What forms of PVC windows exist. Types and shapes of modern plastic windows for houses of any type

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Today it is difficult to imagine a house without windows, although there are examples in the world that lack this familiar architectural detail. There are also homes whose owners, due to an unfortunate neighborhood, decided not to install windows in the usual direction, preferring to install several dozen frosted acrylic skylights. A striking example of this is the concrete house in Hiroshima. Personally, I can’t imagine a cozy home without quality daylight and a flow of fresh air, and our need for this is perfectly satisfied by windows. They can be wooden or plastic, have a variety of shapes and open in different directions. This is what windows there are in the direction of opening that we will talk about today.

Ways to open the doors

As a rule, in multi-storey buildings, the same type of white metal-plastic windows are installed, which can be opened towards you (pivot sash) or upwards (flap sash). Very often, half of the window does not open at all; this is called a “blind sash”.

In fact, there are many more ways to open the doors, and some of them are very convenient and are more actively used in private households. Below is a description of each method + a visual opening diagram.

1. Blind sash. This type of door does not allow for opening. As a rule, such sashes are installed in store windows, in combined window systems, when some sashes open and others do not. Such a sash complicates the process of cleaning the outside of the window and prevents the room from being ventilated.

2. Rotary method of opening the doors (pivot door). Such windows can open inside or outside. This is a fairly common type of opening window. One side of such a window is fixed on hinges. To open the window, you need to pull the handle, after which it will open by rotating around a fixed axis. The cost of such windows is quite low, and they are quite in demand on the modern window market.

3. Folding method of opening the doors (flap). The method of opening the sashes described above is very often combined with a tilting one, since this allows, depending on the desire of the owner, to open the window in the mode of easy ventilation upwards or wide open. Window manufacturers provide the ability to turn the handle in different directions for one or another direction of opening. Opening in a rotary way - the handle is in a horizontal position, in a folding way - in a vertical position. I would like to say that in cheap windows the sashes very often jam when turning the handles, which I had to deal with when renting an apartment in a new building. It is better to choose a more durable and high-quality option, as on oknawam.ru.

4. Suspended method of opening the doors (suspended door). In this case, the sash opens at the bottom of the window. It is very important that such a window is also made with high quality, since the risk of pinching fingers is quite high.

5. A method of opening the doors rotating along the vertical axis (leaf rotating along the vertical axis). Such a window can be opened to the right or left side, with part of the window facing outside and the other inside the apartment. This type of shutter cannot be called the most popular, as it is not very convenient.

6. A method of opening the doors rotating along the horizontal axis (leaf rotating along the horizontal axis). Everything is similar to method number five, only the window opens up and down, not to the side.

7. Sliding method of opening the doors (sliding door). A very convenient method, since you can open the window to any width and it is safer if there is a cat in your house. Few people know that opening a window for overhead ventilation is potentially dangerous for cats, as they try to get out, slide down and break their ridges (there are thousands of registered cases in the world). Plastic windows are slippery and there is nothing for animals to catch their claws on.

8. Folding method of opening the doors (folding door). In this case, the window easily folds like an accordion. Such windows look quite original, and with proper design you can create a very beautiful window composition.

Over the past 15-20 years, plastic windows have literally become an integral part of any work related to both construction and renovation. This is not at all surprising, given their high performance characteristics and properties, as well as ease of installation and maintainability. In addition, the most important reason for the frequent use of plastic windows is modern technology, which has reduced the cost of an initially quite expensive design. As a result of their introduction, PVC windows turned out to be quite competitive compared to wood structures, often offering higher quality of the resulting structure.

Plastic windows - description, pros and cons

The design of a plastic window is fundamentally practically no different from an ordinary wooden one. The only difference is that instead of solid wooden blocks, multi-chamber profiles made of polyvinyl chloride are used as a supporting structure.

The main material used in the production of plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride. It refers to thermoplastics, that is, plastics that, after initial molding, retain the possibility of subsequent processing. When producing profiles for windows, various modifying, stabilizing and other additives are added to PVC to achieve the necessary properties of strength, light resistance, colors and shades, as well as resistance to atmospheric factors from the material.

The scope of application of plastic windows is extremely wide - they can be used in almost any residential, public or industrial buildings. In this case, it is simply necessary to select a type of design that meets the specific requirements.

Advantages of plastic windows

The rapidly gaining popularity of the design in question is largely due to its undoubted advantages:

  • tightness of the structure. Plastic windows provide high levels of both sound and heat insulation;
  • environmental friendliness. Despite the fact that polyvinyl chloride is a product of the chemical industry, as a finished material it is absolutely harmless, at least the variety that is used in the production of window profiles;
  • variety of sizes, options, types and appearance of the structure. The modern technological level allows us to produce almost any design of a plastic window, taking into account individual characteristics and wishes. Even manufacturing a window of non-standard sizes rarely takes more than 1-15 weeks. In addition, it is possible to obtain any frame color, including various shades of wood;

  • reliability, strength and durability of the structure. The properties of plastic allow windows made from it to guarantee trouble-free operation of the product for several decades;
  • ease of maintenance and operation. Plastic windows do not require special care or maintenance, additional painting or other similar measures;
  • relatively low cost. The price for different types of plastic windows varies quite a lot. But we can say with confidence that it is quite competitive in comparison with wooden ones, if we take products of similar properties and characteristics.

Disadvantages of plastic windows

Like any building structure or material, plastic windows also have a number of disadvantages:

  • high installation requirements. Despite the fact that the installation of plastic windows is not a very complicated technological process and can be done independently, it still has a number of nuances and features that can seriously affect the quality of the work and the resulting design. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to specialists, but even at the same time control its implementation;

An example of installation of structures is shown in the following video:

  • tightness of the structure. It’s a little paradoxical that this property of plastic windows has both advantages and disadvantages. However, most residential buildings built earlier do not have a forced ventilation system. In such conditions, even the slight ability of wooden windows to provide air circulation turns out to be a generally favorable factor. This must be taken into account when renovating old houses, in which wooden windows often played the role of the only supplier of fresh air. Of course, the best way out of this situation is regular ventilation of the premises, but this is sometimes difficult in winter conditions.

As can be seen from the above lists of advantages and disadvantages, plastic windows have extremely attractive properties and characteristics that ensure their frequent use and popularity

Types of plastic windows

There are several characteristics that classify the types of PVC windows.

Based on the number of valves, they are distinguished:

  • single-leaf. In most cases, they are performed opening;
  • double-leaf. Most often, one leaf is made to open;
  • tricuspid. To save money, there is often only one opening sash, which makes the window inconvenient to use, in particular, it is extremely problematic to clean it. Tricuspid structures with two opening doors are less common, and very rarely - with three. The reason for this is a serious increase in the cost of the product.

According to the opening method there are:

  • deaf. This window does not open; its main drawback is that it is impossible to get to the outside. A logical and easily explained advantage is the low cost of production and installation;
  • windows that open into the room using a rotary opening method. Their structure is similar to standard and familiar wooden windows, easy to use and maintain;
  • transom windows that open by tilting. The window opens by turning it horizontally. It is also often used for wooden windows. In this case, the sashes are tilted either down or up, depending on the design;
  • windows that open in a combined way. The most complex of all possible window devices, however, the most convenient and therefore widespread. It requires high-quality fittings for the opening mechanisms, as well as careful operation, as it can be damaged quite easily. Minor shortcomings are fully compensated by the maximum available level of convenience and comfort during operation.

Based on the number of cameras there are:

  • single-chamber. It is easy to determine that such a window is designed with two glasses that form a chamber between them;
  • two-chamber. By analogy with the previous version: three glasses, two cameras between them;
  • three or more chambers. The principle is simple, clear and similar to the previous ones.

The number of chambers primarily affects the thermal insulation properties of a PVC window. Currently, two- or three-chamber structures are most often installed.

For most regions of the Russian middle zone, the installation of at least two-chamber plastic windows in residential buildings is mandatory.

At the request of the customer, even more reliable and high-quality three-chamber ones are often installed.

The following types of plastic windows are distinguished by shape;

  • rectangular. The standard and most common form of window, which is designed and then installed in almost all residential buildings;
  • arched, trapezoidal, triangular, etc. Modern technologies make it possible to produce plastic windows of almost any shape according to individual orders. But it should be taken into account that their cost will be higher than for standard rectangular ones. The exact amount of this increase depends on the complexity of the required form.

The above classification of plastic windows shows how diverse this design can be. Any customer can easily choose exactly the option that suits him.

Accessories for plastic windows

Fittings for a plastic window are considered to be various movable or fixed additional elements and components. These include hinges, locks, handles, and combs. The quality of the fittings used largely determines the degree of reliability and comfort of use of a plastic window. Also, when installed correctly, the fittings must provide a tight and airtight fit that prevents even the slightest blowing at the connection point.

Any manufacturer or supplier of plastic windows always provides a wide range of fittings that can be installed on selected plastic windows. It is quite logical that, as a rule, the most expensive components are of the highest quality.

Often the price of fittings reaches 15% of the total cost of plastic windows.

We should not forget that high-quality and reliable fittings are an important element that ensures and guarantees security against unauthorized entry into the room where plastic windows are installed. Even special anti-burglary fittings have been developed, making it extremely difficult for thieves to get into the apartment through the windows.

Fogging - causes and solutions

One of the most common problems when using plastic windows is the fogging of the glass, in other words, the appearance of condensation on them. There may be several reasons for this:

  • high level of indoor humidity. Most types of plastic windows are designed for normal humidity levels. To achieve this, it is quite enough to regularly ventilate the premises, since high humidity is harmful for the inhabitants of the apartment or office, and not just for the windows;

  • disruption of convection processes. Convection is the process of movement and mixing of air, in which warm layers rise and cold layers, accordingly, fall down. Often, when the radiators are cluttered (namely, windows are almost always installed above them, although it would be more correct to say that the radiators are mounted under the window openings), warm air deliberately hits the windows, rather than spreading freely throughout the room. This leads to heating of the glass and the appearance of condensation. The problem can be solved simply - eliminating obstacles to air movement, in extreme cases - a couple of additional holes in the window sill;
  • poor quality window or incorrect installation. A similar problem becomes clear quite quickly. Therefore, the optimal solution in this case is to contact a company that installs or sells low-quality plastic windows.

Plastic windows are a modern building structure with high consumer properties and characteristics. With proper installation, they can provide comfortable and convenient operating conditions for a long time.

There are several types of opening plastic windows.

The most popular are: folding, rotating and tilt-and-turn. Less commonly ordered are sliding, hanging, mid-turn, sliding, tilt-and-slide, lifting, and combined. Windows that do not open are blind. There are also blind windows with false sash. They, like the blind ones, do not open; in addition, they have an imitation of the shutter.

Let's take a closer look at each type of window opening.

There's probably no point in talking about blind window. Everyone already has a great idea of ​​what it looks like. This is just a design without moving doors. A fixed window is the most economical glazing option, since its manufacture does not require expensive fittings.

The advantage of fixed glazing is that it can be used to glaze large areas. Typically, fixed windows are used for glazing technical rooms.

Hinged and turning windows known to everyone. They are installed in almost every apartment. Open inward or outward. Their popularity is due to convenience and practicality.

Hinged plastic windows have a high level of security. That's why they prefer to place them in children's rooms. They open only from the top and are very convenient for ventilating the room. But they have one drawback related to washing. They are not so easy to wash from the street side. Often such profiles are used when glazing entrances for safety reasons.

Tilt&Turn Window combines the functions of both a turning window and a folding one. Such windows are popular in apartments. To select the opening mode, simply turn the handle to the desired position and pull.

Sliding windows are most often used for glazing loggias and balconies, since they do not take up space when opened. The doors overlap each other, saving space. Among the disadvantages of these windows is poor thermal insulation, so you can often hear about it that it is “cold” glazing.

Types of opening plastic windows photo

The figure schematically shows the different types of opening plastic windows


The variety of plastic windows on the market allows consumers to solve both typical problems of glazing their homes, as well as non-trivial ones. But, it is important to remember that when installing PVC profiles, quality should not be neglected in relation to design.

Today, the majority of buyers in our country choose plastic windows. This is due to the high functionality of the design and reasonable cost. Today, there are many options for plastic windows on the market for such products. In order for the selected designs to last a long time, it is necessary to choose them correctly.

There are many types of plastic windows. They differ in a number of characteristics. To choose the appropriate option, you need to consider existing offers. This will help you choose the best variety.


Windows with wooden frames have been replaced by plastic windows. The types of windows (photo shown below) in this category are varied. To choose the best option, you need to find out for what purpose the replacement is being made.

For many buyers, the aesthetic appearance of a product is almost the only criterion. However, such designs should not only be characterized by beauty. It should be understood that it is through the glass that most of the heat from the room passes into the environment. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the technical issue of creating a structure.

Windows should be functional and easy to use. They should be easy to wash and open for airing. Also, such designs significantly reduce noise from the street, providing complete rest for the owners of the house.

Number of sashes

When considering the types of plastic windows for a private house or apartment, you should consider their design. Models with one or more doors are available for sale. When choosing, it is important to consider where the window will be installed, what kind of exterior the structure is characterized by and other nuances.

For small openings, single-leaf structures are selected. Their width does not exceed 1 m. If the opening is characterized by large dimensions, it is advisable to purchase a window with two or even three sashes. In this case, double-glazed windows are characterized by a significant area.

If the opening is large enough, vertical posts must be made between the sashes. They must be massive enough to ensure the stability of the entire structure. It should be taken into account that if there are racks, the weight of the window increases and the light transmittance decreases.

Opening the doors

The types of opening plastic windows also differ. There are several types of mechanisms on sale. The door may not open at all. Such windows retain heat best, but they are very difficult to clean. Even on the first floor, you will most likely need to use a stepladder.

There are doors that open thanks to a rotating mechanism. They can only open indoors. Owners of houses and apartments with large windows can combine sash types. For example, for a three-section design, you can choose a rotating mechanism on the sides. In this case, there may be a blind sash in the center.

Also on sale are doors with a folding mechanism. Such sections rotate along a horizontal axis from the bottom of the structure. This function is necessary for high-quality ventilation of the room. Most often, the folding mechanism is combined with rotary systems.

Profile production

Not only the types of adjustments for plastic windows are an important issue when choosing. One of the main indicators of the efficiency and reliability of a design is the type of profile. The cost of the design largely depends on the quality and technology of its manufacture.

The profile is made of a polymer, which is created on the basis of ethylene and chlorine. Various components are added to it, which increase the material’s resistance to mechanical stress and climatic conditions. The dry powder is subjected to high pressure during the manufacturing process. The result is the basis of the future frame.

The profile design has a complex shape. It is further strengthened with a U-shaped profile. Also, in some cases, a square pipe is used for these purposes. Using thermal soldering, all structural elements are glued together. Due to the peculiarities of production, the plastic for the profile after processing is not susceptible to chemical influences, does not ignite and does not lose its original characteristics when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Profile design

There are different types of plastic window profiles. They differ in design and appearance. If a coloring pigment is added to PVC during manufacturing, the frame becomes not white, but a different shade. Profiles whose texture and color imitate natural wood are very popular.

The structure has a rectangular or trapezoidal internal section. It has longitudinal cavities. Their number may vary. The metal profile runs in the center. The outer chamber is connected to the atmospheric section. The holes are necessary for ventilation of the profile and removal of condensate from it. The remaining chambers are completely sealed.

It is the presence of chambers in the plastic material that helps retain heat indoors. Otherwise it would go outside. The more chambers there are inside the structure, the warmer the room will be.

Selecting the number of cameras

When considering what types of plastic windows there are, you need to pay attention to the issue of choosing a profile. They can have from three to seven chambers. The choice depends on the climate. Residents of mid-latitudes must purchase designs with at least four chambers.

Profiles with three internal cavities are suitable for warm regions. Also, such a solution would be correct when installing windows in unheated rooms (outbuildings, warehouses).

Designs with 6-7 chambers are quite heavy. They differ little in thermal conductivity characteristics from five-chamber structures. Therefore, according to experts, it is not advisable to purchase them. The cost of such windows will be significantly higher. The performance characteristics correspond to cheaper types. For residential premises, you can use a class “A” profile. Designs “B” and “C” are intended for technical and economic facilities.

Type of glass unit

There are several types of double-glazed windows for plastic windows. The simplest is the single-chamber variety. In this case, two glasses are inserted into the frame. There is one air chamber between them. This option is suitable for a balcony or loggia. Also, single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed in the kitchen.

Double-chamber double-glazed windows are a structure of three glasses. Between them, accordingly, there are two air chambers. This design can provide high sound and heat insulation. This option is suitable for almost all residential premises.

If the apartment or house is built in a cold climate zone, it is recommended to purchase a three-chamber double-glazed window. It consists of four glasses. Also, such a design is preferable for apartments and houses whose windows overlook the roadway. They can be installed at very high heights.

Additional features

There are various types of plastic windows on sale. Some products have additional functions. This, for example, could be increased heat saving. To do this, a special film is sprayed onto the surface of the glass. It is not visible to the naked eye. The glass remains the same transparent.

Also, the product may not be subject to mechanical stress. If any object hits the glass, it will not break.

To increase sound insulation, the double-glazed window also has certain characteristics. The chambers are filled with inert gas. At the same time, the distance between the glasses is made unequal. This technology promotes good sound attenuation.

You can order tinted or mirror glass. In the first case, you can choose the color of the coating. Mirrored glass leaves the interior space invisible. The light transmission capacity is not reduced.

Installation features

There are also different types of installation of plastic windows. They can be installed with or without unpacking. In the first case, the structure is disassembled before installation. To do this, remove double-glazed windows and glazing beads. The sashes are also removed from their hinges.

In unpacked windows, it is possible to mount the frame first. It is attached directly to the wall. This takes into account the type of material from which the building is constructed. Most often, special anchor plates are used to fasten the frame, as well as self-tapping screws or dowels of the appropriate size. After installing the frame, the entire structure is assembled together.

Windows are installed ready-made into the window opening without unpacking. This method is not suitable for apartments located on the 15th floor or higher. The first option is considered more reliable. Windows with unpacking are installed more often on any floor.

How to choose windows?

When considering the types of plastic windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the products presented. The best designs are produced by Rehau, Veka, KBE, Schuko, Salamander and others. They produce products in various price categories.

Thus, economy class designs can be purchased from 5.5-9.5 thousand rubles. for one leaf. These are the simplest models. They have 3 air chambers in the profile. The frame material is almost always white.

Business class products have double-glazed windows. They can be purchased from 9.5 thousand rubles. behind the sash. They have a profile with 4-5 cameras. Premium windows are the highest quality. Their cost can range from 11 thousand rubles. They have two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows. Glass features additional protection against noise, heat loss and break-ins.

Experienced installers of plastic windows advise paying attention to a few more questions when choosing. High-quality windows must have seals. There must be at least 2 circuits.

You also need to pay attention to the fittings of the products. You should not buy low-quality Chinese products. The cost of a window depends much less on the price of the fittings. Therefore, you should not save on this.

Having considered the types of plastic windows, you can draw the right conclusions about what issues you need to pay attention to first when choosing. The durability, efficiency and aesthetics of the structure depend on this.


There are several types of plastic windows and a large number of models. Often, it is because of the diversity that the buyer has problems making a choice.

Main types of PVC products

You can find varieties on sale that differ not only in frame material, shape, color, but also in the properties of the glass unit. The frame can be made of PVC, this material is the most common; aluminum or wood can be found less often.

There may be radical differences in design. For example, windows differ in the way they open; they can be hinged or sliding; there are also blind structures that cannot be opened. There are twin, single and separate types on sale. Double-glazed windows can have one or more air chambers, filled with air or argon. Another noticeable difference is the shape of the windows.

Selection of sash, frame

The sash is a movable element. It is driven by the use of fittings. Whatever types of plastic windows are installed in the house, at least several of them must be able to open. This is necessary for regular ventilation of the room.

Thanks to the chosen one, you can ensure that the window sash tilts, slides or swings open. Some structures can rotate around a horizontal, less often a vertical axis. The sash can open in any direction, which is convenient if you have limited space or indoor furniture is located close to the window.

Doesn't have that ability. It is devoid of sash and fittings in general. Such a window can be used in conjunction with others that can be ventilated. It is not recommended to install several blind windows in one room without equipping it with opening structures. Plastic models do not allow air to pass through, and the room will be stuffy, and condensation may begin to accumulate. For health, it is important that fresh air is regularly supplied to the room.

Different types of PVC windows may have different characteristics: for example, designs often have different glass widths. When choosing a window, you should pay special attention to this criterion. You should not overpay for too thick a double-glazed window if you live in a relatively mild climate and a quiet place; If there is a serious minus on the street or the windows face a noisy highway, you should think about installing the thickest possible double-glazed window. It should be noted that the glass itself can be ordinary, tempered or armored. These parameters affect its strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

PVC windows, the most varied types of which can be a universal solution for any room.


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