Cash receipt with QR code. Gas station receipt with QR code

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18 It's the 21st century - the century of information technology. Every time they come up with something new. Now innovations have affected cash registers, including gas stations. Now even fuel receipts are printed online by cash registers, in accordance with Federal Law-54.

New fuel receipt

Receipts from gas stations, just like hotel receipts, are accountable documents. And they also sometimes need to be submitted to the accounting department. Sometimes, upon submission of checks to the organization’s accounting department, compensation is paid.

On July 1, 2017, innovations were introduced into Federal Law 54. Now cash receipts are printed at online cash registers. Incl. and gas station cash registers must be online. Accordingly, the check will be visually different from the check that was printed before July 1, 2017.

The online cash register receipt must contain:
- information about the taxation system that is applied by the store or, in this case, the gas station (for example, UTII);
- indicator of payment (here there are 2 main options - sale or return of goods);
-serial number assigned to the fiscal drive;
-number set for the cash register upon registration;
- fiscal data identifier, as well as - fiscal attribute;
- shift number;
-e-mail or phone number of the buyer (if he agreed to provide them);
-e-mail of the gas station (if it has received the buyer’s contacts);
-the website address for checking the check (as a rule, this is the address of the Federal Tax Service -;
- a list of goods or services included in the receipt (indicating prices, discounts);
- the amount of accrued VAT;
-name of the fiscal data operator, address of its website.

QR code in fuel receipts

We are often asked whether we can produce a gas station receipt with a QR code. Let's try to figure out whether there is a need to indicate these “doodles” on the check.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 4 of Law 54-FZ states that a cash register must “provide the ability to print on a cash receipt (strict reporting form) a two-dimensional bar code (QR code with a size of at least 20X20 mm), containing in encoded form the details of checking a cash receipt or a strict reporting form in a separate dedicated area of ​​a cash receipt or strict reporting form.” Those. The cash register must be able to print a QR code, but there is no information anywhere that this code in the gas station receipt is a prerequisite.

Buy a fuel receipt with a QR code

Making checks with curar codes is not an easy task, but our specialists will always find a way out of even the most difficult situations! We can produce receipts for diesel fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel, indicating the QR code in the receipt. Visually, the receipt will not differ in any way from what you would be given at any gas station in Russia.
Buying a gas station receipt for diesel fuel with a QUAR code is now easy. Just contact "

This service can currently be considered not new. It appeared at the end of 2014. Sberbank, together with the National Payment Council, has developed a standard for the formation of two-dimensional codes to simplify payments between individuals and legal entities.

But, unfortunately, many citizens still do not take advantage of this advantage, and, in the old fashioned way, enter the details of payment documents manually.

Almost all government agencies that issue receipts for government payments. services, taxes, traffic police fines, utility bills, kindergartens, etc. Apply a bar code (QR code) to payments.

There are several options for barcode payment at Sberbank.

  1. Payment via a smartphone with the Sberbank Online (SBOL) application installed.
  2. Through a Sberbank terminal using a credit or debit card.

Payment by barcode in Sberbank Online via phone

If you have the Sberbank Online application installed on your smartphone, paying for a receipt with a two-dimensional barcode is as easy as shelling pears.

Payment of a receipt using a barcode in a Sberbank terminal

Almost all Sberbank terminals have a built-in infrared barcode reader.

The payment procedure is also quite simple.

  1. Insert your credit card or debit card into the terminal.
  2. Enter your PIN code from the card.
  3. Find on the screen the item “Payments by Barcode.
  4. Point the receipt barcode to the terminal scanner. If the code is successfully read, a signal will sound.
  5. Select the amount to pay and check all the payment details again. Although, as practice shows, there should be no errors.
  6. Click "PAY".
  7. That's all. Don't forget to pick up your card :)

The cost of paying receipts through the terminal using a barcode

Payment through a Sberbank terminal using a barcode is possible either by bank transfer from a card account or by depositing cash into the terminal, if the terminal allows depositing funds.

The commission charged by Sberbank in this case is minimal. If you pay by card, the commission is 1%, and if you pay in cash, the commission is also 1% but not less than 10 rubles, which is also very cheap.

If you want to pay utility bills or something else from the operator, you will be charged a commission of 3% but not less than 30 rubles per transaction.

The site is searched for the following queries:

Using the virtual portal, you can track your financial expenses, make payments, transfer money to an individual or organization. Services can be used on the official website of the credit institution and in the mobile application. Today, payments using a QR code in Sberbank Online are carried out in thousands of enterprises throughout the country. Almost all government agencies that issue receipts for payment for any service, such as housing and communal services, put a barcode on payment documents and checks.

Almost all Savings Bank ATMs are equipped with a built-in infrared QR code reader. Payment will not take much time and does not require special skills:

  • Insert a plastic card;
  • Enter your security PIN;
  • In the menu you will find the category “Payments by barcode”;
  • Apply the payment to the scanner, if the reading is successful, the ATM will emit a specific signal;
  • Enter the amount and make sure that the data is entered correctly;
  • Click "Pay".

To pay, you can use bank transfer or deposit cash.

The commission fee is 1%, but not less than ten rubles. When paying a bill at the cashier, a 3% commission is charged, but not less than thirty rubles per transaction.


Payments using QR are secure because the methodology used is similar to that used when conducting a transaction in the traditional way. The code contains only company details; it is impossible to gain access to your personal account and your finances using it. However, if you are not sure of the reliability of the service provider, then it is better to deposit the required amount in cash at the cash desk or at the terminal.

In order not to make payments using a barcode in Sberbank every time, you can save the template of the transaction and make payments in a couple of clicks.

For those who are not in the know - a short educational program. For those in the know, you can skip the piece of text up to the phrase “essentially.”

From 07/01/2017 Federal Law 54 came into force in the Russian Federation. It provides for certain categories of retail trade (not all yet, for example, UTII are still exempt) obligations for direct online transfer of fiscal receipts to the Federal Tax Service using the so-called. cash register equipment (CCT) or “on-line cash register”. There are also new requirements for the structure, format and data of the paper version of the fiscal receipt, in particular - a QR code that contains 5 details. 3 of them are fiscal characteristics of the check + amount and date/time. That. all 5 details uniquely characterize one unique check in the context of all checks in general. In addition, it is also mandatory, both for online and for the paper counterpart, to indicate the “calculation objects” - that is, the items, in the general case, as a rule, these are directly goods and services. We do not accept advances, loans or other methods of partial and staged payment.

There is an official application from the Federal Tax Service - “Checking checks”. Here, for example, is the version for Android.

To register, you only need a phone number; the password will be sent via SMS. The application scans the QR and shows 5 of its details. Next, click the button to request the check itself. As planned, the main function of the application is exclusively to check receipts for correctness (in order to identify illegal entrepreneurs), however, options for exporting data are also provided. I am considering exporting data for further loading into a personal finance accounting system.

Now, to the point.

So, the most convenient export of data from “Receipt Check” for further parsing is json. To account for personal finances, I personally use 1C Minimoney, customized for myself. The first version I had was a bot in Telegram (which I also run on 1C), to which I sent json, and it entered the data into the database. Difficult, long, inconvenient. The second version was the same bot in Telegram, but I already sent him a QR photo right away. For recognition I used this. In general, it’s ok, but the photos need to be in high resolution, and in Telegram, in the mobile version, if you attach a file directly from the camera, there is no option to select “do not compress”. Didn't take off.

After googling, I found certain specs that I used to implement this mini-project. I use standard scanning from 1C, there are some mistakes, it’s dull, it’s very sensitive to the picture, there shouldn’t be anything superfluous. When the QR is recognized, the scanning form should close, but it doesn’t always close. In this case, you need to click the Back button. If a message appears - “It was not possible to obtain data from the Federal Tax Service” - this slows down the Federal Tax Service server, you need to scan it again, usually the second time is the maximum - normal. The same bug exists in “Checking receipts”.

There is an alternative scanning solution on this external service (I assembled it for myself, added external intents for interacting with 1C). According to tests, it is not stable, it does not work on all devices, but it scans an order of magnitude better than 1C and weeds out garbage. Another minus is that you need to install it as a separate application; I don’t think it’s reasonable to collect SO for a non-circulation non-commercial solution. Therefore, I do not include this solution in the publication. If anyone is interested, of course I’ll post it.

I’m posting the assembled APK, if anyone is interested in the source code, I’ll add it. Interesting bugs, features and suggestions for developing the idea. In the constants you must indicate the phone number and password from the SMS (received when registering in “Checking checks” from the Federal Tax Service).

An updated mobile application has launched in Russia to check the legality of trade transactions and the integrity of sellers. The Federal Tax Service worked on the creation of the service. The application also allows you to receive and store cash receipts electronically on your smartphone, tablet or computer, which, in turn, simplifies the collection of data on expenses and personal budgeting. Additionally, users can report trading violations in real time.

The Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia has released an updated version of the “Cash Receipt Check” mobile application for devices running on iOS and Android operating systems. The application allows you to receive and store cash receipts electronically, as well as check their legality, the integrity of the seller, or report various types of violations. In addition, the service simplifies the collection of information on expenses, budget analysis and planning of expenses for future periods.

The Federal Tax Service is developing the application “Checking a cash receipt” and supporting it jointly with JSC “Main Scientific Innovation Implementation Center” (JSC “GNIVC”).

The mobile application is free. You can download it from the App Store and Google Play.

How is the application useful?


The Federal Tax Service mobile application allows you to check the legality of trading operations for each seller. Verification takes place using a QR code placed on a cash register receipt, which is issued to customers when paying for goods and services.
Having received a cash receipt, the buyer can scan the QR code and receive detailed information on the financial transaction. In addition, the check can be converted into electronic form and stored either on a mobile device or sent by email.

Information about a cash receipt can also be entered manually. After checking the data of the cash receipt and the data received by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the application will display the result of this check. In case of discrepancies or missing data on a cash receipt, the user will be able to report a violation to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

How does the application work?


After installing the “Cash Receipt Check” application, the user will have to register his account. To do this, you will need to enter your first and last name, as well as your email address and mobile phone number. A confirmation SMS will be sent to the specified phone number. After this, the application is ready to use.

When paying for a purchase, the buyer receives a cash receipt with a QR code on it. Using the Federal Tax Service mobile application, the user can scan a QR code and automatically receive details of the paid invoice: date and time, type of cash receipt, amount to be paid, Federal Tax Service identifiers.

Next, in the program interface, click the “Check Receipt” button. The application will contact the tax service database in real time to clarify the legality of the trade transaction. In the window that appears, the user can choose an action: report violations to the Federal Tax Service, if any, or receive an electronic receipt on their mobile device.

After creating an electronic receipt, it can be sent by email, and also generated as a picture, which will be placed in the memory of the mobile device. All verified electronic receipts are stored in the application. They can be sorted by different filters.

Among the sections of the Federal Tax Service application there is “My business card”. It contains a unique QR code with the application user ID. If this QR code is shown at the checkout when paying for purchases, an electronic receipt will be downloaded to your mobile phone and sent to the email address specified during registration automatically.

The “My Receipts” section stores data on received electronic receipts or scanned QR codes of cash receipts.

The “Notify the Federal Tax Service of Russia” section provides for sending a notification to the tax authorities with a description of the type of application, location, trade organization and other data.

“Receiving a statement” provides for the generation of a report on all electronic receipts registered in the mobile application for a specific period. This option can be useful in controlling expenses, maintaining a personal or family budget, and planning expenses for the future.


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