What prayer to read before starting work. Prayer words for success in trading

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Unstable economic situation has made it very easy to lose your job. People hold on to any opportunity to have a stable income, no matter how small. Some bosses take advantage of this and give free rein negative traits of your character. Ill-wishers can ruin nervous system to anyone - even if the person performs his duties perfectly. In such a situation, one hope is to read prayers for troubles at work.

What to do to avoid being kicked out of work

What kind real help can have an appeal to heaven? You will see how circumstances work out in your favor, as if an invisible conductor controls events from heaven. What seemed impossible yesterday will be achieved with ease. The ill-wisher will be distracted or leave for another position. You just need to be persistent in your requests for protection.

  • You can pray every day, before coming to work, during a break, and even during the process. After all, not every work requires complete concentration; we perform many actions automatically. It is at such moments that the mind can perform its own work - prayer.

The righteous princes Boris and Gleb have long been considered defenders of the offended. They are capable of many miracles:

  • stop conflicts with superiors;
  • protect peace of mind;
  • establish calm relationships in the family.

Prayer for difficulties at work

“O sacred duo, beautiful brethren, virtuous passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and adorned themselves with their blood like scarlet, and now reign with Christ! Do not forget us who are on earth, but, as a warm intercessor, by your strong intercession before Christ God, preserve the young in holy faith and purity undamaged from every pretext of unbelief and uncleanness, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice, erected by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers. We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, ask the Great-Gift Master for forgiveness of our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine. Provide our country with your intercession, all who honor your holy memory forever and ever. Amen."

The righteous princes themselves are well known to everyone as bright historical characters. At the same time, they were sincere Christians and always stood for a just cause. They always protected their charges and would help them from troubles at work.

Who else should you pray to about workplace problems?

There are so many saints in Orthodoxy that sometimes people get lost and don’t know who to choose for conversion during times of difficulty. Here you can rely on your gut feeling. Usually in every family there are the most revered righteous people. There are also well-known patron saints:

  • Angels and Archangels;
  • Mother of God;
  • The saint whose name you bear in baptism.

The Lord God can protect you from any trouble. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that one cannot condemn anyone - the Creator Himself plays this role. People do not always understand His actions and logic, but they should still trust the age-old wisdom. Feeling hatred towards your superiors will not improve the situation. We must ask for patience, for the Lord to allow us to see our own mistakes. Try in every possible way to get rid of negativity towards others. This is necessary both for the soul and for work.

Prayer for problems at work to Archangel Michael

“Merciful Lord! You once, through the lips and prayer of the prophets, closed the abysses, stopped the rivers, held back the waters, stopped the mouths of lions in the ditch.

And now hold back and slow down until the right time all the plans around the enemies standing by me and thinking about my displacement, dismissal, removal, expulsion. So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, are angry and growl at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me. So now, bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all my enemies who rise up against me.

Protect my house in which I live, in the circle of my prayers to You, and save it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks and all evil and fear. Keep behind the fence of my house all the opposing forces and all those who blaspheme the name of God and those who despise me.

Oh, Great God, now stop all the plans of my enemies who want to drive me out of this city and destroy me: do not allow them to approach this house, stop them with the power of my prayer: “Lord, Judge of the Universe, You, who are not pleased with all unrighteousness, when This prayer will come to You, may the Holy Power stop all enemies in the place where it overtakes them.”

I pray to you, Almighty Lord God, protect me from the machinations of Satan, drive away all the machinations of the devil and demonic spells from me, do not let them annoy me, do not let them destroy me and my property.

I pray to the powerful and formidable guardian Archangel Michael, that with his fiery sword he will cut off all the desires of my enemy and all those who want to destroy me. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will stand inviolably guard over my house, everyone living in it and all its property. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will truly be a kind of barrier and an unbreakable wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances.

God bless! Amen."

Sometimes the bosses seem very formidable, and there is a feeling that they can only be dealt with by supernatural means. To resolve problems, it is customary to turn to Archangel Michael. He is one of the few heavenly warriors whose name was revealed to people. This was done for a reason - a very strong warrior, the leader of many other angels, the Archangel is able to cope with many problems. That is why he is often asked for intercession.

When a person is given power over others, he often uses it for bad reasons. Conflicts happen in any team, but the right side does not always win the argument. The boss can use psychological pressure, blackmail, even plotting with the help of loyal employees. One overwhelming task - and now he has a reason for a fine or dismissal in his hands.

In this case, there is only one thing left to do - pray for help. higher powers. There is no need to cultivate bitterness and hatred in your heart. Everyone has many problems in earthly life. They are often sent to strengthen will and character. So even for difficulties we must thank the Creator. Then the one who tempts you will understand that it is useless. And soon the troubles will stop. After all, even the most difficult times come to an end.

Prayers for problems at work for Peter and Fevronia

“Holy righteous spouses, Peter and Fevronia, pious, praying for everyone who suffers and needs the help of the Lord! Take away sorrows, discord and squabbles from my house, save my marriage, blessed by the Lord, forever and ever. Just as you lived in peace and harmony, so I want to live with my husband, to serve our Father, to fulfill His instructions, to know His Kingdom. I trust in your mercy with all my heart and in your prayers for my family to the Almighty Lord. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sadness, do not leave us in joy. Bless the family for a righteous life that is pleasing to the Lord God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

We often bring difficulties in our service to our family. Fatigue, irritability, misunderstanding become the cause of discord. But a husband and wife should serve each other as a reliable spiritual shelter. If a crack appears in a relationship, it must be eliminated before it turns into a hole.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are asked for peaceful relations between spouses (and others). Peter was a prince who ruled his people fairly - he certainly never plotted against his subordinates. Therefore, you can turn to the holy couple with a request for protection against injustice. If your children are in trouble, Murom miracle workers can save them.

Prayer for troubles in the workplace to the Mother of God

What should I pray to You for, what should I ask of You? You see everything, you know it Yourself: look into my soul and give it what it needs. You, who have endured everything, overcome everything, will understand everything.

You, who entwined the Baby in a manger and took Him with Your hands from the Cross, You alone know all the heights of joy, all the oppression of grief. You, who have received the entire human race as adoption, look at me with maternal care.

From the snares of sin, lead me to Your Son. I see a tear watering Your face. It’s over me You shed it and let it wash away the traces of my sins. Here I have come, I am standing, I am waiting for Your response, O Mother of God, O All-Singing One, O Lady!

I don’t ask for anything, I just stand before You. Only my heart, poor human heart, exhausted in longing for truth, I cast at Your Most Pure feet, Lady! Grant to all who call You to reach the eternal day by You and worship You face to face.

All about religion and faith - “prayer before the working day” with detailed description and photographs.

Church prayer that gives strength before difficult work For each of us, the concept of “difficult work” is purely individual. For some it is difficult physical work, for some, on the contrary, it is easier to dig up the entire garden than to write an essay; for others, any monotonous work will seem difficult. But regardless of our desires and preferences, we have to do the work. Christian prayer, which gives strength before difficult work, can significantly make our life and worldview easier, because we have asked for God’s support. And with God's help you can easily cope with the most difficult task.

Text of prayer before work and for its successful completion

Almighty God, may Your inspiration anticipate our deeds; Strengthen them with Your grace, so that every work we do begins in You and is completed in You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen

O Heavenly King, just as You are our Great Comforter! Lord, bless me, Thy sinful and humble servant, for every good undertaking and for success in it, for the glory of Thy name! Let Your will be done, amen!


Use the following very effective prayer to fill your life with success:

“Now I realize the Omnipotence of God. I know that this Infinite Wisdom guides the planets and also guides all my affairs. I know that all my activities are governed by this Divine Presence constantly abiding within me. All my motives are pleasing to God and true. The Almighty within me knows what to do and how to do it. My business is completely under God's direction and guided by His love. Divine guidance is mine. I know God is helping me because my mind is calm. I rest in his arms.”

“I become aware of the presence of the Source within me and come into contact with my thoughts. I offer my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that now the entrance to Infinite riches is wide open in front of me and they are freely flowing to me. Every day I become richer spiritually, mentally and in financially. Money is God’s idea circulating in my life, and there is always enough of it.”<.>And we did not trust in unfaithful riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us everything for our enjoyment.

Prayer before the start of the working day

“Lord, As I begin a new day, I want to thank You for this opportunity have a job. I thank You for the work that I do. For the people I communicate with and for the funds I receive. Give me wisdom in communicating with my colleagues. Help me in any situation to think about people first, and then about my own well-being. Help me to be honest in business relations and responsible for the tasks assigned to me. Amen!"

Prayer for finding your life purpose

“Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and reveals new door for my self-expression Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me

“Prayer before starting any work, any business

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

At the end of the work, the fulfillment of all good

You are, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only one who is most merciful, Lord, glory to You. It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, the real Mother of God we magnify Thee..

Prayer for good luck in work for every day

I bring to your attention a prayer for good luck in work, which you can read every day.

Orthodox prayers addressed to Divine powers are the most effective and free way help yourself cope with life's troubles.

Success in work is as necessary as success in business.

Every day we get up early to earn our living.

And when we wander around looking for new job, then you always want them to succeed.

And the bosses don’t really spoil us, making concessions.

The daily prayers that a village healer I know shares with me were inherited from her father’s side.

Daily prayer for good luck at work

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Bless me to work hard for the good of my own life. Help me find a new job and send me luck in my old career. Reject all mistakes, mistakes and protect from unsuccessful actions. As the work progresses, so does the salary, and if everything works out, the boss does not swear. Let it be so. Amen!

Here is another prayer for success in work, which you can also read every day before going to bed.

Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty and Intercessor. Grant me a job according to my strength, and a salary according to my work. Protect me from malicious envy in the workplace. So that the boss pays my salary, praises me, not scolds me, and doesn’t deprive me of a bonus. Let it be so. Amen!

Read these prayers for good luck at work as often as possible, not forgetting that faith can work miracles.

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Prayer in the workplace

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It happens that life path For many people, certain situations occur when it seems that overnight success in business and luck simply turned away from them and they face a black hopeless streak of failures. Naturally, in such situations it is impossible to do without positive thoughts, however, the power emanating from a spoken prayer can have a miraculous effect. Prayer in the workplace for well-being can not only attract positive emotions to the person asking, but will also bring success to all his affairs.

How does this prayer help?

Today it is quite difficult to find a decent job that would meet all the requirements of the applicant. In order to achieve this, you should use a special prayer, with which you can ask the Higher Powers for help, for example:

  • On job preservation;
  • Getting a promotion;
  • The prayer service will help you achieve good luck and success in your work;
  • Prayer in the workplace from evil people can also help and protect from their harmful effects;
  • You can even turn to the Saints for the successful opening and implementation of your own business;
  • About the successful completion of any business.

Amulet in the workplace

In order to protect yourself from negative impact ill-wishers and advance along career ladder you can use a talisman that can help many people achieve unprecedented results, as well as bring fame, success and money, and life itself can radically change for the better.

This kind of protection can be stored right at the workplace, but at the same time well hidden from prying eyes. On a piece of paper you need to write the following words:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful Prayer in the Workplace

To get the desired vacancy (position), you can recite the prayer text to Saint Tryphon. To do this, it is enough to purchase a miraculous image of the Saint in the temple and every day without interruption (preferably in the morning) say the following words:

“Oh, Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphon, our quick helper, I turn to You, I pray before Your Holy image. Hear me, now and always, I ask, Your servant (name), who honors the sacred memory of You.

You are a saint of Christ, you yourself said before your departure from this corruptible life to pray for us from the Lord and ask him for this gift: if anyone in any sorrow and need calls on your holy name, he will be delivered from every dark and evil thing. And if You delivered and healed the Roman king from the devil, save and protect me from evil machinations everywhere and always.

Be my helper and a quick driver of evil demons and a leader to the Heavenly Kingdom, as You now stand with the image of the Saints at the throne of God. Pray to the Almighty that he will give me fun and joy from new work, that he will always remain nearby and fulfill my plans. Amen".

Prayer for good luck in work and luck

For a long time, believers, before starting any business, turned to the Higher Powers for support and help. This made it possible to attract luck into life, which means achieving your goals faster. You should also remember that after completing the work you started, you should definitely thank the Lord. You can offer prayers not only in the temple, but also at home. But at the same time it is necessary to pray in front of the icon.

Strong prayers for good luck and luck

Strong prayers for good luck and fortune allow you to improve your position at work, climb the career ladder, get a salary increase, or, if you strive for this, find a more suitable job that will not only improve financial condition, but it will also be a pleasure.

It is believed that prayer for good luck in work and luck helps only the baptized; for all other people it is simply useless. In order for good luck to accompany you, you need to offer special prayers every day and do it better in the morning.

Prayer for good luck in business and work

The most powerful and effective prayer is an appeal to the Savior.

It sounds like this:

The above prayer is read three times in the morning every day. It is necessary to learn it by heart. Positive changes in the area of ​​work will become noticeable in the shortest possible time. Even if it seems to you that you have achieved what you want, you still need to continue to pray, this will stabilize your working situation and speed up your progress. It is very important during the period when you are using prayer not to conflict with anyone. It is important to be positive and with this attitude everything will definitely work out.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for luck

The power of prayer to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant has been known for a long time. In ancient times, sailors and travelers turned to this Saint with a request for good luck. Today, believers bow before the image of St. Nicholas with a request to perform a miracle and help in a variety of everyday matters.

You need to pray to the Saint for help in working at his icon as follows:

Prayer for the return of prosperity and luck in life

When you are angry or have conflicts with people from your immediate environment, negative energy accumulates around you, which destroys your aura. This usually manifests itself in the fact that luck leaves you and constant difficulties arise on the way to your goal. In order to return prosperity to life, it is necessary to use special prayers.

After reading the prayer, you need to eat a piece of bread, and then take a sip of holy water. This prayer should be read every day until life begins to improve.

Prayers before exams for good luck and luck

It is quite natural that every person experiences anxiety before an exam and this can interfere. You can cope with anxiety and attract good luck with the help of prayer. Besides, prayer appeal will help you gain self-confidence. One of the reliable assistants before the exam is the Guardian Angel.

The prayer to him is as follows:

After this prayer has been read, it should be written down on paper and placed in the pocket of the clothes in which you will go to the exam. If you suddenly feel confused during the exam, you need to try to remember that your Guardian Angel is always nearby.

Prayer for luck in money

Prayer for luck in money allows you to attract wealth into your own life.

It is very important to fulfill the following requirements before reading the prayer:

  • A prayer in order to attract luck in the financial sphere should be read in the morning.
  • You should read the prayer appeal alone, fully concentrating on the goal.
  • It is advisable to memorize the prayer text.

The simplest and most effective prayer is considered to be to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being.

It sounds like this:

The above prayer text must be repeated at least seven times. You need to read the prayer for a month.

Strong prayer for success in work

Most people are familiar with the feeling when it seems that a dark streak has begun in life, luck has turned treacherously, and all circumstances are working against the desired goal. This is especially unpleasant when it comes to the material basis of life. After all, as you know, it’s better to be sad with a full wallet. To correct the situation, you need to pull yourself together, be positive and start taking action. At the same time, you can seek support from above. A sincere prayer spoken with faith for success in work will definitely help. Especially for this purpose, below are some good examples.

Prayer for success in business and work

This prayer can be said at any time difficult situation work related. For example, for search success suitable vacancy. Or if you want to advance your career. She is addressed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Therefore, it would be nice if you had his icon. However, this is not necessary. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith, and the accompanying attributes play a role in the psychological attunement to the process.

“Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I appeal to you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me, as you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, when dying, said that the one who, being in sadness and need, calls on you in his prayers, will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from a demon and healed him from an illness, so hear me and help me, protecting me always and in everything. Become my assistant. Be my protection from evil demons and a guiding star to the King of Heaven. Pray to God for me, may He have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. May he remain by my side and bless what I have planned and increase my well-being, so that I work for the glory of his holy name! Amen!"

Prayer before going to work

Before the beginning working day It’s a good idea to ask for blessings and help from above. To do this, below is a prayer for good luck and success in work. Reading it every morning will help you in fulfilling your duties and prevent unpleasant events. Additionally, it can also be pronounced before business meeting and, in general, before particularly important and responsible events.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that “without me you cannot do anything.” Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you have said and I ask your blessing on my cause. Grant me to begin it without hindrance and to complete it safely for your glory. Amen!"

Prayer after work

When the workday ends, you should definitely thank God. This shows your appreciation and ensures more blessings in the future. remember, that strong prayer success in work becomes stronger not from what words you utter, but from the heart with which you approach the higher powers. If you treat the sky as a consumer, then you will have the same attitude from your colleagues and your clients. If you show sincere gratitude, then you will subsequently be treated the same way. The following words will help you express your gratitude to Heaven:

“You who have filled my day and my work with blessing, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul glorifies you, O God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer for a successful career

This prayer for success in work will bring you much more than you think you will get. The secret is that it implies not just well-being at work, but also a harmonious relationship professional activity and other areas of life. This is also a prayer for success, good luck in work and with your boss. After all comfortable atmosphere in the workplace depends not only on good work, but also on relationships with management, both business and purely human.

“Like the Star of Bethlehem, a wonderful spark of your protection, O Lord, may it enlighten my path and good news let my soul be heard by yours! I, your son (daughter), call upon you, God, to touch my destiny with your hand and guide my feet along the path of prosperity and good luck. Send down a blessing on me from heaven, O God, and fill my life with new meaning and clear light, so that I may gain the strength of true life, success in today’s affairs and future works, and not know any obstacles under your blessing hand. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck at work

Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, but just a little bit of luck is missing. The prayer for success in work, which is suggested below, will help correct the situation:

“Lord God, heavenly father! You know what paths I should follow in order to bring good fruits of my labors. I humbly ask you, in your goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, to direct my steps in your ways. Give me the opportunity to learn quickly and strive forward. Let me desire what you desire and leave what you dislike. Reward me with wisdom, clarity of mind and understanding of your will so that I can move towards you. Lead me to meet the right people, give me the necessary knowledge, help me always find myself in in the right place at the right time. Do not allow me to deviate from your will in any way, and above all I ask you, through my labors, grow good fruit for the benefit of people and your glory. Amen!"

Prayer for success in business and work to Saint George the Victorious

The next prayer, like the first in our review, is dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr George is to whom the text of this prayer is addressed. You can also pray to St. George the Victorious for success in your work, especially if your profession is related to public service, since this saint of God is considered the patron saint of Russia.

“Oh, holy martyr George, saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor and always in sorrow quick assistant! Help me in my present labors, beg the Lord God to grant me his mercy and blessing, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your protection and help. Help me resolve all problems and, to the greater glory of the Lord, ensure the success of my work, deliver me from quarrels, strife, deception, envious people, traitors and the anger of those in charge. I gratefully bless your memory forever and ever! Amen!"

For a long time, believers, before starting any business, turned to the Higher Powers for support and help. This made it possible to attract luck into life, which means achieving your goals faster. You should also remember that after completing the work you started, you should definitely thank the Lord. You can offer prayers not only in the temple, but also at home. But at the same time it is necessary to pray in front of the icon.

Strong prayers for good luck and luck

Strong prayers for good luck and fortune allow you to improve your position at work, climb the career ladder, get a salary increase, or, if you strive for this, find a more suitable job that will not only improve your financial condition, but will also be a pleasure.

It is believed that prayer for good luck in work and luck helps only the baptized; for all other people it is simply useless. In order for good luck to accompany you, you need to offer special prayers every day and do it better in the morning.

Prayer for good luck in business and work

The most powerful and effective prayer is an appeal to the Savior.

It sounds like this:

"Son God's Jesus Christ, Almighty Savior of the human race, I, the Servant of God ( given name) I offer a prayer to You. I turn to You, All-Merciful, with a request from the depths of my heart, attract good luck into my life. Grant me the opportunity to improve my work affairs. Let it be so that daily work brings me pleasure and joy, and also be for the good and benefit of everyone around me. Make sure that my work brings me good income and my financial situation has stabilized. May everything work out well around me, and may I meet good people along my path. Protect me, Savior, from human evil and the envy of enemies. Save me from the unkind glances of ill-wishers, so that they do not harm me. Help me fix a good relationship with my colleagues and ensure that management treats me favorably. I ask you, Lord, hear me and do not leave my request unattended. I sincerely believe and glorify the power of our Lord and will accept everything that does not happen to me. Amen".

The above prayer is read three times in the morning every day. It is necessary to learn it by heart. Positive changes in the area of ​​work will become noticeable in the shortest possible time. Even if it seems to you that you have achieved what you want, you still need to continue to pray, this will stabilize your working situation and speed up your progress. It is very important during the period when you are using prayer not to conflict with anyone. It is important to be positive and with this attitude everything will definitely work out.

The power of prayer to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant has been known for a long time. In ancient times, sailors and travelers turned to this Saint with a request for good luck. Today, believers bow before the image of St. Nicholas with a request to perform a miracle and help in a variety of everyday matters.

You need to pray to the Saint for help in working at his icon as follows:

“Oh, All-Holy God's Pleasant Nicholas, a true protector of every person in sorrow and sorrow. I ask you for help, I, Servant of God (proper name), beg the Lord for the forgiveness of my sins, since they were committed out of ignorance and lack of understanding. Help me, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, throughout my life, both in word and in deed. Deliver me, Pleasant of God, from ordeals and mental anguish. Give me strength to work for pleasure and for the benefit of everyone around me. I pray to the Lord about this and glorify his name. Amen".

Prayer for the return of prosperity and luck in life

When you are angry or have conflicts with people from your immediate environment, negative energy accumulates around you, which destroys your aura. This usually manifests itself in the fact that luck leaves you and constant difficulties arise on the way to your goal. In order to return prosperity to life, it is necessary to use special prayers.

“It is true for everyone that the Lord gave bread to people, it is true that Jesus Christ is the son of the Lord, and it is also true that the Lord is merciful to people. I ask You, Almighty, expand, Lord, luck around me from west to east, from north to south. And if luck has three roads, then let one of them go to my doorstep. Let all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes go along another road, going far from my threshold, leading straight into the snake’s womb. There let them remain from now on and forever and ever. And all that remains for me is to sincerely pray in order to girdle myself with gold and silver. Yes, it will happen that from now on I will not know misfortune, and I will not be able to count the money earned in a righteous way. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to eat a piece of bread, and then take a sip of holy water. This prayer should be read every day until life begins to improve.

It is quite natural that every person experiences anxiety before an exam and this can interfere. You can cope with anxiety and attract good luck with the help of prayer. In addition, prayer will help you gain self-confidence. One of the reliable assistants before the exam is the Guardian Angel.

The prayer to him is as follows:

“My all-good and reliable Guardian Angel, given to me by the Lord on the day of my birth, I ask you to strengthen me, make my path of knowledge easier and grant me the ability to easily comprehend teachings, so that over time I can become a faithful support for the Almighty and serve worthily for the benefit of other people. and to your Fatherland. I ask you to help me successfully pass the exams, make sure that the teachers treat me favorably, let them treat me condescendingly and kindly during my test, not noticing my occasional mistakes. Amen".

After this prayer has been read, it should be written down on paper and placed in the pocket of the clothes in which you will go to the exam. If you suddenly feel confused during the exam, you need to try to remember that your Guardian Angel is always nearby.

Prayer for luck in money

Prayer for luck in money allows you to attract wealth into your own life.

It is very important to fulfill the following requirements before reading the prayer:

  • A prayer in order to attract luck in the financial sphere should be read in the morning.
  • You should read the prayer appeal alone, fully concentrating on the goal.
  • It is advisable to memorize the prayer text.

The simplest and most effective prayer is considered to be to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas, protector of the suffering, Pleasant of God, helper of all the human race! Help me, hear my sincere prayer. Help me so that I do not know poverty and mental anguish. Ask, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, for the well-being of my family. I will glorify your name, and thank you in prayers. Amen".

The above prayer text must be repeated at least seven times. You need to read the prayer for a month.

Most people are familiar with the feeling when it seems that a dark streak has begun in life, luck has turned treacherously, and all circumstances are working against the desired goal. This is especially unpleasant when it comes to the material basis of life. After all, as you know, it’s better to be sad with a full wallet. To correct the situation, you need to pull yourself together, be positive and start taking action. At the same time, you can seek support from above. A sincere prayer spoken with faith for success in work will definitely help. Especially for this purpose, below are some good examples.

This prayer can be said in any difficult work-related situation. For example, for success in finding a suitable vacancy. Or if you want to advance your career. She is addressed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Therefore, it would be nice if you had his icon. However, this is not necessary. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith, and the accompanying attributes play a role in the psychological attunement to the process.

“Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I appeal to you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me, as you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, when dying, said that the one who, being in sadness and need, calls on you in his prayers, will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from a demon and healed him from an illness, so hear me and help me, protecting me always and in everything. Become my assistant. Be my protection from evil demons and a guiding star to the King of Heaven. Pray to God for me, may He have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. May he remain by my side and bless what I have planned and increase my well-being, so that I work for the glory of his holy name! Amen!"

Prayer before going to work

Before starting a working day, it’s a good idea to ask for blessings and help from above. To do this, below is a prayer for good luck and success in work. Reading it every morning will help you in fulfilling your duties and prevent unpleasant events. Additionally, it can also be said before a business meeting and, in general, before particularly important and responsible events.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the beginningless Father! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that “without me you cannot do anything.” Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you have said and I ask your blessing on my cause. Grant me to begin it without hindrance and to complete it safely for your glory. Amen!"

Prayer after work

When the workday ends, you should definitely thank God. This shows your appreciation and ensures more blessings in the future. Remember that a strong prayer for success in work becomes strong not from what words you say, but from the heart with which you approach the higher powers. If you treat the sky as a consumer, then you will have the same attitude from your colleagues and your clients. If you show sincere gratitude, then you will subsequently be treated the same way. The following words will help you express your gratitude to Heaven:

“You who have filled my day and my work with blessing, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul glorifies you, O God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

Prayer for a successful career

This prayer for success in work will bring you much more than you think you will get. The secret is that it means not just well-being at work, but also a harmonious relationship between professional activity and other areas of life. This is also a prayer for success, good luck in work and with your boss. After all, a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace depends not only on good work, but also on relationships with management, both business and purely human.

“Like the Star of Bethlehem, a wonderful spark of your protection, O Lord, may it enlighten my path and let my soul be filled with your good news! I, your son (daughter), call upon you, God, to touch my destiny with your hand and guide my feet along the path of prosperity and good luck. Send down a blessing on me from heaven, O God, and fill my life with new meaning and clear light, so that I may gain the strength of true life, success in today’s affairs and future works, and not know any obstacles under your blessing hand. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck at work

Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, but just a little bit of luck is missing. The prayer for success in work, which is suggested below, will help correct the situation:

“Lord God, heavenly father! You know what paths I should follow in order to bring good fruits of my labors. I humbly ask you, in your goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, to direct my steps in your ways. Give me the opportunity to learn quickly and strive forward. Let me desire what you desire and leave what you dislike. Reward me with wisdom, clarity of mind and understanding of your will so that I can move towards you. Lead me to meet the right people, give me the right knowledge, help me always be in the right place at the right time. Do not allow me to deviate from your will in any way, and above all I ask you, through my labors, grow good fruit for the benefit of people and your glory. Amen!"

Prayer for success in business and work to Saint George the Victorious

The next prayer, like the first in our review, is dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. Great Martyr George is to whom the text of this prayer is addressed. You can also pray to St. George the Victorious for success in your work, especially if your profession is related to public service, since this saint of God is considered the patron saint of Russia.

“Oh, holy martyr George, saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor and always a quick helper in sorrows! Help me in my present labors, beg the Lord God to grant me his mercy and blessing, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your protection and help. Help me resolve all problems and, to the greater glory of the Lord, ensure the success of my work, deliver me from quarrels, strife, deception, envious people, traitors and the anger of those in charge. I gratefully bless your memory forever and ever! Amen!"


Of course, the most best prayer for success in work is the “Our Father”, which Jesus Christ himself gave to people. It should also be read daily, both morning and evening. Basically, in Christian tradition It is believed that this is the most basic and true prayer, which includes all our needs, requests, and also contains gratitude and glorification of God. All other prayers are considered a kind of commentary and additions to it, revealing its meaning. Therefore, if you are short on time, you can easily limit yourself to just this gospel prayer.

Church prayer that gives strength before difficult work For each of us, the concept of “difficult work” is purely individual. For some, physical labor is difficult; for others, on the contrary, it is easier to dig up an entire garden than to write an essay; for others, any monotonous work will seem difficult. But regardless of our desires and preferences, we have to do the work. Christian prayer, which gives strength before difficult work, can significantly make our life and worldview easier, because we have asked for God’s support. And with God's help you can easily cope with the most difficult task.

Text of prayer before work and for its successful completion

Almighty God, may Your inspiration anticipate our deeds; Strengthen them with Your grace, so that every work we do begins in You and is completed in You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen

O Heavenly King, just as You are our Great Comforter! Lord, bless me, Thy sinful and humble servant, for every good undertaking and for success in it, for the glory of Thy name! Let Your will be done, amen!


Use the following very powerful prayer to fill your life with success:

"I now realize the Omnipotence of God. I know that this Infinite Wisdom guides the planets and also guides all my affairs. I know that all my activities are controlled by this Divine Presence abiding within me. All my motives are pleasing to God and true. Almighty within me knows what to do and how to do it. My business is completely under the direction of God and guided by His love. Divine guidance is mine. I know God is helping me because my mind is calm. I rest in His arms."

“I am aware of the presence of the Source within me and am in touch with my thoughts. I offer my gratitude to the Lord for the fact that the entrance to Infinite riches is now wide open before me and they are freely flowing to me. Every day I become richer spiritually, mentally and financially. Money is God's idea circulating in my life, and there is always enough of it."<...>And we did not trust in unfaithful riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us everything for our enjoyment.

Prayer before the start of the working day

"Lord, When I start a new day, I want to thank You for this opportunity to have a job. I thank You for the work that I do. For the people with whom I communicate and for the funds that I receive. Give me wisdom in dealing with my colleagues "Help me in any situation think first about people and then about my own well-being. Help me to be honest in business relationships and responsible in the tasks assigned to me. Amen!"

Prayer for finding your life purpose

"Infinite Intelligence knows all my talents and opens a new door for my self-expression in the Divine order. I follow the path that the Lord clearly and definitely tells me

"Prayer before starting any work, any business

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me , sinner, to complete the work that I have begun, for Thy glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Thy Father without beginning, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of my soul and My heart spoken by You, I fall into Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, for You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints. Amen.

At the end of the work, the fulfillment of all good

You are, my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only one who is most merciful, Lord, glory to You. It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, the real Mother of God we magnify Thee..


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