Which zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Pig. Green Wooden Pig

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01/30/1911 - 02/17/1912 - Metal
02/16/1923 - 02/04/1924 - Water
02/04/1935 - 01/23/1936 - Tree
01/22/1947 - 02/09/1948 - Fire
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 - Earth
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 - Metal
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 - Water
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 - Tree
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 - Fire
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 - Earth

The boar belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the twelfth sign Chinese horoscope. He rules from 21 to 23 hours......

The Pig loves his family, where he can only be himself.

He can never refuse anything dear people, even if he can’t afford it.

Taking from his income, such a person will always find a way to have fun and welcome his friends well.

The cheerful, sociable Pig, like a magnet, attracts a variety of people....

Compatibility of Pig in marriage with Rat - First Earthly Branch

This community can turn out to be happy and fruitful. The cunning representative of the First Branch has a very developed instinct for self-preservation, and he can help the Pig be more careful and prudent in his transactions. In gratitude for such attention, the generous representative of the Twelfth Branch will give the Rat the opportunity to manage his finances. None of them will be too demanding, although the Rat will try to guide the Pig in the direction it needs. Rest assured, the representative of the First Branch will curb Hai's passion for throwing money around. These two individuals can establish good emotional and business connections with each other, and their partnership will be long and happy....

Pig and Aries Sign

These signs don't like to lie. Their sincerity is simply touching. Such Pigs are very loyal and impulsive, they take everything seriously. This can upset and hurt them. Their fate is influenced by the delight of blind faith. True, these people are aware of their naivety, considering themselves short-sighted. Aries balances the Pig's character with its tenacity. However, he does not lose his objectivity. Such people, as a rule, make a lot of mistakes, but until the last moment they believe that they are in a winning position. This is just a misconception, in fact they are being led. They cannot understand that their conscience is too good for this world. Aries-Pigs must develop the depth of their feelings. They have sufficient energy, authority and have the opportunity to participate in any business. You need to use their impulsiveness, but you always need to be on guard, because upset and disappointed Pigs-Aries are capable of extremes....

Love Boar

Boars love to live. They adore flowers and know how to grow fruits in the most unfavorable soil. This is a dignity inherent only to them. Pigs tend to idealize everything, they live in their reality, and glorify the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, they are very gentle lovers and delightful partners.

WITH early age Pigs have a weakness for love pleasures. They are very sensitive, seem strange at first glance and have a vivid imagination. They experiment endlessly, fulfilling their desires, which constantly haunt them. And it doesn’t take much to arouse a new passion in them. In love, Pigs do not know how to be cunning, use cunning, and know how to talk with a partner. For them there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. As you can see, this is a pretty healthy philosophy, and it brings great success to the Pig....

Boar and Boar

This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to their partner’s weaknesses, and they have the basis for building this union.

It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of separation.

Misunderstanding can darken their life and result in terrible scenes. Such Pigs will find a reason for an argument.

As a rule, the stumbling block is in raising children. While the parents rant, the offspring are at risk of growing up.

These people love to be near the family hearth and do not tolerate change.

The life of these people is impossible without work.

To avoid mutual grievances and reproaches, it is better for both partners to work together....

Such men are very gentle and soft lovers, so their life can sometimes be difficult.

Some women see them as someone who can be taken advantage of. Peace and unity will never arise in such a partnership.

If a freedom-loving person is chosen as a partner, then, as a rule, nothing good comes of it for the Pig man....

In the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope, the Pig/Boar symbolizes the honest, noble and courageous man who always succeeds in life. These people will spend their childhood calmly and peacefully; in their youth, they will be burdened with emotional adaptation to adulthood; as adults, they will have family problems.

These people will have to make a great effort on themselves to achieve emotional stability from themselves. In old age, they will be able to fully enjoy their life.

The pig will be calm and happy if she is financially secure. Even if she doesn’t earn them herself, there will be someone who will give them to her. In any case, this person will never live in need. If this person prefers to decide his own affairs, then he becomes a money-making machine. Even with a little effort, money will flow in your direction. The Pig/Boar will always have material wealth. site/node/3075

Sometimes the innocence of these people and their naivety puts them in an awkward position - they can unwittingly say something inappropriate, then they regret it, but don’t worry, they are forgiven for it, because they are well known and confident that it is not in the Pig’s character to offend of people. This person is not at all vindictive; if someone tries to use him for their own interests, he simply gets rid of himself to avoid unnecessary problems.

They are just wonderful, good parents who pay a lot of attention to their children, their versatile upbringing, they will take them to sports clubs and art clubs.

Passionate wives and skillful lovers, representatives of the Pig/Boar have natural tact and sophistication in everything. These people are demanding in their choice of a partner, they will not live with just anyone, and will in no way change their selectivity.

Next Year of the Pig 2019!

Characteristics of Boar/Pig

Chinese sign: Zhu

Zodiac Sign: Twelfth

Time of day: 21:00 - 23:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Element: Metal

Positive traits of Pig/Boar people:

Honest and nice people, tolerant and respectful, honest in life and pleasant to talk to, caring, these people can be trusted

Negative traits of Pig/Boar people:

Can be selfish, stubborn and fond of flattery, easily susceptible to mood swings, weak-willed and can easily succumb to bad influences

Find out in which year of the Pig/Boar you, your relatives, friends were born, which of these animals ruled that year, and also who will rule in the future...

January 27, 1971 - February 14, 1972 (Metal Pig/Boar)

Year 2019 Boar!

Pig/Boar is the most honest and impeccable animal of all presented in Chinese Zodiac(Eastern horoscope). These people are kind and caring on the one hand, but on the other hand they are prone to persistence and creating a tense atmosphere. At the same time, these people are enterprising; they cannot be called lazy or lacking initiative, although from the outside it may seem so.

A woman of this sign always has a smile on her face, she is cheerful, honest and attentive. Her friendly mood attracts people, and if you are lucky enough to become her friend or friend, you can always count on her support. She likes to help her friends and acquaintances.

IN love relationships she is a little closed, quite shy and sometimes even withdrawn. A woman born in the year of the Pig/Boar tries to hide her true feelings for her chosen one until she is firmly convinced that the object of her dreams is also not indifferent to her. This woman is a romantic at heart, who simply needs to be constantly looked after and pampered.

Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope

> Year of the Pig

People who were born in the year of the Pig, have fortitude and courage. They are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones. They are selfless, kind and considerate towards those they value, love and respect. We can say that the Pig is truly a knightly nature. All friends and relatives of a person born in the year of the Pig will confirm this. She has all the knightly traits - politeness and gallantry, subtle spiritual structure and accuracy in every sense.

The Pig has a strong but simple-minded mind. Therefore, she may be defenseless against cunning, cunning and resourcefulness of the mind. She is helpless in the face of flattery and gets lost when she tries to make excuses. The Pig makes great demands on itself and others, and does not make concessions. She is naive and does not try to verify the information she is told, taking everything on faith. She always argues and backs up her words with evidence.

The Pig personality is quite sensitive. She is harmless and kind. By nature, the Pig is conflict-free and avoids unnecessary disputes and quarrels. He tries not to enter into open confrontation. IN family life also prefers comfort and tranquility. You can always tell her about your problems, and she will listen to you carefully. She is very naive and trusting, so she can often become a victim of deception. However, she does not hold a grudge against her offenders for long and treats other people’s imperfections with condescension. She is a pleasant competitor in any game, but doesn't get too carried away because she doesn't really like competition. He deceives only to protect himself or his loved ones.

If the Pig borrows something, he will never forget about it. She takes all her obligations very seriously. If the Pig decides to achieve any goal, rest assured that she will achieve it. But she moves straight to achieve her goal, not recognizing tricks and workarounds. She throws herself wholeheartedly into all her activities, giving all her strength and putting her soul into it.

She is not very sociable, new acquaintances are difficult for her, but she is devoted to her true friends to the end. The Pig values ​​​​his friendship very much and is always ready to protect his friend from harm with his body. In disputes with comrades, she prefers to give in. Even if she does not agree with her friend's point of view, she will prefer to pretend that she has decided to change her point of view.

Of course, the pig appreciates the joys of life. Since birth, she loves to be independent and strives to protect herself and her family. She cannot be led astray by threats, this will only double her energy. She knows how to live for her own pleasure, but she values ​​other people’s personal space, so she builds her life in such a way as not to disturb anyone. Most Pigs are healthy and developed both physically and spiritually. They do not have their head in the clouds and set themselves only those goals that can be achieved. Therefore, they always get what they want and are usually happy.

The Pig will be happy in a job that requires enthusiasm, attention to detail and the ability to work without disturbing others. They have deep inner world and a good imagination, so they can be successful in literature, poetry and painting.

IN economic sphere A pig will never stay in a bad position. She will always have a job and required amount money without putting any extra effort into it. Start life path will be relatively calm and cloudless. In the second half, some family problems may arise. The Pig copes with all difficulties on its own, never asking anyone for help. Her tenacity and quickness of mind allow her to find a way out of any situation.

Pig and Rat

Peace and tranquility in this couple are possible only if the Rat stops behaving aggressively and obeys the Pig. Then the marriage will be prosperous. Friendship in a couple will be wonderful; both signs know how to relax cheerfully and noisily. Business relationships may fail, since the Pig knows how and loves to earn money, and the Rat will try to cheat.

Pig and Ox

These personality types are similar. They both love to relax. However, compared to the Ox, the Pig is much more restless. In marriage, the latter may seek adventure on the side, as she will not be sexually satisfied. Friendship will be strong only if the comrades do not see each other very often. A joint business will be successful, since the Pig has many useful qualities, and the Ox knows how to use them correctly.

Pig and Tiger

In a marriage, this couple can be successful. Especially if the Tiger does not test the angelic patience of the Pig, he will satisfy her sexually. Friendly relations are also quite possible, since the two signs understand each other quite well. And here business relationship They are unlikely to work out well, they are especially dangerous in this pair for the Pig.

Pig and Rabbit

Everything in their relationship can be just wonderful, but the problem is that the Rabbit is unlikely to agree to a family lifestyle. Friendship will be successful, but not for social outings in society, since the Pig’s boasting can unbalance the Rabbit. This is one of the best couples for doing business. A wonderful combination - the dexterity of the Rabbit and the luck of the Pig - can lead partners to wealth.

Pig and Dragon

Unfortunately, the union of these two signs will not be successful. But in vain: the opportunities for a fruitful marriage here are very good. Despite the fact that the kindness and attentiveness of the Pig suits the Dragon very well, he is simply not able to appreciate it. But in friendship the relationship will be strong and cheerful.

Pig and Snake

The Pig will be subject to the hypnotic influence of the Snake and will be unhappy due to its tyranny. Therefore, their relationship will be unsuccessful both in marriage and in friendship or business. The Pig is happy without the Snake; she does not need her wisdom. The snake can only shake peace of mind Pigs.

Pig and Horse

The marriage will be overshadowed by constant anxiety, worry, irritation and turmoil. The Pig will not be able to satisfy the passionate demands of the Horse and will be unhappy due to constant selfishness. Friendship and business relationships are also futile, since the two signs absolutely do not understand each other.

Pig and Goat

This is a wonderful union in which there will be everything: mutual understanding, happiness, prosperity and complete peace of mind. The Goat loves material security, and the Pig is usually successful in financially. This is an example of an excellent friendship; during an intimate conversation, two signs are able to forget about everything in the world and talk for hours. The Pig and the Goat successfully complement each other, so they will also be successful in business relationships.

The Pig has a knightly character. She is gallant, helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can calmly trust her - she will never betray you or deceive you. But it is not difficult to deceive the Pig herself - she is so naive and gullible. She seems defenseless, but in reality she is not that weak.
The Pig has few friends, but she keeps them throughout her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is very attentive to those she loves. Women of this sign love to give gifts and organize small holidays. They are excellent housewives.
If the Pig sympathizes with someone, he will always make concessions, will not object or argue, even if he is sure that he is right. She does not like litigation because she knows that due to her honesty and impulsiveness, she will lose to someone who is less scrupulous.
A pig can choose any profession, as he will prove himself to be a conscientious and hardworking worker everywhere. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in some forms of art, such as poetry and literature.
As for the material side, the Pig will always be provided with what it needs for a living wage. She will have a job and money, and for this she will not have to expend much effort. In addition, throughout her life she will receive assistance, thanks to which she will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Popular wisdom says: “Food is always delivered to a pig with a second thought, so that it becomes fat and can be eaten in new year holidays" This is why the Pig needs to be careful and not trust anyone - they can take advantage of her at any moment.
The same situation arises in the Pig in his personal life. She will often be loved, but no less often she will be fooled. She faces many experiences and disappointments. The Pig woman will be a good mother.
The Pig calmly accepts his failures, and the shortcomings of others with great patience. The Pig is a good player, but at the same time he is impartial and never shows a competitive spirit. She always wants to be sure that she is right and is ready to endlessly ask herself questions about how honestly and loyally she acts in a given case.
The pig is unusually sincere - to such an extent that it is capable of disarming its opponents. Lies only in extreme cases and only for self-defense. True, she does this very ineptly: there is not a penny of cunning in her. The pig is helpless against hypocrisy and does not know how to justify itself. She always believes what she is told, while she always tries to provide evidence for her statements. Pig
very cheerful in society, and often even a little dissolute. At first it is difficult for her to decide to speak, but when this happens, it is difficult to stop her - she will not remain silent until she has exhausted the topic. Like the Monkey, the Pig is drawn to knowledge. Reads a lot, but indiscriminately. She looks like a knowledgeable person, but in reality this is not entirely true. If you check her knowledge, you will notice that it is not as significant as it seems.
The pig is prone to epicureanism, but under its complacent appearance it hides will and even authority. She performs any task with all the strength she is capable of. This inner strength so great that no one can resist it. Before making any decision, the Pig weighs the pros and cons for a long time - so long that it may seem that she is not very decisive. But once the Pig makes a decision, nothing can stop him. And she hesitates simply to avoid complications.
The first phase of the Pig's life is relatively calm. But in the second, problems may arise in married life. Moreover, no one will guess about her experiences. The pig is so modest and timid that he never resorts to outside help, and she herself is looking for a way out of any situation. Final stage her life can be called happy and comfortable. But in many ways, the fate of the Pig depends on this circumstance: if she was born long before the Chinese New Year, she will avoid trouble, but the closer her birth date is to the holiday, the greater her chances of being “eaten.”

Pig woman - characteristics of the year of birth.

The Pig woman usually enjoys the sympathy of others, especially men. It is not surprising, because a woman of this type is an ideal friend: she will love, sympathize, support any, even the most fantastic, ideas and generously forgive unseemly actions. She is devoted to her friends, showering them with gifts and providing them with support and various services, even to the detriment of herself. She just needs to take care of someone. However, her inherent gullibility and straightforwardness can work against her, making her the prey of unscrupulous people.
The Pig woman tends to over-romanticize love relationships and often naively dreams of a prince on a white horse. It may seem that in matters of the heart, the most important thing for her is love itself. This woman will see only good things in her chosen one until the very end, although due to her inherent artlessness she may fall in love with a man who makes her suffer. At the same time, she rarely takes revenge for the insults caused to her.
The Pig woman is prone to jealousy; attempts to “take away” her lover or friend can really drive her crazy. However, even in extremely tense situations, this woman rarely betrays her simple-minded nature and acts meanly, although she can be belligerent and quite petty. But still, as a rule, she tries to avoid confrontations and disputes. The worst that ill-wishers can expect from her is exclusion from the list of invitees and a lack of friendly disposition on her part.
The Pig woman appreciates good food and loves both attending and hosting formal dinners. She is very impressed by meeting famous people. In addition, this lady loves luxury and abundance and most often has enough money to live the way she wants. Financial luck, accompanying it, is usually expressed in a generous inheritance or a wealthy spouse.
The Pig woman of the Wood element is very kind to others, delicate, kind-hearted and compassionate. However, she often suffers from shyness and bouts of painful timidity. Because of this, it is difficult for her to take initiative or open up in love relationships; She feels most comfortable at home.
The Pig woman of the Fire element is stubborn, energetic and has her own view of things and phenomena. She may be aggressive, but she is driven by noble intentions. Unshakable idealism often makes her rebel against the slightest manifestations of social inequality. A woman of this type loves to feel like she is the creator of a successful collaboration.
The Pig woman of the Earth element has extremely idealistic ideas about what the world should be like and everything that it contains. Her actions are always dictated by the best intentions, however, when she realizes the real state of affairs, her rage knows no bounds. This lady is capable of making those around her unhappy.
The Pig woman of the Metal element has a truly sincere nature, she is truthful and frank. She makes every effort to avoid confrontation, and will always compromise - just not to argue. In a stalemate he will undoubtedly give in, but with his usual elegance.
The Pig woman of the Water element is sensible and cold-blooded, and is characterized by graceful manners. A woman of this type is not characterized by excessive sublimity: she values ​​comfort and prosperity, but not above all else. She really needs friends and is always devoted to those who are dear to her, although she rarely says this out loud.

Pig man - characteristics of the year of birth.

The Pig man usually enjoys everyone's favor, because... knows how to awaken sympathy in others. He is attentive to others and modest, peaceful and accommodating. Sometimes these qualities in his character go to the extreme, and then he may seem overly meek and even as if apologetic, but along with good nature, he is often characterized by sarcasm.
The Pig man is an excellent worker, he is not at all lazy, as many people mistakenly believe. His diligence and luck can make him a successful businessman. As a rule, money comes to him quite easily, despite his gullibility and sometimes even naivety, which dishonest people can take advantage of. This man has good taste, which can be seen in the furnishings of his home and workplace, as well as in his appearance.
The Pig man loves luxury no less than women of the same sign. The feeling of security and well-being that the surrounding abundance gives him strengthens his self-confidence and brings to life all the best features of his nature. But if luck turns away from him, it is difficult for a man of this type to resist difficulties due to his tendency to self-flagellation. He can drive himself to depression, experiencing his own miscalculations and mistakes, but at the same time he almost never draws conclusions from them for the future.
The Pig man is never deprived of female attention, but is not inclined to haste in matters of the heart. He prefers confidence and is not greedy for easy prey. This man will not be able to resist manifestations of sincere, almost maternal, care and loves when he is pampered like a child.
The Pig man of the Wood element is timid and needs encouragement; he rarely takes the initiative both in friendship and in love. For this reason, he stays away from events public life- parties and any events where he would have to engage in social interaction. You should behave more calmly with him, because... violent manifestations of emotions cause him severe discomfort.
The Boar man of the Fire element is the most sociable and brave among the Boars. The element of Fire makes him energetic and inspired, but at the same time it can endow him with stubbornness and self-confidence. A man of this type can be rebellious and self-centered, but this does not prevent him from being a devoted comrade-in-arms and friend, ready to help at any moment.
The Pig man of the Earth element may seem uncouth; he does not know sophistication, and he takes the teasing of others calmly. Criticism will not force this person to abandon his intentions - and for good reason, because it is his undertakings that are most often accompanied by success.
The Pig man of the Metal element is pragmatic and reasonable. He is pleasant to talk to, modest, carefully observes decency and conventions, but does not like publicity. He is characterized by restraint and love of order in everything, he is not prone to adventures and is largely conservative. The Metal Pig appreciates care, but will never do anything it doesn’t want to do.
The Pig man of the Water element is patient, intelligent and very prone to behind-the-scenes intrigue. However, he does not use his diplomatic abilities to achieve material or other personal goals - this dreamer and idealist longs to do the world better. The most striking example of such a man is Henry Kissinger.

People born in the year Cabana, calm and peaceful. They are not afraid of anyone, see life without embellishment and accept the world as it really is. “Boar” hates quarrels and conflicts, especially squabbles, and tries with all his might to avoid participating in such events.

“Boars” enjoy giving people joy and doing something nice for them. The “boar”’s friends and relatives can be counted on one hand; it is difficult for him to get along with people; his excessive scrupulousness hinders him in this. He is very strict with himself and with others, and it is difficult for him to find companions.

As a rule, “boars” are laconic, do not like risk, do not use cunning and do not stoop to deception, but easily fall prey to scammers. It is not difficult to pity them and force them to act on the spur of the moment. The most terrible word for “wild boars” is “court”. They hate litigation and litigation, preferring to immediately give in if the prospect of a lawsuit and the associated bureaucratic red tape looms ahead.

People born in the year of the Pig are often considered slow because they take a long time to make decisions. Having made a decision, the “boar” begins to act, and act quickly. “Boar” tries not to interfere in the lives of his friends and relatives, but he will definitely help if asked. The “boar” has a very good, one might say, sincere relationship with money.

Born in the year of the Boar, Pig:

Marcel Marceau (03/22/1923), Mark Bernes (09/21/1911), Alain Delon (11/08/1935), Oleg Tabakov (08/17/1935), Rasul Gamzatov (09/08/1923), Ernest Hemingway (07/21/1899), Dalai Lama (07/06/1935), Muhammad Najibullah (08/06/1947), Todor Zhivkov (09/07/1911), Ronald Reagan (02/06/1911), Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (09/13/1923), Vanga (01/31/1911).


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