How to grow big trees for your home. How to grow big trees for your home Trees don't grow in Minecraft

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Good evening, editor Sailor is with you as usual. Today I will tell you how to grow arbus in minecraft.

Farming in Minecraft

Since you can grow plants in Minecraft, we can grow a watermelon. First you need to prepare a place for the beds. Make a bucket and fill it with water. We dig three blocks in a row and fill this place with water. Next, we take a hoe, which is crafted from two sticks and two boards (Materials can be different. Stone, iron, gold, diamonds). You need to work around this workpiece with water with a hoe. The result is beds. This is where we need to plant the watermelon seed.

Unlike wheat, watermelon takes a long time to grow. To speed up this process, you can use fertilizer. Bone meal helps you grow any plant in seconds. After killing the skeleton, we select the bones. We throw them into the workbench and take away the bone meal. Now we simply approach the sprout, hover the mouse cursor over it and click on the right mouse button.

Many people make huge farms. The watermelons there, after they ripen, immediately end up in your chests. This is all difficult to implement, so such maps can be downloaded on the Internet.

If I have not answered your questions, then I advise you to go to the forum and read other articles. The editor of the PlayNTrade portal - matros - was with you. See you again and enjoy the game.

Wood is one of the most important construction resources in Minecraft. Although it is very easy to get it, large-scale construction projects cannot do without large reserves or your own farms. And on public servers you can generally appear on the terrain without any resources. in Minecraft on your own? The answer to this question will be given below.

What do you need?

Before you grow a tree in Minecraft, you will need its seedlings. There is a 5% chance you can get them from collecting leaves in the treetops. So you can't do without wild plants at least in small quantities. When playing on your own server, it’s easier to switch to creative mode than to once again fray your nerves looking for vegetation in the tundra.

If you want to build a tree "farm", then you may also need torches and some boards. But first things first.


How to grow a tree in Minecraft? The easiest way to establish wood production is to build a farm. To do this, you will need several sprouts of a certain breed. Oak is ideal. It produces a lot of wood, has a tall crown, and sometimes the crown produces apples.

To create a farm, mark out an area of ​​9 by 9 cells. Plant a seedling in each corner. Also do this in the central cells. In total you will get 9 seedlings. Just by waiting for a while, you will be able to chop wood.

In some cases, at a height of 10 blocks, you can build a ceiling from any solid materials. The tree trunk will then be only 7 units tall and can be completely cut down while standing directly on the ground. However, remember that the ceiling will provide shade, and the plant needs a lot of light to grow.

Another way to grow multiple trees for easy harvesting is to use torches. It is known that loose and grassy blocks burn when falling onto a torch. This way you can place several torches in your plot to burn the growing branches. On the one hand, this will facilitate the collection of wood from trunks, on the other hand, it will reduce the number of sprouts extracted from tree crowns. Also, this method will require a little more space for growing, since the torches will be perceived as an object that interferes with growth, and they must be placed at a distance of at least 2 cells from the trunk.


What else do you need to know? Some types of wood can grow into giant trees of unfathomable height, giving you a virtually inexhaustible source of materials. How to grow a big tree in Minecraft?

  • To do this, you need to plant 4 sprouts side by side, without separating them with earth or buildings.
  • Provide enough space above the plant.
  • Leave at least 3 free blocks on the side of the trunk.
  • Use sprouts from one plant - spruce or tropical tree.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dark oak. This tree itself grows to enormous size, but also requires 4 seedlings to plant, as is the case with the giants.


The last thing you need to know is how to quickly grow a tree in Minecraft. Accelerating growth is one of the most significant processes. In general, the player has two options.

  1. Wait. Just go to bed and time will automatically rewind. Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for public servers, since all online players must go to bed.
  2. Use bone meal (from 2 to 10 pieces) on the sprout, which can be made from skeleton bones.

This way, you won't need to build entire farms to produce trees. You will get everything you need when cutting down right on the spot and at night when hunting. The only problem may be the extraction of ashes. Although skeletons are fairly common monsters, their ranged attacks cause a lot of problems. To counter them, use a shield. In close combat, rebound arrows can also wound your opponent.

In Minecraft there is a large number of types of food that can be found in finished form, cook it, and most importantly, grow it. Anyone can try themselves as a farmer because growing food is the most efficient, optimal and reliable way to secure food supplies. Of course, this does not mean that you have to pass by apples or any other edible objects, but you will always know that you have enough food at home. However, what is the best thing to grow? Minecraft has different kinds seeds from which they are obtained excellent harvests, but the basis of all farming is wheat. It is better to start your farming activity with it, especially if you later want to switch to livestock farming, you will need a lot of wheat to feed the animals. So, it's time to find out how to plant wheat in Minecraft.

Search for seeds

Naturally, no one will provide you with ready-made seeds, so you will have to look for them yourself. This is not the most difficult task, so you can cope with it quite quickly. The main thing is to know where exactly to look. You will not need a permanent location of wheat seeds, since you will be able to get them from your harvest, so this stage in the whole question of how to plant wheat in Minecraft takes relatively little time. You just need to walk through grassy meadows and look in the grass for seeds that will be visible even to the naked eye. It is better to collect as many of them as possible, because the more seeds, the richer the harvest. Once you have enough seeds, you can move on to next stage. How to plant wheat in Minecraft without tools? This is absolutely impossible, so you need to start crafting.

Required Tools

Of course, there is a high probability that by the time you decide to grow wheat, you will already have everything necessary tools. Therefore, it’s worth first of all identifying what is needed to solve the question of how to plant wheat in Minecraft. So, you will need a shovel, hoe and bucket. If we talk about resources, then in total you will need only four sticks and six metal ingots to craft all three items. If you already have them, then you have nothing to worry about - you can immediately proceed to preparation fertile soil. It's time to answer main question a novice farmer in the game "Minecraft": "How to plant wheat seeds?"

Soil preparation and planting

The first thing you need to do is find a pretty large plot flat land. It needs to be ten or fifteen blocks long, and wide - depending on how large you plan the field. To learn how to grow wheat in Minecraft, you will need to first plant it, so use a shovel to dig out a strip 10-15 blocks long, and then fill it with water from a bucket. The irrigation system is ready, now it's time to use a hoe to cultivate the ground around your moat with water. This is what yours will ultimately look like in the Minecraft game. You need to throw the wheat seeds directly into the cultivated land - that's all that is required of you.


Some time after sowing, the wheat will begin to grow and then finally ripen. Then you will need to harvest the crops in order to be able to use the results of your labor. From one block of wheat you get two types of resources at once. First of all, it is the wheat itself, which can be given to animals or turned into bread in the oven. But besides this, you also get new seeds that can be immediately sown in your field. Each wheat block provides you with one to two units of wheat and one to three units of seeds, which is very beneficial since you will be able to constantly expand your field if you so choose.

Important features of growing wheat

This is only basic knowledge, which may not be enough to grow a full-fledged wheat crop. For example, you may encounter the following problem: you plant wheat seeds in the ground, come in the morning, and they are again lying on the ground. The problem here is that wheat requires light to grow, and at night there is no light, so the seeds stop growing. This problem can be solved very simply - you just need to install a certain number of torches throughout the field so that all the blocks are illuminated, and then the wheat will ripen quietly. There is also the problem that the seedlings are very easily destroyed. Try to walk through a plowed field a couple of times, and you will notice that it has turned into ordinary soil. And if you do not walk around your field, then other animals and mobs may well do this. So a mandatory attribute of a wheat field is strong fence around the entire perimeter. Well, a little tip that will allow you to grow wheat instantly - you can fertilize the planted seeds with bone meal obtained from the bones of skeletons - and the wheat will ripen at the same moment.

Without wood, you won't be able to make tools and weapons, which means you won't be able to get anything or defend yourself from hostile mobs. Trees are generated in random places on the map, when you cut down a tree, leaves fall out, which, in turn, sometimes drop out seedlings and apples. By planting a seedling in the ground, after a while you will get a new tree. For example, by cutting down 10 trees completely (along with leaves), you will get a much larger number of seedlings; by planting them, you will get new trees; if you cut them down again, the number of seedlings will become even greater, so you can get a huge forest.

Tree ID

Boards – 5
Tree - 17
Dark wood - 17:1
Birch — 17:2

How to cut down a tree in Minecraft?

If you have an ax, then take it; if you don’t have an ax, then you can chop down a tree even with your bare hands, but it will take much more time. Come close to the tree and hold down the left mouse button on the part of the tree that needs to be cut down; after a few hits, the block of wood will be cut down. You can collect foliage only with scissors; to use the leaves as decoration, you need to place a block of wood under them.

How to grow a tree in Minecraft?

After the leaves of a tree fall out, seedlings sometimes fall out. Select a seedling and right-click to plant it in the ground, after a while the tree will grow. The growth time of the tree is chosen randomly. A tree will grow if there is light and sufficient space nearby, if you sprinkle a seedling with bone meal, it will germinate instantly, provided there is light and free space, with the same conditions you can grow trees indoors and in hell. The height of the tree is from 5 to 16 blocks. " A big tree", which is also called a "mutant tree", can be obtained by planting trees on trees, to do this, place a block of earth on the top of the tree and plant a seedling in it, when the tree sprouts, repeat the same for the second floor.

Why isn't the tree cut down?

Sometimes a situation arises when a tree is not cut down, here are the most common reasons:

1. You do not hold down the mouse button, but click it, then the tree in Minecraft will not be cut down.
2. The territory is protected privately, in this case, usually the felled block appears again and a red warning message appears. Continue further to find trees without privacy protection.
3. If the Lumberjack plugin is installed on the Minecraft server, it may seem that the tree is not being cut, although in fact this is not the case. In this case, the tree is cut, but not necessarily where you cut it. If it is a single tree, then it is cut from above; if there are several trees nearby, then other trees may be cut down. Chop one place until it is cut down, then you can collect a large amount of wood.

Wheat grows in garden beds if wheat seeds are planted there. In order for wheat to grow, it is necessary that there is water in no more than 4 cells. The water should be at the same height as the bed. In addition, for wheat to grow, it requires lighting (light from the Sun, torches or lava).

If you jump on wheat, it will die and the bed will turn into simple land. Therefore, it is recommended to make a glass roof on the garden bed at a height of two blocks. So that you could walk along the garden bed, but you couldn’t jump.

If you pour water on wheat that has not yet ripened, the seeds will fall out. If you pour water on an already ripe one, both the seeds and the harvest will fall out. This property can be used to create mechanical farms and quickly harvest wheat.

Bone meal can be used to speed up the growth of wheat. On average, it will require from 1 to 3 units of bone meal in order to obtain ripened wheat from planted seeds.

Wheat can be grown even underground when artificial lighting from lava or torches.

Wheat is mainly used for cooking. You can make bread from it. This will require only 3 wheat. You can also make a cake that you can bite into pieces. But for this you will need more ingredients (milk, sugar, egg). If you can find cocoa beans, you can make cookies.

Wheat can be made into a sheaf of hay, which can be used for compact storage wheat like decorative element or for feeding horses and foals. However, for these purposes it is better to use not the sheaf, but the wheat itself, because this will give better results.

Wheat is also used to attract and breed sheep and cows. If you give wheat to two sheep or two cows, hearts will appear above them, and soon a lamb or calf will appear.

Wheat is also called: Wheat.

Wheat is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Tricks and secrets

  • Why do you need a lot of wheat?
    Don't forget to grow as much wheat as possible because... it can be exchanged for emeralds in the village.
  • Important fact about wheat
    A lot of wheat will be needed to raise cows, which are needed to obtain leather for bookcases.


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