Which alambik is better: regular or with a column? Alambik or moonshine still - which is better? Characteristics, instructions and reviews

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Traditionally, in our country, alcoholic drinks are made at home using a moonshine still. However, not so long ago very interesting products appeared on sale, also excellent for this purpose. They are made of copper and are called alambiks. In this regard, many fans of distilling homemade alcoholic beverages have a question: “Alambic or moonshine still - which is better?”

Design features of a moonshine still

Classic equipment for alcohol distillation used in Russia structurally consists of:

    A distillation cube in which raw materials are heated.

    Airtight lid with thermometer.

    Steam pipe.

    Coil tubes.

    A refrigerator filled with water. A coil passes through this container.

    Containers for collecting the final product.

Sometimes the apparatus is supplemented with a distillation column. Using it, you can get very pure moonshine, devoid of any odor. Metal shavings are usually used as filler in a distillation column. Heavy fractions of steam settle in this device.

Design features of the alambic

So, alambik or moonshine still - which is better? To answer this question for yourself, it is worth learning about the design features of the copper version. In essence, an alambik is the same distillation cube. The design of the classic model includes:

    distillation cube;

    onion-shaped helmet;

    steam pipe;

    coil in the refrigerator.

As you can see, structurally, an alambik is practically no different from a moonshine still. Often, in addition to it, a special column is purchased, installed between the helmet and the distillation cube. Unlike rectification, it is used to give moonshine a certain smell and taste. To do this, various natural ingredients are poured into it. An alambik with a column can be used not only for making moonshine, but also for obtaining essential oils. This is exactly how an alambik (or moonshine still for an alchemist) was used in ancient times. They learned to produce alcohol using it a little later.

Essential oils are prepared in an alambic using a fairly simple technology. It is not mash that is poured into the distillation container, but water. At the same time, for example, flower petals are poured into the column. Passing inside it, the steam simply captures aromatic compounds. Very often, alambiks are also used to prepare cognacs and other expensive alcoholic beverages.

Types of alambics

The model described above is the classic, most popular alambik moonshine still. Its device is actually simple. However, today you can find slightly different varieties of this equipment on sale. There are alambiks:

    Intended for the production of whiskey. A special feature of such devices is a helmet made in the shape of an onion. Using them, you can distill moonshine with a strength of up to 70 grams.

    Charente. Used for distilling cognac. The design of this device additionally includes a special container. Using such alambics it is possible to carry out almost continuous distillation.

There are also alambiks with distillation columns, water seals, water baths, etc.

Alambik or moonshine still - which is better in one case or another?

What is the best device to buy for preparing alcoholic drinks at home? In this case, it all depends on what specific purposes the device is intended to be used for.

Since alambiks are made of copper, their price is much higher than conventional moonshine stills. The first type of distillation devices costs about 12-25 thousand rubles. can be purchased for 3-10 thousand. Thus, the disadvantages of alambiks include, first of all, the high cost. Their advantage is that:

    Moonshine distilled using them is of better quality. The copper from which they are made absorbs many harmful substances during the distillation process. In addition, even in the absence of a column, some of them settle in the helmet.

    Using alambik you can prepare not only moonshine, but also liqueurs, wine, etc.

    Thus, if you only need the unit for making moonshine, it is better to purchase an inexpensive regular stainless steel model. But you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the material used for manufacturing. Stainless steel must be food grade, or even better, medical grade. Using such moonshine stills, you can distill a drink whose quality is only slightly inferior to that made using an alambik.

    If you intend to make not only moonshine, but also other, more complex drinks, of course, you should pay attention to the alambik (or

    The best models of moonshine stills and reviews about them

    Most often in our country they buy equipment of this type of brand:



Judging by customer reviews, using the latter you can distill very good moonshine, practically devoid of any smell. Also, the advantages of Gorilychi include ease of use and low cost.

Fans of distilling homemade alcoholic beverages also consider Magarych devices to be very reliable. The advantages of these models are also considered to be excellent build quality and attractive appearance. Such a device can last a very long time, as it is made of thick steel. Simplicity of design and the absence of unnecessary parts are also considered by many to be an advantage of models of this brand.

Alambik moonshine still: consumer reviews

The best equipment of this type is considered to be made in Portugal and Spain. It is these models that have the best reviews. Alambiks are usually made by hand in these countries and are not cheap. They are assembled using technologies developed in ancient times. Only the highest quality copper is used to make such alambics. Enterprises specializing in its production carefully monitor this.

Many consumers do not recommend purchasing devices of this type that are too inexpensive. The fact is that these are often ordinary fakes made of stainless steel, only decorated with copper. Consequently, the moonshine distilled in them is absolutely no different from that prepared in a traditional apparatus.

Where can I buy?

Many users are interested in where they can buy such an interesting moonshine still. Barrels and alambics, as well as ordinary stainless steel models, are often sold in specialized departments of household appliances shopping centers. This equipment can also be purchased online. It’s worth buying a barrel to store, for example, cognac made using an alambik.

Is it possible to make an alambik with your own hands?

Making such a device yourself is not very easy. However, with a strong desire, anything is possible. Sheet copper and a minimum of skills in soldering it is all that is needed to assemble equipment such as an alambik moonshine still with your own hands. Reviews of this type of equipment manufactured by Russian craftsmen are often no worse than reviews of Portuguese and Italian ones. But only if high-quality material and expensive solder with the addition of silver were used in its assembly. The very technology for making an alambik looks like this:

    Cutting is done in advance. Of course, making a spherical distillation tank will be problematic. But it is quite possible to give it a cylindrical shape with a smoothed contour of the top and bottom.

    Soldering is in progress.

    The finished device is polished to a shine.

Thus, when asking the question: “Alambic or moonshine still - which is better?”, you should first of all focus on what specific purpose the equipment is required for. The first variety is worth buying for those who want to try their hand at making different types of alcoholic beverages. If you need regular moonshine, it is better to purchase a simple stainless steel model.

Traditionally, in our country, alcoholic drinks are made at home using a moonshine still. However, not so long ago very interesting products appeared on sale, also excellent for this purpose. They are made of copper and are called alambiks. In this regard, many fans of distilling homemade alcoholic beverages have a question: “Alambic or moonshine still - which is better?”

Design features of a moonshine still

Classic equipment for alcohol distillation used in Russia structurally consists of:

    A distillation cube in which raw materials are heated.

    Airtight lid with thermometer.

    Steam pipe.

    Coil tubes.

    A refrigerator filled with water. A coil passes through this container.

    Containers for collecting the final product.

Sometimes the apparatus is supplemented with a distillation column. Using it, you can get very pure moonshine, devoid of any odor. Metal shavings are usually used as filler in a distillation column. Heavy fractions of steam settle in this device.

Design features of the alambic

So, alambik or moonshine still - which is better? To answer this question for yourself, it is worth learning about the design features of the copper version. In essence, an alambik is the same distillation cube. The design of the classic model includes:

    distillation cube;

    onion-shaped helmet;

    steam pipe;

    coil in the refrigerator.

As you can see, structurally, an alambik is practically no different from a moonshine still. Often, in addition to it, a special column is purchased, installed between the helmet and the distillation cube. Unlike rectification, it is used to give moonshine a certain smell and taste. To do this, various natural ingredients are poured into it. An alambik with a column can be used not only for making moonshine, but also for obtaining essential oils. This is exactly how an alambik (or moonshine still for an alchemist) was used in ancient times. They learned to produce alcohol using it a little later.

Essential oils are prepared in an alambic using a fairly simple technology. It is not mash that is poured into the distillation container, but water. At the same time, for example, flower petals are poured into the column. Passing inside it, the steam simply captures aromatic compounds. Very often, alambiks are also used to prepare cognacs and other expensive alcoholic beverages.

Types of alambics

The model described above is the classic, most popular alambik moonshine still. Its device is actually simple. However, today you can find slightly different varieties of this equipment on sale. There are alambiks:

    Intended for the production of whiskey. A special feature of such devices is a helmet made in the shape of an onion. Using them, you can distill moonshine with a strength of up to 70 grams.

    Charente. Used for distilling cognac. The design of this device additionally includes a special container. Using such alambics it is possible to carry out almost continuous distillation.

There are also alambiks with distillation columns, water seals, water baths, etc.

Alambik or moonshine still - which is better in one case or another?

What is the best device to buy for preparing alcoholic drinks at home? In this case, it all depends on what specific purposes the device is intended to be used for.

Since alambiks are made of copper, their price is much higher than conventional moonshine stills. The first type of distillation devices costs about 12-25 thousand rubles. A moonshine still can be purchased for 3-10 thousand. Thus, the disadvantages of alambiks include, first of all, the high cost. Their advantage is that:

    Moonshine distilled using them is of better quality. The copper from which they are made absorbs many harmful substances during the distillation process. In addition, even in the absence of a column, some of them settle in the helmet.

    Using alambik you can prepare not only moonshine, but also liqueurs, wine, etc.

Thus, if you only need the unit for making moonshine, it is better to purchase an inexpensive regular stainless steel model. But you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the material used for manufacturing. Stainless steel must be food grade, or even better, medical grade. Using such moonshine stills, you can distill a drink whose quality is only slightly inferior to that made using an alambik.

If you intend to make not only moonshine, but also other, more complex drinks, of course, you should pay attention to the alambik (or copper moonshine still).

The best models of moonshine stills and reviews about them

Most often in our country they buy equipment of this type of brand:



Judging by customer reviews, using the latter you can distill very good moonshine, practically devoid of any smell. Also, the advantages of Gorilychi include ease of use and low cost.

Fans of distilling homemade alcoholic beverages also consider Magarych devices to be very reliable. The advantages of these models are also considered to be excellent build quality and attractive appearance. Such a device can last a very long time, as it is made of thick steel. Simplicity of design and the absence of unnecessary parts are also considered by many to be an advantage of models of this brand.

Alambik moonshine still: consumer reviews

The best equipment of this type is considered to be made in Portugal and Spain. It is these models that have the best reviews. Alambiks are usually made by hand in these countries and are not cheap. They are assembled using technologies developed in ancient times. Only the highest quality copper is used to make such alambics. Enterprises specializing in its production carefully monitor this.

Many consumers do not recommend purchasing devices of this type that are too inexpensive. The fact is that these are often ordinary fakes made of stainless steel, only decorated with copper. Consequently, the moonshine distilled in them is absolutely no different from that prepared in a traditional apparatus.

Where can I buy?

Many users are interested in where they can buy such an interesting moonshine still. Barrels and alambics, as well as ordinary stainless steel models, are often sold in specialized departments of household appliances shopping centers. This equipment can also be purchased online. It’s worth buying a barrel to store, for example, cognac made using an alambik.

Is it possible to make an alambik with your own hands?

Making such a device yourself is not very easy. However, with a strong desire, anything is possible. Sheet copper and a minimum of skills in soldering it is all that is needed to assemble equipment such as an alambik moonshine still with your own hands. Reviews of this type of equipment manufactured by Russian craftsmen are often no worse than reviews of Portuguese and Italian ones. But only if high-quality material and expensive solder with the addition of silver were used in its assembly. The very technology for making an alambik looks like this:

    Cutting is done in advance. Of course, making a spherical distillation tank will be problematic. But it is quite possible to give it a cylindrical shape with a smoothed contour of the top and bottom.

    Soldering is in progress.

    The finished device is polished to a shine.

Thus, when asking the question: “Alambic or moonshine still - which is better?”, you should first of all focus on what specific purpose the equipment is required for. The first variety is worth buying for those who want to try their hand at making different types of alcoholic beverages. If you need regular moonshine, it is better to purchase a simple stainless steel model.

Alambik and its purpose

The alambik has a peculiar design, looking at which you get the feeling that the device is not intended for producing alcohol, but for calling gin. Indeed, the alambik looks like the very same Aladdin’s magic lamp that is written about in fairy tales. But, despite such a strange appearance, the device can be used to distill noble drinks.

Alambik is not entirely suitable for the production of moonshine in the direct sense of the word. Its design features allow you to make whiskey, cognac or wine from mash at home.

Alambic drawings have been known to mankind since the times of Ancient Egypt. But in those days, people did not have much love for strong drinks, but preferred to consume liters of wine. Initially, the device was used to obtain ethers. Alambik was in demand among perfumers; they used it to produce perfume products and squeezed essential oils from rose petals and other flowers.

However, Europeans quickly realized that the alambic’s abilities were not limited to this; they began to use it as a device that would help create high-quality alcohol.

If we talk about the abilities of an alambic, they are impressive. Due to its unique structure and the material from which it is made, the device helps rid the drink of a large number of harmful impurities. Most often, alambics are made of copper, and silver is used as solder. The device has an interesting structure, including:

  1. Like any moonshine still, it has a distillation cube.
  2. Coil in the refrigerator.
  3. A tube that removes steam.
  4. A helmet that resembles an onion in appearance.

The design of the device is simple and has minor differences from the classic device that is used for distilling moonshine. But it is these minor differences that make the alambik unique.

However, there are all kinds of devices, they are divided into:

  • Devices used for making whiskey. They must have an onion-shaped helmet. Such devices are used to produce alcohol with a strength of no higher than 70 degrees.
  • And also for those designs in which there is a special capacity. They must be used to distill cognac. This structure helps organize non-stop production.

A good alambik cannot be cheap, and the reason is that it is made from sheets of copper. This metal is not cheap, especially if you compare it with food-grade stainless steel, which is used in the manufacture of conventional moonshine stills.

Advantages and disadvantages

The alambik moonshine still has a number of advantages in relation to the usual devices that are used for distilling moonshine. Among the positive qualities are:

  • comparative compactness;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • ability to produce a high quality product;
  • the ability to organize non-stop production.

Naturally, the main advantage of the device is the ability to obtain high-quality alcohol from mash, the strength of which will be up to 70 degrees. At the same time, the drink will not harm human health, since it will contain a minimal amount of fusel and other harmful substances.

In addition, in addition to the alambik itself, you will have to buy an oak barrel, since only in a barrel is the mash prepared, which is later used to distill noble drinks.

However, do not be upset; the device, made of copper, is highly durable and resistant to temperatures. If used correctly, the alambik will last a long time and will delight the owner with more than one portion of a quality product.

The capabilities of modern moonshine stills are not so high. If the device is made of stainless steel, then its service life is also quite long. But the alcohol obtained as a result of distillation will differ in taste and quality from the product that can be obtained by using an alambik.

To understand the issue and buy what you need, it is worth answering the question, why exactly do you need a moonshine still? If you plan to purchase it in order to distill exclusively and only moonshine, then you should not spend money and buy a device made of copper. You can choose the device that suits the cost and other parameters.

If, in addition to moonshine, you plan to produce wine, cognac, whiskey or other drinks, then, of course, preference should be given to alambic. In this case, it will be indispensable, helping to achieve the required strength of drinks and making high-quality alcohol at home.

We minimize costs

Some craftsmen manage to make an alambik on their own, this helps save money and get a device of good quality that can be used for its intended purpose.

It is clear that it is difficult to make very bulky devices for distilling moonshine on your own, and cutting out and welding an alambik from copper is also not so easy. In order not to waste time in vain, it is recommended that those who are at least a little familiar with welding and can independently make blanks (patterns or drawings) take on the job.

To work you will need:

  1. Welding and copper sheets.
  2. Silver solder and drawings.

When the device is ready, it is worth testing it in practice, the main thing is the tightness of the device, because oxygen entering the mash can spoil it and affect the fermentation process and the quality of the product.

But before checking, it is necessary to clean the device until it shines, polish it so that the copper shines.

If we talk about how realistic it is to make an alambik with your own hands, then the process of making it cannot be called easy. It will require a person to have certain abilities and knowledge, for this reason many people prefer not to bother and buy the device. There is always a risk of spending money on raw materials and ruining them without getting anything in the end.

But when purchasing a device in a store, you should avoid too lucrative offers. The low price is sometimes due to the fact that the alambic is made not of copper, but of stainless steel. The metal is simply decorated to look like copper; a device made in this way will not allow you to obtain high-quality alcohol.

A little history

From time immemorial, foreign citizens have associated Russia with strong alcohol and a love of drunkenness. But in reality this was not always the case.

Egyptian records and drawings that resembled an alambik date back to the 3rd century. Which means that even in those distant times, the inhabitants of Egypt had the opportunity to make alcohol of sufficient strength, and in our country such devices appeared much later.

Experts say that around the 16th-17th centuries they began to brew moonshine in Rus'. People made drinks of low quality, which were not particularly strong. Everyone is familiar with the classic models of devices for the production of alcohol, but, oddly enough, already in those years the Russians knew about the existence of the alambik. It’s just that it was not used to produce wine or whiskey, but to create cosmetics and perfumes.

At a time when the inhabitants of Europe had already mastered the device and realized that esters and oils are, of course, good, but wine and other drinks that contain alcohol should also be present in the house. Especially if we are talking about the house of some nobleman or monarch.

History of alambik

Similar devices were used in Ancient Egypt in the 3rd century BC. (possibly earlier), and the first written mentions of alambiks are found in the 9th century Arabic book “On the Chemistry of Incense and Distillations.” It is likely that copper stills came to Europe in the 7th century from the East, and the Moors adopted the technology from the ancient Romans and Greeks.

The original purpose of alambiks was not related to alcoholic beverages; paints, medicines and aromatic essences were made in copper distillers. Only in the 16th century the device was “retrained” for the production of alcohol. Literally any products were used as raw materials, from grape pulp to grain, corn, and potatoes.

Over time, craftsmen improved the device, increasing productivity and efficiency. In 1831, a continuous distillation alambic was invented, without which we could not enjoy Scotch whiskey, English gin and many other “noble” types of alcohol. This device distills the raw material not in batches, but continuously, due to which the process goes several times faster, and the output is a cleaner and stronger drink with less waste.

Today you can buy an alambik with a volume of 5 to 100 liters; wineries use large industrial alambiks with a capacity of thousands of liters. The products of Portuguese and Spanish craftsmen are especially respected: in these countries, the famous moonshine stills are still made 90% by hand, tapping the desired shape with a hammer and carefully adjusting all the components.

Industrial alambic

Advantages and disadvantages of alambiks

The alambik moonshine still is considered an original gift and a useful household utensil. This device is truly indispensable for those who like to pamper themselves with homemade alcohol and want to achieve impeccable drink quality. Here are just some of the advantages of copper alambiks:

  • ease of operation and unpretentiousness;
  • The alambik can be used anywhere: in a city apartment, in a country house, outdoors;
  • An open fire, an electric stove, a gas burner, and any other methods are suitable for heating the distillation cube;
  • due to its aesthetic appearance, the alambic can serve as a decorative element of interior design;
  • If you equip the device with additional accessories (water bath, column), you can distill even thick raw materials or flavor moonshine.

Disadvantages of alambics. Price is the main disadvantage: copper and manual labor are not cheap. In addition, you will have to take care of the device - polish it, clean it, and wipe it with special means.

Types of alambics

Based on the production method (that is, quality), the following types of alambiks can be distinguished:

  • Riveted. Such devices look “ambient”, but are considered to be of lower quality than their counterparts with welded seams. The “swan neck” (steam exhaust tube) is connected to the cooler telescopically without additional fasteners or has a screw thread.
  • Soldered. All elements are hermetically connected, the risks of leaks or malfunctions are completely eliminated. You can install additional elements, for example, a column.

There are the following types of alambikas in shape:

Classical. Three basic components connected by riveting or soldering.

Classic model

With a column. In an additional, usually removable, “nozzle” between the cube and the helmet, you can add rose petals, berries or fruits to flavor the moonshine. Steam passes through the column, absorbs the essential oils of the raw materials, as a result the distillate develops an aroma and the taste changes slightly. It is this type of alambic that is used in the perfume industry.

With aromatization column

Portuguese alambic. It is close to the classic one with a column, only the evaporation chamber is slightly enlarged, and accordingly, the strength of the distillate is higher. Can be used for steam distillation.


Arabic (alkitar). Vertical, all components stand on top of each other rather than being arranged in a horizontal plane. The refrigerator is connected to the helmet. Compact, convenient, beautiful. In addition to moonshine, it is used to obtain essential oils.


Charente. It differs from its counterparts in the intermediate capacity between the distillation cube and the refrigerator, which can serve as an additional cooler or reservoir for raw materials. It is these alambiks that are used to make real French cognac in the province of the same name. The liquid in them undergoes an additional second distillation, and the role of the alcohol receiver is often played by oak barrels.

Charente (cognac)

There are also several specialized alambiks with special components:

Device with a water seal. A special groove between the walls of the distillation cube ensures complete sealing of the alambic. Often the design is equipped with a special rectification lens, which increases the strength of the distillate and cuts off the “heads” (the first fractions of moonshine containing ethers, aldehydes and other harmful substances).

With water seal

Alambik in a water bath. Used for distillation of thick raw materials. The distillation cube is placed in another container, which is filled with water before distillation. As a result, the mash does not come into contact with an open flame, but is heated by steam, so it does not burn.

In a water bath for distilling thick mash

"Whiskey". Equipped with an elongated “helmet” of the distillation cube, due to which the steam is better purified. Distillate strength is up to 60%.

For whiskey

Alambik with distillation column– during distillation, harmful fractions settle on the walls of the column, and the output is almost pure alcohol with a strength of about 90 degrees. Disadvantage: the aroma of the raw material is lost.

For pure alcohol

Operation of alambics

Before using it for the first time, a brand new alambic must be thoroughly cleaned; to do this, simply distill a portion of water. After distilling the moonshine, the apparatus must be disassembled and all parts thoroughly washed with a solution of citric acid; the coil is best cleaned with a brush.

If you are using an alambik after a long break, run a mixture of water and flour through the machine (the proportion of rye flour to water is 1/20). The copper distiller should be stored in a dark, dry place, inaccessible to dust and dirt.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Translated from Arabic, its beautiful, intriguing name al-ambik means just a distillation cube and completely defines its purpose. There is another version: this is the ancient Greek definition of a vase, which the alambik is very similar to - “ambix”.

The history of its appearance goes back centuries. Even the Greek philosopher Zosimus in the 8th century was lucky to discover drawings of an alambic on the ancient walls of Egyptian temples. But since the ancient Greeks mainly preferred low-alcohol ambrosia from alcoholic drinks, the miracle device was used exclusively for distilling resins and obtaining essential oils and essences.

Originally created for the production of medicines, the alambik, once in Europe, turned into the main apparatus for the production of perfumes. And only in the 15th century did people come up with the idea of ​​distilling sour wine, the main use today is distilling alcohol. Around the same time, Rus', until then unspoiled by strong alcohol, learned from its Western neighbors about vodka and, naturally, invented its own alambik - a moonshine still.

In 1831, Aeneasa Coffey invented a continuous distillation alambic, which is still used to produce vodka, gin, whiskey and other strong drinks of good quality.

Having adopted the thousand-year experience of their ancestors, modern craftsmen still manufacture devices for distillation using centuries-tested technologies. Their main raw material is copper. Only some parts that are not in contact with the food product being distilled can be machined from stainless food steel. All elements are connected using high-temperature soldering, which guarantees a long service life.

The device consists of:

  • helmet - “bulbs”;
  • distillation cube;
  • capacitor;
  • steam pipe.

Today, the main producers of copper moonshine stills are Portugal and Spain.

Types of alambics

Alambik Portuguese- This is one of the most ancient inventions of mankind for the distillation of liquid. Typically, it is made from copper by hand forging. Each Portuguese master tries to make his work exclusive, applying his own ornaments and oriental patterns to the walls of the cube, by which the creator of the masterpiece can be easily identified. By and large, the Portuguese alambik is called that because it is made in Portugal. Moreover, it can be of different types and different design features.

This is a moonshine still from France, the province of Charente. With its help, the primary distillation of wine is carried out into a product with a strength of 30 o, and then the secondary distillation into raw cognac spirit of 70 o fortress. It is sealed in oak barrels for a period of 3 to 200 years to obtain the wonderful Hennessy cognac, known throughout the world. Design features that distinguish the device.

  1. Economizer. It consists of a container of wine through which a coil passes. From its lower part comes a tube for supplying heated wine to the distillation cube.
  2. Firebox-stove. Initially it was heated with wood, but now gas is used.
  3. Cap and swan neck. In essence and principle of operation, they are an air dephlegmator, which extinguishes foam and increases the concentration of steam.

It is interesting that in Rus' in the 17th century a moonshine still was made, which is like two peas in a pod similar to the Charente Alabama, only the curved tube “swan neck” was called a “goose”.

- a professional high-class apparatus for the distillation and production of whiskey, as well as other high-proof noble drinks with a strength of up to 70 o. Like all previously described alambiks, the whiskey is made of forged copper that absorbs harmful substances and has high thermal conductivity, equipped with a thermometer and a safety valve. Another difference between it and other models is the shape of the cap (helmet) in the form of an onion, rising high vertically.

An alambik with a column is designed for distilling aromatic alcohol. Various organic substances are placed in the column, which release their esters to the distilled product. In addition, the same device can be used to obtain cosmetic hydrosols or essential oils.

A distillation apparatus, a type of alambic, designed for distilling noble alcohol, flavored and improved, as well as aromatic components of various cosmetics. It would seem that everything is the same, but there is a significant difference - alquitara has a vertical arrangement of nodes, which in turn are connected using silver-based solders with a small (0.05%) lead content. Using an alquitar apparatus, you can obtain a product from one distillation that is much stronger (up to 60°C) than with a conventional alambique. Alquitara operates at a capacity of approximately 3 liters per hour

Differences between an alambik and a moonshine still

The designs of these two devices are fundamentally no different. The only difference is in the details, which in some way affect the process.

Node nameAlcohol mashineAlambik
AlembicThe shape can be either cylindrical or rectangular. Sometimes aluminum cans and glass bottles are used for it. The materials used are also varied: glass, aluminum, food-grade stainless steel. An outlet tap is attached to the bottom of the cube.Made from pure copper by hand forging. It has the shape of a round decanter, vase or ball with a neck. As a rule, it does not have any additional parts other than two handles.
LidAn important part of the device, which has a built-in thermometer to monitor the degree of heating of the mash, a safety valve that relieves excess pressure in the cube. The lid is hermetically sealed with a locking mechanism on the cube.The onion lid or cap is tightly inserted into the bell of the cube. There is no rigid fixation, so if there is excessive pressure, the lid simply lifts and depressurizes the device. As a rule, no additional devices are used.
Steam pipeFits tightly into the lid. Can be made of different materials.“Goose”, “Swan neck” or just a pipe are the characteristic features of various types of Alabama. It is not present in the Alquitar apparatus at all.
CoilA spiral tube passing through a "refrigerator" in which condensation occurs.

There are designs in which the cooling tube, on the contrary, passes through heated steam.

FridgeIt is a container with cold water.Likewise
Container for collecting the resulting productNot included, any vessel.Not included, any vessel.

The biggest difference is the material used. Since complex chemical reactions take place inside the container, the material from which the container itself is made plays a huge role in the process of liquid distillation. If in a conventional moonshine still the manufacturer, using glass, aluminum or stainless steel, achieves a neutral reaction of the walls of the cube and positions the containers as harmless to humans, then in the story of the oriental “Aladdin’s lamp” the opposite is true. Here, the copper from which it is made reacts with the contents of the dishes, which is very welcome, and precipitates sulfur oxide. The liquid is absorbed, reacting with the metal, and the taste of the product becomes many times better and more pleasant.

Another big difference between the devices is their cost. It’s easy to guess that exclusive copper alambiks, made by hand, are valued an order of magnitude higher than the usual moonshine stills used by Russians.

But the magical “Aladdin’s lamp” has an additional bonus. If an ordinary moonshine still is taken out of the pantry only during operation, and the rest of the time it is hidden from prying eyes, then the alambik, on the contrary, is put on public display as a beautiful work of art. Its graceful shapes, curves, engraving patterns, and copper shades add an oriental flavor to any interior.

What's better?

Having listed all the main characteristics, we can conclude that it is better for the successful production of homemade alcohol, an alambik or a moonshine still. Each of them is good in its own way, and each distiller determines the pros and cons based on what he wants to get out of it: essential oil, Calvados, brandy, cognac or strong Russian moonshine.

Everyone knows what a moonshine still is and what it is intended for. In this article we will take a closer look at the alambic apparatus and its varieties. We will also conduct comparative reviews of which is better: an alambic or a moonshine still.

A real alambic, made of copper, brings back memories of the fairy tale about Aladdin and his magic lamp. In comparison, our moonshine still looks more faded, although in terms of purpose these are absolutely identical units. Which device is better can only be understood by conducting practical tests and comparing the quality of the resulting product.

Description of the alambic

According to one version, the Arabs called this apparatus the word “alambik,” which in Russian means alembic. According to another, the ancient Greeks called it that because it looks like a vase - ambix.

Mentions of this device date back to the 3rd century, when drawings of this design were discovered. True, at that time it was used as a distiller for resins, essences and to obtain essential oils. When this device came to Europe, it was mainly used in the perfume industry.

Only in the 16th century did this unit begin to be used to distill lost wines and produce alcohol. At the same time, news of strong drinks obtained by distillation reached Russia, and their own alambik was invented - a moonshine still. By the way, those who want to make an alambik with their own hands can find drawings on websites on the Internet.

In the 19th century, a device for continuous distillation was invented, which is still used to make vodka, whiskey and other strong drinks. Modern alambik manufacturers are based on the centuries-old traditions of their ancestors and try to fully adhere to them. The basis for the manufacture of alambics is still copper, and only some minor parts are made of stainless steel.

The connection of disparate parts into a single whole is carried out using high-temperature soldering . In total, the distiller consists of four parts.

  1. Helmet (bulb).
  2. Distillation cube.
  3. Steam pipe.
  4. Coil in the refrigerator (condenser).

Currently, the main producers of alambiks are considered to be masters from Spain and Portugal.

Types of alambics

Portuguese. This species is considered a long-liver among the alambik family, and they are made in Portugal. It is made from copper parts by forging. Each craftsman tries to make his design unforgettable and applies his own ornament, usually with oriental themes, to the walls of the apparatus.

Charente. This distiller is made in the Charente region of France. It is intended for primary distillation of wine up to 30% strength and secondary distillation up to 70% strength of cognac alcohol. This spirit is then placed in oak barrels for aging, and over time, a wonderful cognac is obtained. This device has some design changes:

Alambik whiskey. This machine is designed for making whiskey and other strong drinks. It is manufactured using the same technology as previous devices. The only distinguishing feature is the whiskey cap or helmet, shaped like an onion and rising high up.

Alquitara. This distillation device was intended to produce flavored alcohol and aromatic components used in perfumery. A special feature of its design is the vertical arrangement of parts connected to each other by soldering using silver solder. This design allows you to obtain a product with a strength of up to 60% and a volume of 3 liters per hour from the first distillation.

Differences between an alambik and a moonshine still

There are no major design differences between these units. There are only slight differences in details. Thus, when brewing moonshine, bulls (tanks) of any shape are used as a distillation cube; aluminum milk cans are often used. In an alambic, the cube has a certain shape and is made by forging from copper parts. The lid on the moonshine still is firmly fixed, but in the alambik it is simply put on the distillation cube.

The steam outlet tube is firmly attached to the lid of the can, and in the alambik it is made in the form of a “swan neck” and is a continuation of the lid. In alquitar it is completely absent. The principle of manufacturing coils and refrigerators for both systems is absolutely the same. So, we can conclude that an important distinguishing feature is the use of copper in the manufacture of an alambik, in contrast to a moonshine still. This feature makes the moonshine unit simpler and cheaper to manufacture than the alambik.


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