How to choose the worst mustard. This sweet word is "mustard"

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If you believe the research of psychologists, I belong to the group of people who have positive thinking, are not afraid to take risks, are emotional, sometimes unrestrained - they will speak first and then think, and strive for changes in life. Such qualities, according to experts, are endowed with those who love... spicy seasonings. And the more “burning” the preferences, the more pronounced these traits are in a person’s character. I learned about such a study quite recently when I was looking on the Internet for a recipe for homemade mustard. It interested me. Well, perhaps, we can agree with the conclusions of psychologists: I began to remember my friends who, like me, cannot imagine a full meal without a good portion of something “hot.” And it turned out that they are really endowed with these traits: they can dive headlong into a pool, and will reach into their pockets for a word, if necessary. In general, they are still “peppercorns”. I wonder if it’s possible to become a little bolder, more active, more optimistic if you include hot sauces in your diet? I propose to conduct an experiment. Moreover, the cold season is coming, and spicy food helps to warm up. (But be careful, spicy foods are contraindicated for those who have gastrointestinal problems) If you don’t really like such products yet, start getting acquainted with them with mustard. One of my friends says: “If you don’t like mustard, you simply don’t know how to choose it.” So how to choose mustard?

In fact, mustard is not only spicy. Sweet, salty, wine and even fruit mustard are available on sale. Spicy is simply the most popular. It is universal and goes well with many dishes: appetizers, first course, second course. By the way, you will find original recipes for meat treats, for which mustard will also come in handy on our portal “Sunny Hands” in the section “Main courses” .

What makes mustard hot is the allyl ester of isosulfothiocyanoic acid. This complex and unpronounceable term refers to a special substance contained in mustard seeds. By the way, they are also beneficial for our body. Regular consumption of seeds as food prevents cancer, helps fight excess weight, and promotes the formation of strong immunity. Helps strengthen the body's defenses article “Immunity, how to increase it?” on the website "Sunny Hands" .

Mustard belongs to the cruciferous family. White cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli belong to the same group. Did not know? I was also surprised by this fact and found out about it after I studied the question of how to choose mustard. That is, it turns out that mustard is a “spicy” relative of white cabbage, so beloved by many (and me too!)! There are 40 known varieties of mustard, but only three of them - Sarepta, black and white - are used to produce the popular seasoning.

Different varieties produce mustard that tastes different. Those who prefer mustard that is not too spicy and odorless will like a product made from the white variety. And lovers of mustard, the taste of which is also characterized as “vigorous”, will like the seasoning from the black and Sarepta varieties. When I was preparing this article, I specifically studied the contents of my refrigerator, and then the assortment of the nearest supermarket. I did not find any information on any jar of mustard about what type of plant was used for its production. That is, you can guess what the chosen product will taste like only by sampling in the truest sense of the word. We buy, taste and draw conclusions - is the mustard from this manufacturer spicy or not, is it aromatic or has a subtle smell.
The only clue when choosing mustard can be the following information, I read it in one specialized article: in our country, as a rule, Sarepta mustard is used, in Europe (France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and many others, with the exception of Great Britain) - black, and in the UK and USA predominantly white. By the way, you can read about the sights of the latter country on the “Sunny Hands” website in THIS article .

The “spicy” properties of mustard depend not only on the type of plant from which it was made. The method of production also influences this.

Seed to grain

Even if you are not a mustard fan, you probably know that there are two types of mustard - granular and powder. Among my friends there are many who prefer grainy mustard and believe that only it is worthy of the title of mustard. Others, on the contrary, always buy powder and recommend it to everyone exclusively. Is there a difference between these two types of mustard and what is it?

My friend has a diploma in food industry technologist. She was successfully married and has been taking care of her home and family exclusively for several years (if you are also a housewife, you may be interested in article “How to make money while sitting at home” on our portal ), as well as information from Rashid Kirranov on how to successfully get married in his book. But immediately after college, my friend managed to work a little at a company producing seasonings, including mustard. She told me the difference between powder and grain mustard.

Mustard pods arrive at the plant. By themselves they are of no value. But hidden inside them is real wealth - mustard seeds. They are husked and then thoroughly dried. The preliminary “material” is ready. That is, initially the production of mustard - both granular and powder - is no different. But at the next stage the technologies are already different.

From raw materials that will go into production powder mustard, squeeze out the oil. Mustard oil has a very bright yellow color and an equally pronounced aroma. Many people don't like it because of the smell. I also got used to mustard oil for a long time - my relative from Volgograd, where for some reason it is very popular, everyone in this city eats it, constantly sent me this oil as a gift. As a result, I gave up and started cooking with it and adding it to salads. (By the way, you will find many salad recipes on the website "Sunny Hands" ). Gradually I got used to mustard oil, and now I use almost exclusively it. But let's get back to our mustard. After the oil is squeezed out of the seeds, they are ground to a powder and then mixed with vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar and water. The mustard is ready. It has a pungent taste, which is why many people like it, but, according to nutrition experts, it is devoid of beneficial properties, because it does not contain mustard oil. It contains valuable substances. It turns out that when we buy powdered mustard, we get a spicy seasoning with a pleasant taste, but it does not contain any useful elements for the body. In other words, we can say that this is an “empty” product.

Production technology grainy mustard is different. In this case, the oil is not squeezed out of the seeds, but they are crushed along with it. Therefore, this mustard is much healthier. Mustard oil contains many vitamins (A, E, K) and biologically active substances (phytoncides, sinegrin) - everything that our body needs. But grainy mustard does not have the same pungent taste as powdered mustard. Therefore, it is less popular among buyers, at least in our country. During my student years I was in America, they only eat grainy mustard, they even asked me to bring real Russian hot seasoning as a gift. I fulfilled the request, but none of my new American friends could eat it, everyone groaned and asked: “And how can you eat it? This is real fire!” By the way, the finer the grain of mustard, the spicier it is.

How to distinguish powdered mustard from granular mustard? Pay attention to the label. If it says that the product contains vegetable oil, then you have powdered mustard. It cannot be in the granular one; it has its own oil - mustard. Also pay attention to other ingredients. Powdered mustard will contain mustard powder, while granular mustard may contain only mustard seeds.

Choosing the right mustard

Remember, in our childhood, mustard was sold only in glass jars. This was justified - in such containers the product retains its aroma and taste for as long as possible. Nowadays, mustard producers most often pack it in plastic tubes or doypacks. This is convenient from the point of view of using the product; all you need to do is simply open the lid and squeeze out the desired amount of seasoning. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with a glass jar. And you need to figure out how to close it, and use a spoon every time to get the mustard. In our fast-paced times, such manipulations seem tedious. But if possible, try to buy mustard in classic glass. As they say, feel the difference.

In addition to the fact that mustard retains its aroma longer in glass packaging, you also have the opportunity to evaluate the quality of the product at the time of purchase. Take a close look at the mustard. It should have an even warm color: yellow, brown or honey. If the color of the product is pale or not clearly expressed, it means that this is a seasoning in the production of which low-quality raw materials were used or technological errors were made (the oil was squeezed out at the wrong temperature, the seeds were not dried, etc.). Of course, it's not worth buying it. Then pay attention to the surface of the mustard. There should be no oily drops or brown film on it. This indicates that you are holding an expired product.

How to choose good mustard? If you have a high-quality seasoning in front of you, then it contains grainy mustard must not contain any other ingredients except mustard seeds. IN powder mustard, as I already wrote about this above, also adds water, vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, and spices. To increase the shelf life of the product and enhance its taste, some preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, etc.) can also be added to mustard (both granular and powdered). They are considered safe for health. As experts say, there should be no other ingredients in a good mustard.

Taste, color

Mustard is popular in many countries around the world. It is eaten with pleasure in both the East and the West. But the taste preferences of different peoples differ. For example, Bavarian mustard. It is considered the freshest. Her taste is not for everyone. Perhaps you can only like Bavarian mustard because of the large number of small grains that crunch pleasantly when you eat it. Bavarian mustard is often served with beer along with homemade sausages or fried meat.

mustard - we've all had it on our hot dogs. It has a bright yellow tint, is slightly sweet and not at all spicy. By the way, do not rush to give up American mustard because of its, as many people think, unnatural color. These are not dangerous artificial dyes at all, but the most natural spice, turmeric. American mustard is popular with children. It is bright and not hot, which is probably why kids eat it with pleasure.

Very popular Dijon mustard. Its homeland is the French town of Dijon, hence the name. It has medium pungency and a pleasant aftertaste. By the way, they use wine, not vinegar, to prepare it. Perhaps that is why it has a rather unusual taste; I would also characterize it as viscous, and it reveals itself gradually. Dijon mustard is most often served with meat dishes; it goes especially well with pork.

And, of course, when talking about mustard, one cannot fail to mention ours, Russian . Traditionally, this is a very hot, fiery condiment, and if you eat a little more of it than you need, everything starts to burn in your mouth. By the way, many of us make a mistake here, I used to do this too, until my mother-in-law revealed one secret. What do we usually do when we eat mustard and everything literally starts to “burn”? We immediately try to put out the “fire” in our mouth with water.
But this is wrong, drinks will only increase the discomfort. Instead, as my mother-in-law suggested to me, you need to eat mustard with foods rich in starch or flour. These are potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, buckwheat. By the way, all these products must be on your table if you want to be healthy, beautiful and young. Well written about the right menu author of the portal “Sunny Hands” Tatyana Raduga in the article “How to eat properly, are there any rules for proper nutrition?”

Let's say a word about the beneficial properties

Many people, including me, love mustard for its piquancy and ability to give a completely different taste to familiar dishes. But mustard is not only tasty, but also healthy. (As in the famous aphorism it turned out: a rabbit is not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kilograms of dietary meat). True, I learned about its nutritional value not so long ago, and I will be happy to share this important information with you.

So, mustard should be on your table because it is rich in:

— phosphorus;

- potassium;

— vitamin D;

— B vitamins;

— vitamin A;

- vitamin E.

As you can see, there is a whole set of elements that are responsible for our health (for example, without vitamin D, our body will not absorb calcium, which means there is a high probability of problems with bones) and beauty (we all know how important vitamins A are for hair, skin and nails and E)! Moreover, you’ve probably heard more than once that any spicy seasoning has a positive effect on your mood. When we eat something spicy, the body begins to produce joy hormones - serotonin, endorphins and many others. etc., and the mood changes for the better. Thus, if you eat at least a spoonful of mustard every day, there will be no end to positive thoughts! Try it, and then share your opinion; below each article on the “Sunny Hands” portal there is now an opportunity to leave comments. By the way, advice will help you look at the world more optimistically from the article “Pleasure as a norm of life, or How to learn to enjoy life and every day

Store wisely

Like any food product, it is important not only to choose high-quality food, but also to store it correctly, because this determines how much its beneficial properties will be preserved. As for mustard, this product is not too demanding on storage conditions, like butter, for example. (You can read about the rules for storing it)

Mustard can be stored for 6 to 12 months. But it is believed that it can be eaten even after this period. I have come across such information in many sources that you can trust. Experts justified such a long shelf life by the fact that mustard has preservative properties.

I used to store this seasoning only in the refrigerator, but it turns out that it does not spoil even at room temperature (only if it does not exceed +20°C). It is advised to keep it in a tightly closed jar in a dark place. Under the influence of light, the essential vapors contained in mustard begin to gradually break down, and it loses its beneficial properties. For the same reason, always close the lid tightly after tasting hot seasoning, otherwise the essential vapors will evaporate. This will also worsen the taste of mustard.

I hope that my tips will help you choose the most delicious and aromatic mustard for yourself and your family! And you can say with confidence that this seasoning has added “spice” to your life!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

How to choose the right mustard so as not to make a mistake with the quality of the product? What do you need to know to buy a truly natural product? After all, buying a good seasoning is not easy. In this article we will share with you the secrets of choosing real mustard.

Mustard varieties

Mustard is divided into hot, medium hot and mild depending on its variety. Thus, mild mustard is made from white or yellow seeds, Sarepta mustard is made from brown seeds, which has an intense aroma, and spicy mustard is made from black seeds. Mustard made not from seeds, but from powder is hot.

World-famous varieties of mustard: Russian, Bavarian, yellow, Dijon, English, Don, fruit and honey. Russian mustard is made from grains. It turns out spicy and takes your breath away.

Bavarian mustard is prepared with the addition of coarsely ground grains. It turns out tender, aromatic and grainy. Bavarian mustard is traditionally dark in color due to the caramel that is created when the sugar dissolves during cooking.

Yellow mustard is more like a sauce than a condiment due to its mild, spicy flavor. Yellow mustard was invented in France back in 1904, but Americans began to actively use it for hot dogs and hamburgers. Now yellow mustard is rich in various kinds of chemical food additives.

Dijon mustard has become famous throughout the world due to its extraordinary taste. It was originally made from Sarepta mustard grown near Dijon. Now Dijon mustard is prepared from Canadian mustard with the addition of wine vinegar or sour juice of unripe grapes.

English mustard is prepared with the addition of apple cider vinegar or cider. Fruit mustard is made in France with the addition of fruit essences. Honey is added to honey mustard. And salted cucumber brine is added to Don mustard.

Types of mustard

There are 2 different types of mustard: grain and powder. Grain mustard is prepared from whole crushed grains, and powder mustard is made from mustard powder. Mustard powder is obtained not from crushed mustard seeds, as many people think, but from the cake that remains after the process of extracting oil from the grains.

Seed mustard contains mustard oil, which softens the harsh taste of the pungent components in the seeds. Water, vinegar, as well as soybean, rapeseed or sunflower oil are added to mustard powder. The composition of the seasoning indicated on its label will help you understand the type of mustard.

There is also another type of mustard - table mustard. Table mustard is a seasoning that is prepared from the seeds of a plant with the same name. In addition, water, vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added to it.


High-quality mustard must contain mustard grains or seeds, not mustard powder, as well as wine or spirit vinegar instead of acetic acid or table vinegar. The natural product does not contain vegetable oil, preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, sweeteners, stabilizers, flavors or fragrances.

Mustard seeds are rich in protein, fatty oils and high quality Omega 3 and 6 acids, B vitamins, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium and sodium. Mustard oil contains large amounts of vitamin A, E and D, as well as linolenic, oleic, linoleic and peanut acids.

Color, smell, consistency

Natural mustard should have a pleasant light yellow or yellow-brown color. The gray color of the condiment indicates that it is made from mustard powder rather than grains or seeds. The consistency of high-quality mustard should be uniform without lumps or separations. Mustard has a rich, slightly pungent odor.


Mustard seeds are divided into 3 types: white (or yellow), brown (Sarepta) and black. Moreover, the darker the grains, the more pungent the taste of the finished seasoning. However, manufacturers do not indicate what raw materials their product is made from. The package label usually indicates the degree of hotness of the mustard: hot, medium hot or mild.

Raw materials

Oil and table mustard are prepared from white mustard seeds. This mustard has a delicate, piquant taste, but is considered to be of lower quality. The brown seeds are used to make oil, and the remaining cake is used to produce Russian mustard and mustard plasters. Black seeds are used to prepare the best varieties of mustard.


It is advisable to buy mustard in a transparent glass jar, and not in a plastic one or in a tube. The consistency and color of the mustard is visible in a transparent glass jar. If the mustard is covered with a dark crust or bubbles and oil drops have formed on the surface, then the product is spoiled. Read the packaging and label carefully.

Read the product ingredients. Remember that mustard should not contain any additives or abbreviations with E. The only exception is for citric acid with the E330 index and curcumin with the E100 number, since they are harmless to humans. It is not recommended to buy mustard that contains starch, which is used for viscosity and weight gain.

Natural mustard should include allspice or bitter pepper, mustard powder, horseradish, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, garlic, salt and sugar. If the product contains essential mustard oil, it means that the manufacturer used low-quality raw materials.

When choosing mustard, pay attention to the country of origin, as the taste and spiciness of the seasoning depends on this. Thus, Russian and Polish seasonings are recognized as hot mustard. European and American mustards have a soft, delicate taste. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of mustard, which should not exceed 45 days. If the manufacturer indicated an expiration date of more than 45 days, it means that additional preservatives have been added to the mustard.

Useful tips

When choosing mustard, first of all, you should focus on the composition of the seasoning. High-quality mustard consists only of natural products. Also pay attention to the type of vinegar used to prepare the seasoning. Do not take mustard if it contains chemical additives.

When choosing mustard, you should give preference to the seasoning in a glass jar rather than in a tube. Although mustard in a tube is usually thicker, condiment in a transparent jar allows you to visually evaluate the product. Do not take mustard if its expiration date is coming to an end or has already expired, as there are no beneficial properties in such a product.

Eating mustard

Mustard goes well with meat and fish dishes, as well as some side dishes. Mustard is added when preparing hot dogs and sauces. Despite all the beneficial properties of mustard, it should be consumed in moderation and with plenty of food. Otherwise, it can cause heartburn and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Useful properties of mustard

Mustard is an antimicrobial, expectorant and antitussive agent. It also helps increase appetite and normalize digestion. Mustard seeds are used in medicine to activate the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for toothache, hypertension, vascular problems, liver and gallbladder diseases, digestive disorders, neuralgia and rheumatism.

Mustard is especially useful for pneumonia and bronchitis. Mustard powder has a warming effect and is used in the manufacture of mustard plasters. In medicine, mustard plasters are used as a warming and irritating agent, which promotes deepening of breathing and a rush of blood.

The action of mustard begins immediately in the mouth and continues along the gastrointestinal tract, having a beneficial effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrobial properties are best demonstrated by Russian mustard. It should be remembered that mustard can only be consumed by people who do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system.

Mustard should be eaten with plenty of food, as it promotes the secretion of gastric juice, and also breaks down fats and improves the absorption of protein foods. Black mustard seeds improve metabolism, relieve headaches and calm nerves.

For colds, mustard powder is poured into socks at night or warming foot baths with mustard are made. Mustard is used as a pain reliever. It is also used to treat polyarthritis, heart disease and osteochondrosis.


You should not use mustard if you have an individual intolerance, pneumonia, tuberculosis or kidney disease. Abuse of mustard leads to shortness of breath, bradycardia and even loss of consciousness. You should not eat mustard if you have high acidity of gastric juice, as well as stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It is also not recommended to use mustard internally in case of kidney disease, tuberculosis and pregnancy. Mustard should not be used externally for skin irritations and diseases. Mustard plasters should not be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions to avoid skin burns.

The effects of mustard on the body

The beneficial effects of mustard on the body were noticed by medieval scientists and doctors. Currently, mustard has found wide application in medicine and cooking. Mustard is useful for losing weight, and not only internally. Wraps and masks are made with mustard, as it is able to remove toxins and excess water, as well as break down fats.

It is known that there are up to 3 thousand beneficial microbes in our stomach and intestines. Mustard can kill harmful microbes, and therefore has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Mustard also has an antioxidant, laxative and enveloping effect on the human body.

Mustard is used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Mustard is also useful for disorders of the nervous system. The use of this seasoning stimulates cerebral circulation, increases the activity of brain cells, improves intelligence and memory.

How to store mustard

Mustard is stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 45 days at a temperature of 10 degrees. In winter, the shelf life of mustard increases to 3 months, and in summer, accordingly, it is reduced to 1.5 months. Mustard in glass jars should be stored away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its taste and smell.

It is better not to store dry mustard powder for a long time, as its aroma quickly dissipates. Mustard seeds are stored in fabric bags or under dark glass. To keep the mustard fresh longer, put a slice of lemon in the jar or dilute it with milk. If the mustard has dried out, then to restore its taste you need to add a little vegetable oil.

We wish you a good choice!

Mustard is considered the most popular seasoning in Russian cuisine. It not only enhances the taste of dishes, but also increases appetite, improves digestion, and also helps cure colds. However, people with ulcers should refrain from eating this burning product.

There are two types of mustard - grain and powder. The latter is considered the most common.

Studying the object

It would seem that mustard is mustard, and there is no difference. In fact, to choose a truly high-quality product, it is not enough to take the first jar you come across. First of all, you need to carefully study the composition.

Definitely in good mustard eat mustard seed or seeds, not mustard powder.

Manufacturers often use table vinegar or acetic acid instead of wine or spirit vinegar. It is better to leave such a product where it was.

Proper mustard should not contain vegetable oil, preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, sweeteners and other additives. E indices are allowed only for citric acid (E330) and curcumin (E100), but they do not pose any harm to health.

You should not take mustard with starch; it is often added to add viscosity and increase the mass of the product. For example, mustard presented in our assortment does not contain starch.

But ingredients such as allspice or hot pepper, horseradish, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, garlic, salt and sugar will only improve the taste of mustard. If the manufacturer used essential mustard oil, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

To identify a defective product, you can contact by expiration date. If it is 45 days, the product is natural; more, it means the manufacturer used preservatives. By the way, mustard itself is a preservative and does not need additional artificial additives.

Usually mustard store in a refrigerator. However, at room temperature (no more than +20 degrees) it also does not deteriorate. Just keep it in a dry and dark place.

It is worth paying attention to country of origin. Russian and Polish seasonings are spicy, but European and American mustard has a soft, delicate taste.

Benign mustard has a pleasant light yellow or yellow-brown color. If the mustard is too pale, most likely poor quality raw materials were used during production or technological errors were made.

By consistency good mustard is homogeneous, without lumps or grains.

Don't worry if mustard has pungent odor, this is normal for such a product.

If a dark crust is noticeable on the surface, bubbles appear or oily spots appear, it means the product is spoiled.

It is better to choose mustard in glass jar– you can see the color and consistency in it. In addition, glass retains the unsurpassed taste and aroma of this product for the longest time. You can often find mustard in a plastic tube or doypack in the store.

What is mustard made from?

The raw material for natural mustard is seeds. They can be white, brown and black. The darker the color of the seeds, the spicier the finished product will be. However, manufacturers usually do not consider it necessary to indicate the raw materials on the packaging; they only write the degree of spiciness:

  • Acute
  • Medium spicy
  • Mild

The best varieties of mustard are made from black seeds, brown ones are used for oil, and the cake from them is used to produce Russian mustard and mustard plasters. Oil and table mustard are made from white seeds; it has a piquant taste, but is of low quality.

Who can and who can't


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