What kind of help is given to those on the waiting list in Belarus? Housing subsidies

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Decree No. 240 has already entered into force on August 7. This means that the allocation of targeted subsidies is about to begin. Who and how will the state support with rubles in their dream of finding their “square meters”? The national legal Internet portal pravo.by has compiled a “cheat sheet”.

Only those who are registered as needing improved housing conditions will receive the right to benefits.

Subsidies will be issued to pay off interest:

1. Beneficiaries from the 13th decree

The preferential category of citizens listed in the decree of January 6, 2012 No. 13 “On some issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises.”

(These are military personnel; large families; citizens whose families include disabled children, as well as people with disabilities from childhood of groups I and II; citizens who have fallen ill and have suffered radiation sickness; citizens living in residential premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unsuitable for living those living in hostels or renting housing for more than 10 years and not owning a meter of housing on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and several other small categories.)

2. Prosecutor's employees

Current prosecutorial employees and those already dismissed due to age, health status, as well as due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees (in connection with organizational and staffing measures). The length of service in the prosecutor's office is important here - at least 5 calendar years.

3. Residents of a poor region

Low-income citizens who are building or reconstructing housing in the Mogilev region (in the territories of Krichevsky, Klimovichi, Krasnopolsky, Kostyukovichsky, Slavgorodsky, Cherikovsky and Khotimsky districts).

To repay the principal debt and part of the interest, subsidies will be given to:

1. Large families with 3 or more minor children.

2. To young low-income families at the birth (adoption) of the first and (or) second child.

3. Orphans and children without parental care.

4. Tenants of social housing, which was provided to them as orphans and children left without parental care. The subsidy can be allocated while the fixed-term rental agreement for such residential premises is in force.

What will the subsidies be given for?

1. For the construction of housing in multi-apartment and semi-detached buildings of economy class, which included in the list approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for the construction (reconstruction) of single-apartment residential buildings(executive committees direct construction work in such houses in order of priority).

2. For the reconstruction of residential premises.

What can be paid for with subsidies?

1. Only part of the interest on a home construction loan obtained from any commercial bank.

2. Part of the interest and principal on the loan.

Unlike a preferential loan, compensation from the budget will be paid not to the bank, but directly to the citizen.

What is the amount of subsidies for paying part of the loan interest?

1. For large families with 3 minor children - refinancing rate + 2%*.

2. For large families with 4 or more minor children - refinancing rate + 3%*.

3. Large families with 3 or more children under 23 years of age, as well as orphans - refinancing rate + 2%*.

*if a lower interest rate on the loan is not established in the agreement

4. For others in need of improved housing conditions: refinancing rate minus 2%. That is, now it is 9.5%.

What is the amount of subsidies for repayment of the principal debt?

Only for young and large families, orphans:

1. For families with many children with 3 minor children - 95% of the principal debt on the loan.

2. For large families with 4 or more minor children - 100% of the principal debt on the loan.

3. For young families at birth (adoption):
— first child — 10% of the loan principal;
- second child - 20% of the loan principal.

4. For orphans - 35% of the loan principal.

The amount of the subsidy will be recalculated if the composition of the family changes (first the base cost of the loan will be recalculated, then appropriate changes will be made to the decision of the district (city) executive committee).

Since Belarusbank and Belagroprombank now issue loans for housing construction for 20 years at 14.5% per annum (refinancing rate + 3%), in practice, repaying the debt to these banks through targeted subsidies looks like this:

1. For large families with 3 children, the subsidy will cover 13.5% (refinancing rate 11.5% + 2%) per annum out of 14.5%.

2. For large families with 4 children, the subsidy will fully cover the payment of annual interest on the loan (14.5% per annum - 14.5% subsidy)

3. For everyone else, the subsidy will cover 9.5% per annum out of 14.5%.

Subsidies in numbers and examples

Example 1. A family of 3 people with a disabled child was assigned on a first-come, first-served basis to the shared construction of a 3-room apartment with a total area of ​​70 sq. m. meters. Cost of 1 sq. meter - 800 rubles.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest to this family will be 35,640 rubles: 20 sq. meters* x 3 people x 660 rubles** x 90%.

Example 2. A family of 3 people with a disabled child was assigned on a first-come, first-served basis to the shared construction of a 3-room apartment with a total area of ​​70 sq. m. meters. Cost of 1 sq. meter - 800 rubles. However, the family already owns a 1-room apartment with an area of ​​30 square meters. meters.

In this case, the maximum standardized cost of residential premises to provide a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest to this family will be 17,820 rubles: (20 sq. meters x 3 people - 30 sq. meters) x 660 rubles x 90%.

Example 3. A large family with 3 children in order was sent to share construction of a 4-room apartment with a total area of ​​90 sq. m. meters. Cost of 1 sq. meter - 800 rubles.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises to provide a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest for a given large family will be 66,000 rubles: 20 sq. meters x 5 people x 660 rubles x 100%.

Example 4. A large family with 3 children in order was sent to share construction of a 4-room apartment with a total area of ​​90 sq. m. meters. Cost of 1 sq. meter - 800 rubles. The family already owns a 1-room apartment with an area of ​​30 square meters. meters.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises to provide a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest to this family will be 46,200 rubles: (20 sq. meters x 5 people - 30 sq. meters) x 660 rubles x 100%.

Example 5. A large family with 3 children takes out a loan for the construction of a single-family residential building with a total area of ​​150 square meters. meters in a settlement with a population of up to 20 thousand people. Cost of 1 sq. meter of house (excluding the cost of outbuildings) - 1000 rubles. The construction of a residential building (excluding the cost of outbuildings) will cost the family 150,000 rubles. The cost of outbuildings is 15,000 rubles.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing subsidies to this large family (excluding the cost of outbuildings) will be 66,000 rubles: 20 sq. meters x 5 people x 660 rubles x 100%.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing subsidies to this large family, taking into account the cost of construction of outbuildings provided for in the design documentation, will be 79,200 rubles: 66,000 rubles x 20% + 66,000 rubles.

Example 6. A family of 3 people with a disabled child was sent on a first-come, first-served basis to the shared construction of a 3-room apartment with a total area of ​​70 sq. m. meters. Cost of 1 sq. meter - 800 rubles.

The maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest to this family was 35,640 rubles: 20 sq. meters x 3 people x 660 rubles x 90%.

However, while the apartment was being built, another child was born into the family. Therefore, the maximum standardized cost of residential premises for providing a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest to this family was recalculated. As a result, it amounted to 47,520 rubles: 20 sq. meters x 4 people x 660 rubles x 90%.

For reference:
20 sq. meters - the standard for the total area of ​​residential premises under construction (reconstruction), established in subclause 1.5 of Decree No. 13.
660 rubles is the maximum cost standard for 1 sq. m. meters of total living area, defined in paragraph two of paragraph 8 of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 29, 2016 No. 1113.

On the last day of April, the Council of Ministers, by its Resolution No. 555, approved the Regulation “On providing citizens of the Republic of Belarus with one-time free subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises.” One of the main innovations of this document is that now, in order to receive a subsidy, the applicant must document the availability of his own or borrowed funds to pay for the part of the costs of construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises that is not paid for by the subsidy.

According to the resolution, low-income able-bodied citizens on the waiting list, as well as citizens entitled to priority receipt of social housing, have the right to receive a one-time free subsidy for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises. The same subsidies can be used for the purchase of inefficiently used buildings and structures that are subject to conversion into housing, not completed construction of residential buildings (apartments) in any locality of the republic. Citizens who, by law, cannot qualify for simultaneous receipt of a soft loan and a subsidy to improve their living conditions, have the right to choose one type of government support - a subsidy or a soft loan.

The government has established that subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises are provided in the period before the house is put into operation. If during this period the composition of the subsidy recipient’s family has changed, then the latter will not be recalculated.

In accordance with the approved Regulations, the subsidy can be provided in the form of cash, gratuitous transfer (including housing quotas) or sale at preferential prices of unfinished residential premises or inefficiently used buildings and structures that are subject to reconstruction and conversion into residential premises, sales at preferential prices standing wood. Listed types of gratuitous assistance

in total in value terms (including housing quotas) cannot exceed 70 percent of the construction cost, standardized for a family based on 20 square meters for each person. m of total living space of typical consumer qualities.

As for the cash subsidy, it is transferred to a special account “Subsidy” in a separate division of the JSB “Belarusbank” and is used in non-cash form in the form of payments transferred on the written instructions of the owner of the subsidy. On funds transferred to a citizen’s special account “Subsidy”, interest is accrued in the amount provided for demand deposits. The corresponding amounts of accrued interest are used by the citizen in the manner established for the use of subsidies. The subsidy is provided on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into account the time of registration. But if a citizen is registered at his place of residence and place of work, then the priority for receiving the subsidy and its size are determined by the earlier date of registration.

Local executive and administrative bodies and organizations are allowed to provide subsidies out of turn to disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them in the prescribed manner. The same benefits apply to: citizens who performed military or official duty in Afghanistan or other countries where hostilities took place (internationalist soldiers); military personnel transferred to the reserve (retirement) before December 2, 1992, except for conscripts and cadets of military educational institutions. Family members of deceased or missing military personnel, partisans and underground fighters who died (died) as a result of wounds, concussions, mutilations, diseases received as a result of military operations during the Great Patriotic War, as well as military personnel, commanders and ordinary members of the internal affairs bodies who died (died) while performing military or official duties in Afghanistan or other countries where hostilities took place (as well as missing in action areas), or while performing military (official) duties. The preferential category also includes those citizens who live in residential premises that are duly recognized as unsuitable for living, as well as specialists sent by government agencies to work in rural areas.

According to the regulations, the subsidy must be used by its owner during the construction period specified in the contract for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises, but not exceeding three years from the time it is transferred to the special account “Subsidy” in a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB. In the case of acquiring residential premises by other means, for example through purchase and sale, the period for using the subsidy should not exceed six months.

The regulations also define the procedure for calculating subsidies. The size of the subsidy is determined as the sum of its basic share and the housing quotas of the citizen receiving the subsidy and his family members who, in accordance with the law, have the right to index housing quotas and who have expressed a desire to improve their living conditions by constructing (reconstructing) or purchasing residential premises using the subsidy. If the amount of gratuitous material support received in the form of cash, gratuitous transfer (including housing quotas) or sale at preferential prices of unfinished residential premises or inefficiently used buildings and structures subject to reconstruction and conversion into residential premises, sales of timber at preferential prices greatly exceeds the amount of the accrued cash subsidy, the latter is not provided. In other cases, a cash subsidy is provided in the amount of the difference between the amount of the accrued subsidy and the amount of gratuitous material support provided to citizens in value terms.

When determining the basic share of the subsidy, the following are taken into account: the time a citizen is registered as needing to improve their living conditions (except for cases where the subsidy is received out of turn), the number of family members who are registered and have expressed a desire to improve their living conditions together with the applicant for the subsidy; average monthly total family income. The size of the total area of ​​the residential premises owned by the applicant for a subsidy and members of his family, or occupied by them under a rental agreement, is also taken into account.

For citizens receiving subsidies out of turn, young citizens and citizens permanently residing and working in rural areas, the basic share of the subsidy is accrued regardless of the time they are registered as needing improved housing conditions in the maximum amount, taking into account the criteria listed above. For military personnel (except for conscripts and cadets of military educational institutions), including those transferred to the reserve (retired), in need of improved housing conditions, the amount of the basic share of the subsidy is calculated depending on the period of their military service in calendar terms or the time they are registered those in need of improved housing conditions.

To receive a subsidy, an applicant must submit an application to the subsidy service at their place of residence. If a subsidy is needed for construction, then the application must be accompanied by documents confirming the applicant’s participation in the housing cooperative, shared or other construction of residential premises, as well as certificates of the estimated cost of this construction. If we are talking about the construction of an individual house, then you also need to have a land use certificate, documents confirming the right to build a house, a certificate of its estimated cost, the cost of construction work already completed and purchased construction materials. A corresponding list of documents is also required when receiving a subsidy for the reconstruction of residential premises or the conversion of non-residential premises into residential ones.

If we are talking about buying an apartment, then the application must be accompanied by a draft purchase and sale agreement, a copy of the registration certificate for the apartment being purchased, and a certificate of its appraised value issued by the BRTI or the village Council of Deputies.

In addition, applicants for subsidies must submit documents confirming the availability of funds (own and borrowed) to cover the difference between the full cost of construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises and the amount of the subsidy provided. Citizens entitled to joint use of preferential loans and subsidies provide a certificate from a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB on the amount of an open credit line for housing construction, the amount of a loan received against an open credit line, or a certificate stating that the loan was not issued.

If the applicant does not have the listed documents or does not have his own funds necessary to cover the difference between the full cost of construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises and the amount of the subsidy provided, he may be denied a subsidy. But this does not exclude the possibility of applying for a subsidy again.

Since August, targeted subsidies for housing construction have been operating in Belarus. Those applying for state support take out loans from banks at commercial rates, and the state allocates subsidies to repay part of the interest, and in some cases, to repay part of the principal debt. Brest region is working more actively than others with subsidies, Minsk region is still among the outsiders.

– During meetings with representatives of city and district executive committees, more than 2,000 families in the region received proposals to build an apartment under the terms of state support in the form of a subsidy. The mechanism for obtaining it is prescribed in Decree No. 240. The maximum size of the loan and targeted subsidy is determined taking into account the composition of the family and the living space owned. Today, about 153 families already have a decision from the executive committees to provide them with subsidies. 58 families have already concluded loan agreements with banks,” says Alexey Bykov, deputy chairman of the committee on architecture and construction of the regional executive committee. “But more than 240 families refused to receive targeted subsidies. The main reason for refusals is the conclusion of a loan agreement with a bank, which requires an appropriate level of salary and the presence of guarantors. In addition, someone would like to purchase housing on the secondary market, and Decree No. 240 provides for the allocation of subsidies only for construction,” notes a representative of the regional executive committee.

Targeted subsidies are allocated both for housing construction in multi-apartment residential buildings and for individual housing construction.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, in total, in the region, with the help of targeted housing subsidies, it is planned to build 13 residential buildings with 985 apartments in Smolevichi, Machulishchi, Smilovichi, Berezino, Molodechno, Soligorsk, Stolbtsy and Starye Dorogi.

Also, with the help of subsidies, it is planned to commission 7,150 thousand square meters of individual housing construction in the Minsk region.

This year, 135 million rubles have been allocated from the state budget to subsidize market interest rates of banks. Of the total amount, 37 million 490 thousand rubles were allocated to the Minsk region. Among the first financial institutions to launch a targeted subsidy mechanism are Belarusbank and Belagroprombank. Belinvestbank is also ready to provide lending to individuals within the framework of Decree No. 240.

“Today, our bank’s specialists actively advise borrowers,” notes Belinvestbank press secretary Elena Oshurkevich. – After which, persons interested in state support for housing construction are sent to local executive committees.

Specialists of OJSC Belinvestbank calculated an approximate loan repayment schedule and interest payments within the framework of Decree No. 240.

As a basis, we took a family with three minor children, which, according to the norms of the decree, is provided with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest, calculated based on the refinancing rate + 2% (in actual value, i.e. 13%).

Loan amount: 50,000 BYN

Interest rate on the loan payable by the borrower: 2% per annum

Loan term: 20 years

Date of loan received: November 2017

Start month of loan principal payment: January 2019

Start month of loan interest payments: December 2017

Preliminary construction time – 1 year

During the period of housing construction, the borrower does not pay the principal debt. Repayment of the loan in part of the principal debt begins after the residential building is put into operation. The maximum payment amount under the loan agreement during the construction period (1 year) will be 85 Belarusian rubles per month - this is the amount of interest.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of the house, the maximum loan payment amount will be 306 Belarusian rubles per month (principal + interest excluding compensation paid).

According to preliminary calculations, in order to receive a loan on the conditions described above, the minimum wage of the borrower should be about 620 rubles per month (meaning the amount issued in person).

If wages are below this amount, gross household income may be used in calculating creditworthiness. 

Who can receive subsidies

Citizens listed in Decree No. 13 of January 6, 2012 can apply for subsidies - everyone who could previously count on a preferential loan.

In particular, law enforcement officers and military personnel, large families, families with disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, orphans and children left without parental care, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, laureates of special Presidential funds for social support of the gifted can apply for state support pupils, students and to support talented youth.

Amount of targeted subsidy

Providing subsidies for interest payments:

Large families with three minor children – the refinancing rate + 2%.

Large families with 4 or more children – refinancing rate + 3%.

Large families with at least three children under the age of 23 (if they are studying, living together, etc.) – the refinancing rate is +2%.

For other citizens entitled to state support (orphans and children left without parental care), the refinancing rate is minus 2%.

Providing subsidies for repayment of the principal debt:

For large families with three minor children – 90% of the principal debt.

Large families with 4 or more children – 100%.

For young families at the birth, adoption or adoption of the first child - 10%, the second - 20%.

For other citizens entitled to state support (orphans and children left without parental care) – 35%.

The loan period is determined by the bank: from 15 to 20 years. The subsidy will be paid monthly. Its size will be recalculated if the composition of the family or the refinancing rate changes.

Since August 2017, when Decree No. 240 on targeted subsidies came into force, more than 1.5 thousand contracts in housing construction have been concluded in Belarus.

Marina VALAH

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And the main legislative act was Decree of the President of Belarus No. 240, signed on July 4, 2017, “On state support for citizens in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises.”

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, Decree No. 240 introduced a new type of state support for citizens in need of improved housing conditions - state targeted subsidies, informs infobank.by.

What are the subsidies used for?

They can be provided to pay part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens from any commercial bank, and for large and young families and orphans - also to pay off part of the principal debt on such loans. Recipients of subsidies are mainly:

  • the same categories of citizens who had the right to receive state support in the form of preferential loans under Decree No. 13
  • prosecutors
  • low-income citizens carrying out construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region

The maximum loan amount subject to subsidization is determined by the following formula...

The conditions for providing such state support will be:

  • order of receipt
  • classifying citizens as low-income

About the subsidy - in simple terms

Decree No. 240 deals with attracting loans from commercial banks and providing the necessary targeted financial support for their repayment.

As a result, a person receives not a preferential loan, but a very ordinary commercial loan and a subsidy for its repayment. This can be done in those banks that participate in the subsidy system, today there are 4 of them:

  • Bank Bel VEB
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • Belinvestbank
  • BPS-Sberbank

Banks provide commercial loans for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on their own terms in force in each of them, the main ones of which are almost identical today:

  • loan term - 20 years
  • The loan rate is 13% per annum (or the refinancing rate + 3 percentage points).

Please note that when the refinancing rate changes (it has been falling in recent years), the loan rate will also change!!!

The subsidy is provided in non-cash form and is sent to the bank that issued the commercial loan to repay part of the interest or principal debt for the citizen.

Aid sizes

A subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is provided:

  • beneficiaries listed in Decree No. 13 “On some issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”
  • prosecutorial employees, citizens from among prosecutorial employees dismissed from service in the prosecutor's office due to age, health, due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees (in connection with organizational and staffing measures), who have at least 5 calendar years of service in the service prosecutor's office
Categories of citizens Amount of subsidy for payment of part of the interest on the loan
Out of turn
large families3 children under 23 years old - SR* + 2 p.p. / 4 or more minor children - SR + 3 p.p.
citizens who fell ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl disasterSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens whose families include disabled children, as well as disabled people of groups I and II since childhoodSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living in residential premises declared unfit for habitationSR* — 2 p.p.
veterans of combat operations on the territory of other states, from those provided for in clauses 1 - 3 of the first part of Art. 3 of the Law “On Veterans”SR* — 2 p.p.
able-bodied adult family members of a deceased social housing tenant - during the validity of the tenancy agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
special laureates Foundation of the Head of State for the support of gifted pupils and studentsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens dismissed from military service due to age, health status, reductionSR* — 2 p.p.
orphans and citizens who are tenants of social housing provided to them as orphans - during the validity of the rental agreementSR* + 2 p.p.
First come first served basis
military personnel and persons equivalent to themSR* — 2 p.p.
prosecutorsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens entitled to priority receipt of social housingSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens who have been awarded scholarships from the Head of StateSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living for at least 10 years in dormitories, in housing under a private housing lease agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
judgesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in settlements of up to 20 thousand people. and in satellite citiesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev regionSR* — 2 p.p.
young families with two minor childrenSR* — 2 p.p.

* SR - refinancing rate

And to put it in very simple language, in practice this is what will happen:

  • for large families with 3 children, the subsidy will cover 12% (refinancing rate 10% + 2 percentage points) of 13% per annum
  • For large families with 4 or more children, the subsidy will fully cover the payment of annual interest on the loan
  • for everyone else, the subsidy will cover 8% (refinancing rate 10% - 2 percentage points) out of 13% per annum

The transfer of the subsidy for the repayment of part of the interest will be made from the next month after the bank issues a loan for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on a monthly basis throughout the entire loan repayment period established by the loan agreement.

The right to receive a subsidy for the repayment of the principal debt together with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is granted:

  • large families with 3 or more minor children
  • to young low-income families at the birth (adoption) of the first and (or) second child after a decision has been made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest
  • orphans

At the same time, the subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is set at 95% for large families with 3 children, and 35% for orphans.

For large families with 4 or more children, monthly loan payments, both interest and principal, will be fully subsidized from the budget.

Young families upon the birth of children after a decision is made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest: 10% - at the birth of the first child; 20% - at the birth of a second child.

The amount of the subsidy will change as the composition of the family changes!

How to get support?

The issuance of a subsidy is possible only when there is a queue of people in need of improved housing conditions and classified as low-income.

Subsidies are provided for the construction of housing in economical multi-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings, the list of projects of which is approved by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

Decisions on the provision of subsidies are made by district, city executive and administrative bodies, and local administrations.

The order of your actions

1. Citizens entitled to receive targeted subsidies (subsidies) will be invited, in order of priority, to the executive committee, where they will be offered housing construction with such state support

2. If a citizen agrees to participate in the program, the executive committee directs him to build housing, and the citizen enters into a corresponding construction contract

3. After concluding a contract for housing construction, a citizen applies to the executive committee with an application and relevant documents to make a decision on providing him with a targeted subsidy. The Executive Committee, taking into account the composition of the family and the living space in the property, will determine the maximum loan amount to be subsidized for the family

4. With this decision, the person goes to the bank to conclude a loan agreement

5. The bank concludes a loan agreement and sends a copy of it to the executive committee. The Executive Committee, on the basis of information provided monthly by the bank, transfers to the bank that provided the loan a subsidy for the citizen to pay part of the interest on the loan, starting from the next month after the bank issued the loan (part of it), a subsidy for repaying the principal debt on the loan - starting from the month of the beginning repayment of the loan principal

Continuation. Starts at No. 13

Procedure for calculating the amount of the subsidy

The procedure for calculating the amount of the subsidy and its use for improving housing conditions is contained in the Regulations on providing citizens of the Republic of Belarus with one-time free subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, 2002 No. 555, with subsequent amendments and additions) and the Instructions on the procedure for calculating one-time gratuitous subsidies for the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture dated September 4, 2003 No. 15).

A subsidy is a form of state gratuitous material support provided to citizens to improve their living conditions in the form of funds, gratuitous transfer (including housing quotas) or sale at preferential prices of unfinished residential premises or inefficiently used buildings and structures that are subject to reconstruction and re-equipment for residential premises, sales of standing timber at preferential prices. The specified types of state gratuitous material support in total in value terms (including housing quotas) cannot exceed 70 percent of the cost of construction, normalized for a family of the total area of ​​living quarters of typical consumer qualities.

A cash subsidy can be accrued in the amount of up to 70% (taking into account the indexed “Housing” checks) of the cost of construction of the standard total area of ​​residential premises of typical consumer qualities at the rate of 20 square meters of total living area for one family member (when constructing a one-room apartment for one person - 36 square meters).

The amount of the subsidy is determined as the sum of its basic share and housing quotas ("Housing" checks) of the citizen receiving the subsidy and his family members who, in accordance with the law, have the right to index housing quotas and who have expressed a desire to improve housing conditions through the construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises using a subsidy.

The standard for the total area of ​​residential premises taken into account when calculating the amount of the basic share of the subsidy is reduced by an amount representing the difference between the total area of ​​residential premises owned by the applicant for the subsidy and members of his family in the locality at the place of their residence or occupied by them under an agreement rental, and the maximum norm established by law for the provision of the total area of ​​residential premises for social use, due to the remaining family members living in this residential premises.

The base subsidy share is calculated using the maximum cost standard for 1 sq.m. approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction. meters of total living space, but not higher than the total construction cost of 1 sq. meters of total area in a particular house.

The specific amount of the basic share of the subsidy provided to citizens is determined (as a percentage of the cost of construction of the standard for the total area of ​​residential premises of typical consumer qualities established for a family) depending on the time spent on the apartment register and the income per family member, calculated in the minimum consumer budgets (see table). For citizens entitled to receive a subsidy out of turn, the basic share of the subsidy is accrued regardless of the time they are registered as needing improved housing conditions in the maximum amount, taking into account other established criteria.

Procedure for provision and use of subsidies

The basis for considering the possibility of providing a subsidy to a citizen is his application addressed to the chairman of the local executive and administrative body, the head of the organization in which the citizen is registered as needing improved housing conditions.

Simultaneously with the application, the applicant for a subsidy submits to the subsidy service information about the total income and property status of the applicant and his family members who are improving their living conditions together with him, in accordance with the Regulations on classifying citizens as low-income able-bodied people to receive state support for construction ( reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 20, 2000 No. 1955. Additionally, an applicant for a subsidy to the subsidy service, if necessary, submits:

during the construction (reconstruction) of single-apartment, semi-detached residential buildings - a copy of the certificate (certificate) of state registration of the land plot or a copy of the state act on the right of ownership of land or the right of lifelong inheritable ownership of land;

when purchasing residential premises - a preliminary agreement;

a notarized obligation with the written consent of all adult family members to not register ownership of the residential premises occupied under a lease agreement with its subsequent vacancy.

To make a decision on providing a subsidy to a citizen, the subsidy service of the local executive and administrative body, the organization, requests and receives in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September 13, 2005 No. 432 “On some measures to improve the organization of work with citizens in government bodies and other government organizations "the following documents:

during the construction of residential premises as part of a developer organization, in the order of shared participation in housing construction under an agreement with the developer or another agreement on housing construction:

an extract from the decision of the local executive and administrative body on the inclusion of a citizen in the organization of developers, or a copy of the agreement on shared participation in housing construction, or a copy of another construction agreement;

a certificate of the estimated cost of construction of residential premises in basic prices and prices valid on the date of filing an application for a subsidy (issued by the management of the developer organization, the developer);

during the construction (reconstruction) of single-family residential buildings or apartments:

copies of documents confirming that the recipient of the subsidy has design documentation approved in the prescribed manner and a permit for the construction (reconstruction) of a residential building or apartment;

a certificate of the estimated cost of construction (reconstruction) of a residential building or apartment, the cost of work performed and purchased materials and products in basic prices and prices valid on the date of filing an application for a subsidy;

during the reconstruction and re-equipment of inefficiently used buildings (structures) for residential premises:

a copy of the agreement on the gratuitous transfer or preferential sale of an inefficiently used building (structure) subject to reconstruction and conversion into residential premises;

a copy of the permit for reconstruction and re-equipment;

a copy of the contract for reconstruction and re-equipment;

a certificate of the estimated cost of reconstruction and re-equipment;

when purchasing residential premises;

a copy of the technical passport for the purchased residential premises;

a certificate of the estimated value of residential premises, issued by the territorial organization for state registration of real estate, rights to it and transactions with it or the village Council of Deputies.

Based on information about the total income and property status of the applicant and his family members who are improving their living conditions with him, the subsidy service determines whether or not the applicant for a subsidy has the funds necessary to cover the difference between the full cost of construction (reconstruction) or purchase of a residential property. premises and the amount of subsidies provided.

For citizens entitled to joint use of preferential loans and subsidies, a certificate about the amount of an open credit line for housing construction, the amount of a loan received on account of an open credit line, or a certificate stating that the loan was not issued is provided by a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB. at the request of the subsidy service of the local executive and administrative body, organization in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated September 13, 2005 No. 432.

If the applicant does not have the funds to cover the difference between the full cost of construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises and the amount of the subsidy provided, the local executive and administrative body, the management of the organization may refuse to accrue a subsidy. The applicant has the right to re-apply for a subsidy after he has the necessary funds.

The subsidy service verifies the accuracy of the information specified in the application, calculates the amount of the subsidy, explains to the recipient of the subsidy the conditions for its transfer to the special account “Subsidy” and the procedure for further use, submits for consideration of the local executive and administrative body a draft decision on the accrual of the subsidy, and in cases of refusal, when providing a subsidy, informs the applicant for a subsidy about the reason for the refusal.

One copy of the decision of the body providing the subsidy, indicating the amount of the accrued subsidy, the subsidy recipient’s own or borrowed funds, the intended use of the subsidy, is issued to the citizen, another copy is sent to a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB.

If the legislation provides for a fee for the issuance of documents requested by the subsidy service of the local executive and administrative body, organization, a copy of the decision of the body providing the subsidy is issued to the citizen after he has paid such a fee. There is no fee for issuing a copy of the decision on the subsidy to a citizen.

Based on the specified copy of the decision, a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB enters into an agreement with the subsidy recipient to open a special “Subsidy” account and make payments on behalf of the subsidy recipient during construction (reconstruction) or when purchasing residential premises.

For citizens who have the right to jointly use a subsidy and a preferential loan, a special “Subsidy” account is opened in a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB at the place of their lending.

Citizens exercising the right to joint use of subsidies and preferential loans for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises are provided with a subsidy during the construction (reconstruction) process. Lending is carried out in the prescribed manner within the limits of the construction cost of the remaining part of the standardized size of the preferentially loaned area minus the amount of the subsidy received.

When citizens who have received preferential bank loans apply, the subsidy is provided in the amount accrued in the prescribed manner, within the remaining part of the cost of construction of the standardized size of the preferentially credited residential area.

Upon submission of all necessary documents, the subsidy is transferred to a special account "Subsidy" in the name of its recipient in a separate division of the JSB "Belarusbank" depending on the method of construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises:

at the location of the current (settlement) account of a developer organization or an organization that has entered into an agreement with a citizen who is the recipient of a subsidy for shared participation in construction;

at the place of purchase of residential premises that have not been completed with the construction of a building (structure) subject to reconstruction and conversion into residential premises, or building materials, products and equipment during the construction of housing on their own.

After the subsidy is transferred to the special account “Subsidy”, a corresponding note is made in the accounting file of the citizen who is registered as needing improved housing conditions, to whose special account the subsidy is transferred.

Cash subsidies provided to citizens are used in non-cash form in the form of payments transferred on the written instructions of the subsidy owner by a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB:

developer organizations, developer (contractor) - during the construction of residential premises by shared, contract method;

to the seller - when purchasing residential premises that have not been completed with the construction of buildings (structures) that are subject to reconstruction and conversion into residential premises, building materials, products and equipment during the construction of housing on their own.

In cases where a citizen refuses to build a residential property or is excluded from the list of developers, the funds transferred from the special “Subsidy” account must be returned to local budgets or to the account of the organization that provided the subsidy. The return of funds is ensured by the developer organization carrying out the construction of a residential building, or by the citizen who carried out the construction of a single-apartment residential building or apartment by way of shared participation.

If, on the date of return of the subsidy, the regional index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work has increased in relation to the index that was in effect on the date of transfer of the subsidy to the special account “Subsidy” in a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB, the returned subsidy is indexed. To do this, the amount of the accrued subsidy is multiplied by a coefficient calculated by dividing the regional index of changes in the cost of construction and installation work valid on the date of indexation by the index valid on the date of transfer of the subsidy.

If funds were not transferred from the special “Subsidy” account for the construction of residential premises, they are returned by a separate division of the Belarusbank JSB, taking into account accrued interest in the amount provided for demand deposits.

In the event of a citizen leaving the membership of the developer organization and another citizen entitled to a subsidy being included in their membership, the subsidy is returned in the prescribed manner by the developer organization to the local budget or to the account of the organization that provided the subsidy.

A citizen included in the developer organization instead of someone who left is provided with a subsidy in the prescribed manner.

Disputes arising during the provision of a subsidy are considered by a higher local executive and administrative body or court in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


to determine the size of the basic subsidy share

(as a percentage of the cost of the standard for residential construction

premises of standard consumer qualities)

Time spent on the register, yearsIncome per family member, calculated in minimum consumer budgets
up to 1.0 incl.over 1.0 to 1.1over 1.1 to 1.2over 1.2 to 1.3over 1.3 to 1.4over 1.4 to 1.5over 1.5 to 1.6over 1.6 to 1.7over 1.7 to 1.8over 1.8 to 1.9over 1.9 to 2.0over 2 to 2.5over 2.5 to 3
Up to 5 years30 26 21 17 13 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 32 28 23 19 15 11 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 34 30 25 21 17 13 8 0 0 0 0


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