurately sprays material, without polluting the environment. The unit uses an interesting Click & Paint system, with which you can change the color of the paint with one hand movement. The kit includes two sprayers, one for interior paint and the other for varnish.


    high performance;

    smooth adjustment of paint supply;

    fast color change.


  • high price.

Professional painters appreciate the Bosch PFS 65 spray gun for its combination of mobility and versatility. The tool can work with different types of coatings, as well as technical liquids. It will come to the rescue when it is necessary to paint medium and large areas with high quality, whether it be ceilings or fences. Within 10 minutes it is possible to process 5 square meters. m.

The SDS system allows you to quickly disassemble the device and thoroughly wash the working parts. Thanks to the use of special components, the tool can be cleaned with running water. A powerful electric motor (650 W) has a two-stage adjustment, which allows you to choose the optimal conditions for a specific material. And when you have to apply paint over your head, the ConstantFeed option will come to the rescue, making the spray thin.




    convenient operation and maintenance.


    high noise level;

    short power cable.

The best pneumatic spray guns

The pneumatic method of staining remains in demand due to the high level of safety, high-quality paint application, and the ability to work with viscous solutions. Due to the impact of compressed air, the working area is contaminated with dust. Therefore, it is necessary to work with such spray guns in closed chambers. Several effective specimens came into the field of view of specialists.

In the domestic market, SATA products are associated with high quality. Experts recognized the pneumatic spray gun as the winner of our rating for its balance in all main indicators. The model can spray materials such as putty, water-based varnish, as well as create thick-layer viscous structures. The tool is equipped with reliable adjustments that allow you to select the appropriate modes for the paintwork material, adjust the width of the torch.

The manufacturer also thought about the convenience of work for the painter, so the handle is made of lightweight plastic, and anti-corrosion alloy steel is used to create the tank. Flask capable of withstanding pressure up to 2 bar.


    quality manufacturing;

    reliable adjustments;

    light handle;

    durable tank.


  • high price.

Another pneumatic spray gun attracted the attention of experts. Model from Germany BOSCH PFS 2000 is designed for efficient painting of small areas. The device is hardly suitable for large-scale construction or repair work. That is why the tool of a well-known manufacturer is located on the second line of the rating.

The unique development of Bosch specialists deserves praise. This is the EasySelect selector, which, in combination with ALLPaint technology, is responsible for the uniform application of the coating. In this case, there is a reduced consumption of paint or varnish. For the convenience of the painter and improving the quality of staining in the spray gun, the nozzle is adjusted in three modes. This is a point adjustment, horizontal and vertical adjustment.

The WAGNER company is famous for its reference quality, in whatever price segment their products are presented. The WAGNER ProjectPro 119 spray gun fully complies with the concept of the company, for which it was awarded the first line of the rating. Ease of use deserves special praise from experts. The manufacturer attached a stand on wheels to the tool, and also equipped the device with an extension hose (15 m). The powerful motor (720 W) easily copes with the pumping of the paint material through the filter element and subsequent spraying. With such a device, you can safely take on the painting of walls, fences or ceilings.

The paint is taken directly from the factory container, and the coating is exceptionally uniform. At the same time, painters are pleased with the low consumption of paint.


    mobility and convenience;

    excellent workmanship;

    high performance;

    long hose.


  • high price.

Another spray gun from a well-known German company made it to our rating. Even the Chinese assembly did not affect the professional qualities of the instrument. The WAGNER ProjectPro 117 model is inferior to its brother in performance, but wins in lightness and compactness. With it, you can perform professional painting of exterior and interior surfaces of buildings. The work is based on airless spray technology. The device is able to work both with the usual paints and varnishes, and with protective or antiseptic impregnations. Painters especially flatter about the even application of layers, which makes the work of high quality and pleasant.

Its weight is only 1.2 kg, and the tank capacity is limited to 0.7 liters. The manufacturer has thought over the design of the handle, it lies comfortably in the hand and does not tend to slip out of it. Therefore, even graceful painters will not be tedious to finish the walls or ceilings of an average area. The airbrush can be used in a wide temperature range of air (+1...+40°C).


    quality assembly;

    affordable price;

    convenience in work.


    limited power;

    nozzle clogs quickly.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The spray gun is an indispensable tool for any painting work. It is designed for easy application of paint to the surface and is easy to “give in” even to inexperienced hands. But how to choose the right spray gun?

Electric or pneumatic spray gun: how to choose between them?

Modern paint sprayers are distinguished by a high degree of functionality and performance. They cope even with a large amount of painting work, making it possible to complete them in the shortest possible time. The use of a spray gun is especially important when processing hard-to-reach parts.

There are many variations of the tool on the market, but basically the division is carried out according to the principle of operation of the device.

According to this criterion, all paint sprayers are divided into two groups:

Type of spray gun Features of work Advantages Flaws
Pneumatic The compressor pumps air, delivers it to the spray gun.

Under the influence of pressure, the paint material is crushed into small particles and sprayed through the nozzle.

  • excellent paint quality
  • the need to purchase additional equipment
  • high cost of the device
  • complexity of use and care of the structure
Electric (airless) The device is powered by an electric motor.

The built-in pump creates the pressure needed to spray the paint. There is no air flow.

  • relatively low price
  • small size
  • ease of operation
  • insufficient grinding of paints and varnishes, which does not allow surface treatment at a professional level

Pneumatic spray guns are primarily intended for use by professionals: in this case, the cost of the device is fully justified.

Electric motor spray guns are traditionally considered household models and are recommended for people who are used to doing repairs themselves at home. The quality of painting will be somewhat lower than in the case of using even the cheapest pneumatics, but the simplicity of painting works fully justifies minor and subtle defects.

There is also an intermediate option - spray guns with an electric motor and a minicompressor.

The quality of painting in this case increases significantly, but the price for such models starts at $ 500.

Electric spray gun: which one to choose - manual or floor?

Pneumatic models are left to professionals, for the home you should choose an airless paint sprayer.

But which one is better? There are two types of electric motor spray guns:

  1. Manual. The device consists of a single block, including a motor with a pump, a container, a handle and a spray nozzle. Hand-held spray guns provide a fairly low ink transfer efficiency, but they guarantee ease of use and fast work.

    Also, the features include a characteristic buzzing sound and vibrations that accompany the painting process.

  2. Floor. In terms of painting quality, the device is as close as possible to the category of professional tools.

    The design of the spray gun assumes the presence of a powerful motor and a productive pump. During operation, the user wields only a gun, and the tank and power plant are on the bed.

The most widely used compact hand-held spray guns. Despite the not too high consumption efficiency of paints and varnishes, the device is able to provide an acceptable quality of repair performed on its own. An important advantage, before which possible disadvantages “fade”, is cheapness: manual spray guns cost from $35 to $150.

Basically, buyers prefer BOSH brand models (in "household" green cases).

Floor spray guns are not very common due to their relatively high price: at least $ 300.

Such devices are designed to perform large amounts of work and do an excellent job of painting ceilings, floors, walls. Floor paint sprayers are manufactured by Earlex, Campbell Hausfeld, Wagner.

Electric spray gun: how to choose according to the main characteristics

As a rule, spray guns from different manufacturers work with approximately the same "zeal".

Small differences in the number of watts or pump pressures do not matter much. The buyer must first of all pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The type of compounds for which the device is intended.

    Some spray guns work only with water-soluble paints, others can “cooperate” with any materials (although such versatility costs a little more).

    It is necessary to consider what kind of funds will be used during the repair, so that the freshly purchased paint sprayer does not have to stand idle due to "unsuitability".

  2. Tank type. The best option is a transparent tank located below.

    If you plan to perform a large amount of work, then the built-in tank may not be enough. Therefore, it is recommended to take a closer look at models of spray guns that “know how” to take paint from a free-standing container.

  3. Manufacturing material. Manufacturers "love" plastic: it's light and cheap. The task of the buyer is to make sure that the material is really of high quality, does not have obvious roughness and scuffs at the joints. But no matter how good the plastic is, it is necessary that the needle be made of metal.
  4. Ease of use.

    Some models are equipped with elongated guns, so that stairs can be dispensed with when processing the ceiling. Sometimes spray guns have the function of a laser designator indicating the working distance (Wagner has succeeded in this). This property is very useful for beginners who are just starting to comprehend all the intricacies of painting.

You should purchase an airbrush only of a proven brand.

If the device costs $15-20, then the probability of its Chinese origin is high. And this means that it will be very difficult to work with a paint gun. It is better to buy a good tool once than to "fight" with a low-quality device.

The airbrush is an amazing invention that makes repairs much easier. It is enough to choose the right model to turn the process of painting walls or ceilings into an interesting activity.

Among the methods of applying paints and varnishes (contact, spraying, dipping, pouring, varnishing, extrusion) spraying is the most widely used, not only in the DIY sector (DIY) and the auto repair industry (ART), but also in the automotive industry (OEM) .

Spraying is a method of transferring liquid paints and varnishes (LKM) to the painted surface in the form of an aerosol.

There are several methods of spraying: air, airless, combined and in an electrostatic field.

First of all, we will talk about air spraying, the process of which, in turn, is divided into two stages: the breakdown of paintwork materials and the formation of the shape of the torch. This process ensures high speed and quality of work, and the desire to reduce unproductive consumption of material, improve the decorative qualities of the resulting paintwork, in turn, leads to the emergence of new, more advanced spraying technologies, new, more advanced, environmentally friendly and economical equipment. compressed air in the spray head, determines the type of paint system, the main ones are:

CONV - conventional system - spraying is carried out at a high pressure of compressed air in the spray head 2-3 bar;

HVLP (High Volume / Low Pressure - high volume / low pressure) - spraying is carried out at low pressure in the spray head: 0.7 bar;
3. Optimized spray systems:

  • LVLP (Low Volume / Low Pressure - low volume / low pressure) - spraying is carried out at a pressure in the spray head: 0.7-1.2 bar.
  • HTE (High Transfer Efficiency - high transfer efficiency) - spraying is carried out at an average pressure in the spray head: 1.2-1.3 bar.
  • LVMP (Low Volume / Middle Pressure - low volume / medium pressure) - spraying is carried out at an average pressure in the spray head: 1.6 bar.

The common thing for these types of painting systems is that compressed air, passing through the spray head of the painting gun, forms a painting torch, breaking the paintwork to the smallest drops and forming an airborne dispersion (aerosol).

The aerosol, as part of the torch, is transferred to the surface to be painted and is deposited on it, thereby creating a paintwork. At the same time, it should be taken into account that most of the microdroplets do not reach the surface to be painted, but, forming a paint mist, settle somewhere outside it, leading to a significant increase in the unproductive consumption of paintwork materials.

How to choose an electric spray gun?

Therefore, the main direction of improving pneumatic painting equipment is to increase the coefficient of transfer of paintwork materials to the surface. Not only the economy of this method of painting depends on this, but also the environmental friendliness of the process, because.

work is carried out with synthetic solvent paints with a high content of solvents.

It all started in Russia, where the first air sprayer was invented at the end of the 19th century.
On a June evening in 1893, Naum Rovich, the head of one of the textile manufactories, demonstrated to the owner of the manufactory, a well-known Russian industrialist, Savva Morozov, a bulky device made of galvanized sheet steel by bending and soldering ...

Initially, the device was intended to moisten the woven fabric before applying the dye.

A couple of months later, all Morozov manufactories were equipped with such devices, and after another six months they began to be used for applying dye to fabric through a stencil.

But the very principle of pneumatic spraying, in 1888, was developed by a modest otolaryngologist from Ohio, Allen Devilbis.

Familiar with the basic postulates of fluid and aerodynamics, he was the first to apply this principle to more effectively treat patients with liquid medicines.

His son, Thomas, found a new use for his father's invention, while greatly improving the inhaler, which was used exclusively for medical purposes.

So in 1907, the first hand-held spray gun appeared, which was the best suited for a new industry that had begun to develop successfully - the automotive industry. With its help, the efficiency of the painting process has been significantly increased.

The quality of the resulting paintwork, both from a decorative and applied point of view (wear resistance, strength, etc.), has become, according to contemporaries, much better.

Let's take a closer look at the three main pneumatic coating systems.

conventional system.
For quite a long time, throughout almost the entire XX century, pneumatic spray guns were represented by conventional type high-pressure spray guns, with an inlet pressure of about 3-4 bar.

The high pressure system is also called "direct".

This is because the pressure at the inlet of the spray gun is approximately equal to the pressure at the outlet of the spray head.

These spray guns were characterized by low compressed air consumption, good atomization of the paint material and uniformity of the spray jet, providing a good spray, which is still fondly remembered by the older generation of painters.

Any compressor, in addition to the main characteristic - outlet pressure, has another, and very important, which must be taken into account when choosing equipment - this is performance, i.e.

e. the ability to pump a certain amount of compressed air through itself.

Conventional-type high-pressure guns made very modest demands on compressor performance, which suited both the painters themselves and the owners of car service enterprises, since their productive and stable operation required little compressed air (about 300 hp).

per minute), and, consequently, not particularly powerful compressors.

But conventional type spray guns have one significant drawback: a low transfer coefficient of paintwork materials, on average 30-35% (although, depending on the ambitions of manufacturers of such equipment, the declared characteristics sometimes reached 45%, but in any case it is very small).

To increase the transfer coefficient, high pressure air is supplied to the spray gun. This, in turn, gave rise to the opposite effect: droplets of paintwork material, under high pressure, fly out of the nozzle of the gun and at high speed hit the surface to be painted, bounce off it, increasing unproductive dust.
Yes, and the design of the air cap has flaws that affect the efficiency of work.

These two factors lead to significant losses of paintwork material during painting.

HVLP system.
When working with a conventional high-pressure spray gun, paint dust is formed in large volumes, which, according to environmental organizations, leads to air pollution.
Therefore, the introduction in the early 80s.

of the last century, new, more stringent laws regarding environmental protection have forced spray equipment manufacturers to develop a more environmentally friendly spray gun.

They became the device of the HVLP system spraying paintwork material at a pressure of approximately 0.7 bar at the outlet of the spray gun. The internal structure of the spray gun is such that if we set the working pressure to 2 bar at the inlet using a pressure gauge, then we are guaranteed to get 0.7 bar at the output (provided that the spray gun is in good condition).

Due to the low pressure of compressed air, a high coefficient of transfer of the paint material to the painted surface (from 60 to 70%) is achieved, and a uniform flame is formed.
It was possible to reduce the air pressure in the spray head by changing its design.

The outlet openings have become much larger than those of conventional high-pressure pistols, and the diameter of the air channels themselves inside the pistol has increased. But increasing the transfer coefficient also increased the risk of streaks.

Therefore, when working with equipment of this type, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Another disadvantage of the system was the increased performance requirements of the compressor installed in the painting area.

This is understandable: a low-power compressor with a full supply of the necessary air volume, the HVLP spray gun will obviously not cope. As a result, there is a loss of color shade, poor quality of coloring, and other negative aspects.
In any case, the stage of preparation is important, especially when it comes to applying paints and varnishes.

In order for the compressor to supply compressed air prepared for use to the spray gun, the pneumatic lines must have a filter module consisting of a coarse filter, a moisture-oil separator, and a replaceable fine filter.

The correct and efficient operation of these filters is extremely important as

Spray guns of the HVLP system are sensitive to pressure fluctuations, which strongly affect the uniformity of the spray and, consequently, the painting result.
Also, HVLP spray guns are characterized by low speed.
But be that as it may, the advantages of the HVLP painting system are still much greater, and they are much more significant than the disadvantages.

The main thing is a significant reduction in the formation of paint dust, leading to savings of up to 30% of the paintwork material!

If, for example, the painting of a VAZ-2109 wing using a conventional high-pressure gun took an average of 200-250 g of paintwork material, then the use of an HVLP spray gun reduces this amount to 100-150 g (of course, a lot depends on the quality of the material, the skill of the painter and the hiding power of automotive enamel paint.)
Among the HVLP spray guns, the most interesting is the WALMEC professional gun - GENESI TOP LINE GEO.

This spray gun has a special, patented spray head design, where the head cover has an increased number of air holes, and the nozzle is cupped with 6 pre-spray holes.

This design allows for a double breakdown of the paintwork material. Previously, inside the nozzle, the paint breaks into micro drops, then the air flow breaks the aerosol again into smaller drops.
As a result, a cloud of paint is formed with a particle size of 30 to 60 µm, which, at an outlet pressure of 0.7 bar, significantly improves the quality of painting, even when spraying viscous paints and varnishes.

Optimized spray systems: LVLP, HTE and LVMP systems, etc.
Conventional spray guns and HVLP spray guns, along with the positive aspects that characterize them, have quite a few weaknesses.

An attempt to combine the positive experience gained during the operation of these devices was an optimized technology for spraying paints and varnishes with an average pressure of compressed air.

For different manufacturers, these are LVLP, HTE, LVMP, RP, TRANSTECH, etc.

In this regard, the main feature of the spray guns of optimized systems was the combination of the advantages of conventional and HVLP systems - low air consumption and high material transfer coefficient (more than 70%).
This made it possible to significantly reduce the dependence of spray guns on compressed air pressure in the air line - spray guns of optimized systems are insensitive to pressure drops in air supply systems.

The design of the internal air channels has also undergone a change, as a result of which the air pressure in the spray head has increased to 1.2 ... 1.6 bar, with the operating pressure of the spray gun from 1.6 to 2.3 bar for different manufacturers.
Compressed air consumption has significantly decreased, which led to a weakening of the technical requirements for air lines and compressors, but in no way affected the stability and uniformity of the torch, and, as a result, the quality of the painting.

For greater clarity, paint equipment manufacturers adhere to a single color marking, which is applied to the air cap and the gun adjusting screws:

  1. white (silver) color - CONV - conventional type;
  2. green - HVLP system;
  3. blue - LVLP, LVMP system.

For spray guns from WALMEC, the HVLP GEO dual spray system is marked in blue, and HTE is marked in black.
Optimized systems, each manufacturer of painting equipment developed completely independently, based on their patented technologies:

  • RP - SATA (Germany);
  • TRANSTECH - DeVILBISS (Great Britain);
  • HTE - WALMEC (Italy);
  • LVMP - AURITA (Taiwan), etc.

What is an airbrush, how to choose it, is it needed at all?

How to choose a spray gun for domestic and professional work

Such questions are asked by both a professional construction team and an ordinary person who has started repairs in an apartment or in a country house, in which many surfaces will have to be painted.

The issues are also pressing for the reason that any instrumental devices always cost more than the usual mechanical ones.

In our case, this is a bucket of paint and various brushes and rollers.

Do we need a spray gun?

So, you have decided to paint the ceiling in the bathroom. Not fashionable, but there are adherents of whitewashed and painted ceilings, and you just treat them. Should I buy a special tool for painting surfaces? Not worth it, since the amount of work is small, it is quite possible to get by with a roller or brush.

And if there is a large amount of work to be done - painting a country house, floors and walls of a large area or painting a car wing, then it is simply necessary to make your work easier.

And here the spray gun will come to the rescue. About how to choose it , we will try to tell you.

Types of paintwork tool

Spray guns are divided into several types:

According to the principle of pressure:

  • Low pressure;
  • High pressure.

According to the principle of work:

According to the principle of applying paint:

  • With top tank;
  • With bottom tank;
  • With HVLP technology;
  • Airless spray;
  • Combined spray;
  • Electrostatic painting principle.

From such a number of various types of devices for applying paint, it dazzles in the eyes and it is difficult to choose what is suitable for each specific case.

For painting small areas, a semi-professional model is suitable, and for working in large areas, you need a professional unit. Therefore, the question of which airbrush is better to choose becomes very relevant. Let's analyze each point in more detail.

Low pressure spray guns

They cannot use thick coloring material, but it is very convenient to change different colors, the painted surface is beautiful, and the coating is of high quality.

With their help, you can paint furniture, windows or your car. But there are many downsides to this tool.

  • Large overspending of paint;
  • Low application speed;
  • Spray booth filters are expensive and need to be changed quite often;

High pressure spray guns

These include airless or airless spray guns. They give a coating of not too high quality, but they can be used on large areas, they work with viscous paints.

More than half of the coloring material when working with such a tool “flies into the pipe”, and in the truest sense of the word. But the price is relatively low.

As you can see, choosing a suitable spray gun for your home is not so easy, especially given the low environmental friendliness of the work being done.

Manual and automatic tools

Manual spray guns are convenient when working with small volumes, for painting products of complex shape, it is convenient to change the paint frequently in them, and the quality of the painted surface is very high.

It is best to choose guns with a top tank, as this allows you to use all the material without residue.

An automatic tool is good in many ways - an ideal painted surface, the quality of which does not depend on the skill of the painter. The main thing in working with an automatic gun is its adjustment and accurate selection of nozzles, so that there will be no smudges of paint or unpainted areas.

But it is used on automated lines, so it is not intended for domestic use.

The result of the work depends on the type of paint supply.

To learn how to choose the right airbrush, take a walk through the video materials on the Internet. First, it's interesting. Secondly, you can visually see a certain type of tool in action.

The tool with the top tank is convenient for small volumes of works.

The capacity is never more than a liter. Paint with this mounting option is used without residue. For thick material, such a tool is not suitable. Guns with a lower tank weigh more, so working with them, you get tired faster, in addition, there is always a small amount of paint on the bottom.

Modern airless spray guns have proven themselves well in everyday life.

Actually, all electric paint and varnish guns work on the airless principle and come with different tanks - not only the top and bottom mounts, but also the side ones.

Separately, we highlight the tool with HVLP spray technology. This is a low pressure spray technology that reduces ink mist.

The coating is very high quality, and the paint is significantly saved.

Electrostatic spray guns have found their application in car repair, when painting plastic and wooden surfaces.

How to choose an electric spray gun

  1. First of all, we pay attention to the amount of paint and varnish material with which the vending tool can work.

    Simpler models work with only one type of paint and varnish products, for example, water-based paints, more expensive models work with several, including various varnishes and primers.

  2. In the second - on the number of adjustments on it.

    The more of them, the better you can adjust the paint supply and the torch itself.

  3. Electric models are manual or floor. The former are suitable for express painting of small surfaces, as they have small reservoirs in the form of plastic barrels up to 1 liter in volume.

    The latter can take the paint directly from the bucket through a special hose (depending on the model).

  4. Also pay attention to the length of the gun. There are special extension cords that allow you not to run on ladders, but to paint, using a special extension nozzle, with which you can even reach the ceiling.

Which electric spray gun to choose , also depends on the quality of the gun itself.

Turn it over in your hands. Evaluate what kind of plastic the individual parts are made of, how much metal is in it. It is very good if the needle responsible for ejecting the paint is metal, and all the small parts of the gun fit perfectly. They are not subject to repair, so any breakdown will entail the replacement of the gun. This is exactly the case when the brand is of great importance. By choosing a branded tool, you will save yourself from unnecessary spending of money.

Another point that we definitely pay attention to is vibration.

It is very good if you compare several models in the on state and choose the one that is most convenient for you. It is also important how much the product will weigh, including the weight of a full tank.

How to choose a pneumatic spray gun

The difference between a pneumatic tool and an electric tool is great. It requires a quality compressor. And this is already a decent amount of money. In addition, we need to choose the gun nozzle itself, depending on it, the compressor will be selected.

If you are not going to paint professionally, you should not think about buying a pneumatic tool. In addition, when choosing a compressor, relying only on your knowledge is more than unreasonable; it is better to take the advice of professionals.

As you can see, the choice of paint and varnish equipment is large, so it is very easy to make a mistake when choosing a tool for yourself. One of the important criteria when choosing an airbrush is knowing the features of each of the models.

It is also better to prefer the branded version of the Chinese trinket. Although it all depends on your choice.

Paint Sprayer

With the development of science and technology, there have been some changes in the color of finished products.


If it were hand in hand, various technological innovations are currently being used, which reduce the consumption of color, and the dyeing process intensifies faster and better. In manual imaging, it is difficult to avoid small dust particles or villas getting on the product, which ruins its appearance.

There are several types of spray guns, also called spray guns.

The image quality with a spray gun is directly related to the quality of the spray gun. There are several types of spray guns, the painting technology of which is fundamentally different. Specifications and features of use allow you to color the powder with each type of powder.

All paint guns are divided into three main types according to the painting method and working technology, including universal guns, low pressure guns and high pressure guns.

High pressure gun

High Pressure Gun Imaging Technology lies in its ability to apply enamels and varnishes and, in addition, basic coatings in the form of metals.

High quality painting because these sprayers perfectly spray the coating onto the surface and give the most uniform result that has color.

By operating at very high pressure, this airbrush consumes little air. Painting with the highest quality is achieved when painting from a distance of about forty centimeters.

Low pressure gun

Low Pressure Gun Imaging Technology This requires a lot of air.

Therefore, when painting with this sprayer, a powerful compressor is used. The distance to the colored product in this case is much smaller and ideally about 20 centimeters.

Painting requires a large diameter pipe. This diameter must match the diameter of the pistol grip handle. When using low pressure spray guns, less color is lost, which means that this application is more economical.

Universal Sprayers

Removable technique with universal spray is a combination of the above two working methods.

The use of spray guns is allowed at home, but you must protect all surfaces in advance so that there are no drips of paint.

When staining with a pulse gun, carefully read the instructions for choosing the optimal pressure.

The compressor connected to the sprayer consists of a control unit, a compressor and an instrument unit.

Automatic control of the compressor is carried out through the control unit. After reaching the desired pressure level, the device extinguishes the engine and can produce color.

Enamel sprayer

The most commonly used color gun is enamel PF-115 (Alkyd enamel- for painting metal, wood, unpainted or pre-painted surfaces exposed to weather conditions.

PF-115 aluminum enamel is resistant to corrosive environment, precipitation and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which allows the use of PF-115 enamels for interior and exterior painting) or similar organic solvent-based materials. Together with enamels and varnishes for impulse paint, water-soluble materials can be used in acrylic paint - water-based

Many manufacture spray guns, but the use of such devices is not recommended.

In the absence of technological education, it is very difficult to invent a device that will be of high quality and safe.

The need for repairs is always puzzling, because there are so many different tools to purchase ... axes, saws, hammers, etc. This is especially often a problem when you have to paint walls or floors. In this case, using a brush or roller is somehow not very convenient, and not practical, and we decided to select for you the best electric spray guns that will make the task easier. This rating contains only carefully tested devices, and our goal is to help you choose the right model from a rich assortment.

Electric spray guns which company is better to buy

Such a tool is quite common in the lines of European and Asian manufacturers. Russian, Belarusian, German, Chinese goods are especially popular. In terms of cost, they are all almost the same.

  • bison is a large Russian manufacturer of construction equipment, which is repeatedly tested at the plant during the development process. In terms of sales and assortment, it holds the palm.
  • Bosch is a well-known German premium brand. This is a great choice for those who appreciate the reliability, practicality and high quality of construction tools. Its products are the most expensive on the market, but this is quite logical.
  • Wagner– In the development of this international company, colorful sprayers have been in development since 2009. There are options for both professionals and inexperienced users. Most products come with a 12-month warranty, some of which have been extended to three years.
  • Caliber- since 2001, the company has been producing all the power tools that are needed in everyday life, and every year it adds new items to its catalog. The main sales fall on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Fiolent is a trademark of the leading manufacturer in Russia, showing a high level of technological preparation. They are just starting to work with paint sprayers, so the company offers only one model of the tool.

The largest dealer network in the world was organized by the manufacturing companies Bosch and Wagner. Products under the brands "Caliber", "Fiolent" and "Zubr" are sold mainly in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

Rating of the best electric spray guns

To facilitate the choice, we have compiled a rating of the best electric spray guns, divided into 5 categories. Their selection was made on the basis of feedback from ordinary users and professionals in the construction industry. A comparison of various technical characteristics of goods also helped in this:

  • Purpose;
  • Dimensions;
  • Performance;
  • staining method;
  • accepted material;
  • tank capacity;
  • working power;
  • Equipment;
  • Comfortable handle;
  • Coloring speed.

Tips on how to choose an airbrush, what you should pay attention to, are available in this video:

We carefully analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of products, the frequency of breakdowns and the availability of service centers for product repair. Cost has also become a very important indicator, especially its compliance with quality.

The best electric spray guns

Unlike pneumatic models, such a tool does not work from air, but mainly from the mains. Thanks to this, staining is faster and easier, even a novice painter can handle it. Among all these products, it is necessary to highlight several options - premium, the cheapest, the most powerful, with the best combination of price and quality, and the best choice of professionals.

The cheapest option

Zubr ZKPE-120- it is suitable for those who need a universal product that can work with varnishes, and with coloring compounds, and with other soluble materials. At the same time, it does not matter at all what kind of surface it is, the tool can easily cope with both brick and wood. It is very mobile, as it does not need an additional compressor. Performance will not disappoint either, the device passes through itself up to 0.3 liters of the mixture per minute. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is not very encouraging, because with a small tank capacity of 0.8 liters, the composition ends rather quickly.


  • Light weight;
  • Does not slip in the hand thanks to the rubberized handle;
  • Can be easily washed with water;
  • Resistant to corrosion;
  • Allows the use of different materials;
  • The presence of a glass in the kit to determine the viscosity of the composition.


  • High noise level;
  • Short service life (about 5 years);
  • Small glass capacity.

The best choice among premium products

is the most reliable paint sprayer that can be trusted to cover walls with both paint and varnish. It works easily with absolutely any surface, from metal to wood. This model is equipped with a quick filling and emptying system (SDS), which saves a lot of time. Reviews show that the product is evenly distributed on the wall thanks to the ConstantFeed function. The device will not cause any discomfort during operation due to the presence of built-in small wheels and a long, 4-meter hose of increased flexibility.


  • The presence of a compartment for the hose directly in the body;
  • Turns on with your foot, no need to bend over;
  • The kit includes several nozzles and the paint itself with a brush for cleaning the product;
  • Adjustable speed and intensity of application;
  • Low power consumption.


  • Expensive;
  • Rapid consumption of paint;
  • Often "clogged".

Bosch PFS 5000E is the oldest time-tested model that has collected mostly positive reviews from experts.

Here you can download instructions for.

The most powerful model

Wagner ProjectPro119 418040- it would be simply unfair not to mention this model, because it stands out in many respects: mobility due to two wheels, ergonomic design of small dimensions, high power of the piston pump. Only here is available a 15 meter hose and the possibility of spraying paint at a distance of 25 cm from the surface, which occurs at a pressure of 200 bar. The device does not fail in terms of the length of the electric cable, equal to 3 m. Against the background of all this, the large weight of the tool, 18 kg, does not look very advantageous, although, if there are wheels, this is not critical.


  • Large hose length;
  • Mobility;
  • Easy to operate;
  • High performance;
  • Easy to disassemble;
  • Cleans up without problems.


  • The pump needs to be lubricated from time to time;
  • For beginner painters, it can be difficult to use.

Check out all the characteristics and features of the model.

Optimal combination of price and quality

Caliber Master EKRP-800M- a simple and not very expensive device for spraying any liquids without aggressive components. The kit includes a belt, a funnel, a tank, a blower with a motor and a flexible hose, which provides easy access to remote areas. Up to 1 liter of liquid is placed in the container, which is somewhat more than that of competitors. You can fill it with a composition with a viscosity of up to 30 DIN / sec, so the tool can be called universal. It is convenient to use, because it weighs only 2.4 kg.


  • Light weight;
  • Suitable even for very viscous mixtures;
  • Full staffing;
  • High power;
  • Convenient for use in hard-to-reach places;
  • The ability to adjust the pressure.


  • Inconvenient pump switch;
  • Washes for a long time;
  • Large consumption of paint;
  • The hose often flies out.

The best according to experts

Fiolent KR1-260– small-sized colorful spray gun weighing 1.2 kg and with a small tank of 0.7 liters. Given this, it will be convenient to use in small spaces. The tank can be filled with both varnishes and paints with a viscosity up to 80 DIN. If necessary, the amount of the sprayed composition can be adjusted, its maximum flow rate is 260 ml / min. The device can be easily disassembled without additional tools. Its advantages include a wear-resistant nozzle.


  • Flexible nozzle;
  • Light weight;
  • Neat dimensions;
  • Excellent performance;
  • High viscosity of the composition.


  • The lid doesn't close tightly.
  • The surface is not always covered with paint evenly;
  • Works loud.

Fiolent KR1-260 cannot be used for painting a car or any other vehicle, it is only suitable for painting work.

Which electric spray gun is better to buy

For painting a fence or other surfaces where its relief is not important, you can safely choose Fiolent KR1-260. It is quite productive and works great with both metal and wood. If the area to be painted is large, then it is most convenient to use models with a capacious cup, at least 1 liter - Wagner ProjectPro119 418040.

"Master EKRP-800M" from the brand "Caliber" will help to process hard-to-reach places. Those who need a universal device that works equally well with varnish, paint, and many other compounds will need the Zubr ZKPE-120. If you need a mobile product for repairs over a large area, you should choose the Bosch PFS 5000E, which is transported without any problems.

About what spray guns are, what price category they belong to and what characteristics they have that should be considered when choosing, see this video:

Using the best electric spray guns for home or office renovations, you can significantly speed up the process, avoid difficulties and get a professional result. In any case, this device always works more reliably than a beginner or even a professional do-it-yourselfer.


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