How to remove the key from the lock if. The key in the lock is broken, how to get it out?

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“It doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house” - do you think this is a castle? But no! This is a broken key in the door lock. When you stand at a locked door with a piece of debris in your hands, the situation seems hopeless. Don’t rush to despair; for those who are friends with their neighbors, everything is not as bad as it seems. If the key in the lock is broken, you can still fix it.

If the key is broken, then the first thing you need to do is pull out the remains of it, and then, if there is no second key, pick the lock.

Required Tools

Knock, call your neighbors. We need to get equipment for an operation codenamed “The Key is Broken.” Depending on the situation, a variety of available tools may be useful.

List of tools:

  • pliers;
  • tweezers;
  • screwdriver;
  • blades for a hand jigsaw;
  • magnet;
  • pin;
  • aerosol lubricant;
  • drill with drills;
  • nail puller;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • gas or Swedish key.

If you don't have a spray lubricant, find something that penetrates. Kerosene, brake fluid, castor oil are suitable. When there is nothing suitable, even sunflower oil will do.

In some situations, gentle means are powerless, then only an angle grinder will help. But this is already an extreme case. You need to think about the good.


Tools for removing a broken key: screwdrivers, awl, hammer, pliers.

Two types of methods are used to solve the problem. The first involves removing an object, and the second involves breaking the door lock.

There is a possibility that even after the successful use of one of the preserving methods, destructive ones will still have to be used.

This may be necessary when there is no second key or when the key in the lock is broken due to the failure of the code mechanism, and normal opening is impossible.

Saving methods

You need to start by pouring lubricant into the keyhole of the door.

To be sure, you should wait about 20 minutes. so that the lubricant penetrates the joints of the mechanism and the key that has broken in the lock.

In the simplest case, if the key in the lock breaks so that its core protrudes slightly from the hole, you need to try to carefully but firmly grab the end of the fragment with pliers. Rocking the clamped instrument in a circular motion and from side to side, pull it towards you. If you managed to get it, then you were lucky.

In a situation where the key in the lock is broken and you can barely see it, you can try using tweezers instead of pliers. The sequence of actions remains the same. Due to the fact that it is difficult to grasp well with tweezers, these manipulations have less chance of success.

For a disk mechanism, before removing the fragment, you need to use a thin screwdriver or a pin to turn all the code elements and the fragment itself counterclockwise until it stops. They must line up in the tunnel. Next, lightly tapping the back of the screwdriver on the end of the cylinder creates vibration in it, which promotes the movement of the debris to the exit. It should move to a more comfortable position for gripping.

For steel keys, using a magnet may help. You can check the magnetism of a material by looking at its residues. The magnetized end of a good professional screwdriver will do. The cheap Chinese one has too little gravity.

A jigsaw blade can provide good fixation. You need to first break off the fastening end. The blade is wound along the rod with the teeth towards it and with the teeth sloping towards themselves, turns with the hooks towards the object being removed and is pulled out. This is done several times until a positive result.

If there is no such result, there is one last way to save the code mechanism. Provided that the key has broken in a fairly massive section, and there is an area of ​​at least 2*2 mm on the broken part, you can try drilling a hole with a diameter of 1.5 mm in it and screwing a self-tapping screw into it. As the edge of the hardware sharpens from the hole, the fragment is loosened and removed.

Destructive methods

With a tightly seated piece of debris, there is nothing left to do but crack the code mechanism. The armor plate, if there is one, can be cut off with a hammer and chisel. The grip of a nail puller is placed under the head of the self-tapping screw and pulled up with force. At this point, either the fragment will be pulled out, or the core of the mechanism will be removed. All that remains is to turn the cam with a screwdriver and unlock the door.

If there is nowhere to screw in a self-tapping screw, but you have a drill with a drill with a diameter of 6-10 mm, you can drill out the cylinder mechanism along the part where the fixing pins are located, or directly through the core. It is advisable to drill carefully so as not to damage the cam. If this happens, you will have to ruin the screwdriver. Bend its end about a centimeter and apply it to the response mechanism of the lock.

You can do without a drill. When the cylinder mechanism is installed incorrectly and protrudes beyond the lining by more than 5 mm, it is easy to hook it with a gas wrench or screws and twist the end. Then just empty out the contents and use a screwdriver to open the door lock.

If the secret is installed correctly, you will have to damage not only it, but also the lock escutcheon. It is undermined with a chisel, a nail puller is inserted into the gap and the overlay is torn off. Then the cylinder protruding beyond the plane of the door is twisted with a key.

It is worth knocking the cylinder inward only in the absence of a gas wrench, chisel or nail puller. The cylinder cam can be rotated. Therefore, when knocked out, it can damage the inside of the lock. Not only will it have to be changed, but the lock may no longer open. It’s easy to knock off the protruding end of a cheap secret with a chisel, scoop out the insides with a screwdriver and use it to open the lock.

The fact that the key is broken indicates wear of the mechanism or key. The cause may also be contamination of thin joints with dirt and wear products. Such a cylinder makes you aware of a future problem through fuzzy operation and jamming. It is better to take care of solving the problem in advance and not lead to a breakdown.


Can't get into your own home because the key is broken? This situation can seriously upset anyone. However, knowing a few life hacks and using the advice of professionals, you can easily solve the problem.

Even if your neighbors are not at home, your phone is dead, and there is no one to turn to for help, you can solve the situation yourself.

Among the main reasons leading to the breakage of a lock key are:

  • wear of the internal lock mechanism;
  • getting dirt or small foreign objects into the well;
  • using the wrong key, inserting it incorrectly (not completely or at an angle);
  • short-lived material from which the mechanism and key are made.

There are only two solutions to the problem - removing broken remains from the lock or breaking the entire mechanism.

Types and characteristics of locks

Door locks are conventionally divided into 3 groups according to installation method:

  • mortise;
  • mounted;
  • invoices.

The first type is one of the most aesthetic, since it is inserted directly into the entrance door leaf and is not conspicuous by its massiveness. These devices are best suited for metal doors.

Mortise locks can be called safe, since they can be additionally protected from breaking by special metal inserts.

The hinged version is rarely used in residential premises, since it is the simplest in structure: it is threaded through ordinary eyes. However, such mechanisms can well protect warehouses, cellars, basements and other outbuildings.

Overhead mechanisms are often placed on the door indoors, so they can protect against thieves if the owners are at home. Such a lock cannot be seen from the outside, and accordingly, attackers have no opportunity to break it.

Necessary tools to remove the lock from the door

In order to get the rest of the key from the door well you may need:

It is by pouring lubricant into the lock field that you need to start working. Wait 10-20 minutes until the oil is distributed over the surface, this will greatly simplify the process of pulling out the broken remnant. Immediately after this, they begin to extract the key.

How to get a broken key out of a keyhole

First, you should try to disassemble the lock to the maximum possible level if the door is already open. To do this, unscrew all the bolts with a screwdriver, use pliers or ordinary tweezers to pull out the fragment, and then the mechanism is cleaned and generously lubricated. Immediately after this, the castle is reassembled.

In cases where it is not possible to get into the house in any other way, the problem can be solved using one of the simple methods:

Using awls or pins

  1. Two thin awls (or pins) are inserted into the gaps between the key and the lock at the top and bottom.
  2. With light rocking movements, the fragment is gradually pulled out.

Using small screws

  1. A hole with a diameter suitable for the existing screws is drilled in the middle of the fragment.
  2. One self-tapping screw is carefully screwed into the hole, and then slowly pulled out along with the rest.

Using a jigsaw file

What to do if the rest of the key is not retrieved

If all methods have been tried, but the fragment stubbornly refuses to leave the keyhole, you can try one of the following methods:

Pulling out the lock cylinder

If you remove the cylinder - one of the key elements of the locking mechanism - the debris can be easily cleaned out and the door can be opened with a screwdriver:

  • if the cylinder is in a protruding position.

Its end is clamped with a gas or other round key and rolled up, and then the lock is opened with a flat screwdriver;

  • if the cylinder does not protrude.

Any type of nail puller will help: first remove the top cover, and then, according to the previous algorithm, use a gas wrench.

Drilling a cylinder

You can drill out the central part of the lock with a drill:

  • use a drill with a diameter of 6-10 mm to pull out the cylinder;
  • the damaged cam of the mechanism is pulled out;
  • Use a bent screwdriver or thick wire to move the lock bolt and open the door.

Pulling out the fragment with a metal tube

You will need a brass or copper tube:

  • the diameter must correspond to the remaining outside part of the key;
  • pressing strongly, the tube is put on the protruding pin;
  • using a soldering iron, melt the end of the tube;
  • the tube is attached to the fragment in the lock, waiting for it to completely harden;
  • With a sharp movement, the auxiliary part is pulled out along with the rest of the key.

But the video will tell you how to open interior doors without a key.

When will you need to break the door itself?

  1. All gentle methods have been tried, but there is no result.
  2. There is a small child in a locked house.
  3. There is a burning smell or smoke coming from behind the door.

In other cases, it is better to contact specialists who will be able to open the entrance to the house with minimal losses.

Who should I contact for help?

If there is a piece of key left in the lock and it is impossible to open the door without outside help, you should call special services:

  • Housing office, house management company.

Specialists should come to you within 1 hour and try to solve the problem in a gentle way. At the same time, they have the right to demand that you present documents proving your residence in the apartment.

If the living space is rented, you should call the owners in advance and ask them to come with documents.

  • Commercial services.

Having found the phone number of such a company on the Internet or on leaflets next to mailboxes, you should make sure that their employees are ready to provide their work permits and a service agreement.

For their part, they have the right to demand a passport confirming registration in an apartment or house with a jammed lock. Some companies do without presenting documents, but you will have to pay several times more for their services.

If, while solving a problem, a door needs to be broken, for an additional fee some services can restore the integrity of the entrance to an apartment or house and install a new lock.

How to prevent the key from breaking in a door lock?

To avoid an unpleasant situation, experts recommend following simple rules:

  1. Lubricate the keyhole from time to time.
  2. Use only keys suitable for the mechanism.
  3. Regularly inspect the lock for dirt and foreign objects.
  4. Near the entrance, it is advisable to keep an “alarm” bag with tools that will help deal with the problem that has arisen.

How to quickly open a lock

If a piece of the key remains in the lock and prevents the door from opening, you can use several gentle methods. They will not damage the mechanism and will protect you from the need to purchase new equipment. If these methods do not help, you will have to use additional tools, but then the integrity of the lock will be compromised.

Sometimes you cannot do without additional services from specialists, which can be obtained from a management company or a commercial company. To avoid such problems, the easiest way is to regularly monitor the condition of the lock, lubricate and clean it.

Sometimes everyday situations force us to act unconventionally. Such situations include the situation when the key is stuck in the door lock. If this happens, it will be impossible to either enter or exit the apartment. What to do in this case, and how to get home - we will find out from the article. We will look at all the currently existing methods for removing a key stuck in a keyhole.

Why might the key get stuck in the door lock?

If your key or lock is broken, the master opens the door in 10 minutes. But if you are not a master. then this article is for you.

Read how to open the front door lock without a key.

Let's find out what reasons most often cause the key to get stuck in the lock.

Most often, an unpleasant and troublesome situation is caused by using a key for purposes other than its intended purpose. So, sometimes they open beer bottles, pick something up, and open it. As a result of such manipulations, the key may bend or become deformed.

Deformation of an old key is a common cause of it getting stuck in the keyhole.

Find out what to do if the front door lock is jammed.

Sticks or jams and does not turn or come out

If there is a strong and sharp slam on the door with the key in the lock, the mechanism may jam. As a result, the key becomes impossible to remove.

If you ordered a new key from a locksmith and tried to open your front door with a new product, a situation where it gets stuck may well occur. This is due to poor quality finishing of the material. If the shape of the key blank is broken, this can also cause an unpleasant situation.

There may also be a factory defect in the lock. But in this case, the key should get stuck soon after installing the new mechanism. If you have been using the lock for more than a year, the reason is most likely different.

Sometimes the pins (blocks) of the locking mechanism become jammed. As a result of this, the key appears to be clamped in the device without any possibility of freely coming out.

Sometimes the cause of a key getting stuck can even be a door misalignment. If dirt or any debris gets into the keyhole, this may well lead to jamming of the mechanism.

Sometimes when you try to turn the key too much in the hole, it breaks. As a result, the fragment sticks out inside, and most of the key with the head remains in our hands.

The technology for replacing locks on the front door is described.

How to remove the key

If the key is jammed and you can’t pull it out or turn it, you need to take a series of sequential actions. Let's describe them in more detail.

How to install rim locks for the front door is indicated.

The first step is to calm down and try to collect yourself, putting aside panic.

If the problem occurs while you are inside the apartment, you can look for WD-40 fluid, which is often used in repairs. This solution is based on kerosene, which can help “revive” jammed elements of the device. You just need to spray this liquid onto the well and wait a while.

In the absence of such a liquid, you can use motor or even vegetable oil to lubricate the mechanism. Even such means can help old and possibly rusted parts of the lock start working again. In addition to kerosene, oil and a special solution, you can also lubricate the lock with grease or liquid silicone.

Lubricate the mechanism with a lint-free cloth or just your finger, but do not use cotton pads, swabs or sticks. The fact is that fibers of the material can get into the mechanism, and then it will completely jam.

This will help you understand how to change the lock on a metal front door.

After you have lubricated the well with the appropriate product, wait a little and then begin to gently swing the key to the sides.

Lubricate the lock again and try to remove the key. It is advisable to simultaneously swing it to the sides and pull it out: this will increase the likelihood of a successful outcome of the “operation”. But don’t pump it too hard, as there is a risk of breaking the key altogether, and then it will be much more difficult.

If your hands slip or do not obey, pull out the key with pliers, only without jerking, but smoothly. If such manipulations lead to a successful result, the lock must be changed: you can no longer rely on it. Next time you may not be able to remove the key, so it’s better to prevent the problem in advance.

If the key is made new, then a possible reason for its jamming is that it has not yet “grown in” to the lock. Injecting machine oil into the keyhole may help. In this case, you need to loosen it slightly with pliers and pull the key out. But if the fact is that the lock is very old and its internal mechanism is rusty, you will have to tinker. It is necessary to pour machine oil into the well, stirring the key all the time. Let us immediately warn you that in this case you will not be able to do it quickly: if the lock is very rusty, then you may have to fiddle with it for several hours.

More complex cases

If simply pulling it out does not solve the problem, you will have to take more complex steps to remove the key. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

If the key does not budge and the hole does not come out, you will have to get to the core of the mechanism. This method is suitable if the lock is cylinder.

Cylinder lock diagram.

To get to the cylinder part, you need to knock out the larva with some improvised means. If the hit is successful, the larva will fall apart into two parts.

After this, it can be easily removed from the lock. Take a screwdriver and press it onto the lock plate, trying to push the tab in. After several attempts (or even the first one), the door usually opens.

It also happens that the key gets stuck in the lock, and you haven’t even had time to slam the door. In this case, you can consider yourself very lucky. Because with this scenario, it is much easier to get to the lock core: you won’t need to knock down or knock out anything. Just carefully open the locking mechanism at the end of the door and unscrew the fastening element that prevents the key from getting out. After the key is removed, it is necessary to change the cylinder in the lock: after all the manipulations, the old one will no longer work.

If the key gets stuck only when the door is opened and closed, and when the door is in the open position the mechanism works without problems, the problem is not in the lock: a skewed door frame is to blame. The fact is that when skewed, the tongue of the locking mechanism cannot fall into the proper hole on the frame, so the key stops working in the opening/closing mode. Boring the frame with a hole for the tongue with a file or drill can correct the situation. And eliminating the door distortion will completely improve the situation. But this is a serious matter, requiring a certain skill and carpentry experience, so it is not recommended to correct the misalignment yourself without preparation: it is better to hire a master.

What you will need

Let's find out what useful tools and devices will help you cope with the problem. So this is:

  • screwdrivers: Phillips and flat;
  • jigsaw and file from it;

  • grinder saw for severe cases;
  • awl;
  • a hammer to knock down the lock if no other methods help;
  • hairpin or paper clip;
  • drill;
  • tweezers;
  • wire cutters or pliers for conveniently removing the key;

All these items, of course, will not be needed, but two or three of them will be very useful.

Extreme measures

If none of the above remedies help, and you need to get home urgently, you will have to take not the simplest, but emergency and rather radical measures.

The first thing that comes to mind is to knock down the door by force. You can also cut off the locking bolts with a grinder or hacksaw. But for this it is necessary that these same crossbars be visible in the light between the door leaf and the frame. You can completely cut out the entire lock, but this will greatly damage the door. In principle, a suitable insert made of the appropriate metal, welded onto the deformed area, will then help to hide the “traces of the crime”.

Of course, the use of any of these extreme methods entails the subsequent mandatory replacement of the lock. However, at the moment you will get into the house, which is what you wanted to achieve.

You may also be interested in information on how to install.

Preventive measures for cleaning the lock cylinder

What simple preventive measures will help prevent a situation where the key gets stuck in the keyhole.

Every lock needs cleaning and lubrication from time to time. The mechanism is iron, which means it is prone to corrosion - especially if it is inexpensive. Regular cleaning of dust and dirt, and lubrication with oil or kerosene will help prevent failure of parts.

Cleaning proceeds as follows:

  • Cleaning liquid or simple kerosene is poured into the keyhole.
  • The key is then inserted and turned several times to the closing and opening positions.
  • After every two or three turns, take out the key and wipe it clean from dirt.
  • Repeat this until the key comes out of the well clean.
  • Fill the well with engine oil and turn the key again several times.
  • After this, you need to wipe dry all the dirty parts of the lock and the key.

Find out what an electronic lock on the front door is.

Such simple cleaning will someday save you from an unpleasant force majeure.

Periodic treatment with an anti-corrosion compound is also necessary, as well as (if the lock faces directly onto the street) an anti-icing agent.

If the lock is padlocked (for example, in a garage), then to protect the mechanism from dirt, dust and precipitation, you can put the top of a plastic can or other simple protection on top of it.

Experts recommend installing two locks on the front door. This will help lock the door if the key suddenly gets stuck in the first lock: after all, you need to go to work, and there may be other urgent matters. Two locks will “insure” each other, and will eliminate a hopeless situation when you can’t leave your apartment and urgent matters await.

How to install an invisible lock on the front door will tell you.

Carry with you the phone number, business card of a special service or technician who can help in the event of such force majeure. This way you will save your nerve cells and can quickly fix the problem. And at worst, when there are no facilities at all, there are no neighbors, and it’s cold outside, the door can be broken down. But only if it is wooden: a metal model can hardly be handled alone, especially if it opens outwards.

Video: step-by-step instructions on what to do if the key in the front door is broken

This video will show you how to remove a broken key from a lock.

We looked at various ways to remove a key stuck in a keyhole. Now you can quite competently deal with this problem if it arises. Our tips will help you deal with any type of lock - therefore, after reading the article, you will, one way or another, be able to get home.

There are many tools for removing a broken key from a lock, but not all of them may be at hand at the right time. What can help to unlock the door and remove part of the key will be discussed in this article.


To remove the key, tools such as a screwdriver, awl, hairpin, jigsaw, pliers, nail puller, tweezers, hammer, drill, grinder can be useful. All methods of extracting a key are divided into three groups: gentle, with damage to the lock and rough. In the first case, the fragment is removed without disturbing the internal mechanism, in the second, the lock is removed and disassembled, and then most often a new one is purchased. The last method involves removing the door leaf.

Removing the wreckage

Most often, the key gets stuck due to poor maintenance of the lock, accumulation of dust and dirt in it. Therefore, the first thing you can do is pour oil into the keyhole using a syringe and pull out the key by the protruding edge using pliers or tweezers.

A jigsaw is used to remove debris without protruding edges. Its blade is inserted into the core under the key and turned so that the teeth point upward. They need to hook the fragment and pull it out.

If the key fragment is thick enough, you can use a drill and a self-tapping screw. A hole is drilled in the key and a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. After establishing strong contact, the structure is removed with pliers or tweezers.

Vibration is suitable for locks with a disc mechanism. At the preparatory stage, all pins are lubricated with oil and installed in the same position with the fragment. To create vibration, a hammer is used to tap the back of the lock. If the method works, then the fragment should appear from the well.

Removing the lock

If none of the gentle methods work, you have to remove the locking mechanism. There are five working methods.

Knock out the cylinder

The armor plate is removed from the reverse side, the screws are unscrewed, and the cylinder is removed by tapping with a hammer.

Prying the core

For this method you will need one of the tools: an awl, a screwdriver or a hairpin. The tool must be inserted into the hole and the pins must be pryed, this will release the fragment and the lock will open. With this type of impact it is easy to damage the mechanism.

A key or a piece of it stuck in the lock will bring many unpleasant moments. If you are reading this article, then you are also in a difficult situation and want to know.

Despite the fact that lock manufacturers are constantly improving the quality of their products, releasing unique locking mechanisms that can withstand various types of hacking, keys, like many decades ago, sometimes fail their owners. They break at the most inopportune moment. Most affected people prefer to remove and throw it away, purchasing a new mechanism.

It would seem that this is the only correct option, but in fact there are other methods, the use of which will preserve the castle. All you need to do is simply remove the key piece. How to do this is described in detail below.

How to remove a broken key. Several effective ways

First of all, let's tell you how to remove the key from a door lock, if a conventional mortise lock with a rod key is installed. To do this, you just need to remove the side cover of the locking mechanism. After the fragment is removed, the lock is installed in place. Its functionality will not change in any way. Perhaps it is recommended to lubricate the internal mechanism to prevent the unpleasant situation from reoccurring.

Now let's tell you how to remove the key from a door lock, if a locking mechanism is used that cannot be disassembled. The easiest option is to use pliers, but this is only possible if part of the key sticks out of the keyhole.

If the fragment peeks out just a little and you can’t catch it with pliers, try using tweezers with sharpened edges. The work ahead will be “jewelry”, since you will have to not only securely cling to the fragment, but also carefully pull it out of the well. Considering that the area of ​​contact between the tweezers and the key is minimal, this is not so easy to do. You should rock the piece slightly until it gives way forward.

Some craftsmen advise taking two awls (or regular sewing needles), well sharpened. Each awl is inserted into the keyhole on both sides of the fragment and securely clamped together. As soon as you manage to fix the rest of the key, you need to pull the awl towards you. Gradually the fragment should move forward.

What other methods are there - a jigsaw file and super glue?

If none of the above has helped you, we recommend that you consider a few more methods: how to remove the key from a door lock. To do this you will need a certain set of tools and devices:

  • jigsaw file;
  • thin steel wire;
  • Super glue;

Each of the above mentioned things is intended for a separate method. Let's start in order.

The jigsaw file must be inserted into the keyhole with the teeth facing up. Then carefully and extremely carefully turn the file in any direction - the main thing is that the teeth pry off the fragment. As soon as the nail file securely adheres to the rest of the key, slowly pull it towards you, pulling the key out of the hole.

However, not everyone has a jigsaw file, but finding thin steel wire is not a problem. Carefully insert it into the hole and try to hook the fragment, gradually removing it from the hole.

Now let's move on to how to remove the key from a door lock using super glue. The method is quite original, but takes a little time. Apply glue to the head of the key that is still in your hand and press it against the piece of debris stuck in the hole. Fix the head and hold it for a while until the glue hardens. Its strength will be enough to remove the fragment, but in the future it is not recommended to use the glued key. This method is quite difficult, as it requires increased attention and accuracy. The slightest carelessness can lead to the keyhole being smeared with glue and the locking mechanism will have to be replaced.

What if you solder it without removing it from the lock?

That's a variety of options, how to remove the key from a door lock, does not end. In this part of the material we will offer several more methods for which you will need:

  • liquid to combat corrosion and rust;
  • brass tube and blowtorch;
  • magnet;

In this case, each item has its own method of removing a piece of key from the keyhole. For example, you can use a brass tube, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the size of the fragment, that is, the tube will be put on the fragment with a certain force.

Using a blowtorch, slightly heat the end of the tube that you plan to put on the fragment. Then pull it over the remains of the key and wait a little until the tube cools completely. Then inject some anti-corrosion liquid into the keyhole. Now you can slightly bend the tube, turn the key and slowly pull it out of the lock.

Would you like to know another way? how to remove the key from a door lock? Use a regular magnet, naturally large in size. First, inject a very small amount of anti-corrosion liquid into the hole, and then, using a magnet, try to make the key appear at least a little above the level of the keyhole. Once this is achieved, then it’s a matter of little things. Use tweezers or pliers to pry up the key.

The key is not broken, but it is impossible to get it out

Situations are relatively common when a key gets stuck in new locks installed in a building. At the same time, it does not break, but when trying to remove it from the well, nothing happens. As practice shows, it is actually quite difficult to pull out the key without damaging the lock core.

Most often, the cause of such blocking is a broken spring under the pin, as a result of which it remains motionless and secures the key tightly. The second reason why the key is “blocked” inside the well may be internal parts made of soft raw materials. This leads to the fact that the pins again do not fall into the channels and fix the key without letting it out of the hole.

Don't be upset. There is a great way how to remove the key from a door lock in such situation. First, carefully lubricate the locking mechanism cylinder using the popular WD-40 lubricant. It is best to take an aerosol can, since the special nozzle will ensure the most accurate distribution of the lubricant. Next, use regular pliers. Hold the head of the key with them and carefully, moving it up and down, as if creating a slight vibration, begin to slowly pull it towards you. In most cases, you can remove the key. If you also managed to free it, be sure to replace the locking mechanism cylinder, since it is faulty and will cause you a lot of trouble and problems in the future.

However, it is only possible to remove the key in this way if the door is already open, and if the lock is locked, then you cannot do without professional help.

Summing up

Now you know several effective ways how to remove the key from a door lock. However, you should not think that one of them will necessarily become a panacea and help solve the problem.

In order to remove the fragment, it is necessary to show maximum dexterity, as well as rely on a lucky chance. Without a certain amount of luck, it is difficult to count on success. In particular, rash actions can lead to damage to the lock. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately seek help from professionals who know what to do in each specific case.


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