DIY car trailer frame. DIY trailer: master class on making a homemade trailer for a car

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A trailer is a vehicle that does not have an engine installed. It is designed to travel in conjunction with a car. Despite the apparent complexity of such a device for transporting goods, it is not difficult to make a trailer with your own hands. For successful work you need to select the right parts and materials, make sketches or drawings.

Transport trailers

The widespread use of semi-trailers and trailers is due to the additional convenience when transporting heavy loads. The vehicle bears only part of the load, which extends its service life. When unloading, you can save valuable time by unhooking the cart and leaving it in place, and unloading it at a convenient time. This option is convenient and is used for delivering goods between workshops of the same enterprise located at a certain distance.

All towed devices are divided into two groups:

  • Trailers special purpose allow you to take into account the needs of working with various loads, and universal machines Quite small for this kind of work. Common types include heavy-duty semi-trailers, log trucks, panel trucks, cement trucks and other types of trailed equipment.
  • General transport equipment includes flatbed, tilt and other trailers of various sizes designed for transporting heavy loads of any kind.

Varieties depending on load distribution

In the designs of trailed equipment they use different systems rotary-wheel control in order to improve the maneuverability and speed of regulation of the road train. Hitches are standard in most cases. If the trailer has an active wheel drive from the car engine, then such carriages are called active automobile trains.

To drive such an active drive, a mechanical transmission is used via a coupling device or a hydraulic drive is used.

If the road train has two or more links, then the engine is located in the section at the rear. Unofficially, there is the concept of “trailer”; it is used to move cars, other equipment or oversized cargo (long or heavy).

Depending on the load distribution between the trailer and the tractor, trailers are divided into several types:

Requirements for transport devices

A person who wants to independently make a transport vehicle for moving goods should study the requirements for car trailers. These standards are contained in GOST 37.001.220−1980, which is called “Trailers for passenger cars.” A selection of these requirements includes the following provisions:

Features of using carts

Car trailers are used only in accordance with their intended purpose, as this is due to similar tires and wheels with the main vehicle, track width, and travel within certain ground clearance dimensions. The rule does not apply to heavy trucks and trailers. All breakdowns that occur during operation are similar to malfunctions of the brake system and chassis of the main machine.

In addition, the operation of the trailer is impaired due to damage to the coupling or wear of the turning device.

To delay the repair of these systems, you need to regularly inspect the trailer. Since the operation of the device is associated with constant shaking and shock due to uneven movement on roads, it is necessary to tighten the fasteners from time to time and straighten the curved parts. Before operation, you need to check the serviceability of springs, brakes, lighting, tire pressure, the presence of a spare wheel, and the serviceability of side and body locks.

Towing of carts is carried out according to the rules; speeding is unacceptable, as well as sudden braking and unequal distribution of the load. Increasing the speed while driving will cause the trailer to wobble on the sides. Sharp braking causes the car and trailer to fold, this is also facilitated by engine braking. Due to uneven storage of transported materials, stability is impaired and the trailer may tip over.

DIY making

In order to make a caravan yourself, you need to take care of purchasing some materials and tools. In order not to look for the necessary devices during work, they are purchased in advance. List of tools and materials:

Beginning of work

Assembly begins with the trailer frame, which is load-bearing structure. It bears the bulk of the weight of the cargo. It is subject to increased requirements for reliability and strength. Prepared channel or square pipe cut to size according to the drawing, two long and two short blanks are made.

They are used to make a rectangular or square base in the form of a frame, to which sides from a metal sheet will subsequently be attached. Pay attention to the quality of welding, since this is a sore spot for homemade trailers. The hitch is attached in front of the manufactured frame. To install shock absorbers, special eyes are placed in the middle of the frame.

Now it's time to make the side frame. To attach the side railing, vertical posts are strengthened; their length depends on the height of the side. The vertical elements are connected to each other by additional stiffening ribs, since during movement it is the racks that experience the load from the displacement of the load. Additional strengthening connections are made horizontal, vertical or placed obliquely.

Working with the chassis of a trailer is associated with a large number of difficulties and has different features. One of them is that the axle should be located closer to the rear of the trailer. All design features arise depending on which vehicle chassis is used for the trailer. Shock-absorbing lugs and mounts for reaction rods are welded to the frame. Installation and use of the latter are mandatory, since they play the role of elements supporting the bridge.

Final phase

Sheathing the sides with metal and making the bottom of the trailer from plywood is done at final stage assemblies. For cutting plywood to size internal space use a jigsaw, and cut sheet steel with a grinder. The bottom elements can be made from a single sheet or connected from pieces with an overlap of at least 5 cm. All pieces must be attached around the perimeter to the frame and base elements using bolted connections.

The sides are cut to dimensions that are measured on site. At this stage, it is not relevant to use the dimensions from the drawings, since during the manufacturing process the dimensions of the body frame, as a rule, differ slightly from those provided in the diagrams. Welding or rivets are used as fastening, which also hold the material well. The sides are attached to all racks and strengthening connections.

Electrical equipment

Elements of electrical equipment are installed on the rear wall of the trailer. These include red triangular reflectors, a reversing light, license plate lights, turn signals, brake lights, and side lights. On the wall in the front there are dimensions white and the same reflectors.

The side walls are designed for orange reflectors. To ensure that the wires maintain their integrity, a protective corrugation is put on them. Wire connections must be secure and well secured. It is convenient to attach the corrugation with wiring inside to the frame frame using plastic clamps.

Making a trailer requires skill and experience with power tools, but it will save money compared to buying a ready-made vehicle from a store.

Greetings, Dear friends! For many car owners, a trailer is an integral part of their daily driving life. Someone uses them for work, for some everyday issues or to earn money. Depending on what you're transporting, you may need a trailer cover.

How to get an awning

Agree that many of you have decided to buy an inexpensive but high-quality design for transporting goods by car. As a result, you ended up with something like this:

  • Laker 300;
  • KMZ 8136;
  • MZSA 817711;
  • Laker 400;
  • Strong, etc.

I don’t argue, the trailers are good, made of quality materials and can serve faithfully long years. That’s why their sales are so active to this day. Although this is not entirely about that now.

In fact open views trailers have a significant drawback - they are not able to protect the transported cargo from dust, dirt, snow, rain and other external factors.

To solve the problem, there are three ways:

  • initially buy yourself a more expensive trailer, which has an awning from the factory;
  • take an awning to order, having customized the product;
  • make your own canvas and install it on the frame of a car trailer.

Since you already have a trailer, as it were, standing in your garage, the first option automatically disappears. Or you have nowhere to put the extra money and you are ready to buy a second one. But this is unlikely.

The second option is a good way out of the situation for those who are willing to spend a little more money, but save own time. Buying the right awning to order is not difficult. It all depends on what size cargo trailers are, whether they have a frame, and what material you want to make it out of.

Everything here is elementary. You find a workshop that sews awnings to order, leave them a request, and they do what you need. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities There will be no problems finding such workshops. But in small towns it is not a fact that such services exist.

If the first two options do not interest you, I suggest reading the article further. I'll tell you how you can save money and sew an element with your own hands.

Material selection

It all starts with thinking carefully about your decision. I won’t say that making an awning is something easy and quick. No, it will take quite a lot of time and effort.

The most simple design- this is a sheet of material and a mount for it on the trailer itself. The problem is that such an awning will resist strong air currents and can be blown away by a headwind. And cargo capacity similar design limits. In short, not comme il faut.

I advise you to use a more current and effective option- installation on a frame, as is done on some Kurgan trailers of some models, for example.

And here the main issue will be the choice of material. Where to buy the right one raw material, the question is not difficult. There are many stores selling similar fabrics.

For a trailer for a passenger car, two types of materials are used.

  • PVC. Aka polyvinyl chloride. Good thermal insulation material(underneath it retains heat when fastened tightly), perfectly protects from moisture. If PVC suits you, choose a material with a density of 630-650 units. In the absence of markings, it is not difficult to check the density. We just put it on the scale. One square meter at a density of 650 it should weigh approximately 650 grams. The material lasts a long time, so you don’t have to change the canvas every season. With good density and high quality PVC awning will last for 8-10 years.

  • Tarpaulin. When compared with an analogue made of polyvinyl chloride, tarpaulin awnings weigh approximately 100 grams less per square meter. Does not protect against moisture as well and lasts less. But affordable.

Decide for yourself what to choose.

Do it yourself

In addition to the material itself for the future awning, you will need to collect additional elements for future design:

  • metal rings for eyelets;
  • strong rope;
  • reliable rubber band;
  • hooks

Don't rush to buy material. Before you sew a blanket for your trailer, calculate how much fabric you will need. Make a frame if you are going to install an awning on it, and not just cover your trailer on top.

Dimensions are calculated based on the following parameters:

  • the length and width of the trailer itself;
  • options vertical racks frame;
  • the distance between the top point of the frame (the so-called ridge) and the side.

Don't forget to include seam allowances on the drawings and pattern. They are 2-4 centimeters.

For sewing you need to take:

  • sewing machine;
  • a powerful needle that will easily pass through tarpaulin or PVC;
  • thread, preferably reinforced or made of polyester.

Don't forget to use a strong double stitch and seal the bottom to insert the rings into.

It will all look something like this:

  • You make a pattern, calculating the amount of material to cover the entire trailer and attach with rings and hooks;
  • Cut out the material according to the drawing, hem it, but not completely;
  • The draft version is thrown over the trailer to understand how well the created awning matches in size and location of the seams;
  • Mark the places for making eyelets. They will have to be sewn in a special workshop, since installing the rings in a tarpaulin or PVC material you will need a special machine. You will find it in shoe shops. The service is not particularly expensive, so in any case it will be cheaper than sewing a custom-made awning;
  • Before final installation, insert a rubber band into the rings (eyelets);
  • To connect the trailer to the awning, use strong ropes or cables, as well as special hooks. You may have to do a few things here. additional holes on a trailer. Do not forget to treat them with anti-corrosion compounds so as not to start the process of rust formation.

If a person’s car does not accommodate large cargo inside the cabin or does not want to dirty it with dirty things, then you should think about using a trailer that will easily relieve your task.

The cost of such a unit is at least half a thousand dollars. Not everyone will have the desire to buy an addition to their car, even if it will be used constantly, so you might want to think about the idea of ​​how you can make a trailer yourself.

Trailers are divided into two types - ordinary and specialized, in which cargo of certain volumes and sizes can be transported.

In the first case, everything is clear - everyone uses it without exception, while the second is usually used in industry or business.

This article will only consider regular trailer universal use.

Conventional trailers can be either on one axle or on two. Accordingly, they have two or more than two wheels. It is important to know that a biaxial trailer allows you to transport larger loads and also removes a significant part of the load from the rear of the car. In addition, the car’s power is not lost, as if a weak trailer was used.

Instructions on how to make a trailer

The first step, as always, is to think about designing the trailer. For this it is important to draw up detailed drawing, as well as a plan for assembling parts.

You shouldn’t think that you can do it by eye, as the slightest miscalculation will lead to the trailer being impossible to use.

Required minimum materials

  • Square tube and channel
  • Steel sheets for cladding
  • Metal sheet for the bottom
  • Chassis
  • Several wheels
  • Suspension and brake system
  • Waterproof fabric
  • Towbar
  • Electrical equipment
  • Corner Mounts and Brackets
  • Grinder, screwdriver and other tools
  • Welding

Trailer construction

Once you have all the components at your fingertips, you can begin building your first trailer. The first step is to make the frame - the base of the trailer, which should be the most durable product of the entire structure.

You can ask a welder you know or specialists to weld this structure for you if you don’t know how to do it yourself. Check the weld seams carefully, as they must be strong and not break.

The next step is to weld the ribs to the frame, which should be across the trailer. Brackets are installed along the edges that will hold the shock absorbers.

You can look at the types and sizes of DIY trailers to have a better idea of ​​what is written here.

Prepare two channels that will be the connecting part so that it does not turn out to be too long, otherwise you may lose the maneuverability of the trailer when moving.

The channel is welded along the bottom of the frame along its entire length. To increase reliability, it is recommended to weld it together with other parts of the frame using metal triangles.

It is better to purchase the clutch mechanism ready-made in the store - this will simplify not only your work, but also the process of registering the trailer. The axial part of the “walker” should not be exactly in the middle of the frame, but slightly shifted towards the end of the trailer.

When step by step production The trailer parts are ready, you can move on to the chassis. Now a passive braking system is installed, which will be very useful on the descent.

The next step is to equip the sides of the trailer and its bottom. Use secure bolts for fastening metal sheets. Complete the fastening with corners.

The tailgate must be equipped with reflectors, a license plate frame and all the necessary lights. Orange reflectors are installed on the sides, and orange and white on the front.

The trailer is now completely finished. If you allocate moderate time for production, it will take about three to four days. Don't forget to go through the mandatory registration process for your brand new trailer.

Using these instructions and advice you can do without drawings with diagrams of how to make a trailer. Also, for this it is not at all necessary to have any special skills. All that is required is a head and hands, as well as materials and tools. There is no need to rush, but it is important to do everything carefully and consider every detail.

A small trailer can be used if you have a category B license, however, if you do not have a category E license, your trailer must weigh less than 750kg. You should not load the trailer to its full capacity, even to its maximum load capacity, as the structure may not withstand movement and it will simply break.

If you are still thinking about the design of a trailer, then you can look at photos of trailers made by yourself and choose something for yourself.

DIY trailer photos

For a long time now, owners of curtain-sided semi-trailers have been replacing the valves on the gates on the rear walls. The advantages are obvious: on the one hand, the time to access the cargo is reduced, on the other, the risk of unauthorized entry inside is greatly reduced. In addition, this design is more dust and moisture resistant.

Materials of preference

The first question that arises when you want to replace an awning with a gate is: what material will the doors be made of: aluminum, all-welded galvanized metal or laminated plywood? By and large, all options are acceptable and each of them has proven itself over the years of operation. The nuances are that, say, metal structure certainly much stronger, but much heavier.

And the weight of the gate, especially on Russian roads, is of paramount importance: sometimes the hinges cannot withstand the constant vibration, which quickly become loose and sometimes even fall off literally while moving. Aluminum gates are much lighter, but lose in price. I mean very expensive. The golden mean can be considered plywood gates, upholstered on the outside (or better on the outside and inside) with galvanization. They are lightweight and relatively cheap. The question of strength is quite controversial, because plywood is upholstered finished frame made of durable metal profiles.

Installing gates on a semi-trailer, as well as their production itself, is usually entrusted to specialized companies offering a wide range of products and services. They go to the site to take the dimensions of the rear wall opening, agree with the customer on the gate material and fittings, color, order execution time, after which a price is negotiated, including installation.

Frame or glued?

Many truck owners are so passionate about their craft, as well as saving money, that they prefer to make and install gates on their semi-trailers themselves.

If the structure is frame, then first the frame is welded, which will subsequently be sheathed with either laminated plywood or sheets of galvanized iron. For the frame, as a rule, metal (necessarily closed!) 50x50 made of iron with a thickness of 2.5 mm are used. They are cut into pieces according to the size of the opening, the corners are cut with a grinder strictly at an angle of 45?. The workpieces are joined on a flat surface. The parallelism of the side beams is checked with a tape measure, and their placement in the plane is checked with a level. The seams of the corners are scalded. If the doors are long in height, a transverse beam is welded between the two side beams, to which “diagonal” channels are placed from the corners so that the gate does not deform or sag after some time of operation. The places where you plan to attach the hinges are reinforced metal corners. The frame is ready.

It's no secret that a car trailer awning made from high-quality modern material, has characteristics such as durability and good resistance to any temperature. Neat, most importantly correct operation helps extend the life of such coating up to 15 years. After the expiration date, more precisely, 10–12 years, signs of wear appear on the fabric, which are manifested by a lack of former elasticity and strength. It is worth noting that it is very difficult to buy a factory awning that would fit perfectly under the frame. In order to purchase the “correct” awning that will fully satisfy all the owner’s requirements, one should take into account the fact that the areas where the fabric comes into contact with the metal rods of the frame must be additionally sealed, which will allow for a tighter fit. No manufacturer of standard coatings will be able to correctly calculate the distance between the posts without measuring the specific trailer. In such a situation, there is only one true solution - to make an awning for the trailer yourself.

Choosing material for a quality awning

When a car owner confidently decides to sew an awning with his own hands, he must first of all pay attention to the material from which he plans to cut the product. Many factors depend on the choice of material; in particular, it is this aspect that will determine the attractive appearance and service life.

Today there are a huge number of products on the market that are perfect for making an awning. Most often, tailoring of awnings for passenger car trailers is made from reinforced materials, which on one or both sides are equipped with an additional coating of a substance such as polyvinyl chloride. Thereby synthetic material the cargo stored in the trailer is reliably protected from various types of precipitation.

The basis for this material is dense polyester fabric, which, on the one hand, protects from snow and rain, and on the other, perfectly retains heat.

If a car owner wants to personally sew an awning that would have the lowest cost, you can purchase material such as tarpaulin. Even though he is not attractive appearance, its main advantages are strength and a high degree of moisture resistance.

Awnings for passenger car trailers can also be made from other materials, the more modern of which are special membrane fabrics, capable of withstanding various loads (wind). In addition, with such fabric even an awning custom size. Tarpaulin, which is a durable polyethylene laminated fabric, the advantage of which is excellent waterproofing, is considered a good material.

Before purchasing a pre-selected material, you should find out about indicators such as thread thickness and strength, indexed by the dtex number (determines the weight of 10 km of thread). In view of this, it is better to buy the fabric that will have a higher dtex number, which will indicate maximum strength and thickness of the thread.

Secondly, you need to pay attention to the tensile strength of the material, the number of possible bends and tensile strength. It is also important to know about the color fastness, adhesion and fire resistance of the fabric you are purchasing.

We create an awning with our own hands

Making an awning for a trailer is not too labor-intensive process, as car owners may think. Almost anyone can make a high-quality awning; you just need to first study the features that relate to cutting and sewing the frame. The car enthusiast only needs to be patient and have the necessary materials, which should include:

  • roulette;
  • several sheets of white paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • standard sewing machine;
  • needles and threads;
  • construction hairdryer

So let's consider step by step instructions, which will turn a complex process into an algorithm of simple actions.

When will they be available? necessary materials and tools, you need to take measurements from the trailer. First you need to measure everyone general sizes, on which the pattern of the future product will be based. It is important to make a pattern with additional overlaps; if the material is cut according to the measurements taken, it will not be possible to ensure a loose fit.

It is necessary to measure the right, left and rear sides one by one. Convenience can be ensured by plotting the measurements on paper. It is advisable to draw separately all the components of the trailer and indicate the dimensions of those segments to which the covering will be attached in the future. Depending on the length of the device, the distance should not exceed 300 mm.

Making an awning for a trailer requires extreme care; you need to correctly measure the height of the side and the frame, which protrudes a few centimeters on the sides of the unit. To correctly cut the material, you need to take into account the width of the top and the side of the base.

The last measurement should be to determine the distance from the beginning of the frame to the end point of the body. The measurements are applied to a schematic drawing, the outline of the awning is applied to the material, then the components of the entire structure are cut out of it one by one.

The strength of the future device will be added by special linings made of the same material. They need to be located in those places where there is greater tension, as well as contact with the rods of the metal frame.

Sewing the product

Making awnings for passenger trailers requires attention and the presence of correctly measured and neatly cut parts. All awnings are assembled together from several separate pieces, folded at the edges and stitched with two seams spaced 14 mm from the edge. The threads that will be used in sewing must be as strong as possible. Best option- reinforced threads made on the basis of polyester. This kind of thread can withstand frequent use, resistant to loads, cleaning from leaves, dirt and snow.

If the car owner does not have the skills to use sewing machine, you can resort to soldering parts of the awning construction hairdryer, which can qualitatively connect individual pieces of material.

Methods of fastening the awning structure

The material for the trailer awning provides several mounting options. The car owner can resort to the following methods:

  • attach the manufactured structure to the main body using metal rings;
  • create eyelets by placing them along the edges of the fabric;
  • pull a cable or rope through the rings located above the general structure.

The lugs must be removed by 200 mm, in addition, all rings must be equipped with fasteners.

Cable and rope can be used as a fastening element. Regardless of the method of fastening, the retaining element must consist of a single piece, the edges of which are reinforced with metal tips. When securing the awning, the retaining device must pass through the rings and be tightly stretched.


From all of the above, it becomes clear that making a trailer awning is within the power of anyone who wants to create a reliable shelter for their own trailer and the cargo transported in it. The main thing in this matter is correctness, on which the density and service life will depend. finished product. Do not neglect correct cutting and compliance with all the above rules.


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