What types of kisses are there? What types and techniques of kissing do you need to know?

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When a person feels that he cannot please his partner, he begins to worry: can this be fixed? In fact, anyone can master the correct kissing technique. You just need to put in a little interest and effort.

A kiss is a caress as old as the world. Already thousands of years ago, people knew how to kiss, finding special pleasure in it. Our ancestors treated the kiss as a sacred act, revealing the essence of the fusion of male and female energies.

Not much has changed since then. People love to kiss, they know that it is useful, that it brings joy, calms and gives strength.

There are actually not many types and techniques of kissing. All of them can be mastered if desired, and then you can show your imagination. Combine different types to your liking in order to give yourself and your partner maximum pleasure.

Types of kisses and their descriptions

Those who are especially interested in this issue can read the literature on philematology, a special science that studies the physiological and psychological characteristics of a kiss. We will look at some types of kisses (and there are actually hundreds of them) in this article.

It is also called deep kissing. This is a complex type of kiss, which is mastered a little later, after mastering simpler techniques. Its essence lies in the contact of the tongues of two partners.

Although this type of caress is the most sensual and exciting, not everyone prefers it. Some women and men don't like it because it's wet and intimate. Therefore, you need to move on to it extremely carefully, observing a number of certain rules. You need to pay attention to such points as:

  • freshness of breath;
  • attractive appearance;
  • seductive smell from hair and body;
  • lightness and leisurely touch;
  • sensuality.

You need to start a kiss carefully, moving from weightless touches to more tangible and sensual ones, gradually increasing the pace if your partner responds and meets you halfway. The main thing is not to rush and not to be too persistent. If the partner tries to pull away, it is better to interrupt the kiss, again moving on to softer touches.

How to learn to kiss in French? There are four types of French kissing, each of which receives special attention.

The types of French kissing include the following:

  • mill - rotation of the tongue in a circle;
  • an exquisite kiss - sliding across the palate;
  • royal kiss - sliding along the teeth and the inside of the cheek;
  • stinging kiss - sucking on the lip with a sharp penetration of the tongue inside.

This is a closed, long and very gentle kiss. He is more romantic than passionate and is suitable for first dates, love confessions and explanations. It is also called “kiss-flirting”; it has a lot of softness, leisurely and lightness.

Like the French, the Italian kiss requires attention to certain points, such as:

  • romantic setting;
  • slight moisture on the lips, which is achieved by using hygienic lipstick;
  • having a lot of time, being slow;
  • patience and sensitivity.

An Italian kiss cannot be sharp and passionate. The contact of the lips is soft, weightless and long lasting. The movements are light, barely noticeable. At the moment of the kiss, you need to include hand movements, stroking, hugging, touching the chest and thighs.

English kiss

This is a kiss with light nipping. Suitable for expressing passion and the desire to possess a partner completely. You can bite both the upper and lower lip, lightly grasping and then releasing. Often this type of kiss is combined with others.

It is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Show tenderness and caution. The bites should cause no pain at all, or cause a slight, pleasant pain for a split second.
  2. You should not use the English kiss on first dates, it may alarm your partner. First, get to know his tastes well.
  3. This kiss is only on naked areas of the body. You need to be careful, because the skin on the human body has different sensitivity.

According to research by psychologists, this type of kiss is extremely popular. Over seventy percent of men and women find it arousing and willingly use it. How to learn such a kiss?

  • Gently grab the upper or lower lip with your front teeth;
  • slowly, lightly pull;
  • let go and briefly switch to another type of kiss.

The biting kiss can be mastered without the use of teeth to begin with. To do this, you need to try to make similar movements with your lips alone.

Classic types of kiss

At the moment, three types of classic kiss are known. Let's look at each of them:

  1. No tongue. In order to kiss properly without tongue, it is important to learn how to relax your lips. Tension in the lips is the main obstacle to a good, high-quality kiss. You don’t need to open your lips at all, or do it slightly, capturing your partner’s lower or upper lip.
  2. With tongue. Kissing with the tongue can be dry or wet. Often the first case, as excitement progresses, turns into the second. In a dry kiss, the tongue is not involved much, does not penetrate too deeply inside, and the glide is smooth. The movements are careful, palpating. The wet kiss is deeper, stronger and faster. The tongue moves confidently.
  3. Passionate. Starts out as a closed kiss. Then careful sucking of the lips, upper and lower, alternates. You can gently run the tip of your tongue over your partner’s lips and use light nipping.

Each person can make their kissing style unique by combining different techniques and types as they wish. It is important to build on your own preferences, while taking into account the desires of your partner.

Kissing techniques

There are many of them and anyone can master them. There are techniques suitable mainly for men or women, techniques for erotic, seductive and passionate kisses, as well as techniques for kissing other parts of the body (shoulders, neck, ears).

A sophisticated lover should have at least five techniques in stock. This article will cover ten different techniques.

First kiss

No matter what anyone says, the first kiss should be special. Light, gentle, romantic, there should be no aggression or too much lust in it. The first kiss never involves the tongue and teeth. Only the lips are involved, and the eyes, as a rule, should be closed.

With slightly parted lips, you need to touch your partner’s lips, try to retract them a little, it is permissible to slowly run the tip of your tongue over your partner’s lips. The movements are smooth, unhurried, almost like an Italian kiss.

If your partner is a girl and she is kissing for the first time, you should listen to her movements. The desire to withdraw should not be ignored.

passionate kiss

This type of kiss is not given to everyone and the point here is not at all in its complexity. The technique is that the partner’s lower or upper lip (and sometimes both at once) seems to be absorbed, sucked in. Such a kiss does not last long, it either weakens or flares up again.

The movements at first are not too strong and sharp, then they can be gradually intensified until the partner makes it clear that now that’s enough. If you perform this kissing technique correctly, you can feel a pleasant tingling and numbness on your lips.

A passionate kiss should not be interrupted too abruptly, because in this case the partners’ lips part with a loud bang, which causes some awkwardness. To avoid embarrassment, the kiss should be broken smoothly, with a slight hissing sound.

"Marathon" technique

This is a long, persistent and soft kiss. It is best to perform this technique in silence, with the lights off. The main difference is the duration of the kiss. The longer it is, the better. They say this kiss has a calming and even soporific effect.

The “Marathon” technique helps bring partners closer together and trains their endurance.

Electric charge technique

This kind of kiss is done in complete darkness. The girl slowly approaches the guy, and before reaching him just a couple of steps, she leans over and kisses him. The kiss should be long, with the bodies not touching, only the lips acting. This kind of caress will have an amazing effect on a man, so you should definitely try it.

Erotic kiss for guys

Of course, it should be taken into account that not all girls like such caresses. But you definitely need to check and try. Light touches of the lips to the earlobe, soft kisses, sucking, and gentle movements of the tongue create a real symphony.

Usually, an erotic kiss smoothly transitions from a kiss on the neck. Some girls are very turned on by this, others are just tickled, in any case, the reaction will appear immediately. If a girl doesn’t like this type of affection, she will just giggle. Otherwise, her breathing will become faster and she will not move the guy away, but will reach out to him.

During a kiss, you can say some pleasant, affectionate words, whisper about how much you like the girl, how exciting she is, how good she is, and so on. The main thing is not to do it too loudly, do not breathe or whisper directly into your ear, this will only cause irritation.

During a kiss, you should not touch the girl’s jewelry (various earrings), put them in your mouth or play with them. The girl, of course, won't like it. Not only is there a high risk of unfastening the earring and losing it, but it will also remain unpleasantly damp and cold.

Kiss tingling

It's a long kiss with light biting and pinching. It should be done without opening your lips too much and without using your tongue. A man or woman starts with a closed kiss, and then lightly grabs the skin with his upper teeth, lets go just as quickly, goes back to the classic kiss, and so on until the lips begin to burn pleasantly.

Kiss on the hand

This type of kiss is considered forgotten and outdated. However, it has symbolism, elegance, and most importantly, it is especially appreciated by the fair sex. Previously, such a kiss served as an expression of reverence, respect, and admiration.

Not everyone is capable of giving a girl such a kiss. His technique has long been forgotten, but meanwhile, there is no better way to impress a girl. In order to perform a kiss correctly, a man must bend slightly and touch the girl’s hand with his lips. This should be done easily and gently, not too hasty, but not too long. The eyes should be closed at this moment. To enhance the effect, you can say a couple of pleasant words.

"Talking Kiss" Technique

The essence of this kiss is that during the kiss the man tells the girl pleasant words, compliments, something romantic and pleasing to the ear. In order to perform such a kiss correctly, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • fresh breath;
  • the kiss should be light and closed;
  • you can learn a poem or a quote;
  • a couple of hours before the kiss you should not drink, smoke or eat fatty foods.

Kiss "Prelude"

These are the so-called foreplay. The kiss begins as soft, gentle, but gradually intensifies, the tempo increases, the tongue and lips are connected to the lips. But suddenly there comes a sharp weakening, the movements are smooth again, the sharpness disappears from them. Such alternations of passionate and cautious kisses can bring both a man and a woman to the desired state of strong arousal.

In this technique you can also use kisses on the neck and eyes. It is necessary to periodically change the position of the body; dynamism should be not only in the lips, it should be in everything. You should include various hugs, stroking, and leisurely study of your partner.

Seductive kiss

This kiss is a combination of all possible. It involves lips, tongue, teeth, hands, and the whole body. Pinching, biting, and sliding the tongue are acceptable. They need to be alternated correctly, without being too persistent, but increasing the pace as excitement grows.

You should alternate kisses on the neck, ears, lips, and décolleté (without going too low to the chest). The partner is pressed tightly to himself, hands slide along the back, the back of the head, and lower to the lower back. All kisses should be dry and warm.

How to avoid making mistakes?

In order to avoid making mistakes when kissing, it is important not only to know the preferences of your partner, but also to imagine what kind of mistakes in kissing are often made. Most often, inexperienced young people make the following mistakes:

  • Discussion of a kiss. Ask your partner the question “let’s kiss?”, or “can I kiss you?” there is an act completely devoid of meaning, and in some cases simply ridiculous and inappropriate. When your partner is already in the mood for a kiss, he will feel awkward; the same thing will happen if kissing was not planned at all. It’s better to just listen to the feelings of your loved one, observing his gestures, facial expressions, and breathing.
  • Excessive excitement. It leads to such unpleasant consequences as lip tension, excessive mobility and talkativeness. All this together not only creates awkwardness, destroying the atmosphere of romance, but will also have a detrimental effect on the kiss itself, depriving the partner of all pleasure.
  • Diffidence. The first kiss requires calm confidence in your own abilities and in the fact that your partner likes the person. That is why you should not ask another for a kiss, much less thank him.
  • Manifestation of selfishness. You should always listen to your partner’s wishes and preferences. You should not use those types of kisses that clearly cause irritation, dissatisfaction, or hostility.
  • Fear and constraint. It is expressed in the fact that a person is afraid to experiment, to try something new. For the sake of safety, he sacrifices the enormous pleasure that he could get by giving pleasure to his partner.
  • Use of language. The first kiss should not be wet.
  • Behavior after a kiss. When the caress is over, there is no need to immediately engage in abstract conversations, avert your eyes, or fuss. It’s better to just sit in silence for a while, look your partner in the eyes, and only then start conversations.

How to learn to kiss?

In order to master kissing techniques, you can resort to the following means:

  • exercises on fruits (they need to be caressed with your lips and tongue, trying not to damage the skin);
  • watching films (educational videos, feature films, or erotica);
  • literature (this could be books on learning techniques or manuals);
  • practice (you can practice on people);
  • discussions and forums (where people share their first experiences).

Using these simple methods, you can reconnoiter the situation and understand the essence of the process itself. But of course, they will not replace the experience that you can get with your first kiss with your loved one.

The meaning of kisses

A kiss can express completely different feelings, emotions and desires. In order to understand your partner, or to tell him something with your caresses, it is better to know about the meaning of kisses in different parts of the body. What does this or that kiss mean?

  • a kiss on the neck reveals a desire to possess a partner;
  • kissing the hand expresses respect;
  • a kiss on the nose means great sympathy;
  • a kiss on the forehead is an expression of care;
  • a kiss on the ears speaks of a desire for intimacy;
  • a kiss on the lips is always a declaration of love.

In order to learn how to kiss correctly and how to learn it, you can watch this video:

This article will look at various types of kisses, and will also pay attention to how to kiss correctly.

Meaning: “I want to get to know you better.”

A kiss on the cheek may seem more like a manifestation of platonic feelings, or a respectful attitude towards your relatives, but it can also be applied to your other half.

Your lips should be soft and relaxed. Bring them closer to your girlfriend's or boyfriend's (if you're a girl) cheek, as if choosing the perfect spot for a kiss. Then gently touch your cheek with your lips.

A kiss on the cheek can lead to a kiss on the earlobe, which is a very sensitive point for the touch of lips, tongue and the sensation of breathing. You can bite your earlobe, just do it while covering your teeth with your lips.

“I feel good next to you.”

Bring your lips to the closed eyes of your loved one and, lightly touching, kiss them. You can also kiss the eyebrows and corners of the eyes.

This is a particularly sweet way to kiss someone you really love. It’s not for nothing that the kiss of the eyelids is also called the kiss of an angel.

"I care about you."

This is a sincere kiss that promotes a feeling of security, which is created specifically to express care for each other.

"You are cute."

Kissing the back or inside of the hand is very sensual.

And even if this is not the most passionate type of kisses, they always reflect your care and desire to be close.

“Every part of you is amazing.”

This kiss is reminiscent of a vampire bite, but that doesn’t make it any less pleasant or amazing.

“I like your face.”

Consists of kissing the chin from ear to ear. You already know what you can do with your earlobe.

“You are gentle and affectionate.”

A kiss on the nose will seem quirky and cute, making you both smile.

"Let's continue."

The back of the neck can be an interesting kissing target. Your other half will definitely appreciate it.

“Every part of you is better than the previous one.”

Try this type of kissing by touching your lips to the pads of your fingertips.

10. French kiss (passionate)

“You awakened my feelings.”

Touching lips is wonderful, but kissing using both lips and tongue is even more intimate.

The French kiss is one of the most popular types of kisses that breaks out between two very close people.

It's better to start it slowly. Touch your loved one's tongue with your tongue. Keep your tongue relaxed and try not to produce too much saliva.

“I like playing with you.”

This is a gentle kiss that is specifically designed to seduce the other person.

Kiss either your partner's lower or upper lip without using your tongue. This type of kissing can be used mixed with the French kiss.

12. Melt the ice

“Let's light it up.”

This is a very naughty and fun kiss that you can use while drinking iced drinks.

Place an ice cube in your mouth and place it on the tip of your tongue, then kiss the girl (guy) and pass the ice cube using your tongue.

Find out how long it takes for the ice to melt.

13. Hot and cold

“I'm slowing down, but I'm going to speed up.”

When kissing your partner, pull away sharply, and then gently hit his lips with your lips, provoking an explosion of feelings.

"I miss you."

Kiss the lower lip, remembering to use your tongue.

"I want you."

Move in to kiss your partner, but run your tongue across their lips instead.

Now kiss them.

“Let's experiment.”

You kiss your partner's tongue softly.

“Being with you makes me a better person.”

When you are as close to face to face as possible, open and close your eyes, touching the girl’s (guy’s) cheeks, nose or lips with your eyelashes.

Let your lashes have some fun too.

"You make me smile."

Touch your partner's nose with your own, moving up and down and side to side.

"You are mine."

Gently kiss the girl's neck for pleasant emotions.

“Let's try something new.”

Try the legendary kiss from the movie “Spider-Man”, when your face is upside down in relation to your partner.

You can use this type of kissing while in bed or on the edge of the bed.

“Let's add some fun.”

This kiss is like melting ice, but only sweeter.

Place a berry or piece of fruit in your mouth, then move on to French kissing. As soon as your lips touch, use your lips and tongue to pass the fruit to your partner.

“Thanks to you, I feel good.”

This type of kissing is done by sucking your partner's lips, as if you are trying to suck the soul out of him. It is never long in duration.

“No one will know about our secret.”

Take a small sip of your favorite drink and leave a drop of it on your lips. After this, kiss your partner, sharing your favorite taste.

“How passionate you are.”

To bring this kiss to life, touch each other with the tips of your tongues.

“You're delicious.”

Almost any kiss can be made more exciting by adding a little biting to it, by gently grabbing, for example, your partner's lip or earlobe.

Remember to perform this kiss very gently, making sure that it does not hurt.

“I have fun with you.”

Choose a part of your partner's body, say the back. Start kissing in the shape of the letters of the girl's (boyfriend's) name, or depicting another figure, for example, the sail of a yacht.

“Your body is amazing.”

The collarbone area is a very sensitive part of the body.

You have the option of kissing your partner gently, harshly, or using your tongue.

You can move the kiss from your collarbone down your stomach or towards your shoulders and face.

“It’s calm and pleasant with you.”

The belly is a nice, soft place to kiss.

“Your hands are attractive.”

Why stop at the palm and wrist? Continue by kissing all the way to your elbow.

“I would eat you whole.”

Shoulders can be an interesting choice to kiss.

You can kiss the shoulder directly or reach it by making a line from your earlobe or elbow.

Work your way across your partner's chest and then towards their lips.

"I like you."

This type of kissing is ideal for a couple who or when someone goes outside the house.

It can also be suitable for first kisses in new couples when one party doesn't know how the other feels.

32. “Mua” or air kiss

"I want to be next to you."

This kiss should be used during a telephone conversation or while at some distance.

Just say “Mua!”

"I think of you."

When your partner isn't around, you might want to send a virtual kiss via text message.

Write something like “I would really like to kiss you right now...” or “This text message will turn into a kiss when I see you.”

“I enjoy spending time with you.”

The shoulder is a rather unusual target for a kiss.

If you decide to kiss the back of your neck, consider also the back of your shoulder, which is also sometimes called the angel's wing.

"I'm holding you."

This kiss occurs when a guy tightly lifts his feet off the ground and floats in the air.

36. Adventure Kiss

“Tonight is going to be fun.”

Try kissing a girl from a moving car. When doing this, try to follow the traffic rules.

“You are charming.”

This type of kissing has already been considered in pairs with others, but now its solo appearance has come.

Take your partner's earlobe with your lips and gently pull it down. To increase the degree of attraction, use your tongue using a gentle movement in combination with your lips.

This is a very passionate kiss. Your partner will not only feel it, but also hear and feel your warm breath.

“You move great.”

This kiss is intended for dancing couples. Against the backdrop of a slow composition, it is very romantic.

"And let the whole world wait."

Have you ever surprised your girlfriend with a kiss in the rain? Unexpectedly hug her waist and give her a romantic kiss.

Every time it rains, your friend will think of you.

“You are very attractive.”

In essence, this is the same kiss on the lips without the tongue, on the cheek or on the nose, only the context is different.

You can use it anywhere, but it gets its own special touch when you are in public.

With this kiss, the play of the eyes is of great importance. The couple looks at each other with a passionate gaze, slowly approaches and, finally, one of them quickly kisses on the lips, cheek or nose.

“There is nowhere to retreat.”

Want to add some more passion? Then try this type of kissing.

Just gently push the girl towards the next wall, and, holding her, start kissing her on the lips.

42. Secret kiss

Close your girlfriend's (boyfriend's) eyes, tell her that a little surprise awaits her, put some candy on your tongue and give her a French kiss.

“Happiness never seems to end.”

Kiss at half your normal speed or at one-quarter your usual speed.

It's amazing how slow motion quickly speeds up everything around you.

How to kiss correctly

1. Take the first step

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Each of us is personally responsible for our own pleasure, and there is no reason to wait until the other person decides to kiss you.

Don't ask if you can kiss a girl. Alternatively, start with a kiss on the forehead, then kiss the tip of the nose, then move on to French kissing.

The best time for a first kiss is when you are alone, there is a pause in the conversation, and you are both looking into each other's eyes.

Push the situation to this point by escaping from the crowd to a place where you feel comfortable.

Stand or sit next to your partner, make eye contact, and let the conversation come to a natural point of passion. You will know when this moment comes.

2. Take your time

Probably the best advice before your first kiss is to stay calm and not make any fuss.

If you're feeling nervous about your kissing abilities, that anxiety may contribute to insecurity and frantic attempts to get it right, which will only make things worse.

As a result, you will begin to behave unnaturally, making unnecessary movements, or your actions will seem somehow abrupt and inappropriate to the situation.

Kissing should be romantic and relaxing, so try to do everything smoothly and slowly.

3. Optimal intensity

Another problem that you may encounter before learning how to kiss properly is the intensity of kissing, as it should not go to extremes.

Some people kiss too aggressively, which can result in their partner's teeth clashing, pushing them away, or retreating and taking a step back.

Others, on the contrary, are too shy and timid, as a result of which their kisses become insipid and lifeless.

Think about handshakes. It will probably be strange if someone squeezes your hand so hard that your bones crunch.

Therefore, pressure and intensity in kissing and hugging should be present, but within reason.

4. Use your tongue correctly

Another characteristic of a “bad” kiss is using too much tongue.

When you first start kissing your partner, you don't have to use your tongue right away. Increase love tension gradually.

Focus on different ways of kissing with just your lips. When the time comes to use your tongue, do so carefully.

At first, tilt your head a little to the side, try to lightly touch the girl’s (guy’s) tongue. Imagine that your tongues are gently caressing each other.

Don't press too hard with your tongue and don't try to fill your partner's entire mouth with it.

If you're not sure how to use your tongue, try practicing on the back of your palm. Play with different ways to move your tongue across the skin of your hand.

This practice may seem silly, but it's a really simple way to understand how things work.

5. Don't forget to breathe

You won't be able to kiss properly if you don't breathe through your nose while kissing.

In addition, such a maneuver will slow down the romantic process a little, increasing the level of passion.

6. Add variety

Don't let your lips or tongue stay in one place for more than a couple of seconds.

The excitement of the first kiss is exciting, but anything can happen if you don't change your own style at least a little.

Use your tongue to gently explore all the sensual places in your partner's mouth, vary the types of kisses, but try not to be too dominant or open your mouth too wide.

7. Use your arms and whole body

The best kiss is the one that involves your whole body, not just your lips.

Hug the girl (boyfriend) or stroke her arms, shoulders and back with your hands. Move your hands up and down your body. Hold your partner tightly to you. Place your hands on the girl's face or run your hands through her hair.

Alternatively, you can take a break from kissing on the lips by focusing on your neck or earlobe. Use your whole body to create variety.

At the same time, be sure to remember that a slow pace makes the kiss even more sensual.

8. Playing while kissing

You can diversify kisses with playful actions:

  • Break away from the kiss and look your partner in the eyes while smiling playfully.
  • Gently run your finger over the girl's lips.
  • Pull away from the kiss and, keeping your lips slightly parted close to each other, inhale and exhale together.
9. Adapt your technique

To kiss correctly, you can use various methods, but do not forget that each person has his own style of kissing.

So when you kiss someone, pay attention to what your partner is doing and what he or she responds to best.

How actively does the partner use the tongue? Do you feel that he is uncomfortable when you bite his lips?

As passion builds and momentum increases, you can begin to kiss with more dynamics while continuing to gauge your partner's reaction.

Try to adapt as a result of the feedback you receive.

10. Open your eyes sometimes

Most people associate kissing with closed eyes. But periodic eye contact before and during the kiss can make it even more passionate.

11. Stay in the moment

Try to enjoy the moment and just feel what is happening.

If you try to keep your attention only on technique all the time, the most piquant thing in a kiss, and this is nothing more than passion, will be crumpled and take on faded shades.

12. End the kiss smoothly

When you are about to complete a French kiss, the easiest thing to do is simply pull away from your partner and stop kissing. But this may seem a little harsh.

Perhaps the best scenario would be to stop using tongue and seek the help of a tongueless kiss before the kiss ends.

It is better if the very first kiss does not last too long.

13. Discuss how you prefer to kiss

When it comes to any criticism, most people become defensive due to feelings of vulnerability.

So don't criticize by saying that your partner doesn't know how to kiss properly.

It is much better if you explain to your loved one what you like and what you don’t.

14. Don't neglect kisses

The effort a couple puts into a long-term relationship communicates to their partners that they truly care, love, and respect them. And this is really important.

But, unfortunately, the longer a couple is together, the less importance lovers pay to the French kiss. They start to think it's not that important.

However, even in a long-term relationship, French kissing should remain a priority.


First of all, try to focus on the types of kisses and considered recommendations that you like and suit best. Remember that the right kiss is when it is fun and pleasant.

Follow your feelings, as well as the signals coming from your partner, and, most likely, the kiss will turn out even better than you expected.

Get ready, it will be interesting! The educational YouTube channel “Professor Google” has prepared a video about kissing. The YouTube blogger was prompted to think about the meaning of certain types of kisses (and it turns out they are divided into categories) by Cheryl Kirshenbaum’s book “The Science of Kissing.”

According to Cheryl's theory, there are more than a hundred types of kisses that express completely different feelings. Of these, 18 of the most common ones were selected, and you can get acquainted with the information in video mode by watching the video (and below we will give a brief extract from it):

1. French kiss. Expresses passion. Sometimes it occurs in couples with considerable experience who have managed to maintain seething feelings.

2. Quick kiss. With closed lips - used in public (most often by couples who have been together for a long time and have moved to a new level of relationship and understanding).

3. Kiss on the cheek. Reminds us of mutual care.

4. Air kisses indicate that the couple loves to flirt and cannot live without adventure and fun.

5. Lock kiss. It occurs when both really need to go, but the lovers cannot tear themselves away from each other.

6. An angel's kiss is a kiss on the eyelids when one of the lovers is sleeping. Speaks of sincerity and reliability.

7. A kiss on the nose indicates humor and fun in a couple. Good for defusing a quarrel.

8. A kiss on the forehead expresses care and devotion.

9. A kiss on the ear (a very sensitive part of the body) is intended to amuse and amuse. Indicates a craving for new experiences in life, take note.

10. They kiss your earlobe when the relationship is full of passion. This is one of the most intimate and romantic subspecies.

11. Kissing the hand is an ancient gesture expressing respect or admiration. According to some rules, a man must be older than the woman whose hand he kisses.

12. Open and passionate people who have their own opinions on everything like to kiss the neck.

13. A hickey is a kind of “mark” that the partner is busy. Isn't this a sign of a jealous person? Or your partner is worried that something is wrong in the relationship.

14. Kissing with the active use of only one lip is typical for couples with strong relationships, when partners like to spend time together. It often occurs in couples with a lot of experience, who know almost everything about each other.

15. The Eskimo kiss is an expression of a strong relationship.

16. Biting the lower lip is practiced by temperamental people.

17. The “vacuum” kiss is found among those for whom physical contact is really important.

18. Well, the golden mean is a kiss with physical contact. And not too indecent, and not too modest, and also a sign of understanding. In general, what you need.

A kiss from a loved one... Mmmm, what could be more wonderful?! Despite the fact that the 21st century has been raging for a long time, humanity has not come up with (and thank God!) a new way to express its love and affection. But some of us have mastered types of kisses that others have never heard of! Do you want to know what kisses are like? , and join the company of these craftsmen? Then sharpen your pencil and get ready to write down the most interesting things!

Types of kisses in passion

  • Kiss on the neck

To begin, lightly bite his earlobe, then very slowly walk along his neck, making teasing and barely perceptible touches with your lips.

  • licking kiss

Very softly and unbearably slowly, run the tip of your tongue over the guy’s lips, as if licking them.

  • Long kiss

Touch your lips to your lover's lips and kiss him for a long, long time, alternating strong and weak pressure on the lips.

  • French Kiss

The tongue takes an active part in this kiss, as if it is playing with the partner’s tongue.

  • Playful kiss

You can safely flirt with your loved one, either biting his lips, or sucking and tickling his tongue.

  • "Sink"

This type of kiss is considered one of the sexiest. You must definitely master it! It's very simple: put your lips on your partner's earlobe and pull it down slightly, and then bite it a little. Don't be afraid to use your teeth and tongue: this will make the kiss even hotter.

  • Contrast kiss

Long and gently, barely touching the skin, kiss your loved one with just your lips, and when he completely relaxes, suddenly move on to a French kiss. Such an unexpected turn will certainly cause him a storm of emotions!

  • One lip kiss

Use your two lips to catch one of the guy’s lips and squeeze it or suck it gently. Despite the fact that at first glance this kiss seems tender and romantic, if performed correctly it can bring a partner to the very pinnacle of pleasure and inexpressible pleasure.

  • "Passionate Avalanche"

Did you manage to wake up before your boyfriend? Take advantage of the moment and sweetly kiss him on the lips while he is in the power of Morpheus.

  • « Rain of kisses"

Start kissing your partner's face, ears, then move to the neck, chest, back and arms, slowly move lower to the stomach. Alternate fast and slow kisses.

  • "Pendulum"

Insert the tip of your tongue between your loved one’s lips and move it from right to left, then from left to right. It will be just great if the guy gets involved in this game himself.

  • "Spine Kiss"

Ask the guy to lie on his stomach and give him a whole series of light kisses along the line of the spine. Start from the neck and continue to the lowest point of the spine.

Types of tender kisses

  • baby kiss

Remember how mothers kiss their babies. And now, in the same way, kiss every mole and every freckle of your partner.

  • Kiss to your beloved

Lightly run your finger along and across the guy's lips, quietly whispering words of love to him, and then gently kiss him directly on the lips.

  • "Inato"

During this kiss, keep your tongue firmly between your teeth. Only touching lips is allowed!

  • Kiss on the eyes

What could be more touching than a light touch on your partner’s closed eyelids?!

  • Kisses on the corners of the mouth

As you probably already guessed, first you need to kiss one corner of the lips, and then the second.

The most unusual kisses

  • "Butterfly"

Bring your eyes closer to the guy's eyes and start batting your eyelashes very quickly so that they touch his eyelashes.

  • Eskimo kiss

Do you want to bring a little humor into your intimate life?! Then a simple nose rub (which is exactly what an Eskimo kiss looks like!) is just what you need.

  • Computer kiss

Send your guy an email and include the sound of your kiss recorded on your computer's audio recorder.

  • Spiderman Kiss

This technique involves kissing upside down, with your upper lip touching the guy's lower lip.

  • Wet kiss

You can kiss with or without tongue, but your mouth must be open. This technique requires special skill, because excess saliva will ruin the entire effect. To avoid mistakes, alternate a wet kiss with biting or sucking.

  • Vacuum Kiss

The lips of your loved one should be curled into a tube. This is what you should pull into yourself either very easily or very tightly. If you suddenly release your partner's lips, the kiss will end with a loud bang. In fact, there should be no sounds, so weaken it smoothly and slowly.

  • "Petals Falling"

Spread the guy's lips with your fingers and kiss him on the teeth.

  • "Waves"

Gently rub your lips against your partner's lips without using your tongue.

  • Ice Kiss

Take a piece of ice in your mouth and push it into the guy’s mouth while kissing.

  • Conversational kiss

This technique requires some preparation on both your part and the guy's. Learn by heart some funny poems, songs, counting rhymes, passages from prose, come up with unusual compliments. Now press your lips to each other and start whispering everything that you managed to remember.
Well, now you know almost everything about what kisses are like. I think that the theoretical part of the question is over. It's time, so to speak, to move on to practice!

A playful kiss - it’s playful for that reason, so as to accidentally arouse passion

Why are we kissing? Some would say that kissing is a cultural stereotype. Everyone around them kisses - on the street, in the cinema, in books and magazines. And everyone knows that in a romantic setting you have to kiss. And how, because how many different types of kisses have been invented by humanity!

And someone will say that a kiss is a real merging of souls, and when lovers kiss, an angel is born in heaven. And to this day no one can explain the phenomenon of kissing. But what types of kisses are there, and how to do them, Karelian News tried to figure out.

One thing is good: back in Art. BC. in ancient India, kissing was “systematized” and described in detail in the Kama Sutra. Find out all the types of kisses and their meaning. Please your loved one!

Inato is a gentle and romantic type of kiss on the lips, smooth. This is a kiss with just the lips, you can’t touch your teeth, but you can’t leave not a single millimeter of your lips unkissed.

An even kiss is a kiss when a guy takes a girl’s lips in his, folds his lips into a tube and sucks the lips of his beloved into himself, trying to touch her tongue.

Do you want to learn the “Fight of Mouths” kiss? Then do this: your lips are parted, you both suck and lightly bite each other's lips. But be careful not to bite too hard in the heat of passion.

A playful kiss - it is playful for that reason, so that, as if by chance, it arouses passion. During a “playful” kiss, the guy bites the girl’s lips, and she, moving her tongue in his mouth, arouses passion.

During the “Kiss of the Teeth”, in a passionate impulse he “kisses” the teeth of his beloved, throwing her head lower and lower.

The Samayan kiss is a type of kiss with the tongue. The man takes the girl’s tongue into his mouth and, barely touching it with his teeth, sucks. The girl tries to take his tongue as deeply as possible, thus confirming the desire to move on to intimate relationships.

The “Tenderness” kiss teaches you to enjoy even the light touch of your lips and tongue. Effort is not important here, the main thing is tenderness and lightness.

To reproduce the “Mill” kiss, you need to take your loved one’s tongue to your cheek and lightly twirl your tongue.

“Bashful” is a kiss when a girl kisses, slightly moving her lower lip, as if trying to “run away” from the guy.

The “Sink” kiss is a classic of erotic art. Kiss your loved one gently on the ear, lightly biting the lobe and touching the skin behind the ear with your lips.

Saree is one of the types of kisses that a man gives to a woman. He kisses her palms, around the elbow and higher on the inside.

An exquisite kiss is a gentle touch of the tongue to the palate of a loved one.

Petal Kiss - the man must pull her lower lip and insert his tongue behind her cheek, caressing and arousing her with light movements, while tilting her head back.

A girl gives a “stinging” kiss to a man. She gently and bashfully sucks his lips, and then suddenly pushes her tongue into his mouth for a moment and immediately pulls back, pretending to be scared.

A “royal” kiss should be kissed like this: sliding your tongue over your teeth, insert it behind your cheek and gently caress it.

A passionate kiss is a trail of many kisses below the mouth. These are kisses of the neck, chest, nipples, belly, inner thighs, curves of the arms, legs under the knees. And the return back - along the same path of kisses.

The Bud Enjoyment Kiss is a type of kissing using fingers. The guy gently squeezes both lips of the girl and kisses her on the lips.

“Falling petals” is done like this: the guy spreads the girl’s lips with his fingers and kisses her on the teeth.

"Gathering nectar" is a kiss during which the guy presses his fingers to the girl's lips and kisses her tongue.

Ata is a most exciting kissing game. Play with your loved one: try to be the first to grab his lip and push out his tongue with your tongue in order to insert your tongue into his mouth. And then gently kiss the tip of the nose and chin of your loved one.

It turns out that kissing is one of the most exciting games in the world. And most importantly, there are no losers. So play and kiss to your health!


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