Buckwheat porridge recipe. How to cook buckwheat porridge in water Buckwheat porridge proportions with water

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Buckwheat is perhaps the most popular cereal in any family with small children. It is a source of complex carbohydrates necessary for any person who cares about their health. This porridge is cooked in broth and milk, served with meat or mushrooms, as a side dish or as an independent dish. However, the greatest benefit to the body comes from the simplest buckwheat, a mess cooked in plain water. And to make it tasty, you just need to find out the right recipe and practice a couple of times.

The benefits of buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge grains are the fruits of a plant from the Buckwheat family. This cereal was first grown for food on the Hindustan Peninsula several thousand years ago. This porridge received its Russian name because it was brought to our country from Greece.

The nutritional value of this ancient cereal is about 308 kcal per 100 g of finished porridge. This volume contains about 58 g of carbohydrates, as much as 13 g of vegetable proteins and only 4 g of fat. In addition, this cereal contains up to 11 g of dietary fiber, which is beneficial for the digestion of both children and adults.

The vitamin and mineral composition of buckwheat fruits is as rich as its benefits. It includes saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, di- and monosaccharides, vitamins B, E, A and vitamin PP, amino acids and minerals. Calcium, sodium, iron, oxalic acid, lysine, phosphorus, citric acid, copper, argin - even the smallest buckwheat grain contains all this.

Buckwheat is useful for diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system and high cholesterol. It forms the basis of any dietary nutrition, as well as a restorative diet after prolonged and heavy exercise or illness. Buckwheat porridge removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling and helps in the fight against excess weight. Due to its high fiber content (compared to other cereals), it helps in cleansing the liver and intestines and removes toxins and waste from the body. It is prepared for acute gastrointestinal disorders.

Buckwheat is especially good for stomach colic. Due to its viscous consistency, it envelops the walls of the stomach and reduces pain.

Features of cereals

There are several types of buckwheat.

  • Yadritsa– these are classic buckwheat grains. They are brown in color with different shades, and are not crushed or divided into parts.
  • Done- grains, chopped into large pieces.
  • Groats “Smolensk style”– the kernels are ground almost into crumbs.
  • Green– buckwheat, untreated by temperature.

This cereal can be stored for a long time, as it contains phenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties. Due to this, the product does not turn bitter or moldy, and retains its taste fresh for a long time.


Smear is the consistency of a dish, similar to thin sour cream. Such porridge should slide sluggishly from a spoon, feeling like jelly or oatmeal. It is much easier to cook than crumbly buckwheat grains. The main thing is to maintain certain proportions. The easiest way to remember this is with a single rule: there should be 4 times more liquid in such a dish than cereal.

In this case, the liquid can be any. You can use water, broth, milk, or even light cream. You can make the spread sweet by adding sugar, honey or jam. The only difference is that sugar is poured into the dish during cooking, but honey or jam is poured into the finished dish.

If desired, you can season the porridge with salt and pepper, although such a dish will turn out to be very specific.

Nuances of preparation

Cooking buckwheat spread in a small saucepan or pot is considered classic, but today many new options for dishes and kitchen appliances have appeared, so recipes are also changing.

In a saucepan

To get a delicious buckwheat spread of the correct consistency, you need to follow a step-by-step algorithm.

  • The core needs to be sorted out on a table or cutting board. All debris, husks and black grains should be removed. If bugs or midges are found in the cereal, it should not be used as food.
  • The sorted buckwheat should be washed in cold water 2-3 times, and the excess liquid should be allowed to drain.
  • To enhance the taste, you can lightly dry the cereal in a dry frying pan. However, calcined buckwheat loses up to half of its beneficial properties, so you should choose what is more important: the taste or the benefits of the finished dish.
  • The washed and dried egg must be poured into a deep saucepan and filled with water (milk, broth) in a ratio of 1:4. The dish can be sweetened or salted and put on high heat.
  • After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to medium. The product is cooked for about 3-4 minutes.
  • Then you should reduce the heat to the very minimum and, without removing the lid from the pan, cook the dish until cooked for about 10-15 minutes.

You can add a small piece of butter to the finished dish. This will give the buckwheat a richer milky taste and aroma. You can add your favorite nuts, pieces of fruit, or even ham, cut into small pieces.

In a slow cooker

Those who want to get a fragrant hot breakfast as soon as they get out of bed can prepare buckwheat mush in a slow cooker. To do this, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions in the evening.

  • The sorted, washed and dried buckwheat should be poured into a multicooker and filled with a large volume of hot water for 1.5-2 hours. This will allow it to swell and soften slightly.
  • After this time, a small amount of liquid is additionally poured into the increased volume of buckwheat so that it is covered by 1-1.5 cm.
  • The kitchen machine is set to “milk porridge” mode. Buckwheat is cooked for about 20-30 minutes. Periodically it needs to be opened and stirred so that the bottom layer does not burn to the bottom of the bowl.
  • The finished porridge remains in the slow cooker until the morning. The machine sets the time at which it will heat the dish.

Such porridge will be slightly less aromatic than cooked in a pot or pan. Nevertheless, this is very convenient for those who want to start their morning with proper nutrition, but do not have the opportunity to cook before work or study.

Depending on the variety and processing of buckwheat, the proportion 1:4 can change either up or down. This can only be verified experimentally. When cooking for the first time, it is better to take less water, because in the semi-finished mess, unlike crumbly buckwheat, you can add regular boiling water at any time. This will not worsen its taste. You can eat this dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

In order to enhance the benefits of buckwheat, you can supplement it with lean meat or white fish, make a vegetable salad with it, or simply cut the vegetables into large slices and add to porridge. All family members will appreciate this combination and will definitely ask for more.

To learn how to prepare buckwheat porridge, watch the following video.


Buckwheat porridge is certainly one of the most beloved and favorite cereal dishes on the Russian table. Buckwheat is not only rich in various microelements necessary for humans, but also contains fewer carbohydrates than other cereals. That's why it is a dietary food. You can cook buckwheat porridge so that it is crumbly. Or you can make a messy porridge, which is especially useful for children and pensioners.

You will need it

  • For the first recipe:
  • – 1 liter of water;
  • – 1 glass of cereal;
  • – salt and oil to taste.
    For the second recipe:
  • – approximately 0.5 cups of cereal;
  • – 3/4 cup of water;
  • – 1.5 glasses of milk;
  • - salt;
  • – butter and sweet sand to taste.

To cook buckwheat porridge from whole grains (kernels), before cooking, you need to sort out the grains, scattering them in a thin layer on the table or large board. Remove random foreign particles, as well as grains in hard black scales.

Pour a liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Salt the boiling water, add the sorted buckwheat, reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, until the porridge is ready.

Remove the pan from the heat and taste the porridge. Add salt as needed. Add a small piece of butter, stir, cover the pan with a lid and wait 15-20 minutes for the porridge to evaporate. You can, of course, serve the porridge immediately after making it, but then its taste will be worse, so you shouldn’t save time. If you wish, you can season the finished porridge with finely chopped onions, fried until golden brown in vegetable oil, the dish will be more satisfying. You can cover the pan with some dense material, for example, a cotton blanket, or put it in a warm oven. Then the porridge will turn out especially tender and tasty.

To cook buckwheat porridge from crushed cereals (prodel), pour the buckwheat into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, and place on moderate heat. Wait until all the water has been absorbed by the cereal, add a small piece of butter, stir and pour in the milk heated almost to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until cereal is tender. Salt to taste, add a little more sweet sand if desired. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to evaporate as in the previous recipe. Buckwheat porridge is very good as an independent dietary dish, but is also perfect as a side dish for many meat, fish or poultry dishes.

Unique food product buckwheat. Loved by both adults and children. And especially - housewives. After all, there is nothing easier than pouring cereal into water - and here you have a ready-made, tasty, healthy, and most importantly - natural side dish.

But here, however, there are some little tricks.

Sometimes young housewives find it difficult to prepare this simple dish - porridge - precisely because they do not know these simple secrets.

How to cook buckwheat porridge so it’s delicious

Buckwheat porridge on water

Trick number one is dishes.

Porridges are not prepared in enamel dishes. At all. Also, modern utensils made of thin stainless steel are not entirely suitable here. If you are going to cook porridge in a stainless steel bowl, then it must have a thick bottom. You can also cook porridge in a thick-walled aluminum container. But these are all backup options.

Ideally, buckwheat porridge (as well as any other) should be cooked in a cast iron cauldron.

The second trick is the ratio of water and. For porridge, this ratio is 1 to 3. That is, for one glass of cereal, three glasses of water. For crumbly buckwheat porridge, you can use less water, about 2.5 cups.

The third trick is the time to pour the cereal into the water. To prepare the “spread,” the cereal is poured into cold water. For crumbly buckwheat porridge, add boiling water.

The fourth trick is to not disturb the porridge while cooking. That is, until the water has completely boiled away, do not touch it at all.

The fifth trick is to salt buckwheat porridge only after it is completely ready. Then mix it.

The sixth trick is to prepare crumbly buckwheat porridge, you can throw a small piece of butter into boiling water before adding the cereal.

The seventh trick is to wash the cereals, preferably not for long, and only in slightly warm water. If you don't wash cereals, then you don't need to. If you wash it, then for crumbly porridge you will have to dry it for some time, spreading it on a clean towel. It is not necessary to dry the porridge.

The eighth trick is toasting. Buckwheat porridge will turn out tastier if you lightly fry the cereal in a dry frying pan without oil before cooking. To “spread,” the toasted cereal should be cooled before adding it to cold water.

The ninth trick is the cooking temperature. For the first 2-4 minutes after boiling, the porridge is cooked over high heat. As soon as the cap rises, the fire is reduced to medium, after another couple of minutes - to very low, on which the porridge simmers until cooked.

The tenth trick is that the porridge must sit. After you remove the porridge from the heat, add salt, add a little granulated sugar, season with butter, stir, wrap in something warm and let it brew for another 15 minutes. Although the more, the better.

So, the general algorithm of actions. Pour water into the dishes. Add the cereal. We wait. Reduce the heat once, then again to low. We wait until the water has completely boiled away. Remove from heat, add salt, add oil, stir. Wrap up. Everything is extremely simple.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

All of the above tips are also suitable for preparing buckwheat porridge with milk. Only initially you need to take half of the water. After it boils, add hot milk to the porridge and cook until tender. Only here you will have to keep an eye on it so that the porridge with milk does not run away. Well, you should put more sugar in milk porridge, and less salt.

Bon appetit!

The recipe for buckwheat porridge “smudge” is quite simple. Or rather, there are a huge number of recipes that help you get a viscous porridge. Despite the fact that most people are accustomed to crumbly buckwheat in water or broth, viscous porridge, or the so-called mush, is also popular. You can cook it with water or milk. Sometimes delicious porridge is baked in pots. You can stick to sweet options, milk, but some people like tender and salty porridge. In any case, buckwheat is an ingredient from which you can cook a lot of interesting things. Besides, she is very helpful.

What are the benefits of buckwheat?

Buckwheat is quite popular. It is used as a base for soups and porridges. Moreover, you can prepare both sweet dishes and meat or vegetable dishes. There is nothing strange that people love this cereal, because it contains so many useful substances!

It is worth highlighting the presence of iron. Buckwheat is simply a record holder for its content. But iron helps fight anemia and directly affects all processes in the body. Without iron, metabolism cannot function properly. Iron also helps people after blood loss. Therefore, it is impossible to live without this microelement.

It is also worth noting the presence of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and helps the heart function. The presence of iodine combats thyroid problems. You can also note the presence of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. It is for this reason that cereals are given to children.

It is worth noting the high protein content of buckwheat. In principle, it can compete with animal proteins. However, the nutrients from cereals are absorbed by the body much faster. Buckwheat also contains slow carbohydrates that take a long time to digest, which gives the body a feeling of fullness.

A simple recipe for sweet porridge

To prepare buckwheat porridge “smear” according to this recipe, you need to take the following products:

  • A glass of buckwheat.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • Two glasses of milk.
  • Four tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Salt - literally one pinch, it will only enhance the sweetness of the porridge.

If necessary, you can adjust the amount of sugar and replace the milk completely with water. Then there will be a “slut” on the water. However, this option is good precisely because of its creamy, milky taste. Therefore, it is better to rely on the original recipe.

How to cook buckwheat porridge "mud"?

For porridge, take a saucepan. Pour water, when it boils, add all the cereal and salt. Cover the porridge with a roof. Let the porridge boil over low heat, wait until the liquid is absorbed into the cereal. Then pour in milk and add sugar. Bring the porridge to a boil, while stirring the cereal a couple of times.

When the dish according to this recipe for buckwheat porridge “mazzna” boils, let it cook for another five minutes. Then leave the pan on the table, covered with a lid. She must insist. You can serve this tasty and sticky porridge with a piece of butter. For example, putting it on every plate. This option helps diversify your breakfast.

Porridge in a pot: delicious recipe

This is a recipe for buckwheat porridge “smeared” with water; moreover, it turns out unsweetened, but rich. To prepare you need to take:

  • Half a glass of buckwheat.
  • One and a half glasses of water.
  • A little sunflower oil.
  • Bouillon cube, for example mushroom.

If necessary, you can replace the last ingredient with spices such as salt, pepper, turmeric or tasty salt. It depends on taste preferences.

Cooking delicious porridge in a pot

The recipe for this buckwheat porridge “smudge” is very simple. There is no need to suffer and worry that the cereal will burn. Pour a little oil into the bottom of the pot. Place the cereal, sprinkle with a bouillon cube, crumbling it. Fill everything with water. Gently mix all ingredients with a spoon.

The oven is heated to 200 degrees. Cover the pot with a lid and place in the oven for ten minutes. Stir the contents and reduce the temperature to 170 degrees. Afterwards, bring the cereal to readiness, checking it periodically. You can also add fried onions or mushrooms to this buckwheat porridge recipe.

Delicious porridge in a slow cooker

The recipe for buckwheat porridge “smear” in a slow cooker is also simple. To do this you need to take the following ingredients:

  • Half a glass of buckwheat.
  • Four glasses of milk.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.

It is best to put only a little sugar in the porridge, and taste it once it is ready and add sweetness if necessary. You can also add vanillin for flavor. If necessary, some of the milk can be replaced with water.

How to cook porridge?

Thoroughly washed cereal is placed in the multicooker bowl. This is usually done under running water. Add milk, add sugar and salt, add vanillin if necessary. Basically, that's all.

In the multicooker, select the “milk porridge” mode. Cooking time directly depends on the multicooker model and usually takes from twenty to forty minutes. You need to focus on the type and readiness of the cereal. Taste the finished porridge and add granulated sugar if necessary. Cover with a lid and let the buckwheat porridge “mud” brew. When serving, you can add a piece of butter to each plate.

The simplest porridge recipe

This porridge can be prepared from a minimum amount of ingredients. You only need:

  • 450 ml water.
  • 200 grams of buckwheat.
  • Salt.
  • Butter to taste.

To begin with, the cereal is washed until the water becomes clear. Then it is placed in a pan, filled with water and put on gas. Wait for the dish to boil. After this, add salt and reduce the heat to low.

When the liquid has evaporated, the porridge is ready. Before serving, add butter and mix well. It turns out to be a satisfying and simple dish! You can make a meat side dish or fry aromatic mushrooms with onions.

Delicious porridge is not always crumbly or meaty. Sticky porridge also occurs. We are talking about the buckwheat version. If you cook it with milk, it becomes an excellent option for a sweet and nutritious breakfast. And with meat or mushrooms - a great dinner for the whole family. Preparing the porridge “smear” is very simple if you follow the proportions. This dish can be prepared in a saucepan, slow cooker, or even clay pots.

Buckwheat is a nutritious and healthy cereal. It is often prepared as a side dish for main dishes of meat and vegetables. But the preparation of buckwheat porridge also has its own nuances - in most cases, this cereal has a crumbly consistency when cooked. In this form, the porridge turns out to be dry and requires the addition of a large amount of butter. To avoid this kind of problem and make the dish less high in calories and oil, you can prepare porridge. Of course, buckwheat porridge is a side dish for everyone, but this recipe is worth taking note of.

About the dish

Viscous buckwheat porridge with water is a popular dish among those who adhere to proper nutrition. After all, it practically does not require the addition of butter, since the consistency itself is juicy.

Buckwheat porridge is a heavily boiled cereal that requires the correct ratio of water to cereal and long cooking. Since the porridge should be cooked for a long time, it is necessary to take 2-3 times more liquid. Thus, the proportions should be as follows: 1 tbsp. buckwheat for 3 tbsp. water.

If you don’t have a lot of time to prepare buckwheat porridge, you can resort to the method described below. Its peculiarity is that after cleaning and washing the buckwheat, it is additionally soaked in hot (just boiled) water for 10-15 minutes. This will further steam it, which will significantly reduce the cooking time.

The process of cooking viscous buckwheat porridge must be continuous. In other words, after adding the cereal and boiling it, you need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat, do not open for at least 45-50 minutes. If you plan to add butter, then this should be done during cooking, but not earlier than half an hour later. After adding oil, stir the porridge and cover again with a lid and cook until fully cooked. You can see how to quickly and easily cook buckwheat porridge in water in the detailed recipe below.


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