What is the fastest internet now? Which mobile internet is the most profitable? Selecting an operator

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Which mobile internet is the most profitable? Understanding this issue is not as easy as it seems. After all, there are a lot of cellular operators in every city. And everywhere they offer their own conditions for connecting to the Internet. There are many factors to take into account. For example, how actively do you plan to use the Internet for “forays”. Sometimes it turns out that the most advantageous offer is the one with the least Internet traffic. What do subscribers think about this issue? How do they connect their mobile Internet? Which operator performed best in this area?

Eternal competition

It is difficult to find an answer to all this. After all, everyone has their own requirements regarding the operation of the mobile virtual web. Therefore, the subscriber’s choice will depend on the requirements put forward.

Have you wondered which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Then pay attention to the most popular companies offering mobile communication services. They constantly compete with each other. This:

  • "Megphone";
  • "Beeline";
  • "MTS";
  • "Tele 2".

It is among these companies that a leader must be chosen. Be sure to answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. How often will you use the Internet?
  2. What do you do most often online?
  3. How active of a user do you consider yourself?
  4. What amount and traffic do you expect?

All this will help you make your choice. As practice shows, the ratio of price and offered Internet traffic plays a big role. But the quality of work of a particular operator also affects the choice of subscribers.


Which mobile internet is the most profitable? Perhaps some people note that Megafon offers very good conditions. But this company is not very famous for its stability. Most often, people indicate that while working with the network they experience various glitches and problems.

In addition, Megafon does not allow you to simply use the Internet throughout Russia. In order to have this opportunity, you will have to additionally activate the “Internet in Russia” service. Connection will cost 30 rubles, and the subscription fee will range from 2 to 10.

In principle, not the worst option. Megafon is suitable for people who are not very active (most of the operator's offers). You can connect to one of the available mobile Internet packages (from XS to XL). Each offer has its own characteristics. Completely free Internet (mobile unlimited) is provided in the Internet XL package, which costs about 1,290 rubles per month. Traffic here is not limited, but the cost is quite high. Suitable only for very active users.


Are you wondering which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Many people offer Beeline. The company has long been famous for its reliability and quality of service. It is noted that communication services are provided without constant interruptions. But some tariff plans are overpriced. This can be off-putting.

Great attention should be paid to the speed of access to the World Wide Web. In large cities it will be very small. It is enough to work on the phone, but as soon as you insert the SIM card into the USB modem, you will feel that you will not be able to comfortably use the network services. But in small towns with little load on the network, you can really only rejoice at the speed of the Internet.

The “EVERYTHING!” line is extremely popular. from Beeline. Free Internet (mobile) is provided in fairly large quantities. For example, “ALL for 300” offers 3 GB of Internet. And additionally, free minutes of conversation with Beeline subscribers, as well as 100 SMS messages. The Vseshechka tariff plan is suitable for not very active users. 100 rubles per month - and 100 MB of Internet traffic. After spending the limit, you will pay a ruble for every 1 MB of information. Beeline has lucrative offers, but most often they are used exclusively for mobile devices. The USB modem does not work very well with this operator.


MTS mobile internet is extremely popular. This operator offers quite favorable conditions and good network performance. With its shortcomings - the company often experiences overload. And in forest areas it is not comfortable to work on the Internet with a USB modem. After all, the connection will be at low speed.

At prices, MTS offers the most humane offers. If we talk about a mobile phone, then here you can use the “Super BIT” tariff for 150-250 rubles (depending on the region of your residence) and comfortably work throughout Russia with the Internet. A daily quota of 100 MB is given. As soon as you download more information than the limit, the network speed drops to 64 Kb/sec. It is also possible to connect yourself to “BIT” for 150 rubles to work within your home region.

But MTS has completely different packages for USB modems. This mobile Internet pleases with its cost and speed. But, as already mentioned, either communication is often interrupted due to overload, or the network is very slow. This is how many people stop at this very proposal.

"Tele 2"

But in Moscow, Tele2 was recognized as the best operator. This company appeared not as long ago as all the others, but it has already won the hearts of many. Favorable prices, as well as stable network operation - this is what the operator is famous for.

The "Internet for mobile" offer is suitable for mobile phones. It has a subscription fee, which is about 5.5 rubles per day. At the same time, the amount of data you download is not limited.

But for a USB modem there are completely different proposals. Tele2 offers a variety of tariffs. For example, "Internet Suitcase". With it you get 45 GB of Internet traffic for 400-500 rubles (the cost depends on your region of residence). As soon as the limit is exhausted, access to the network is terminated.

A true leader

So which operator is the most profitable for connecting to the Internet? It's difficult to decide. It is noted that MTS and Tele2 are best suited at the moment for those who do not want to overpay.

How to set up mobile Internet? All operators now allow us not to think about this issue. You just need to save the settings that come to your mobile device. Or insert the SIM card into the USB modem. Everything is very easy and simple!

Until recently, the Internet throughout the world was not very fast. So, just 15 years ago, even in the most developed countries, the connection to the network was very slow. This seriously limited the speed of information exchange. Today everything has changed. The highest speed internet can be found in Korea and Japan. The latter is ahead of the entire planet in terms of connection speed.

The fastest Internet in the world appeared not so long ago in Japan.

It was launched by the famous Internet provider So-net Entertainment, part of Sony. This new network is called Nuro. It is particularly fast. Nuro is based on fiber optic technology. At the moment, the download speed reaches 2 gigabits per second. At the same time, the download speed reaches 1 gigabit per second. This information was provided by official representatives of Sony.

For now, the fastest Internet in the world can only be experienced by those who live in Tokyo and the nearest six prefectures. Besides, it’s not that high on him. It is $51 per month. But there are some conditions. Thus, concluding a contract with a provider is a mandatory procedure. There is a one-time connection fee of $535. The contract for the fastest Internet in the world is valid for two years.

A similar technology operates in the USA (in Kansas City and Texas). It's called Google Fiber. Compared to Japan, the subscription fee there is twice as high, and the download speed is two times lower. In addition, Google Fiber is currently only working in experimental mode. Kansas City is chosen as the base.

The latest generation fiber optic network was created in the city, whose population is 600 thousand people. The cost of the offer is $120 per month. It includes not only unlimited Internet at a speed of 1 gigabit per second, but also 7 with Fiber-TV. But there are also cheaper options that allow you to abandon Internet television. Compared to Nuro, Google Fiber will be more expensive anyway.

Scientists from the UK are working on a new technology that is designed to radically change the speed of Internet access. They are developing new technologies at Bangor University. They plan to change the Internet speed to 20 gigabits per second for ordinary users thanks to new developments and technologies. And this is approximately 2,000 times faster than today.

The fastest Internet in Russia still lags behind countries with advanced high technologies in terms of speed. But there is a possibility that residents of our country will also be able to navigate the vastness of the World Wide Web with a high connection speed. The prerequisites for this already exist. Thus, in Chelyabinsk, a new technology was launched in test mode, allowing Internet speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second.

As for Japan, unfortunately, the fastest Internet in the world will not be available to the user of all personal computers without exception. The fact is that most PCs are equipped with a built-in network card, which limits the download speed to 1 gigabit per second. Therefore, the new network will be available only at enterprises where special equipment is installed on computers. The development of new technologies does not stand still, and in the near future, fast Internet will be available to most users.

The question regarding which operator has the best mobile Internet periodically arises in online comments, is heard in individual articles and notes, and in general is considered quite important for customers. The urgency of the problem is due to the fact that some people need fast and inexpensive access to the Internet from a mobile device, while others need many minutes of communication. Often people use their phone to periodically call family members abroad, and this requires a special tariff plan.

In order to choose the most favorable tariff in 2020, which allows you to use the Internet and satisfies other requests of citizens, it is worth carefully studying the offers from existing operators and drawing conclusions. All important points and similarities on the topic of the material will be presented in the note.

Russians today know several large operators, which people prefer to turn to for services. The reliability and positive reputation of providers is an additional guarantee of receiving excellent quality communications and a number of additional services at an affordable cost. At the same time, besides the Big Four, there are other operators that provide similar services. Taking into account individual parameters and characteristics, the rating of mobile Internet operators is formed. So, the following criteria play a significant role here:

  • access speed;
  • the volume of traffic provided within a specific connection;
  • tariff plans.

Attention! An additional criterion for people who often travel around Russia and outside the country may be characteristics such as a coverage map 4G and availability of tariff plans.

Let's present the data for different operators in the form of a table.

Company nameNumber of usersConnection cost, rub.Speed, Mbit/sec
MTS78.1 million650 13-14
Beeline (VimpelCom)56.3 million600 17
Tele 2over 40.6 million500 64
Megaphone75.5 million and more650 18-75
Rostelecommore than 13 million250-400 100
YOTAmore than 4 million400-2500 15-20
DANYCOM40 thousand699 256
Motiveover 2.5 million100-230 5-7
Fly657 thousand360 100
Vainakh Telecommore than 60 thousand395 2
SberMobileover 20 thousand200-1150 21
Tinkoff Mobileabout 15 thousand99-999 50

When comparing operators, it is worth paying attention to these characteristics, since they are decisive and allow you to choose the most profitable and functionally acceptable tariff plan for the subscriber.

Advice! Particular attention should be paid to the connection speed and the number of gigabytes offered. For example, if the user intends to watch movies, then the speed must be at least 1 Mbit/sec. For video communication you need at least 512 Kbps, and for online games you need 128-256 Kbps.

Internet tariffs - comparison of all operators

To name the best provider, it is worth studying the connection options offered by different companies. As a result, this will allow you to accurately answer which operator has the best Internet. We'll start with offerings from the Big Four and end with startups and smaller mobile services companies.


Many operators decided to abandon unlimited Internet, and only MTS returned a similar offer to the market last year. The tariff plan was called “Tariffishche” and today is in demand among subscribers. The connection package includes minutes, SMS and Internet traffic. Minimum cost – 650 rubles.

Important! The tariff plan has a restriction that prohibits the use of a SIM card in modems and routers.

Another profitable tariff, “Our Smart,” was recently offered by the company for users who spent more than 1,000 rubles on connection. The peculiarity of the offer is that service packages can be divided into five rooms.

Beeline (VimpelCom)

To be able to choose among the most advantageous offers, you should definitely discuss an operator such as Beeline (VimpelCom). Previously, the company offered tariffs from the “EVERYTHING” line, where customers could receive a double traffic package, if necessary. Today, customers can exchange leftover traffic for minutes. Beeline has completely abandoned roaming, with the exception of the territory of Crimea, so the user will not have to make any additional payments.

Unlim is considered the best tariff plan from this provider today. In fact, we are talking about an analogue of “Tarifisch”, but with some features. The point is that unlimited Internet does not work when watching high-quality video and for this you will have to activate a special option (3 rubles per day).


Last year, Megafon launched a completely new tariff line. Subsequently, this proposal gained unprecedented popularity. The fact is, the provider decided to add unlimited Internet as a plug-in option. According to the company's management, if the new offer had unlimited traffic, the operator would not be able to promote all of its other products. At first, the offer was valid only within the home network, but later it became available throughout the country.

As for the most balanced solution from Megafon, today it is “Turn on! Communicate Promotion!” for 650 rubles. For this amount, customers will be able to have unlimited access to the network and any number of minutes for calls to Megafon phones. For calls to numbers of other providers in Russia (except landline) 700 minutes are provided. All other options are paid separately.

The provider Tele2 made an attempt to win the attention of customers in a rather unconventional way. It provided users with the opportunity to transfer their remaining minutes to subsequent months, and the new “My” line today is distinguished by low prices and uniqueness.

For 500 rubles, customers will be able to get full unlimited calls on internal calls and when using the Internet, as well as 500 minutes for calling phones of other operators.


It’s worth saying about Rostelecom connections that they are characterized by stability, good quality and high data transfer speeds. Here you can choose any type of connection, but the fastest is via a fiber optic line.

The speed can reach 100 Mbit/sec, and when you connect the additional “Night acceleration” option, you can double the speed limit at night.

As for the mobile Internet, the company started the New Year by introducing a new tariff line - “History”. This series presents four main directions, each of which has its own traffic limit:

  • “New History” – 250 rub./month. with 15 GB traffic and unlimited for social networks;
  • “The Whole Story” – 340 rubles/month. and 9 MB;
  • “Family and History” – 15 GB and unlimited for social networks for 550 rubles. Can be divided into 5 rooms;
  • “Endless Story” – full unlimited for 400 rubles per month.


The virtual operator YOTA is popular among young people because it abandoned many tariffs in favor of one – a constructor tariff. Now each subscriber will be able to independently choose the individual number of minutes, SMS and traffic.

Attention! The company does not have unlimited Internet, but it can be connected as an additional option.


The DANYCOM operator operates on the basis of Tele2 and therefore many of the conditions and offers of these providers are the same. In 2018, the company launched the Xenon tariff plan at a price of 699 rubles per day, but this option is not very suitable for the population, since the unlimited service later had speed restrictions.


This provider works according to the classic version. Motive offers customers to connect gigabyte packages for 100, 150 and 230 rubles for 1.3 and 5 GB, respectively. In addition, every 100 minutes of conversation in the package can be exchanged for a gigabyte of traffic.


A popular operator in Tatarstan offers unlimited Internet connection “Fly” for 360 rubles. Connection speed 100 Mbit/sec. Payment is due after a month of use.

Vainakh Telecom

The not-so-well-known operator Vainakh Telecom provides users with unlimited access to the Network for 395 rubles. Connection speed 2 Mbit/sec.

Important! This connection is designed only for installation of equipment in apartment buildings.


The young operator SberMobile currently has a coverage area of ​​only four regions. For an amount of 200 rubles, users will be able to get 3 GB of traffic. But already for 1150 – for 30 GB.

Tinkoff Mobile

Another virtual operator, Tinkoff Mobile, uses the resources of Tele2 and therefore offers quite favorable conditions. For example, 2 GB of traffic can be obtained for only 99 rubles per month. There are also other options for 4.8 and 16 GB. The cost of the latter is 999 rubles.

Which operator is better for mobile Internet?

If you pay attention to the reviews of regular users, subscribers consider the “My Unlimited” tariff from Tele2 to be the most profitable. Next to it, offers from Beeline and MTS look good, although customers are not satisfied with numerous restrictions.

Megafon stands out for its most unconventional approach to the issue, but when it comes to simplicity, it’s unlikely that anyone can compare with YOTA.

Mobile Internet - which operator is better for a tablet?

Having briefly described existing offers, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about which operator is better for the Internet when working from a tablet. Personal preference plays an important role here. Some people like MTS or Beeline, while others prefer home-based Rostelecom.

If we evaluate it subjectively, then the offers from the Big Four operators seem to be the most stable and profitable, but it is worth remembering that the SIM cards of some operators cannot be used in devices other than the phone. This ban applies to MTS, and even when connecting to Beeline it will not be very convenient to use the provided minutes and SMS. In this case, it is worth saying that the most profitable offers are the purchase of individual packages with gigabytes. For example, the connection option is from Yota and Tinkoff Mobile.

The fastest mobile Internet in Russia is provided to its subscribers by MTS, the leader in Moscow is Tele2, according to experts from the Radio Frequency Center, subordinate to Roskomnadzor. Other operators do not agree with these data

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

MTS is the leader among operators in terms of average mobile Internet speed in Russia. Experts from the Radio Frequency Center of the Central Federal District, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, came to this conclusion, Deputy Director General of the center Dmitry Mitrofanov said at a conference in Moscow on May 26. The study was carried out using the Roskomnadzor methodology with measurements in 52 cities: experts recorded the speed of data transfer to the subscriber.

The average mobile Internet speed of MTS was 6.6 Mbit/s; in the market as a whole it was lower - 5.4 Mbit/s. MegaFon’s Internet speed is also higher than the “Russian average” - 5.6 Mbit/s. Third place was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), whose network speed was 5.2 Mbit/s. Tele2 transfers data at an average speed of 4.8 Mbit/s. The last place was taken by the Crimean operator K-Telecom (Win Mobile brand) with an indicator half the market average - 2 Mbit/s.

The radio frequency center has been measuring communication quality since 2015. It has improved over the year, says Mitrofanov. For example, in Moscow, the average data transfer speed has doubled - from 3.2 to 6.1 Mbit/s. This is due to the increase in the number of base stations for signal transmission using LTE (4G) technology, explains the deputy general director of the center. According to Roskomnadzor, over the year the number of LTE base stations in Russia grew by 109%, to 72 thousand. MTS has the most of them - 27 thousand. MegaFon has 26 thousand such stations, VimpelCom - 11 thousand, Tele2 - almost 4 thousand.

The fastest mobile Internet is received by residents of the Central Federal District, and the slowest - by the Far Eastern, said Mitrofanov. In Moscow, experts put Tele2 in first place in terms of data transfer speed. It is followed by MTS and VimpelCom. Only MegaFon, which took last place, had a data transfer speed lower than the average for the capital. Mitrofanov did not disclose specific data for each of the operators in the capital.

Representatives of operating companies differed in their assessments of the study. Only MTS agreed with the conclusions: “The company is a leader both in the number of 4G base stations and in coverage area - our fourth generation networks,” said operator representative Dmitry Solodovnikov. At the same time, according to Solodovnikov, in Moscow “it is incorrect to compare the parameters of the MTS network with the network of a newcomer to the rating”: it has several times fewer subscribers, so the load is five to seven times lower than that of the Big Three operators.

Choosing the best Internet provider for your home and business is the key to success and prospects, so you need to approach the issue carefully. When connecting to the Internet, it is important to pay attention to the features of tariff plans, speed characteristics and type of connection, processing time for applications and troubleshooting. An additional advantage of providers is an individually oriented approach to subscribers, taking into account the specialization of business or the private interests of “home” users.

Criteria for selecting a provider based on Moscow address

● The pricing policy of the Internet provider is the most important criterion that most users focus on. Make sure that the cheapness does not come back to haunt you with constant problems with the connection, shortcomings in service, or slow Internet speed.

Most providers today offer unlimited plans. It is worth giving preference to a company that practices a personal approach to subscribers, taking into account the location and method of connection (via radio channel, copper pair or fiber optic) and the financial capabilities of the user.

● Data transfer rate is a manipulative concept. For example, “cheap 1 Gbps” can mean speed “for everyone”: the more connected users, the slower the Internet for each of them. Fill out an application for an Internet connection with the guaranteed speed specified in the contract for a specific client. We advise you to cooperate with serious Internet companies that are constantly developing their technological base.

The key criterion is the type of connection. The most convenient and fastest at the moment is fiber optic cable - it guarantees decent connection speed and ease of connection in the absence of unnecessary equipment.

● Subscriber base of the provider - when connecting the Internet to an address in Moscow, first ask your neighbors which provider they use. Collect reviews from residential and business users about various Internet service providers. Ask questions about the quality of communication and service, the benefits of tariff plans, actual customer costs for equipment, and the provider’s loyalty to subscribers.

● Round-the-clock technical support is the most important condition that good providers do not neglect. No operator will guarantee a permanent Internet connection, but they should ensure that problems are resolved as quickly as possible. The contract must specify the time frame for correction and methods of compensation for damage, as well as the time during which the provider guarantees the client access to the network.

● The professional provider offers a wide range of additional options. This, as a rule, includes home television with HD format, digital telephony, the ability to organize teleconferences for business, anti-virus licensing, “white” Internet and deferred payment services, various forms of payment convenient for the client.

When choosing an Internet provider, carefully read the connection agreements, certificates and licenses of the company for the type of activity. Chat with the employees, make sure that they are a pleasure to deal with and that they answer all your questions competently and clearly (how to connect to the Internet and solve problems that arise, what promotions they can offer you, whether electronic document management is practiced, simplifying cooperation, etc. .d.).

Make an impartial impression about Moscow Internet providers using the website provy.ru - and fill out an application to connect the services of the selected provider for FREE!

Do you know how many popular providers exist in the telecommunications services market today? There are few people who know this figure for sure. The list of Internet providers in Moscow includes more than 20 companies! And this is not the limit! How can an ordinary citizen, an ordinary consumer of Internet services not get lost in this sea of ​​firms, companies and offices vying with each other to provide Internet services?

And everything is very simple, as clear as day! There is a rating of Moscow providers, which contains all the companies that supply the city with Internet and television services. The rating was compiled by highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications and the Internet. It takes into account numerous reviews from consumers of communication services and wishes for companies developing the communication space of our city. Also released directory of providers in Moscow, where absolutely all currently available offices are colorfully presented, providing city residents with first-hand information. Here is a complete list of Internet companies in the city with exact logos and postal addresses. Moreover, the telephone numbers of the executives of the provider companies are indicated for grateful clients to contact them.

Now everyone who wants to install home Internet or digital television will not blindly or through friends search for the provider they like in order to enjoy all the delights of good quality communication and high Internet speeds. It is enough to open a special website address in Moscow, study the rating of the best companies and choose truly the best! Then everything is very easy. You are required to submit a simple application. The completed application form is available on the website. You can fill it within 5 minutes. By pressing the key we send the application to the selected provider. Specialists arrive very quickly. The equipment is also quickly installed.

In a day or two you will already be enjoying the excellent quality of digital television and high-speed home Internet! You will be given a choice of the best packages according to your tastes and preferences - news channels, new films, concerts. Moscow providers always follow the latest developments in the field of telecommunications and Internet business. All innovative technologies are instantly implemented into reality. Any new world development is immediately adopted. The Internet industry in Moscow is developing and improving. And finally - the most important thing! For everyone who wants to choose the best provider and order such excellent services of digital television and home Internet, we provide the address of the Internet portal of the information center: PROVY.RU! We wish everyone only pleasant viewing and the latest information first-hand!

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