What talents exist? Definition of Talent ©

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According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, talent is “outstanding innate qualities, special abilities.” Undoubtedly, Kutuzov was talented in tactics and strategy, Lermontov in literature, Picasso in painting. But it was clearly not a matter of natural gift alone. You can have perfect pitch, but not become Mozart. Talent is not just giftedness, it is the ability to competently manage and manage what is given to you. In the biblical parable, three slaves received one talent from their master. The first buried the gift in the ground, the second exchanged it, and the third multiplied it - under equal conditions, different people came to opposite results.

Each of us, from birth, has the potential to achieve success in any field of activity. Yes, yes, and even physical parameters have nothing to do with it: one of the outstanding NBA players, Tyrone Boggs, is only 160 cm tall. But the conditions of growing up, the influence of parents and the environment, the values ​​of the cultural environment lead to the fact that one becomes a translator, and the other - pilot. The choice of profession is also very relatively related to abilities. And many people simply do not believe that they have talent.

The problem is that we interpret this concept too broadly, but it is ultra-specific: that is, you have the ability not for dancing, cooking or photography, but for tango or baking muffins. To discover them, you don’t have to give up if something doesn’t work out and be afraid to try new things. Think about what you do and whether it brings you pleasure. Hidden talent is something you don't notice in yourself.

Yuri Virovets, President of HeadHunter:

“To become a professional, talent is not enough. But it can be a decisive factor when hiring a young specialist who has just graduated from university. Unfortunately, often the more gifted a person is, the less diligent and more arrogant he is. I know a very talented musician, he has a hard time getting along with people, because of this he has not been able to fit into any successful band. If not for his isolation, he would probably have become one of the best in Russia. That is, without communication skills there is little chance of realizing talent to the fullest. In addition, a person must really want to learn and strive for self-improvement.”

Talent = pro

The branch of HR management “talent management” is engaged in motivating and promoting gifted employees, which often includes... the entire staff! “All organizations have a mindset for development and innovation,” writes HR director Ilana Meskin in the book War for Talent. “To do this, you need to invest in strong employees - both those who demonstrate the ability to learn and those who demonstrate a willingness and desire to grow. They are the ones who will best reward the company for its efforts. At the same time, I hope that not only the “superstars,” but also employees engaged in necessary but routine activities will be actively developed and motivated.”

Consequently, everyone in the team has a unique set of knowledge and competencies, which a competent manager must identify and use these talents for the benefit of the company. According to statistics, only 3−5% of specialists can be classified not even as masters of their craft, but as average professionals. And in teams involved in large projects, the creative core is at most a few people. Hence the high value of gifted employees. This is where the “war for talent” arises, in which companies compete for the “ideal” employees. How to get into their number?

HR professionals value out-of-the-box thinking and understanding of current issues in a particular field of activity. School and institute most often provide a body of ready-made knowledge, forming stereotypical thinking. Learn to master information, expand your horizons! In one of the leading consulting firms, the law of up or out applies: either you develop and grow, or you quit the struggle. Take this into account, and you won’t even notice how you will reach career heights. Talent begins with self-confidence, with the desire to receive recognition and fame, but, of course, within reasonable limits.

Alexey Zakharov, president of the recruiting portal Superjob.ru:

“ is undoubtedly important, but its presence is not determined when applying for a job (with the exception of creative professions, when the applicant can show a portfolio). In any case, motivation for a specific position plays a much larger role. Recruiters and managers find out how the candidate meets the requirements. Each company has its own evaluation criteria. And the employee’s strengths are revealed after the start of real work, and here the boss’s task is to discern this talent and provide conditions for development.”

Talent = experience

American scientists have found that to achieve a level of skill commensurate with the status of a world-class expert, 10,000 hours of practice are required. The objects of research were composers, athletes, writers, pianists, chess players, even criminals. 10,000 hours is equivalent to approximately three hours of study per day or twenty hours per week for ten years. The Beatles played eight hours a day, seven days a week for seven years before becoming rock stars. Bill Gates programmed all night long, and the number of hours he worked exceeded 10,000 after just six years of active practice. The key factor of talent is the ability to work until the line between natural talent and practiced skill is erased. But 10,000 hours is an incredibly long time. Sometimes there is neither time nor opportunity for this. Experts are sure that in order to succeed you will have to give up many pleasures. But then you can look down on your peers who went to clubs. But hard work alone is not enough. Talent is the result of the interweaving of abilities, practice and... chance. He shouldn't be underestimated. Steve Jobs grew up in a poor family and did not attend Harvard. But he attended evening meetings of Hewlett-Packard specialists, where he extracted a lot of information from the engineers. There he found out the phone number of the company’s founder, did not hesitate to call him and asked for a job for the summer. It's like if you were an aspiring designer and got an internship with Lagerfeld.

Alena Vladimirskaya, head of the hunting agency PRUFFI:

“Super gifted children (if we exclude areas such as drawing, playing the violin, etc.) from an early age are not accustomed to monotonous work every day. And this desire and skill are more important than pure talent. We were looking for a designer for a wonderful company. There are two candidates left: a brilliant boy and a girl, good, but not a star. They were both hired, but at different salaries. A year later, the boy no longer worked, and the girl grew to become an art director. She was very offended by the lower salary, started working hard and “made” her competitor. So talent can only be identified by the results of work.”

P.S. Summarize. Talent is something ephemeral and subjective. The result of hard work is indicative and undeniable. And don’t cry that no one appreciates your abilities. Feel free to get down to business, don’t be afraid to try and believe in yourself. Success will come.

TEXT: Valeria Nemirova

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Talent is something we are born with. Genetically, we all have different predispositions to different types of activities.

Sometimes a talent is clearly expressed and a person immediately sees it and begins to apply it. But more often than not, people do not find any inclinations in themselves and do not continue trying, giving up on themselves.

Today we will talk not only about what talent is, but also about how it can be found and developed by almost any person, because we all have inclinations, but for everyone they lie on the surface, so people do not notice them in themselves.

Talent is...

Talent is what a person can do best. It's creative potential that is developing through constant practice and develops into extraordinary abilities.

Talent is an outstanding personality trait that is innate.

Unlike genius, when an individual is gifted in literally everything, talent manifests itself only.

In Ancient Greece talent was a measure of weight– its highest unit. About her around the world, in which three slaves were given a talent of silver for safekeeping. Each of them dealt with him differently:

  1. the first slave buried his talent in the ground;
  2. the second - exchanged it for something else;
  3. the third managed to increase the wealth given to him.

This story is often repeated today as it describes what people do with their unusual skills. The moral of the story is not to ignore, but develop your natural gift in the form of a predisposition to any activity.

In its original form, talent is something that is visible from childhood.

For example, if a child constantly hums or taps some tunes, then perhaps he has an ear for music. In this case, parents need to create conditions for him to develop musical abilities: enroll him in vocal lessons and play various instruments.

Going through different circles and sections, over time the offspring will decide on what he likes best. Most people have talents, but they either they don’t see or they don’t believe into yourself.

Talent– it is always a combination of hard work and perseverance. Otherwise, it will be buried in the ground - just like in that parable.

8 types of talent

Today, there are 8 types of talent known, each of which is based on specific abilities:

How to find your talent

There are many adults who have never found themselves - their calling. They think that nature forgot about them, passed them by and did not give them any abilities.

In fact, this opinion is wrong. If a person has not revealed his abilities, it means that he simply did not try (or tried, but failed) to look for himself.

Above we found out what talent is: to detect it you need good try. I suggest several ways to do this:

    Draw it up on paper a list of things you liked to do as a child, which was breathtaking. Also write down your childhood dreams of what you wanted to be when you grew up.

    This is a very effective technique: as children, we dreamed “that there is strength,” we believed in miracles, so we did not set ourselves any barriers in the form of “I won’t succeed,” “it’s impossible,” etc.

    Completing this task may take several days: it will be difficult to remember everything at once. When you finish, re-read what you got. Listen to yourself - at what point does inspiration appear (there may be several points)?

    Having decided on potential niches for self-realization, you can start mastering them– try to do one thing or another. Something from this list will definitely hit the spot. But it may also happen that by realizing your childhood dreams, you will even come to something else, previously unknown.

    The next way to determine your inclinations is scientific. You can just undergo psychological testing to determine your abilities (they are available on the Internet).

    There you will also be offered a list of professions in which you can achieve success. As an option, contact a psychologist who specializes in questions about professional and personal self-determination.

  1. “Study, study, study again!” - Grandfather Lenin did not advise bad things. If you constantly expand your horizons, update and supplement your knowledge, then perhaps something will attract you.
  2. If you don’t know what you want to do and don’t feel drawn to something specific, then you need to look, but don’t sit idly by. Just trying sorting through activities, you can find “the one.”

    Nothing will come to you on its own - only the one who acts gets the result. Also, don’t despair if your next activity only brings you disappointment: there are still many interesting things in the world that you can try.

How to develop inclinations into talent

When you discover your abilities, it will immediately become obvious. Such an activity will not only work out well, but also bring moral satisfaction.

  1. practice regularly;
  2. seek information that will help develop your talent;
  3. find a mentor or teacher who can pass on their experience to you;
  4. enter into competition with others - the spirit of competition will give the opportunity not to stand still, to try to reach new heights.

Developing skill involves a lot of trial and error. The latter are also necessary in order to understand where not to go, to be able to isolate the valuable from the unnecessary.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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(from the Greek talanton - initially weight, measure, then in a figurative meaning - level of abilities) - a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones (see. special abilities). The presence of T. should be judged by the results of human activity, which should be distinguished by fundamental novelty and originality of approach. Human creativity, guided by the expressed need for creativity, always reflects certain social demands.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


A high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of cultural development, primarily special abilities. The presence of talent should be judged by the results of activities, which should be distinguished by fundamental novelty and originality of approach.

Talent may manifest itself at different times in different areas. Thus, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, and technology, it usually manifests itself at an early age; and talent in the literary, scientific or organizational fields is discovered at a later age.

The maximum productivity of talented people also manifests itself at different ages: in science at 35 - 40 years old; in poetry at 24 - 30, etc.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.


In different areas, talent can manifest itself at different ages. Thus, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology, it usually manifests itself at an early age, and talent in the literary, scientific or organizational fields is discovered at a later age. Also, the maximum productivity of talented people manifests itself at different ages: in science - at 35-40 years old, in poetry - at 24-30.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(English) talent).

2. Social characteristics of a person who has made a significant contribution to the development of culture, industry, science, etc. See .

"T." - the concept is not so much scientific as it is everyday, since there is neither a theory nor methods for its diagnosis. The level of T. is usually judged by the products of human activity. However, assessments of product novelty, excellence, and significance change over time. Accordingly, the social characteristics of the individual change (see. ).

In music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, and technology, T. often manifests itself in childhood. Literary, scientific, and organizational traits are discovered at a later age. The productivity of talented people is also uneven. 6-7 year periods of change in creative productivity and certain age-related maximums have been observed: in science the maximum occurs in the period of 35-40 years, in poetry 24-30.

The formation and development of T. depends on a person’s own activity and living conditions. The manifestation of T. is facilitated by: a democratic style of relations in the family, the absence of strict regulation of behavior, the presence of a creative model for imitation. (V.N. Druzhinin.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .



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    TALENT- (Latin talentum, from Greek actually scales). 1) a certain amount of money among the ancient Jews, as well as weight = approx. 3 poods. 2) weight of silver among the Greeks = approx. 1.5 pounds. 3) weight in Greece and the Ionian. spicy = 100 English lb. 4) talent, ability to do what... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    talent- a, m. talent m. lat. talentum gr. talenton. 1. Outstanding natural abilities, great talent. BAS 1. But what benefit will it be to the state? In important cases, the ministry will rely on the small talent and knowledge of people. 1766… Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    Talent- a high level of development of abilities, manifested in creative achievements, important in the context of cultural development. Talent may manifest itself at different times in different areas. So, in music, drawing, mathematics, linguistics, technology usually... ... Psychological Dictionary

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    talent- TALENT, huh, husband. 1. Outstanding innate qualities, special natural abilities. T. actor. Musical vol. 2. A person with such qualities and abilities. Young talents. To bury talent in the ground does not allow talent to develop, to give it... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Talent in a person's life


Snezhana Ivanova

To develop talent, you need to have confidence, take concrete steps, and this is associated with the ability to overcome yourself and be persistent.

The meaning of the word “Talent” is intuitively clear to every person. We are accustomed to mean by it some bright, outstanding abilities, the ability to create. Meanwhile, few people know that each of us is by nature talented in something. It is not at all necessary to be a genius in the field of physics or mathematics, or to have a pronounced artistic gift. Of course, every writer, artist and musician has talent. However, at the same time, no one and nothing prevents an ordinary person from starting to educate himself and develop the abilities that he has from birth.

It's just a matter of helping yourself make a decision. This is something you come to only after experiencing some failures. When the formation of personality occurs, a pronounced need appears to show one’s uniqueness. After all, you don’t want to be like those around you in everything; you have to find your own distinctive features and grow them to large scale. There is a widespread belief that a talented person is talented in everything. This means that he tries to get as close as possible to understanding his own essence and purpose, tries his hand at various activities.

Talent occupies a special place in a person’s life. Many people understand the importance of finding their purpose, and to do this, they urgently need to know what abilities they have. Unfortunately, adults do not always have reliable information about their own abilities. The fact is that most talents do not develop, but are destroyed on the vine in childhood. As a result, a person never reveals the potential inherent in him, does not become famous and famous. To develop talent, you need to have faith in yourself, take concrete steps, and this is associated with the ability to overcome yourself and be persistent.

Among other things, talent always implies taking responsibility. Many people who subsequently achieved great success noted that those around them often did not understand them, even laughed and did not believe in the prospect of developing outstanding abilities. No matter how society views you and your activities, you need to be active in order to be able to achieve great success.

What is talent?

Many people mistakenly understand talent as something amazing and outstanding. They believe that talent must be conspicuous, be so bright that it is impossible not to be noticed by others. In fact, any abilities do not suddenly appear on their own; they need to be developed, putting in significant effort and time. It is extremely unreasonable to expect a small child to learn to draw or play a musical instrument on his own.

What is talent? How does it manifest itself in everyday life? First of all, abilities are expressed in a person’s desire to engage in a certain type of activity. That is, a child or an adult has a great desire to do something, to express himself in something. If you are already an accomplished person and, at a conscious age, discovered a desire to start a new business, do not be alarmed. Try to trust your inner feeling - it will tell you how best to act. Sometimes people discover their talents even in adulthood.

How to find your talent?

An equally important question for a person is: how to find your talent? In fact, it is not always easy to understand what you are attracted to. The inclination of the soul is best manifested in early childhood, but due to various circumstances this moment is often missed. What is the best thing to pay attention to?

Your dream area

Remember what you like to do more than anything in the world? Maybe some activity inspires you to such an extent that you are ready to move mountains? This state is called enthusiasm, strong inspiration. Anyone who has experienced it at least once knows that the feelings that arise are very strong, vital energy literally goes off scale and overflows. If you feel similar movements of the soul within yourself, know: you are on the right path. The main thing is, perhaps, not to stop there, but to continue to move forward.

Talent- a stubborn thing. Sometimes he stubbornly refuses to open up. Strive to put maximum energy and effort into your dream area. With the right approach, all this will eventually bring the expected results. The result may not be noticeable immediately, but it will still manifest itself at a certain stage, you just have to wait patiently for it. You can hide talent within yourself, not show it to anyone and not reveal it to yourself, but this is the wrong path.

Finding your niche

Such a search may take years, but it is worth it. Don’t waste time on self-knowledge, believe me, everything will pay off when you understand what your personal purpose is. It’s much easier to live by being “like everyone else” and trying not to stand out. But this is actually a dead-end path that does not lead to any development!

Finding your niche helps you understand where your talent lies and how to develop it. Every person feels more gifted and successful in some way. If you direct all your energy to developing your talent, success will not be long in coming. If you dream of making your cherished dream come true, take action! Talent will become your ally and will lead you forward to new horizons and achievements.

Personality development

From childhood, we are taught to meet the specific requirements of society, to fit ourselves into a certain framework of behavior. Manifestations of individuality are often suppressed at a very tender age, ultimately preventing individuality from growing. And now a person comes into life who learns to live according to the laws of society and does not care at all about his own fulfillment. Such a person is unlikely to ever think about his talent, let alone try to realize it in some way. The talent never manifests itself, the connection between the individual and his inner essence is lost.

The movement towards a dream should begin with the development of individuality. Talent will truly manifest itself only when you are fully aware of the responsibility that belongs to you. If you do not develop talent, you should not expect any serious results.

Working with self-esteem

Why is it important? Talent can best manifest itself in a person who sufficiently respects and values ​​his own personality. it is necessary to increase in the case when a person is too constrained to position himself in society in one capacity or another. Such people, most often, are not noticed in the team; no one even suspects that they have talent, since they themselves prefer not to stand out. Adequate and timely work with self-esteem will allow you to effectively overcome existing complexes and pressures. This, in turn, will bring you closer to understanding your essence and developing your talent.

Thus, it should be understood that talent alone is clearly not enough to achieve success. You need to constantly work on yourself. Overcoming difficulties strengthens, helps to release additional forces, which are exactly what is needed for development.

The essay contains references to B. Kremnev’s story “Beethoven”.

Option 1

Talent is a gift that can manifest itself in various areas of human activity, most often in art. A talented person is able to create beautiful creations that the whole world admires.

Let us pay attention to how the author conveys the impressions that Beethoven’s music and playing evoked in Mozart. In the music, he heard “fierce combat”, felt how “the struggle... was crushing the universe”, understood that “the world would be plunged into chaos.”

Only when performed by a talented musician can a piece evoke such sensations.

This is true. I remember that my whole family went to a concert by the famous pianist Denis Matsuev, and I will never forget the emotions that overwhelmed me when I listened to this amazing artist play.

I think that without work and inspiration, talent is unthinkable.

Option 2

Talent is an outstanding ability that develops if a person is hardworking and faithful to his gift. The creativity of talented artists has been inspiring and impressing people for many years.

In B. Kremnev’s story, the reader has the opportunity to share the experiences that Beethoven’s playing gives rise to. These are strong, exciting emotions. The chords are “like screams of horror,” the accompaniment is “stormy and bright, like the murmur of spring streams,” the music evokes “joy and happiness.”

Indeed, the talented performance of a pianist, composer, or actor can not only awaken amazingly powerful feelings, but also make it possible to understand how much effort, inspiration and work is invested in it.

Option 3

In my understanding, talent is a set of abilities received by a person from nature. The works of talented people are impressive and make us experience very strong emotions.

For example, Beethoven's ability to create beautiful music that can impress the listener is described in the story of B. Kremnev. “Formidable chords” during the performance are replaced by “an indomitable passage, like a flame breaking free.” Beethoven's playing is capable of making the imagination draw strong and vivid images: “light pierced the darkness.”

In fact, talent is a unique gift!

Option 4

Talent is a special, rare gift given to a person from above. And if a person has it, then sooner or later it will definitely manifest itself.

In the story by B. Kremnev, Beethoven is shown not as a famous composer, but as an aspiring young pianist who came to audition for the great Mozart. Excitement, confusion and timidity took away all his mental strength, so playing the clavier, he himself understood this, was mechanical. But the topic proposed for improvisation seemed to awaken all the senses. Screams of horror and silence, joy and happiness, light and warmth - all this began to sound, seethed, and formed into the sounding music.

The talent of the future great composer was uncontrollably rushing to the surface, and Mozart could not help but see it.

An example of a great talent that could not fail to be realized is the gift of A. Suvorov as a commander. Having gone through a difficult path from private to generalissimo, he wrote his name in the heroic history of Russia.

In my opinion, a person’s true talent, like a spring, will certainly find a way out, and others will always notice it.

Option 5

Talent is outstanding ability in a particular area. And the person who is given this gift will definitely overcome all obstacles to show it to the world.

Young Beethoven, wanting to have Mozart as a mentor, experienced many difficulties: he barely got money for a long trip, arrived in a foreign city and, having overcome shyness and excitement, appeared before the great master. Material from the site

The experience made itself felt - Beethoven at first was unable to show everything he was capable of. But he did not give up, but asked permission to improvise. And it was improvisation that showed how talented the young man is. The delighted Mozart brought his friends to show them the future genius.

As we see, hard work and perseverance help to reveal talent.

Option 6

Talent is a person’s natural giftedness, a rare ability to do something. Talented people are always goal-oriented.

This is how we see Beethoven in B. Kremnev’s text. The young musician set his goal to become a student of Mozart. He did not give up even when he realized that the game did not impress the famous composer. Beethoven's improvisation showed how talented he was. Flames, sparks, darkness, light - all this visibly appeared in his playing and captivated Mozart.

Talented people, showing examples of purposeful work, adorn the history of mankind.

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