How to grow bamboo at home: care, reproduction, and magical properties. Home Bamboo - a flower that lives according to someone else's legend Home decorative bamboo growing in water

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The houseplant bamboo is an evergreen, perennial, with a green, fleshy trunk, on which lance-shaped leaves are located on top. In nature, it can reach a height of up to several meters; at home, its height is usually limited, not allowing it to grow above 1 m - a plant that is too tall loses its decorative appeal, unless we are talking about some very elegant trunk shape.

In fact, the indoor plant, which we usually call “indoor bamboo,” only looks like real wild bamboo in appearance. But in fact it is called Dracaena sandera and is one of the types of shrubs dracaena. In cultivation it blooms extremely rarely, with small white flowers that have a sweetish aroma. Indoor bamboo is valued for its decorative appearance, attracting with its green foliage and the ability to form an unusually shaped trunk. And also, according to Feng Shui, it brings good luck and attracts money to the house.

Indoor bamboo: care and propagation

As a houseplant, bamboo is not very demanding; caring for it is relatively easy. It is very important for him to choose the right lighting - he loves bright, but diffused light, while his leaves do not tolerate direct rays of the sun - they turn yellow and can wither. The best place for it is east or southeast windows. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then one of the reasons may be excessive amounts of light; in this case, the plant can even be moved to partial shade


Despite its tropical origin, indoor bamboo does not tolerate too high temperatures; if it exceeds 35°C, it will die. The optimal temperature at which care will give the best results is within 22-24°C; in winter, the room temperature can drop to 14-16°C, but not lower than 12°C.


The plant is not demanding on humidity levels, but if the air is too dry, it is recommended to spray it. Once a month, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


To grow bamboo, you can use ready-made universal soil (or special for dracaenas), or prepare a soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, peat, sand, turf soil and leaves in equal parts. An important requirement is good drainage, so the pot should not only have a hole, but also additional drainage at the bottom made of expanded clay or pebbles. Despite the fact that bamboo loves moisture very much, its stagnation will lead to damage to the root system.

Indoor bamboo grown in water looks very decorative and impressive. To do this, select a beautiful transparent vase, pour beautiful pebbles inside and install a bamboo cutting. Water must be distilled, alternatively rain or melt water, at room temperature. The main care for such “planting” is to completely change the water every two weeks, and it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers used to feed dracaenas. Otherwise, due to lack of nutrients, the bamboo leaves turn yellow and may fall off.

If the water begins to smell unpleasant or loses its transparency or becomes cloudy, then it must be replaced without waiting for 2 weeks. Another sign that the water is not suitable and needs to be replaced is that the plant’s leaves begin to turn yellow. Bamboo grown in aquagel looks very expressive in the photo, while the rules of care remain the same as when grown in water.

Advice! It is necessary to maintain a low water level in the vase, otherwise small but very unattractive roots will begin to appear along the entire length of the trunk located in the water.


In summer, bamboo needs frequent and abundant watering, as soon as the soil in the pot has dried out. In the off-season and winter, water the plant moderately, keeping the soil slightly moist.


Up to three years, the young plant is replanted annually, choosing a larger pot, because bamboo grows quite quickly. An adult bamboo needs to be replanted every 3 years.

Top dressing

In summer, the flower is fertilized with mineral fertilizers for dracaenas once every 3 weeks, in winter - once every 2 months. It is permissible to apply liquid organic fertilizers based on peat.


Strongly grown bamboo does not look very attractive, so it is advisable to prune it annually.

Advice! To make the cut look beautiful, it is carried out with special scissors immediately above the knot.

When pruning, long shoots are trimmed on all sides, and if necessary, external reeds are removed at ground level. By removing side shoots from the desired sides, you can simulate the appearance and shape of bamboo, giving it the shape of your own desire. The cuttings obtained during pruning can later be used for propagation. If after pruning a new shoot does not sprout, then the top is cut - after this a new shoot should break through.

Advice! Be sure to trim off yellowed stems and leaves. After allowing the cut area to dry a little, it must be sprinkled with charcoal powder or lubricated with soft wax.


The optimal way to propagate indoor bamboo is vegetatively; for this, cuttings remaining after pruning are used, discarding the yellowed areas of the trunk. Propagation by cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. And although you can sometimes find seeds of homemade bamboo in flower shops, its propagation in this way at home is almost impossible.

The cutting must be placed in water until roots appear. After this, it is rooted by choosing a spacious pot and filling it with ready-made soil mixture for dracaenas. The main requirements for propagation to go well and for the young plant to take root well and begin to grow are sufficient watering, plenty of light and fertilization once every 2 weeks.

How to twist a bamboo trunk

Many buyers of indoor bamboo are attracted by the opportunity to get a trunk of an unusual shape, the most common type is twisted (spiral). This will require special care, this process is not quick, so patience will be required:

  • when planting a young cutting, it is placed vertically, but for the time when the buds are forming, it must be completely covered with something, leaving only a small hole (window) through which light will penetrate. The sprouts will tend towards it, and in order to “curl” them, it will be necessary to periodically rotate either the flower, changing its position towards the window, or the opaque structure itself. A variant of this design is a cardboard box that completely hides the bamboo. One side is cut out of it, and as the stem grows, the box is gradually turned. You can get only one spiral using this method in a year.
  • Place the cutting horizontally in the water to rise above the water, the plant will tend to grow upward. When the direction of the trunk changes slightly, the plant is turned again. The disadvantage of this method is that the bamboo may grow roots while in water.

Interesting shapes, easy care and the ability to create a variety of unique compositions are the main motives for growing flowers. Planting bamboo at home can be done in different ways, each of which is attractive in its own way.

The basis of care is maintaining optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants, which include high environmental humidity, optimal temperatures and a sufficient level of light. To ensure normal conditions before growing bamboo, it is important to decide on the placement of the flower.

Optimal conditions

Before planting a plant, you must first find a place where the flower will grow and develop better. Here it is important to take into account the level of illumination: since burns may appear on bamboo leaves due to exposure to direct sunlight, it is better to choose a slightly shaded place for it. The eastern part of the house is best suited for a container with a flower. If it is not possible to arrange the flower in this way, then it is advisable to use translucent curtains for shading. Growing the plant away from sunlight contributes to the loss of lower foliage, so do not deprive the flower of light.

It is also important at this stage to provide the plant with optimal temperature conditions. The culture is thermophilic and does not tolerate cold. Therefore, ventilation of the room must be done with extreme care to prevent the stem from freezing. Optimal temperature for a flower: 18 – 26 degrees. The plant stops growing at temperatures below 14 or above 35 degrees.

Feng Shui also recommends eastern window sills for plants, where they can express themselves fully, filling the owners of the apartment with vital energy and fortitude. Also, the arrangement of flowers on south-eastern window sills attracts good luck and happiness to the inhabitants.

Planting and care

The culture is propagated at home in three ways:

  • dividing the root part: each separated root should have a pair of shoots, as well as developing small roots for faster and easier rooting;
  • sowing seeds: the most difficult method, almost impossible due to the very difficult care of seedlings;
  • by cuttings: the cut stem is placed in water until roots form, and then planted in a permanent place.

Tip: You can root the cuttings in the ground, but then you will need to control the constant moisture of the soil, watering it as needed.

At home, growing this interesting flower can be done in three different ways: in water, soil or hydrogel.


Planting bamboo shoots in this way involves the following steps:

  • Preparing the plant: before planting, the roots are washed and various damages are identified, which are immediately cut out; overgrown roots are also removed.

Advice: You should not remove more than a third of the root part, as this may increase the time the plant adapts to new conditions.

  • Installing the stems in a container - in this case, it is advisable to fix the roots with decorative stones, which should be boiled beforehand.

Tip: It is not necessary to use stones - you can simply place the stems and fill them with water.

  • Filling with liquid - bamboo will grow better if you use settled or distilled water.
  • Caring for the plant - it usually involves timely changing the water about once a week.

Important: The appearance of an unpleasant odor or sediment at the bottom indicates that the water needs to be changed more often. Yellowing of the foliage also indicates the need to change the water.

  • Feeding is done with liquid mineral fertilizers, which dissolve directly in water. It is advisable to fertilize at least once a month.

The plant likes soft, settled water. The best option would be melted milk, which you can make yourself at home. To do this, fill the container with water, keep it in the freezer for a day or on the balcony in winter, and then defrost it.

Soil substrate

There is another way to plant bamboo at home - for this you will need a pot that is filled with soil mixture. As a soil substrate, you can combine clay soil, rotted manure and peat, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively. Fill the pot with the prepared soil, make a depression, and then plant a bamboo stem and sprinkle it with soil.

Growing plants in this way involves following the following rules that will normalize its development:

  • The soil must be well drained to prevent stagnation of moisture and the appearance of rot on the roots of the plant;
  • The plant needs to be watered regularly, but moderately, since the plant does not like either drought or waterlogging;
  • Fertilizing is done regularly every couple of weeks with special fertilizers for flowers;
  • Young shoots are transplanted into a larger container after a year, and adults - after 3 years.

Important: It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the flower pot is constantly moist so as not to disturb the water balance of the plant.


A more modern method is to use hydrogel instead of soil. First, a bamboo stalk is placed in the pot, then the hydrogel is poured in and water is poured in. Caring for the plant consists of performing the following actions:

  • periodic infusion of clean water;
  • feeding every 6 months;
  • When using large granules, you need to monitor so that the bamboo roots do not dry out.

Growing a flower at home in this way helps not only to solve the issue of planting it, but also to perform a decorative function: colored granules filling a glass container will look beautiful and original.

Plant care

Under any growing conditions, it is important to provide conditions for the plant that are as close to natural as possible. Optimal temperature conditions, high humidity and sufficient levels of light contribute to the rapid growth and development of the plant. Improper care can provoke various developmental pathologies:

  • small dark spots on the foliage are a fungal infection that can be eliminated with the help of fungicidal agents;
  • growth cessation – lack of mineral elements, it is necessary to urgently feed the plant;
  • dark and soft leaves that curl and fall off - low temperatures, which are increased by installing heating devices;
  • brown spots on the foliage - insufficient watering.

Having identified a developmental disorder, it is necessary to immediately take the necessary measures to save the plant from death.

Planting bamboo at home and the right approach to its cultivation will allow you to admire the evergreen plant for a long time. A grateful flower will grow quickly in response to proper care, turning the room into a small tropical corner.

"Lucky bamboo" or "lucky bamboo" is an easy to care for houseplant. It grows well in low, indirect light and is a miniature alternative to the huge evergreen grass native to subtropical regions of Asia. This flower is not actually bamboo at all, but a species of tropical water lily called Dracaena Sandera, native to Africa. The plant is said to bring good luck to the inhabitants of any place where it is grown.

If you dream of a real giant, you can try buying bamboo seeds. They can be germinated, but at home it will be difficult to maintain the temperature and humidity necessary for this subtropical plant. Young shoots can quickly die. But bamboo seeds are still available for sale. Therefore, for those who are thirsty for experiments, nothing prevents them from trying to sow them. For other indoor plant lovers, growing indoor bamboo is a good option.

Features of the formation of the stem of Dracaena Sander

People interested in Eastern culture and familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui sometimes combine this hobby with floriculture. They are constantly in search of suitable plants that can bring well-being, harmony and comfort to their home. According to popular belief, “lucky bamboo” is one of these living magnets for good luck and success, which is why it is so popular among followers of Feng Shui.

On sale you can often see plants with stems twisted in a spiral, but this is not the natural state of Dracaena Sander. The shoots are bent artificially, forcing them to reach towards the light source and periodically turn in the opposite direction. The lower leaves are removed to increase the resemblance to the larger teska. This creates a beautiful, even spiral from the trunk. But in the process of growing bamboo at home in the ground, it begins to grow upward as usual. Many are disappointed by this behavior of the flower, but twisting it again is not so easy. Although some gardeners still try to form a dracaena by tying several stems in braids or directing them in different directions using special brackets. To do this or let the flower grow naturally - everyone decides for himself.

Using Dracaena Sander in the interior

Another thing is professional florists. They often use multiple bamboo stems to create intricate designs, weaving and twisting them in different directions. Such work is facilitated by the fact that the plant is able to grow without soil and remain viable for a long time, remaining in a small amount of nutrient solution. Therefore, it is a real find for designers who decorate the interior in an ethnic style. The flower looks attractive and does not require special attention.

Dracaena Sandera in Feng Shui practice

This type of indoor bamboo can look very exotic, which is why it fits well into oriental interiors and it is not surprising that magical properties are attributed to it. It is believed that a red or yellow ribbon helps turn a plant into a talisman. Figurines of various animals, such as elephants and dogs, enhance the effect. In the practice of Feng Shui, special attention is paid to the number of stems of Dracaena Sander. Therefore, before growing bamboo as a talisman, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the symbolism. It is believed that the number of plants must be odd. For example, three stems in one pot or vase mean attracting good luck, seven - a wish for health, and five - wealth.

How to care for indoor bamboo in water

Dracaena sandera is usually sold as a single stem, the lower part of which is placed in a flask of liquid. This plant is considered a one-day plant, so most often it is simply placed in a vase with water and forgotten. There the flower builds up its root mass and it seems that it doesn’t need more. But gardeners who purchase a plant as a houseplant are often concerned about the question of how to grow bamboo further so that it actively develops and branches.

There are two answers to this question. First: leave it in water or hydrogel for a while and start feeding it with liquid fertilizers. The dose should be small, otherwise there is a high risk of burning the roots of the plant. It is advisable to add activated carbon to the water and make sure that dying leaves do not get into the liquid, otherwise the flower may rot. If you do not feed bamboo, it will not develop, will begin to turn yellow and may die, since there will not be enough minerals in the liquid for its growth. A flower can remain in such an environment for about two years.

Growing in hydrogel

Hydrogel or aquasoil is a special substance that can hold water and gradually release it to the plant. Its difference is in the attractive appearance of the granules. They can be of different colors and look beautiful in a vase of flowers. But there are no special differences between using hydrogel and growing dracaena in water. The granules can be sold ready-made - then you need to add water and fertilizer to them, and dry ones just need to be soaked in a solution. Caring for the plant is simple: periodically add water, sometimes feed it and replace the top layer of hydrogel when it dries.

Growing dracaena in a pot

The second option on how to grow bamboo is to transplant it into the ground. The plant grows well in the ground and quickly grows new leaves. In order to increase the number of branches, small cuts are made on the trunk next to the dormant buds. Two years after growing in water, the flower will still have to be replanted, as it will begin to fade. A pot for bamboo is selected in advance, focusing on the size of the root system. A container that is too large increases the chance of flooding the plant. Before planting bamboo in a pot, place a thick layer of expanded clay or other drainage material, such as pieces of polystyrene foam, on the bottom.

“Lucky bamboo” does not like direct sunlight, so choose a shaded place for it, away from drafts. In bright light, burns may appear on the leaves or they may begin to turn pale and fall off. The flower can grow without a source of daylight, in a room without windows, so it is well suited for landscaping office premises. Water the plant when the top layer of soil dries out by about 2 cm. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely - then the dracaena may die. Humidity is not particularly important, but the air temperature should not fall below +17 degrees. It is advisable to wipe dracaena leaves regularly to remove dust.

How to properly replant home bamboo

The soil is selected in advance. The best option would be a special substrate for palms and dracaenas. Another option: mix one part of turf soil with two parts of sand and peat. It is advisable to add a loosening agent such as perlite or vermiculite to the soil. Every year the plant is transplanted into a larger pot. The earthen ball should not be disturbed in this case, since the roots of dracaenas are easily damaged and the flower may become sick.

Propagation of "lucky bamboo"

The flower propagates easily. It is enough to cut a stalk about 10 cm long from it, sprinkle the sections with activated carbon or cinnamon and place them in a glass of clean water. Roots will soon emerge from the dormant buds. To speed up the process, the lower part of the cutting can be dusted with root or the shoot can be kept in a solution with a growth stimulator for several hours. The optimal temperature for cuttings of Dracaena Sander is +25-27 degrees. The plant can also be propagated by seeds, sowing them in a mixture of sand and peat. They can germinate up to six months.

Diseases and pests of home bamboo

The flower is quite resistant to pests and rarely gets sick. Most often it is damaged by spider mites or mealybugs. Disease prevention is quite simple. Before growing store-bought bamboo, you need to inspect it for pests and then bathe it in a warm shower. The new flower should be quarantined away from other houseplants for two weeks. If everything is in order and no larvae or suspicious spots have appeared on it, the flower is moved to a permanent place. With proper care, the plant develops a strong immune system and is able to fight pests. If infection does occur, bamboo should be treated with special preparations and isolated from other flowers.

Among the diseases, the most common problem is trunk rot and yellowing of leaves. These problems are related and may appear due to excessive waterlogging of the soil or high air humidity. You can save a rotten flower only by cuttings. In this case, the entire damaged part is cut off to healthy tissue, treated with an antifungal drug and sprinkled with activated carbon. Another common problem is yellowing of the leaf tips. This happens due to too dry air in the room. In such a case, daily spraying of the flower or a tray of wet pebbles helps. If the leaves become too pale, it may be because the light is too bright. The flower is quite patient with the lack of light. In the cold, bamboo leaves can wither and curl, so it is better to observe the recommended maintenance temperature - not lower than +17 degrees.

Nowadays, no one can be surprised by unusual plants. Many people try to decorate their home with exotic compositions, of which bamboo is often an integral part. Vases with it look elegant and original. This article provides information on how to propagate bamboo and how to care for it.

Indoor bamboo

The houseplant bamboo has nothing to do with the plant that grows in the wild. If you look closely, this is clearly visible even in the photo. True bamboo is considered a grass and grows up to forty meters in height. But at home it is nothing more than Dracaena Sandera. It looks very unusual and adds style to any room.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the plant is called the flower of happiness or Lucky bamboo. How to propagate bamboo and further care for it so that it delights with its beauty for a long time?

It is worth noting that Dracaena Sandera is an unpretentious plant. Compositions of her decorative plexuses will decorate any home or office. In indoor conditions, bamboo can grow for a very long time, the main thing is to provide it with proper care. The plant can be grown not only in soil, but also in water.

Appearance of the plant

The plant looks very similar to bamboo. It consists of a bare stem, on top of which there are several shoots and leaves. The stems can grow straight or initially bend in the form of a spiral. Typically, indoor bamboo is painted bright green. However, you can also find straw-golden varieties. If bamboo is exposed to bright sun during daylight hours, it takes on a dark green hue. Decorativeness and unpretentiousness have made the plant very popular.

Bamboo is an indoor plant, caring for which will not cause much trouble. The only drawback is the lack of flowering. The plant can bloom at the age of forty years, and after this it often dies. However, this does not prevent you from forming interesting compositions from bamboo that look impressive.

Growing options

Before we talk about how to propagate bamboo at home, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it can be grown both in water and in soil. Both methods are good for home use.

Many housewives prefer growing in water. This method is very convenient and does not cause any trouble. The water in a vase or other container can be changed only once a week - this is quite enough to create the necessary conditions for an unpretentious plant.

The water base allows the plant to fully develop. Bamboo even in indoor conditions grows up to 1-2 meters. By growing several plants, you can very quickly increase their number, creating an entire tropical garden. How to propagate bamboo at home?

When growing plants in water, it is very important to use fertilizers. Otherwise, the bamboo will acquire a light shade and lose its foliage. Fertilizers are added directly to the water at the moment when it is changed to fresh. As a rule, one feeding is enough for two to three months. It is better to use mineral fertilizers intended for this species.

You can grow several stems in one container. For decoration, the plants are tied together using braid. You can use containers of different shapes for growing. These can be not only pots and containers, but also glasses, glass vases, and jugs. After the bamboo reaches a height of 50-80 centimeters, the growing containers are placed on the floor near the light source. To fill the vase, you need to use soft water, standing for several days. Filtered and chlorinated water cannot be used.

Growing in soil

If you are thinking about how to propagate bamboo at home, pay attention to the fact that the plant develops much better in soil. The constant presence of roots in water is not to the culture's liking. Water does not stay in the soil for long.

Any soil is suitable for bamboo. You can even purchase a universal substrate. Caring for a plant in soil is much easier than in water, since it does not even require changing the liquid.

Reproduction methods

Inexperienced flower growers probably do not know how to propagate Lucky bamboo. You can get new plants in several ways: cuttings, seeds (very rarely), apical shoots and suckers. It is worth noting that propagation by tips and offspring takes a lot of time and effort. These methods are considered quite complex. Propagating bamboo at home using seeds is generally an unrealistic task. Sowing seeds, the further appearance of seedlings and caring for them is a long and labor-intensive process. Therefore, propagating bamboo by cuttings is the best option. Flower growers believe that this method is the most optimal for exotic plants.

Propagation by cuttings

It is better to propagate bamboo by cuttings in the spring. Young shoots that appear on the stem of an adult plant during this period are used as planting material. They are carefully cut off from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

For rooting, you can use the same soil as for planting an adult plant. Bamboo grows very quickly, and this applies not only to the stems, but also to the roots, so the pot for the cutting must be spacious and tall. Even the smallest cuttings will quickly grow and fill the container with roots.


Bamboo is an indoor plant, caring for which will not cause much trouble. Experienced gardeners recommend combining it with annual replanting to simplify the propagation process. The optimal time for transplantation is spring. At the same time, propagation by cuttings occurs. Young shoots after planting require certain care, which consists of loosening the soil and regular watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil daily. To do this, use settled water, the temperature of which is at least 22-25 degrees. As a mandatory care procedure, there should be a wet wipe of dust from the foliage.

An equally important point is loosening the soil. Young plants need fresh air, which penetrates them through the soil. Loosening optimizes the process and helps the cuttings take root.

Bamboo thrives in different conditions. The unpretentious plant grows quickly and in a short period of time can decorate the house with tropical compositions.


Caring for bamboo is quite simple. Regular watering and fertilizing will make the plant beautiful and green. If the foliage and stems have lightened, it means it’s time to apply fertilizer.

Bamboo is very sensitive to light; it must be grown in the sunny side, but bright rays can harm the crop. It is better to provide the plant with diffused light.

Use in landscape design

Bamboo compositions are actively used not only for decorating home interiors, but also for landscaping balconies and greenhouses. No less actively used by landscape designers for landscaping areas is the so-called decorative bamboo. Reproduction of such a plant in a country house or garden will give you a small piece of the tropics.

Designers use different types of plants to create compositions, decorative hedges and other structures.

To plant bamboo in the country, it is preferable to choose a place in partial shade. He loves daily watering. Otherwise the culture is unpretentious.

Instead of an afterword

Dracaena Sandera is a beautiful and unusual plant that has long taken root in many apartments. The ease of propagation and care will allow you to get new plants from the purchased cuttings in a couple of years, from which you can independently build any composition that will decorate the house and add exoticism to the interior.

If you have long dreamed of such a plant, but did not dare to purchase it, feel free to go to the store, since even a novice gardener can cope with its maintenance.

Many gardeners dream of growing decorative bamboo at home with straight or intricately curved stems and bright green leaves. It is believed that this plant brings happiness to the home, symbolizes well-being and success, and attracts positive energy. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties - caring for bamboo at home does not cause problems even for beginners. An unpretentious indoor flower will feel great both in a vase with water and in a pot with nutritious soil.

Indoor decorative bamboo (or Dracaena Sander) is a perennial plant with long narrow leaves of a rich green color and a knotty fleshy trunk that can twist in a spiral. At home it grows up to 1 m, but does not bloom. In a healthy specimen, the foliage does not fall off or turn yellow.

Florists and interior decorators appreciate the hollow stems with shoots, creating whimsical compositions from plants. The trunks are often left straight, sometimes bent in the desired direction. Many intertwine or bind 7 copies in one vessel, as required by Feng Shui philosophy. Rarely, but there are varieties on sale not with green, but with straw-golden leaves.

There are three ways to grow bamboo at home:

  • in water;
  • in hydrogel;
  • in the ground.

Types, varieties

Indoor bamboos are divided into two types:

  1. Large straight-trunked. They have a hard stem.
  2. Herbaceous. They are short in stature.

4 varieties are considered the most popular among flower growers:

  • Saza. It grows up to 2 m, forming a lot of curling greenery at the top. The leaves turn bright green in summer and fade in autumn and winter. The stem is 6-9 mm thick, the leaves are narrow, with pointed ends.
  • Fargesia. A dwarf variety up to 50 cm high. As the bushes grow, numerous shoots with bright green glossy leaves are formed. The plant is considered frost-resistant.
  • Phyllostachys. The stems are cylindrical, slightly flattened, and can have a gray, green, blue-yellow color. Plant height is from 3 to 3.5 m.
  • Playblastus. A shade-loving plant, characterized by high frost resistance, can grow well even in a shaded corner of the room. It has convex green leaves up to 30 cm long.

Selection of location and conditions of detention

When planning to have a “flower of happiness” at home, you must first learn how to care for bamboo and learn about its preferences. An important condition is the selection of a suitable location, nutrient medium, and creation of conditions for growing.

  • Lighting and location. Decorative bamboo requires good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is recommended to set aside a place for the flower on the south, south-east or south-west window sill, placing the pot in the south-east part of the room. If there is a lack of light, the leaves will lose their decorative effect, this should be remembered.
  • Temperature. The best option is to grow at 18-24 °C. The plant also tolerates temperature rises up to +30°C in hot weather.
  • Air and humidity. Bamboo is undemanding when it comes to air humidity levels, but it loves to have its leaves wiped clean of dust. Spraying the stem with a spray bottle is prohibited due to the risk of rotting. You should not take the pot out onto the balcony in winter or create a draft in the room - this can lead to the death of the plant.
  • Soil and pot. Soil for bamboo is prepared from 1 part humus, 1 part peat and 2 parts turf. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for dracaenas in the store, mixing it at home with a small amount of sand. The plant requires good drainage. The pot must be spacious and stable, as the flower grows quickly.

It is important to know. In winter, bamboo does not hibernate, but due to lack of light, it often sheds its leaves. From November to April it is advisable to illuminate it with special lamps.

Planting bamboo in the ground

You can grow a beautiful plant not only in a container with water, but also in loose soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well. Depending on the size of the pot, you can adjust the height of the stem by cutting or twisting it. To slow down growth, it is enough to replant every three years, completely changing the soil.

The landing procedure takes place in several stages.

  1. Buy a special soil mixture or mix sand with soil or turf.
  2. The soil brought from the ridges is calcined and a little humus is added.
  3. The pot is filled a quarter full with drainage material - expanded clay, pebbles.
  4. Install the petiole with roots, sprinkle with soil, gently compacting it with your fingers.
  5. Water and place in a shaded place for a week.

Home care

Proper care of bamboo at home includes regular watering, fertilizing, pruning, and replanting when grown in the ground.

  • Watering. It is important to ensure that the moisture in the soil does not stagnate, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. Watering should not be too abundant; the main thing is to prevent the substrate from drying out. In winter, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 1-2 weeks, in summer - as the top layer of soil dries out (once every 5-6 days). Hard water cannot be taken; it must be settled.
  • Feeding. It is better to fertilize bamboo with mineral compounds containing phosphorus and nitrogen. You can use ready-made commercial fertilizers for dracaenas. During active growth, solutions are added once every 3 weeks, in winter - once every 2 months. A sign that the plant needs feeding is yellowing of the leaves.
  • Trimming. To prevent the plant from acquiring a neglected appearance, the leaves must be trimmed. The old ones are completely removed, and the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. Pruning is also done to form, rest or rejuvenate the bush.
  • Transfer. Required annually, as the root system grows quickly. Each time you need to take a larger pot so that the distance from its edges to the stems is at least 5 cm. When replanting, the plant is carefully removed from the container, placed in a new one and covered with earth.

It is important to know. In summer, you should place a dish filled with cold water or ice next to the pot. Evaporation will increase the humidity in the room. The leaves should be wiped 2-3 times a week with a wet sponge or cotton pad.

Features of growing bamboo in water and hydrogel

Growing bamboo in water is not difficult if you follow all the care rules. The vase or flask should not be very deep, but wide enough. A quarter of it should be filled with clean pebbles or glass balls. Here are some more rules for keeping stems in water.

  • Bamboo in a vase or square glass container will grow actively if mineral fertilizers are added to the water.
  • To eliminate the smell of stagnant water, throw 3-4 tablets of activated carbon into the container.
  • The water is changed about once a week, pouring melt, rain or settled water at room temperature.

You can also use a special hydrogel for growing. Its thick base will retain moisture and protect stems and roots from fungal diseases. In addition, the gel looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. However, without fertilizing, bamboo in hydrogel will not grow well; you will have to apply fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo is rarely affected by pests and diseases, but sometimes it becomes infected with fungus, spider mites or thrips. The main signs of diseases or the appearance of insects should be considered:

  • yellowing and curling of leaves;
  • the appearance of brown spots on an indoor flower;
  • web formation.

If damaged by mites or thrips, the plant is washed under the tap, all leaves are treated with a soap solution before washing. The soil in the pot is sprinkled with wood ash. Damaged stems and yellowed leaves are removed with a knife. The sections are treated with activated carbon.

When stains from the fungus appear, bamboo cuttings are transplanted into clean water or a container with calcined soil, then treated with fungicides according to the instructions. The room is regularly ventilated, protecting the plant from strong drafts and low temperatures.

It is important to know. If the rules of cultivation and care are not followed, the leaves and trunks may turn yellow. Such consequences are caused by watering with hard or chlorinated water, lack of nutrients in the absence of fertilizing, and lack of drainage in the pot.

Those who have decided to purchase bamboo cuttings for growing in water or soil for the first time will benefit from simple advice from experienced gardeners.

  • The plant should be watered with melt, rain or filtered water, since tap water contains chlorine and various impurities that slow down photosynthesis. From heavy metals, the leaves become deformed and become pale.
  • In winter, you can stop watering the pot altogether by transplanting the cuttings into containers with water. This way the plant itself will control the required volume of liquid.
  • If mold, gray or white plaque appears on the surface of the soil, the soil is completely changed, having first washed the roots.
  • You can feed the plant not only with granules or purchased solutions, but also with wood ash, chicken droppings, and manure.


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