What signs and superstitions exist about pigeons?

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What does the sign of a dove on the windowsill mean, each of us has wondered at least once. Our ancestors also noticed that pigeons are special birds, and by watching them you can easily look into the future.

With the help of these divine creatures, higher power They tell us how to act in a given situation, and what to expect from the future. A person’s task is only to correctly understand and decipher these special signs.

Dove on the windowsill - interpretation of signs

There are many interpretations to this sign, and close observation of the bird will help you decipher each of them:

Other signs:

  • The sign when a bird sits on the windowsill and flaps its wings vigorously means fulfillment cherished desire and a great joyful event.
  • A bird quietly pecking at something that does not exist outside the window portends the receipt of important news for you.
  • If a pigeon sat on the windowsill and immediately flew away, wait for a letter.
  • There is a sign that if the same unfed pigeon always flies to the window and sits peacefully on the windowsill, the person living on the other side of the window is immensely lonely.

Other signs:

It is also worth knowing that:

But not only by the behavior of pigeons at your window can you determine this or that event. Birds outside also give us non-verbal clues.

A pigeon met on the street

The appearance of a pigeon in one place or another, its interaction with you can portend both good and unpleasant events. But it is important to understand that signs can only be read from wild individuals of the feathered family. The behavior of poultry, for the most part, carries absolutely no information.


  • If, while walking down the street, a dove lands on your head or shoulder, know that you are under the invisible protection and patronage of higher powers.
  • If you are hit by the wing of a flying or soaring dove, you have a special mission that you simply must complete. The bird reminds you why you are here and pushes you to action.
  • You should expect an unexpected event if a bird crashes into you on the street.

If, while walking around the city, you saw a dove feather lying - this is good sign. You need to take the feather with you for good luck. But you should not consider feathers found near fountains or squares, where a priori there are crowds of birds, as a talisman.

  • It is considered a good omen when going to important meeting or negotiations to meet a dove walking on your left. This sure sign successful completion of the planned tasks.
  • Going to long trip or traveling, it’s good to meet white doves flying overhead.
  • For a young woman sitting on a bench, a dove sitting next to her prophesies an early pregnancy.
  • A dead pigeon on the road opposite promises a series of unfortunate incidents and bad news.

Pigeon in the house

A folk superstition says that a dove that has flown into or entered a house must fly out on its own. If the feathered guest does not want to leave the premises, catch the visitor and release him through the window with the following words: “The trouble will fly away to another gate.”

Found a pigeon in the apartment:

  • A dove crashing against glass always promises trouble and terrible news.
  • If, when you come home, you find a dove in your home that has flown into an open window, then you will soon meet a person who will completely change your life. And how good the changes will be can be judged by the behavior of the bird. For example, a dove cooing peacefully and walking around the house portends a positive turn of events, while an anxious bird beating its wings portends trouble.
  • If a pigeon quickly flew into the kitchen and sat down on dinner table, then there will soon be a dead person in the house.
  • A dove flying into a home and hiding in a corner is also considered a harbinger of death.

Other signs with a dove

There are other signs regarding the interaction between a pigeon and a person:

Hit by a car

Hitting a pigeon with a car is considered a bad omen. The person who shot down the pigeon must be as careful and prudent as possible so as not to become the next victim. This could also be a harbinger of an imminent divorce.

If a bird hits your vehicle and remains alive, you should think about your behavior. Perhaps you are not following a very honest path to achieve your goals, which will certainly come back to haunt you later.

The bird flew to the balcony

  • If birds have built a nest on the balcony or roof of a lonely person, a long-awaited meeting or marriage will soon await him.
  • If you find a pigeon nest with masonry on your balcony or in the yard, this is the best sign. A pigeon egg always appears in the yard to replenish the family and bring great joy. You can say that Heaven itself blessed you and sent you happiness.

Other signs

Signs about pigeons are varied and numerous. They can promise happiness, misfortune or be ambiguous. Most of the signs and superstitions should be considered not separately, but in the context of factors associated with them: the behavior of the pigeon, its appearance, accompanying circumstances, as well as the emotions that the bird evokes.

The sign of a dove itself is always based on the symbolism of a given bird, which means that the issue of symbolism should also be understood. Let's look at the signs about pigeons in more detail: their symbolic meaning, positive and negative meaning.

Signs and superstitions about the dove are always based on its symbolic meanings. The main symbolism of this bird is positive: it signifies love and purity, peace and eternal life. Love can have a carnal or spiritual meaning, depending on the context. Since these birds usually choose a mate for life, they can denote fidelity and strong marriage. A dove, especially a white one, denotes purity of thoughts, innocence, meekness and humility - a person with a similar character is said to have a “dove-like disposition.”

This bird often symbolizes news, and happy news (take, for example, Noah’s Ark and a dove with an olive branch), although, depending on the behavior or appearance, it can be read backwards. So, for example, bad sign sometimes a black or dead pigeon appears. Harming a bird also has a negative meaning: running over a car or killing a pigeon is always interpreted as unlucky omen. In addition, this bird symbolizes the soul and the connection between the earthly and the divine, and therefore can foreshadow death as the transition of the soul to another world when it flies away to God.

To profit

One of the most famous folk superstitions about pigeons is of a comic nature: it is considered a good sign if a given bird craps on a person. In any case, this unpleasant incident promises profit, but depending on where the “gift” ended up, one can judge what kind of happiness awaits a person. If a dove flew by and pooped on its head, you can expect easy profit: a bonus, a win, a cash gift or an unexpected inheritance. If a bird poops on your uniform, work or office clothes, expect a promotion with all the ensuing benefits.

If "tagged" left hand- this is for cash receipts, the right one is for the disclosure of some ability. Even if you just dreamed that your foot fell into pigeon droppings, this is also a happy omen: success awaits the person, and most often monetary. If a bird flies to the window and poops on the glass (on the windowsill or on the balcony), you can expect guests. However, if pigeons are regular guests on the balcony or windowsill, you don’t need to attach any importance to this sign.

To love

It is believed that it is a good omen for an unmarried girl to see white doves flying around her house. One dove on a branch means that someone loves her from afar, and a couple promises mutual feelings and a quick wedding. It is considered a good sign of love to see a pair of doves kissing and hear them cooing. If a bird flies into the kitchen, this promises a strong marriage and a cozy family hearth. If a dove flies into the room of an unmarried girl, she may soon receive a marriage proposal.

When a couple of pigeons sit on your windowsill, be sure to note their behavior. If they sit quietly and calmly, everything will be peaceful in your love or family life. If the lovebirds coo, a romantic period awaits you (for a girl - beautiful courtship). If the birds quarrel and fight, then perhaps conflicts will arise in the relationship. The unexpected appearance of white doves at a wedding is considered a good omen: these birds promise a happy family life newlyweds.

On the windowsill

To see a dove sitting on the windowsill outside the window (on the cornice) is good omen, promising good luck, happy news and events. If a white dove has flown to the windowsill, the person will have good luck in love or a meeting with a loved one. In addition, a dove on a windowsill with a blade of grass or a twig in its beak is considered a very good omen; it means that soon the life of the household will change for the better.

If the dove is “facing” the window, as if looking into a house or apartment, someone is bored, which means a visit is possible soon dear guests or news from loved ones. If a pigeon sits with its side or back to the window, most likely there is a trip or journey ahead.

If a bird flies to the window and knocks on the glass with its beak, very important news awaits the person. The news heard soon after this cannot be ignored: it will play a significant role in life. Sometimes a bird not only knocks, but persistently and for quite a long time beats against the glass: this indicates disturbing news and warns of possible troubles. It is not recommended to let pigeons that make a loud knocking sound and hit the window. When a pigeon hits the window and flies away, you should prepare for unplanned financial expenses.

On the balcony

The sign when a dove flew onto the balcony has a similar meaning: you can expect good news and positive events. If the birds do not land, just flying and circling over the balcony, this indicates news and news. If the pigeon not only flew in, but brought a friend and together they built a nest on the balcony (or next to it), rejoice! Your home is not threatened by any disasters; on the contrary, a period of peace and prosperity awaits you. If the birds have laid eggs in the nest and are hatching them, this is a good sign, promising good luck, but if for some reason they leave the clutch, expect trouble.

The same can be said if pigeons live on the roof: while they live there, the house is not in danger. Birds intuitively sense approaching disasters (be it a fire, a gas leak, or even dangerous disease), and if they do not fly away from their habitual place, then nothing bad is expected.

However, it is considered a bad omen to find a dead dove on your balcony: this indicates impending illness and disappointment. If a pigeon has fallen onto the balcony (or has been wounded on the threshold), but is still alive, it is worth trying to get it out: in this way it is possible to prevent misfortunes.

In room

If a pigeon has flown into a house, the sign speaks of upcoming guests (whether welcome or not depends on the type and behavior of the pigeon). White bird definitely brings joy, but black can warn of troubles (gray, brown or purple negative meaning Dont Have). If the dove not only flew into the room, but hit the furniture, wall or mirror, difficulties await the household. The situation is especially dangerous if the pigeon crashed into something inside the house and fell dead. If he knocked, but did not harm himself and immediately flew out, the troubles will be temporary, they can be solved without any special consequences.

If a bird flies home across a wide open window, the importance of news or events will be somewhat less than if it got inside through the window. If a pigeon just entered the room through balcony door and walks calmly, the changes will be positive, but smooth and slow. If a pigeon flew into the entrance, changes may affect all residents of the entrance or any of them (more often - the one who sees the bird). If possible, the bird should be carefully caught and released so that it does not harm itself by hitting the walls. The effort and time spent will help prevent possible troubles.

On a person

It is considered a lucky omen if a dove lands on a person: on the head, shoulder, arm or other parts of the body. Apart from domestic birds, which often fly in and perch on their owners, pigeons rarely come close to people. If this happens, know: you are a very harmonious person with good thoughts and positive energy. The blissful atmosphere around you will definitely attract good luck, happy events and gifts of fate.

It is believed that if a dove flies and sits on one’s head, wealth awaits a person, and if it lands on one’s hand, success in work. Even if the dove barely touched or lightly touched with its wing, the person still expects prosperity and successful coincidences of circumstances. Even if he flew up and tried to peck, the sign does not lose its positive meaning. In this way, the bird wanted to express sympathy and announced the upcoming lucky streak of life.

On holidays and weather

There are signs about doves associated with religious holidays, for example, the Annunciation. So, it is believed that if a dove flew up to the window that day and knocked on the glass, then you can expect an addition to the family. If a bird flies to the window on the Feast of the Savior, expect God's gifts and good harvest. And if a dove comes on Palm Sunday, it promises wealth and excellent health for the whole year.

If you hear doves cooing on the street, you need to keep in mind that the weather will soon change: a sunny day will become cloudy and vice versa. If birds bathe in a puddle, the weather will be hot and dry and there will be no rain. for a long time. By the spring behavior of pigeons in puddles, one can judge what kind of weather is expected in the summer: if they swim a lot, then the summer will be sultry and without rain. And if the doves avoid the puddles or run out with their paws slightly wet, you can expect precipitation in the near future.

Other signs

It is considered a bad omen to do something to the detriment of birds. Under no circumstances should you kill them, throw pebbles at them, or destroy their nests. On the contrary, to attract good luck and wealth, pigeons need to be fed.

  1. Finding a feather is considered a lucky sign white dove. According to a long-standing custom, such a feather was taken home as a talisman - it protected the family and home from misfortunes.
  2. It is believed that finding a dead dove in front of the threshold is a bad sign, promising a serious illness. But if you see a dead bird not in your yard, but somewhere on the road, the omen will not have the same meaning.
  3. To hit a pigeon with a car means to begin to prepare for obstacles and serious obstacles in business, as well as for possible troubles on the trip. You should be extremely careful, or even better, postpone the trip, reconsider your plans and motivation.
  4. A dream in which pigeons built a nest tells single people that they will soon start a family. For family people, pigeons making a nest can mean buying a new home, making a change, or furnishing an apartment.
  5. If you recognize a bad omen in the appearance and behavior of a dove, read the “Our Father” prayer three times and mentally say “Thank you, bird of God, for the warning. I ask the higher powers to take the trouble away from me and let nothing threaten my loved ones.”

The dove, unlike the crow or birds of prey, evokes only good associations. Folk signs, associated with this bird, only confirm that the arrival or cooing of a pigeon cannot promise anything bad to people.

Sat on a window or sill

In the old days, it was believed that the arrival of such a bird meant that the house was reliably protected from fires. Since houses in those days were often built from timber, this was an important positive sign for the owners.

But even today there is such a sign - a dove sat on the windowsill outside the window, although its meaning has changed somewhat. So, if at the same time a bird looks out the window, it means that someone misses the owner of the house. If a pigeon sits with its back or side to the window and does not look out of it, you have a long journey ahead of you.

If a bird flies on the balcony but does not land on anything, this is good news.

But finding a dead pigeon on the balcony or near the house is bad news.

Flew into the house

  • if the bird had something in its beak, expect to make a profit;
  • if he flew into the window of a room where an unmarried girl or woman lives, it means matchmaking;
  • pigeons have gotten into the habit of flying in your yard - the year will be successful;
  • it’s bad if you hit a pigeon with a car - insurmountable obstacles will stand in the way of achieving your goal;
  • going into a house (it doesn’t matter whether it’s yours or someone else’s) and seeing a pigeon there means going to the ambulance fateful meeting;
  • if he sat on the dinner table - to hunger and death;
  • a bird that flies into the house through the balcony door promises you monetary wealth, and through the entrance - wait for the arrival of guests.

Other folk beliefs

  • They cannot be killed - a bad sign.
  • If he knocks on the window, expect bad news.
  • Let them coo - for a change in the weather. If it’s cloudy outside at this moment, you can expect the sun to come out soon. But if on a fine day the pigeons hid in their nests or in the dovecote, then the weather will very soon turn bad.
  • If pigeon droppings fall on you, expect an improvement in your financial situation.
  • It's a good sign to feed the pigeons. It is believed that this will lead to a bright streak in your life.
  • If he hit the window and flew away - a sign foreshadowing unplanned expenses.
  • A white dove means loneliness if it is alone and circling under your windows or above the roof. You may also be expecting an imminent separation from a loved one.
  • Finding his feather is good luck. You need to pick him up and take him home. Such a talisman will protect your home from another eye and misfortunes.
  • Many birds fly over your roof - such a sign can mean imminent trouble in the house.

“Doves are a symbol of peace,” some say enthusiastically. "Pests!" , say others, usually car owners. Pigeons are one of the most ancient representatives of birds. Several centuries ago, they were considered exclusively as sacrifices made to the gods.

In the Bible, doves are the personification of peace, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, a sign of the Lord’s forgiveness of man (a dove with a twig of an olive tree met Noah after swimming, indicating the direction of the earth and conveying the forgiveness of the Almighty). The ancient Babylonians revered the dove as a symbol of fertility. And in Ancient Egypt Pigeons were first used as winged mail.

Pigeons accompany people; they are part of city streets and high-rise buildings. It is not surprising that many signs have been associated with these birds for a long time. They mainly concern the appearance of birds in the home. From a magical point of view, this event has several interpretations.

A dove flew into the house - a bad omen

Since ancient times, a dove flying into a house was considered a signal of a serious illness or imminent death of someone in the household. The sign is related to the fact that the dove symbolizes dead soul, who takes the form of a bird in order to be among people.

The soul of the deceased appears in the house if it is necessary to bring a new one. Particularly superstitious horror is caused by the appearance of a pigeon indoors when it manages to fly into open door, a window that was briefly opened or entered through a small window. As a rule, this is seen as the inevitability of a sad event.

However, is the sign true today?

Considering that pigeons live under the roof of multi-story buildings, and the years of living next to humans have made them quite trusting, pigeons can fly into a window without fear. This is especially true for apartments on the top floor.

Folk legends also advise paying attention to the behavior of the bird. If he rushes around the apartment, trying in vain to leave it, trouble should be expected. The bird behaves friendly - nothing bad will happen. It is worth admitting that it is quite difficult to imagine finding yourself in closed room a bird that will not be frightened by such a situation.

The friendly and calm behavior of a pigeon for which the apartment has become a kind of trap is unlikely. If a dove enters a room where a sick person is located, this promises a long recovery.

Dove in the house - good news

If a pigeon flies into the house, do not panic. You should consider whether the bird is carrying something in its beak - a twig, a feather, a piece of paper. If any are found, the sign promises to receive good news in the near future, which will have a positive impact on the course of life. If a bird holds a seed or a piece of bread in its beak, the owner of the house can be congratulated. The sign promises enrichment.

Dead dove - to failure

Finding a dead pigeon in a house or on a windowsill means failure, illness, he believes popular belief. The source of this sign should be sought in Slavic mythology. During pagan times, the dove was considered God's messenger, and the Christian religion claims that the Holy Spirit descended to earth, turning into a dove. It's no wonder that when you meet a dead dove, ancient man was upset.

Sign - a dove sits on the window

Sometimes it happens that a pigeon sits on the street side of the windowsill. There are many conflicting superstitions on this subject. Perhaps the following interpretation of the sign can be considered quite close. Pigeons, like many others from the order of birds, sense humans well. There are people who are literally surrounded by pigeons, willingly feeding from their hands. Such a person has pure energy, is kind and sincere.

Knowing this, we can assume that birds react just as well to their surroundings, staying only where no sad events are expected. It follows that if pigeons live near you, breed and periodically sit on the windowsill, then everything is calm and prosperous in a person’s life. Moreover, it will be the same for a long time.

You should be wary if birds long time who lived side by side with a person suddenly unexpectedly left their nests.

The dove will warn of danger

As already mentioned, pigeons sense the energy of people and the environment well. This suggests that the pigeon is able to warn of danger. If a bird regularly flies to the window, sits on the windowsill, or knocks on the glass, the residents of the house are probably in serious danger. As a rule, it is associated with material losses or the loss of the home itself (fire, thieves entering the house).

You should trust the sign and your own intuition and try to prevent the incident. To do this, you need very little - to be more attentive to everything that happens, not to trust unfamiliar people, to be able to analyze and become a little more careful, responsible, and to strengthen security measures.

Does the color of a pigeon's plumage depend on the meaning of the sign?

Often people try to deduce the meaning of a sign based on the color of the bird’s plumage. However, folklore does not provide information about the connection between the color of feathers and the version of interpretation of the sign. From this we can assume that these 2 concepts are in no way related to each other.

Folk predictors advise turning to your own feelings. If a pigeon lands on a windowsill or flies into a house, and a person experiences fear and anxiety, then it is likely that unpleasant events are expected.

And if a coal-black bird visited a home without causing gloomy thoughts, then there is nothing to fear. Again, it is important to pay attention to how the bird behaves, whether it is holding something in its beak.

A dove hits the window

A dove hitting a window can quite frighten an impressionable person. People immediately remember that a dove in the house means a dead person. And the fact that a bird hits the window is perceived as a real danger, the inevitability of death, its proximity. However, in reality it promises to receive news. If you were able to see a straw, a stem, a grain or something else in the bird’s beak, then the news will definitely be good.

From the point of view of common sense, this behavior of the pigeon is quite understandable. Most modern buildings have plastic windows, the glass of which is sometimes difficult to distinguish even for humans.

Is it any wonder that a pigeon flying at a decent speed does not recognize that there is glass in front of it and crashes into it with a bang. Frequent flapping of wings in the air is nothing more than an attempt to hold on.

Dove in the house - to family well-being

The appearance of a pigeon in the house is also associated with the personal life of the owner of the home. So, a dove flew into the house unmarried woman may promise a quick acquisition of family happiness.

If you have to watch cooing doves, this means that your soul mate will appear in a person’s life and, possibly, an imminent wedding.

If a pigeon or even a couple settles on the balcony, then peace and mutual understanding will be established in the house for a long time.

A dove that has settled nearby is able to protect the owners of the house from troubles and misfortunes, and protect them from a bad aura. Birds should not be driven away, much less killed. It is recommended to organize a feeder, talk to the pigeon and pay attention to its behavior.

Folk sign: a dove flew into the window

Don’t immediately panic if a dove suddenly flies into the window. It is traditionally believed that this is a harbinger of the imminent death of one of the household members, but everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. If we think logically, there are so many pigeons living in cities that it is not surprising that one day they might make a mistake and accidentally fly into a window. It’s another matter if a sick pigeon flew into the window and died right in the apartment.

For example, I used to live in a house where a neighbor was constantly scattering bread crumbs on the windowsill, hanging feeders near his window and feeding the birds in every possible way. Of course, pigeons were constantly crowding on our windowsill, sometimes knocking on the window and repeatedly flying into the open window. It is clear that this did not mean anything, all the household members were alive and well, and those who died were only of old age. None terrible tragedies did not happen in the house, so you should not look for signs where they simply do not exist.

Something extraordinary must happen for a dove flying through a window to really mean something.

Folk sign: a dove sat on the windowsill

Again, this sign has no basis. People believe that something terrible awaits you ahead if a dove lands on your windowsill. It is believed that you can pay off bad news by pouring grains or bread crumbs into the pigeon. In general, feeding city birds is useful in any case.

A dove hits the window

Also one of bad omens. People believe that unpleasant news awaits you, which will disrupt your plans.

However, I know cases when this sign, on the contrary, signified very good events. A week after the dove knocked on the window, a friend found out that... So this sign cannot be interpreted unambiguously. If a dove hits the window, expect news, but not necessarily bad.

The same dove always comes to you

If a pigeon has settled near you and constantly flies to your windowsill, then rest assured that nothing bad will happen to you. A dove living next door protects you from troubles and attracts good luck to your home.

It is believed that you emanate positive energy, which attracts birds.

You got pigeon droppings

This is traditionally a good omen, promising quick profit and success in financial matters. The Dove gave you this peculiar sign: get ready to receive money, calmly wash your soiled clothes and you will be happy.

See a dead dove

This is a sure sign for motorists. It is believed that if you hit a bird, you need to be as careful as possible - this is a sign of an imminent accident.

Signs about white doves

Seeing a white dove is a good sign. Is waiting for you great luck. White pigeons are very rare; as a rule, these birds are bred only in special dovecotes. Unmarried girls portends a quick meeting with a good man, whom she will soon marry.


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