What kind and safe spirits can be summoned during the day with friends and girlfriends. How to Summon Spirits

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At all times, people have been attracted by the theme of the unknown. What can I say, since ancient times grandmothers were treated with herbal remedies, and more serious magicians came face to face with evil spirits. Such activities do not pass without a trace, and many living people have been genetically transmitted a predisposition or even a gift for engaging in esotericism.

The very concept of esotericism can be represented as a volume of a large book, where many chapters are written with the names of types of magic and the theory of its operation. A medium is involved in calling and communicating with spirits. This is the link between the world of the dead and the world of the living. With its help, you can communicate with deceased relatives, learn about their needs or about your future, and get answers to unsolvable questions. These days, the practice of communicating with spirits is most common in regions where shamanism flourishes. These are Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, Altai, Khakassia.

Spiritualism concept

Spiritualism is a religious and philosophical doctrine. Officially it appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Some sources claim that this type of mystical teaching originated in France, others that in the USA. In fact, people began communicating with spirits much earlier, during the time of the ancient Mayans.

Nowadays, spiritualism is practiced by:

  • shamans;
  • mediums;
  • witches.

Summoning a good spirit without the help of a psychic is, by and large, possible. If we talk about who can be called at home during the day, then the most affordable option will become a brownie. This essence is always close to us within our own walls. If you live for a long time in one place and do a good job of housekeeping, then he is probably positively disposed towards you and there will be no harm from communicating with him.

Who else can be called from the good spirits? In addition to the brownie, the call of the spirit during the day can fall on deceased relatives. They, unlike popular opinions, do not leave life, but remain in another shell and have the opportunity to visit their family. Try inviting a relative to a conversation, remember which of the deceased proved himself to be the most harmless during his lifetime.

Surely you have heard cases when family members who have left this world came to their loved ones with a warning about impending trouble or asking for something. Why don't we, the living, try to communicate with dear person and get in touch on your own initiative? But if you judge who can be called from peaceful spirits, then it is better not to choose the deceased relatives, since very often, out of old memory, they are ready to give blows to their descendants for wrong actions or bad thoughts.

Calling the spirit on the street

If you are thinking about how to summon a spirit on the street, then you need to remember that you will not be able to do this alone. You need to have friends or like-minded people with you. Calling spirits on the street during the day is considered safer than night or solitary sessions. There will be many people around you and you will be able to call for help if you feel in danger.

Consequences of esoteric connections

If you consider the challenge as a game and a theatrical performance, then there will be no special consequences for it. But if you seriously decide to call upon a spirit, you should know: even when you manage to see the essence, there is no guarantee that a good soul will respond to your voice. Very often, instead of positive characters, evil ones come, who subsequently stay with the person who performed the ceremony and feed on his energy. As a result, the person gets sick and becomes depressed.

From 0 to 9. Determine where you will have the top and bottom. Draw a straight line through the center of the circle. Write the word “yes” at the top and “no” at the bottom.

Take a saucer and use a felt-tip pen to draw an arrow from the center to the edge.

Wait until midnight. Take everything off metal objects that you have on. All other participants must do the same.

Place a piece of paper on the table. Place a saucer in the center of the circle. It must first be held over one. Everyone present should sit around the table.

All participants must simultaneously touch their fingertips to saucers and say: “Spirit (name), come!” After a while the saucer will begin to move. Greet the spirit and ask if it intends to communicate with you. The saucer will begin to move towards "yes" or "no".

If the spirit has agreed to talk to you, start asking questions. They can relate to a variety of aspects of your or. But don't ask the spirit where it is. Some spirits answer this question, but generally they don’t like it very much. Periodically ask if your guest is tired.

At the end of the session, do not forget your guest and say goodbye to him. After the spirit leaves, turn the saucer over and lightly hit the table with it three times.


At least two people must participate in a seance. It is desirable that at least one of the participants is a strong medium. In the presence of a strong medium, fortune telling is always obtained. If there is no such person among those present, fortune telling may not work. But this can only be established experimentally.

The seance must end by four o'clock in the morning.

Prepare candles in advance. Spirits don't like electric light.

Not all spirits are willing to make contact. If nothing works the first time, do not call this spirit again. Call someone else.

The saucer does not need to be pressed tightly to the table. Participants must touch it lightly so that it can move freely.

Don't even try to summon a spirit during a party with alcohol. Spirits cannot stand this.

If the spirit does not come to you, try to call it again. Perhaps one of the participants will have to leave the circle for the duration of the session. Some people are afraid of spirits.

Helpful advice

The sheet of paper can be of any shape. If you have round table, then it is more convenient to cut a square from whatman paper.

The arrow can be cut out of paper and attached to the saucer with tape.

During a seance, one must remain completely serious. Laughter will scare away the spirit. It is also not recommended to sneeze and scratch.

Ask simpler questions first. It is advisable that they require an unambiguous answer. Once the spirit starts talking, you can move on to more complex discussions.

If any of your questions offended the spirit, apologize and don’t ask anything like that again. The offense will be immediately visible. The spirit will either stop responding or start spinning the saucer at a crazy pace.

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Often desperate young girls and boys who want to find happiness in love, turn to the world of spirits. Many people try to perform magical rituals simply to find new hope, that is, they engage in self-hypnosis. Usually these are quite harmless rituals, more like a game. Some people really believe in the powers of spirits and hope for their support. Remember that to magical rituals You should only contact if you are sure that you will call spirit love- the only way to get what you want.


The basis of any ritual is primarily your faith in it. If you really want to touch the mysterious forces, then perform the ritual alone and take it very seriously.

A seance will help you if you just want answers to a series of questions. Purchase a special board for spiritism, which may be called a “Witch Board,” “Talking Board,” or “Ouija Board.” Or make this field yourself. For example, take an ordinary Whatman paper. In a circle, write the whole number and numbers from 0 to 9, do not forget about the inscriptions “Yes”, “No”, “Hello” and “Goodbye”. Drive by homemade chalkboard You can use an ordinary saucer with a drawn arrow.

You can find some spell that you think will help cause spirit, or you can just sincerely ask out loud spirit who gives answers to questions about, come to you and help. It is not words that are important here, but the strength of your desire and faith.

When the spirit comes, you may feel a slight breeze, a slight chill, or just some heaviness in the air, as if it will become more difficult to breathe. But sometimes perfumes appear completely without external signs, therefore, the most important guideline is the movement of the pointer on the Ouija board. The spirit should make its presence known by moving the saucer in your hands towards the word “Hello.”

Once you are sure that the spirit has arrived, you can safely ask any questions. At the end of the session, don't forget to ask spirit leave your home forever.

If you need not only answers, but also outside help spirit, you must offer him something as payment. In classic rituals of dark magic, this is blood: yours or a sacrificial animal. In more modern rituals, memorabilia, hair and actual material assets (gold, jewelry) are given to the spirit. You always choose the method of payment, but the spirit may not accept the gift, considering it insufficient.

Difference between seance and challenge spirit-assistant is that in addition to the method of communication ( Ouija board), you should take care to create an altar with a sacrificial offering for spirit.

Summon spirit You can either use special ones or write the text of the appeal yourself. If your faith is in the possibility of calling spirit If your desire is strong and your desire is sincere, then the spirit will certainly hear you.


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Many people want to look into the other world, communicate with spirits, find out the future, and get advice.
First, decide why you want to summon a good spirit, how important your questions are, and whether they are worth lifting the veil and disturbing the world of spirits. If you are still determined and ready for the meeting, understanding that this is not a game and the consequences can be unpredictable, get ready to communicate with the world of spirits and start a seance.

You will need

  • Several assistants
  • Spiritualist circle
  • Porcelain saucer
  • Candles


Summon the spirit until you feel a slight movement of the saucer. This will indicate the presence of a summoned spirit in the room.

Video on the topic


Summoning a good spirit is not so difficult, they are ready to communicate with people, but you should remember - the Higher Spirit can only appear to people with good intentions.
And if your goals are unseemly, then best case scenario- you won’t hear an answer, it’s better not to even think about the worst.

Helpful advice

Don’t forget, the main thing in preparing a session is the readiness of your soul and body to communicate with the pure world of good spirits. It is best to fast for a week, paying maximum attention to purity of thoughts and kindness of actions.


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A seance is a communication with “energy beings” that are invisible to ordinary people who do not have a unique gift. Desire to call spirit is caused by people’s interest in finding out their future, or finding out the circumstances of the death of someone close to them. Whatever the reason, take this matter seriously to avoid trouble.


Prepare for the session. One of the most simple ways communication is the use of a “ouija board.” This session should involve 2-3 people. It is their energy for the movement of a saucer or circle with an arrow depicted on it. The energy of one person may not be enough.

You can make your own Ouija board. To do this, write or print the numbers from 1 to 0 and the alphabet on a piece of paper. Place them in 3-4 rows, and write the numbers underneath them in one row. Write “No” and “Yes” on both sides at the bottom of the sheet. Turn the saucer over and draw on the bottom. Check if it glides well on the paper. Place the “board” on the table. Place candles, an icon and similar things on the sides of the “board” that will help you focus on the session and the spirit of the person being called.

If the spirit appears, it will point with an arrow to "Yes". If the arrow doesn't move, you can repeat this action again or call someone else. There are times when, in the process of communicating with another spirit who has come, those who did not immediately respond may appear. You can find out by asking, “Who and how many spirits are in the room?” List all those called. When you call, your words are heard over vast distances, namely in a different density. Before asking your questions, make sure that the person who comes wants to talk to you.

Throughout your communication, try not to be afraid and show your superiority so that your home does not turn into a gathering of low spirits in the future. End the session with words of gratitude and hit the “board” with the saucer three times.

According to tradition, for some reason they almost always call upon evil creatures of the other world. Bloody Mary, known to many: there are many variations on the theme of this children's horror story, the truth is simply hidden by time. Also not at all cute Jack the Ripper and the spirit with interesting name Blue Beard. All of them do not bring anything good to mediums and participants in a spiritualism session. But at the same time they continue to be called. Nobody knows why, maybe I just want a thrill. But for those who want to take part in a spiritualistic seance, leaving after it not gray-haired and alive, you should think about calling good spirits.

Since ancient times, people believed that the spirits of the dead patronize living people, and they can protect, attract good luck, money, improve health, etc. There are several rituals on how to summon a spirit and they must be carried out according to all the rules, since this is not a toy. It is important to understand that this is not entertainment and you should treat everything responsibly.

How to summon a spirit that answers questions?

It is important to start the session after sunset and it is best to choose the period from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. For consecration, choose only natural wax candles. All questions that you want to ask should be written down on paper in advance. It is important to remove all metal objects. To increase the chances of successful contact, it is necessary to fumigate the room with incense. After you succeed in summoning a non-dangerous spirit, you should definitely greet him and then proceed to. At the end of the ritual, you must thank the spirit and ask him to leave the room. The most popular ritual involves using a board with letters, but we will look at other options.

Ritual No. 1 - how to summon a safe spirit using scissors?

The ceremony is carried out with the participation of two people and for it you should prepare scissors, a red ribbon and any spiritual book. It is important that both participants believe in the workings of magic. The scissors must be placed in the book so that the rings remain outside. The next step is to tie the book with a red ribbon, and do it as tightly as possible, and place it on the table. After this, you need to grab the rings of the scissors with your little fingers and call on the spirit. Once the connection is established, you will notice how the book moves. From this moment on, you are allowed to ask the spirit questions, and if the answer is positive, then the book will turn to the right, and if negative, to the left.

Ritual No. 2 - how can you summon a spirit with a needle?

IN dark room light a candle and take a needle, which should be hung on a thread to form a pendulum. It is important to tune in, freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts and emotions. After this, rest your elbow on the table and begin to swing the needle, repeating the call of the spirit, for example, like this: “good spirit come.” Do this for a minute and then stop the needle. Greet the spirit and begin asking questions. If the needle swings, then the answer is positive, and if it stands still, the answer is negative.

There are several ways to summon a spirit at home, and each of them requires special care and compliance with the rules. Preparation plays important role in carrying out the ritual, because the slightest mistake can lead to unpredictable consequences.


What spirits can you summon?

When conducting a spiritualistic seance, it is preferable to call good entities, For example:

  • elemental spirits;
  • gnomes;
  • spirits of the forests.

Refrain from attempting to communicate with famous personalities- they are summoned from the world of the living too often, and this angers souls. You can summon the spirit of a deceased relative or friend with whom you were especially close. He can help you fulfill your wishes and tell you about the future.

However, the result does not always justify itself, since the souls of the dead, being in another dimension, gradually forget about earthly existence. If a person died a long time ago, he is unlikely to remember you. Please note that the spirits of deceased relatives and friends are not always honest. If something terrible is coming in the future, for example, illness or death, the spirits of loved ones will keep silent about it so as not to upset you ahead of time.

Do not call those who committed suicide - this is dangerous for an inexperienced psychic.

Rules and preparation for the session

To avoid provoking evil spirits and to do everything right, follow these recommendations:

  • perform the ritual from 00.00 am to 04.00 am;
  • prepare in advance the questions you will ask the spirit;
  • during the session, open the window - this makes it easier for the soul to enter the house;
  • use only wax candles;
  • call no more than two spirits at the same time;
  • do not conduct the session alone;
  • remove jewelry (except amulets);
  • at the beginning of the session, greet the spirit;
  • Having completed the session, thank and order to go to another world.

Ways to summon spirits

You can communicate with the spirit of the deceased different ways- perform a ritual in a cemetery, use a Ouija board, call it using cards or a mirror.

Summoning a Spirit to Answer Questions

To summon a spirit that answers questions, use the following items:

  • river water;
  • wedding ring belonging to the deceased;
  • white saucer;
  • red thread.

Instructions for summoning a spirit:

  1. First, early in the morning you need to dial river water, and then exactly at midnight pour it into a saucer.
  2. Place on the table and turn off the light, light the candles.
  3. The red thread must be threaded through the ring, holding it above the water with your left hand. Say a phrase like: “Good spirit, come, answer my questions.”
  4. Then ask out loud exciting question and watch the ring. If the ring rotates in a circle, then the answer to the question is yes. If it swings - negative.

Summoning a Good Spirit

If you want to summon a good spirit or entity, you don’t have to do it at night.

During the day, choose a place in nature (forest, lake, etc.), hold hands and call the spirit you want to summon three times. Say the following phrase: “Bright Spirit, come to us. Hear us, we trust in you (name of the spirit), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.”

Close your eyes and mentally imagine this creature. When it appears, tell him about your desires.

Calling the spirit at home

At home, summoning spirits is not a safe activity, since a person must have strong energy to resist demons. Choose a simple ritual that does not threaten consequences.

Be sure to use protective amulets that ward off negative energy.

When deciding to conduct a seance, pay attention to the following common methods:

  • using scissors or a needle;
  • by cards;
  • using mirrors;
  • using a Ouija board;
  • using candles;
  • ritual with a saucer.

We call on the street

To summon a spirit on the street, try one ancient ritual.

It will require the following attributes:

  • seven wax candles;
  • white cloak;
  • salt;
  • incense;
  • knife with a white handle.

Seven wax candles Incense Chalk Salt White cloak Knife


  1. Select a location for the call. It is advisable to find a place with strong energy. Avoid cemeteries due to the accumulation of negative energy.
  2. Before starting the ceremony, draw a circle using chalk or salt. Make sure that the line is not interrupted anywhere.
  3. Then place seven candles in a circle, go inside the circle and plunge the knife into the ground, leaving the handle sticking out.
  4. Wear a white cloak and burn incense to protect yourself from evil forces. Place your hands on your chest and close your eyes, imagining the energy around you and the being you are calling upon.
  5. When you feel someone’s invisible presence nearby, open your eyes and turn to the spirit: “Dear spirit, I call on you. I don’t know your face or name. Appear before me, good spirit. Hear me, do not reject God’s servant (name), for your help is needed.”

The spirit summoned by this rite can be asked only three questions.

Ouija board

One of the most common methods of summoning otherworldly entities is the Ouija board. If you can’t buy it, you can make it yourself using a saucer and whatman paper on which the letters of the alphabet and numbers are written.

Getting in touch with the afterlife using a makeshift board, follow these tips:

  1. Turn off the lights, light some candles, and sit in front of the board.
  2. Heat the saucer from the candle flame and place it in the center of the circle.
  3. Touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands.
  4. Watch the movement of the saucer. If it starts to move, it means the spirit is nearby.
  5. For the spirit to appear, you must say the following words: “Spirit (name), we call on you. Come and show yourself to us."

The saucer or pointer will move from letter to letter to form words.

This video explains how to summon spirits using an Ouija board. Filmed by the HonorToHave/HTH/witch blog channel.

Summon using cards

Cards are one of the most available ways how to summon a spirit. It is important that they were not previously involved in the game.

Perform the following ritual:

  1. Turn off the lights, light a candle and draw a protective circle of salt and chalk.
  2. Shuffle the cards, imagining the spirit you want to talk to. First you need to understand whether the spirit is in the mood for conversation. Pull out a card at random and look at the color of the suit: if red, the answer is positive, black, negative.
  3. Place several cards in front of you front side up and start asking.
  4. After asking, turn the card over and look at the suit. Hearts - the answer is “yes”, spades - “no”, clubs - “I don’t know”, diamonds - “probably”.

Protective circle of salt or chalk Candle Playing Cards

Summoning the spirit through mirrors

This sinister ritual is usually used to communicate with the dead.

For it you will need:

  • mirror;
  • coin;
  • wax candle;
  • needle.

Prick your finger with a needle and write the letters of the alphabet on the mirror and the words “yes” and “no” with blood. Then you need to light a candle and place the coin edge-on on the mirror. Say the spell: “Spirit (name), come to me, appear in a familiar mirror, have a conversation with me, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide secrets.”

Then wait until the spirit begins to move the coin. Ask if the spirit wants to talk and then ask questions. Keep track of which letters the coin points to and add up the answers.

In childhood, probably, each of us tried to summon some creature. Some did it out of interest, some wanted to fulfill wishes, and some wanted to scare a friend. Growing up, we began to become further away from this subtle world, faith in miracles faded away. Many do not notice the existence of the otherworldly next to us.

But you can still be sure of the existence of something supernatural, which was mentioned in legends, children's horror stories and stories. If you decide to call upon a wish-granting spirit, then you probably still believe in miracles, or maybe you feel the closeness of creatures invisible to the human eye.

Call rules

In order not to spoil the connection with our world and the other world, you must follow some simple rules:

Prepare to summon the spirit in advance. Incorrect behavior on your part can scare him away. The consequences can be very different and may not always end positively.

If you nevertheless decide to take such a responsible step, prepare and figure out how to properly summon the spirit of desires. Start with correct wording of your message. It should be specific, clear, and not contain empty phrases and unnecessary words. Particles “not” and “or” can confuse an otherworldly being, and your desire can be misinterpreted and, as a result, incorrectly fulfilled.

The price you are willing to pay for it must be discussed immediately after uttering your wish. The payment must correspond to your requests. And if you forget about this point, the spirit can set the price itself. Usually this is the energy or health of the person asking, and maybe his close relatives.

When performing sufficiently powerful rituals, payment may be made in hair, nails or blood, and a small sacrifice may also be performed. But ordinary people It’s better not to get carried away with such things, and leave it to experienced magicians. Also, do not forget to mention that you will only pay once. Some spirits may take advantage of this oversight and try to charge you multiple times.

Preparing for the summoning ritual

When you feel completely ready for the meeting, you can begin the ritual; the main thing is to be completely concentrated on the process and not be distracted by anything.

Summoning the Spirit of Wishes for Beginners

For beginners, it is better to limit yourself to calling a not very powerful creature. It could be a brownie or some other weak spirit. They can perform simple desires and charge a small fee for it. For example, sweets or milk.

A rustling sound, the howling of the wind, or any other extraneous and unusual noise will be signs that the spirit has heard and accepted your request.

Ritual for more experienced magicians

This option is suitable for people who have already had some experience of communicating with the other world. Here you can make a secret wish, since the spirit that will visit you will have greater power than in the previous ritual.

But sweets or milk are not suitable as payment for the service. You will have to pay with something that is dear to you, either in blood, hair or nails.

  • Close the windows - no sunlight should enter the room.
  • Remove objects from the room that may glow or reflect something. Light should come only from candles. Place a saucer with your gift next to the candles.
  • Now you will need complete concentration on your desire. You will need to close your eyes and turn your back to the saucer.

Say three times: “I call upon the wish-granting spirit. I pray you, come and help me." After this you need to wait for the creature to appear. A sign may be extraneous noise, cold or, on the contrary, heat, or just the feeling of someone else nearby.

At this time, you should not open your eyes and turn towards the spirit. Just whisper, barely audible, say your request, and then talk about the gift. If the spirit remains satisfied with your offerings, it will certainly fulfill its desire.

Summoning a Spirit Using a Mirror

This option must be carried out at night. And you need to prepare for it more carefully. To do this you need:

  • candles;
  • mirror;
  • water - preferably taken from a holy source.

Work on formulating your desire in advance. You will have to pronounce it quickly and there should be no mistakes.

  1. So, at midnight, preferably on a full moon, you need to stand in front of an open window.
  2. Pour water into a deep plate and place the mirror there. There should be no other mirrors in the room. Otherwise, the spirit will be able to move into them and remain.
  3. Say the phrase: “ Come to me the spirit of desires, help me ».

Soon a silhouette will begin to appear in the mirror. At this time you need to make a wish. There is no need to hesitate, speak quickly and clearly. And then say what the creature will receive in return. Afterwards, you need to quickly remove the mirror from the water and pour out the water.

It is advisable to pour it outside, through left shoulder. This is necessary to prevent the performer from leaving the mirror and remaining in your house.

The more complex the desire, the longer you will have to wait for its fulfillment. And you shouldn’t resort to such a ritual too often.

How to summon a Good or Evil spirit

Good spirits include angels, souls of deceased relatives and other light beings. For a good spirit to visit you, the desire should consist only of bright thoughts and good intentions. Therefore, before the ritual, deep cleansing is required not only of the body, but also of the soul. Meditation, light music, complete relaxation will help you with this.

If you want to perform the ceremony during the day, there are two options.



This option can be done at home.

Night ritual of summoning the spirit of desires

If you decide to perform the ceremony at night, then you will need

  • Candle.
  • Needle.
  • Thread.
  • White paper.

You will need to draw a circle on paper and cut it out. There you will need to write the words “Yes”, “No”, “I will” and “I will not”.

At midnight you will need to light a candle, place the prepared white circle next to it and take it into right hand needle and thread. Then you will need to start calling the spirit. After you feel its appearance, you must clearly pronounce your request and press for an answer. The answer will be the direction of the needle. If the creature refuses you, then there is no need to insist.

  • Evil spirits can be much more powerful than good creatures. Usually these are demons or embittered spirits of dead people. You shouldn't expect anything good from the performer here.
  • They will charge a serious fee, compared to good spirits. You can't get away with simple sweetness. Some serious sacrifices may have to be made.

There are much more rituals for summoning demons or other evil creatures than good ones. It is more difficult to prepare for them, and even a simple magician cannot do this. These rituals are described in detail in magic books, which not everyone has access to.

Although you now know how to summon the spirit of wish fulfillment, you should not get carried away with it. Don't bother the same entity very often. This may make him angry, which will ultimately backfire on you. It is better to rely on own strength and opportunities, and only as a last resort turn to the other world.

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