Karamzin, poor Lisa Briefly. Poor Lisa

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In the outskirts of Moscow, not far from the Simonov Monastery, there once lived a young girl Lisa with her old mother. After the death of Liza's father, a fairly wealthy villager, his wife and daughter became poor. The widow became weaker day by day and could not work. Lisa alone, not sparing her tender youth and rare beauty, worked day and night - weaving canvas, knitting stockings, picking flowers in the spring, and berries in the summer and selling them in Moscow. One spring, two years after her father’s death, Lisa came to Moscow with lilies of the valley. A young, well-dressed man met her on the street. Having learned that she was selling flowers, he offered her a ruble instead of five kopecks, saying that “beautiful lilies of the valley, plucked by the hands of a beautiful girl, are worth a ruble.” But Lisa refused the offered amount. He did not insist, but said that in the future he would always buy flowers from her and would like her to pick them only for him. Arriving home, Lisa told her mother everything, and the next day she picked the best lilies of the valley and came back to the city, But young man I didn’t meet you this time. Throwing flowers into the river, she returned home with sadness in her soul. The next day in the evening the stranger himself came to her house. As soon as she saw him, Lisa rushed to her mother and excitedly told him who was coming to them. The old lady met the guest, and he seemed very kind to her and nice person. Erast - that was the name of the young man - confirmed that he was going to buy flowers from Lisa in the future, and she did not have to go to the city: he himself could visit them. Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a naturally kind heart, but weak and windy. He led an absent-minded life, thought only about his own pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, and not finding it, he was bored and complained about fate. At their first meeting, Lisa’s immaculate beauty shocked him: it seemed to him that in her he had found exactly what he had been looking for for a long time. This was the beginning of their long dates. Every evening they saw each other either on the river bank, or in a birch grove, or under the shade of hundred-year-old oak trees. They hugged, but their hugs were pure and innocent. Several weeks passed like this. It seemed that nothing could interfere with their happiness. But one evening Lisa came to a date sad. It turned out that the groom, the son of a rich peasant, was wooing her, and her mother wanted her to marry him. Erast, consoling Lisa, said that after his mother’s death he would take her to him and live with her inseparably. But Lisa reminded the young man that he could never be her husband: she was a peasant, and he was of a noble family. You offend me, said Erast, for your friend the most important thing is your soul, a sensitive, innocent soul, you will always be closest to my heart. Lisa threw herself into his arms - and at this hour her integrity was about to perish. The delusion passed in one minute, giving way to surprise and fear. Lisa cried, saying goodbye to Erast. Their dates continued, but how everything had changed! Lisa was no longer an angel of purity for Erast; platonic love gave way to feelings that he could not be “proud of” and which were not new to him. Lisa noticed a change in him, and this saddened her. Once during a date, Erast told Lisa that he was being drafted into the army; they will have to part for a while, but he promises to love her and hopes to never part with her upon his return. It is not difficult to imagine how hard it was for Lisa to be separated from her beloved. However, hope did not leave her, and every morning she woke up with the thought of Erast and their happiness upon his return. About two months passed. One day Lisa went to Moscow and on one of big streets I saw Erast passing by in a magnificent carriage, which stopped near a huge house. Erast came out and was about to go out onto the porch, when he suddenly felt himself in Lisa’s arms. He turned pale, then, without saying a word, led her into the office and locked the door. Circumstances had changed, he announced to the girl, he was engaged. Before Lisa could come to her senses, he took her out of the office and told the servant to escort her out of the yard. Finding herself on the street, Lisa walked randomly, unable to believe what she heard. She left the city and wandered for a long time until she suddenly found herself on the shore of a deep pond, under the shadow of ancient oak trees, which several weeks before had been silent witnesses to her delight. This memory shocked Lisa, but after a few minutes she fell into deep thought. Seeing a neighbor's girl walking along the road, she called her, took all the money out of her pocket and gave it to her, asking her to tell her mother, kiss her and ask her to forgive her poor daughter. Then she threw herself into the water, and they could no longer save her. Liza’s mother, having learned about the terrible death of her daughter, could not withstand the blow and died on the spot. Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. He did not deceive Lisa when he told her that he was going to the army, but, instead of fighting the enemy, he played cards and lost his entire fortune. He had to marry an elderly rich widow who had been in love with him for a long time. Having learned about Liza’s fate, he could not console himself and considered himself a murderer. Now, perhaps, they have already reconciled.

"Poor Lisa" ( summary The story-symbol of the era of sentimentalism in Russian literature will be presented in the article) - a story about a simple girl. Of course, it is impossible to convey the entire impression and the entire plot of a seemingly small work in such a condensed form.

The author is the outstanding historian N. Karamzin. “Poor Liza” (a summary can be read below) is a sentimental story that has become an example of this trend in Russian classics. So, the events described take place in the vicinity of Moscow...

“Poor Lisa”: summary

Not far from the monastery there is a house where the main character lives. Her father was an honest peasant. After his death, Lisa and her mother had to rent out the land for little money. Despite this, the girl continued to work hard. One day Lisa went to the market to sell lilies of the valley. There a pleasant young man named Erast approached her. He was handsome, stately and rich. He led a fairly free lifestyle. Erast offered the girl a ruble for a bouquet, but she, due to her modesty, took only 5 kopecks (this retelling of the text is a summary). Poor Liza picked the bouquet again the next day, but Erast never came. But the next day the nobleman visited the girl in her house. Since then they began to meet often.

Erast saw in a simple girl what he had always dreamed of: peace and love. He was tired of the world, of artificial relationships and a riotous lifestyle. With Lisa he was calm and happy. During their next meeting, the girl admitted that they wanted to marry her to a rich peasant. Lisa threw herself into the arms of the young man, and “in this hour, integrity had to perish.” Poor Liza (the summary of the story should encourage you to read the original) continued to meet with her lover, but now Erast’s attitude had changed: he no longer saw that pure angel in her. Later he goes to war.

Two months later, Lisa again found herself in the city, where she saw her lover in a rich carriage. The girl threw herself on his neck, but he rejected her embrace, brought her into his office and said that he would marry a rich widow, since he had lost almost all of his fortune. Erast gives the girl a hundred rubles and asks her to forget him. Lisa cannot stand such insult. On the way home, she meets her neighbor, to whom she gives money and asks her to tell her mother that she was deceived by her loved one. Lisa throws herself into the water. Erast, having learned about the girl’s death, blames himself for the rest of his days.

Nikolai Karamzin wrote a wonderful sentimental story “Poor Liza” (the summary does not convey the full power of the work). This story became the basis for many women's novels, became the basis for the creation of films and simply an example of sentimentalism in Russian and world classical literature. The exciting love story of an ordinary peasant woman and a flighty nobleman made the minds of that time stir up and makes modern people Read the story in one breath. This is a classic of the genre.

“Poor Lisa” is a story about an honest and naive girl who fell in love with a nobleman who betrayed her love. The rich and self-confident Erast saw in young Lisa the ideal girl. He seduced Lisa and then married someone else. The girl, unable to bear this deception, drowned herself in the river.

the main idea

The story teaches readers that love stories do not always have a happy ending. To lovers, their loved ones always seem better than they are, and this naivety can cause tragedy.

Read the summary Karamzin Poor Liza

Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" begins with the author's story about his walks around the Moscow region. He describes beautiful nature, admires the views. Walking once again, he comes to the ruins of a monastery. Wandering through the ruins, he imagines an old monk spending his whole life in prayer in front of icons, there are no emotions on his face. In the next cell, a young monk watches with great longing the birds that freely flutter from branch to branch. The monk himself will have to spend his entire life in the monastery.

About thirty years ago I lived in this house a happy family: father, mother and their daughter Lisa. The father was a hardworking man, and the family lived prosperously. But he dies suddenly, and the family’s life changes. At first, the mother hires workers, but they do not work well. The mother has to rent out the land. From such a life, the woman feels worse and worse, and gradually all worries fall on the shoulders of Lisa, who at that time was only fifteen years old.

Lisa worked very hard. She wove canvas and knitted stockings, and sold in Moscow what she could collect in the forest: berries in the summer, flowers in the spring. The mother was very sorry for Lisa; she constantly prayed to God, asking for mercy for her daughter. Lisa smiled and said that her time had come to work in response to her mother’s care for her.

Often Lisa ran into the forest and cried bitterly, remembering how happily she and her father lived together. To reassure her mother, the girl was always cheerful and cheerful in front of her. Her mother told her that she would be calm only when she married Lisa. So their life passed without change for two years, until the next spring Lisa went to the city to sell bouquets of lilies of the valley.

On the street, Lisa unexpectedly meets a young, expensively dressed man. He, smiling, asks if the girl sells flowers and how much they cost. Embarrassed, the girl replied that she was selling bouquets for 5 kopecks. The young man really liked Lisa, and he wants to pay much more. He offers Lisa a ruble, but the girl only takes 5 kopecks. She remembered how her mother taught her never to take too much. Then the stranger began to ask Lisa about who she was and where she lived.

In the morning, a happy and joyful girl picked new flowers and went to Moscow. She stood with the bouquets all day, but the stranger never appeared. Lisa was very upset. He appeared only on the second day, appearing under the girl’s window, frightening her and her mother.

The stranger greeted the woman and asked her to pour him some milk. Lisa happily rushed to pour milk for the guest, and her mother, meanwhile, told the guest about her life, about her daughter, about Lisa’s hard work, about what beautiful things she could spin and weave. The guest replied that he wanted to buy Lisa's works. And he will even come to their home to pick up the finished goods. Lisa will not need to go to Moscow often; she will be able to spend more time with her mother. Just saying goodbye, the mother asked what the name of their benefactor was, and he said his name - Erast. When the guest left, mother and daughter discussed him for a long time and rejoiced at his proposal. The mother said that it would be nice for Lisa to marry a gentleman as handsome and kind as their guest, to which Lisa doubtfully said that such rich noblemen do not marry poor girls.

After the guest left, the mother and daughter went to bed, but Lisa could not sleep. She fell asleep for a while, but immediately woke up, sighed, all the time thinking about Erast. Without waiting for the sun to rise. Lisa went to the river. She sat on the shore until the sun rose and a new day began. A young shepherd walked past Lisa along the shore with his flock. Lisa looked at him and thought that it would be good if Erast was not a nobleman, but a simple peasant. Then they could spend a lot of time together, talking and having fun.

Suddenly Lisa heard the sound of oars. She got scared and wanted to leave, but Erast blocked her way. Erast was a wealthy nobleman. He was kind in essence, but weak-willed and flighty. He led a wild lifestyle and was used to getting everything he wanted. Lisa impressed him, making him forget about social fun, and Erast waited for the right moment to be alone with the girl. Erast kissed Lisa, and she readily answered him. They sat on the shore, kissed and talked. Time flew by very quickly. Lisa remembered her mother and got ready to run home. Lisa wanted to tell her mother about what happened, but Erast was against it. They agreed to meet in the evenings, and joyful Lisa ran home.

Lisa and Erast often met in secret. They talked a lot, rejoiced and admired each other. At Lisa’s request, Erast came to visit them, and this made her mother very happy. One evening Lisa gave herself to Erast. Thunder struck and went heavy rain, and this seemed to sober up Lisa. She ran home in fright.

After this evening, Erast changed his attitude towards the girl, as if he was tired of her. They met less and less, and in one of the meetings Erast said that he needed to go to war. Lisa was very worried, but Erast promised her to return. Having said goodbye to Lisa’s mother and leaving her money, Erast left.

After some time, Lisa saw Erast in Moscow. He rode past in a beautiful carriage. The girl was terribly happy and rushed to her beloved, but Erast was not very cold towards her. He took Lisa to the office, told her that everything was over between them, gave her a hundred rubles and escorted her out of the house. Left on the street, Lisa realized that Erast did not love her and would soon marry a rich noblewoman, but would not even remember her. Having given the money to her friend and asking her to give it to her mother, Lisa ran to the river and threw herself into the water. The neighbors who came running to help did not have time to pull the girl out, and her life was tragically cut short.

Poor Lisa, this is one of the best works.

Near Moscow, not far from the Simonov Monastery, a young woman named Lisa lived with her elderly mother. After the death of Liza's father, mother and daughter became completely impoverished. Due to the fact that mother was already quite old, she could not do practically any work and the entire household was run by her daughter Lisa. Lisa never complained and worked tirelessly with her tender young hands. In order to bring at least some money into the family, Lisa sold various things at the local market. In winter the girl sold hosiery, snowdrops in spring, and berries in summer.

One day Lisa once again went to the market to sell lilies of the valley. On this day she met a young man, instead of the five kopecks that the girl asked for flowers, the guy offered her a ruble - quite a large amount, It should be noted. But Lisa refused, the young man did not insist, but said that he would only buy flowers from Lisa.

Returning home, Lisa told her mother everything. After which in the morning I picked the most beautiful lilies of the valley and went to the market. But not finding a guy at the market, she was very upset and threw all the flowers into the water. But the next day, Lisa received an unexpected visit. The stranger came straight to her house. Lisa was very excited, so she immediately went to her mother. Mother met uninvited guest and noted that he turned out to be a very pleasant person. The heroine also learned the name of the guest. His name was Erast. Erast said that he would go straight to the girl’s house to pick up flowers so that she would no longer go to the market.
The girl’s beauty and innocence struck the young man’s heart like arrows, and this is how their emotional long-term meetings began. Every evening they met near the river bank, in a birch grove or under mighty oak. These evenings were so warm and pleasant; Erast and Lisa, already in love with each other, sat, hugged, discussed various topics, or simply remained silent, enjoying each other.

Unfortunately, the lovers' happiness did not last long. A few weeks later, the girl came to Erast in sadness. She was very upset. When the guy asked what happened, Lisa replied that she had been matched with a local groom and that they had no right to refuse. Erast consoled Lisa, promising her that after the death of her mother, he would take the girl as his wife, but Lisa did not want to listen to this. After all, she knew that they could not be together, because... they are from different classes. Sadness overwhelmed them both. And in upset feelings they began to say goodbye, falling into each other's arms as if in last time. Tears rolled down Lisa's cheeks; she did not want to part with Erast. She was in pain.

However, after this news, the date did not end, but Lisa never came to her senses, because she noticed a clear change in her beloved’s face; completely different feelings were already visible on it, not similar to those that had existed before.

On one of the subsequent dates, Erast said that they would have to separate for a while, because... he is taken into service. Erast promised to love and not forget Lisa, and she, in turn, vowed the same. Every morning and evening the heroine woke up and fell asleep with one thought, and she was only about one thing, to see him as soon as possible...

After two painful months, Lisa still saw Erast, but it was a completely joyless meeting. Erast drove up in a magnificent carriage to big house. After the guy came out of her, he immediately felt a familiar hug. But no emotions showed on his face; he told Lisa that he could no longer be with her, because... engaged to someone else.

Lisa, without having time to come to her senses, was escorted out of the courtyard by the servants. big house. With absolute emptiness in her soul, the girl wandered wherever her eyes were looking. She walked for a long time, calmly, without hurrying. Until I found myself at a beautiful deep pond. There was not a soul around, only a few oak trees witnessed this incident. Lisa thought for a long time, after which, having met a neighbor’s girl, she gave her all her money and asked her to give it to her mother with a plea for forgiveness and a tender kiss. Immediately after this, Lisa forever sank deep to the bottom of the pond, it was impossible to save her.

Lisa's mother, having learned about her daughter's suicide, died on the spot, Erast lived an unhappy life with an old widow and the thought that he was a murderer. He didn’t deceive Lisa about the army, but instead of serving, he just lost his entire fortune at cards, after which he was forcibly engaged to his future wife, an old woman.

Not far from the city of Moscow, next to the Simonov Monastery, there lived a beautiful girl with her mother and her name was Lisa. Her father died long ago. Once upon a time, during her father’s lifetime, they were quite rich, but after his death, her mother began to weaken and they became very poor. Young Lisa tried her best, and sometimes she didn’t even take care of herself at all: she made canvases, stockings, collected wildflowers and even on hot summer days she did not hide in the shade, but picked berries. Everything she could collect or make she sold in Moscow.

It's been two years since her father passed away.

Already in the warmer spring, she collected lilies of the valley and sold them at the market. One day she met a handsome, well-dressed young man who, as soon as he found out that she was selling flowers, decided to buy them from her and offered much more money than they were worth. But Elizabeth was a modest girl, and she refused such generosity from an unfamiliar citizen. He didn't insist, but in the future he asked her to pick flowers just for him.

Having run home, Lizonka told her mother everything, she was so inspired that she collected the best flowers and the next day ran to the city, hoping to meet a wonderful stranger. But he wasn't there. Lisa was very upset and even threw the flowers into the river. A day passed and the stranger appeared on the threshold of her house. Lisa, seeing him, rushed to her mother. Elizabeth's mother greeted the guest with honor. That same evening, Lisa learned that the man’s name was Erast. Erast said that he really wanted Lizonka to pick flowers just for him, and that he didn’t have to go to the market, he would come to Liza’s house for them himself.

Erast had a great fortune, he was smart and kind, but he could not settle down, he was attracted to social life and all the fun that came with it. Once upon a time he was simply amazed by the innocence and beauty of the young lady. They often met and hugged, but their meetings were absolutely innocent.

The mother decided to give Elizabeth down the aisle, since quite recently a good young man with a sufficient fortune came to them to woo. Lisa understood that she had no future with Erast, since she was a peasant and he was a nobleman. In upset feelings, Elizabeth almost made a mistake in Erast’s arms, but soon pulled herself together. Lisa said goodbye to Erast.

They still dated, but their dates weren't the same. Erast no longer saw purity in her, as he was overcome by platonic love. Lizonka noticed all this and this made her sad.

Erast was drafted into the army. That parting was very difficult for Liza, but Erast promised that as soon as he returned, they would never part.

Two months dragged on forever. One day Lisa went to Moscow. She saw her lover in the crowd and rushed into his arms, but Erast abruptly led her into his office and explained that life had taken a strange turn and he was getting married soon. Elizabeth was taken out of the house by servants.

The girl was very upset, she walked at a quiet pace, not noticing anyone or anything on her way. During this time, she had already managed to leave the city. When she woke up, she realized that she was next to a pond. Just recently she was happy here with Erast, but now everything is quiet and even the luxurious oak trees did not bring her any joy. Memories came flooding back to Elizabeth and she went deep into her dreams and fantasies.

A young girl was passing nearby. Lisa gave her all the money she had earned today at the market and told her to bring it to her mother and ask her to apologize for her actions. And not a minute later she threw herself into the pond.

Elizabeth's mother died of grief. And Erast married an elderly lady, since he had lost everything before. When he found out about Lisa, he realized that it was he who killed her and could not forgive himself for this.

A short retelling of “Poor Liza” in abbreviation was prepared by Oleg Nikov for the reader’s diary.


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