Which electrodes are best for cutting metal? Cutting metal with a welding inverter

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When performing household work, metal sheets are often used. There is a need for their preparation. Thus, it is most convenient to cut metal using a welding-type inverter.

An inverter welder is used to create an electric arc that cuts metal by melting it. Welding equipment can be selected in the online store https://optoweek.com.ua/svarochnoe-oborudovanie with delivery throughout Ukraine. You will need a regular transformer that produces direct current. It is important that the current is sufficient to form an arc.

Arc cutting was first used about 30-40 years ago; it still remains popular against the backdrop of modern plasma cutting due to the ease of use of the device, high efficiency and ease of work.

You can operate equipment for cutting metal using an electrode without special knowledge in this field. It is necessary to follow basic safety rules that will prevent electric shock.

Required Tools

Before you start cutting a sheet of metal, you must purchase and prepare all the tools that may be needed during the work process. Required:

  • The welding inverter itself is optoweek.com.ua/svarochnye-invertory. The devices are available for sale in a huge range, both for domestic and industrial needs.
  • Hammer and brush.
  • Electrodes. You can perform cutting with conventional or special consumables, which are designated as OZR (increase the efficiency of the process and the quality of the final result).

Before carrying out work, it is also necessary to purchase special equipment that will help ensure the safety of the process:

  • Special work suit.
  • A mask with a light filter that will protect your eyes.
  • Mittens made of dense material.
  • Shoes with rubber soles.

If the work will be carried out in a small enclosed space, you will additionally need to purchase a respirator.

Cutting steps

At the initial stage, it is mandatory to check the serviceability of the cables used.

The arc can be ignited by tapping or striking the electrode on a sheet. Beginners often get lost in complex descriptions of the welding process. In fact, there are no problems with ignition, and you will learn to hold the arc normally after 2-3 times.

The process of cutting metal is much simpler than welding; there are no special requirements for the final result. Cutting can be used to master the basics and gain practical knowledge.

The current strength is selected depending on the diameter of the electrode, the thickness of the steel sheet and the type of cutting. Cutting can be divided into three types:

  • Separation cutting. Initially, the sheet of metal must be installed in such a way that the molten material flows freely from the cut site. For small sheets, cutting begins at the edge of the product; if you are working with a long sheet, you can start from the center (a hole is made at the starting point). The diameter of the electrode is selected so that it is greater than the thickness of the metal being processed.
  • Surface cutting. Allows you to make grooves and depressions on the surface of the sheet; it is often used to combat surface defects. The electrode is placed at an angle of 5-10 degrees to the surface.
  • Cutting holes. Initially, a small hole is made in the metal sheet, which is then gradually expanded to the desired diameter. The electrode is installed perpendicular to the surface being treated.

The main thing is to choose an electrode of the desired diameter. Thin metal can be cut with a 3 mm electrode; for thicker material, 4-5 mm electrodes are used.

other methods

Gas cutting. Acetylene heats the metal until it begins to burn in oxygen. Next, using special equipment, a thin stream of oxygen is supplied under a pressure of 12 atm. Using gas cutting you can get a neat cut with smooth edges. Cutting is not used for working with stainless steel and aluminum.

Plasma cutting. An arc is created between the tungsten-lanthanum electrode and the metal surface, and at the same time a gas is supplied, which converts the arc into plasma. The plasma jet easily enters the metal and leaves an even cut.

Welding current

What about welding current? As you, I hope, have already understood, the higher the welding current, the more energy is transferred to the welding zone, the stronger and deeper the metal melts and the “thicker” products you can join. And to transmit a greater current, a thicker conductor is needed. Accordingly, we can reach a direct relationship: metal thickness - electrode thickness - current strength. Welding machines are often marked with signs corresponding to the thickness of the electrode and the welding current. I recommend that you do not take such tables as dogma - they are just a starting point to guide you. For household use, a current of up to 160A is sufficient, which allows you to use a 4 mm electrode. In my memory, I very rarely used this diameter of electrodes. Basically it is 2 and 3 mm. There is also a diameter of 2.5 mm for electrodes of the UONI-13/45, 15/55, NIAT-3M brands (types for carbon steels). Approximately the strength of the welding current can be determined by the formula: I=Kdel. Where K is an experimental coefficient equal to 40-60 mm for electrodes made of low-carbon steel and 35-40 mm for electrodes with a rod made of high-alloy steel, and del is the diameter of your electrode.

Metal cutting by welding, welding machine, burning

Now let's speculate - what happens if we take an electrode with a diameter of 2 mm for a sheet of steel 2 mm, and set the current to about 100A, which usually corresponds to an electrode diameter of 3 mm? What will happen is that the electrode and steel will begin to actively melt and evaporate. The electrode will have to be supplied very intensively to the welding zone. You won't get any bath, but you will get the so-called. through burning. It seems like a nuisance, but let’s turn it into a good thing - we’ll start moving the electrode progressively, controlling the occurrence of burnout. And lo and behold, we cut steel! Moreover, in this way you can cut a fairly thick-walled sheet. Of course, the quality of the edges will be much lower than when cutting with an angle grinder (grinder), but this method is sometimes quite applicable when high demands on the quality of the edges are not made. The current for cutting metal is usually 25-30% higher than the current required for welding.

Electrode position during welding. Electrode holder, holder

You insert the electrode into the electrode holder (welders call it a “holder”). It should be comfortable, lightweight, and have grooves for installing the electrode at different angles. There are many different electrode holders in design and application. As a rule, well-known manufacturers equip welding machines with quite decent electrode holders, and you do not need to think about their modifications. When you insert the electrode into the holder, be sure to check (by rocking) that it is securely fastened in the holder. Otherwise, sparking will occur at the attachment point and your arc will either be unstable or not ignite at all.

So how do we hold the electrode? In relation to the seam plane, it can be at an angle of 30-60° from the vertical, or at a right angle. When making vertical seams from bottom to top, the angle should be 45-50° down from the horizontal. If from top to bottom - 10-20° down from the horizontal. In addition, the process is determined by the direction of movement. When welding at an angle “forward” (away from yourself), the depth of penetration decreases, the height of the convexity of the seam decreases, but the width of the seam noticeably increases, which makes it possible to recommend this position for joining metals of small thickness. In this case, the melt and slag moves ahead of the electrode. This method has a number of disadvantages - for example, a lot of liquid slag accumulates in front of the electrode, it flows onto the metal and interferes with maintaining the arc. Lack of penetration and slag inclusions are possible. In this case, it is necessary to align the position of the electrode to vertical.

Generally speaking, you will observe how the metal flow and arc "repel" the melt in the weld pool and you will observe a difference at different electrode positions.

"Right angle" welding (the electrode moves away from you) allows the liquid slag to follow the weld pool, covering the liquid weld metal just behind the electrode. This ensures the formation of a high-quality roller.

In addition, when welding with rutile-coated electrodes, the inclination of the electrode towards the future weld should always be greater than for electrodes with a basic coating.

The most common way is " angle back".

When welding "backwards", the depth of penetration and the height of the convexity increase, but the width decreases. The heating of the edges is insufficient, so failure of fusion and the formation of pores are possible. If the electrode is tilted excessively, you will see how, under the influence of the arc, the slag is pushed out of the bath, exposing the metal. This causes the weld metal to cool quickly. This negatively affects the quality of the seam. The seam is uneven, with scales and significant differences along the edges to the base metal. It is necessary to maintain such an angle that the liquid slag follows directly behind the electrode and is not displaced by the arc force.

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I myself have been working as a welder for 25 years. I can do everything, but I’m not very good at explaining. Now my son has decided to follow in his father's footsteps. I searched the Internet for material to learn the basics. And settled on yours. Thank you.

And you want to master welding with an inverter for beginners.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties! The inverter machine is easy to use; anyone without experience or knowledge can master the welding process in a short time.

Safety precautions. Welding production is associated with electrical voltage, or in common parlance - current. The current is invisible, but can kill a person.

We check the welding cables for serviceability and connect them to the inverter equipment. Return cable with a clothespin on metal to the negative connector. Cable with electrode holder to connector +. We insert the electrode into the electrode holder.

When connecting the device to the network, visually evaluate the current-carrying cables for serviceability. After making sure that the cables are in good condition, we plug in the plug into the socket and the toggle switch on the device, having previously set the current regulator to the lowest value. If the cooling fan starts working smoothly, without crackling or noise, then everything is fine.

Metal weight. When connecting heavy structures, take precautions. If multi-ton products collapse, they can lead to death or disability.

Equipment. Welding production involves high temperatures. The welder must have:

  • canvas mittens ();
  • robe (special suit);
  • mask with;
  • respirator for work in confined spaces;
  • boots with rubber soles.

Gaiters are used when welding at heights, when arms are raised up, and mittens in other cases.

Other accessories:

  • welding machine;
  • hammer;
  • brush;
  • electrodes.

Inverter Welding Basics

For beginners, experienced welders advise attaching the holder cable to the body, pressing it with the elbow of the arm and wrapping it along the forearm (from the elbow to the hand), and taking the holder in your hand. This way the shoulder joint will pull the cable, and the arm and hand will remain free.

The method will help you manipulate your hand with ease.

Correct placement of the cable on the forearm. You should not work with bare hands.

If you just take it in your hand without wrapping the cable around your forearm, then during the welding process your hand will get tired and wrist movements will cause the cable to dangle. Which will affect the quality of the welded joint.

How to cook using inverter welding correctly? We set the welding current on the machine according to the diameter of the electrode, the type of connection and the welding position. Setup instructions are available on the device and the electrode pack. We take a stable stance, move the elbow away from the body (you can’t press it), put it on and begin the process.

For beginners, it is better to start welding with an inverter with metal workpieces larger than 20 cm.

It is known that a beginner, putting on a mask and lighting an arc, stops breathing, trying to boil the entire length of the workpiece in one breath. With short products, you will develop the habit of cooking in one go. Therefore, practice on long workpieces, learning to breathe properly when welding.

Workpieces (plates) on the work table can be placed in a horizontal plane - vertically towards you or horizontally, it makes no difference.

At the beginning of welding, place the electrode clamped in the holder at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular) and move it towards the seam by 30-45 degrees. Light the arc and start moving.

  1. If welding is performed at an angle backwards, then the tilt of 30-45 degrees goes towards the seam.
  2. If the connection occurs at an angle forward, then the electrode is tilted away from the seam.

The distance between the surface to be welded and the electrode is 2-3 mm, imagine that you are running a pencil along a sheet of paper.

Please note that when welding, the electrode decreases as it burns - gradually bring the melting rod closer to the surface at a distance of 2-3 mm and maintain an inclination angle of 30-45 degrees.

Watch a useful video on how to learn how to weld with electric welding for beginners:

How can a beginner learn to weld with a welding inverter?

First we learn to light and hold an arc. Feel the edge when to bring the electrode closer to the surface to be welded during combustion so that the arc does not interrupt.

The electrode is ignited in two ways:

  • tapping;
  • chirping.

The new one lights up easily. A slag film appears on the working rod, preventing ignition. You just need to tap longer to break the film.

  1. To facilitate arc ignition, inverter devices have a built-in Hot Start function.
  2. If a beginner quickly brings the electrode closer to the surface, the Arc Force function (arc force, anti-sticking) is activated, increasing the welding current, preventing the electrode from sticking.
  3. If the melting rod gets stuck, the Anti Stick function cuts off the current, preventing the inverter from overheating.

Video: What is arc force on a welding inverter and how to use it.

It is better for a beginner to first learn on a thread seam; the electrode is held smoothly, without oscillatory movements.

After mastering thread technology, proceed to welding metal with oscillatory movements. Which are used on thick metal for heating, holding the electrode at a certain point using movements - herringbone, zigzags, spiral or your own method.

Types of oscillatory movements

At the beginning of the connection, we carry out several movements from left to right, forming a weld pool and go along the seam making oscillatory movements. The angle of inclination of the electrode is 30-45 degrees. After passing, we beat off the slag with a hammer and clean it with a brush. , wear glasses.

Tip: at the end of the weld, make oscillatory movements to the sides and move the electrode towards the deposited metal. This trick will add beauty to the welded joint (get rid of the crater).

Video: how to weld corner joints, butt joints and overlap joints.

Seams are divided into:

  • single-pass (one pass replenishes the thickness of the metal);
  • multi-pass.

A single-pass weld is performed on metals up to 3 mm. Multi-pass seams are applied for large metal thicknesses.

Welders check the quality of the seam with a hammer - they strike next to the seam. If the seam is smooth, without irregularities, then after the impact the slag flies off completely, there is nothing for it to catch on. It is important to select the correct temperature regime: an overheated seam (hot) will break, an underheated one - there is a risk of lack of penetration.

The current is selected based on the diameter of the electrode, in theory 30 A per 1 mm of electrode diameter.

Direct and reverse polarity when welding with an inverter

Let's consider polarity when welding with an inverter. With a DC connection, the movement of electrons is constant, which reduces spattering of molten metal. The seam is of high quality and neat.

The device has a choice of polarity. What is polarity is the direction of movement of electrons depending on the connection of cables to equipment connectors.

  1. Reverse polarity when welding with an inverter - minus on the workpiece, plus on the electrode. The current flows from minus to plus (from the workpiece to the electrode). The electrode heats up more. Used for welding thin metals, the risk of burn-through is reduced.
  2. Straight polarity - minus on the electrode, plus on the workpiece. Current moves from the electrode to the workpiece. The metal heats up more than the electrode. Used for welding thick metals from 3 mm and cutting with an inverter.

The polarity is indicated on the pack of electrodes; these instructions will help you correctly connect the wires to the equipment.

Welding thin metal with an inverter

The essence of connecting thin plates comes down to selecting small-diameter electrodes and adjusting the welding current. For example, for metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm, electrodes with a diameter of 1.8 mm are used. The current on the inverter is set to 35 A.

Technology occurs in intermittent movements. Watch the video for a detailed description of joining thin plates.

How to cut metal with a welding inverter

To properly burn a hole in a pipe, we set the current on the device to 140 A for a 2.5 mm electrode. We light the electrode, placing it in one place to warm up the metal and press it in. We move the electrode to a new place, warm it up and press it in. Gradually, we cut a hole in the pipe.

To cut metal with a welding inverter, you will need the inverter itself, electrodes, a hammer and personal protective equipment. How to organize the process - further.

Metal is used almost everywhere for construction, repair and household work. Therefore, the need for a variety of welding operations, as well as methods for preparing and cutting metal, is constantly increasing. It is not surprising that the question of how to cut metal with a welding inverter is asked quite often on specialized forums and websites, and is also often encountered in practice.

Arc cutting of metal is performed using a welding inverter. It is, in fact, a transformer that produces a current of a certain strength sufficient to form a welding arc. This technology appeared quite a long time ago, thirty to forty years ago. While not ultra-modern, like plasma, it continues to be popular and widely used due to its ease of use, efficiency and ease of use.

Operating a welding machine, including cutting metal with a conventional or special electrode, is not particularly difficult and does not require professional knowledge and skills. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account safety requirements, since welding work is associated with electrical voltage.

Required tools and equipment

Before cutting metal with a purchased welding inverter, you need to prepare the equipment and tools required for this:

  • the welding machine itself (presented on the construction and industrial equipment market in various versions from a variety of manufacturers);
  • hammer and brush;
  • electrodes. Until recently, metal cutting by arc welding was carried out using the most common electrodes. Nowadays, special electrodes are used more often, used for cutting by electric welding and designated as OZR. They are characterized by high heat resistance of the coating, which ensures faster cutting, increased productivity and cut quality. The use of special OZR electrodes allows the material to be cut in such a way that a much larger amount of heat is released, and the arc is stable and stable.
For safe work, the purchase of protective equipment is required, including:
  • special suit (robe);
  • mittens (gaiters);
  • protective mask equipped with a light filter;
  • boots whose soles are made of rubber;
  • when working in a confined and small space, use a respirator.

All of the above equipment, materials and equipment are available and can be easily purchased at almost any specialized store.

Stages of work

Before starting work, be sure to check the serviceability of the cables used.

Experienced welders advise beginners to wrap the holder cable along the forearm, helping to hold it by pressing the hand to the body. As a result, the hand remains relatively free and relaxed, which will lead to less fatigue.

The arc is ignited either by tapping or striking the electrode on the metal surface. Despite the complexity of the description and terms used, the skill of igniting and subsequently maintaining an arc appears immediately, literally after the second or third attempt.

It is a fair statement that the cutting process is simpler than welding, and therefore does not impose any excessive demands on the quality of work. To master the basics of using an inverter, metal cutting is optimal. With some practice, the edges of the cut become smooth and even.

The current on the inverter is set based on the size of the electrodes, the thickness of the steel and the type of cut, of which there are four types:

  • separation cutting. The sheet of material is installed in a position that creates conditions for unimpeded flow from the cut site. With vertical cutting, the process is performed from top to bottom. When the metal is positioned horizontally, it is advisable to cut from the edge. For large sheet sizes, it is permissible to start cutting in the middle, having previously made a hole. The best option is to use an electrode whose diameter is greater than the thickness of the metal being cut. In this case, the electrode is positioned perpendicular to the plane of the sheet and moves along the line of the planned cut;
  • surface cutting. It is used much less frequently and is used to make grooves on the metal surface, as well as to remove defects. The electrode should be inclined to the surface by 5-10 degrees. Its movement is carried out with partial immersion into the cavity formed during the cutting process. If a wide groove is required, it is enough to perform transverse vibrations of the required size when moving the electrode;
  • cutting holes. The process is quite simple - first a small hole is made, which is gradually expanded to the desired size. The position of the electrode in this case is almost perpendicular to the metal surface, with minor deviations allowed.

When cutting metal using a welding inverter, the following points must be taken into account:

  • the technology does not allow for accurate cutting lines (as with plasma cutting), which seriously limits the scope of application;
  • cutting thin metal requires high current strength;
  • In the absence of special electrodes designed for cutting metal, ordinary ones can be used. Often even old ones that are unsuitable for welding are used. The main requirement is the required diameter of the electrodes (for a thin sheet the so-called three is used, that is, the diameter of the electrode is 3 mm, for metal of large thickness - four and five, that is, the diameter of the electrodes is 4 and 5 mm, respectively).


Welding inverter for cutting metal is used almost everywhere. This is explained by the simplicity and comfort of the application technology, as well as the low cost and availability of equipment. To work on it, no professional skills or education are required.

Arc cutting of metals is the initial stage of technology development. The practical application of this, despite the popularization and expediency of using plasma cutting, is still widespread today, both in domestic conditions and on an industrial scale. In the process of arc cutting of metals, the following are used: metal consumable electrodes, carbon electrodes, non-consumable tungsten electrodes.

This technology is somewhat similar in nature to metal welding. The only exception is the need to expose the metal to a higher current. Cutting metal requires selecting a current strength that is 30%, and in some cases 40% more than what was used when welding the same metal. Under the influence of a more powerful arc of current, the metal begins to melt. Where is an electric arc ignited? It is customary to use the beginning of the cut on the outer (upper) edge as such a place.

Electrode covering visor: purpose

The electrode coating visor has not only a technical significance, but also a practical one. As for the practical? In this case, it is used as a pushing element for molten metal. As for the technical stuff, it is the electrode coating visor that is the insulator.

Consumable electrode cutting modes

The material can be low-carbon steel with a thickness of 6 mm, 12 mm, 25 mm, based on the thickness of which we determine the diameter of the electrode and the cutting mode. Using an electrode with a thickness of 2.5 mm, we set the cutting mode to 140 Amperes and the operating speed to 12.3 m/h, 7.2 m/h and 2.1 m/h, respectively. As thicker electrodes are used, such as 3 mm and 4 mm, the required current increases, as well as the speed of operation relative to the metal being processed.

Carbon cutting

This type of cutting is in demand and appropriate in cases where the quality and width of the resulting cut are not taken into account. Using a carbon electrode, cast iron and non-ferrous metals can be processed.
Using a carbon electrode, you can cut steel with a thickness of 6 mm, 10 mm and 16 mm. In all cases, an electrode with a thickness of 10 mm is used, and the current is 400 Amperes.

Disadvantages of arc cutting of metals before plasma cutting

The main drawback is low productivity relative to the work performed. The cutting speed with a metal electrode leaves much to be desired. The second and no less significant drawback is the low quality of the cut, which makes this method practically inapplicable where it is necessary to accurately maintain the markings. The high arc current will certainly leave visible irregularities on the workpiece, as well as hardened leaks on the reverse side.
If we talk about the main advantages of plasma cutting, then the feasibility of its use comes to the fore in the process of creating precise proportional metal structures. Its main advantages are as follows:

  • speed of work;
  • the ability to process any metal or alloy;
  • simply in the need to give a certain shape or figure on the basis of the metal being processed or outside of it;
  • high cut cleanliness;
  • no leakage.
  • The actual implementation of the above-mentioned advantages directly depends on the correctness of the chosen mode, or more precisely on the compliance of the work performed with respect to the metal being processed. This may include:
  • metal properties;
  • its thickness;
  • speed and temperature at the time of cutting;
  • speed of practical implementation of the cut.

Compliance with the above will allow you to achieve an accurate and high-quality result, taking into account the shortest possible time for completing the work.

"Rezonver Hybrid". Functionality, advantages

Welding machine “Rezonver Hybrid” is the art of manual arc welding and air plasma cutting to European quality standards in a compact body. It is the dimensions and weight of the welding machine that are the first advantage that brings Rezonver Hybrid to one of the first competitive positions. Just imagine! Weight is only 3.5 kg, which is truly 10 times lighter than two separate MMA and CUT devices.

It is worth noting that this inverter welding machine uses 200 amperes for welding metal, and 30 amperes for cutting metal. The “Rezonver Hybrid” welding machine is ready to provide its owner with 98% efficiency, and during use, show productivity 13% higher than that of other devices. Agree! The indicators make you think about the purchase.

All the advantages of this welding machine lie in its quality. The “Rezonver Hybrid” power group itself does not wear out over time and the volume of work performed. Thus, cutting metal with a welding inverter has the highest feasibility.

The device is fully protected from power surges and possible short circuits. It can be used even at a low voltage of 160 V. The practical implementation of innovative technologies in a compact package eliminates the formation of electromagnetic interference. The result of achieving this was the use of a new generation resonant high-frequency inverter. No other inverter-type household welding machines have such a resonant circuit. Actually, its integration into the circuit allows you to achieve an almost ideal result in the shortest possible time, despite the density of the metal being processed.

This device (in cutting mode) easily copes with any type of steel, regardless of its composition, density or thickness. These include high-carbon and alloy steels. Cutting aluminum and copper is done in minutes.

The “Rezonver Hybrid” device has found its active, and moreover justified, use in domestic conditions, as well as on an industrial scale, as evidenced by the high-quality power group.


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