What will the year of the rooster be like for Capricorn? Love sphere of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster

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Many Capricorns are true careerists by nature. This means that they will easily be able to find a common language with, who is determined to help everyone move up the career ladder and improve their financial situation. The horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns promises many bright events - both in work and in personal life.


Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn man

The first thing you need to do is get rid of everything unnecessary in your life. From the clutter that has accumulated in your home to the relationships that are destroying you day after day. Gossipers will talk about you almost incessantly, but don’t take it to heart - just step away from the “swamp” into which they are trying to drag you.

Family and relationships

Secrets of the Force

You are often late at work - and, although all your efforts are aimed at arranging the family nest, without your presence it will not be cozy. Capricorns should be more attentive to their significant other, because hidden resentment can cause serious discord in relationships, and even betrayal.

Listen to your family's requests for help. You may have to put in a lot of effort, but your gratitude for your support will be immeasurable.

Towards the end of the year, Capricorns who are still single will be able to find their happiness. The love horoscope for 2017 advises the Capricorn man to listen to common sense and objectively evaluate potential partners. It is important to find a person with whom it will be comfortable to go through life and there are no fundamental contradictions in views.



But in matters of career, the “finest hour” has come for Capricorns. Your entrepreneurial spirit will allow you to easily open your own business or get an attractive leadership position. However, in order for this to become a reality, it is important to learn not to isolate yourself and not turn any idea into a trade secret. Discuss your thoughts and plans with other people - during such a “brainstorming” your ideas will become even more perfect.

It is equally important to learn to calmly respond to criticism from management. The horoscope for 2017 advises Capricorns to look at this from a different point of view - if your every action is observed, it means that they are seriously interested in you. And, therefore, you need to mobilize all your experience and knowledge in order to show your best side and defend your own point of view.


Not at home

After a difficult 2016, Capricorns will be able to breathe easy. Already in early February the situation will stabilize, and by summer incomes will increase significantly. However, be careful: the stars indicate a high risk of meeting scammers. Do not sign important contracts without a lawyer - only a professional eye can see all the tricks and loopholes in the documents.

There is no point in investing money in a bank. It’s better to spend your savings on fashionable home renovations or personal development. Moreover, new knowledge will allow you to create an effective source of passive income.


Astrology for everyone

At the beginning of the year, Capricorns may feel apathy and loss of strength. This is due to the fact that in the last months of 2016 you spent a colossal amount of energy. Let your body recover and don’t put too much strain on yourself until the end of winter. Additionally, you can start taking vitamins and sign up for a pool or yoga class, where you can relax and restore your energy balance. As soon as the winter cold gives way to warm spring, your health will improve dramatically.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn woman

Dear Capricorns can compete with any man in terms of work. The main qualities that will help you achieve your desired goals in 2017 are perseverance and responsibility for your actions. The horoscope advises Capricorn women to be more decisive and not be afraid of radical changes in life.

Family and relationships

Women's online magazine

Your excessive suspicion and negative past experiences prevent you from building a truly happy relationship. It may seem to Capricorns that their loved one is “walking to the left.” However, before debriefing, try to find out what’s in his heart.

Perhaps the reason for a certain detachment and coolness in a relationship is not at all because the other woman gets all the affection. This behavior may be due to the fact that the partner is experiencing a creative crisis or is not feeling well.

The love horoscope for 2017 for single Capricorn also advises looking back less often. Otherwise, a worthy candidate for your heart may get tired of the “one-sided game” and leave. As a result, you will still realize your mistakes, but it may be too late.


Zodiac signs

Unlike other zodiac signs, you are able to get real pleasure from work. However, do not forget that you work surrounded by other people - and, therefore, you need to establish good relationships with them.

You have the power to become the unspoken leader of the team. But, although your opinion is listened to, you should not turn into an authoritarian commander - working in a team will bring much more pleasure and excellent results.



In the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorn women can take out loans and make deals without fear - the financial horoscope for 2017 is very favorable. In August-September, do not hesitate to ask your bosses for a salary increase - seeing your diligence and professionalism, they will not refuse you. Unexpected financial inflows are also possible - the Rooster has such “gifts” in store for February, March and early October.


Large free library

Health problems will practically not bother Capricorns in 2017. However, the horoscope recommends that you pay close attention to your vision - due to intense work at the computer, it can deteriorate sharply. Train yourself to do eye exercises every day and choose stylish glasses that will protect you from harmful radiation.

Horoscope for 2017 for Capricorn-Rooster


Of course, the owner of the year is not indifferent to his charges. In 2017, Capricorn-Roosters will be able to easily change jobs and get a well-paid position in a prestigious company. They will gladly hire you even without recommendations and a probationary period, the main thing is to show yourself at the interview not only as a professional, but also as a true team player.

In your personal life, everything will also work out well. The only thing Capricorns should avoid is office romances. There is a risk that all your intimate secrets will become the main topic of gossip in the office.

Are you ready to celebrate the Year of the Rooster 2017? For Capricorn women and men, it will be surprisingly successful. By setting yourself up for success and enlisting the support of the stars, you will be able to achieve all your plans. So, what awaits Capricorn in the Year of the Rooster 2017? 😉

In the coming year, representatives of this sign need to pay attention to accumulating strength, since the year promises to be rich in various events. They will appear in such a multitude that it will not always be possible to keep track of them all. At the same time, it is typical to accompany all undertakings with rumors and gossip, but you should not be distracted or upset by this. As a result, this situation will help you take a more sober look at your relationship with your environment and let go of people from your life whose communication does not have any positive meaning.

The general tendency to free yourself from remnants will lead to a concentration on truly important issues in which you will need to manifest yourself through natural activity.

Traveling and meeting new people will contribute to deep satisfaction.

One of the features of this year will be the ease of digestibility of information, in connection with which you can devote yourself to additional education, taking courses and master classes. Such an investment of effort, time and money will quickly yield pleasant results.

Next year, Capricorns themselves will be able to achieve everything they want without the help of fate; all the cards are in their hands. The second half of the year will be the time to work on those projects that were previously left without due attention. A successful outcome is guaranteed.

It is better not to engage in risky business, but in general the year promises to bring considerable profit and achieve favorable results. The results of the year will be pleasing if you make every effort to achieve them, and in this Capricorns are ahead of everyone.

Love forecast

If Capricorn has already found his life partner, then this year it will be extremely necessary to pay maximum attention to him. In a series of endless worries, you can miss the moment after which the relationship begins to weaken. They will expect attention and care from Capricorns almost all the time, and without asking for it. The situation will especially worsen in the spring. The help and support of a loved one will be rewarded with incredible gratitude.

There will be many situations in which friction and conflict may arise, but Capricorn, like a true diplomat, will be able to prevent destruction and survive, no matter how difficult it may be.

In the second half of the year, you will want to have bright impressions together, and this desire must be realized.

For single Capricorns, the year will give them the opportunity to make new acquaintances and a series of love encounters, including a first date with their future life partner. It is important to be open to the flow of love, but also to maintain a sober mind. In any case, all events will be beneficial.

The last quarter of 2017 will be a particularly loving time, but in order to be ready to immerse yourself in this atmosphere, you need to free up space from projects and issues that require a lot of participation and attention, which are recommended to be addressed in advance.

Money horoscope

The Year of the Rooster portends financial recovery for Capricorns after the difficulties of the previous period. Closer to summer, representatives of this sign will already be able to feel real freedom in money matters, which will begin to be resolved from the first months. It is possible to meet with scammers, so special attention is required when preparing documents and borrowing money from strangers.

The maximum influx of finances will begin by the end of the year, but nevertheless, it will not be possible to create savings, since numerous projects for the future will require investments. In addition, there will be enough funds to cover past debts, and there will be no need to take out new loans.

There will be plenty of profitable offers, and Capricorns will be able to realize themselves in any direction they want. The only caution is not to overdo it and rest on time.

At the beginning of the year, situations may arise that will lead to despondency, but this is just a test of strength, so you need to pull yourself together and not succumb to the blues, especially since in the spring your career will take off.


Health difficulties may arise at the beginning of the year. This is due to the unfavorable period preceding the Year of the Rooster. But since the year as a whole will be busy and a lot of strength will be needed, Capricorns will have to learn to monitor their well-being and follow all the recommendations in this matter. Therefore, diseases will recede, and representatives of this sign will be able to conquer any peaks.

Capricorn in the year of the Rooster - woman

The versatile attention of representatives of this sign will be appreciated both by the Universe and by the environment. There will be many offers, actions will be rewarded with valuable gifts beyond expectations. But at the same time, you will have to set priorities and choose what you have enough strength for. You'll have to learn to say no.

In matters of raising children, you should listen to the advice of your mother and grandmother, although, by and large, there will not be any particular difficulties in this direction. A loved one may begin to suffer due to lack of attention; it is worth noticing this in time and, showing restraint, maintaining the relationship.

By the fall, an offer will arrive for available Capricorns, the stars promise that this will be exactly the person they have been waiting for for a long time, but, nevertheless, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons before making a decision.

Capricorn in the year of the Rooster - man

At the beginning of the year, Capricorn men will begin to propose and implement such non-standard solutions that others may doubt their adequacy. But by the middle of the Year of the Rooster, all such undertakings will lead to incredible success, which will cover both the sphere of finance and career, as well as personal life and self-realization.

Talk less about your plans so as not to attract envious people. Actions will show the aspirations of Capricorns for themselves. The acquired skills in the field of creativity will be useful. A creative approach to usual things will instantly result in success.

In a love relationship, men will be required to take full responsibility for both themselves and their loved one; they will have to communicate a lot, and in the autumn months it is imperative to arrange a joint vacation.

This is exactly what the Year of the Rooster 2017 will be like for Capricorn women and men. Now you know what awaits you and you can safely make new plans. 😉

Evgenia Evus

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be fruitful and pleasant for Capricorns. In the memory of representatives of this zodiac sign, it has every chance to remain as the most successful year for the development of their careers. Despite the difference in temperament between the fiery bird and the mysterious, thoughtful water goat, in the coming year these symbols will cooperate productively with each other.

Capricorn's intellectual potential is fully realized, and his natural flair and oratorical gift will allow him to surround himself with pleasant people and get rid of potential offenders in advance. Many people, seeing the amazing efficiency and success of this zodiac sign, will begin to spread gossip out of envy and impotence, but Capricorn’s restraint, diplomacy and impeccably decent image will allow him to avoid the troubles that follow gossip.

General understanding of 2017 for Capricorns

Starting from the first ten days of 2017, pay close attention to people. Capricorns, some of whom are characterized by unsociability, may experience difficulties in this aspect, but try to overcome yourself. The fact is that your work or business will largely depend on the existing connections with the team, management, and competitors.

Not a single acquaintance in the year of the Fire Rooster will be in vain for Capricorns, so do not avoid crowded events. You may have no idea where exactly you will meet your new business partner or the love of your life, so don’t be shy about going to exhibitions and museums, open film screenings and galleries, and most importantly, talking to people.

Scandals may break out in the Capricorn family, for which there would seem to be no obvious reason. Capricorns’ ability to listen to the opinions of others will help save the family home from the threat of destruction. Those representatives of the Zodiac sign who do not feel that this ability is sufficiently developed in themselves will have to cultivate it before it is too late.

Even if it seems to you that you know all the arguments and complaints in advance, take a little time to have a truthful conversation with your family. Don’t think that building a relationship with your spouse right now will take up too much of your time and energy. On the contrary, every resolved conflict will give you strength to move on.

Money and career

In the first ten days of 2017, the sign of Capricorn will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and efficiency. This will come in handy, especially in the first half of the year. There will be a lot of work for representatives of the sign. Sometimes Capricorns will begin to feel that their bosses have prepared a special test for them. This may be true, so put your best foot forward and your chances of getting a bonus or promotion will increase dramatically by the end of the year. As compensation for the efforts put into work or business, the Fire Rooster has prepared for Capricorns good luck in all new projects and a stable influx of finances.

However, the Capricorn sign may encounter misunderstandings in the family. Work will take over them with such force that there may be no time or energy left for joint recreation with their family. Explain your situation to your family, talk to them frankly and ask them to treat you with understanding. In turn, moderate your enthusiasm in those matters where they can do just fine without your help - take time off, devote your weekends and vacations to your family. This way you will find a compromise and will not miss out on either the cash flow or the love of your loved ones.

The second half of 2017 promises Capricorns a significant influx of finances. Try to avoid unnecessary waste of money on things that are not necessary for you, because autumn can bring significant financial expenses. Most likely this will concern the health of Capricorns themselves, or someone close to them, or economic needs. In any case, whether it is an exacerbation of a chronic illness, or repairs due to flooding by an absent-minded neighbor, you should not regret spending money on it. The health and well-being of you and your loved ones is the best financial investment.

Despite the fact that Capricorns are a very enterprising zodiac sign, in 2017 they should avoid making money on the side. Focus on making the most of your day job and make an effort to stand out to your bosses.

The Year of the Fire Rooster poses too great a risk for Capricorns of running into scammers. If you still have no choice and have to resort to third-party sources of income, use both logic and intuition. The first quality will help you avoid obviously illegal sources of income, and the second will help you avoid falling for the tempting offers of charming swindlers. Remember that if you get involved in a scam, you can lose not only money, but also your main job, and even freedom.

Family and romance

In 2017, Capricorns who are married or in a relationship must be very attentive to their partner. Perhaps he has been accumulating grievances against you for a long time, which you reinforce with your prolonged absence. Show more attention to your other half - a man will be happy with culinary masterpieces or a new dress worn especially for him, and a woman will be happy with a sudden romantic date or a pleasant gift. Believe me, such signs of attention are not a stupid whim or an attempt to bribe your partner, they are a guarantee of your strong relationship during a busy period at work.

Some Capricorns, tired of the monotony, will want to find adventure on the side. Despite the fact that the sign of Capricorn is not distinguished by directness and radical decisions, try to understand for yourself what kind of relationship you need most. Do not start an affair on the side for fun - this will put an end to both your previous relationship and your own peace of mind. If conflicts arise with your partner, do not try to ignore him or cause pain with your actions. Sit down and discuss everything as patiently and thoroughly as possible.

Lonely Capricorns will meet a pleasant person in the summer or autumn of 2017. Don't miss your chance to start a friendship with him, which may develop into a romantic relationship. It is most likely to meet a potential partner away from home - on vacation, on a business trip or at a conference. Pay attention to people attending business and cultural events - they will definitely be close to your spirit.

Children of Capricorn, on the contrary, will delight representatives of this zodiac sign. The commitment to intellectual activity characteristic of Capricorns will be passed on to their children, even if they belong to other signs. They will begin to show interest in studies and science, and over time, bring decent grades. The main thing is not to put too much pressure on them and do not force them to study, otherwise you will kill all the potential. Show your child maximum patience, reward him more often for success, explain difficult nuances yourself - and then your child’s success will not be long in coming.

Rest and health

For Capricorns, no exacerbations of chronic diseases are expected in 2017. Men may experience injuries, the treatment of which will require effort and financial expenditure. Nevertheless, the year is very favorable for improving health and strengthening immunity. Just don’t be fanatical about this: don’t buy a bunch of medicines and dietary supplements, but solve problems as they come. During the cold season, use only your doctor’s recommendations, and the rest of the time, do gymnastics and hardening procedures. Summer can be devoted to trips to warm countries to relieve nervous tension and breathe in the sea air.

Having found the horoscope for 2017 quite optimistic, Capricorn can go on long journeys without fear. In addition to improving health, they promise representatives of the sign unforgettable experiences that can change Capricorn’s attitude towards the world around them. Dedicate your vacation to visiting various events, take an active interest in the culture of another country, spiritual practices and history. This will broaden your horizons and help you get rid of the severity of everyday problems.

If Capricorns do not plan to go on long trips in 2017, they can spend their vacation close to home, gathering the whole family nearby. Strengthening family relationships is very important for representatives of this sign in the year of the Fire Rooster, so do not shy away from the opportunity to visit distant relatives or organize get-togethers yourself.

Probably, unsociable Capricorns will even be annoyed by such a pastime, but look at it from a pragmatic side. The absence of grievances and conflicts between your family members will greatly save you time and emotional energy in resolving them. In addition, if necessary, relatives will provide you with the necessary support that you will not find from any other acquaintance.

Let's sum it up

2017 for Capricorns can be called extremely productive in all areas. In addition to success in their professional activities, representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to improve their relationships with relatives, make a lot of new acquaintances, and develop themselves as individuals. And most importantly, Capricorns will have enough strength for everything! Accurate calculations and planning will help representatives of the sign accomplish even more than they expect from themselves, and at the same time not get hung up on work alone.

Strong advice to improve relationships with family and expand the circle of acquaintances may unsettle the unsociable Capricorn somewhat, but over time he will understand that this overcoming of himself will only play into his hands. Having found his social circle, it will be much easier for Capricorn to develop and overcome difficulties.

The health of Capricorns does not require close attention in 2017, but you should not forget about it and indulge in excesses. If you haven’t been involved in any sports before and have allowed yourself not to monitor your diet, it’s time to start doing it without fear of deterioration in your health. Just don’t overdo it with strict diets and heavy exercise in the gym - this won’t do you any good either. Yoga or breathing exercises, which will help relieve stress from work, will have a beneficial effect on your condition.

I would also like to note that 2017, in any case, is a turning point for Capricorns, a milestone period, in some context dividing your life into before and after. Definitely 2017 will be a memorable year for you, dear Capricorns! However, this also implies that this year you yourself will change, going through a series of internal and external transformations. One should not be afraid of this or worry too much, but one way or another at a certain moment in 2017, Capricorns may feel empty and alienated. This moment in the fate of Capricorn can be described as the end of an old life, but at the same time, when a new one has not yet appeared. In reality, this just means that you are beginning to change, your ship of destiny has lifted anchor and set sail on the open sea to new uncharted places.

2017 will be a mixed year for all Earth signs. In this sense, Capricorn is perhaps the most prominent representative of his element. And here it is important to understand one point: the less influence certain astrological trends have on a person’s life, the more independent his decisions are. This is an elementary question from the sphere of responsibility, because if you follow the instructions of your manager and the instructions are erroneous, then the responsibility does not fall on you at all. Also here: 2017 will be a difficult time for Capricorn, because you will have to think twice as much before making a decision, and calculate the situation twice as well. In general, here it is the intellectual aspect that will come to the fore, that is, in relation to the zodiac sign Capricorn in the coming year, greater emphasis will need to be placed on reflection, analysis, planning, and systematization. Someone will naturally be surprised, because the Rooster, and even the Red (Fire) Rooster, clearly gravitates towards activity, in particular physical activity. This is true, but here you need to understand that Capricorn is the sign of the Earth, the element that has, perhaps, the most indirect relation to Fire. Of course, you will have to work your muscles, no one argues with that, but still, there is no need to get into trouble without appropriate preparation. Here, adaptability is not so important as the analysis of the situation itself, as unbiased and independent as possible. That is why Capricorn, who traditionally has no problems with planning, will be in his element in 2017. At the same time, the total load will be distributed equally between the work area and the sphere of personal relationships, which to a certain extent is a significant advantage, without taking into account any third-party factors, which, of course, are individual and have their own characteristics in each situation.

The first half of 2017, approximately until the second or third decade of June, will be the brightest and most active for representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. In the first months of this annual cycle, you will find that new contacts bring new opportunities, which, as they say, would be a sin not to take advantage of. But don’t rush to make decisions, even if everything indicates that time is working against you. Moreover, be wary of all sorts of adventures where there is at least a minimal amount of risk. Now your guideline is obligations. The more obligations your partners take on, the more profitable this or that project will be for you personally. And this is not a standard situation at all; those who run their own business know this very well. Of course, there are always pitfalls, however, now it will be necessary to focus on the obvious points. In the sphere of personal relationships, during this period of 2017, very significant changes are likely. Many Capricorns are likely to experience a breakup, but it won't necessarily be between lovers. It can equally be a friendship or a long-standing partnership. You shouldn’t worry too much about this; you can, of course, endlessly regret missed opportunities, but it’s unlikely that anyone will return these opportunities to you. Only if you try yourself. And this is exactly what we have to do. Many Capricorns will have to try to realize their potential within the framework of some new directions and concepts. In general, be prepared for the fact that you have to experience a lot of new emotions, and here a considerable part of the events will relate to the love front, which is not exactly a priority, but, as we know, the Rooster is a very emotional creature, which means He will most likely focus on this direction.

With the beginning of August, the second stage of 2017 will begin, which for Capricorn will turn out to be a little less bright, a little less dynamic and yet not at all passive. There will be enough dynamics here, and the priorities will remain the same, that is, Capricorns’ attention will be equally distributed to all areas of their life. The horoscope for 2017 advises Capricorns to decide on their hobby, if they don’t have one. Especially in the autumn period of 2017, proper relaxation, temporary removal from pressing problems for the purpose of emotional relaxation will become a very important factor that can significantly affect success. In other words, workaholics will be the losers. You, dear Capricorns, will definitely encounter a situation that will require you to exert exceptional strain on all your life reserves, and it will be a great shame if you do not have enough strength and resources. That is, there will be both time and opportunity, but your objective parameters will be undermined. You can lament and worry about this for a long time, but you still cannot return the lost opportunity. So it’s better to solve problems as they arise and at least to some extent listen to the advice given by the astrological forecast for 2017 for Capricorn, especially since in this situation the instructions are quite specific. Towards the end of 2017, the intensity of tense situations will drop significantly, and priority will begin to shift towards the sphere of personal relationships. In the work area, you will probably be able to find the most effective strategy that automates all processes to a certain extent. So, it will be natural if by the beginning of 2018 you get a new position or open your own business. The Year of the Fire Rooster will end in mid-February 2018 and by this time Capricorn will be in a stable situation, ready for new achievements and exploits.

At the end of the horoscope, I would like to wish all Capricorns happiness and success in 2017! Be yourself, dear Capricorns, but don’t stop dreaming and most importantly, don’t be afraid to follow your dreams!

Representatives of this sign need to accumulate strength, because from the very beginning 2017 will begin to delight with various events. There will be so many of them that they may not have time to keep track of them. This scenario plan is close in spirit to them. The stars advise not to pay attention to possible rumors and gossip that will accompany all endeavors. On the other hand, this will become the basis for reconsidering your relationships with others. After the analysis, some acquaintances may be shown to be useless.

Getting rid of everything unnecessary will allow Capricorns to focus on what is truly important and direct their natural activity there.

Various trips and meeting new people can give deep satisfaction. Any information will be absorbed very well, so it is worth considering the issue of getting an education in the year of the Rooster. It is enough if these are some short-term training programs. Such investments will pay off very quickly.

You can't really count on luck, but if Capricorns make an effort, they will be able to move mountains.

In the second half of the Year of the Rooster, many representatives of the sign will remember that some long-standing plans were abandoned. The horoscope shows their favorable outcome. There is no point in taking on very risky projects; in everything else, Capricorn can get good profits or results.

Love sphere of Capricorn in the year of the Rooster

If representatives of the sign already have a partner, they need to be treated very carefully. In the daily bustle, you can miss the moment when a person moves away. A loved one will expect attention to his person, as well as the fact that he will certainly be heard. The stars suggest that a loved one may need help in the spring. He will not ask for it, but his gratitude for your participation will be immeasurable. Quarrels and conflicts should be avoided. No matter how hard it may be.

The love horoscope also indicates that in the second half of the year you will want new joint experiences.

When communicating with children this year, you should not be too authoritarian. In addition, all efforts to raise and educate the younger generation will be justified: the school year will begin without problems or the child will learn new skills.

For Capricorns who are still single, the horoscope prepares pleasant love encounters. Vivid emotions should not drown out reasonable arguments. Not all romantic encounters will be equally rewarding. But among them there may be the person with whom you can move forward in life. You will have to remember how to give in on issues that are not of fundamental importance, so as not to disturb the love idyll.

The end of the year will be especially rich in such acquaintances. But in order to engage in your personal life, you need to free up time for it. In no case should we forget about the older generation, who also need the love of representatives of the earth sign.

Financial horoscope

After a difficult financial period, 2017 will bring welcome relief. At the beginning of the year, income will still be very modest. But by summer Capricorns will be able to feel quite well.

The horoscope indicates a high probability of meeting with scammers. Therefore, you should carefully consider signing any documents, lending funds and transfers to people with whom Capricorns are little familiar.

Cash flow will reach its maximum by the end of 2017. However, savings will not become significant. Although those born during this winter period will try to implement them. The year of the Rooster brings a lot of new projects that will require investment. They will mainly concern economic issues.

You will also have to allocate part of your budget to furnish your own home or apartment. Therefore, the horoscope advises to be economical and prudent in spending. Relatives and friends should be encouraged to do this. The latter will most actively ask for a loan, which must be correctly refused. Moreover, all funds will really have to be spent on more important needs.

You may need money for your own education or the education of loved ones. You should try to repay previously taken loans as much as possible. You won’t have to take new ones, so by the end of the year, representatives of the sign will feel very comfortable.

The activation of stars in the field of various professional interests will be very noticeable for them. They will strive to take part wherever they are called. The proposals coming in will indeed be worthwhile. But the stars advise not to forget that weekends should also be present in life. It will be necessary to constantly seek a balance between busyness and personal time.

Many representatives of this sign will move to another stage of their professional development. We cannot exclude the possibility of entering a completely new sphere, where our earthly comrades will also achieve success. The career will develop for those who put some effort into it. Active learning of new knowledge and willingness to travel or work overtime may be required.

To avoid emotional burnout, you need to think about activities for yourself for fun. This could be sports, hobbies, household chores. Anything that will allow you to take your mind off work thoughts will do. Then options for solving problems will easily arise at work.

At the beginning of the year, reduced performance can be disheartening. But it is worth overcoming this condition. After all, in the spring you will need energy.

You should adequately and calmly accept possible criticism from management. This will be associated with increased attention to representatives of this sign of the authorities. After all, decisions about further career growth will be based on an assessment of business qualities. All tasks that will come from above must be completed on time. Some Capricorns will even be lucky enough to save their own management by creating a timely, rational proposal. Maintaining a distance between your superiors and the representative of the sign will help you avoid various rumors from colleagues.

Capricorn health in 2017

There may be disruptions in the health sector at the very beginning of the year. This is due to the large amount of energy spent earlier. It is enough to add vitamins to the diet, and the body will return to normal. No serious problems are expected in this area. To maintain energy balance, you can include preventative programs in your life. Water treatments are perfect. If previously the pool seemed unattractive to Capricorns, now they will be able to appreciate it. The digestive system can periodically fail. Therefore, a balanced diet is also recommended in 2017.

Capricorn's health may not withstand the high pace of work, as well as excessive neglect of weather conditions. During the hot season, you should not overuse ice cream and cold drinks; with the onset of autumn, do not forget to dress for the weather.

Capricorn woman horoscope

Women of this sign are extremely inquisitive. They should reinforce their natural qualities with new skills and abilities. Moreover, it will be equally good to master the preparation of gourmet dishes and the features of financial management.

All this will allow the charming representatives of the earth sign to show their best qualities. They will be appreciated by colleagues, management, and loved ones. It will seem that the winter sign has time everywhere. Only the Capricorn woman herself will very quickly understand what an expensive pleasure this is. You must be able to refuse so as not to waste your strength. Moreover, loved ones will need a lot of attention and warmth.

The children's problems will not be too acute, but the advice of their mother and grandmother will be useful to them.

A loved one may suffer from the busyness of his half. For this reason, some couples may find themselves on the verge of divorce. This is where the best qualities of Capricorns come in handy. After all, they know how to sensibly assess the situation and make compromises.

Love relationships can take over Capricorn in the second half of the year. If marital status has not yet been achieved, you should expect a marriage proposal by the fall. You don’t need to think for a long time, but you shouldn’t be rash either.

Year of the Rooster for Capricorn men

The thoroughness of a winter man is well known to others. However, from the beginning of 2017, the decisions they make will be so non-standard that many will think the Capricorn man has gone crazy. In fact, this will be a cunning plan, which by the middle of the year will lead to financial stability, harmony in all areas of life, and even to highly probable career growth.

You should talk less, especially in front of strangers. This will not provide grounds for possible frame-ups on the part of envious people. Pays attention to documents and concluding contracts. The stars recommend giving up loans, which will become an unnecessary burden on the family budget.

It won’t hurt to acquire new skills in the field of creativity and creating things with your own hands.

To maintain personal relationships, you will have to use not only material goods. Long conversations and spending time together will help you avoid separation from your loved one. It is better to go on vacation in September–October, when most of the projects will already be at the stage of successful implementation. This will allow you not to be distracted and to properly restore Capricorn’s strength.

The search for harmony as a whole will result in success, which the man of this winter sign will be satisfied with.


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